ITT: We discuss From Software's best franchise.
Armored Core
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2 treads good
2 legs bad
In the queue
behind things that actually make money and have more than 50 buyers.
3 was my favorite in the series, although I haven't played Nexus so I can't fully gauge the series yet. 4 bored me to sleep and I heard enough about 5.
Fuck what they did to Karasawa's weight though.
What is there to talk about? Its been dead and last time it had a game was in 2013. Most of the support it got post launch was only for the JP version to boot.
I'd say AC builds, but by now people probably forgot how'd they'd even describe them outside maybe basic limb/weapon types.
I wish they made an anime of the Formula Front League
like New Century Zoids
They had to do something, karasawa was the staple laser
What's your favorite game? What are your hopes and aspirations for the series? etc.
I like the 2nd gen the most but sadly it only has two games. 3 gen is still extremely good though. I wasn't fond of 4th or 5th gen though. I just want it to get even more high tech, I feel that 2 had the most advanced setting.
this game could have been amazing if the AI stuff was better
I'd like to see a game in the same vein as Last Raven, send the series out with a bang. Have it polished to a mirror sheen and be hard as nails. Alas that's never going to happen.
it kind of helps that 2 was the only game set on another planet
Exactly, also had alien technology and shit.
I don't want it to get too crazy like gundam or some shit but I do want it to go ahead instead of backwards like the last two entries did.
I think an armored core in space would be really neat, though I dont know how the movement mechanics would work if they did
I could see it working but it would start to feel a bit gundam-y for my tastes if we have straight up space combat. But honestly as long as it keeps the AC aesthetic and keeps it more grounded I can still see space stuff working.
Whenever I try to play formula front on ppspp it just detaches my weapons every time I move, I have no idea why. If I try to move forward and fire my weapon at the same time it detaches. Makes it unplayable.
dont know about that since I played with AI all the way through, check your bindings?
>I wasn't fond of 4th or 5th gen though
What didn't you like?
>From Software's best franchise
lol no
And as a huge fan of the AC series it's only been getting worse over time instead of better.
Based thread.
I would argue it got better until last raven
What's wrong with Last Raven?
sorry I mean after last raven, 4 was pretty mediocre then FA was a bit better then 5 shat up things again
For those that are curious to emulate the games and have never played them, also recommend downloading the roms from vimm's lair.
>mentioning vimm's
Only a matter of time until people like you get it shut down.
Muh secret club.
If that is truly what you think my post was about then you're lost.
Who cares anyway? FA is a game made with online in mind and no one plays it anymore, so it's lost all the same.
Don't forget to mention that you can use Lilypad to freely switch up the control scheme into one that feels more like a traditional TPS. Does wonders for AC1-3.
Reminder that AC1 - Last Raven has the best aesthetics and that 4 and 5 series completely botched AC design in the opposite directions.
Them making karasawa so heavy kinda pissed me off.
So in Last Raven I built an energy tank Dual wielding Karasawas. Melts everything.
I really do miss being able to be fast with a karasawa though.
Nexus was a clear step down from Silent Line and Last Raven didn't fix the shit wrong with Nexus.
You gotta make sacrifices, m8. Can't be that OP without drawbacks.
Been playing the series from the beginning and it's amazing. %80 of the games I play are by From and the rest from Atlus.
So far my favourite is either Silent Line or Nexus, but I haven't finished Nexus.
Nexus has the greatest opening in the series imo and a standout in the medium,also the World Navigation song hasn't left my head
if this is about heat I don't see the issue people have with it in nexus
I think 2 and another age will always be my favorite and the have a special place in my heart. But 3rd gen is probably objectively the best.
nexus is definitely top 3 OPs, I don't know where they get the budget to do such fucking good intros
FROM has always had a good CG studio.
These fucks told ac6 was in development. Turns out that was untrue and instead they were working on some horse riding western dark soul game that will shown at e3.
Fuck you niggers for giving me hope. Never listening to your bullshit
It isn't, you're shit.
This is literally the worst Virgin VS Chad meme I have ever seen in my entire life. Worse yet is that it's easily reversible and it makes for a significantly more entertaining joke.
>Raven go fuck up Leos Klein
>Lmao sure I'm a fucking beast, what could go wrong
>He annihilates me instantly
>Need buildings to gain altitude
Rockets are so fucking OP in these games I didn't have much trouble on him.
I did play on normal though.
