Try to save game

>Try to save game

Attached: 196841685.png (350x322, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>press any key
>only some of them work

>savefile becomes corrupted

Attached: 1498547532630.png (310x304, 90K)

>accidentally mix up autosave and autoload keys

Attached: 1549605285723.png (512x512, 586K)

Buccellati and Abbaccio are already dead.
Step it up senpai

Attached: 123652987648723.jpg (400x638, 99K)

my favorite panel

Are you playing Rage 2 as well, user?

they made a sequel to rage?

>revisit old game
>spend the whole day playing it
>turn on game to finish it the next day
>forgot game didn't have autosave

Attached: speakitalian.png (1624x911, 3.47M)

Trish Tits and Mista are the saving grace of part 5

>disregarding best boy Bruno

Attached: 61490822_1485888101553553_5135602557443375104_n.jpg (960x958, 118K)

Can't wait to see this animated, animeonlys are going to lose their minds.

I second this

Attached: 1552701737229.png (1280x720, 932K)

>Diamond is not Crash

Attached: b9VuyIt.png (1560x1200, 4M)

>Stone Ocean
>ocean isn't solid

Attached: jolyne.jpg (210x240, 20K)

>so far no lions

Attached: 1558623964156.png (283x464, 52K)

7 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 1 > 8 > 6

Attached: 1555284418147.jpg (705x1024, 132K)

>Steel Ball Run
>the steel balls don't run

Attached: johnn.png (183x279, 64K)

Johnny makes my balls run if you catchmydriftifyaknowahmsayin

>phantom blood
>no ghosts in sight

Unironically a better asspull than Requiem

If we don't get alternate universe Giorno as the MC in Part 9, I'm going to be upset.

Attached: image.png (518x421, 308K)

why does everyone hate giorno?
I really like him

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 25 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.09_[2019.04.0 (1280x720, 682K)

>Steel Ball Run
>It's about golden rectangles and multiverses

Attached: 1469660914977.gif (469x311, 301K)

>Steel Ball RUN
>The MC is paraplegic

Attached: 1550892470234.png (684x488, 268K)


Attached: chicken skin.jpg (635x396, 52K)

Is part 8 even showing signs of being near it's end?

he isn't as flamboyant as other joestars after Jonathan which is why people don't like him (which is retarded, yes)

Golden Experience is so OP that it prevents him from getting proper character development.

>Exit to desktop
>Game crashes

Attached: 1509468748134.png (800x448, 595K)

His personality miraculously disappears after he joins the gang

Yes, there's a countdown to what will likely be the final battle going right now and the current arc began with showing events that will happen right before the end of the countdown, so the countdown is unlikely to change.

Fucking Succubus Prison, too many damn times.

Attached: 1522616111854.png (500x450, 383K)

So whos the main villiain?

>Steel Ball Run
>It's a horse race
>the only guy running is a jobber


Am I the only one kinda disappointed that we got "WUHREYAAAAAAAAAH" instead of "WU-REEEEEEEEEEEE"

Attached: 3e1.gif (540x540, 277K)

I liked how guttural it sounded.

Happened to me in Touhou Luna Nights, and I'm pretty sure that was the last save point before the final boss, too. Lost all that progress.

He doesn't really do as much as the rest of the gang and GE feels more asspull-y than the other main stands, which had, up until this point, defined rules as to what they could and could not do, while Giorno starts to get borderline "powers whenever I need them"

That and the fact that most of the story isn't actually centered around his development but around the gang coming to see him as a leader and someone to depend on in the same way they do Bruno. The entire point of Bruno dying and Giorno taking over was a passing-of-the-torch deal.

