>nobody will die to this thing in classic
enjoy never renewing your subscription knowing that it won't be a nostalgic experience
Nobody will die to this thing in classic
Other urls found in this thread:
paypig cucks pay for a game available for free on private servers
Not only that, they're paying for a beta for a 15 year old game.
>he posted it!!!
I don't think anyone expects it to be exactly the same.
Can level 10s who aren't hunters solo him reliably on the beta? I remember running out of mana before he died as a mage during retail.
Someone post the vid where he gets btfo by another streamer and starts crying
on private servers warriors could kite mobs between their weapon swings with hamstring and a swing timer, so that they do more damage with their big ass 2 h compared to mobs that do lots of fast little hits. I suspect that in classic the better pathfinding will make this harder/impossible to do, so no. But people aren't going to try and solo it anyway you will have to wait for him to respawn so your five man group can get the kill lol.
Post it I need tears.
>on private servers
Stopped reading here.
On private servers mages have 100% uptime on clearcasting, so the mana thing is not an issue.
Seconding this
People will pay for it to experience it for the first time and claim they were there from the beginning, same thing happens with movies and other videogames.
Just look at avengers, almost no one before the MCU knew about iron man, and now people are the biggest fans ever.
>almost 0 endgame content
>people still rushing to 60
nice reddit repost
The private servers are actually better because the dungeons are hard. Apparently the beta has the correct values and everyone is just remembering wrong but literally everyone is saying Classic is way too easy.
This is the ultimate cuckery. People are doing this every day on /vg/ asking if they should renew their subscription for the three months until classic comes out JUST FOR A CHANCE of getting invited to the beta. For a character that will be deleted at launch.
>The private servers are actually better because the dungeons are hard.
So LE VANILLA wasn't that hard?
Even a warrior can solo it in the beta easily. I saw a hunter solo it melee with no pet - he potted, but still.
I don't really have an opinion since I started with TBC - although I do remember dungeons being much harder. The consensus is that Vanilla being hard is some sort of Mandella Effect situation except instead of it being a 50/50 or 75/25 split, literally everyone thinks it's too easy.
No you dumbfuck, the beta lasted 14 years, now we get to play the game with the best features and years of testing
How can I possibly enjoy my mmo knowing that there are streamers streaming bros
Grinding rep just won’t be the same
that seems off. I don't really trust blizzard when they say they checked stuff, for all we know their reference server might not even be 1.12 and they were just bullshitting with some tbc server.
WTF classibros these elite mobs/bosses are barely hurting this druchad tank. WTF IS GOING ON
Back then the community, myself included was extremely retarded and new. I’m assuming that when game hits and people get to 60, even lilzoomzoom will be able to clear aq40 by just watching video guides on YouTube
if you were the appropriate level for the dungeons then there were no hard ones. There were time consuming ones, but you always went into an instance expecting to finish. You never disbanded groups because you hit an impenetrable wall, you disbanded groups because people died once and didnt feel like running back.
Canceling my pre-order
This cannot be
Why would nobody die to hogger? They're not nerfing anything. People are still gonna die from the usual stuff, like accidentally pulling too many mobs, or running into son of arugal.
dm was hard
wc was hard
sm was near impossible with under-40 party
mara was ultimate scrub filter
I won't rush when it releases. People who rush to 60 still have the retail wow mentality.
They really weren't. I was a 12 year old retard during vanilla and none of those dungeons were difficult, and we weren't exactly pro gamers. They were nothing compared to heroic dungeons in TBC.
as in deadmines? lol
>effective leveling = r*tail mentality
Do people outside Yea Forums think streamers will fuck with classic? i'd imagine there would be a movement to gank top streamers nonstop until they logged out, not even irl celebrities had this much notoriety and gear funneling playing wow.
Not him, but rushing through leveling because you think all the content is at max level is the epitome of retail mentality.
17-22 year olds are the largest demographic on private servers.
Fuck all was hard nigger. We used to run this shit in wrong specs all the time. During leveling it was absolutely fine for an Arms warrior to just equip a random shield he had and be the thank, while the shadow priest waddles behind the group and throws some heals. Fuck, there weren't even any relevant mechanics until AQ/NAX in the fucking game. The most you had to know was not to cast Power Word Shield on a rage class, because absorbing damage means they don't get rage.
Then on max level shit only was hard because it was overtuned and you were undergeared. Ragnaros could do fuck all, but if the fight took too long, or the tanks/healers were not equipped enough, they would just run out of mana and wipe. Until Naxx came in the highest hurdle you had to jump was to get 40 people reasonably well equipped with bosses that drop like 3 items each.
BC heroic dungeons were absolute asskickers compared to even high-tier mythics today. Look to any BC timewalking week for the proof; fags can't even do a single pull without the tank getting gouged and the rest of the group getting instafucked because the incap causes an aggro drop. I see groups implode before the first boss on Arcatraz -every- time BC timewalking comes up because they can't handle the gauntlet. I see casters absolutely annihilate themselves on spell reflect on Mana Tomb's first boss. All of this, despite the fact that with how timewalking scales you're stronger than you ever were in BC. Modern players can't even handle BC content when they're given a significant advantage, because they're failing on a purely mechanical level, and this is just for HEROICS. Blue gear.
These kinds of mechanics that required you to play smart and use CC were removed from the game entirely in favor of streamlining dungeons into a "speed pull huge packs and aoe it down" shitfest that is glorified in events like the MDI. The only CC you need anymore is AoE stun and snares so that your tank can run away from everything while it gets blade flurry'd to shit.
You can stomp and whine about it all you want, the proof is there, in-game, on retail.
>During leveling it was absolutely fine for an Arms warrior to just equip a random shield he had and be the thank, while the shadow priest waddles behind the group and throws some heals.
>leveling in prot/holy
retailfag spotted
BC Heroics (when they came out) were absolutely overtuned and shit like shattered halls just DUMPED on tanks (except Pallys) to a degree that you could just not counter heal. BC was the first to have some mechanics in dungeons, but Heroic dungeons were just "what if we turn their numbers WAY up" and they later got nerfed to more reasonable degrees.
>Talk about the tank being arms
>talk about the heal being shadow
>get called out for leveling prot/holy
>BC Heroics (when they came out) were absolutely overtuned and shit like shattered halls just DUMPED on tanks (except Pallys) to a degree that you could just not counter heal
that's basically what high m+ has been on retail since m+ was introduced anyway. You aren't even expected to stand still and actually tank those, they just straight up kite tank.
I have no real interest in Vanilla. The aesthetics of the endgame TBC appealing more appealing, more cohesive to the overall expansion whereas vanilla is just all over the place. Who the fuck is Ragnaros anyway?
tanking in arms and healing in shadow is totally normal for dungeon runs on leveling
you literal r*ddit
What a dumb comment. People dont know mechanics of the dungeon thats 12 years old, completely normal thing. Ive never experienced what you said btw.
>Who the fuck is Ragnaros anyway?
The fire lord summoned by the nigger dwarves?
BC was better, for the most part. Some of the lore was fucking retarded and daily quests sucked tremendous ass, but the dungeon and raid content was on fucking POINT.
that was his point. Have you been lobotomized?
Did you see the part where I said that this was completely fine?? Did you not see where I replied to some fake-nostalgiafag crying that the guy in actual bear spec could tank an instance on his level without dying? With me pointing out that these used to be run not even in the "right" specs? Holy shit this is the lowest level of reading comprehension I have EVER seen on Yea Forums
Dude, that is what he literally said you god damn ninny.
I just want more kino raids like Ulduar hard mode. Why is that too much to ask for?
>that one gnoll tent texture with the skinned human face
The fuck happened in 3.2 besides TotC
I also have more love for TBC, desu senpai. Mostly because BC made a lot of specs PVE viable that were really not before, and they removed the dumb debuff limit classic had. Finally you could play Shadow Priest.
But like you said TBC has some drawbacks on it's own, the daily quests for one, the rep grinds to run dungeons(and raids) was another (not thaaat bad on your main, but for alts it was a nightmare) And a lot of dungeons still took way longer than they had any right to be for what they rewarded. Not as bad as Classic tho.
One particular issue that annoyed me: Once Sunwell came out, you could only get into terrace if you were a CC class. I had SUCH trouble getting into it with my Shadow priest despite being very well raid equipped and it dropped a fucking BiS trinket.
isn't that all of them?
TotC was enough
random dungeon finder
there are a few versions of the tent texture, only one has a face
I see no crying
>the virgin wow classic vs chadowbringers
Don't forget Magtheridon, Vashj, Kael, Archimonde and Illidan making their first appearences since Warcraft 3 was kino. Really made the whole expansion feel way more cohesive.
Also the Amani War Bear mount is still the best ground mount to this day.
>near impossible with under-XX party
Yeah all dungeons are hard if you invite underleveled retards, who could have thought?
that's not 3.2 that's 3.3. I just went through and checked patch notes. 3.2.2 was onyxia rehash though.
