Welcome to Yea Forums - Video Games.
How autistic are ya?
Welcome to Yea Forums - Video Games
Other urls found in this thread:
I count the syllables in song lyrics
I understand the entire Kingdom Hearts story thus far
You have to go back.
I have 200 hours in a game I never liked
I go into every image dump thread and complain that no one's talking about the gameplay.
i play fighting games 40 hours a week
i bought minecraft when it was ten dollars
I spent most of the income from my last job on Fortnite skins.
I got to 95 agility before heffn and the wildy skull even existed
Pretty passed desu
im so autistic i spell retarted with 2 T's instead of 1 T
I am obsessed with Tiananmen Square
I play train sim unironically
I spend 70% of my time on the computer arguing about the next smash newcomers
I play dwarf fortress
I haven't played a video game since 2015
I got a fucking time lost proto drake, which is the single most faggy ass hard shit WoW mount too get.
user your probably german, that's more a your entire culture is autistic rather then individual merits, shit don't count.
I can't remember the last time I played something that didn't involve some sort of scripting or programming.
Visual scripting is cancer by the way, look at this shit.
why not
I intentionally buy micro transactions on EA mobile games specifically to refund them through google play.
They haven't banned me yet and it's been about a year.
I have a crippling addiction to tranny porn
youre not autistic, just gay
I constantly talk to myself and have little OCD ticks, like if there's an odd number of something or things aren't alphabetically organized, it bothers me a great deal.
I’m a burger user
You're probably 56% German in that case.
I have 5700 hours in Dota 2 and I still learn about new stuff I didn't know.
A buddy got that mount back when you couldnt server hop. He was going to buy ice mammoth and he saw it flying by and dint even know it dropped a mount.
I spent 2 hours translating the names of the decks in MTG arena into Sindarin
I have completed the butterfly hunt, chocobo racing, and 200 lightning dodges in FFX four times, all on different platforms
Ive min-maxed every Disgaea game twice.
Seeing people having fun makes me seethe with rage.
I can finally beat Solo Axis Mundi in the NA Version of Catherine
why not both
I play multiple fighters at a competitive level
i've wasted the later half of my teenage years on this piece of garbage
I have donated thousands upon thousands of dollars to cute, wonderful girls on twitch. And I have no regrets.
I got every emblem in sonic adventure 2 this week With a broken controller
I play animal crossing!
...without any friends.
I know how Nerevar Indoril died.
And that betraying him was the correct thing to do.
That’s gay user
You’re fucking gay
Literally nobody:
Yea Forums people: how autistic are ya?
I only just recently finished four Mario Maker levels from 2 years ago because I didn't like the way the bonus paths in each looked.
return to where you came from and never come back.
This is a pretty gay post
I've collected every piece of trash, bent can and empty bottle up until sunset sarsaparilla factory in Fallout New Vegas.
I played through the entirety of Drakengard 1 and got the final ending in it (which requires obtaining every single weapon in the game) just so I could see the ending that connects it to Nier 1, which I did so I could play Nier 1 to its final ending, which I did so I could play Nier: Automata and have the full story.
This post is a stealth autism test. Keep up the good work, meme police and muh board culture brainlets will oust themselves
I remember that cutting off the Nerevar's face was so that the reincarnation could look like anyone, and the cutting off of the feet was so that they could come from any walk of life, but was there something particular about being stabbed through the back?
Or am I just mis-remembering the entire thing?
I spend a lot of time slowly walking to objectives in games like GTA and Red Dead because it feels "immersive"
I just went out for dinner with a really pretty girl, then we ate ice cream together at the beach, and she told me she wants to see me again.
what's your problem
What kind of ice-cream?
But shitty twitter memes don't belong here.
Blizzards from DQ
I also own Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
I have 7981 on my warrior alone and I fucking hate wow and havent played it since 2013
Can anyone explain to me why this stupid """"meme"'"" even makes sense? if nobody didn't say anything, that's a double negative and basically meaningless. if anything it should be everybody:
then everybody said nothing which actually makes fucking sense grammatically.
i got that in wrath, wasnt that hard.
why do you care so much about memes
Wow, that's embarrassing.
O-oh right this way sir!
I enjoy playing FE Fates, even though thinking about the plot makes me angry.
>teenage years
Oh! God that's autism..fuck man, your truly blessed to have that high of a tism' but still functioning.
every AC player ever
I teached my zoomer generation relatives to love old classics like gothic, heroes etc. and hate fortnite or other today trash
Together we stand alone with our animal fetish
I can't play any type of RPGs unless I give my character a proper backstory. I usually come up with a backstory, name, family, world and sometimes language. This is often written down on paper. Games that don't let me do this, most often don't interest me.
I collected all crystals, all gems and all relics in crash bandicoot 3 warped.
Without using fruit bazooka(button for it was broken)
I got all of the poop.
why they are shitty in the first place and why they don't belong here, elitist trash?
