>everybody seems to agree the game was better before novigrad
What went wrong?
Everybody seems to agree the game was better before novigrad
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Novigrad was boring city-trotting and endless talking + fetch quests. All you ever fought was human thugs. Pretty much every other part of the game was way better than Novigrad
I like novigrad especially the Triss torture
Also the background music was annoying medieval jester shit. The city from Blood and Wine was was both more interesting and had way better music
I honestly hated Witcher 3
gameplay was clunky
could just walk into peoples houses and they dont give a shit
>The city from Blood and Wine was was both more interesting and had way better music
Strongly, but respectfully disagree here. The city of Blood and Wine was based on a fairy tale, it didn't look and feel like a dark and gritty medieval city like Novigrad is.
The city sections of watch either game were shit. Like they said it's just annoying quests where all you do is run around, but it has to be in a certain way every time to make it more annoying. The o my quest I remember likii g was the Priscilla quest with the vampire.
>could just walk into peoples houses and they dont give a shit
just like every RPG that's not Elder Scrolls
They had one decent person on the writing team who wrote characters and good standalone story that would last about 10 hours.
Problem is they had 60 hours to fill and they had a game trilogy with open plot threads to wrap up, and that part terrible
If you steal shit in military camps they attack you, peasants are too afraid of witchers
You mean skelliga right?
>The city sections of watch
>of watch
>gets as fucked up no matter how fast/slow you are getting to her
Skellige had monsters and enemies everywhere and awesome music. There were multiple towns, with enemies and optional quest locations in between. Novigrad is just a one giant city with no enemies other than occasional criminals / thugs
You can just fight your way in without her getting tortured there's alot of ways to botch that infiltration
You just described the majority of Witcher 1
Who the fuck wants to be constantly fighting in W3?
Not to mention Skellige is all barren and the sea is just full of smuggler caches
>everybody seems to agree
Did you just make that up? Everyone seems to agree Skellige is the best part of the game
I want a balance between fighting and not fighting. Running around the city just talking is no fun either. I love fighting monsters and in Skellige I would just go along the coasts investigating the map markers. Fuck all that underwater shit though, not worth it at all
>What went wrong?
nothing. its just that by the time you get to Novigrad the novelty of the graphics and huge world wears off and you slowly realize that every quest plays out the same and that level 5 drowner you killed a couple hours ago is now a level 25 drowner and takes the exact same amount of hits, with the same repetitive and mindless gameplay, until you realize the only time the game is interesting is when you're not actually playing and just wanting the story to progress
It's what I get for posting from work. Meant Witcher.
There's a whole wilderness out there nothing is stopping you from leaving novigrad when you want some action
no, the swamp with the baron and the witches is the favorite part by far
I disagree.
I liked all of it.
Novigrad was a great change of pace after the depressing No Man's Land.
The Griffin was the only boss fight worth a fuck in the game because it actually had an interesting mechanic of bringing the bird down. Until that only took 1 shot and then it was a normal boring boss
>Novigrad was boring city-trotting and endless talking + fetch quests. All you ever fought was human thugs.
>You just described the majority of Witcher 1
no wonder i loved novigrad so much
Halfway through development they replaced the main writer with fanfic writers. Velen was made by the A team and the rest of game by the B and C.
I'm playing TW3 for the first time, and the sound is all over the place. Is it just me?
Some voices are barely audible, but the sound of the wind and wood crackling will rape my ears. NPCs are yelling their random banter out of their lungs but if I talk to one they'll start whispering.
The sound mixing was not as bad during launch, but they fixed some bugs and in the process ruined the sound mixing
I call that nitpicking
zelda is much better game so whats the point of this thread ?
that makes sense
I liked Skellige because of the music that played on the main island
>Everybody seems to agree the game was better before novigrad
>What went wrong?
Uh, novigrad...? But in all seriousness there isn't a game in existence with consistent quality, there's always going to be parts that are better or worse than the rest of the game. It doesn't mean the game was bad.
>zelda is much better game
lmao imagine believing this
W3 brought back a part of my gaming heart I didnt know still remained. It was all hardcore and multiplayer and I really lost myself in this game. Just started a NG+ and have about 150 hours in.