WoW's numbers have fallen so low, classic will likely increase subs by at least 50-100%.
what, entirely because the bear is unobtainable?
>people still die to this guy all the time on private servers
Nah it's just a cool mount, from a cool raid with a cool challenge to acquiring it. And it's not overdone to hell and back again like a lot of more recent mounts.
I remember when third edition came out tons of people were pissed about having to buy all new rulebooks and modules and the general changes to the game. I don't think it's comparable to TBC and Wrath where players were not jaded yet and generally like the new stuff
>still in the 7 digits
thats impressive
TBC was good on paper, I really enjoy both class balance and dungeon/raid content, but the practices it brought to the table (flymounts, xpacks making previous content obsolete, etc) just made the game worse in the long run.
ha...ya nobody..
>Finally you could play Shadow Priest.
Yeah choice is bad. Nothing quite as nuanced and interesting as having 3 specs per class but only ever being a Holy priest unless you're (un)fortunate enough to get to be the token shadow priest/warlock bitch.
Yea lets homogenize everything and make sure every class does the same thing with a different effect.
That'll work out great.
5he servers are playing 1.12 on retail and private. This patch was so fucking late in vanilla only 5 more months and BC would come out.
1.12 has buffed every fucking class and even made warriors extremely easy to level. The level everyone experienced was in the first actual 10 months of the games life. Warlocks were pure garbage in the begining, leveling a warrior was actual hell, fuck it was so fucking hell I NEEDED to buy weapons off the AH While leveling before getting wrillwind axe at around level 34.
None of you Zoomers will actually have the real vanilla experience. Because 80% of the classes were fucking garbage for leveling. 1.12 has so many changes to so many classes.
But the reality is everyone playing is an actual fucking zoomer and won't remember this. It was harder morons.
And WoW is still babby's first MMO. Have an aneurysm somewhere else fag
It was this, everquest or lineage 2 you zoomer shit. Lineage 2 was a garbage fucking game but a great job. Everquest was too easy also moron.
There never actually existed a hard mmo you stupid fucking zoomer shit.
BC hardly homogenized things. If anything it brought out a lot more variety that Vanilla seriously lacked since god forbid you tank outside of warrior, or heal outside of your faction class or priest. There's good reason why people enjoyed BC so much.
>xpacks making previous content obsolete
You literally can not avoid that. In a "live" game, you can not avoid the fact that new content will make old content obsolete and it is silly to cry about it. If you make new raids and the rewards are worse, or not much better than the old raids, then people will just do the old raids instead. So you need to implement power creep. And because of that, expansion packs outclass the old content.
The problem BC had, was that it was announced/showed too early, while people where trying a raid that was STUPIDLY hard, (mostly due to needing way more tanks equipped than any other raid before which meant that many guilds didn't have enough tanks to progress) but not stupidly rewarding. So people naturally said "eh, fuck naxx, BC is coming soon, let's wait for that / play testrealm"
I played vanilla WoW as a teenager with no idea waht I was doing and it really wasn't that hard to level. It took long, but it really wasn't this harrowing experience you claim it to be. I played mage on a PvP server about 3 months after launch.
It will never be your first time again
this. Soooo much this.
Only that Classic actively discourages you from not "maining" a spec by increasing the respec costs each time you change your mind. I don't know why you got that notion, but classic very much wanted you to play an "X-Class" over "class" They enforced that with re-spec cost, and by having so many specs for so many classes be pure garbage. Until the new Talent Trees, each class had INCREDIBLY cookie cutter specs that all boiled down to "skill exactly like this, then you'll have 3 points over, but them wherevs"
Mage was the easiest class to level and my 2nd 60. I'm not shocked if you had an easy time. After my warrior I got my mage to 60 in 1/5th the played time. Hunters and mages were very easy.
The only thing different about 1.12 mage is that it is actually nerfed. POM mages are shit in 1.12.
>that elite damage
Looks like the druchad grinding method will work veeeery well
>dm = deadmines
Get a load of this literal child. Can you believe what you're seeing here?
post mop VC babies get out.
I wanna fuck that bunny
I was a vanilla paladin and all those were a cakewalk. I can't think of a single difficult instance. Maybe the brazier room with the infinitely respawning dwarves in BRD but only because of aggro.
How does it feel to pretend like you had any idea what you were doing back in those days.
I bet you read a lot of elitistjerks
Fuck off pserver retard.
Yeah but 3.5 is remembered by many to be the best. It's why Pathfinder is so popular, it's an attempt to fix 3.5.
Never been to that website. Instead imagine being such a fucking zoomer that it is only an act of fiction to believe people actually played vanilla.
I'm 30 years old.
Newfag, please.
Druid tanks were always fucking invincible in vanilla instances, their main problem was aggro management.
druid tanks generate more threat than warriors. Their issue is that they don't have shield block, so they can't be crushing blow/crit proof.
Now you're just being a big fibber. You were such a god you didn't use the biggest theorycrafting site?
God like high school dropout.
No, and no. It's the exact opposite.
Druid's mitigation comes from armor, warrior's more so from avoidance, and more importantly, warriors have access to one thing druid don't - block. If you're dealing with a single, hard hitting mob, druids fare better than warriors comparatively (to several mobs not hitting as hard). When you're getting hit for 1k, blocking 100 of that means you still take 900. But if you instead have 5 mobs all hitting for 200, blocking 100 means you're blocking half of the damage. 1k damage turns into 500.
Threat wise druids are in a much better shape in 5 mans than warriors because they're much less rage intensive. Warriors barely get any rage because mobs in 5 mans don't hit for shit and don't give you 50 rage for each hit like raid bosses do. Druids just go around with their 10 rage maul generating a shitton of threat, and a swipe that conveniently hits 3 targets (which is about as many mobs as you tend to pull in instances, non-elites excluded), while getting 5 rage for every crit they deal.
I don't think you should be calling people newfags when you get something like this incorrect.
>druid tanks generate more threat than warriors.
Not on low level. Swipe alone was not good enough to keep the aggro of a group. That was the main problem with druid tanks in low level instances, people attacking random targets like retards, nowadays everyone has at least some understanding of how to pick your targets properly.
>Their issue is that they don't have shield block, so they can't be crushing blow/crit proof.
That is why warriors were overall better tanks in high level instances and raids, but we are talking about low level content.
You haven't contradicted a single thing I said, newfag.
>ebin plebbit maymay answer xDD
Fuck off.
>rushing till 60
you still need to play 200 hours user
I mean you seem like a hopeless case. I tried to write my post in such a way that even an idiot could understand it, but looks like it went over your head anyway.
Wolves say grrr
Defias say huh
Hogger says...?
Nigga, you were unable to understand my initial post and retorted with a random info dump that has nothing to do with the subject of conversation being that fucking video in which a druid is able to tank all the damage in a low level instance as a champ.
Some of you fucks are trying to say that is not what happened back in vanilla, but this is exactly what happened. Druid tanks were fucking OP everywhere but in 50+ instances and raids. The only reason why they wouldn't be seen as OP was because everyone were stupid and pulled mobs of them like crazy, prolonging fights and maybe even dying in the process.
>like a champ*
No, I understood it completely, and if you think my post was unrelated, then you're even stupider than I thought.
The druid taking little damage has absolutely nothing to do with druids being good, and everything to do with the mobs simply not doing much damage in the first place. You could throw a warrior in there instead, and he'd take just as little damage, or rather, he'd take less damage because he has a shield and can block.
How's it feel knowing Asmongold will open Gates of Ahn'Qiraj and get the bug mount?
To be honest you can't not rush leveling in retail because just about everything gives you xp in copious amounts so even if you wanted to take your time you couldn't do it.
Nah, you are the one who is retarded beyond any reason. And in your endless faggotry you even decided to contradict yourself.
>he'd take less damage because he has a shield and can block
>When you're getting hit for 1k, blocking 100 of that means you still take 900. But if you instead have 5 mobs all hitting for 200, blocking 100 means you're blocking half of the damage. 1k damage turns into 500.
In no way blocking is superior to sheer amount of armor that druid gets, not before you can lay your hands on specific gear that has the required stat. And this happens only when you get to about 50.
Get fucked.
>played on pservers for several years
>completely burned out
No one outside Yea Forums has the jaded foresight to think anything else
>movement to gank top streamers nonstop
>endless mass chaotic fights in every location where streamer is
Yeah, sounds pretty bad.
>And in your endless faggotry you even decided to contradict yourself.
There is no contraction there. You're just not very good at math.
>In no way blocking is superior to sheer amount of armor that druid gets
Do I need to do everything for you? Do you not understand that this is 100% dependent on how much the mobs hit for in the first place?
