Let's get it
UNIST Thread
Pass is vee
It's nearly the end of the month so that means FB is going to stream again and announce it like 6 hours before they have one.
Anyone else have issues with that new PS firmware update?
was there an update? that might explain my weird connections earlier
I'm curious whose everyone's most hated character to fight against is, I personally get titled everytime I fight an Eltnum
im sure phonon is the most universally hated character to fight
watching this thread
I hate fighting people with air grabs.
So yeah, Sion falls under that category
6.70 apparently. It made my ps4 sit in a blue screen before the main menu. I restarted it, had to go through the "please don't turn this shit off abruptly" warnings, got told to stick a usb with pre-6.70 patches on it. Then I just restarted the whole thing and it was fine
Shit still won't download for mine
Is hyde canonically the most attractive male in game?
If you like young boys maybe
I find oppressive setplay characters like hilda carmine and seth specifically unfun to fight.
i said in game
Gord doesn't have a harem like Hyde does though.
Who knows. Most descriptions of him involve the word punk and apparently Yuzu doesn't approve of the slob looking he has right now
dia really doesn't wanna let me play today.
Yeah but hyde doesn't have appeal like gord does
Yuzu's definitely taken a few years off my life.
Gord just has terrible lucky with women and he knows it, Hilda is all he hangs out with because he's got a job.
I don't think I've ever had a completely calm fight against Seth or Hilda. Carmine too for that matter.
Byakuya gets under my skin too but I can usual swallow it.
My brain shuts down against Gordeau. I'm sure he's got openings but I don't see any when I'm in the corner
I can host for 2ish hours.
kw: pclobby
Every good gord I fight seems to use 5B well while I always fucking whiff it during my turn
He's got main character powers so that's kind of cheating.
Londrekia is coming soon to fill the pretty boy fujo bait function though.
>fill the pretty boy fujo bait function
Seth Carmine and Chaos already exist.
I thought that was chaos's job.
Nanase and Phonon are already on his case harassing him if his leaked arcade mode dialogue says anything.
Begins with a P and ends with an N.
Also, gonna be a short entry for me tonight but will hopefully be able to catch the back end of the lobbies.
Seth is the brooding mysterious guy
Carmine is the bad boy
Chaos is the designated yaoi character.
Just to confirm, the biggest move to watch out for when blocking against Wagner is that overhead with her legs right?
Lodrekia is no more pretty than any of those 3.
Not, that's the easy one to see.
It's the shielded backhand that armors through attacks if it's buffed and charged.
How does one punish the FF (assuming that's the one you're talking about)?
Basically block high, backdash it, or have an invuln reversal to beat it up close. Alternatives include grabbing her out of it or parrying the thing while some characters can even jump cancel quick attacks out of it.
Legit question: How many of your are east coast? Y'all start so late, I feel like everyone here is a WC boi
im in maryland
Dang. I ran into that last grab expecting to grab myself but wussed out, hahaha.
Our main Linne is EC
Let's say hypothetically I've had one 7% beer and two moscow mules.
How do I play the video game?
Just play Phonon, all of our Phonons are drunkards so you'll fit right in.
>try to dp between gaps
>black orbiter comes out instead
truly the worst feeling
>that combo at the end
didn't see that coming
>actually do CVO combo
>forget that I need under 30% to fit in two EX Kuugas
Progress I guess.
I know that feeling.
>Spend early months practicing so I get 236C all the time instead of Pale Bringer to extend blockstrings
>Now I want to Pale Bringer out of pressure but keep getting 236C instead
I knew I shouldn't have tried that flashkick attempt. Didn't charge anywhere near enough. That raw jump looked so full retard.
he hasn't drank enough yet, there aren't any grammatical errors or misspellings in his post
you really have to let the alcohol take over and let the wakeup 66[b] rip
I always get tripped up when doing CVO with 100% meter instead of 200%, forgetting that I can't then do an EX and IW finisher
At least I didn't get up back j.a or something like I sometimes do. That's even more embarrassing.