I like LR's a lot because it loses all the bombastic high speed action that the old intros had, and is just a brutally one-sided beatdown. No chivalry, no honor, just two mercs soullessly killing each other, totally reflecting the state of the world post Nexus
>Played on normal
From what I recall the only difficulty options are eat shit or human plus
I never thought I'd see someone actually defend that heaping pile of trash.
>human plus
I don't care what difficulty I'm on I'm never using that shit.
>literally uses nineballs same weapon types
he was never the same after being a ninebreaker
>human plus
What's that? Sounds like either Easy mode or Extra Hard.
VD's gameplay is quite literally the most intricate and potent of the entire franchise. The skill ceiling is exceptionally high, and it's literally only shitters who complain about it. You can pretend otherwise, but the difference between people who know how to play 5th gen and the people who don't are night and day.
>playing another age
>zio matrix is about to sponsor a martian arena combatant
>they're hesitant of his abilities though and send me to literally ambush and murder him (or he murder me) to make sure he's not a bad investment
These corporations are fucking brutal.
reminder that emeraude are literal space jews
Actually Nineball uses a pulse rifle, not a laser rifle
but yeah, his development is great because you see him become the exact thing he hated so much
And then he even quotes Nineball directly from the very first game
You have to go into -60000 debt 5 times, and you get tons of benefits. One of them is AC weight restrictions removed,some AI ACs use this.
I think it was 2, you get an optional part and the mail says "Some Ravens don't look kindly on its use"
It's easy mode on top of easy mode.
If you keep losing missions until you get -50,000 credits you unlock human-plus which allows you to push your AC past the normal limits with certain enhancements you can unlock (like moving around with shoulder mounted weapons when you aren't supposed to etc).
How do you play it then, user?
close enough, he's still being a cheating bastard by using the karasawa
What kind of mech would you pilot irl?
For me, it's a tread tank with 2 sniper rifles and 2 sniper cannons
Probably a medium quadraped with a machine gun and rockets/missles. Also would use missle intercepor extensions.
OP-intensify is in AC3 and SL. It's an optional part that gets stronger if you complete certain objectives in the game. You get it after a mysterious benefactor asks you to beat a bonus boss AC in the arena who's a high hover type with a machine gun and that part that makes him unable to be locked onto.He's a real cheating jerk.
middleweight with rifle and parrying blade with radar and rockets to cover any situation
You attain skill and become better at the game rather than crying on an imageboard that it's shit.
I have no problem with ACV other than that it's on a shitty dead console that I'm never going to turn on again, such a fucking shame.
>Parrying blade
This Raven has a sponsorship from Rick and Morty
If 5th gen got a framerate-fixing port onto the next gen, I would be happy with everything in my life until the eventual release of AC6.
Are sniper cannons worth it? They seem to carry too little ammo and are too unwieldy (as in, you can't put them in a secondary slot, you need to purge them to access the secondary).
Does having a shield deployed while using one actually protect you?
fuck you user 1v1 me with my range as long as a toothpick
i can never stick with these games because even i can't stomach the autism required to balance builds, switch mechs when missions call for it, or find hidden gear/weapons without a guide, which bothers me because their core gameplay is literally fucking perfect
am i just retarded or is it really that obtuse
4A is the best game
>If 5th gen got a framerate-fixing port onto the next gen, I would be happy with everything in my life until the eventual release of AC6.
I wish, but literally never going to happen. We'd sooner see a remaster of demons souls or some shit before that ever happened, plus I'm pretty sure ACV was the weakest selling gen of all of them. It's pretty much a pipe dream.
So are
All offline worth playing or what should I get?
>OutIQs you with my 4 locked on missiles and terrible boosting
it is pretty obtuse but I find thats the fun in it, also I never really felt like I had to swap builds except for last raven
You're getting too hung up on min-maxing. Just play the game and don't be afraid to fail missions a lot, you can always just save and load before each mission if you don't want to lose all that dosh.
If I can get into these games anyone can. Just press select and read what the parameters do
FA is definitely worth it offline, VD is more mixed because its lacking in offline way more than FA. but I think VD is worth it just for this
>shitty dead console
Nothing shitty about the PS3. Despite the no games memes it's given me many hours of enjoyment.
I still boot it up regularly to play Demon's Souls and Harmony of Despair.
>wanted to really like the next gen of AC
>AC4-ACVD felt too much like they wanted to be online multiplayer focused, with V and VD literally locking content behind multiplayer
>decide to return to the old ACs for a change
>mfw it's like night and day
Armored Core needs to straigthten out its priorities.
