Thoughts on this game?

Thoughts on this game?

Attached: TeamSonicRacing.png (950x534, 1.07M)

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Why does he need a car

Why are the cars so big? You can barely see the characters riding them.

They should have just made Sega All-Stars Racing 3 instead. Plus the Sonic Racing roster might actually be even worse then MK8's was.

Fun game but PC online is broken and therefore dead
I heard switch online is still alive but I wouldn't know myself.

There was probably more demand for characters like Silver and Blaze than any remaining obscure SEGA characters

It's fun as fuck but no one wants to fucking play it because "MUH TRANSFORMED". Well that and matchmaking is fucking broken.
This game is also fast as fuck if you get a good team mate to slingshot and skim boost you.

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to make it fair for his friends

Pretty damn fun, but it's what I expected, since it's Transformed but with only cars. Those were my favorite sections in that game.
My only wish is it had more characters and stages, then it would be even better
They make up for it by giving each character unique car parts to personalize the cars, there's a bunch to unlock

don't think about it, just consume.

If you were to split Vector from these two, who would you have given Silver and Blaze as a Power Type partner?

Attached: TeamVector.jpg (1024x576, 129K)

Just finished my 100% playthrough. I like it a whole lot. Obviously it's not perfect and could use some fixes, but I like a lot of how this game feels and drives more than ASRT personally.

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The graphics are immaculate but I wish it was a little easier to tell what terrain is safe to drive on and what isn't. Any other Sonic game would have signposts telling you what type of character can pass through the upcoming pathway like Sonic Riders did.

Eggman Nega

It's good fun. Too bad about it being a budget game, though. I would've paid the full 60 bucks if it had at least 2 more character teams and 2 more sets of tracks.

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I rather have more characters than the Kart customization we got

I don't think that's necessary. If the ground has a different texture, there's your technique path. If there a couple of objects blocking a road, that's your power path.
The only thing I don't think has a clear enough visual cue is the weak wall you can drive through as a power level in the haunted castle track.

Did Transformed get any major post-release patch support? They might still be supporting it.

The funny thing is most of the power paths can be easily done by anyone with a modicum of skill. A couple of pots or rocks in your way doesn't matter when 80% of the road is still wide open and it's easy to drift around it.

That particular wall is the only power-only path in the game, and even then the wall stays broken for the entire race when someone hits it.

Just the PC exclusive characters.
Yeah, but your AI partners can't dodge the pots to save their lives, and they follow your slipstream's general path.

Only one stage, but multiple DLC characters, it's possible
Honestly if we had both, I would have been fine. Like 21-24 characters and paint kits for each one, plus a lot of customization parts for them all

Which of the three character types is the worst?

Can you queue up with your friends yet for online? I don't see a point in a team based racer if you can even put together a team for online.

>That particular wall is the only power-only path in the game
Frozen Junkyard has a breakable wall too.

Hard to say. On a technical level, power has the lowest stat total in the game, but boost is also the most valuable stat in the game and they have it the highest.

Technique is the slowest but has the best recovery from hits by far and going offroad in some maps is really strong.

Speed is almost as fast as power but is much easier to control. Their unique ability works all the time and isn't restricted by map design, but I've never seen anyone actually use it effectively.

Attached: TSRStats.png (529x691, 42K)

I'd say Technique. No penalty from driving offroad isn't really that helpful unless you're a shitter, and they have the worst top speed and boost of the three types.

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Jun Senoue and Tee Lopes teaming up is pretty based

Cream, Mephiles, Marine
Does Silver have high heels or is that the lighting

Does "Defense" contribute to being able to shove people around like the heavies in Mario Kart can?

Nope. All it does is make the stun animation a bit shorter.

Defense refers to how long you get stopped when you're hit by an item. High defense means you regain control really quickly, low defense means you stay down for a while after being hit.

Poor man's CTR

The stat may not effect it, but I've still shoved a car or two off the course.

Lighting, he has slightly raised heels on his shoes
It's something I never knew I wanted until it happened.
>Jun Senoue and Tee Lopes on multiple songs
Good fucking shit

>poor man's racer is 60fps
>rich man's racer is capped at 30
really makes you think

In Sumo games, your weight and ability to push people around is based on your speed. Not any of your stats, literally how fast you are currently going. The faster you're moving, the heavier you are. Typically this works out to faster characters being heavier, but a boost works just as well.