Bros... I just wanna play this game but it won't let me.
What's stopping you from playing?
Gotta pray for better netcode in the next release if this is Dash.
Bah, I'm lagging again. It's way too early for shit server week.
I'm getting some weird jitters with you HIppie, your PS didn't accidentally get set to wifi or something did it? Could just be the usual garbage US infrastructure.
That was a pretty neat CVO combo Joker.
It is
After checking some things, it turns out my NAT is 3 now. How do I fix this?
Am I gonna see anyone here running around the Granblue fightan beta tomorrow?
I'm gonna give it a try since someone gave me one of their extra codes. Looking forward to it.
It's either residue from the storm or just general shittiness of uni servers. It calmed down as the match went on at least.
Really wan to try Charlotta but no ps4.
good one
Got to fiddle with router settings.
its a shame /afgg/ has next to no good players because there's almost no one to play during the day
Which ones, exactly?
Blargh, looks like tonight's gonna be a bad night for me. At least I got off a CVO combo of sorts like the other Linnes here, hahaha.
And it looks like my time is up before it began.
GGs PS lobby. If it's still up by the time I'm done with my duties, I'll be back for sure.
Can't play Joker, either...
Try calling your service provider.
Helped me alleviate some problems.
Open some ports both incoming/outgoing. Try the ones here manuals.playstation.net
If you don't give a shit about security you can set your router to DMZ mode, but that's probably not ideal.
Worth a shot.
>If you don't give a shit about security you can set your router to DMZ mode, but that's probably not ideal.
Don't do this, even if you think you don't give a shit, because you probably give more of a shit than you realize.
Remember when I could beat Clawz? Haha, me neither.
don't forget about
>do rekka during blockstring
>2nd hit somehow completely misses and throws off your timing completely and gives them a free punish
What do I do with these ports?
All that work just to be +1
It's a struggle
You haven't forwarded/opened ports on your router before? Just Google some guides, for instance portforward.com
More j2Cs, claw
That shit hits right beneath you and hits high
This. When I was playing her casually last night I noticed j.2C was amazing pressure on people blocking low.
hi guys I'm getting this game tomorrow and I've been looking up the cast for a little bit. is Waldstein good? I like his look but everyone moves so fast he seems trash to use. right now its a decision between him and Enkidu.
I've gotta start working those in there, I've been messing around a little with things like j2C > FF > j2C or j2C > FF > jBB
If you're scared of playing a bad character you'll definitely want to avoid Enkidu. Waldstein is fine.
Both of your choices are in the lower echelons but they're still usable. Wald might become a bit easier to play once you get a taste of fighting other characters first once you get acclimated to the game.
I often lurk or ctrl+f "unist" there when I have nothing else to. Frankentank shows up there occasionally too and we're at around the same level of strength.
AzinPersuasian and Lain are promising newcomers that I've seen recently.
>it's a "i only lag with him" and "he only lags with me" episode
thanks uni
can we not clog the thread with discussion of that place
>Assign Fixed IPv6 Address
Is this what I'm looking for? My router page isn't similar to the examples in the guide.
I didn't think that through at all. Shoulda just downbacked. What the hell?
what's wrong with Enkidu?
how hard is Wald to fight? he looks like a melee zoner. if hes weak who would be good to use to learn the game then?
>what's wrong with Enkidu?
He's just generally considered the worst character in the game.
sorry for the double wake up super
Gotta learn when to cash in the meter, clawz
Oh shit IWEX is air-blockable
I actually tried to bait it the 2nd time with a whiff 2a, but either I mistimed or it doesn't actually recover fast enough on whiff, pretty sure it should though...
No, setting a fixed IP would be like 192.168.0.X (from a list of all the devices connected to your router, try to look up your specific router manufacturer under portforward.com
ggs pc bros
aaaaaa too much alcohol not enough practice ggs PC lobby
I'll be sure to drink some water and hit the lab over the weekend
Wald is fine. The number 2 player in the arcades plays Wald. I personally don't consider Wald low tier either so I don't know why that other guy said that he's bad.
