Why does the new Star Wars game look so boring?
Why does the new Star Wars game look so boring?
lost its soul
Because Disney wants to force those ugly inquisitors instead of twilek semen demons like Talon.
>limbo between episode 3 and 4
>already show stormtroopers instead of Republic assets and clone armor before being phased out 17 years later
Fucking cringe. Fuck this nu-star Didney wars shit.
Why is that ass not in my face?
They're literally allergic to anything not original trilogy or new trilogy related.
And who's fault is that you fucking faggot? Fat autistic manchildren like Plinkett, redditlettermedia and Yea Forums. Who were autistically shrieking for YEARS.
>prequelfags still mad
thanks for the ST retard, somehow a 100X bigger shit pile than the prequels
You autistic fat manchildren killed Star Wars so don't even pull this LUL UR MAD ECKS DEE shit. Fuck off back to Yea Forums autist.
Yes, and now they're shrieking for new trilogy and og trilogy to die off, just like they did with prequels. We'll see what happens. Probably nothing.
I jualst want good Star Wars War again. Not this bullshit underdog Rebel vs Empire except it's resistance and FIRST ORDER WOW HAHAHAHA I CLAPPED. There was what like five years of material to build a movie off of and to show the New Republic was a dominant force? They shitcan everything because kikes don't want to pay chump change royalties for EU material.
>EU never ever
But I guess sweaty niggers, edgy teenagers who kills their father and mary sue 6 head goblin are a good thing huh?
That pic is right about the sequels, but it picked some of the ugliest designs from the prequels. You could've shown something nice-looking like pic related.
>Hailfire droid
>Naboo fighter
Fuck off tasteless retard.
Obi wan looks so tiny in that ship
Formulaic cash grabbing is an inherently bad model for the art of game development even if it's commercially a success?
Don't be hyperbolic, obviously if they went in for the EU that would have swerved from the retarded shit.
Twi'leks are not canon anymore
>another young, goodie-two-shoes padawan story
Jesus, why would anyone want to play it, it's been done to death.
Why am I reminded of this
It’s a big ship
Your orders?
Star wars is a dead franchise, probably why.
Just like all modern muh graphics games
Imagine getting a head tentacle handjob from her haha
>Space opera western is ded
>But keeps making ever more money
We truly live in bizarre times.
cute hu-lek kids
>wanting to keep Star Wars in the hands of the west
Only Japan could do Star Wars right today.
>no stylish action Star Wars game like MGR where you can slice ATST legs
>new game will probably have bamham or souls combat
Zoomers will pay for whatever advertising they get.
>tfw you'll never play with a twi'lek's tentacles.
Within hours, Desann will have eradicated those annoying Jedi. Clearing the way for my ascent as the leader of the New Empire. I, Galak Fyyar the First, the genius who conceived of the Shadow Armor, will rule the galaxy with a cortosis fist!
>space sci fi series
>there are no boundaries to what kinds of species could exist in this vast universe
>design alien that is essentially just a human but with long tentacle ears and different skin pigment
Why does space sci fi fall into this trap so much?
who reads these gay anime pages when ppl post em
Because normies don't want to have sex with eldritch horrors from beyond
Only the gay animefags. Everyone else just scrolls past.
Because back in day they were much more limited in what they could make. Now it's just somewhat expected.
The same reason star trek had rubber forehead ayylums instead of forty different kind of insectoid swarms. Costs. We HAVE human model rigs with decades of refinement. There's no point in making fifty highly emotive beholders.
Asari were ripoff twileks in the same way Biotics were ripoff Jedi mind tricks. BioWare dropped Mass Effect like a hot potato because ME was never anything but ripoff star wars but once they got the star wars license locked in thanks to daddy EA they didn't want mass effect anymore.
but really even Gene Rodenberry found out casualfags can't comprehend or connect with aliens that are too alien; humans with funny heads are the furthest you can push. also of course the budgetary limitations visual media has in making aliens, fucking star trek put weird colored vomit over a quilt to simulate a lava monster it was the best they could afford.
I'll take anything at this point.
Same reason why people find black or asians girls with white features hot. Exotic skin color and a few features yet everything you love about white girls.
It's just biology. The bipedal hominid with opposable thumbs is peak evolution. It only makes sense that something very similar would be the dominant species to evolve on other planets
>Force them
They're literally all dead already. This game is gonna be their last major appearance in anything.
Why in the fuck would you give it to them, of all devs?
who cares about sense, it's boring as fuck
I don't think this is peak anything user.
Aw yeah that’s hot
Insects are far superior, they're just cucked by oxygen levels or whatever retarded reason evolutionary biologists and entomologists decided on
Why would jewsney fucking care? They already shit all over order 66, why wouldn't they shit over sideous' suicide order and the plot of that abortion they canceled clone wars for?
>tfw some guy ported most of Battlefront 2's maps to Battlefront 1
Rebels was hit or miss but did have some good stuff, was the quality generally lower than Clone Wars? Yeah, Clone Wars is coming with new episode if you haven't heard. And it's actually awful and ruining Ahsoka's departure from it.
