The joost is loose

the joost is loose

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Other urls found in this thread:

She looks like she’s been through a lot or did crazy drugs

And BBC.

you mean SRC


confirmed Yea Forums is literally a bunch of white americans obsessed with black cock

Quiet is such a cutie

Why does it feel like Kojima wanted to get Andie Mcdowell instead she offered her daughter?

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no i'm japanese and i love all cocks. i wish my country had more flavors of cocks for me to enjoy. i envy americans and all the cocks they have.

yeah okay homo i'm done listening to you

What do you think Kojima is into? Probably some crazy shit

>homosexual slurs
>one day before pride month starts
Enjoy your homophobic slurs incel, try to not get cock slapped as you walk the streets avoiding all things gay

Sorry, but all faggots must hang and all cock-and-race-obsessed Americans must be range banned.


Joost was more fun.

fuck you. i fuck your ass and make you my bitch. then you love cock too. my japanese cock.

shut the FUCK UP namefag

will this game feature sole scan technology?

Kojima-sensei knew that joosten was too old

Kojima has reverse yellow fever

Now I know exactly what happened to Kojima. Kojima caught that white fever. White fever get in your blood, man, it’ll make you crazy … They got the thongs all up the booty crack and they got that sweet white nectar. Oh Lord have mercy. And after that, it’s over. You wake up and you don’t even know what you done done. Just a pool of sweat around your ankles and a deep sense of satisfaction.

the game isnt out yet,

but i still wanna watch a movie with Joost on a cold night and we share a blanket and popcorn.

based nip

It'd be cool to see some cameos in the game.

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i dont give a fuck what a 50 year old chink and weeaboo white girls do. i'm busy living my own life.


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No, she's just a sperg.

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Why do you think Kojima scours indie films all day?

Attached: qualley.webm (620x794, 2.72M)

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This is a fucking adult? Not even talking about the dance, how short is this bitch?

Attached: YIKES.jpg (689x720, 297K)

I want to smash that sperg

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>Sorry, but all faggots must hang

Girls tend to be pretty small, user.

Attached: midget.webm (928x1080, 1.39M)

Based Koji throwing out the trash when it gets old

Why is this mother of burgers so cute?

Why would you post yourself?

Well, Kojima is 5'6, so she must be 5'3 or 5'4.

I didn't think I'd see an Emiliachad here. How's it going?

Attached: 1557182369511.png (682x554, 788K)

Have sex(with a man)

No bully.

Attached: 1544676800897.webm (790x1080, 2.47M)

1.73 cm

fuckin kek she is a cutie

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>cucks on Yea Forums

Seeking refuge here since apparently a mod has gone full nuclear on Emilia threads, chasing these threads across 5 or so boards.

Holy fuck, she's adorable when stressed

Attached: 1554737612203.png (493x402, 9K)

Do you know about the discord?

Switch off your router if you have dynamic IP, you mong.


I know.


She has tourettes, user.

now I just look like an asshole, user. Thanks.

Attached: 253.jpg (497x732, 119K)

I wonder how much money they wasted on the facial capture because of her retarded ass

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That actually kind of looks like she has tourettes.
t. Someone who has that kind of tourettes

Imagine downgrading. Japs have the worse taste in white women.

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The ticks are manageable when they're relaxed.

joost is just a no name whore who's only famous in japanese advertisements, qualley has real connections

Did he scan her soles too?

What a downgrade, hang in there Kojimbo.


t. horseface joosten

have sex


I have sex with you


Attached: Margaret Qualley 9.jpg (2560x1641, 964K)

Aight lets do it user I'm ready for that dick

ive seen this before in autistic kids what is the medical term for this stuff?


netflix death note

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Based. I love these posts because I know other anons love blacked vids like I do and race edits too.

Why the fuck are there holes in her shirt? Is that really a normie style?

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Where have I seen her before? I know I've seen her in something else but I can't put my finger on it.

based and redpilled post

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You mean Jews posing as whites

What the fuck is pride MONTH you retard. Americans have an entire month for filthy faggots? It's just one day anywhere else in the world

second post best post

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Wow, this one is actually beautiful unlike Joosten who clearly has some kind of jaw deformity.

She looks like an alternate universe version of Joosten with mental problems.

Rent free

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Attached: 1540049544201.webm (854x436, 2.94M)


I'm convinced everyone posting this and blacked stuff just has a repressed desire to suck off black men themselves.


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Discord trannies

Is that agreeing with the post? Acussing it?

Agreeing with the post. Trannies from discord Posting blacked shit is literally how the discord tranny meme started

Why are sports fags the biggest cucks?

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This is a discord tranny. Not pic related, but the poster.

How da fuck did Andie Macdowell have such an ugly daughter?