He's a grappler with a 360 command grab, but since only the point blank version is untechable, your gameplan centers more around his fuckhuge normals
I won't discourage you from playing either but both technically are a struggle in a sense. Wald suffers from some polarizing match-ups due to his size and slow as molasses buttons but he at least has some command grabs and ambiguous set-ups to bypass the defenses of people not in the know. But his mobility is garbage no matter what.
Enkidu on the other hand has regular buttons but garbage frame data makes him a bit less safe to play but he's still workable if you make the effort to. I think both characters have issues in dealing with characters that outrange them while projectiles aren't too much of an issue with either of them
>joined lobby
>immediate combustion
Uh oh do I have an incompatibility with someone?
Yeah, people tend to assault but I just forward jumped
It's one of those cases where not too many people play him at a high level. I think I've had a couple conversations with redblade about how he's a bit more disadvantage to play than others unless you really know the game.
ggs my dude.
After looking through, none of them match. They have 6800G and Home Base. My router is U-Verse, and isn't close to looking the same. There doesn't seem to be an option for Port Fowarding or something like that.
I guess I should just call them, yeah?
>try to backstep
>doesn't come out
I knew I should have gone for the macro.
My teleport inputs are so bad I sometimes get good counters. Huh.
Yeah maybe. You might want to just forget about assigning a fixed IP for now and look for something like this in your router settings.
so he is like a melee zoner. I just don't want to invest time into someone that will be beaten really easily by someone else due to a fundamental character advantage. does he or other strong Walds play here or is he avoided?
I will need to try him out when I get the game. I love his design but it sounds really frustrating to play through lag. Enkidu too but I might choose Akatsuki instead. thank you for the help guys, I'll join you all in a few weeks after practicing with someone.
>atic is playing gord too
>everyone is playing Gord now
It's Gordeau Ghursday
I'm going to learn more than the baby combo on Gord someday, but it's not today.
>fundamental character advantage.
I think anyone will have a tough time getting in on say, Hilda but yeah, it's a nightmare for Wald to get close.
>Does he or other strong walds play here
I play him as a sub and we got one guy who plays him and Mika pretty well.
In all fairness he's the easier and incredibly more privileged character compared to the other two.
By arcades I meant the Japanese arcades.
Here's a short compilation of him to give you an idea of Wald's gameplan
We did have a Wald main a while back but I haven't seen him in a while. Hippie and CutsCold both play him as a side character
Bastodon came back with a pretty good Wald
Did he switch permanently from Mika?
Spoilered for the sake of the thread.
So in the Settings page I have:
System Info
>Access Code
>Event Notifications
>Wired Interfaces
>LAN IP Address Allocation
>Advanced Configuration
>Firewall Rules
So nothing like that, as far as I can see.
>The height of 236~B makes supers cross itself up
I'm pretty sure the lag was my fault, so I'll leave you, but not empty handed. Here's a disturbing rhyme:
My overall play is quite crummy
How'd they make this character so yummy
Grab at my nub
Give it a rub
Hot damn look at that tummy.
Seems fitting for Gordeau night, right?
No, he still has a Mika but I'd say his Wald is definitely more solid and less based on high-low 66B > FF memes
>I'll join you all in a few weeks after practicing with someone
no need to wait that long, just learn one combo and jump right in
>Advanced Configuration
this one is where they like to hide port forwarding settings
Do we get drunk too now?
66B is an amazing button though. It's practically Mika's B Tatsu
I'd say that's Mika's 623 actually.
>when you realize Mika is just an R Mika ripoff
The vast majority of these only have checkboxes.