Say you have 20% chance to block with 100 block value, and 50% DR. Unmitigated, a single mob hits you for 1k. He hits you 10 times. You take 500 damage per hit from 8 attacks, and 400 from two since you block 100 from them. 4800 damage total.
Then assume higher armor. 60% DR, but no block. Same situation, you take 400 per hit, so 4000 total.
But what if we're dealing with a bunch of mobs hitting for small amounts of damage? 10 mobs each hitting for 200, all hitting you 10 times. 50% DR, you take 100 from 80 hits, 0 damage from 20 hits, 8000 total.
60% DR you take 80 from each hit, 8000 total.
In the first scenario, you're taking less damage because of your higher armor. In the second, you're taking the same amount because block is better when the damage is smaller. In 5 man dungeons, you generally deal with several mobs. Usually 2-3 elites at the same time, or +5 non elites. If you were to call druids better than warriors in scenarios like these, then druids would be massively better than warriors in single mob scenarios, which they actually aren't.
Put simply
If you're still going to reply, try going for something remotely intelligent, or give actual numbers.
not that guy youre replying to but dont druids actually suck for single hard hitting mob because of the whole boss crit which they have nothing for, ergo druids both suck agains many small mobs and single hard hitting ones
pretty much. ignore that guy. as much as he wants to say druids could tank, they couldn't. they could barely heal, and barely dps. they did everything sub-par, but they could do it all in any spec pretty much. they were only good in pvp for their hybrid abilities.
As far as overall damage is concerned, there is no difference. The small mobs are going to crit you as much as the big one (assuming they're the same level). However, where you will find a difference is how spiky the damage is. With a bunch of small mobs, their crits will be spread out and the damage will be more constant. With a single mob you get spikes.
But this isn't really a concern until raiding, since the mobs before that don't crit enough for the spikes to be significant enough to affect your healing.
Also, I was speaking comparatively. Druids are better at a single big thing than at many small things (damage wise). Overall, they're still worse than warriors in both.
Streamers will absolutely die to Hogger so they can make youtube reaction videos.
I think I've taken the druid pill
>best tier sets
>lowest population class so you will walk into gear
>high skill cap pvp
>low expectations for pve performance so you are free to fuck around
>Overall, they're still worse than warriors in both.
wait, according to this post theyre equal when it comes to many small hitting mobs, if you half the damage of the mobs to 100, they are still equal. if you raise the damage of the mobs to 400 the druid comes out on top because single hit damage goes over the shields block value wouldnt that mean overal that the druid is equal or better or am i retarded
It's an MMO, not a single player game like Skyrim or always online lobby ARPG like BfA/FFXIV. If you fall behind other players it will have a tremendously negative effect on you, even on PvE servers, and on PvP servers it's literally a hundred times worse.
more like
>tons of people trying to play druid because "super hard in vanilla"
>never get group invites because druids do fuck all in pve
>lose "dps" gear to rogues 100% of the time when you do finally get a group because they can utilize it more.
you might as well just pvp non stop and buy gear. but they are fun
>sorry dude, we already have a druid in our guild, we don't need more than one for raiding
>I hear that one guild that's still struggling with luci because 50% of their raid are ret palas are always looking for more members, though, you should apply there
They were random numbers to demonstrate to the guy how block loses effectiveness when you're dealing with bigger, less frequent hits. It was not an attempt to show absolute damage taken by druid/warrior tanks. It doesn't even take into account that warriors can parry while druids can't, for example.
what negative effects are you speaking of besides having to deal with more ganking, starting late or being slow has some advantages too, like better AH prices, thus (if you play a melee class) better prices for weapons so your progress is easier and faster
this meme aged like milk
if the druid tanks i doubt the gear will go to the rogue
LF1M Druid to Emp run NO FKN WARRGINS! HoJ and Ironfoe reserved for Rogue
>tons of people trying to play druid because "super hard in vanilla"
Not according to private servers, vanilla retail or pre release polls
>never get group invites because druids do fuck all in pve
Best 5 man tank, every raid will want a few for their utility, and as above, they are the lowest population class
>lose "dps" gear to rogues 100% of the time when you do finally get a group because they can utilize it more
t. brainlet. Rogues are also on the lower side of popularity, and feral druid and rogues only share a few main items anyway if we're talking about bis. Let alone the fact that most druids will go resto anyway
>we don't need more than one for raiding
Lmao, have fun gearing when everyone plays the same few classes
while people tried to make druid tanks when no one knew any better, they can't do it without being overgeared for the content. no one is going to unironically recruit druids to tank when there will be a plethora of warriors running around. there's a reason druids were always healers in pve, and it's because no other class uses leather int gear so they didn't have to compete for gear.
lmao, this is so fucking sad if it's coming from anyone over the age of 14
druids are one of the most played classes in retail and refugees will roll druid. private servers and pre-release polls are for literal autistics and chinks.
anyone remembering wow being this easy is wrong, you're straight up getting lied to by blizzard and actually doubting yourself, lmao fucking blizzcucks
>druids are one of the most played classes in retail
They are tuned and play almost entirely differently in retail
>refugees will roll druid
And they will quit
>private servers and pre-release polls are for literal autistics and chinks.
Salty warrior confirmed
That's why people are saying it's way easier than they remember. This isn't actually vanilla and blizzard knows nobody will know any better or care
do you think most people know or give a fuck about this? how detached from reality are you from playing shitty chink private servers for years? the vast majority of people in classic will not be autistic min/maxers.
those polls are probably made by those with interest (and knowledge) in the game and voted for by the same people, but overall those people are a minority in the long run. and ive read somewhere that druid is the most popular class on retail? so once the scrubs start playing that dont know about vanilla they might just roll druid again because its a familiar class they like and assuming they wont quit you could end up with more druids than we had in vanilla
More player competition for quests/mobs/resources (ores, herbs). Also, generally speaking, people who level up faster tend to be better players than casual comfyfags, meaning you'd have an easier time getting your pre-raid bis if you're grouping with other poopsockers only than you would if you're grouping up with more casual players. It's also easier to get into a good raiding guild than it would be later on when there's a much bigger player competition. And speaking of raiding guilds, when Classic first hits and people at max level are still gearing up, expect raiding guilds to make guild-only UBRS etc. runs for gearing up their members, getting recipes, etc. and doing guild runs like that (also guild runs for attunements) is going to be literally a billion times easier than having to pug that shit.
>do you think most people know or give a fuck about this?
Do you think most people will raid?
>so once the scrubs start playing that dont know about vanilla they might just roll druid again because its a familiar class they like and assuming they wont quit you could end up with more druids than we had in vanilla
They will quit
A warrior, rogue, or priest in dungeon blues > full t1 druid
Warrior was notoriously hard for the first few patches of vanilla. He's not wrong, it wasn't hell or anything but everything took so much more effort and you'd just flat out for to some mobs or couldn't solo them when other classes could.
>> full t1 druid
Who the fuck wears full t1 as a druid? You never played vanilla, did you?
Until Naxx? You realize cthun is harder than 50% of the bosses in naxx.
Even based on pre-release polls and pserver populations, druids are overplayed compared to their demand in raids. You normally take 2 druids for raids, compared to like 8 warriors.
well all the negatives you mentioned (and i mean unless youre way ahead of the curve, being way behind the curve usually means less competition with quests) in the end just result into one thing: slower progression, but not by any means, less enjoyment of the game. and wasnt that the original argument for going slow? not using up the constent too fast because it isnt infinite? the only reason to go fast is so you can quit the game earlier it seems.
Literally the only reason a brainlet would argue bringing more of garbage classes is a good thing because faster gearing up is because he's thinking of class specific gear going to waste.
>You normally take 2 druids for raids
Cutting edge guilds, sure. Your average guild will struggle to field a full 40 and won't be worried about the perfect comp.
>He thinks Fury warriors/Arms warriors has a place now with the correct parry/hit values in Beta
Yes, even back in the day casuals at least did MC. I know soccer moms that were carried up to AQ because no one could tell how useless they were.
You have no idea what you’re taking about.
it was common for people to afk during mc and nobody noticing
i think he means the only reason to not have an optimal comp is because gear doesnt drop equally for the optimal comp so a lot of gear will go to waste
I healed Mauradon princess runs as a enhance shammy pretty easily, even against multiple pulls of those nasty rock giants.
No int or healing gear. Only thing I'd change is to a shield and a 1h.
Maybe AQ20 but one of the hardest bosses in aq40 is the first boss and unless you’re in t3 gear I don’t see how anyone can get carried through cthun.
t. brainlet. Literally only one other class will compete for off-set int leather
>slower progression, but not by any means, less enjoyment of the game
You don't think doing UBRS with 7 retards instead of only 2 retards negatively affects your fun?
yeah but wouldnt that actually be a valid argument? a comp where no gear would go to waste would gear up quicker and thus might be able to make up the deficit that comes from not being optimal in class composition with being better geared.
Lmao, you actually believe most people raided in vanilla?