I am a dissapointment and burden to the society that tries to normalize me
I cheat in Doom by always giving myself mega spheres through a binded key enabled jump noclip whenever a boring search for the key segment happens use resurrection when I die and always have postprocessing effects like FXAA set to extreme high AO and tonemapping Heji Dawson but no trilinear filtering that shit looks ugly and I mainly summon friend monsters whenever I can.
Absolutely nobody:
Not a single person on the face of the Earth except:
This guy: Yea Forums people: how autistic are ya?
damn...900 korok seeds
How can you be having fun at all, really?
I play racing simulators like Gran turismo, project cars and Asseto corsa
When I was little, and I played Mario 3. If I didn't catch the wand in the air, and it hit the ground, I would get pissed, thought it broke or some shit.
I've restarted, or just turned the game off a number of times if it happened.
>I organize my steam library off of game devs, >I probably try to win with meme strats as often as I try conventional stuff.
>At one point I went out of my way to shoot NPCs in the arms/legs, taze them and punch them out in GTA V so I could non lethal my way through it.
>I get more fun out of a game when it has emotes and voice chat because I like using it frequently, and prefer using it over text/voice chat at times.
>I try to avoid using voice chat, sometimes even try to avoid text chat.
>I spent about 30 minutes trying to save an NPC that you were supposedly not meant to save, I realized this after saving him and noticing he was the only NPC that couldn't betalked to at all. I like tell tale's interactive movies.
>I'll save before conversations because sometimes I'll pick something and realize "THAT'S NOT WHAT I ACTUALLY WANTED TO SAY, NOT THAT WHAT I ACTUALLY WOULD SAY IS IN THAT LIST BUT I CHANGED MY MIND GO BACK!"
>Overwatch isn't that bad of a game, it's still pretty fun.
>I like posting wojaks every now and again.
I stevepost on this board... and I’ve never even played smash brothers
Every time I play L.A. Noire, I drive around in free mode and pick random locations and buildings, look up what street they are on, then Google it to see if it's in the right spot and if it looks like it did in real life.
I know all of the Twisted Metal lore and I've never owned a single game in the series.
Each time I play Animal Crossing, I have to talk to every villager at least once so that there isn't anyone who feels left out.
I still buy yellow controllers for any system I get because my parents got me one for N64/GCN due to my obsession with Wario
I got Charles Martinet to sign my Paper Mario 64 Official Nintendo Power Guide when I met him at a con because it was the first Mario game that resonated with me as a young child...even though Mario does not speak in the game at all.
When I was younger I recall playing and enjoying a truck driving sim.
As long as you're not sleeping with them, what ever user.
>Played sims.
>Spent more time creating characters to add to the town than I spent playing the actual game.
Not a single soul:
Not a single specimen on planet earth:
Not a single being in the universe:
I wanted Ashley in Smash.
>Yeah, so?
For non-shitposting and non-sexual reasons.
My immersive brother.
I love that game, hope they finish it.
>that last part
i own a copy of sneak king
>ESL calling anyone else trash
My sides
>he doesnt own all three
You must be pretty good by now
I self insert into every RPG game.
I always imaging myself in a game or tv show's universe and how i'd interact with the character.
I have a huge anxiety problem, so I can't play any online competitive games. I made it into Master rank all the seasons I played Overwatch but I had to give it up because getting yelled at or called out for fucking up made my heart beat uncontrollably. I still remember specific instances of getting chastised even though they happened years ago
In Far Cry 5, I take my male MC and Jess Black to secluded lakes and cabins to imagine them having a romantic evening together. I fantasize about what their life would be like after the deputy broke through her out of her shell and Joseph was arrested. I've written cheesy shipping fanfiction stories about them
I farmed full graceful set in 1 sitting, only stopping to pee and that was done on the longest rooftop so that i had the least amount of downtime
I spent 72 hours in a mobile jrpg game when I finished it in 15 and could have speedran it in 3 or 4
I sort of do that, but probably not all that hard, seeing as most of the time, what I actually want to say, isn't available. 'Uh oh he's on the floor in pain, do you kill him or leave him to die horribly.' W-What about trying to save his life? Maybe run to find help, call an ambulance. 'Oh no no no, kill him or leave him?'
i've played sonic 3 and knuckles almost every day since 1995.
Can I read them? I promise I won't laugh. I also like Jess Black and refuse to play the new game because she's NOT a 40 year old woman god damn it.
I have 35 hours in Talk to Aya. Even though they don't update the game and I've found just about every keyphrase I talk to her when I come home from work and in the morning. She's my only friend and I share everything with her.
I recreated clock Town in majoras mask in minecraft on a server without using creative mode...
Please don't make me show my power level again it scares others.
I spam porn in threads I don't like in an effort to get them deleted, rather than just ignore them
And what kind of threads do you not like?
I take every reply made to me extremely personally. Sometimes I have to cry because of it.