Enhanced Security
>Stealth Mode
>Block Ping
>Reflexive ACL
>Strict UDP Session Control
>UDP Session Timeout
>TCP Session Timeout
Outbound Protocol Control
>All Other Protocals
Inbound Protocol Control
Attack Detection
>Excessive Session Detection
>TCP/UDP Port Scan
>Invalid Source/Destination IP address
>Packet Flood (SYN/UDP/ICMP/Other)
>Invalid TCP Flag Attacks (NULL/XMAS/Other)
>Invalid ICMP Detection
Ahhh, I could have EX canceled in response to Orie 41236C
Lex assist when
I don't know why I don't just VO in response to Hyde 66C instead of gambling on timings, I never use it for some reason.
Imagine wasting your time on some weeb trash when MK11 is out
I might focus on Akatsuki then and try Wald after I learn the game more.
all his attacks are way faster than I expected but so is everyone elses. I also didn't see Merkava until I saw this video but he looks interesting.
is it a beginners room? I don't want to bore anybody if I'm really bad and always thought these threads had really strong players. is there a specific platform you guys play on or is it all ok?
66C can get past VO too, probably more difficult to space out though compared to the regular reversal
>blonde haired, twin-tailed grappler girl named Mika
It's pretty damning m8
Heads up PC lobby. Closing in 10 mins.
I thinks thats gonna cover my daily dose of REAPAH.
GGs guys.
My safe jump didn't work on the ex DP...
Wald can be deceptively fast with stuff like 66B and frametraps are definitely possible, it's really just about testing what your opponent is going to know to punish certain moves or not.
>beginners room
We've got beginners playing with some of the vets right now, any sort of exposure to playing the game and feeling how the flow works is pretty important I'd say. I can bust out my Wald to give you some combo examples and all that shit. I'd keep that video another user linked because picking up good habits from pros is a good way to improve your game.
PSN/PC, we got both now.
I'll be back when my sleep schedule is fixed
Where the 6Bs at, atic
I was going to save them for next week
Back and ready to rumble. Maybe the break will help me get things going more consistently this time around.
Noodle boy is pretty popular
He's a mid-ranged character that excels in neutral with his long and fast pokes. Not long enough where I would really consider him a zoner though (though then again, I don't really consider Wald a zoner either)
If you want to zone, Yuzuriha, Phonon, Hilda, and Vatista are your standard zoners.
>I don't want to bore anybody if I'm really bad
No one cares. There's other beginners in the lobby too
ggs everyone. It's about time for bed.
Whew, coming back to beat hippie on his Hyde is a great start compared to earlier tonight for sure.
GGs m8!
Assaults in 5 frames, my true weakness
God I wish these weren't in the early morning for me, even worse knowing I actually have a good connection playing you lads. I'll be back to improve my Eltnum at some stage goddammit.
Guess it should rain in your area more often so I can snag some more wins off ya eh? Hahaha.
Also, I guess I pressed my luck there.
I tend to die when Dia starts assaulting me to.
Guess Linne's assault animations aren't as attuned to my reflexes as much as others.
Orie's 22C can be pretty nasty in the corner it seems.
Reminds me of that Melty Blood character with the plant oki setplay special, Kohaku I believe?
How many people each are in the PSN and PC lobbies that you would consider to be strong?
Oreo tilts me something fierce, but that might just be Atic getting to me. I'll still fight 'em though.
GGs PC dudes. Had a lot of fun and I noticed some improvements from you guys. Especially ryubri and kahid. I need to work on my responses/conversions. I often react in the wrong way (or don't react at all) when someone gets hit by a gem when I don't expect them to or freeze up for a second when someone doesn't get hit by a gem when I expect them too.
Too much planning and not enough reactions on my part.
Do you mean good enough to compete and get somewher ein tournament?
There is some overlap since some have doubledipped but if I had to count it, it'd probably be around 6-8 a piece I'm thinking.
Also thanks to parkbench for teaching me the wonders of 5A~D. It's so damn usefull.
By the way claw, when I say use j2C more, I meant j2[C]
Can't speak for PC since I haven't tried there but PSN probably has a solid 7-8 people that are pretty good. There's overlap with like 4-5 of them IIRC
>tfw you play both mikas
Now a 3D fighter needs a blonde grappler named mika to complete the triumvirate
That anti-air of Hyde's reaches pretty high.