It feels like you haven't even played the game. You progress so slow in the game, and with content being limited phases, you essentially run out of things to do (that would progress your character). At 60 a bunch of your time will be spent afking in a city. You can rush to 60 if you want, but all that will gain you is like one extra raid lockout compared to other people. It's an insignificant difference.
not him but i dont know anyone who played vanilla with me back then that didnt raid. but the people who played wow back then were neckbeards who were serious about the game and the people today are casuals who rarely have time to play more than an hour in one go, so naturally way way less people will be able to raid in classic compared to vanilla back then, percentage wise
If it actually did make up the deficit, sure. But vanilla has absolutely garbage class balance, so it simply doesn't. This isn't like retail WoW where (I assume, I quit in WotLK) class differences are only like 1%-5% higher/lower damage/healing.
Most people will take more than a month to hit max level. The people who want to raid will do it in 4-5 days. You’ll be 4+ lockouts ahead of people.
have fun getting ganked by 60s at level 30 fag.
I'm going to level doing every dungeon once or twice and try to keep at least my gathering profession up to date but I have no time to stop and smell the flowers
>This isn't like retail WoW where (I assume, I quit in WotLK) class differences are only like 1%-5% higher/lower damage/healin
This also isn't like retail wow where the majority of fights are tuned around a certain dps/hps benchmark. Raids have been and will be cleared by groups that don't follow an autistic perfect comp
The only way that affects fury dps is the lower tank threat. Not a problem on alliance with salv.
>4-5 days
i think you overestimate the number of no-life NEETs who are still playing wow or coming back for classic those people who will be at level cap after 5 day will surely be less that 1k people worldwide
True, but people do and will always seek optimal conditions within which to overcome challenges. This is like saying dungeon finder doesn't affect you in retail WoW since you can form your own groups.
I said the people who want to raid. I’m in a classic wow guild right now and we do leveling routes in private servers. I know what I said.
>4-5 days
Yeah no. Or did you plan to build your raid around 40 hunters that poopsocked to 60?
>This is like saying dungeon finder doesn't affect you in retail WoW since you can form your own groups.
What a terrible fucking analogy. A certain kind of person is going to seek optimal raid set ups (people gunning for world first), most people will be lucky to get 40 to turn up to their raids
what will you do while you wait for the next phase what was the point of rushing if you have nothing to do in the meantime and everyone will catch up to you
Asmongold have repeatedly said that vanilla was piss easy you retarded subhuman cuck.
The WR is a bit under 5 days /played on a hunter.
You're essentially saying that poopsockers will stay up for 5 days straight on launch.
>he doesnt share account with a chinese kid hes paying 1 dollar/hour to level while you sleep
World record is 3 days, though. You can hit 60 in 5 days if you know your routes and aren’t a retard. I’m in a hardcore guild, we hit 60s on private servers to optimize routes. The speed running community is larger than you think.
With how strict speedrunning conventions are, private servers would fall into a different category, maybe each server into its own category even.
>speed running community
>private servers
impossible to talk to you people when you think you know so much based on the improper versions private servers have offered you.
>Play Vanilla/TBC
>Dungeons weren't hard, but you had to tackle each group and use your crowd control abilities effectively
>Play a month during WoD, and later another month on a WotLK Private Server
>People literally just sprint to each boss, aggroing everything and then downing it in a huge group with no issues
>Someone pulls the entirety of the Scarlet Cathedral plus boss and we do fine
I don't know how much of it is "they made it easier" and how much is "it was easier than I remember," but it couldn't have been THAT easy.
A lot of people will seek optimal setup not because they want to gun for world firsts, but because they want to raid for only one night a week.
stop this bullshit man, the longest part of leveling was to findquest givers and learn where to go
everyone know everything about this game, people will chain dungeons like mad men and since they know exactly how the game works it will be a breeze.
will all the raids be available at day one?
it objectively wasn't piss easy though
>leveling through dungeons
lol enjoy your 15 days /played to max level
>Uploads hourly to over 9000 YouTube channels to game the algorithm
>You fall asleep to 1 MadSeasonShow, wake up and you've given him 5 hours of watch time
>Your YouTube recommendations are now fucked for weeks
>He leeches content from anyone with good commentary on the game
>He rains zoomer shitters all over your WoW classic servers
>Bots shill for him on Yea Forums
>He drives off into the sunset in Lamborghinis
People that only want to raid one night a week are going to progress slowly, whether or not they follow the meta of stacking warriors/rogues/mages. I don't doubt some guilds will slavishly follow the meta, I doubt their ability to find and maintain that perfect balanced 40 players without just taking along whoever will put their hand up
WotLK introduced copious amount of AoE threat shit for all tanks so once they geared past blues they shat on heroic dungeons
Reminder that WoW was always for casuals, and 95% of the playerbase in vanilla/tbc/wrath were zoomers
Hi soda, kill yourself you pink haired cuckold faggot. Kill asmon on your way out too.
What you need to understand is that most people who claimed to have played vanilla didn't actually play it.
As an example, most retards in this thread probably assume that the way raid gear progression goes is Ony->MC->BWL but they don't actually fucking realize that none of the content is gated.
Attunement to any 3 of those raids is independent to one-another and the only thing shitters could reliably do is maybe a few early bosses in MC as fresh 60s. Onyxia is a shitter check. The first few bosses in BWL are all shitter checks.
Private servers with wrong values have warped perceptions because bosses were genuinely easier. On Nostalrius for example, Ragnaros was way undertuned but guilds cleared it consistently enough to the point where fixing it would gate out those who started late, so they just left it as it was.
Of course, NONE of that even addresses how far boss and class mechanics addons have evolved since vanilla. I have friends who play retail who swear up and down that mythic+ is harder than vanilla. I'm inclined to believe them since Blizzard probably only got better at designing raid encounters..
...but at the same fucking time I see their addons glaring and shouting fucking everything for them to do for every single little middling mechanic. It's honestly just an arms race between raid designers and addon modders, and I can't honestly tell how easy or difficult the raids are because of these addons anymore.
vanilla had much less kids because you needed a credit card to buy gametime/sub, gametimecards werent readily available if at all at the launch of vanilla and there was no paypal or anything like that either. now i know i america everyone has a cc and uses it very liberal, but here in europe nobody had a credit card and most parents who had one wouldnt ever let their kids use it for shit like a 15 euro/month sub game. adding to that gaming laptops werent a thing back then and most home desktops werent built with gaming in mind, heck most households didnt even have a computer back then at all. so you could bet that the few autists that had credit card + a computer build for games + the time to fucking play it were all well above 20. i played vanilla on german servers and nobody way under 20 except if some older brother let his younger brother make a character but even that was rare because account sharing was a violation of the TOS and people took those more seriously than today. one of the reasons its impossible to go home for europeans, you will never have an mmo again where the average gamer is 20+
>Could have made WC4 and beyond
>chose autstical MMObux instead that aged like milk
what a waste
It literally says AQ/NAX
Sub games have always attracted an older crowd. Younger players get catered to in f2p games. I can guarantee you that the average player age on a sub game is 10+ years older than the average free to play/buy to play game player.
>og vanilla
>played gnome rogue
>6/8 bloodfang, claw of the black dragon, chromatically tempered sword
>doing zg runs to help friends stack coins
>actually get both twinblades of the hakkari
>start using them
>doing dogshit damage
>but they look cool and hang on my back in a crisscross X
>can't let go
I'm probably going to get those two shit tier weapons again
And I'm probably not going to swap them to anything better either
What's it like not being able to see you pp?
Remember to give mats, gold and gear to your streamer so everyone knows how skilled and badass he is for having such ha good gear and so much gold. Wow... Multiple gladiator challenger titles. That means a lot.
Who is more ebin? Soda or Asmon? I think Asmon is better in PvP because of the class he choose, but chance might be more fun in the bed, more submissive.
funny enough i think ESO has a higher average player age than wow or ff14 even thought the sub is optional. but youre right when it comes to f2p, its one of the reasons i avoid them all together
But he says that classic is easy?
Why would anyone assume onyxia before MC?
>95% of the playerbase in vanilla/tbc/wrath were zoomers
Zoomers were literally single digit age or not even born when vanilla came out user.
>Do people outside Yea Forums think streamers will fuck with classic? i'd imagine there would be a movement to gank top streamers nonstop until they logged out, not even irl celebrities had this much notoriety and gear funneling playing wow.
The problem is that irl celebrity probably actually did something to obtain it. I mean you can be literal pornstar and be a chill person.
Meanwhile if you're a streamer your EGO grows WAAAAAAY too high. Sissies and baldies keep calling others peasants and plebs all the time while they abuse and use bugs and exploits to ruin the game. Doing it offstream is actually a vanilla experience, but people were banned for it. Having the audacity to do it on stream... Their ego is so fucking High. They are sure Blizzard can do nothing about them because they run the game.