Attached: 1482824239142.gif (500x285, 989K)

Joubin will be the final boss in all likelihood, but there is no one main villain. The focus of the plot at this point is just Gappy trying to get the Rokakaka to save Holly, and Joubin is his enemy in that regard but no moreso than the Rock Humans are seeing as they're all after the fruit. The head of the Rock Humans is the focus of the current arc though and Joubin also already had the upper hand when it comes to the fruit, so the Rock Humans will likely be dealt with first and then Gappy will have to deal with Joubin, who will be the last obstacle in the way of the Rokakaka along with some of his family. There's more going on in the story than just that right now so I imagine some stuff will happen between dealing with the Rock Humans and dealing with Joubin, but Joubin just seems like he's too thematically fitting, in addition to him having some unknown power, for him not to be the final fight.

Araki is gonna stretch those days as long as he can.

>tfw you will never see polnareff happy again

Attached: sad.jpg (640x640, 79K)

I thought it sounded perfect. It was honestly better than what I was expecting.

>Steel ball run
>protagonist has balls of steel

>dio still lost
Is this the ultimate asspull

Eh, kind of. Just sounded a little squeaky to me, like a teen's voice cracking.
Don't get me wrong though, loved everything else about the scene. They even got the exact number of mudas right. Just wished they could show Cioccolata's spine coming out, but there's obvious reasons as to why we can't do that.

Which stand Other than the obvious one that already has something to do with video games would be the best to play vidya with?

He probably will, but the end is still in sight. I won't be surprised if the last few arcs are long, but it's still moving into the last few arcs.

>Polnareff enters ultimate despair today

Mista is boring and the worst brojo yet

I was really looking forward to the final battle for this part to see how it would play out. God damn it.

Attached: 6346342.png (208x142, 64K)

You now realise that big Muda was meant for Fugo

The beauty of this is that it's a Part 6 panel.

>no personality
>stand's limitations are poorly explained so alot of wins feel like asspulls
>takes away screentime from actually likeable characters
>Dio connection is underutilized in the plot and feels like wasted potential
>Feels like an overpowered poochie side character in his own arc

Just all round he is a terrible MC, just what was Araki was thinking?

Attached: 100 perfecto.jpg (640x897, 152K)

Crazy Diamond seems like a bro plus he can fix your shit if it breaks

Hermit Purple for hax

>try to look up art on pixiv
>"that's odd, every last pic is fujo shit..."
>try looking up individual parts
>still all fujo
>look up individual characters
>still all fujo
>even look up memes and shit
>still 100% fucking fujo

Holy shit on a stick, this is insane.
Is nipland really that rife with fujos? I always thought it was mostly a weeaboo thing.

Attached: Zangief.jpg (627x480, 37K)

I'm surprised they've allowed as much gore as they have so far. Cioccolata dissecting himself was completely uncensored as far as I can tell, and Ghiaccio getting impaled also had no mysterious black clouds

>Araki had to intentionally exclude Giorno from part 6 because of how easily GER could ruin the entire plot

bye dio

where's the ms paint comic with that

>this is next week
oh man I'm not ready I'm not ready

Attached: va_color_v15_087.jpg (1560x1200, 1.15M)

Until Jojolion, there wasn't enough fanservice to repel fujos and fags away from Jojo

>this is next week too
Pretty much the last thing I’m looking forward too since the Requiem stuff is a mess

Attached: 7A002B91-F102-44CA-A495-0AFFF3220C79.jpg (1200x923, 344K)

Seeing characters in an art-style outside of their respective part just looks wrong.

just posting for all the anime watchers here, please read jojolion. they abort and unabort a baby in the same fight and you won't find that anywhere else

>Are you sure you want to quit
>Game has stopped responding
>Locks computer and forced manual restart

Attached: 59b88dd4be3ce.jpg (440x440, 84K)

I figured a homo in a sailor suit whose stand is named "Soft and Wet" was plenty of gay bait.

The old Miss Cherry is gone now!

>look up art for a series known for it's androgynous character designs
>expect anything less than wall to wall Fujoshit

What did you think you'd get?