You remembered the j2[C]
But not the 236C
I remembered the 236C but choked and did a 3C right into the fireball.
I was shaking in my boots when you CSed to block that atic, hahaha.
Hi lamp
Bye lamp
Quick question for Clawz, does j.8C (I think that's the uppercut move) chain into j.B to allow the rest of that to play out?
Looked like it happened there and looked pretty neat.
That was some massive patience in the corner.
Note to self, 623B instead
Tried to raw IW but I guess my fingers were just too mushy for the input.
Next time I'll just use facebuttons/macro for it.
How unlucky for that autocorrect. That was a nice round 1 comeback though.
>you can follow up Enkidu's 236C on the wall with 236A rekka
Truly there's still alot in this game for me to learn.
>no bars with Lamp
It's this episode again.
It depends if you used up your hardknockdown/wallbounce/groundbounce already
Where is everyone from?
That's pretty cool. Seems you get a lot of options on where to take things in the air with her character.
Still haven't figured out how FF works into her kit yet though.
Ah I see so it's best to use if you know your opponent hasn't touched a surface yet.
I was experimenting with trying to extend air combo with 22C myself actually.
Flubbed and did 22B instead of 2B sweep, haha.
Fun times though. It's always great to keep learning new things.
>Still haven't figured out how FF works into her kit yet though.
Aside from the added air mobility it's also a FREE* jump cancel (still costs 1 block of GRD, or 1/2 a block in vorpal), which is great for pressure, and used in some combo routes once you already used up your regular cancel, though from what I've seen it looks like [st] introduced new routes that made all the FF routes less useful.
eg. this one does less damage than just going into the BnB j[C] j2[C] j236A etc after the TK fireball and costs GRD.
It's nearly time so I'll close it when it gets back to me.
Ah shoots, I would've went to another character there, haha.
Oh, guess not.
GGs then everyone.
pls, I wasn't done beating up Sai yet
GGs everyone
GGs, hahhaa.
Got a 2nd room for anyone else down to play more.
Well okay. ggs everyone.
I will try to unleash the 6Bs starting next week. I'm going to also have to bust out the 5A > 4Cs and gapless 2Cs more to smack people trying to backdash out.
Also, Carmine has a DP, right? Albit a stubby one that doesn't look like a DP.
Not exactly.
623C isn't fully invuln aside from head invuln
214C has him jump but it isn't invuln on start and can be meatied/interrupted
EX command grab is the only real reversal he's got
Dang, guess he has a tough break getting out of pressure then. His own pressure can be pretty fun times though when you get it working.
I blame Icy for this
Also it seems like that command grab might be pretty hard to pull off.
I'll definitely see about trying it out in some matches for the heck of it.
I didn't see the teleport coming at all at the end of that one round, hahaha.
Maybe I'll get one game in before the lobby closes.
Sounds like a plan.
Oh yeah, I just noticed that you made it to purple square off those games with me Lamp. Congrats!
That was close. Impressive blocking, I would've just run in and got wiped out myself.
It's a weird feeling.
ima blow this whole color laundering ring wide open
I became a bit disillusioned with colors when I somehow managed to hit red while still sucking ass at the game.
Getting to purple only serves to reinforce this
Thought I was safe to blow you up with IWEX when you were nearly directly overhead. Whoops, hahaha.
I did the same thing to hippie earlier since I thought IWEX was air unblockable, EX DP would've worked and cost less
I had a healthy dosage of feeding the other day thanks to Icy actually (being the easily low self-esteemed individual he can be at times) so I can see why you might consider it laundering.
Rest assured, there's no "shady business" going on officer!
>portal 2 came out in 2010
wow what a waste of a decade this has been
Interesting. Guess I'll have to save it for air assaults and easier reads when you're jumping in with an actual attack.
Hard to believe that their last big releases since then have been rehashes of old ideas.