They are average or slightly better than average at best but they are so privileged and entitled to everything...
This guy apparently won't accept ANY druid into his guild because ALL THE LOOT BELONGS TO HIM AND HIM ALONE. He will probably kick rogues as well just a raid group full of warriors and clothies so he can take everything.
What an entitlement... Prepare for events and world boss's to be all about streamers.
You don't know the non-meme age between a boomer and non-boomers anyway
Fake vanilla player detected.
>tfw Alliance is now the minority faction
>all the drooling kids will be going Horde to join their favorite streamer
Oh baby!
99% sure of Oceanic servers lads. Something that didn't happen until panda xpac
>They are average or slightly better than average at best but they are so privileged and entitled to everything...
Disagree with this one, even swifty forgot how to stance change, and asmongold is just a bad player simple as. If he didn'thave such cringy humour, an ego, and make excuses when he lost simple because he wasn't good enough, he himself wouldn't be that bad.
zoomer is the word for gen Z.
the pvp was pretty good too
TBC was definitely the best version of wow
>didnt wipe on first SFK pull
the effects of DBM are highly over rated. Same as proc timers. Especially when raid design takes them into effect more or less. Vanilla raids are like driving stick on a busy Highway. Current raids are liking driving with paddle shifters around the Nurburgring. It definitely helps. But it is not a self driving Tesla, not even an automatic. and the difficulty was never in how you change gears.
Because they wouldn't know better.
In burning crusade for example you started off with Magtheridon and Kara as the first real raid instances, and wrath introduced you to raiding via a few solo boss dungeons (one purple dragon, one blue dragon) alongside revamped Naxx. The solo boss dungeons are typically the first ones people do.
They'd have to be massive cunts to not have oceanic servers for classic
>In burning crusade for example you started off with Magtheridon and Kara as the first real raid instances,
Gruul was before magtheridon. it went kara>gruul>mag, mag was way harder than the other two. The progression for vanilla is MC>ony>BWL, otherwise you skip all of tier 1.
>people did malygos before naxx
Are you retarded? The malygos attunement item dropped off sapphiron, the penultimate boss of naxxramas.
Why the fuck not play on the best patch
There's no reason to not pay $100/mo to Amazon for a couple of additional servers.
Ony is piss easy
what level should i be going into rfc? im scared, never done a vanilla dungeon
All raids before AQ are going to be on a 1.12 server.
Probably because ony is so easy it can be 5 manned.
Ony is easier than anything in mc.
mag was hard if you had morons for the clickers
gruul was a pita when no one knew how to spread out for shatter
>>high skill cap pvp
>root mele classes / hunters in dead zone
>spam moonfire and dots
>run around in travel from to get distance
jeez so hard, much skill... and for casters you don't even root
if this retard can do this so can you
No it isn't. Most bosses in MC literally do not do shit, it's tank and spank straight up. Onyxia has some mechanics, it may not be much but it's still enough to where none of the private servers managed to figure out how to fucking code her.
Mag just generally required bigger numbers than gruuls or kara.
I mean... if they REALLY wanted the vanilla feel, they'd give us our 300ms pings
Most of the bosses in MC were killed at about the same time as ony in vanilla, except rag which was killed 3 months after ony.
I solod it in vanilla as a rogue, so it can’t be that hard
OP is from a FFXIV PR marketing firm
This is pretty hilarious. I fought against some mages at lower levels who were specced 5/5 into imp AM and clearcasting on chinkdale. They would simply spam arcane missiles, and clearcasting would proc from each missile, when it should only proc from the first one. As a result, arcane missiles had an almost 50% chance to proc clearcasting and they could easily keep spamming it.
And those are the ones who say playing an arcane mage with arcane spells is viable in vanilla.
Just roll on a server without streamer if you are so obsessed, m8.
>I think Asmon is better in PvP
Assmonbald is terrible at PVP, he pays for carries on retail and has a dogshit PVE record on top of that, I have no idea why he is a figure in WoW, he excels at nothing but farming old dungeons. Soda at least had some legit PVP titles in his day, though doesn't make him any less of a cancerous faggot now.
>I have no idea why he is a figure in WoW
i think because he does funny faces.
what was the issue with arcane mage in classic wow? I can't remember. ironically I played a mage and raided AQ40/Naxx but remember none of it.
You literally just had arcane missiles, and it was not very mana efficient.
There high pop and one half full oceanic servers in the dead as fuck retail game currently, there is undoubtedly an oceanic audience, there's no way there won't be at LEAST one PVP and PVE oceanic server
A good guild idealizes 1 "DPS" druid, which they prioritize as an off-tank.
Most guilds have 5-7 rogues. They are slightly less popular this time around, but I doubt that will have drop the average enough for you to have noticeably less competition on your loot.
ONE Moonkin is fine, but from all of my own experiences the Moonkin is almost always reserved for the partyboy thats close friends with the GM or popular with the core of the guild. Moreso than any other class, its kind of funny. You better be naturally charming if you want even a remotely acceptable chance of finding a progressing guild without friends, and don't force it either because its probably something you're born with.
The truth though is that the 3% crit auras aren't enough and don't make a big enough difference in the rest of the raid's DPS to make up for bringing you over a stronger caster DPS.
How come every person seems to have played Naxx/AQ40, yet only someinthg like .8% of the pop that played vanilla even saw naxx? Are those autists still dwelling here or just a bunch of liers?
All of the above
Most of the elitist vanilla wow ben shapiro types are private server people who never played vanilla but played plenty on private servers.
you think someone would go on Yea Forums and tell lies?
Your only damaging spell is arcane missiles. It's not particularly mana efficient, and its damage is bad because it has no talents boosting it. Frost gets +6% damage, 100% crit multiplier, 10% crit, 6% hit. Fire gets ignite, 6% hit, +15% fire damage, +6% crit, +10% fire damage. Arcane gets 10% hit and that's it.
not going to play but im going to have a hell of a time watching threads about it when it comes out
because the only people who would bother wasting their time posting in these god awful shit threads arent the casual shitters who did god knows what if they werent raiding or doing serious pvp
Scarlet monastery?
M8 you could handle the cathedral, the highest level instance, with 39s if they had their shit together
3.5 sucks and pathfinder sucks even harder.
4e isn't that bad tho
private servers exist.
There are a bunch of liars.
There are a ton of people here who think about raiding, theorycraft about raiding, but never actually end up doing it. It's fairly easy to spot these types because how they view raiding is extremely simplistic. They never take the human element into account, but rather pretend that people are robots. Everyone always functions at maximum performance, no one makes mistakes, all numbers are optimized, etc. Whatever the best (private server) guild did is the norm, and in all cases the most optimal thing to do. Their fantasies are flawless, but the real world isn't.
And then there are people who did them on private servers.
Mages go 31/0/20 arcane frost. Only one mage specs Winter's Chill to buff the other mages, the full frost build does less damage but is great for mages who also like to PVP without respeccing so its not all that bad. You do this until you go fire
Well at least now we know what you consider yourself to be.
That's why I made the distinction further up saying arcane missiles arcane mage. Not that arcane frost is very good either, it's just because fire spells don't work in the first raids. It's part of
I find this mindset is prevelant with people who do actually raid. I was saying a few threads ago how every always says how easy raiding is. yet actual numbers suggest I am right in that they are hard. But is always "just don't stand in the glowing part" "dbm basically does it for you" and then they wipe 20x and repeat ot the next time.
The type I'm talking about will link some random speedrun from a private server, with people stacked in bis gear and world buffs, and then pretend every raid goes like that. In reality, there are a bunch of guilds whose members aren't all robots. They don't have everything optimized, they make mistakes, and they wipe. Even in the top end guilds you have people fuck up every now and then, which may lead to a wipe on a difficult encounter. Something like KT can very easily fuck you up if someone goes and chains a frost blast or something.
I tried playing in one of those robot guilds for a weekend, they were all very unpleasant people. I think this was on Elysium. They were kind of a joke on that server, wiped the whole weekend on the first boss in BWL before i left. And ppl made fun of them in world chat
I was actually really excited about Classic WoW because I was playing a lot on Elysium the private Vanilla Server I think back in.. 2017? And having a lot of fun!
I'm now looking at the situation and realize streamers may in fact sully this entire experience for basically everyone who isn't a streamer or one of their asmongoloid paypigs.
This is such an odd turn of events, truly.
TBC was the beginning of the end. Literally just ''go to uhhh Outland and kill these WC3 people because they're evil and crazy for some reason!''. Vanilla didn't fuck up the universe's lore and still managed to have interesting raids and dungeons.
the raids were actually easy but attempting to coordinate it with 40 people was the difficult part. finding 40 people who had a brain and were willing to raid every week was the real challenge, not the raid content itself.
Just play on a different server.