4 and 5 aren't worth much. If you can get them for cheap (or free) they're worth a playthrough just so you don't ever have to go back, but you'll be just fine playing FA and VD on their own. As the other user said, FA's singleplayer is a fair bit more dense, but VD still has quite a lot of offline content to play with.
I never actually realized my AC4 had online until I had already 100%ed it and nobody was playing it anymore so I'd recommend FA.
? I just want to learn how to play, m8. I'm not whoever you were replying to.
i only ever played and completed 2. i tried 4 and 5 and couldn't get into it.
fair enough.
i played 3 when i was younger and quit halfway through, then emulated Nexus a few years ago but dropped it about a dozen missions in.
think i should stick with those or move to a different one?
Should I grab any of the DLC for FA? There's a shitton of it but most of it seems to be pointless things like pilots you won't even see if you're not playing online.
I feel like they tried to experiment with multiplayer way too long, should've kept it in one game
Depends how much time you have. Ideally go through them all, but at least play 3-SL, then Nexus and LR
not anything that majorly affects gameplay if I remember
If you mean VD, then the only "worthwhile" DLC are the extra UNAC slots and the music. Beyond that, most of it is shit you will never even see or care about beyond emblems, which you can make on your own with sufficient autism.
If I were you I'd start with 2 honestly. 2 and another age have a great world and the gameplay is still top notch. Also the music and aesthetics are still amazing in them. You'll also get to see all the improvements with each game.
I think the first 3 on PS1 are optional but they're still good.
I don't agree, I think everyone should at least play master of arena just because nineball is so great the first time through
>That mission in 2 on the giant battleship with massive turrets and fighter jets spawning constantly
>ITT: We discuss From Software's best franchise.
King's Field?
I appreciate it but this seems like very basic stuff one can figure out by themselves, do you have something a bit more advanced?
I actually managed to finish it first try today but the mission that fucked me up was the two giant land vehicles you have to destroy all the weapons on with a short time limit. I found the only way to do it was with machine gun arms and two ammo packs on my back.
Yeah, I meant VD, my bad.
There were a bunch of parts too from what I remember. Are they exclusive parts you can't get anywhere else or just unlocks? IIRC there were normal and painted variants available.
Play the games, no guide can help. Just read and experiment with parts
You only have to destroy the left hand weapons
Well I destroyed everything, and I feel that I did destroy the left hand ones first but if you say so.
>You can control your downward momentum and velocity by cutting boost mode while airborne, and on the way down, you can still quickboost to keep moving forwards while going down.
>You can effectively U-Turn by cutting booster while QBing forward while dropping downwards, and, while not moving in any direction turning around. This plays on the fact that you are not moving in any horizontal direction, which permits extremely quick turning.
>Practice jumping off of buildings and jumping back and forth between multiple surfaces. There's a ridiculous value in simply being able to hop-dodge attacks, as well as being able to effectively cut boost and drop into a wall before jumping off a wall far outside of your enemy's range
>Dodging bullets is extremely difficult, so many pros/competitive players take to "wiggle-dodging", where you basically rapidly flick the stick left and right and forward and back so that their bullet has a serious difficulty tracking your movements, as the aim is based on your location-to-be rather than your immediate location. This results in a meta full of Predictive Dodging rather than Reflexive Dodging.
>Never hold down the firing buttons unless you're using machineguns, because you can time your shots against your opponent's dodge tendencies and shoot them when they aren't ready for shots
>Always attempt to stay above your opponents, or at least level with them, because you can extremely easily drop without any issue, but the climb upwards is significantly more difficult.
>The closer you are, the higher your total damage per shot is, with your "ideal" range being within the weapon's "maximum" damage range. However, if your shots are not penetrating at full range, you can always get closer to deal more damage.
>Don't be afraid to OB, even if it drains a shitload of energy. If your build cannot accomodate it, you aren't producing enough energy, or you're draining too much, and you need to fix something.
How is Last Raven on PSP? Is it a shitty port or is it actually decent?
It's an amazing port on Vita
If you say that because of the twin sticks I'm emulating anyway. Or is the Vita one a different version?
I'm saying it 100% because of the twin sticks. The game feels like an ass sandwich on the PSP, but if you get it while it plays like butter on a plat with twin sticks, you'll love it.
Why are most of the missions so short?