Attached: That's the way we all became the Brady Bunch.jpg (420x459, 85K)

It didn't really get especially androgynous until around part 5. Granted, Araki kind of experimented in 3-4 with Kakyoin and what have you, but until then, most characters were far from girly.

tbf Araki kneecaps his previous protag in every part except maybe 4.

The only time Freek N You playing would make sense.

Polnareff... had a hard life

He has four balls dude plus part 8 has more women than every other part

This page saved Part V from being shit

C'mon man, why do you think "Fujoshi" even exists as a term? A JAPANESE term, no less?

This an edit yea?

They definitely gonna block some of his split head and and torn body in the flashback

If I don't kill myself in 2 years then I will live to see the glory of gay priest

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Beetlemania still the best fight?

Well, I've always thought there was more weeaboos abroad than native Japanese otaku. Not per capita mind you, but overall. U thought the same logic applied to fjuoshi.
I was wrong, evidently.

Was the entirety of Green Day supposed to be Purple Haze then?

Beetle Tendency won't be topped unless we get Joshu vs Tooru showdown

I prefer Vitamin C but Beetle Tendency is great

Gappy makes me happy

Attached: 1476827136883.gif (300x300, 752K)

How the fuck does dio stop time if king crimson erases it?
Shit made no sense, total asspull

part 5 a worst

based and puccipilled

meanwhile, we patricians who like jonathan and giorno the best will sit here and be the nonvocal minority

King Crimson doesn't erase time, it skips it forward.

Based retard

FUCK DIO (gently)
And most of all:
*Dabs at 600 MPH*

Attached: 1460363715022.png (800x1163, 1.83M)

based gay priest

Attached: Dab.jpg (354x416, 50K)

Attached: 1545366173181.jpg (700x823, 118K)

God I cant wait for this shit part to end so we can get to part 6 and my wife, Jolyne can finally be animated!


Araki think he slick

blessed thread
hail pucci

>can hack the game in a variety of ways
>can tell if someone's cheating or just good
>fuck them over anyway

It definitely makes a lot of sense. I never really bought the group's disdain for Ciocc and the seven page Muda being used on what's essentially a jobber doesn't feel right.

better than part 4 josuke and jolyne

Fuck part 6. Can we just skip to part 7?

cant wait for gay priest to btfo literally the entire universe
Annasui and weather report are based tho

>wanting CGI horses

many people think like this but like the transition from 5 > 7 would not make any sense at all without 6's ending

based and puccipilled

really? how? I figured he got that 7 page muda because he was an utter scumbag, even if the group didn't know just how bad he was.

He's right you know.

Holy based

>the group didn't know just how bad he was
The massacre at Rome and the fishing village said enough.

he drank pee

Can you fuck Stands? Because I really wanna fuck Spice Girl

They saw him tear through Rome with his mold. He was the most heinous villain by a mile. Would've been more impactful on Fugo, though, and sadder to see Fugo succumb to his rage enough to do that to so many innocents.


Attached: WhiteSnakeAbility.png (750x888, 1.23M)

6th ending has nothing to do with part 7

>I never really bought the group's disdain for Ciocc and the seven page Muda being used on what's essentially a jobber doesn't feel right.
What? He killed hundreds, possibly thousands of innocent people with his mold bullshit. He definitely gave Giorno and the gang a reason to hate his guts that much.

true but the backstory involving him torturing people and capturing their death look was disturbing.

except it makes things slightly different when it fixes it (excpet it doesnt)

Do people unironically think any JoJo part is bad? All of them are at least good. Each has very high highs.

>Trish is only 15 years old

Name a more kino moment than part 1's ending
You can't

Pre-egypt SDC was pretty bad imo. but even then it had its high points like polnareff and pic related

Attached: The entire horse.jpg (331x480, 104K)

I wanted him to become a jobro so fucking bad

I didn't really like Part 6 all that much and there was a point in Part 1 that was a bit of a slog to read through but other than that I don't think I ever hated a Part in JoJo. Haven't kept up with Part 8 since the beetle battle though so I might not like that one though.

