Mario Bros, your soul is mine!

Mario Bros, your soul is mine!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Would be a god tier pick.

great combos
great stage
great music

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Man this manga was so bad, was the anime an improvement or does everyone on the internet just have terrible taste as per usual


not gonna take that bait, nor any smart ppl here.

post that shitty combat gif

The anime was atrocious.

This anime's artstyle was pretty unique

>Black paepa mooon

The soundtrack and general aesthetic was 10/10, we can all agree on that, right?

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Unironically had a better ending than the mangas shitshow ending

dont forget the characters

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I can't imagine how bad the manga was since everyone hated the terrible anime ending.

please god

Kid was autistic but the fun kind. I also liked his dynamic with the sisters and his theme.

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How did the manga end? And go ahead and spoil the anime. Currently watching it and getting to the revived kid Medusa and Lady fat tits

>published by squinex
yeah in thinking she's in

god i love the spikey goth halloween aesthetic
anything else like it?

play Okage

It’s one of my faves.

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>And go ahead and spoil the anime
Power of friendship!

The Halloween aesthetic is always based. I can't think of another manga with a gothic or dark setting like this, outside or maybe Dorohedoro.

holy heck that was slick

What's the consensus on Fire Force?

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Ah, so the thing that ruined the ending of Fairy Tail for me long after I should have stopped expecting anything but hot bitches and fanservice that makes me wish he just fuckin did hentai already

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God i wanna fuck Crona

anime pv got me hyped

The manga is 10 times better than the anime anyway, it's not great since there is a lot left open and it feels sudden but it isn't as bullshit as the anime.
It isn't the power of friendship by the way, it is literally just Maka being able to kill Kishin because "courage".
In the manga at least they fight and can only beat the kishin by crona sacrificing him/herself

Crona is not for lewd.

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Try it fuckboy

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Such a cute girl (male)!

>fairy tail
I'm so sorry you ever had faith in it in the first place. It's just felt so by the books from the beginning. And the porn isn't even that great compared to other series.

I knew it was gonna be shit the moment I saw that Natsu’s fire powers just amounted to boring ass powered up punches.

That sickly puppy dog eyes n pale skin


No. The anime ending was a conplete clusterfuck of asspull and disregarding of the theme if the show.

Is Crona even able to get pregnant?

What’s the Soul Eater of vidya?

dark messiah of might and magic


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>great art and soundtrack but shit ending
Don't Starve

I think theres like two Soul Eater games

god damn and this too, im so tired of punches
>give your mc superpowers
>the kind of powers you could be creative with
>they just punch
Give me an MC who uses guns or something, anything but punches.

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>Soul Eater has a great aesthetic, particularly with its locations and its general artstyle
>Soul Eater Not completely fucks it up
What game sequels ruin their original game this way?

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I'll have to give it a try after I finish the anime
I gave it some slack since it was my first anime I ever watched so I didn't have much to compare it to at the time. I admit it started to suck near the last third or so. The girls just also hold a place in my heart for being my first anime crushes.

we need a new adaptation with all the fanservice intact

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Honestly, this.

Bones has to do a soul eater brotherhood remake, they just have to
Just imagine the amount of doujins the book of eibon arc would spawn

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>first anime ever
im so sorry



Why do people hate Soul Eater so much?
It's one of my favorite shonen.

Ngl, Maka was probably one of my first anime crushes.

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>lust chapter where everyone stays the opposite gender depending on how perverted they are
>Tsubaki stays a guy the longest
>her and Black Star even share the same bed

Eh, it's not absolute garbage, just typical shonen schlock.

The endings, the manga ending isn't that bad so I don't understand why people hate it so much but the anime ending is just offensive.

Very disappointing imo.
>tfw anime ending was fucking TERRIBLE

she is too good

never actually met a person that hates soul eater

Shit, I should read the manga. This Eibon book arc sounds interesting.

This is still one of my favorite anime openings.

I want to fuck Blair.

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It's probably the best of the later arcs.

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Fucking Soul is so lucky I can't believe he had a threesome with maka and blair

Same pal.

stupid sexy maka

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Godamn is this ending so fuckin catchy. One of the few anime ED/OP I listen to. I realized I was humming it the other day at work

>that picture
Katie, no!

Does fucking Blair count as beastiality? Also same question for when the Mifune sisters combine

Not as good. "Keeps the bills paid" tier.

>Black Blood Maka

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Whatever the answer is, it wouldn't stop me from proposing and marrying Eruka, then having several kids.

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How to ruin your ending in one word:

Reminds me of the time my Dad was curious about the manga I had so he happened to pick up the fifth book of Soul Eater and just happened to open to that exact page

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Is maka a weapon in the manga ending?

>most shonen mc are autistic incels
>the chad soul ends his manga with a threesome.

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Soul Eater’s soundtrack was great in general.

