How do you make a game that's already about war and shooting people "dark"?
How do you make a game that's already about war and shooting people "dark"?
They meant literally, it's going to be filled with black people.
Add on screen cinematic deaths of allies, torture, dismeberment and homophobia/sexism.
make it like Spec Ops The Line
If there is, I bet it will be coming from white soldiers and not from any Muslim
By making it about current day politics instead of B movie tier shootbangs and nuke explosions.
They went too far into fantasy and now are trying to go back and ground it. Although it won't be anything remotely close to being truly redpilled.
Low lighting plus black soldiers.
You depict the muslim caliphate hurling gays from the tops of buildings and the blue haired dykes apologizing as their new islamic overlords (see: husbands) beat them to death in the ruins of America.
Black Ops 1 was the darkest CoD game, no surprise it was the best. WaW is a very close second, and is also very dark in tone.
By making bad choices that are actually good choices because of fictional circumstances
Can't wait to carpetbomb the fuck out of Tehran, lads
B movie tier shootbangs and nuke explosions >>>> current day politics just so we're clear
Yeah, the way things are calling a gay soldier a sissy would be the darkest thing ever.
Imagine them making a game about post lostby3millionvotesbutstillgotelectedpresident man's America and chaos and riots int he streets because of a fascist government. It would resonate with a lot of people.
you kill innocent muslim terrorists and it makes you feel bad so you have to drink onions
I would unironically like a game of any kind about an american youth civil conflict of political internet retards fighting for their memeballs
In all the other CoD games you shoot faceless bad guys. In this one they'll explore deeper themes of war and violence. Modern "warfare" will focus on the new face of warfare, terrorism. They will show civilians being the ones getting hurt and shot and murdered rather than faceless grunts. Modern Warfare will be more gray than staunchly black/white like in the past. There will be more chapters like the one in 4 where the nuke goes off. More than likely they'll do something like "No Russian" but flip on its head. Rather than shooting up an airport which is obviously bad, you'll be tasked with killing some high priority target. You'll infiltrate some compound, calling in drone strikes and air support as usual, then when you get to the target - surprise it's some dude with his wife and kids, you've been murdering civilians this whole time. We saw in the trailer you play as a cop fighting terrorists.
Imagine being such a triggered snowflake you see a black woman in a trailer and proceed to have a literal meltdown all over the internet about how not mad you are.
Imagine not understanding the electoral college
Pretty easily? Make it less about FUCK YEAH SPECIAL FORCES SAVE THE DAY hollywood bullshit and make it about the gritty morally grey reality of fighting terrorism (or being the terrorist) in the modern world.
Have sex
Imagine being such a snowflake you are having melt down a thread.
>be forced to do thing
>dude look at what you've done
so deep
Is a myth even the greeks knew it was a load of shit.
just turn off your brain bro and embrace the feelz
Which the US never adopted
you couldve stopped playing :^)
>releasing october 25th
so it's going to be shit
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Isn't that already a game?
Yes but this is a new darker game
Don't glorify the war or make it a subliminal recruitment ad
Is Fornite “dark” to you as well?
But why reuse the name? I'm sure there's plenty of war related titles they could make up.
Black Ops 3 is actually the darkest. Cyberpunk-like dystopian future, your character gets mauled near to death in the beginning and the rest of the game is a dying dream where you live through the last memories of Taylor after he jacks into you attempting to save your life, those memories mostly involving all his squad dying mission by mission and experiencing their last moments. The mission with the girl simulating a WW2 battle and being swarmed by a horde of zombies in what is essentially her having a dying nightmare, and the whole frozen forest, everything slowly become more insane as you get closer to death.
It got pretty dark when Bunker Jonesy ate his friend to stay alive
The same reason they named Ghostbusters that movie with the women, brand recognition.
Dim the lighting. Duh.
Just constant war crimes but people keep justifying it somehow.
Because it is supposed to literally be about Modern Warfare
Even if you're going to be sent straight to Iran
It would be the first CoD I've bought since Black Ops 1 if they did that. Sad that (((Activision))) would never allow it.