The size comparison between Obi-Wan and R4 is scary.
Best girl. I hope KoS gets another season.
That series really shit itself.
Author is straight up incapable of doing anything coherent longterm and admitted as much himself. Not gonna follow anything he does ever again.
Because it's action adventure and not set in the Old Republic period.
Microsoft owns Ninja Theory as well as Obsidian.
Do they have bones in their tentacles, or are they just like big floppy things of meat? Can they move them around like tails?
Togruta > Twi'lek
Yeah, like could they give you a tentacle job with them???
Bout to play Empire at War for the first time. Any tips I should get before going in and playing as Empire?
The lekku (the tentacle things) are where a Twi'lek's brains are.
So whats in the skull
Play Galactic Battlegrounds instead.
Where are your legs, R2?
Could they give me a brainjob with them?
It would be extremely painful.
All things considered, there really isn't much good Twi'Lek porn. Also
But I just bought it!
Play Jedi Academy.
Also, are there good mods to give twi'leks more pretty/lewd outfits?
Get a refund. :)
Disney isn't even making a profit off of Star Wars
For me or for them?
This hurts me.
Imagine if we got a game set in the sequel era about a female twi-lek sith hunting down and killing Resistance, and she didn't turn good at any point in the story?
And she was dressed like this the entire time.
Heard when they announced it. Unsurprised that after flopping twice with their m-muh disney series tho they fucked up what they ended early when they had to go crawling back.
You have to pay more taxes if you can't write it off as a loss. It sure would be a shame if out of control invoices to overseas shell corporations for goods and services that don't actually exist to make billion dollars films a loss on paper.
What's the economy like? Is it based on territory control?
best thing about the prequels was the amount of lore possibilities they opened up, shame we didn't get more games based in that era. You really can't do much with the sequels, they are nearly as intriguing.
They went too big spectacle so they wont take a risk on that kind of shit and even when they half do like Solo, it's just plopping star wars onto the movie template instead. Even the second clone wars cartoon got too big budget in the end getting it necked when lucas stepped out of his hugbox and sold out in retaliation.
>the only defence prequelfags have is 'at least they tried something different!'
Yeah it was different. It still sucks.
Yes, the new trilogy is unoriginal AND it sucks. Fine.
Disney Wars is shit. Talon also is an okay character, loved when she got BTFO in Legacy
Darth Talon es de otro mundo, Dios mio!
>Remake the original trilogy
>Going to total 3.5b if not 4b
Wake me up
prequel ships are so sexy
Yeah, they're prehensile
oh boy a TFUfag who loves raping the canon
why does it feel like bitches are just photoshoping their faces on 3DCGI girls?
Because Disney can't do shit with it. better to not have nothing at all than a bunch of trash.
All that makeup and the tentacle hat over the Baldcap + the entire thing photoshopped so hard it may as well be 3dcgi?
dios mio...
Imagine getting upset over gameplay being fun
You can make a fun game without raping a property's setting and lore
A good raping of Disney Wars setting and lore would make it entertaining rather then the snorefest it is now
There's no lore to rape in the Disney era
wait, so humans can interbreed with Twi'lek?
El goblino
How would a stylish action Star Wars game rape the lore though?
Twi'lek are just human cosplayers, so yes.
Is there anything set in the Disney era aside from the films?
Yeah but their children are unable to reproduce, like mules
Nothing interesting
Yeah real time travel is canon now
>Disney Wars canon
So garbage?
That's OT stuff though
It needs more hot girls to be less boring for guys
The entire history of everything no longer makes sense cause a single droid in a ship can annihilate moon sized starships.
I don't think that's ever been established. There are a shit load of hybrid species out there.
The original guy who hated TFU, but would now love to see a new one. Based
People fart during weddings
I hate that I know what you're talking about.
Honestly not really, the novels have been bland and the comics aren't interesting either, this doesn't just apply to the ST either
While I like a lot of the EU (mainly pre-Republic or Old Republic stuff), all the movie era and after content was fucking retarded. I could do without Luke controlling black holes, or the whole galaxy being invaded by space vampires.
>that feel when there'll never be another Star Wars game set in a time extremely far removed from any movies so it can tell it's own story
Just wait for the KOTOR movies bro, itd habbenin.
Skygay and the fondling of the Two Big Black Orbs is for squares. A Hip and Happening company like disney needs to better showcase its brand without the limitations of the 1970s that the skygay storyline was held back by.
>high heels
Still too much. She should fight naked.
>the new star wars game
i think you mean new star wars in general dude...it's dead. A literal cash cow. I'm gonna replay Jedi Academy, fuck these new shits
based actual retard
>nuWars talks about diversity in cast
>meanwhile the only alien is Chewie who is relegated to be Rey's chauffeur
>even though all racial tension in Star Wars is about actual aliens beign oppressed by humans
>or the class-ism of the poor being sold as slaves to the giant slugs
>this zooms over the producer's head and they think it is ground breaking shit to have women and blacks in Star Wars
The worst thing to ever happen to Star Wars was for it to be put in the hands of Kathleen Kennedy or anyone associated with Spielberg. Say what you will about Marvel films, but at least the guy in charge of that shit at least has some grasp of the material, as opposed to Kathy who probably forgets there are aliens in fucking Star Wars.