The art from the right is so god damn good, but the plot is so god damn haywire.

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>tsar pushka fucking eats it
and the manga was shit forevermore

Maka is the main character

She was still part of the threesome in the end user.

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Yes, but Soul is the closest to a male mc and I wanted to make a dumb unfunny joke. Move along.
Also tsubaki best girl.

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>tsubaki best girl
Not when Patty exists

legit bust out laughing when I first saw this. I don't think any manga/anime made me laugh that hard

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>updates stopping again

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No, she is a glorified speaker for Souls piano while the literal gods Kidd and Black Star do their thing.


>He self-inserts as Soul

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God i wanna fuck this frog


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Disgaea series

I would rather take a shit that makes my asshole bleed than sit through COURAGE PUNCH one more time.

I honestly haven't caught up since 2 maybe 3 years ago, so i was pleasantly surprised by how much was updated when i finally did catch up. Then yeah, the updates stopped.
Guess I won't come back to it for another 2 or 3 years again.
It's funny, I could've sworn he was planning for animation like 4 or something years ago. But then updates started coming slower and slower.
Hopefully when it finally finishes, i may just buy the physical copies. The art is real fucking god tier.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Acceptable answer

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Fiary Tail is done? Shit I thought it was going long like One Piece and Naruto(series is still going via Boruto).

weebs deserve to fucking die

Have sex.

Do you know where you are?

>Fiary Tail is done?
Fairy Tail is over yes BUT he just pushed out a sequel. Got a new chapter yesterday.

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Get in line!

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what wrong with a series ending, staying ended and moving to a new project?

my balls itch


haha yea guys video games!

>and moving to a new project?
He actually did move on to a new project called Eden's Zero. Mashima doesn't draw the new fairy tail he only does the script while most of his time goes to the new project.

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I really should read the manga. The anime was fun.


wow yes we are totally discussing this game in this thread!!

That looks kind of terrible.

Any good soul eater doujins ? prefer Maka btw

When is she coming to Smash?

Fuck off to whatever twitter screencap thread you spawned from, faggot.

dont worry, in about 1/2 hours mods and jannies will be there again, so we can finally start to discuss
>going home
>epic games thread nr 100
>hes in
>dumb console war
again. go to /vg for videogamediscussions. actual videogame threads usually get deleted on /v

It's not bad but it's not good either. A lot of the writing feels more like later parts of Soul Eater, which frankly weren't as fun as earlier parts.

Dropped right after the first episode. Left a pretty sour taste in my mouth

It's extremely generic and feels very uninspired in comparission.
It's just missing everything that made Soul Eater so great, the two Manga are honestly one of the best examples of soul vs soulless I can think of.


I can only hope it's got an OST on soul eater's tier at least

Still the best.

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Best ending


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>Posting Sex Crim

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>So bad and unoriginal even the fan translators can't be bothered anymore

stay away fag, crona needs a big titty mommy gf to comfort him, not some homo who's after his plump booty

What the fuck? Since when does Yea Forums have soul eater threads? This is still my favorite anime.

There was also an FMA thread on here a few weeks back that was also comfy as well.

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Not enough music ITT

And before FMA was Yu Yu Hakusho.


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>original animation for an opening to a 2008 wii game
Kind of wish they got another stab at something at least, but I fear it's too long dormant at this point.

I also just remembered okubo just reused the design for a villain because it was cool.

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anime games are never good

Before it was mostly crappy beat em ups and 2.5D fighters, and now its mostly crappy arena fighters.

Those gamecube naruto games were pretty decent if I remember. At least a bit more involved than pressing 2 buttons over and over.

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The bleach games made by Treasure for the ds were based. I remember playing that with friends a lot. You could even pick random mooks as playable characters.

Is there anything more to this than the aesthetics?
I mean, it doesn't bother me regardless,I'm already going to watch/read it due to the aesthetics alone, just want to know what I'm getting into.

It's honestly pretty middle of the road shonen outside of aesthetics, nothing mindblowing, but nothing infuriatingly bad either. There's a bit in manga-only territory where the quality jumps, but the ending is still kinda shit. Still better than courage punch though.

good thread
>soul eater aired over a decade ago

It's not as good as Soul Eater but it's not bad. It's also legitimately funnier.

She's also cute, and her illness is something i never saw despite reading/seeing a lot of porn.

For real though, the "cuter" Soul Eater Not had a certain chapter which had surprisingly "stronger" fanservice than the rest of the series. I know the series has nude scenes but (kinda)showing nipples+bottomless+sleepwalking kung fu combo is hard to beat.

post her mounting soul without panties

>Soul eater anime goes to shit
>catches up with the manga and diverges from it heavily like Full Metal
>Soul Eater Brotherhood never

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This shit was insane

I liked Not's manga. It was nice seeing other things in Death City, but I gave up on the anime pretty fast.