Appeal to manlets
so ammo has a meaning to exist and no type of healing means its gonna be difficult to make missions with tons of enemies
>he hasn't beaten all 3 AC games with a single stick
>he hasn't ported every possible game to the PSP and beaten them all
ayy lmao get a load of this casual.
She's doing her best guys.
>Not sure whether to buy a vita to play AC
>Or 3DS to play SMT
Extremely long missions mean that low-ammo weapons are useless and never actually get used until it's a duel mission, and since you don't actually have an AP booster, you need to be careful even in short missions so you don't die.
Where do you even grab ROMs now that emuparadise died?
felt bad when I had to take her out in the arena
I used these when I emulated AC1-Last Raven
Only the strong survive in this world, little girl.
How many ACs can you play on vita?
>Tomboy is piloting a little basic AC because she needs to feed her starving family and she can only make it with meager Arena credits
>Meanwhile at Zinaida's house, she's losing her mind because she's convinced that she's some form of next step in AC pilot evolution
Women in this franchise are fun
>Tfw no emma sears gf
I've only played 2 when I was a kid and I always thought it was janky as shit
Are the other games good or is this series exclusively for mecha fetishists?
It's only janky because you have no idea how to play it
If it's the best then why it's dead? checkmate atheists.
Post your workhorse.
they are good but if you want something with a more modern control scheme play nexus or for answer
This is shit it should be virgin nucore vs chad master of arena
Which game is this?
The brightest flames burn the fastest
>the virgin white glint vs chad nineball seraph
Even better
>it's on a shitty dead console that I'm never going to turn on again,
That made me chuckle. I'm still playing on the PS3 in 2019 and buying games for cheap prices. Current gen is such a mess it baffles me how people justify buying a console for it.
best arena map
Played VD and loved the heavy but agile physics. I actually liked it so much that I got the Plat for it. Which AC game should I move onto next?
Any games you'd recommend? I want to expand my PS3 library as much as possible before it loses online support for good.
if you liked the heaviness you probably won't like 4 because it's zoom zip fast
go with nexus, 3 or 2
>Ninebreaker that low
Fake and gay.
>training simulator the game.
I don't buy new consoles either, everything should be on PC at this point. I hate having to have 10 plastic boxes collecting dust to play old games.
It's crazy how old games bothered to have textures like this when they would never been seen by anyone.
I'd move 1 & 2 up to B, FA down to B, VD down to C, and 3 up to A. I'm tempted to move 1 up to A but this would trigger the zoomers too hard because they seethe at how antiquated it is. IMO people who whinge about the controls should be shot, if you can't get proficient at them you are a turboscrub and it kind of chaps my ass that newer games get rated over the older ones way too often just because little Timmy can't wrap his head around shoulder strafe and looking up/down.
There goes a good thread
>getting mad over a word
nah I agree I think 1 is way better than most people give it. the largest mission variety in the series and some pretty fun ones as well except for the final platforming section, fuck you nineball
>Lamenting retards have joined a good thread
Time for you to go
As someone who has never played armoured core where should I start?
you ideally have three points
1 to enjoy the very classic games and appreciate the series beginnings, 3 for a more modern take but still stays in the classic style and FA for a new faster modern style
I'm not going to play the ps1 games and want to start with the ps2 versions. How is the emulation for the ps3 armoured cores?
>having a problem with people posting their opinions about a game series in a thread about discussing that game series on a board dedicated to discussing video games
If not mad then retarded. I really don't know what else you expect people to post ITT. Just shitposting and wojacks?
I really can't tell you man. I'm that niche kind of guy. I research games that seem low profile or unfavorably reviewed by critics and give them a chance. More than often half the critics don't seem to have any idea what they're talking about.
All I can tell you is to start considering getting physical versions of PS3 games asap. Some digital releases are beginning to get delisted from PSN already.
you can emulate for answer using xenia quite well
Consider buying this.
Isn't this a racing game?
>you see him become the exact thing he hated so much
Are you retarded dude?
this isn't even the same genre, despite being a cool mecha and racing hybrid
Anyone who says zoomer seriously is what's wrong with this board and site. I guarantee the very few AC fans you know are older and probably love 1
Yes, it's Armored Core racing
Consider it
I respect that, while I don't think I have anything I'd really call obscure trying more experimental games tends to be interesting.
I should still have a copy of Folklore lying around I never got around to playing.