>low tier nog


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Are you all high? Look at her compared to the doorframe. Considering the difference of distance, she stands fairly tall next to the frame. She looks pretty tall for a girl, actually.
Looking it up, she's actually 5'8''
You guys are blind.

Why do they do that? Are they trying to make white women less desirable so they can feel better about themselves?

Look at the proportions of her body, she looks smol if you're not paying attention to the environment.

So THAT'S where I've seen her before. Man, that movie really left a bad taste in my mouth

that door is far away
are you aware of what is known as "depth perception"
for instance: the moon isnt small because it looks small but because it's very far away

Well this thread has been a disappointment

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What a downgrade

But she's just DISCOUNT Joosten

Oh shit, it's her.
Man, Kojima continues to have the worst taste.

I do this as well, don't if it was just a temp thing for her.
It is a tick for me that prevented me from getting into flight school and I am not a cute girl.
Now I am a 30 year old intern in local government, no idea what I wanted to do after failing the medical test since piloting was the only career I thought about. Only got a position since there is a big push in the data meme.

No way, she's slightly on the gangly side actually. She has a similar frame to Hila Klein from H3.

It's not far away, you can estimate that it's pretty close actually. Look at the floorboards. When the webm begins, she's standing about 1 and a half boards away from the door. They look to be about 10 inches thick.(I have similar floorboards, and I measured) Meaning that when standing upright at the start of the video, she's no more than 15 inches in front of the doorframe.

Don't know about you, but i'm really happy that joosten is gone, she can't act for shit

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I think the term you're looking for is stimming. I don't know if that's really applicable here however, she appears to have a tic, which is more like tourettes

You drop joost for hila Klein the fuck is wrong with you?


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For her arms and head.

She's not that ugly, user. Come on.
did she choreograph this dance herself?

>cat on kitchen counter
bitch, not even once

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I think that Joosten is really pretty, she would be a very good gf

i don't know about you man but that crotch hnnnng

is hot

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That was terrible

This dance is just so lifeless, it's like watching a robot.

>camera removed from reflections
p. good effects

ditched a horse for a donkey Niiiiiiiiiiicee.

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How many fat old jews have already had their way with this little slut?

That's more Kojima-sized, after all.

Blacked representatives go into discord servers where these people congregate and ask them to go to Yea Forums and other boards and shill the shit under the guise of "stopping racism". There is a screenshot floating around of one of the posts, i dont have it.

What's up with all these zoomer hollywood kids having tourettes?

Why are you posting pictures of Jordan?

She looks pretty weird, I thought the capture in general looked off but especially for her.

Kinda cute at the same time though.


Should I buy MGSV? I've never played any MGS game I just like Joosten and I think Snake is fun to play in Smash

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It's hard to say given that. I personally didn't like the game at all, but if you're into open world and have patience for large patches of empty terrain and filler missions you might get into it.

It's an operator simulator with arcade gameplay and a focus on stealth.
You won't understand anything about the plot, but not having played previous MGS games means there's a higher chance you'll like it.

How does he get so many cute white girls

>and a focus on stealth.
I'm not sure I'd say that given that the game prioritizes going fast over anything else.

The majorit of's audience is indians.

That's just regarding the score, ghosting is more fun.
And if you manage to ghost a level perfectly you get an automatic S.

Cope on whitoid.

The majority of any porn category audience is probably Indians desu, with the fucking amount of them infesting around

And for some reason SEA niggers too

after metal gear 5 launched I took a flight to japan to meet joost at an event and get my game signed, it all cost over $2000

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stef has that homegirl feel

Attached: joost.jpg (1080x1058, 75K)

They are more hygienic than your hands lol

My god she is bad at dancing. I love her.

She has that moonface feel.

Attached: 1551900731773.jpg (1080x718, 101K)

he upgraded. nothing wrong with that

Joost's feet.

I don't think she was a real actor, that's why she played Quiet.

pics or it didnt happen

You mean horse feel

"Aggressively stupid" comes to mind. Stop trying so hard to fit in on online forums. You're only showing off your record low IQ

Oh no, she's taken the bogpill

Please post more Joost, I want a new wallpaper for my PC and she would be perfect

>her biggest roles were being in the godawful Death Note movie from Netflix and another godawful movie about interracial love, also from Netflix
And now Yea Forums acts like she's some top tier actress because she's in some retarded westaboos moviegame.

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The new girl is way more of a horse face than Joosten.

it looks to be about 2 feet behind her

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b8 or just gay?

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kojimas got a thing for brunettes with blue eyes huh


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droopy eyes

fuck off redditor.

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The Evanescence/Avril Lavigne phase.

Based Emilia poster

She's so cute

Attached: look2.webm (1280x720, 1.18M)

this is actually nice and much better than quiet, who had a droopy face

This actor worship within videogames is ridiculous.
This shit has no place within videogames.