I've not seen much gameplay of the original or remake of that game, but I'm pretty sure they play vastly different

Damn, that's good to know but it kinda feels like Power types should be able knock people around, if only to be thematically appropriate

So wait, how does Technique have the best recovery from hits if Power has the best Defense stats?

Tech has the highest acceleration.

Because they have great acceleration I think

>how does Technique have the best recovery from hits
I'm assuming he's judging by the acceleration, which gets you back up to speed faster, of which the Technique characters get a shit ton and even max out for some characters.

The difference between the stun time of Eggman/Omochao and Zavok is barely noticeable. When I said defense "slightly" lowers stun time, I meant VERY slight.

Since the former have better acceleration they get up to a reasonable speed faster.

Bingo Highway is such a good remix

>take out sega characters to make it sonic only
>don't use the sonic license to its full extent in the slightest
what a waste
i hope crash is going to use it's universe properly, but the lack of key characters from crash 1-3 while including forgettable one-offs from crash's "dark ages" makes me think none of these companies really care about their worlds and just want a name on the box

>The difference between the stun time of Eggman/Omochao and Zavok is barely noticeable.
I would hope so because in the best case scenario for both characters their defense is practically the same. I mainly play Knuckles and you can definitely tell a difference between fully maxed out defense and halfway/3 quarter defense. It's not a huge massive game changer and Technique characters will still probably get up to speed faster than Knuckles does, but it balances out a bit more than you're giving it credit for.

>but the lack of key characters from crash 1-3
Tawna and who else is it missing from that era? The guys from Crash Bash?

Dark Arsenal is really underrated.

What's everyone playing it on Switch or PS4? I don't want to buy the dead version

Switch has more players, but I'd take the lower player count to not have to deal with a 30fps cap.

Tawna and Nbrio should be locks
obj_motherfucker is also a great pick
There are more memorable characters you could pull from those games but those seem to be the main 3 that people want

Alright is it comfortable with the joycons? That's all I have unless I can use gamecube controllers with it?

Because he's a cheater otherwise. It's a CAR race, you don't bring your superpowers to a CAR race to cheat. The Sonic racing games are legitimately great. Well...I only played transformed, but it was great.

The Switch binds the L and R buttons on the Gamecube controller to ZL and ZR, right? Those are the ones you need. L and R aren't used.

>Blaze has a higher speed stat than Metal Sonic

TSR is based off of the car gameplay from Transformed, so it's also fun.

I'm pretty sure those are base parts and not any of the custom stuff, but Metal Sonic's deal is the boost stat anyways.


I just use the Pro Controller but Joy-Cons work pretty well. One nice change is that you can choose to use ZL/L to drift and ZR/R to accelerate, unlike Transformed where it was only ZL/ZR
It's also been a good seller on both PS4 and Switch so those are probably the ones with the most playerbase

>Almost considering buying it on switch even though I have it on PC just so I have people to actually play with

It's not Transformed.

And that's fine.

Even though I love it and it's about how I expected, I think is the best way to sum it up.
If you liked the mechanics of Transformed or loved the driving you'll find a lot to enjoy in TSR, but the game disappoints in terms of roster and stage count
Also this, because TSR is still a good time and I commend the devs for trying something new.

Alright I'll probably just get it on switch

i miss AGES and it's boat mode dreamcast lens sound but this game is fuckin great. feels more like a sequel to the first sonic racing game. the sweetest thing is that the game runs past 60 fps on PC. I get 120+ fps single player and 90+ splitscreen.

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I don't think it's that much of a waste really. The only major Sonic locations/stage tropes this game lacks are
>futuristic city/another city
>Angel Island
And even those are still covered. And in terms of Modern cast the only outliers they omitted are Cream, Espio, Charmy, and the Babylon Rogues.
If anything I'm hoping they do DLC to add all that stuff in and even the last few stages from the All Stars Racing games that aren't already in this, and just turn this into the ultimate Sonic racer

Hope you enjoy it user. I've already probably put about 50 hours into the game


Shame that these type of racers dont have weather changes and day/night cycle. Some racers in the 2000s had them and they would add much more variety to the tracks than just having mirror tracks and call it a day

>no full version of the Vela Nova cover
It's not fucking fair

You sort of get that with the 3 Rooftop Run stages, and I seriously appreciate them having a day, sunset, and night variant of those. Feels true to Unleashed, and they take full advantage of referencing the game in the first of them and even the short in one of them

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New mechanics (slipstream, customizable car pieces instead of mods) seem cool, team driving seems like a nice gimmick if a bit frustrating. Roster/level list seems like a downgrade from Transformed
Probably won't pick it up for a while, hopefully the matchmaking won't be dead by then

Has anyone found more sprites?