>Name a more kino moment than part 1's ending
Lesson 5.

Part 6 ending

>Dio connection is underutilized in the plot and feels like wasted potential
It ties in with part 6 and the sons of Dio all being failures, Giorno got saved from being a future failure and overcame his past, which is a theme of part 5. So talking about how the connection is underutilized when the whole point is overcoming that connection is pointless.

>killed Avdol (as far as yon know)
>becoming jobro

Attached: stupid1.png (682x629, 366K)

>he doesn't know

I'm gonna fucking cry when I finally hear Jolyne's voice and see her animated.

Humans can't touch stands, only stands can touch other stands

>not posting the colored page

Attached: 1558270476281.png (391x635, 351K)

its from part 6 retard

Part 5 manga is trash, but the anime has been terrific

i only dislike part 2, joseph was a shit jojo and it had the most asspull-y ending of any of the parts

>watching homo anime like Jojo


>hating on joseph
do people like you really actually exist? like for real?

So hypothetically if two stands fucked both of the users would feel the effects correct? That could work.

>tfw no jojo horseracing game until 2026

Attached: 1559234557114.png (780x577, 284K)

The next thing you'll say is, I was only pretending to be retarded.

Attached: JOESTAR system.jpg (623x343, 74K)

>make barely any reference to the Dio connection in part 5
>make it a key plot point in part 6 to make it seem like part 5's terrible plot had a semblance of meaning
>a part Giorno has barely any involvement in

Part 5 is trash. Nothing interesting happens and all the characters are either underutilized or killed off unceremoniously. It really felt like Araki was making it up as he went along.

Not to mention Metallica. When the anime began airing I was fully expecting that fight to be just a giant black void.

and joseph's fanbase is cringe as hell, fuck you faggots

>implying that it couldn't happen before
He was also one of the few who, out of fear of dio, didn't cross him, others loved dio or had the parasite and could have had an arc about learning to not fear him- (before dying to him or getting clapped and out of action for the final fight)

Josuke is the 2nd best MC after Joeseph. Stoic assholes like Giorno and Jotaro suck.

>Haven't kept up with Part 8 since the beetle battle though so I might not like that one though.
Characters are probably the best ever. Araki is doing excellent with keeping shit mysterious.

I guess. Stands can touch humans, but not the other way around. That's why White Snake is allowed to go around fucking shit up and nobody can touch him

jotaro is unironically 100 times better as a side character, being OP as fuck and imposing and all
You know shit is gonna get real when he shows up
Otherwise its boring

Thats also what makes pucci destroying him all the more shocking

He really fits better as the wise mentor type. As an MC he's kinda flat, hence why Araki essentially made Polnareff MC for like 40% of part 3. He's also better at writing wacky goofball characters than more serious, reserved type

Attached: 1469988513673.gif (380x655, 1.48M)

> starts playing

That sounds cool. Guess I'll go and start over when Part 5's anime is over.

That's fucking doubtful. Those guys absolutely hate having their music played outside of CD's or in live performances.

part 7 anime WHEN?

bro.... i'm an anime secondary........
Damn that looks cool. Yea Forums spoiled me on most of the stuff anyway so eh, I already know who would die and about Gold Experience Requiem.