>Anyone who says zoomer seriously is what's wrong with this board and site
Why because you take one look and your brain stops parsing the post. You could just respond to the post and ignore the use of the word thus fostering discussion and keeping the the posts in the thread on topic. But you gotta make a big stink over a dumb meme instead of talking about video games. You are part of the cancerous shitposting element killing this site among all the other fucking reasons it's imploding. Seriously consider not posting at all if you are just going to waste your brainpower on dumb and meaningless posts.
>Respect my post of buzzwords and people I made up
Here's your last (You)
>I should still have a copy of Folklore lying around I never got around to playing
That'll likely go up in price with time. It's already considered an underrated classic and sought after with a hefty price tag. It also has a history since the studio behind it closed shop. You probably won't see something like it again for while.
Here's my unpopular opinion:
5th gen is the best one and I hope the next game takes after it, just remove/rework scan mode. It should also have a focus on team-based multiplayer, but without the conquest mode nonsense.
>Here's your last (You)
Doing that shit is even worse than the boomer/zoomer stuff.
I hate this post so much.
I just want a good mech game at this point. I don't care where it comes from anymore.
No I'm telling you to ignore. If anything I'm helping you so next time you don't have a brain aneurysm like you did today.
>my post of buzzwords
A single meme you don't like, cry me a river.
>people I made up
t. Never been in an AC thread
People often underrate the original game and overrate the newer games in these threads. That tier list is bait but it's not to far off from what people have said in AC threads in the past. You might be able to have noticed this if you didn't just go into thread making one off unrelated shitposts.
>I guarantee the very few AC fans you know are older and probably love 1
I only know 2 other guys who like AC outside of random anons on Yea Forums. I'm older than both. One guy likes 3 the best but sort of agrees with me that the old controls are fine, the other likes 4A the best and never enjoyed the older control scheme and plays the old games emulated with remapped controls when he does play them. On Yea Forums I've seen plenty who dislike the old games because of the controls. I was being hyperbolic in my post -I don't actually want them shot for that- but I feel like that was obvious. You could have just disagreed with me from the start and had an actual discussion instead of burying your disagreements inside some faggot off topic bullshit about "what's wrong with this site".
I gotta say though you baited me good. I should have known better than respond to a worthless retard >lamenting that an on topic post was >lamenting over how people undervalue the first game.
Here's your last (you), you cancerous faggot. Go ahead and whine more about how a meme you hate is killing this board all the while dodging talking about vidya and the topic of the fucking thread.
They could fucking port the games to the PC already instead of making yet another Dark Souls-like.
I told you these people who say zoomer are retarded, 464165351 has gone insane
Instead of acting like a passive aggressive little bitch don't reply at all you moron or AT LEAST stand by your previous passive aggressive bull shit.
rather than AC6 this is the next closest thing that will satisfy me because then people could start modding shit
Well he's insane, let's leave him be.
What's the worst mission in AC? I'm going with those fucking submarine ones or Destroy Floating Mines
>AC2 arena
>always pick that one map with the tall building on the edge of the map
>AI can't reach up there
>just rain down vertical missiles
Did anyone else cheese the arena like this when they were a kid?
If it makes you feel any better, neither of us are going to be getting what we want.
>mod in uranus frame.
Oh baby.
In AC 1 I would abuse the rocks and trees
muh dick
Miyazaki hates Armored Core so 6 will never happen.
>Miyazaki runs Fromsoft
Was this the most kino mission in LR?
>the best are ones from PS2 era
>also unemulateable
yeah theres some real cheesy maps, if I couldn't beat someone in master of arena I picked the car park stage and tank treads so they couldn't fly
>Works on 5 games he hates
I have played a few of the games back in the ps2 generation, but I'd like to play again. What is considered the best game? Or maybe top 3. I know 4 and 5 were different and bad.
They emulate fine
AC3's opening is kino. Z*****s will never understand. I hope 6 takes more after the 3rd gen than the 4th or 5th.
including only the ps2 titles my top 3 picks would be
last raven
silent line
Last Raven is con's the best, I'm not sure why because I haven't played it yet.
Silent Line is also another strong entry and Master of Arena
>Zoomers were literally born without the ability to see
How about that graphics bug?
Great. Thank you. I will look into those games. Do they play well in pcsx2?