>Assad isn't evil
back to syria general kid
That shit is retarded.
Nowhere near as dark as Reznov being forced to watch Dimitri (Russian protag from WaW) being poisoned to death, just so Dragovic could see how Nova Gas worked first hand.
u mad
>can't handle the truth.
Blacks rob and kill. Muslims throw gays off buildings. And you suck cock. It is what it is. Your hurt feelings won't change the truth.
Assad did nothing wrong. Stop watching FOX and CNN.
But that's racist
cope bugmen
no way fag
Assad did plenty wrong but that’s fucking war. Don’t try and lie to people about it, just say he’s the best hope for a stable Syria and not a guerilla controlled oil barony like Iraq has been for the past decade.
I want to shoot civilians. There aren't enough games where you can slaughter innocents. The No Russian sequence in Modern Warfare 2 changed me in the worst way. GTA 5 is probably the only thing that comes close. I hope is game is a return to that.
I don’t give a shit about campaign shit just make sure the multiplayer is fun
by not putting in chicks with robo arms
>playing COD for the multiplayer
imagine having this low IQ
I want a "No Sand Nigger" scenario in a mosque.
>playing games with niggers, spics, and spoiled kids
Just because a game is about war and shooting people doesn't mean it is trying to be dark. Most COD games focus on being fun and badass, it doesn't have to specifically focus on the darkest aspects of war and give a close up it's effects. Shooting people and getting points for it and killstreaks isn't exactly "dark" and the games go like an aciton movie.
You first, Reddit
>misses the point
>attempts critique
the game will revolve around a "strong female character" who is also a sandnigger
you draw your own conclusions as to how this game will turn out
won't be buying it, just like every cod since black ops 2 i have little interest
>no season pass
>all maps will be free
Man all they need now is a server browser and maker for independents and they'd unironically garner a pc market
Were not doing this gay shit again. The point you're trying to make isnt there
This is 12 year old news user, why are you posting it now?
Looks pretty dark, literally can't see shit in that screenshot.
1. Main character's wife/son/daughter dies tragically.
2. A bunch of characters are killed off all at once, Game of Thrones-style.
3. Villain is portrayed as a sick freak despite being only kind of weird or perhaps even cartoonishly evil.
Honestly, there are a hundred ways to go about this considering normalfags don't exactly have high standards for what they consider "dark" theming. The dudebros will eat it up.
>shit's literal Saving Private Ryan knockoffs but not too dramatized
>basically a modern action movie, one of the main characters die
>a character from the first game dies horribly in the follow-up
>a playable character dies per game, and pretty much everyone but Price dies
>almost everyone can die if you fuck up
>[japanese ellipses]
>"this is gonna be the darkest MW yet"
Hadn't they already made like 3 modern warfare games and several "remasters(*)" of them too?
The point is there, it's just that you're either too dumb to put a simple but nice narrative together or you're being willfully obtuse.
I have no blacks in my country and there's still robbery and murder.
If you had no black in yours nothing would've changed.
Only a remaster of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This is a reboot of MW altogether for a new story because MW3 had literal World War III and global catastrophe, so unless they wanted to retread Ghosts which was a failure, there wasn't much option but to reboot.
Hello gypsy. How's Romania this time of year?
Oh no...
Nah, white guys in shooter games can do no wrong. They're always the good guys. The one exception to this would be if the villains are also white men, like in the older Call of Duty games.
What are you talking about, Russians are almost always the bad guys
every villain in a shooter is a white guy.
Why do I have a feeling these sjw soys are just getting ready to put the whole "why are the enemies Muslims instead of white guys, LOOK at the christchurch attack!!!"
but price is there? so are you playing as soap again?
I think he was shitposting.
>The one exception to this would be if the villains are also white men
How bad is your ADD that you couldn't even make it to the third sentence
Always fails when to much power is given to the poor and ignorant.
Has a video game reboot ever worked? I honestly can't think of a single example. A lot of people thought Twilight Princess was going to be a Zelda reboot when the teaser first appeared online, and it probably would have worked if Miyamoto hadn't come out and said it was an Ocarina of Time sequel.