>TFW the boss is just some boomer that looks like he belongs in a punk rock band
I can't fuckin wait for this reveal next week

Attached: AAAAAAAA.jpg (219x230, 15K)

You're actually retarded

I seriously can't even remember if this was real or not

green day and oasis already happened on JJL

>Doppio's shirt has tit cutout and is a crop top
>No visible lace (or is it a tattoo?) underneath
>Suddenly just appears underneath sweater mid-removal

Literally the only thing about Diavolo's design that bothers me. I don't even mind the armbands or sudden leopard hair as much as I do the mesh shirt

I like to imagine that all of Giorno's character development happens off screen, before Part 5 begins. He already has the drive, and resolve to become a gangstar, and serves mostly to motivate his team members. In this instance, he's definitely one of the weaker MC's in terms of characterization, but he's still a nice character nonetheless.

fuk u faget

Attached: incaseofgaypriest.png (831x1200, 1.81M)

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Attached: 102.png (377x539, 439K)

I can't wait for the inevitable priest or church related antagonist in Persona 6, alongside an entire universe reset. On another note though, anyone got a list of connections between Part 4, and Part 8?

Attached: image.png (376x181, 57K)

What a shitload of fuck

Attached: 2562588_p0.png (800x600, 228K)

Reminder that Jolyne is the only protagonist thus far to lose to the main antagonist of the respective part


Yasuho - Koichi
Kid that bullied Jobin - Giorno

blessed image

Is Gappy ever going to use Killer Queen? I just assume he's able to, since he is part Kira.

This is some kind of dream sequence or doujin wankery right?

I dunno, Jonathan really dropped the ball when it came to finishing Dio off. Every other part besides 2 and 8 has some sort of Dio-related bullshit going on.

Attached: the entire series in one panel.png (248x408, 47K)

>only female protagonist
>only one to lose to the antagonist
What did araki mean by this?
Is he, dare i say it.. /ourguy/?

If you're gonna bitch about Josephfags being cringy you might as well say all Jojofags are cringy

>speedread up until part 6 ending
>dont want to rush in to 7 and 8 just yet, i want to make them last
>already read berserk, gantz, snk and hokuto no ken

Fuck me lads, i REALLY dont want to just burn through what little jojo i have left, but what else can i fucking read?

most are honestly

Dio caught him off-guard. Plus his final moment being him hugging Dio was fitting thematically; reflecting Jonathan's kindhearted nature.

>try to crash game

>load save
>turns out the last save you made was hours ago

Gappy using Killer Queen would be based. It'd be really cool if S&W ended up fusing with the former Stand, though. It would be very interesting.

Do you want to stay in the 'action' genre or will any decades-long series do?

I'm really enjoying Part 8, so far. The Stand battles are more so strategy/tactics based, instead of all out brawls like prior parts. Now that I think about it, none of the Stands in Part 8 really have high destructive power. They're mostly gimmicky.

as long as its good, i welcome it

Well, I suppose that's subjective, but I really love Detective Conan/Case Closed, and most of what Fukumoto writes-Akagi and Kaiji especially, though I recommend you watch the anime and then continue to read where they leave off. Number of volumes long is 96+, 36, and 68+ respectively. Should take a while

Attached: leave jojo to me.jpg (146x217, 9K)

Avdol told Polnareff to kill himself. Jotaro pulped Kakyoin and probably would've pulped Avdol too if Joseph hadn't stepped in.

I cracked and bought the $85 English version of all star battle
shoot me

I wonder how different the universe would have been if Jonathan actually got through to Dio.

then why would they let their song be in guitar hero?

I rebind auto save and autoload key to be some combination that uses the S key in saving and the L key in loading.

A lot of money

As much as I could scold you for flushing away almost $100 on an alright fighter that's on life support of an online community, can't really blame you since the only other option is HftF and that game's roster is just a select few of part 3's cast

why the fuck?

Attached: recieving-greatest-succ.png (797x562, 531K)

I've heard ASB is slow. Does that mean it's good for someone not very experienced with fighters?

Attached: 123798152628.png (333x499, 240K)

>tells emporio to beat the shit out of pucci with weathers stand disc, thus ruining his universe for good.

>Parts 6's ending literally erases previous universe and starts a new one
>Part 7 is in the new universe
Come on now

Attached: 1300044776986.jpg (600x600, 35K)

For those who don't know... The panel is a fan edit

Attached: 22c3a5536fa8695699c7d50a8803c8384cbc48c5r1-428-578v2_uhq.jpg (428x578, 83K)

Probably like the football game.


