Is this a tax on stupid people?
Is this a tax on stupid people?
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Might as well just get REmake2, its a better game then both of those combined anyway
No. It's to make it portable. Fucking retard.
Considering only retards like RE, yes.
No but the Switch itself is a tax on the stupid
>remake 2 better then 1
if by stupid people you mean people who need to be able to play a video game absolutely anywhere at any time for any reason then yes
based autistic spammer
Grow up anywhere worth playing videogames you can take a normal console or small PC in a bag and find a TV or don't play shit out in public. Like if your in the waiting room at a doctor playing on anything besides your phone is laughable past 13 unless you're a downy. I agree it's hypocritical that mobile gamers get a pass but I also make fun of any of them who aren't past the age of 65
which is why I said they are stupid?
I woudn't buy it what a joke.
Stahp, don't make fun of people with low standards.
imagine the smell of people buying this
Fair nough
I think I got both of those in a humble bundle for like $7
so yes
Is this what mental illness and obsession looks like?
we keep telling him that people are pirating it and he just keeps making the thread.
It's almost like...he's upset about...a console he doesn't own...
The Switch itself is for stupid people
It's a ugly underpowered turd with nothing but 20 year old full priced ports and half assed Nintendo games
Wow, you pretty upset about a video game console. Are you 12 years old? Whats it like waking up everyday in a world where the Switch is one of the most successful consoles of all time and home to some of the acclaimed games in history? Whats it like knowing that, hmmm? Does it trigger your immature childish jealous rage?
gamestop just had a memorial day sale and resident evil for gamecube was only $5
Fucking Christ that guy needs help.
Awesome. I'll be sure to pack my GameCube for my summer vacation next month
Why would I give a shit that the Japanese like a Japanese tablet? Sales mean fuck all because I don't hold stock in these companies like the shills presumably do (could you imagine cheerleading for a corporation pro bono? XD)
>people like it so fuck off
People also like heroin and genocide doesn't mean I can't make fun of them for being bad ideas
>Grow up anywhere worth playing videogames you can take a normal console or small PC in a bag and find a TV. Like if your in the waiting room at a doctor
do people actually do this?
>Sales mean fuck all
Yeah, I'm pretty sure you said the same thing about the Wii U, right.
What a baby. Stop crying about a console you don't own. Its embarrassing.
your wii would also work
Cool. Can't wait to set up my Wii by the pool.
It's so Nintendo can sell their $99 for 2 game bullshit to trick kids into thinking they got a good deal.
why are you playing video games by the pool go enjoy the fucking pool. video games are for a night in on your vacation that you just want to rest. you should be out enjoying your vacation user not playing portable games from the ps1 era
Have you never take your console to your friends house to play for the night?
No when the Wii U came out in 2012 and offered xbox 360 levels of performance like 7 years late, I was like "that cheap POS is gonna fail" and guess who was right? The most powerful console rarely wins but the least powerful almost always loses
yeah but I've never set it up in the waiting room of a doctors office
You kidding me?
He’s been at it for 2 fucking years probably longer
At this point Nintendo should just hire him
I’ve literally never met someone this fucking dedicated to advertising
Even Reggie would go home and fuck his hot wife
This guy never quits
Oh no the doctors office is where you'll see children and manchildern playing the switch. Tho my dentist used to have a PS1 and GC when I was a lad
I love how he always uses the exact same filename so you know it's not a copycat
How dare you insult Nintendo, you fucking Pleb? You are just a racist, ignorant and jealous cunt! Pay homage and bend the knee to Almighty Nintendo, asshole!
the switch is a tax on stupid people. 5 year old games at $60. Most switch exclusives are just wii u ports. In a lot of ways the switch is just a shittier wii u.
Aye they made Mario 3, they will always be in my heart
My doctor’s office had DS on stock for sick kids
Hell I remember spending a week austically playing Pokémon HeartGold while listening to SSOHPCK Fallout 3on YouTube while Hocking up bloody mucus.
I had a near fatal drowning incident
For being on the Razor edge of losing lung function or dying in my sleep I had a good time considering the Circumstances
Okay, I love REmake 2 just as the next one, but REmake is a fantastic survival horror and I'd say the pinnacle of the genre as a whole, Nintendo or not.
>those loading times
Paying at all for this would be a tax on stupid people
Oh cool, i'll forward to sitting on my hotel balcony with my Wii. Guess I'll leave my phone at at home and just take my desktop PC too.
>RE4 is such a rushed port that it still has the same half finished game icon from the ps4 version and the same exact bugs
>no unique features added besides having an ingame achievement system
Is capcom even trying at this point? Even Revelations 1 and 2 managed to get gyro controls
>the least powerful almost always loses
Stop talking complete shit.
Playstation 1
GameBoy Advance
Playstation 2
All prove you wrong. In fact, the most powerful console RARELY wins.
desu id pay like 7 dora at most
I didn't know you equate quality to quantity of units sold
Sorry but no one outside of Japan and America cared about the NES
The OG gameboy was a POS and the game gear and lynx shat all over it and gameboy sales are hyper inflated from the pocket and GBC sales that came like 6 years later
Gameboy advance had no real competition besides the NGage.
The DS was a fad and the PSP delivered the win because it could actually play 3D games that weren't shit or Mario
PS2 is stronger than a gamecube
The Wii sucked ass and barely made any sales after year 3
3DS had no competion because even Sony gave up on the vita.