Whos having a meltdown and there wans't a nigger women in the trailer?
That's exactly the point I was making.
>that one guy that's waiting for a sequel to ghosts' story
So far as usual it's the sjw snowflakes crying about this game.
What post did I miss?
>LOL whats wrong white nazi, can't handle a little diversity in your games?? what a snowflake ha ha!
Mass reply spammer
>game is purposefully shit
like woah man
>the game will revolve around a "strong female character" who is also a sandnigger
already shown that its price not some sjw shit.
Activison knows this game can't bust so they are throwing out all the basedboy shit and making a real game.
Honestly the entire plot was a mess. From riding a submarine into a lake. to inconsistencies in where the "Federation" were in their America takeover, to pretending to be post-apocalypse but not really, to the idea that the entirety of South America could create an army to take over North America and infiltrate space, to the amazonian torture techniques garbage. It's like the most hilarious trainwreck attempt at pulp fiction as a b-movie with a high budget.
I thought pic related was alright. Not as good as the original, but still worth playing.
there is.
I'm at a point where I don't really care the race gender of a character so long as they're not a poorly constructed SJW mouthpiece and are well written/likable.
>no one says anything
>start freaking out
schizo kike
Racism is good.
Racism is literally proven by science and to deny it you have to shut down parts of your brain.
What he say?
No, you are thinking of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Lol I love it that we're at the point that Lefties are watching things thinking about how others might react to things they are seeing.
Jesus you people are sad.
thanks user.
oh Looked like man to me.
Wait a minute, you're saying that there's actually some truth to stereotypes?
The entire premise was too stupid to take seriously. Venezuela somehow unites all of South America and turns the fragmented, backwards mess that is South America into a futuristic sci-fi world, complete with a Space Force, within like 10 years while the US jacks off and does nothing? Are you serious?
The "invasion" plot was retarded. What the fuck happened to the US? Did everyone in the US except your protagonist and the military guys he's with suddenly die as soon as uber Venezula crossed the border? Why would uber Venezula ravage the entire US and turn it into Mad Max when keeping everything running but making sure all of the money goes to them would be a much better idea?
The whole game is a mixture of various plot points and ideas they were far too inept to tie in believably.
only people I see crying are as usual the left. Yourself included.
>Should this particular game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, be made? The small glimpse I’ve seen of it so far tells me no.
you could have just stopped playing.
They have also said you play as an "Arab freedom fighter" which probably just means terrorist and might end with you suicide bombing somewhere.
pretty sure the remaster of CoD 4 is called call of duty: modern warfare.
Almost like an african nation with the most advanced civilization and technology ever.
see shes actually believable. She's manly looking, not woke afro bitch and it's 2019 not some revisionist bs from ww1.
He is. That however does not mean he isn't still the lesser of all evils compared to what Syria will be when he is inevitably deposed and killed by the US or ISIS or Al Qaeda or whoever.
>not woke afro bitch
i still get nightmares about The New Colossus. That was the most egregious thing I've seen anyone do to a video game franchise with such a cool edge to it. I love the dieselpunk nazi aesthetic and even though I can't play as one I'll settle for getting to kill them but the new games are probably going to be more SJW garbage.
He's not evil. He's doing what needs to be done to save his nation. Evil would be doing it for fun. Sometimes you have to be tough when it comes to dealing with savages.
how do black people not see this as an insult? It's like if every white guy was a slack jawed hick.
if they modeled her face to not look like a literal monkey it mightve been passable
His actions are evil whether he does them with ill intentions or not. You can be evil and not be a maniacal lunatic who laughs about it and enjoys doing it.
That's what the actor's face looks like.