I find a lot of the "hardcore raid/robot" guilds unpleasant people in general. It's obviously fine to have a pre-set schedule for raids and confirm whether or not you can make it, but these "Nah forget your grand mothers funeral you HAVE to be here NOW!!" guilds are just fucking shit. I don't mind a guild that has its shit together and is well organized, but hate guilds that try to dictate what you do with your time.
If streamers don't, layering will anyway.
Because mechanics are barely relevant. The difficulty comes from the Gear/DPS checks, player management, the amount of time it takes (in preparation, not even just the time spent in the actual raid), the gold you have to spend, and luck.
Vanilla raiding IS difficult. The ones who advise against memespecs probably raided more than the ones spouting the "Vanilla isn't hard theres only 1 mechanic" meme.
Worst is raids are going to be noticeably more difficult in Classic than in private servers.
>I'm now looking at the situation and realize streamers may in fact sully this entire experience for basically everyone
why? just dont play on their server
Here are some good examples of how even top end guilds manage to wipe in places like MC. Someone just fucks up hard.
No, no, no, no, see I thought the same thing originally, "Just don't play on their server. Ezpz. Non-issue." Sadly untrue. It won't work like that because of this: Sharding is going to make it so servers will constantly be 'loosely' connected and 'layering' over one another so any streamer is more or less one battle.net friend invite away from having his entire stream and chat invade your server for whatever inane fucking thing he plans on doing that day to get people to donate bits.
fellow mages, does clearcasting in 1.12 proc based on per cast or per mob hit?
What the fuck? That's not how layering works.
100% on cast. you can hard cast a pyro and then use the clear casting on the pom pyro you use the next global before it hits. I did this a lot to "outskill" people back then, I thought I was hot shit.
Dunno if anyone has tested it in beta, but in vanilla it was 100% per cast. You can look at something like this
with like 50 mobs in his aoe, clearcasting should be proccing with each spell if it was per mob hit.
Are you retarded?
>Soda at least had some legit PVP titles in his day, though doesn't make him any less of a cancerous faggot now.
meaningless titles, they were in Cata right? lol
but he acts like a big hot shoot when it comes to vanilla while he never even played vanilla
Not to mention he runs around crying about how hard it is to play druid and how high skill cap is for druid. Meanwhile all he does is run around in travel from spamming from time to time moonfire and roots... as a 30 level twink who had twitch slaves funnel gold mats and gear to him... while pvping a 20lvl regular players... holy shit you can't make that up.
Yesterday he literally cried about and begged for gear because muh turnament and he is the best but druid is the hardest, meanwhile he will just root any warrior and moonfire spam him to death with no problem
I was 13 when I played vanilla on release.
Do I play a mage again to see how it feels when I’m not a complete retard, or go warlock to have a different experience?
Either way I’m going to run a paladin alt for eventual healing
i thought this was a troll at first but i really do think the people afraid of the streamer boogeyman could actually be this retarded, its insane how devoted they are to finding a reason they cant enjoy the game
Keep sucking Blizzard Cock. Layering is Just sharding with a different name. Retard
play a mage, easier to farm gold, higher dps. Its just better.
I just mean that he at least played his character to those titles, asmongoloid has people play his acc. But yes Soda is an absolute faggot and I hope to god he has a painful experience from campers
Call it whatever you want, but that's not how it works, retard.
>Yesterday he literally cried about and begged for gear
>asmongoloid has people play his acc.
nah, he did self play but he played with tournament players.
>was poor my entire vanilla life
>decide this time around to do a mage and aoe farm from 52-60 in DM and be rich as hell
>realise its not out for several months on release
fuckkkkkkkk. Are there any other decent instanced ways to farm as a mage on release?
Not really, I've been in guilds that raided for only one or two days a week and were at the top of their game. Obviously you can't compete with split farmers and stuff, but average/"casual" guild? You're much better off than they are.
t. Revisionist faggot that never played classic
Sure MC was just a slog with simple mechanics but you act lile BWL wasn't a thing, where even the first fucking boss was completely different and more complex than Molten Core combined.
I've never seen anyone pretend to care about iron man past it being robert downey jr.
This will happen again but in BRD, in MC, in BWL in NAXX. He will beg for gear and every single time everyone will just pass it for him because he will cryyyyy and ban you from his stream.
I wish this faggot played on the same server as Apes so they could corpse camp him for eternity
too bad, you can't corpse camp with layering.
MC maybe, but when you start wiping on Vael repeatedly because some fag is hoovering the gear up, people start losing their patience quickly.
wow you're right there really is no way to lock down one of these eceleb faggots until layering is gone
There have been people streaming WoW since streaming was a thing you autists.
They won't ruin anything, most you will see is some dude shouting shit in the major cities when they do an community event or the like.
It's hilarious how this forced boogieman became accepted truth so quickly, just so you faggots can have a s scapegoat when a 15 old game wont be the golden bliss you desperately hope it will be.
>Pretending streaming back then is the same as what "streaming" is now
Fuck off zoomer
People have been streaming WoW big time since atleast cata and I've never the weight of any of it not even Legion, the last time I played this shit.
>There have been people streaming WoW since streaming was a thing you autists.
>They won't ruin anything,
and how many people were watching them? 100? 200?
Now Baldmongold and Noskillpoppin have 50K+ watching and hundreds of thousands zoomers who care wether they wash their balls that day or not.
>People that only want to raid one night a week are going to progress slowly
It's vanilla. Progression consists of one shotting most of the raid and wiping a few times on the hardest bosses. Even back in retail vanilla guilds were clearing everything the first week, they'd only get stopped by bosses that forced you to farm (4h) and bosses that were bugged (c'thun).
this, it was about endurance, you have to endure raiding with idiots and then 0.3% drop chance of an item 10 other people will roll.
The original streamers were just live recordings of their gameplay, maybe SOMETIMES with commentary.
Now a quarter of the screen is their big retard mug, the other 3/4's is covered in a meme design with half the screen blocked by a chat filled with retards spamming emojis, and screeching like spastics while zoomers give them free money to get their name said. It's not even close.
Again that has been a thing since cata and you won't see any of it aside from the occasional guild meetup in OG or IF.
It's actually pathetic how hard you people are willing to believe this just to have a scapegoat ready.
>Again that has been a thing since cata
Who were some of the 30k+ streamers during cata?
probably only cockinasspooppin, but that's interesting by coincidence are you trying to imply the more streamer "culture" grew with army of zoomers the more shit WoW became?
It's been like that for the last 6 years or so. I can't believe how you people sound like television news, hopping on an old fad pretending it is suddenly the devil.
I'm fucking 32 but you people make me feel like a teenager compared to your jaded pretend oldfaggotry.
I'm going to gank sreamers so fucking hard
Playing the doubles advocate, Cata was when the retarded people joining from Wrath really started to become noticeable, so anyone following a streamer would barely be noticed among the idiot tide.
Having said that, I seriously doubt anyone Wrath/Cata babby tier would last until 20 anyway, so it’s a moot point.
If a streamer brings in an idiot that’s willing to learn, that’s no different from when vanilla, which had plenty of idiots who eventually learned.
It went to shit with the ICC patch period. Streamers getting big has nothing to do with that.
>It's been like that for the last 6 years or so.
I'm not talking about the past 6 years am I you fucking knuckle dragger?
>requests one of his 30,000 viewers party him and port him to a new layer
nothing personnel kid
Layering is gonna be removed after the first few weeks tho...so your argument is moot?
Yeah and my point is streamers being big has nothing to do with how shit WoW has gotten. If classics sucks in your current eyes or not wont be impacted by some streaming faggot and his cronies
>I have no idea why he is a figure in WoW
>has a dogshit PVE record
>excels at nothing but farming old dungeons
Lets not pretend that there something more left to do in retail
>I'm going to gank sreamers so fucking hard
you think you will be able to get through their bodyguards?
This won't remove my joy in gank him at least once.
>retard doesn't know how layering g actually works
Why are you faggots always so smug yet so retarded?
>requests his fanboy guild army come and camp you in exchange for a call out on his stream
sorry kid
>people think horde will be fun
imagine you have somebody like this on your server.
More like useless cuckguards lmao
Just get 3 pompyro mages and snipe the guy.
>ppl who don't realize its sodas "thing" to act childish and his friends are just taking the piss because they know rogue should get the sword thingy anyway
>le he's just acting dude
You know ur a cuck when u complain about cool bosses
if u watched his stream you would know. Of course he's a actor he's a streamer with thousands of viewers
Dude, what the fuck are you on about? It's not like with Paladins where you could get reckoning and a bunch of other high-value goodies at the same time before. Mages get so many things baseline after the rework 0/0/0 is almost equivalent to an earlier full spec.
Cut to this week when two different streamers finished Cath with lvl 30s in the beta.
Fucking hell.
>get even more idiots to gank
I’m not seeing the issue
Yes, it's a guild of nothing but hunters, all going to break the WR, and all going to do meth to stay up until they hit 60 without sleeping or eating. That's what you have to do if you want to "do raids" now. MC is soooo hard.