That said, Novigrad is fun but stalls a bit, but Skellige absolutely saves it. Plus both DLCs are games within themselves.
If you bitch about the combat, up it to March of Death and you actually have to use potions, oils, and switch character skills at higher levels.
I feel like rapidity is the hallmark of all open world games and MMOs, yet yall know you enjoy one of these games in some form. W3 got shit on more on Yea Forums because it was popular and a far cry from the unintuitive shit of W1 and more casual than W1. Its a dope game and if it didnt get marketed heavy and blow up Yea Forums would sing about it as a lost gem, especially in modern SJW times.
I didnt mean rapidity, Im a bit intoxicated and lost focus while watching Deadwood
I meant more like 'repeating the same tasks and getting bored is the hallmark of all open world' etc
Witcher is at its best when you're in a shitty part of the world dealing with retarded peasants and their monster problems. Thats part of why Velen is the best part of the game.
potions and oils do nothing to change the combat, they just buff your stats
also the difficulty change doesnt change combat, it just means the enemies have more health and you die in less hits.
I liked that Novigrad actually felt city sized
>Play Witcher 1
>Dont like it at all
>Try it every couple years
>maybe I'll just beeline the main shit
>get a walkthrough
>still no I fucking hate this
I'm not contrarian on purpose.
As opposed to what? Soulsborne difficulty?
I love the Souls series, but DS1 is just 'minmax and learn the fights' and same is DS3
BB is more skill based but still minmax out of it if needed
Souls series is obviously one of the better combat systems out there, so thats why i compare them. But the Witcher just succeedds in some many damn ways its insane that Yea Forums gets so picky about it but can praise Gothic, Souls, God Hand, etc, and ignore their other flaws.
the witcher 1 is shit mate, the only people who can stomach it are ancients who grew up playing crpgs. Do yourself a favor, if you're interested in Witcher stuff, read (or listen) to a few of the books while you play other games or have free time, then jump into Witcher 2. It's a lot easier to choke down, and almost none of the shit you do in the first game has consequence and everything that does is recapped for the most part.
Dude, it's alright. I loved it when it first came out but I can't replay it now. I have lost a lot of patience since then.
but it had the best gwent events.
>too much time running around the city doing nothing
>then Skellige is short as fuck
It's not fair.
>As opposed to what? Soulsborne difficulty?
>I love the Souls series, but DS1 is just 'minmax and learn the fights' and same is DS3
souls games dont have difficulty settings, you could just cheese it by gaining a bunch of XP but that takes a long time and unenjoyable, but at least the fights are engaging because you have to learn the enemies moves and know when to counter. im yawning in almost every encounter on W3 because its the same thing over and over. rarely did i ever feel like "damn that was a tough and fun fight", its just spamming dodge, wait for the enemy to finish attacking, attack twice, then dodge the exact same enemy attack. there is almost no timing involved. for the most part you can cancel out your attacks, meaning that there is no consequence to spamming dodge, attack, and the dodge is extremely generous
Once you hit Novigrad, even on the highest difficulty, Geralt has become an overpowered tank of a spellsword with infinite potions, money, and healing items. It becomes a lumberjack sim at that point with you just chopping down tough enemies who don't stand a chance.
I didn't find Skellige short because like an absolute retard, I removed all the question marks from the map.
I didn't even bother with all the ? events after I found out most of them are just treasure finding missions
Except wolves
Fucking wolves
stopped reading right there
I use aard on them and execute them while they're down. Or freezing aard.
It doesn't work on NG+ hardest difficulty though.
I had the most trouble with those piranha plant things in Blood and Wine
The game does get better once you reach skellige, I remember playing the game for the first time and doing everything to the point of nearly burned out, but I didn't know about a third map so it was genuinely a surprise and a nice change of enviroment to keep me playing
The first and second Witcher have horrible combat.
DId they improve anything with the third release?
I did the question marks until Skellige.
Those boat trips were not worth useless loot.
Same. I did all the land based question marks, but fuck the treasure dives.
To be fair, Novigrad is an island of relief for me, because I fucking hate Velen as a whole.
I always turn off level scaling when I run into a pack of wolves, fuck that noise. They're still nowhere near as bad as the HoS spiders, though.