I mean, I am already questioning how much darker "Modern Warfare" can get after the airport shooting scene.
they keep trying to make call of duty serious, and that never fucking works
The ones that play videogames do. A token character being a literal caricature of what some white dude sees as "black" just so he can get brownie points (hehe) doesn't resonate with anyone. Why is CJ to this day one of the most cherished black characters by everyone despite how little he talks? He is a character and a person first, black second. Its hard to write characters so they just dump everything on the token black character and collect their 1kk paycheck
t. black
you guys forget how bad Infinity War did WWII and the Jew Internment camp
>we need a black female, who do we get
>get me the ugliest monkey looking bitch you can find
this. Despite what these inclusive game devs say, they've probably actually talked to maybe 3 black people during their entire life. So all they know is over-exaggerated caricatures i.e. BLACK POWER SISTAH WITH AN ATTITUUUDDEEE
She's a popular voice actor. She's in "voice acting" for a reason.
Her acting at least was kinda okay to good. The script she had though, jesus christ. Why be subtle when you can flex your wokeness amiright
GTA gets a lot of shit but they can be suprisingly good at writing character drama and people who are more than their skin color. When they don't try too hard, that is
>as generic and mediocre as every other fucking cover based shooters of its gen like Gears of War, Uncharted Kane and Lynch 2
>it is suddenly bad because the poorly executed plot manages to offend those that already have fuck all for standards
As shit as Spec Ops The Line is, I will always laugh at the fuckwitted hypocrits that complain about it
I can respect the game for at least trying to do something different tonally. I'd like to see a more serious take on the psychological effects of warfare without the incessant need to make the game a AAA action shooter with over the top helicopter chase scenes that kill the immersion.
The USED to be good at writing
During the PS2 era
By actually use war in a non glorious way
His actions are not evil.
There's hollywood war, that's all fun and games
And ten there's war, like Platoon/Apocalypse now.
Tell me how your crime rate compares to america.
No western eurpean country comes close to the level of crimes america has. And those that seem to be near, it's also in minorities affected areas.
Cod wasn't about war starting with MW2
honestly not sure if they'll be able to outdo the shock of the Nuke scene from MW or the horror of the No Russian scene from MW2 without jumping the shark. Probably going to be a lot of middle eastern civilians suffering. Maybe you have to shoot someone's dad idk. CoD hasn't had a good set of balls since like WaW or Black Ops 1
Maybe they can make it good if they just have an overall tone that makes it dark instead of just a single moment of the game like the rest of them
There's no point of it being called "war is grey area" stroy when game forces you to still be virtuous guy fighting for freedom and democracy but you just see more edgy stuff and do edgy stuff, but story is written that you still come out as good guy with high morals. If they give you option to be SEAL or SAS in modern game and allow you to commit war crimes on purpose game would get canned immediately . All N. American and European studios have duty to present Anglo military as good guys in modern geopolitics.
you mean making the gameplay even shittier than it already was?
You do realize that the stereotype exists because there are a lot of real people who actually are that in real life, right?
t. works in retail
>doesn't understand what gameplay is
>talks about video games
Imagine if they had the balls to make a mission where you walk through Aushwits (but only implies it, no name) as a german officer and it ends in press F to start the gas chambers.
you know what would be fucking amazing?
A fucking Call of Duty game set in the modern setting but where you're just a normal soldier not some special forces guy who has at max 2 other allies around him and mows down 23095723045698234756023945782634098576 bad guys
I want massive battles with hundrets of allied and enemy npcs mowing eachother down and me just being a scared shitter in between, just like back then when CoD was good
of course I do. It's why any stereotype exists. Still doesn't mean I want it in my game or that it can't be at least well written. Grace is just a thoroughly unlikable character, probably because the people that wrote her are just as intolerable.
Yeah, the bombastic patriotic ending to black ops 1 was probably my least favorite part. I want a game that keeps warfare edgy without going full Spec Ops The Line and forcing you to kill a shitton of civilians for no reason. How about choosing between a squadmate you've developed a relationship with or an entire group of civilians being held hostage? But yeah, the need to keep our military's as the "good guys" will keep anything interesting from happening
This 1000x this.