>le I was only pretending being retarded
He is genuinely a man child who would die under a forklift in some warehouse or burn his face off working in McDonalds if not gay twink culture rising up and carrying his stream.
Same reason Hafthor would be the smallest person on /fit/, or Einstein the dumbest man on /sci/. This is just a really elite site.
I cant fucking decide between Rogue or Hunter. After tanking for so long, I just want to have a laid back, relaxed time and wpvp.
Rogue is for you then. Vanish is probably the most fun spell to use when pvping. Imagine you getting ganked in STV by 3 40s when you're only 32 and being able to escape and follow them around until they pull too many mobs to get revenge on one of them and then vanish again. Some rambo shit.
>laid back, relaxed time
roll a hunter and just afk auto shot during mc
You’ll have to tranq shot and pull stuff.
How do you deal with DoTs though? Just kill the faggot before he kills you?
i played those 2 and i say rogue is way more fun. Hunter is too easy and on-rails, you can mess with ppl more as a rogue
you die when you get dotted. so don't get dotted
Literally every class has a dot. Even druids.
they can't dot you if there dead
It's called a bindi you bigot
Seething zoomer, kneel dog
Wow, just wow.
So. Much. This.
As a Rogue, you either open up on them and kill them, or you die. That's basically it. If they're half dead when they leave their first stun you are already winning. SL Locks are cancer though.
Someone get this man an inhaler before he croaks. Asthma so bad he even types in it.
how do 1.12 talents affect the 10-30 dungeon experience exactly? the main things that changed were the 31 point skills and max level itemisation improved
sure some dungeon drops went from green to blue but taskmaster axe being blue when staff of westfall exists isn't really a big deal
Should i recreate my Gnome Lock, or should i try something different? Rolling a Warrior seems fun. Never tried tanking before.
Enjoy your tranny ridded erp guild niggerfaggot
Only thing im gonna be inhaling is your mom's pussy, fag
post guild names
I never tanked in Vanilla, but you have to be pretty serious about it if you want to come out ahead from what I heard, it's not really something "casual". Someone who actually tanked during vanilla might want to correct me though.
The thing about private servers is that they’re free. I prefer to have that $15 barrier of entry.
You don't get dotted in the first place. When you see someone is STV assume they will gank you and stealth instantly to gank them first.
Glad you made it, son. Had me worried there.
Since the curse is better, could Arcane + Warlock come out ahead of fire/frost mages?
It's very easy. Problem is you'll be the one picking up the slack for the most part, and there's only so much CC breaking, focusing the wrong targets, ninjapulling, and pet growls that you are equipped to deal with.
>Play free game
>Retards everywhere
>Play game that costs literal pocket change
>Amount of retards reduced by 95%
Interesting effect
>tfw east coast na and honestly might roll on the eu servers so i can play with eu friends while simultaneously avoiding streamers and ecelebs on na
well, basically you have to find elemental resistance gear to cap certain bosses so it requires some dedication. Tanking wasn't hard back then aside of that if everyone in the raid wasn't retarded, you just had to learn the strats the right way.
Probably not, you just don't deal enough damage with your crits
no changes my friend
lv40s are going to see your stealthing ass, especially if one of them is human or hunter.
Flaring rogues is one of the moet satisyfing things in the game
Doesn't most shit have way worse arcane res than fire or frost though?
Bug mount for bugman. Felels good.
I want to live in the timeline where he just misses out and hangs himself on stream
If there's any justice in this world he will be relentlessly camped as he grinds all the necessities for it. And if he rolls on a PVE server then that just confirms how much of a useless faggot he is and should go back to farming mounts
If you can play with decent ping and deal with EU times, i say go for it.
The only video of his i watched was that thing where he got assraped by the Horde at the Arathi boarder. i believe he mentioned something like "I won't be able to play on a pvp server" so theres that
Thanks for the responses. What race is the best for tanking Horde side? I really love the look of Undead Warrior but that Tauren Racial was total health in Vanilla correct? Seems like a good racial for tanks
Then go UD. 5% HP is nice. War stomp is nice. Wotf is nice. Cannibalize is amazing while leveling/farming.
how does it feel to know those streamers make more money in a month than you do in years
It's always nice to have Americans in our euroguilds.
Guide to the Classic WoW phases:
Preperation and hype, what faction/class/race/etc lets talk about going home!
Release, leveling from 1-30. It's bad, but not as bad as vanilla because of sharding(sorry, LAYERING). It's a bit tiresome, but hey this is what we wanted right?
Leveling from 30-60, the shine has officially worn off. Turns out that dying on a kill 20 undead felboars quest is not as immersive as we thought. I wish i could just skip to 60 like all the poopsockers. I can't quest anymore, i just want to grind but i keep getting ganked, why are there so many people in winterspring..
Assuming you made it to 60, you get a fresh start. New dungeons to explore, you can take your time to get BiS, and even if you're stuck in your raiding/dungeon spec most of the time, this is a time of reprieve. Little do you know that getting ready for phase 5 is the last time you'll enjoy the game. Start getting used to being locked into a raid spec.
Raiding and farming consumables. At this point the game turns into three things: farming gold, spamming 1-2 rotations in raids, and realizing that PvP is ruined by premades and you either just farm pugs in their GY or queue dodge. This is where you realize that you're basically locked into 1 spec forever.
AQ40, Naxx. This is where all the people that didn't quit, will quit. The gold and time requirement to spam frostbolt in these raids is ridiculous. The only other thing to do is grind rank 14 and even with account sharing that is possibly the most tedious task in this game. Other than the 40 people on your server that took a break from OSRS to down KT, few normies will ever surrender enough to see this phase through. Because it just isnt worth it.
I have a feeling the class will be poisoned by retail players coming over. It's the highest pop class on retail and one of the easiest to level on classic, giving even shitters the highest chance of getting to max. Meanwhile there isn't a ton of room to "stand out" from them since the class offers so little. Enjoy being assumed furry on site.
>lowest population class so you will walk into gear
Turns out a lot of people are interested in playing druid, but most of them will end up rerolling. It's a SHIT class, granted you can be an absolute demon at fucking with melee classes in PvP, but most players don't have the brain power for that.
*pops fap*
nothing personnel
I hope he is gonna get it taken from him just to see him cry like a little bitch because he feels entitled to have it as a streamer
All of these salty ass faggot boomers in this tread make me sick.
Holy fuck pic related.
>T.twitch fag
wipe that streamer cum off your mouth you're disgusting.
#Iphone filenames
farm the brd arena bonus points if you sell runs to hunters for the epic chest
imagine siting here all day writing up essays such as this one just to countersignal some game you don't like. big yikes.
If you think that's an essay, you probably didn't make it far in school.
Of its not a essay it’s a blog, tldr kys rootypoo
>don’t roll pvp server
Solved phase 3 for you
I'm sure some doofuses will end up getting killed by him, either on purpose to feed his killcount, or accidentally because they vastly overestimate how good they are at the game.
It's roodypoo you dumb peanut butter. Thanks for reading my blog. Fag.
>made a lot of specs PVE viable that were really not before
I wouldn't call token Shadow/Retribution/Enhancement/Arms viable, you basically only want 1 of each per raid since they lagged behind everyone else
Ladies and gentlemen, your average WoW player in 2019.
Fucking idiots, all of you.
yeah na dungeons werent hard, just required a modicum of intelligence and patience
Exactly how I feal. I want some kind of restriction having to play with every free to play fag that just wants to get on the game and act like a complete ass for shits and giggles. People actually paying for a sub will more than likely actually want to play the game and not just play to act like an douche bag.
>>tons of people trying to play druid because "super hard in vanilla"
They tend to be lowest picks in strawpolls.
Sometimes palas are lower than them, but if you account for faction druids would still be less common than paladins in the alliance.
I never got killed by him
These fuckers on other hand, these were the real killers
Are you sure? Heirlooms are not a thing anymore and vanilla lvling gear is lmfao tier bad.
I never got killed by these guys, even while leveling as a warrior when I was a 15 years old retard. Are they just a meme or what, does the average player run in town like a sperg and pull four at once?
They did high damage for their level and during the escort mission they could chain pull like a bitch, since the idiot kept plowing through.
It’s why grouping up was mandatory.
Were u on a very populated server?
The only places it will filter out are Eastern Europe and South America. You still have to deal with Chinese gold farmers, botters, and the average retard who posts on the WoW forums who is infinitely more unbearable than some poor slav who mostly keeps to himself and private channels for his language.
Nah, it just makes me sad that perfectly good characters got ruined and killed off for no reason. Poor Kael even got murderated twice.
that's fair, if they take this vanilla thing make new servers for each expansion, while allowing for sending old characters to the next expansion server, i should hope they wait long enough and only annouce they're doing it after multiple raid guilds finish naxx and shit like that.
