>party member betrays you
Party member betrays you
what the fuck? Poor dog
He was betrayed
The dog was already being aggressive beforehand.
>punching a dog
>implying this is betrayal instead of Cesar domesticating it after its owners failed to do shit
who was in the wrong here?
we already had this thread but with fluttershy shitting into charizards vagina
the owners and cesar
Dogs are literally too stupid to understand the concept of betrayal, they can only conceptualize primitive thoughts like "Why me ouchie now? Bad thing hit me! Mean! Grrr!!"
They're not wrong.
Camera crew apparently
Does anyone have the Revengeance edit of this?
Then why is the dog crying at the end?
post cesar kicking the dog
my english staffy mimics human behaviour to a point
she believes she's a ~6 year old child, and I coddle her as such
When my dog wouldn't listen, I would pick her up and put her on back, and hold her down. Then I would look at her in the eyes and say "No!" sternly a few times while she looked terrified.
Most obedient dog I've ever had. It's hilarious how much other people's dogs don't listen to them compared to mine. Here's a pic of her.
What stance is that? Would on any dog
Yeah and the also have a concept of dominant vs submissive. That Dog was in dominant mode, which is a major problem for a owner to have. If you have a pet Dog you need to keep it in a submissive mind set or it will become aggressive to you and other people
It doesn't hurt the dog, it's about showing that you won't tolerate that aggressive behavior.
A dog being aggressive to people while it's near food is a terrible behavior that needs to be corrected it's a timebomb waiting to happen, specially near kids.
>the dog snapped at him
>ceaser defends himself
>poor dog
Come the fuck on.
Dont approach animals when they are eating, they will think you will take their food away.
t. Owner of these rugrats
The soii owners and overbreeding of labs.
Nah you just have badly trained dogs. My greyhound doesn't do shit if I interrupt him eating
Looks like a seal
if you raise them well from the start, they don't care if you pet them while they are eating.
cute dogs
dumb owner
Is it ever okay to hit a dog for discipline or "training"? What's the line between abuse and training.
Poor people suck at training dogs.
Same with my dogs(cause I fucking feed them) but giving my them a rawhide to chew on is differrent.
>Main character betrays themself
Neither was really wrong. Poor doggo was brought up "wrong," followed by pic related.
Not mine. I can pet her head when she eats. She's never growled around her bowl.
try anything
it's only abuse if it doesn't work
t. shit animal abusing owner.
that dog looks terrified
Dog being aggressive when eating is the easiest way to know if the Dog is poorly trained. If the Dog sees the owner as the Alpha it will be passive about food and allow the owner to take or be near the food. If it sees it self as the Alpha, it will be aggressive demanding you get away from his food.
no its more primitive then that. They feel emotions and dont have words to convey them. They FEEL anger, threatened, and other shit.
Think of what it is like to be a woman, all these emotions but no brain power to put them into constructive thought. You lash out only out of feelings and not because words or thought.
here's a code for nioh 2 alpha on ps4
The truth is the majority of people don't know how to raise dogs and let them run amok.
Holy shit, how is he so alpha? Anyone would just straight right fuck off after that confrontation.
Yeah these people are fucking retarded. I could (and have) grab a bone from my dogs mouth no problem. If you can't do that you did something wrong raising and teaching them.
Dogs aren't like kids. They don't need to be hit to be frightened.
He basically pinched it, not hit it. You get people thinking you need to smack your dog to show it who's boss, those people either completely break the dog or force it to try defend itself (even in light ways like just bearing teeth), then beat it more as a result
Don't be those people, they can turn any dog bad
too slow :'(
Dogs are supposed to fear humans.
Feed it steak or your mom dies in her sleep
This is what catfags like to spew
>party member is always there for you
How the fuck is this webm only 2.77 mb
>user, I want you to confess in the next two weeks.
>Dogs are literally too stupid to understand the concept of betrayal
That's actually a good thing.
>t. nig
>When dogmeat gets in the way of your shot in Fallout
the fuck guys who hired shyamalan
>Anyone would just straight right fuck off after that confrontation
Who the fuck takes shit from a labrador?
>Dogs are literally too stupid to understand the concept of betrayal,
too stupid to be corrupted or succumb to nihilism. Doggos are too good for this world
Small size, low bitrate, low framerate and incredible visually similar frames, there isn't much to be saved between isolated frames really.
I work at an animal shelter and the place is filled with tiny shitdogs like yours that are overly aggressive and ill-trained because of idiots like you. YOU are their master, so YOU need to be in charge. For a dog, being in charge means YOU eat first; you and your family should be able to do what you want with their food. For a human, being at the bottom of the ladder is humiliating and horrible, for a dog, it means they still get fed and get pettings. It's not like you're going to hurt its feelings for being dominant. Get your shit together and take charge.