Attached: 61542445_2727743653965773_488864138387259392_n.jpg (960x523, 56K)

How do I quit being an animeonly?
Do I actually download 4000 pages of comics and read them on my PC desktop?
Forgive me if i'd rather kill myself user

online manga readers
knock yourself out kid


Damn, that shadow Jotaro in the right panel looks pretty cool.

Literally look up jojo part _ online manga and theres a tonne of sites

I wasn't clear enough, I know manga readers exist.
But the two extremes of
>Sitting in an office chair trying my best to enjoy this manga despite the pain creeping up my spine
>Blowing $200 on manga volumes to read them physically in comfort
talk about a rock and a hard place. I and presumably most others would rather just wait for the anime and watch it on the couch like a human


just walk around every 30 minutes child

read it on your phone in bed then. I get it if you don't like reading, but muh spine is hardly an excuse

also, i don't think any physical english versions of any of the parts past part 3 exist

Part 7's universe isn't the one shown at the end of Part 6 you dunce.

Bites the Dust vs King Crimson
who wins?

>we share a board with zoomers that can't even find manga online

Bites resets time so skipping the 5 seconds after it activates will just make Diavolo appear 3-4 seconds after the reset
If he retains his memory he wins then

But bites the duat rewinds time

King Crimson and Epitath is about altering your fate

Doesn't matter if won't be able to stop bites the dust from activating and killing him

>quit game
>it crashes to desktop

Attached: 1362763235220.gif (350x261, 849K)

Epitath will see what Kira is up to and end up a donut before he gets a chance

Narancia dies.

Read the manga.

Attached: __guido_mista_narancia_ghirga_and_pannacotta_fugo_jojo_no_kimyou_na_bouken_and_etc_drawn_by_rakavka_ (1116x900, 142K)

Diavolo would get destroyed by sheer heart attack if he even tries that plus kira only needs to touch him once to win

I was more upset with Doppio's death.


Kira would have to know Diavolo's identity if he were to win. Simply walking by and touching him at any point, and he would win. He'd only have to blow em up after 20 or so seconds, beyond the time he has to prevent any of it.
But if they're both fighting eachother head on, Diavolo would win every time.

I could have just sold you my psn account with the game and all dlc. I even have that old arcade one.

>Doppio's death
You fucking nigger

>Anime-only goes into a JoJo thread on Yea Forums
>Gets spoiled by a manga that has been out for more than 20 years
Many such cases

Jotaro jobs in part 6.

Attached: SO_Chapter_19.jpg (780x1200, 392K)

nice shop

Whitesnake is such a weird stand goddammit. And I know there's weirder shit in part 6, but still

That’s accurate to the manga though. Dio says ウリィィィィ (uriiiiiiiii) while Giorno says ウリャァァァァァァ (uryaaaaaaa)

>User is black

>user is black
>stand can use guns

>side character almost beats main antagonist

Attached: 1213832967590.jpg (1280x720, 423K)

Just got to part 7 but

Attached: bd5bc55d-20ed-4a67-b67d-f7bd2f5a2856.jpg (470x100, 9K)

>side character
Nigga his group were the antagonists for the first half of part 5

This ranking is based.

His group yeah but dude was barely in the part and almost won against the main villain cause the stands in Part 5 are retardedly strong

>spoon feeding newfags

Literal dog shit > part 6

(You) have Yea Forumsutism

>fall to death
>want to reload but press both save and reload at the same time because they're next to each other
>infinite death loop
Fucking Blood, I really need to rebind it

>joe the lion nowhere to be found

Not the fact that he doubles in size and that his face changes?

Has this been animated yet? Absolute kino panel.

Attached: 52144389_2097251697031247_3948097496095118030_n.jpg (1080x1350, 204K)