They were already evil in TFT, retard. They literally at one point pledge allegiance to Kil'jaeden. Just because you play from their point of view doesn't mean they weren't evil, you played from the point og view of Arthas too, for fucks sake.
Kael'thas was not at any fucking point evil.
>Are they just a meme or what, does the average player run in town like a sperg and pull four at once?
Blizzard released back in 2005, or 2006 the mobs that killed the most players in vanilla, deadliest mobs.
various westfall mobs like the defias pillagers were way up there.
Atlerac Valley mobs were pretty common too.
at no point in tft were they ever evil. they only pledged allegiance to big red after he caught illidan trying to run away, it obviously wasn't genuine. that should go double for kael since kj was directly responsible for destroying his people and putting him in that situation in the first place.
He literally became a minion of the Burning Legion at the end of the blood elf campaign in TFT.
So you're saying he pledged himself to Kil'jaeden in TFT out of desparation and the desire to save his people? AKA the exact same reason he did it in TBC?
but DUDE
Roll dorf.
>become evil
>make various appearances in front of adventurers collecting dogshit
>hole up in flying castle
>die comically
>hole up in island castle
>die comically
It's like I'm reading capeshit. Kael would have been okay if he actually acted like a great magus instead of a comical villain.
>retailfags seething so hard about Classic that they make up bullshit stories about private servers
>400 replies
feels good to never played WoW even once
I can see you fags making a board to complain about that. Not that different from digging up 10 hour dead posts to cry over.
The hologram guy wasn't even Kael'thas you speedwatching retard, it was a minion of his, the guy you kill in one of the TK dungeons. The capeshit you pretend to hate is literally made for people with your attention span.
>People actually paying for a sub will more than likely actually want to play the game and not just play to act like an douche bag.
You say that, but there have been oceans of utter twats on WoW. It really doesn't mean much.
Asmongold > every mongoloid in this thread
lol I hope you losers play on his servers so we can gank you shitters 24/7
fucking pathetic cucks, go play a girl and fap to her, its the only way youll ever be happy hahahha
fucking pathetic excuses for humans the lot of you, Asmongold fucks bitches left and right, straight 10/10 with over 3 million dollars net worth, what do you have going for yourself? a fucking burger flipper job at The Big Kahuna lmfao
> Just look at avengers, almost no one before the MCU knew about iron man, and now people are the biggest fans ever.
Ok. And? People became fans of Iron Man and RDJs portrayal of him. How DARE THEY?
Only zoomers care about streamers one way or the other.
warlock or mage. which is more fun? im a shitter btw
Not only that the video makes it seem like they won because of superior tactics when it's a clear case of superior numbers (the only thing that matters)
Nobody will respect you as either class but hunter will get slightly more respect if you know how to kite elites.
nobody cares, fag
>Respecting people
>For the class they play in an MMO
What the actual fuck
You clearly never experienced Hunter loot.
both are fun. warlock gives you more 'space' because of the pets and heals.
Shitter warlock: ez to kill
Shitter mage: still have to catch the fucker
What if SwoleBenji lead a Yea Forums and /vg/ guild? He's lead a 1000+ member guild in Cata before that was hugely successful.
He's not a Raid Chad so if you're into raiding and leading raids you can totally do that and he wouldn't fuck with you in the slightest.
He is a PvP Chad so if you're into that you and him could do some epic in-game trolling.
He's the most Chad'est person here so you wouldn't have to worry about cliques forming like all the other wannabe Discord groups popping up around here. (Believe me, I've checked them. The second you step into their parlor you get targeted by the blue pilled incels to the point the Discord madmin bans you from all the main rooms.)
There would be some rules to the guild though, and if you have a problem with them you wouldn't be welcomed. It is a rule set for all good vidya guilds to follow:
- No Women (Grill gaymo's ruin guilds and a sense of brotherhood. Get your e-girl pussy elsewhere.
- No little kids (Immaturity, lack of availability, brings groups down through lack of development.)
- No trannies (Hormones are out of whack.)
- No old people (Unless they're really based and redpilled of course. We don't need oldcucks trying to be our dads.)
- No homos. (Hormones out of whack.)
I've done similar things with Yea Forums in the past. There WILL be third worlders / poo-in-the-loo's / dark nigs / Mexicunts / Amerifags / Europoors as those are the MAJORITY of people that post here.
You'd be free to say / do whatever the fuck you want and not worry about a /gkick (even if you ninja loot randos, say the N word, grief and troll daily) and you'd have a bunch of based bros to play / raid with, assuming people are on board. You'd have a Discord where you'd never be kicked / muted / banned for being autistic. You'd absorb redpills and other manly things from SwoleBenji and would become based and redpilled simply by proxy.
We'd change landscapes of the internet, work towards the common goal of BTFO'ing streamcucks and twitch thots.
Retail might be shit but imagine replaying vanilla, what a fucking waste of a time just stop playing mmos all together then.
iI have never raided so no i have not. I'm guessing its easy to get because no one plays hunter? Or the other way around?
I don't see any significant buffs.
Back in the day, hunters shared a lot of gear with other classes, and (ostensibly) benefited from a number of different stats for different abilities. This led to hunters having a reputation for being greedy little bastards who roll need on every piece of gear, regardless of how much they actually benefit from the stats and how much more useful it would be for a different class.
BRB rolling a hunter rn that fits my archetype perfectly.
playing vanilla for a year and then quitting sounds more fun than playing bfa and not having any fun ever only for them to cram the next zero fun expansion down my throat for 40 dollars
Not him but at launch every class was half broken and every class got a patch dedicated to fixing them
Godspeed, user. Make sure you constantly argue that pet tanking works at all levels on all content.
Don’t forget to have your pet on aggressive, and under no circumstances dismiss it when taking a short cut
> Jumping down to Rend's area
> Hunter forgot to dissmiss pet.
Warlock levelling is probably easier overall, but mages have an easier time in instances
>take gnomeregan shortcut
>”huh, that’s weird, I’m not leaving combat”
>youtube.com/watch?v=kLp_Hh6DKWc starts playing
>mfw resigning myself to the sweet embrace of death
Yes, but some of the brokenness also made it easier.
Warlocks for example could do obscene damage back when Curse of Shadows allowed negative resistances.
fuck off benji
This thread has given me nostalgia about hunters and druids being the butt of all jokes everytime always
>Long ago, a little gnome came to Desolace. He had horses and a cart, and the cart held strange things. Funny things. Things that burned different colors. Things that moved and weren't alive.
>I killed the little gnome, but before that... he made me laugh.
Also, thank you. Now i actually know what that fucking song is called lol.
The virgin Classic WoW: I can't wait to play classic on bfa engine and eats blizzars shit
The boomer vanilla WoW: I played in real vanilla and I can't wait for classic WoW. Thanks so much blizzard for finally listening to us!
The chad "Blizzard has been dead since 2008" vanilla veteran god gamer: "Don't you guys have phones?"
I always found the kobolds wrapped in spider silk twitching more disturbing
You suck at being funny.
If you can only half ass it, don’t try.
cringe blizzard shit eater
Threadly reminder that the one true path in classic is to roll a nelf priestess healslut and find your tank daddy. Because messy facials > worthwhile racials.
>Professor Putricide is basically Farnsworth
Jesus, why does this game include so many forced memes?
>They don't like my post they must be the enemy
Nah you just suck
Find a game without pop culture references made after 2010. Protip, you can't.
weak samefag but okay
nice reddit spacing too, go back to r/classicwow
esfand is a fucking blast to watch
yikes, no thanks tranny
All wrong tryhard cringelord
I was gonna go druid, but I'm just gonna roll a priest, rogue and warrior instead. Druids have really minimal toolkits for all of the classes they represent. I'm gonna level the priest and rogue in between rested exp and then twink out the warrior through leveling later.
I suck balls all day just because I like it so much.
>UBRS key opening service is like 100g
where the fuck did we go so wrong
Anyone retarded enough to pay that deserves everything they get.
Consider it a tax on stupidity.
... what.
Illidan and Kael were not evil, they were just questionable. Sure, they did some nasty things, but never killing for the sole reason of complete extermination like the Scourge and the BL. They always had other goals, they were anti heroes. Illidan wanted to become stronger so he could woe Tyrande. Then, after being banished by Furion, he goes to Outland to rid it of demons and use it as a hiding place from the BL. Selfish? Sure. Evil? Hell no.
Kael always did everything to protect and save his people, which is why he pledged his allegiance to Illidan. Both just going crazy in TBC was really stupid, especially for Kael who went from ''my people above all'' to selling their souls, attacking Silvermoon and ''YOU WILL ALL DROWN IN YOUR OWN BLOOD! THE WORLD SHALL BURN! RAAAAAHHH!''.
Tldr; TBC lore is shite and doesn't match up with WC3/TFT