Also id like to have a modern game thats like Battlefield 2:Modern Combat that can show immense battle and the expendability of soldiers in a large scale war
I guess it's true to extent. But remember, modern warfare topic can't be grey areas cause they project current situation and they need to serve as propaganda for supporting troops. If game was made to look like West soldiers have low morals, troops intervening IRL would be even less supported and they are already on low levels. Almost no one wants to be in Afghanistan or Syria but IW has duty to promote it and raise morals.
First cod this gen ill be buying. They really beat this series over the head with the shitty sci fi settings and wall running garbage. No doubt there will be rainbow camos, microtransactions, and flossing trans niggerkin at the end of round screen, but if the core game is fun and in a grounded setting then i cant help but be hyped. I enjoyed every cod, including finest hour and big red one, up until black ops 2.
Remove ambiguity, take out bad men Russians and Muslim insurrectionists whose only goal is to fuck with the US and gain more power for themselves.
>Makarov and Zhakhev's goal was to just cause a global genocide
Trash Villains are a staple though, and in the end we won't be playign as the opposition to the Western forces and you can't make the Western soldiers look too bad so they'll still be the heroes, but with collateral damage this time.
As in, you know, original CoD?
It fucking makes me pop a vessel every time I remember how I seen the first two CoDs and thought, "Man, the future will have great massive battles!", only to be turned into"Ramirez, DO EVERYTHING" and useless 2 retards that can only open doors.
Same for Battlefield, instead of learning from Titanfall, they decided to make every soldier a unique snowflake in a goddamn blizzard of faggots.
>As shit as Spec Ops The Line is, I will always laugh at the fuckwitted hypocrits that complain about it
>Calls Kane and Lynch 2 generic and mediocre
Kane and Lynch 2 is basically everything Spec Ops should have been in how it's mechanics compliment its message. In fact my test of whether a game critic is a dullard is if they praised Spec Ops but panned Kane and Lynch 2.
>D E M O C R A C Y
Domacracy's not what these people need; hell, it's not even what they want.
>The "invasion" plot was retarded. What the fuck happened to the US?
The Federation hijacked a spacecraft, likely in Russia, replaced the crew, and then used ODIN to completely fuck the US by dropping kinetic rods on several major cities.
What exactly about this game are reviewers crying over? I know they're blowing it out of proportion, but they're acting like the game itself is a fucking warcrime saying that it shouldn't be made
More missions are night ya dingus
Only a few people are upset. Basically, this is probably going to be the most disturbing AAA game of the last decade. Way more disturbing than TLOU 2 promises to be. (Remember that modern IW CoD games are by the Naughty Dog people who left Naughty Dog during the development of Uncharted 4.) It'll be extremely violent, with dead children and shit like that, the main characters falling into darkness and shit. "We get dirty so the world says clean."
Let me guess you're gonna play as muslims killing christians?
You play as a Child Solider in one mission after your family is killed.
>Remember that modern IW CoD games are by the Naughty Dog people who left Naughty Dog during the development of Uncharted 4
Ok can you elaborate on this? I had no idea this happened, so a lot of Naughty dog devs went to work on this game a few years back?
How did this come about? Does nobody want to work at Naughty dog or something?
>make up
That sounds fucking cool though
People forget how fucking edgy original Infinity War was.
That nuke in COD 4 and shitting on America
No russian
MW4 will make no russian look like a kids movie
There will be a ton of dead kids, terrorist attacks around the globe, realistic deaths
It's gonna be hype man, IW is back making edgy MODERN games, not some space junk
CJ and Demoman might be my favorite black characters in gaming. They're just fun to listen.
As revenge for the Crusades, where six million were shoahed.
So MGS2 and Rising.
>Ok can you elaborate on this? I had no idea this happened, so a lot of Naughty dog devs went to work on this game a few years back?
Originally it was about six people. A few others have gone from ND to IW in recent years. The most high profile departure was co-lead designer on UC3, and was the lead designer on The Last of Us and its DLC. Other people include the lead set piece designers from UC2/3, stuff like that. There's been a trickle of Naughty Dog people turning up at Infinity Ward over the past few years. Taylor Kurosaki is another former Naughty Dog guy who is the lead narrative designer at Naughty Dog now, and he's the reason why IW's CoD games have shifted in tone starting with Infinite Warfare and continuing with Modern Warfare. They're taking their jobs extremely seriously and trying to make the best story-driven singleplayer FPS game they can.
