What do you think estus tastes like?
Bideo bames
Like mango mixed with citrus, then heated up to scalding temps
Orange juice
gamer girl ----
salty coins and milk
Sunny D.
I always though it would be metallic.
Is estus even a liquid? I always thought it was just pure flame, and drinking it would taste like that feeling you get when the sun warmly sits against your skin.
probably has no taste
Pickle pee
fire keeper's pee
I always imagine it's very spicy .
mtn dew code red
Who's got this picture? Have not see it in years.
I always thought it would be thin and flavorless like a very thick, almost liquid mist, but hot like alcohol
pennies and salt and also rust
given that "estus" just means "heat" in latin and the bottle appears to just have fire in it, it probably doesn't taste like anything, it's just essence o' the flame you dump down your throat to keep your undead body held together. plus they are undead, can they even feel/taste anything?
Always imagined ice cold whiskey given the usual description of it "burning" going down.
Given that it's fire, like fucking acid. Probably burns going all the way down like when you drink too much soda and get that gas burn.
Either charcoal or mezcal.
I've always wondered what drinking health potions in general feels like. It's hard to imagine the transition between feeling sickly or beaten down one second and feeling as completely right as rain the next.
This is correct.
probably cum, since is what you soulfags love most
can't argue with that
sunny d with whiskey
I buy lemon cayenne kombucha at the local hippie store and it's got a yellowish color and is kind of spicy so I used to think it was sort of estus-like.
I would peel the label off so the bottle looked more like an estus flask and then I would take a sip when my character did, really made for an immersive experience
sarcophagus' juice
but you still drink estus when you're human?
For some reason I always thought that Estus would taste like a hot toddy.
Sounds like the Latin word Aestus, which means something like fire or firey. Less like the English word "firey" and more like the Spanish word "caliente" which is sort of a fire of passion.
Oh, I forgot that "whiskey" comes from an old Irish word (uisce beatha) that means "water of life".
It's even in this old song "Tim Finnegan's Wake"