Fuck you I liked the new Star Destroyers
>but muh copy cat
The Sith have been using the same capital ship designs for over 3 thousand years, all of them have copied the Star Destroyer, and they all look good.
based JKA poster
Now that the dust has settled, which was best overall: Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy?
Some pointers to go by:
>Story & plot
>Level design
>Game mechanics
>"Fun" (tm)
This is really the only thing that can salvage this trash fire. It's why the comic with Darth Talon sort of worked. IT is why KOTOR worked. Just move the time period a couple thousand years from the OT, make up some nonsense to keep the galaxy in perpetual war like 40k and there you go, and endless glut of Star Wars to milk.
haven't tried outcast but i loved Academy, really fun dueling those evil fucks. Is Outcast really comparable to Academy ?
>Is Outcast really comparable to Academy ?
Hell yes. You're locked to a single lightsaber and don't have katas (the click-both-mouse-buttons-to-win bullshit, which is a good thing), but mechanically they play almost identical. The only thing drawing Outcast back imo is the level design, which can get a bit confusing at times.
If you can stomach that, you're treated to a better, more personal, more coherent story with better heroes and villains. You know Tavion, the main villain in Jedi Academy? Yeah, she's just the cumdumpster of the main villain in Outcast. And Outcast gives you arguably the best protagonist of any Star Wars game ever, Kyle fucking Katarn.
Outcast has better level design (for most part) and better atmosphere, and gives you all force powers as game progresses instead of JA's system where you can't have it all in one playthrough. Jedi Outcast also begins with several long levels without force powers or lightsaber, which divides players, and t's harder game overall.
From technical and gameplay point of view there isn't much differences, there is just like a year between their releases.
i'll check it out
Also Billy Dee Williams voice acting Lando.
Shit really? I never knew. I just thought he was a really, really good impressionist.
Because just like in real life and fantasy, women are useless, so they might as well be eye-candy.
>tfw even if EA/Disney miraculously manage to make a decent game it will still be shit because it's in the Disney Canon
This is truly the worst timeline
>that pic
Someone post it.
The naboo starfighter is so neat looking.
>Implying a game where you play a person of color who saves the rebellion by having the revolutionary thought to assemble advanced probes and install secondary hyperspace engines on droid crewed small ships to drop out of hyperspace while simultaneously jumping back into it to aloha snackbar any empire warship of note utterly ending their ability to fight wouldn't be the bestest game ever
Please tell me he sued that cunt
That guy should never have children.
Stop dancing like a retard and maybe you will not get hit.
fuck off whiteknight
>interspecies breeding
This should be a mechanic in more games.
>Harass someone for attention
>Get hit for it
>Sue them too
Uh... Millennial much?
He has a 3/10 wife that he shares.
based and redpilled
Twi'lek anime girls are pretty cute
EA that's all you need to know
The Adoring Jedi
He probably apologized to her off camera
Orc wombs are for human seed.
Blueberry twileks are better
>Giant x Sprite
I like those odds.
If a hot girl ever punched me in the face that hard I'd probably fall in love with her on the spot
>humans cannot breed with gnomes or goblins
Chart disregarded. Fucking garbage.
It's just DnD. These aren't universal fantasy setting rules, just like there's no rule that dragons must have 4 limbs and 2 wings.
because more interesting to some means more off-putting to others.
bland to everyone is just fine when you can people trick people into craving it desperately.
Considering the fuckheads are going to ruin KotOR with their agenda movie I'd expect more EU material to get slaughtered by shitty writers.
Dark Side is the best. Prove me wrong, worms.
It gives people bad skin conditions and a severe case of backstabbery
Umbara, geonosis, and a bunch of the others in the later seasons were so fucking good and I wish george would have been committed to seeing it play out in the only medium it can succeed in since you can't do shit for grand scope storytelling in a movie trilogy.
Badly written retards doing retarded shit cause they're retarded.
Oh god, post more please
I wish we could get stealth/action game starring imperial agent Mara Jade with lots of gadgets and some force powers that would not be too powerful.
The game could be mission based and somewhat open ended in what you want to do except for story missions, and plot could be about uncovering, secretly investigating and discreetly stopping conspiracy within the Empire. The game could end with Emperor giving her special order to hunt down rebel called Luke Skywalker.
But it is never going to happen because fucking Disney canon.
>tfw metal gear star wars never ever
It's not like KotOR wasn't quite liberal to begin with, the first game was first Star Wars product with homosexuality (Juhani).
They are apex chads by definition.
I never realized it until I was older then ralized that someone had to have shit taste to think Juhani was hot when there hotter chicks in the order.
Look at her face. You just know
Really nice trying to take the character seriously as a finn since it's pretty old and somewhat common male name. Bravo, Lucas.
dear jesus
for me star wars jedi academy, shadows of the empire and the original battlefront 2-multiplayer were the best star wars games