As for Naughty Dog, their work conditions have historically been kinda shit. So that's another factor in people leaving over the years.
Easy, you turn down the brightness dumbo
>A dark and serious Call of Duty game about the true horror of war.
Looks good. The seething Iran shill rage on /pol/ will be delicious.
>Iran shill
Is that anyone who isn't a White House or DoD employee?
Do the death from above mission, then have a 20 minute debrief how you only killed 2 terrorist, 100 civs and most of them were hostages and the main guys got away?
Interesting, who the fuck is staying at ND to make vidya if everyone is jumping ship
Because before it was more like an action movie. Not much realism, all about explosions, chase sequences, drama, and having fun. Now its going to be cinematic.
>taking war in a frightening direction
>war isn't already frightening
By allowing you to shoot women like how you could normally shoot men.
Fucking sexist opressive garbage. Someone notify Brianna wu about this. I'm literally shaking.
Will they show white helmets as the good guys? What do you think?
And then have segment which shows it's not your fault. Cause you play as American and you'd never purposely do something that spits on Geneva conventions.
BF2: Modern Combat was a really curious and underrated game. I mean, the single player of it wasn’t that exceptional otherwise, but the idea of having a larger war going on, the ability to swap between soldiers, the large scale of it, it managed to capture a feel of an actual battle far better than most single player FPS games.
>their work conditions have historically been kinda shit. So that's another factor in people leaving over the years.
To be fair, what AAA company doesn't have terrible work condition?
So basically a rerun of Spec Ops the Line?
>trailer shows people in white helmets in a ruined desert city
>a guy in a hazmat suit in an area covered in yellow mist
By dark they mean it has IRL parallels I guess
ND probably have worse than most
You ready for cowadoody with stronk wahmens and a very diverse cast?
Hard to say without actually being there. Just about any AAA company has horror stories of what it's like working there.
demo is voiced by a jew tho
Well ND is one studio working on these huge AAA games while COD devs at least get time off between games
It's an awful industry for anyone working in it tho I agree
I'm sure ND also gets some time off but it's just an industry wide issue. Just about every AAA company has its fair share of retards who ruin everything for the actual devs. Pretty much only indies tend to somewhat escape this.
They never said they will add maps for free.
Yes they did you fucking moron
Modern Warfare (2007)
Modern Warfare (2016)
Modern Warfare (2019)
Full names are
Call of duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered
Call of duty: Modern warfare
Are you confused user?
Modern Warfare (2007) Original
Modern Warfare (2016) Remake
Modern Warfare (2019) Reboot
You mouthbreather
or the could use gameplay to send their message instead of simply forcing you you dumb fucking faggot nigger
He doesn't look jewish at all.
>War is hell bro
Saying from someone who:
>Lived in a war free country since the 800
>Never had to deal with reconstruction or post-war problems
>Only war he sees are an ocean of distance minimum
>Probably dodged the draft or dont have draft (i dont know)
>Probably never punched a guy in his entire life and is all about "comfort zone"
Im sure they are gonna deliver a lot of DARK shit.
Kill all mudslim and their kids
Black Ops 3 is severely underrated. If that game didn't have the Call of Duty title and was presented as an original IP people would have praised it. But instead we get "hurr it was retarded it's not even Call of Duty." BO3 was too good to be called Call of Duty. I still can't believe how fucking bad they botched BO4. Still pissed there's no campaign.
ur being a tripfag u can't say anything about mouth breathing
Whiter than you, Tyrone.
marketing you fucking fool
the 2016 one was a remaster, you fucking retard
shills/ zoomers/ NEET
What the fuck is this supposed to be anyway? A soft reboot that is sort of a sequel to MW3, but it starts a whole new story like God of War, or a complete reboot, with a new timeline and everything?
>Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
>Call of Duty: MW3
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Post the pasta from this movie
we said DARK, not nuanced
Oh boy I can't wait for forced morally ambiguous situations or heavy handed sociopolitical commentary. Turns out sometimes when you do war, civilians get hurt! There are two sides to a conflict!
If I'm forced to shoot a child soldier and implied I should feel bad about it then it can fuck right off.
Im just glad they're going back to modern setting.
Actually can't wait to shoot hijab wearing terrorists
>Maybe both sides are doing bad things
>Good guys vs bad guys
But don't you see? What you perceive as the good guys can be seen as the opressors by the bad guys! He was a good boy he dindu nuffin he was just enrolled in bomb college our mosques need mo money for dem programs!
I wish we could have more games in general where we just play as the bad guy. No moral reason to make us somewhat good, just flat out bad
There are plenty games where you play a privileged CIS male that goes on to kill a ton of people tho
fuck off
your in the wrong place.
>dark reboot
>of cod
I can't wait for the wubwubwub trailer, and "WAR... isn't a game anymore" slogan.
Playing these retards like a fiddle, good job user
>war is no longer a game
>after opening cinematic, turns out new COD is a documentary
You're both white. Enjoy your privilege while you can, but people are waking up to the injustices of this world
why cant you play as the nazis in any war game? its like theres some kike rule against it
Just because the media would crucify any dev company for it. We already have "LITERAL NAZI" articles running nonstop over mildly right leaning people, a game where you can play actual nazis would get shat on nonstop, and publishers are afraid of that bad publicity
Wrong. It's just that nobody wants to play as the racist losers
spec ops was such an overrated game. i had already read heart of darkness and watched apocalypse now before playing that game. that kind of "story" was already ruined for me. it was probably super deep and emotional for an uneducated illiterate bumpkin.
Really though, where did all these CoD-playing, Mountain Dew-sipping normalfags come from? What kind of childhood did these people have where they were entertained by this shit? And then you have people posting pictures of MW2 with the boomer image. Just no. The only time you could get away with cod being oldfag-tier is if you mean cod 1-3. You know, when the franchise was about realistic world war 2 depictions, and not niggers and lesbians dressed as fortnite characters instakilling each other with gay killstreak bonuses. Get off my video game board retards
Fuck off you underage piece of shit.
Yea Forums was full of modern warfare threads back in the day, of course you wouldn't remember that since you weren't even born then
Fuck off scum
No Russian 2.
Medal Of Honour: Rising sun was my shit back in the day, The only good cods are WAW and BO1. But to answer your question, I don't know.
Bad ending where they lose the war. maybe the next game will be about resistance.
They will use real world politics and make russia look like bad guys.
I have a vague recollection of already having played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, can't put my finger on it.
i do. just for one mission or something at least, and im not racist. the fact you cant in any game is retarded
What about playing as the Japs?
>war and shooting people
that's not dark, thats just friday
What was the point, pray tell.
that's just Sledgehammer literally not having balls to do anything with the story, but really that was the only critic and apparently they took it to heart
Nighttime setting
Bullshit, Can you prove it? No.
>Obama got every TV show that was against him cancelled
>but Trump is the fascist
apparently it'll make no russian look like a pixar game
red orchestra 2 has a campaign mode. one campaign for the nazis and one for the soviets.
Genuinely curious, what shows did he get cancelled? And was he the direct cause for them being cancelled?
My hope is they make it as political and edgy as possible
>No Russian level where you play as a bunch of American CIA agents pretending to be Muslim
>This was done on the order of Trump to justify a full fledged invasion of Palestine
>It turns out Trump was only acting under the orders of Israel, who worked together with Russia to have him elected in the first place
Will we drive TRUCKS OF PEACE?
It'll be politically correct anyways, so who gives a fuck
They're going to have a nuclear bomb go off and your character die pathetically and helplessly ...ohwait
You sure? People hate its guts, and the game reception here wasn't much better at launch, barely anybody here likes it and even ctrl+del doesn't get half the shitting this vidya gets, so what gives?