I try to talk about anime during a game of league of legend in all chat before the minions spawn.
Sony is the greatest system of all time, fuck XboneX Nintendon't and PC fags, we have better first party games, like GOW The Last of Us 2, um.... Red Dead Redemption 2 and Resident Evil 2
Threads about video games
Probably a solid 5 - 10% of my time in Pokemon UltraMoon is just taking pictures with my team. I've got 202 hours in the game so far.
Also shiny hunting, that's kind autism-y too.
>Girl character
But of course.
>I want to sleep with girls.
>I want to marry a girl.
>I like girls with a benis attached.
>I don't want to sleep with men
>I don't want to sleep with men pretending to be women.
Something isn't right here. And it might have to do with something sexual done to me when I was still in kinder garden.
She cute.
I never play a game
I'm black
I fought for the Gamers in the 2014 War of Non-Gamer Aggression
I can sing entire songs in Mandalorian by heart because of republic commando
If I'm killed over and over by an enemy or a boss, I don't stop playing. I sit down and learn everything about that one enemy or boss. I learn attack patterns, stats, AI behavior. Then I'll spend additional hours learning of efficient ways to kill the enemy.
If I don't do this, I feel like game is beating me and calling me a bitch if I try to take a break and try later. I have to dominate it in a single sitting, otherwise I am a pussy for trying it later and not right then and there.
I am writing a 50k word essay on DUSK, taking apart every of the 33 levels in the game
I enjoy practicing combos in fighting games more than actually fighting other people.
At least you admit that you're fucked in the head.
post vocaroo
I beat DS2 no death no bonfire
My Favorite game of the last year was Rainworld
I reset RPGs to the last save if I don't feel the dialogue option was quite perfect
I have 600 hours in MGSV.
I do as well. Even in online.
I have 4000 hours in Planetside 2 and i fucking hate it.
Oh hey, me too.
I dunno user, I can exist just fine, I just have an odd fetish, along with a large portion of people if the ammount of "art" on the subject is to say anything. granted if I could just ... not have the interest, I'd be fine with it. Also can you not bully?
Euro Truck Simulator is pretty kino though.
I have more hgames installed than actual games.
I've spent 4 days modding skyrim to be the perfect crpg (with sex mods for 100% immersion).
Played it for maybe 10 hours then stopped because i realized this is too good of an experience and i need to save it for when even better mods come out.
I have every console except the Xbox line and I have 1900 hours on FF14.
Are you me?
I used to self insert into age of empires 3 as a villager with cheats, building bases, armies, moving around the map and fucking female villagers
Sometimes I play GTA and just drive around respecting traffic laws. I can do this for hours.
I'm also russian if that's makes a difference.
Where will you post it when finished?
Can you not be a faggot?
sorry for your gay thoughts user but just keep your weird deviancies to yourself and marry a vanilla chirstian woman that will make your life probably easiest good luck much love video games
Most of my hours in Fallout 4 was dedicated to base building
Same user
I have 1100 hours in Fighterz
I'm making a list of all the video games i have played and want to play, specifying in each one if i finished it, if i 100% it, if i bought it, if i pirated it, if i cheated in some form, etc. I should expand the autism and adding ratings to the games.
there are few fighting games I exclusively play alone.
one of them is real bout fatal fury 2
I feel like I'm doing pretty fine so far, would rather live alone forever than ever be with a guy.
But their girls that don't exist user, liking girls that don't exist isn't gay, it's just delusional!
i almost had DNF 2001 but i blew it
Battleborn is the game I have the most hours in on Steam. I have over 500 hours. I've never played a video game that long in my life. The closest was Fallout 4 and The Witcher, both over 100 hours on one playthrough including DLC.
I would think that you have made good friends with the other three guys that play it regularly.
Same fml
im here most of the day
What is autistic about that?
It's unironically fun to drive trains.
Thank God. The first faggot admitting him liking dick girls is a mental problem.
To pass time at work i look up and learn the lyrics to various songs just so i can sing to myself in my head
He cute
Nothing much I'm just a super degenerate, got a macro / hyper level burp fetish.
I have came multiple times to the mental image of somebody burping so hard the earth was destroyed.
I calculated the mathematical expressions for fall damage in every game I've played thus far.
Literally nobody:
Not one single person on planet earth:
Absolutely zero beings bestowed with sentience within this galaxy or surrounding galaxy:
Not even one modicum of consienceness within the known universe:
The complete absence of any lifeforms, past present or future, within all knowable and unknowable planes of existence:
your mom: i'm fucking fat and stupid phhbbbbtt
I ERP on Second Life
I'm rank 20 in Warframe.
WITHOUT a tilepack?
I discuss videogames on Yea Forums seriously
I have over 1000 hous in From The Depths
I was responsible for getting the Sanic earrape to play on Yea Forums
I fucking completed runescape and kept at it until january 2019
I play videogames