is this shit freezing then crashing for anybody else, I have a decent PC too intel 8700k and 1070
can get through one round if I am lucky, then it freezes, sound plays for maybe 10 more seconds and then complete crash
is this shit freezing then crashing for anybody else, I have a decent PC too intel 8700k and 1070
can get through one round if I am lucky, then it freezes, sound plays for maybe 10 more seconds and then complete crash
Other urls found in this thread:
also I tried all or most of the meme fixes like update drivers/verify cache/reinstall etc
Works like a charm. Go ryzen you intelet
It doesn't work on my intel or ryzen machine
Same thing happens to me. Do you also get frame stutters?
no its smooth and then just freeze and I have to use task manager to kill it or else it takes 2 or 3 minutes to officially crash
some meme fixes in the comments anybody want to give them a try?
>To fix just change your audio from stereo to surround sound in the windows settings
>turn off afterburner/overclock(not overclocked though)
Game actually has a 50% chance force my computer to reboot between map changes.
I'm assuming it's causing my CPU (i5) to overheat after monitoring it.
I've gone into my BIOS, turned off the thermal protection and maxed my heatsink fan speed, but haven't had a chance to test it yet.
Either way, I've run games far, far more demanding than this with no problems and I'm not a happy camper.
This at least Chivalry worked perfect 100% on launch and had better(though worse than original game) maps
This game still has great potential just needs to WORK
The problem might not be your pc then.
>Either way, I've run games far, far more demanding than this with no problems and I'm not a happy camper.
This kind of unintellectual drivel gets me every time.
I heard some people fixed this issue by changing their audio settings because the default mordhau setting uses surround sound or something and it conflicts with their pc audio settings
No but my GTX 970 Microstutters like crazy in this game.
8 year old 2700k and 970 works fine
what's fucked up about your system?
Game runs fine once I get going but the fucking load times are unbearable.
not that user but how exactly?
Mordhau's just very poorly optimized is all
Disable cloth physics and lower ragdoll physics, those two options are known for a large portion of crashes, even the devs recommend this
did this and only got to play one match then it started crashing every 5 mins into a match
would be nice if devs at least acknowledged there is a problem
msi Z370-A Pro
Geforce GTX 1080
Intel Core i7-8700 @3.20 GHz
32 GB Ram
Driver version: 418.18
All options default. Not one crash.
they do, you have to keep in mind that this is their first game
>all these poor faggots
ay lmao
idk, but lately I get stuttering issues too.
Drop down your resolution to 1080p (I used to play at 4K) and the problem goes away. I hope this ill be patched soon with new maps.