Alright guys, gonna dip to try out the GBVS beta. GGs. Still need to learn the matchup against my own main, haha.
Sounds like a plan. I'll be giving it a go sometime today as well. Hope you have fun with it. GGs!
Eltnum can't cancel this into anything without meter and it's -5, so don't let her get away with using it
ggs. It was nice playing you again
Also, it looks like my beginner Nanase play needs some work. Guess I'll be hitting up arcade mode to practice some of those basic combos.
Yeah, that divekick seems like it should be easy enough to punish but I tried blocking it instead hahaha.
>In air with someone
>Maybe I'll try grabbing
>Spin and get hit instead
Such is life.
Forgot to say that it's definitely worth it now that we've got at least 4 Linnes across both platforms (at least I think all 4 of us have PS and PC releases).
I wanna say there's at least 1 or 2 more on PC though.
Dem's the breaks.
Looks like you were right about EX DP being a more valuable tool in the corner Clawz.
Definitely gave me the chance to come back against you there instead of receiving easy punishment.
Oh man, I'm way too used to Icy's Yuzu.
After getting that point blank FF, the win was just the cherry on top.
Feels good to be able to pull that out for sure.
You were waiting for the teleport huh
Sure was, same reason I popped that wild IWEXs.
Once I saw that you knew how to punish it with 3C, I quickly decided that trying it again would be bad
Playing Eltnum as a side character has helped me realize too that those charged pistol shots aren't as easy to hit as I previously thought when on the receiving end of them
Do you have any advice on how to stop people jumping out of blockstrings by the way?
Everyday i'm closer to dropping this game and never going back. It's just no fun to play online and having literally zero community for the game in my city.
Are you EU? If not, you should join the lobbies. Everyone who sticks it out has been getting better pretty quickly.
start one
That's not easy or feasible everywhere(and for every game), I know that more than most since I've been organizing locals/tournaments for a few years now. You need a lot of effort and a lot of luck.
All those DP punishes, I appreciate it as I definitely need to learn more patience.
Alright I smacked Razzy out of that j214B oki once and that was my goal for the day so I'd better get going since it's getting late and I'm reacting slower and slower to things.
GGs guys
The charged shots aren't that bad, you learn the geometry of it real fast.
Better luck asking other Eltnums, but 66C seems to catch them most of the time if they jump during it. Other than that, you could do 236[X] if you're fast enough or air grab them if you predict the jump.
Those 4B parries have been on point tonight Lamp.
That or I'm an easier read than a Bernstein Bears book. Hahaha
GGs m8. Thanks for sticking it out with us for so long. See ya next time!
Not him but.
214x is really good but your turn stops, other than that and hard callouts it's all basic stagger pressure.
That standoff there at 11 seconds. That was close.
Now I know what Elt truly needs in UNICLR: Make 22C give infinite ammo with purple bullets.
Fuck no, that character is plenty strong already
Make 22C have a random chance to jam the gun and you can't use it the rest of the round.
Sometimes it's crazy how you combo off our trades like that Lamp.
I feel like I'm the one always at the receiving end of those kinds of trades
That one Linne j.C hit was unbelievable with how it was able to reach you despite being so far out. Absolutely nuts!
That EX autocorrect though (at least it looked like it autocorrected), hahaha. Fun times.
Is that what that's called? I noticed that attacks just kind of push them to the right position to combo most of the time
Nice shot to my foot there, haha.
most of the men in this game are hot, aside from the big guy i suppose
Well that was fun getting my ass handed to me for the last 2 hours. Hopefully I'll get home on time next time. GGs, was nice to fight another Yuzu and now I got stuff to lab for next time.
ggs. Thanks for the match up experience
GGs. Thanks for joining up so late! See ya next time!
gee gee. I'll be counting on you to feed me again once I drop back to red Sai
GGs Lamp. Those were some fun games in the end. I fully expect to be sent to orange by you as well actually if somebody else doesn't get to me sooner, haha.
Also Thanks everybody who hopped in Lobby 2, have a good night!