Literally my favorite shonen anime. It's more fun than FMA and way more consistent than DBZ.

what do you mean, it was wholesome

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It's a shame the Fire Force manga doesn't get as dark, or retain the same feel.

>another proof of the "super lewd character gets zero fucking porn" trend
fucking hell

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I don't think I've ever seen someone talk bad about Soul Eater outside of the ending, that's really the only negative thing I ever see brought up (seriously, piano scythe Maka was ten times better than what happened in the show), I just wish we'll get a remake one day, if fucking Fruit's Basket could get one, even with the original still being great, then Soul Eater can to.

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>tfw no medusa mommy

Did anyone else dislike BlackStar at the start yet unironically like him more after a while? Seeing him GRABBING BEAMS and Tsubaki's face after his spinal column was broken was great.

One of my favorites too, but I wouldn't hype it up as more than it is. The relatively consistent quality mixed with the style it has makes it really hard to hate unless you just don't like most shonen.
Seems pretty much everyone agrees it's at least a solid time waster among shonen and doesn't really shit the bed until the end arguably.

That's a damn shame
>all ignored too

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Oh shit, I didn't know the manga was like this
Maybe I should stop putting off reading it

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yeah, it diverges around arachnophobia, though the anime took liberties from the start anyways, with Souls just being souls in the manga while 'evil' souls were 'kishin eggs'

The Uncanny Sword becomes more interesting in the Manga too and extends to Tsubaki's other forms instead of just becoming tattoos on Black Star. Probably the most interesting thing is what happens to Justin Law.

Most importantly it doesn't end with REGULAR PUNCH

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>the rule 63 chapter

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Blackstar is so swole that reality does what he wants.
The anime Blackstar vs Mifune final fight was such a disappointment compared to the manga.

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>leaving out kilik using 4 weapons at once

I preferred the anime version where Mifune doesn't die. The manga completely sidesteps the ramifications of it and we never see what becomes of Angela.


4 weapons while being infused with witch magic.

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No and that's why the manga ending was better.

The original anime has god tier fight scenes, as its made by BONES in their prime, and a really good OST, but sadly it does not follow the manga, since in the anime that spider witch gets killed by kishin, even tho maka and soul did get to her so that he could turn into a death scythe. Then the anime just goes off from there.
Honestly this show DRASTICALLY needed the fullmetal alchemist brotherhood treatment, but instead all we got was a reairing with new openings and endings and a shitty slice of life anime, kyoani style, complete with yuri undertones, based off the spin off manga, apropriately named Soul Eater NOT! (get it?). Even worse, that new anime is made by the same fuckin studio. Seriously, go compare both the orginal and the NOT! anime, the difference is appaling.
And now the show is deader than ever
Fuck my life

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>Maka unleashes the ultimate hunting move except it's useless lol
>Maka subconsciously activates her weapon heritage except it's also useless lol
>Maka punches Asura with a regular punch and wins

Fuck the anime.

Fire force will surpass Soul eater.

>soul (singular)
They share one or what?

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>>Maka subconsciously activates her weapon heritage
This bothered me more than the punch

Fuck you dude, that was the best shonen trope subversion of all time

>main protagonist is up against it fighting the final boss
>asspull heritage powerup

I liked that the Manga went into different flavors of madness, and it wasn't just one thing. Asura embodied fear, specifically fear of death, while Kid would encompass order, Black Star with Power. There was also the madness of knowledge that Eibon represented while Excalibur was the madness of Anger.

Of course there was the madness of boobs

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It starts off uninspired , a bit forced and frankly kind of a drag, gets funnier, more coherent (kind of) and better as it goes on
Right now it's good.
she has lucky lewd syndrome

>tfw my favorite weapons were unconventional

Justin Law and Giriko both being unwieldy weapons (a fullsized guillotine and a giant chainsaw) and having to learn how to fight with partial weapon transformations makes them my personal favorites, though I never understood Justin's sudden defection in the manga.

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Don't we do ?

>tfw want to watch soul eater for cool artstyle and design but it's a shitty shounen

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Blackstar and Kid end up being equals in power right?

Also isn't Blackstar's dad named Whitestar?

>Yea Forums thinks Soul Eater is shit
Yea Forums's taste keeps getting shittier by the day it astounds me.

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More people itt are saying its good.

The biggest problem was after her asspull heritage they said "lol she actually is nothing special"
It's incredible how much shit they piled up in such amount of time.

Black Star is confirmed to be the strongest by a wide margin.

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where does the time go?

Black Star is basically the god of war by the end

>group training
>black star and maka butt heads
>maka complains that he's being uncooperative
>she gets told that he's more powerful than she is, suck it up and follow his lead

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I hate this character and her design with every fiber of my being

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>He managed to learn how to start flying without Tsubaki
This guy is fucking amazing.

he ate a nuclear strength laser beam and spat it back out

>scuffed knees

That's not what happens at all, it's more like this.
>They butt heads.
>Maka gets mad and runs away.
>She gets told she needs to tune herself to Black Star.