Well they run fine in software mode at least, but hardware mode has issues
Woah! Hey now watch your language we don't wanna derail the thread again.
silent line emulates excellently, last raven and nexus have some hiccups but software mode generally solves any issues
They all emulate well. You have to do some tinkering in Nexus and LR though, but they run fine
>AC 3 intro is the best
You aren't even correct because Nexus has objectively the best intro
Last Raven has to be emulated in software mode in missions or you'll get a black screen, the garage and stuff works better in hardware mode. The others work fine from my experience.
>You aren't even correct because Nexus has objectively the best intro
It's just my favorite. I only said it was kino
>tmw this scene comes on.
Anyone else get goosebumps?
>Hey Raven once you've stopped sucking nigger cock we need you to exterminate some faggots that missed the last round of nukes
Damn how could they hire Sam Raimi for AC 1
Does that streaking light effect have a name? Another example is in Akira when the bikes ride off
there's nothing sexier than glowing visors in the rain
Quick post your favorite AC design or personality.
Or your mother dies in her sleep tonight.
what do you mean soon? you can pretty much play FA enitrely
Definitely the pilot obsessed with the number 1
real shit? damn I guess I was just used to perpetually waiting. Is there any glaring issues ingame?
pic related
>283 people employed.
Wow that's pretty crazy, I thought maybe 50 worked there max.
crestbros rise up
nothing, though your next looks a bit dark sometimes
I wish my legs were dingo irl.
ah yes a fellow man of culture
fire up the ravens nest music and equip your fingers boys, we're going in
thanks for reminding me how I completely destroyed stinger
A download link to all the OST of AC that was released during the 20th anniversary box set.
>2.51 GB
This better be a lot of music or flac rips, not dolphin porn
It's 320 kbps mp3 files, and it's around 400 OSTs.
Can confirm legitimacy. Thanks user. Looks like the threads almost dead. It's been mostly a comfy Armored Core thread tonight and to me that is a success. It's been real senpaitachi
IBIS doesn't count as an AC though, it's pre-war tech.
Don't die on me
they're porting old fromsoft games so i hope they port ac series next
Speaking of, just what the hell kind of accent was the guy in AC2 for Emeraude trying to go for? Always with the r rolling.
See, you are autistic. The game doesn’t require autism, but you project your autism onto it.
No game requires you to minmax and constantly switch mechs. It’s always fun to switch things up though and it’s encouraged.
Thats ported just because of memes.
looked more into it and got disappointed
i still have hope that it'll garner interest for from to port their older titles too!
I’m still playing through AC 1. How are phantasm and arena?
>you are autistic
uh, duh?
i openly stated that
phantasm is kind of like the base game but with in my opinion worse missions. it adds some stuff like new weapons and the first appearance of the arena
master of arena is fantastic though and one of the best AC titles with more new weapons added, better missions and an expanded arena
A man of fine taste you are
Phantasm suffers from middle child mediocrity but the final boss is epilepsytastic
For me quality went Phantasma > AC1 > Arena
Is there AC gunpla kits? Been looking into gunpla as a new hobby
I tried a lot over more than a decade. And sorry but gen 4 is the most fun. Gen 5 is second
Old = good really doesn't apply here
There are Kotobukiya kits, but be warned that you may need to apply adhesives to some of them, as they aren't the most clip-strength intensive kits you're going to get.
nothing like gunpla but there are koto kits
Each gen is practically a different experience after 3, so having a specific frame of tastes is only reasonable.
>One down
>20 million dead
I disagree but accept your opinion.
>difficulty spikes which would throw you off
what the fuck does this even mean? who the fuck wrote this? do they mean you can't just use 1 build and cheese that game? that you have to experiment with different setups as you progress based on the missions you are fighting and how you lost if you couldn't complete them? what the fuck. i don't even know how to process what kind of faggot thinks like "oh it's hard. i had to think. not recommend." fuck your shitty ac thread you fucking faggots. you dont deserve a sequel, i hope from makes nothing but dark souls for you zoomer fucks.
Yikes but unironically this time
shut the fuck up you dipshit. "waa it was hard, would not recommend" i recommend you eat shit and die
The Koto kits are good. Look at dalong to see them OOB.
Are you so delusional you think I made an image that was created when /acg/ existed? Have you taken your meds?
i dont care if you made it or not i'm just calling you a stupid faggot apropos of what a faggot you are, and that ought to be enough for Yea Forums.
Anyone 100% Last Raven on PSP?
Has anyone here played Project Six or have a copy of the latest build? Looks like fun. Phoneposting so dont have link to videos
Make a new one that isnt R already!