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Oh that's neat they added that. Too bad we didn't get sonia somewhere in the game again

The main theme of this game is one of the worst piece of music I ever heard in a game. I think i'd rather listen to Sonic Chronicles OST.

The team stuff is quite fun. The game is already pretty fast but it gets to be more intense in team races since there's always something to focus on.
Stage count wise you have the same amount Transformed had after DLC (21), but five less new ones
I haven't kept an eye out on them but I know there's a Sonic one in Ocean View

Fuck you

but he's racing against tails and knuckles on foot with another sonic racing against them with the powers of the chaos emeralds his metal evil self robotnik in the egg mobile and amy in a car in sonic


Sonic R didn't have much thought put into anything except the music.

There's 3 in Mother's Canyon from what I can find. Found one in Doctor's Mine too.

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do i buy this or meow motors or wait for ctr?

I remember when it was first leaked we all thought it was a sequel to Sonic R, turns out it was just another shitty Mario Kart ripoff.

Sega can't do anything right.

>another shitty Mario Kart ripoff
Transformed was fucking great though, and this game is pretty good too.
I don't see how anyone would have expected a Sonic R sequel aside from the R in the logo, which was obviously meant as a reference.

>specifically refers to a series that has nothing to do with the game referring to said series in its own title
>"O-obviously just a reference, bro! Just a little easter egg!"

Oh for fuck's sake, don't be that guy.

Fuck Zavok mains

It's good and really enjoyable but man is the online a ghost town. Can barely get more than 3 other people online at a time.

It's not my fault he's faster than whatever character you play.

There's references up the ass in the game though, including Sonic R song remixes.
It's just the nature of it, it's a fanservice game. Otherwise they wouldn't have given Tails another Lotus Seven named after the car he had in the Drift games, or had Sonic's render reference CD artwork that was also used for Sonic Drift.
Even the reveal had a car revving up, it was pretty obvious it was going to be racing and that the R was just a throwback.

The one thing I greatly appreciate in this game is that for once, it feels like there's a chance to claw back into 1st place from 12th place and that a majority of the racers are grouped together. The first 2 Racing games suffered greatly in this department, because once you get a nice gap between 1st and 2nd place, no one could touch 1st. The race would then become a battle to determine 2nd place.

I miss my Monkey Ball stages though.

Attached: Monkey Target.png (480x698, 524K)

Literally no one thought that.

All the stages were nu-Monkey Ball shit, though.
Even Monkey Target only features its namesake for the first 15 seconds, then the rest of it looks like the post-6th gen games.

I'd have been cool with Transformed but only cars. It's so fucking slow I feel like I just can't get moving. Shit sucks.

Are you just playing on Normal? Difficulty increases speed.

Online instead ghost town. It's just fucking broken. Instead of matching people into lobbies, you end up with a ton of people hosting their own individual lobbies.

Once a match starts, that lobby is locked from anyone joining. Lobbies will start automatically after a certain period so you can't even wait for it to fill up. The logic to have people join while a race is in progress is there, but they have it locked out for some stupid reason. Probably because anytime someone does manage to join a lobby with a race in progress, the lobby ends up crashing and causing the network errors. On top of this, add the lack of host migration and you just have an overall terrible experience.

Did they make Zavok the best so more people would play him? Is this a ploy so they can claim people love him and shove him in more things?

Then why can't I change the difficulty in the challenges? How do I pick difficulty online? The system is just fucked compared to Transformed and the 4 classes.

>It's so fucking slow I feel like I just can't get moving.
I can tell you're not using the team mechanics.

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I cannot fucking STAND car upgrades being gacha based. Holy fuck is it annoying to mash A over and over to get random parts or skins or whatever. They already had a perfectly fine system of unlocking stuff for characters by using them, or they could have just done what literally every customizable racing game does and just let you go to a parts store. What the fuck?