Did you even watch the anime/read the manga.

Did Kid fuck the sisters at all?

Lucky Lewd Syndrome, where she gets naked/gets groped by others no matter the time/place all thanks to her bad luck. Fitting since she's symbolized by two tailed cats.

When you get recognized as the "strongest human" by the fucking source of all evil it means something.

How, she's objectively the cutest character of the series

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It's really funny, it's a bit hard to keep track after all the characters at the beginning though.

like, 9 years ago, cut me some slack
but i remember her being told that he's stronger specifically.
maybe it was an anime/manga difference?
either that or bad subs

do you happen to remember the episode/chapter?

Not! manga is good as supplementary material for the original manga. It's fun to see the characters from different point of view.
I don't really understand why they chose to adapt it though.

She's in.

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Sure is a whole lot of video game discussion going on
Now fuck off back to Yea Forums

/a only talks about shitty issekai

I really liked the battle against Sho, it hasn't reached the same height afterwards though.

Actually there ARE soul eater games. Two of them. A fite game and a 3d action game, which is pic related. Sadly, both are japan exclusive
Heres gameplay vids of both

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Go back to your rosterfaggotry and console wars threads, you sad fuck

He was a religious nut for the mad god

I fucking love this.
Death Scythe Soul is just too cool.

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God I miss Soul Eater

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they also stink like most shonen games

>t-there are only smash and console wars threads on Yea Forums!
>there can't possibly be actual on topic threads because I said so!

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>you now remember Soul Eater Not was a thing that happened

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Who was best death scythe
>Scythe (x2)
>Blunderbuss Crossbow Sniper
>Cannonball Footcuff
>Magic Lamp
>Rainbow Axe

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>anime cuts the best character

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I legit remember everyone except the glasses girl
who the fuck is she?

Deadmau5 was my favorite character

The clairvoyant lady

There's a DS game too.

That's it. I'm rereading the manga RIGHT NOW.

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That i did not know.

Good luck with that, early soul eater manga art is pretty rough

She was the one with the really dumb weapon form. She was a blunderbuss, but also a crossbow and was capable of sniping.

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Dead mobage too.

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The anime has one of the worst endings i have ever seen in anything, absolute trash.

Senrigan eye power lady.
I remember she was quite hot.

Fuckin oof

>soul eater on top and generic k-on moe shit on the bottom

NOT was a mistake

Soul Eater deserved better than this

I am sorry, I think misswrote "awesome

yeah kids theme is ballin

>madness of boobs
Should have been madness of Maka's fat ASS
Justin was a religious fanatic, and everyone thought it was for God only for it to turn out to be the Chaos god

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NOT gave us liz and patty in cute cafe uniforms so I can't hate it entirely. That anime was a travesty though.

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Remember when black star had a black butler lookin motherfucker for a cousin?


what did they mean by this?

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the Manga did some shit dirty too, Giriko comes back as a woman after he explodes his original body and comes to the conclusion that Arachne wasn't truly killed because she blew up too but Arachne never returns.

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remember that one makofag who, before a nintendo direct, somehow convinced a lot of people that his waifu was a likely roster pick. Gotta give him respect for his tenacity

I think that was just Girliko being fucking nuts by that time.

Yeah i remember chainsaw dude comin back as a chick. Shit was weird

I think it was something like he jizzed into BREW and made a female clone of himself to put his soul in if his current body (a golem) was destroyed

Sounds about right. Then again its been years since i read the manga. Back when i would also watch and read shit like d.gray-man.

Where did the whole "Maka is in Smash" came from? I remember a thread like that leading up to the February direct and the OP of that thread said that Maka is the Brave datamine according to the insiders IIRC.

Reminds me of this part in a doujin.
this isn't a doujin

a man obsessed with his waifu

An absolute madman

>literally kills him with bravery
>a regular punch, not kishin hunter, destoryed him

I thought it was good

literally post the next page, he doesn't come to conclusion that arachne is alive, he's just happy that arachne exploded because she's that cool or something

Were there discord shitposters just waiting to jump in threads and shit them up, no thanks, at least there is some discussion about something people like here, compared to every other thread here

Doesn't that waifufag know about Soccerguy's major rule of absolutely no characters that originated in manga/anime in Smash? There's no way Maka or manga/anime characters like Goku would ever get into Smash as long as Soccerguy is around.

The manga is fucking based. Looking forward to the anime

Yeah, off topic discussion
Now please just go back to Yea Forums

Go make an on topic thread instead of sitting here waiting for a janitor to wake up. Then watch it go to hell in 5 posts or die off in 30 minutes because it's not some twitter drama or some shit.

>still up

woops forgot pic

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