Think again, I'm using them all the time. I just can't get that rush like Transformed.

It definitely gets faster when you play on Expert, start experimenting with car mods, and taking full advantage of the mechanics. Like the small window before you hit the ground in some stages, do a stunt for a boost. If you save up a level 3 boost while in the air, you can carry it into a drift. Despite nerfing the boosting in this game, it feels like it encourages you to boost a ton. I also feel like the game rewards quick reflexes and it feels satisfying to hit top speed and keep a flow going.
Also, you can change the difficulty between Normal and Hard in every single race based mission, and Expert once you complete them. The only ones you can't are the side ones.

I've got them all now, but that is annoying. I think it leans more towards the characters you play the most, though, because I play as Sonic most and had all of his parts pretty quickly.

>team mechanics are boring
>team mechanic sucks with AI
>team action time is still "I win" button
>team mechanic fuck you over in online multiplayer if you get stuck with AI team mates
>you completely, or almost completely stop after getting hit, which fuck up the flow and even mario kart isn't this bad with it
>they nerfed boosting badly, now boosting isn't nowhere as satisfying like in transformed, hell even mario kart has more satisfying feeling drift boost than this
>its hard to tell when you have reached max boost, but to be honest the difference between levels is so small its almost pointless
>some tracks are really boring and overly long, some has wide straight lines or scripted jumps that goes on far too long
>gacha shit even being in the game at all, its the laziest way devs can add unlockable shit to game and it shows as you can get one thing at time, all that shit should have been rewards for completing single player missions or beating time trials etc, not from collecting in-game money game literally gives you from everything for random chance of getting random part for an character I wont ever play as
>story mode is very repetitive and events has less variety than in transformed
>you replay same tracks too many times in story mode
>the story is retarded and they should have spend the money they used for voice acting it to make the actual game better
>items are worse, and they removed glove item from transformed
>power characters special ability is useless compared to the other two, with tech characters ability being almost OP
>online is completely broken and almost non-functioning, its somehow worse than transformed's online which wasn't great but functional
>there are no battle arenas or modes in multiplayer
>still reusing same tracks and themes, now they even brought back track from the original!
The broken online is my main complain, I can deal with the other problems.

it's barely even a kart racer. they might as well be driving honda civics

Most of your complaints are from being bad if I'm being honest.

Where is the fucking dlc?

This, holy fuck. What the series needs is a Sonic R followup with more courses, characters and power ups. Sonic R is brilliant, it's just a shame you can 100% it in like 25 minutes

Why are the two destroyed future characters paired up with Vector the fucking Crocodile?

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Sonic R is a fucking meme game

Aaron keeps saying none is planned.
But the game has been selling surprisingly well and damn near everyone talks about how much they like it so it would be in their best interest to do DLC stages and characters
>Mandate of a 15 character roster
>Want to include popular ones and whoever the publishers want, but know not every fan's favorite is gonna get in because of SEGA's cheap asses giving the team a shoestring budget
That's why.

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Why not?

I don't know why someone actually went to the effort of writing out Aaron's standard PR speak for things he's not allowed to talk about. Go watch any of the livestreams and he answers 90% of the questions he gets in the exact same way.

There's a few articles that came out last week saying how the devs at Sumo intended on the game to be complete at launch and stood by having no DLC, so they wouldn't be accused of cutting content and then selling it later. It's a smart move to advertise your game as the intended experience from the get go, but I can't help but feel like they need to remember the difference between DLC made before the release of the game (like say, Episode Shadow from Forces) and content made post release (like the Unleashed Hard Mode stages). Not to mention DLC helps renew interest in a game and keeps things fresh and people playing it long term. Only reason I haven't touched MK8D in so long is because I already know all the courses. TSR has so much DLC potential that it isn't even funny.

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Transformed isn’t that good. The air and water section plays like ass. And the item are even jankiest than the first all start racing. And the roster is worse, I don’t mind having ralph and that bitch from Nascar, even the ducking youtuber, but why putting that Jet Set Radio bitch, or that monkey fuck, or the bitch that isn’t Ulala from Space Channel, or Nights edgy? I don’t care, give me bayonetta, bonanza bros, altered beast guy. But I’m glad Shinobi and gulius are here. At least the PC version have a better roster.
I preffer this game, but it could have been better if there was more
effort into it.