Gendered Game Mechanics

Any good examples of games with actual differences between male/female characters?

Any examples specifically like pic related?

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Playing a female grants you additional loot drops in every MMO ever made.

Unironically God Hand

Ivy in Soulcalibur has a nut kick that hits harder on male characters

Crotch hit actually is actually very painful for girls too.
Especially a strong hit - it's even more painful to them than to males.

user posted once: "a cunt kick hurts as much as ball-busting kick, genitals are a sensitive area."

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I came here to post this.

I got a pretty good chuckle out of that. Whats the sauce on that pic OP?

hope you get your testicles crushed irl so you can experience your fetish first hand

Came here to say this. Had to cunt punch a cunt once. Dropped like a sack of potatos.

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God Hand
but you can't play as a girl
you have ball buster but it doesn't work on women, robots or one boss who lost his balls

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I want to say that Johnny Cage's nutpunch in MK1 and 2 didn't do anything to the female characters but I'm honestly not 100% on that.

Combat Arms, the male characters had an instakill spot in the balls, whilst the women did not.

Virgin here, is this sex?

Femdom is trash and you're a faggot beta for making this thread

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Fallout 1 & 2 has this in fights.

It is for some people



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No, this is.

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lol, then why do girls not wear cups in the UFC?

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TES had women get better non-combat stats and men get better combat stats until Shitrim removed stats

>tfw you'll never play a female Altmer Mage with basically endgame magic stats out of the gate again

nah, femdom is for true alphas, fag

s4 league comes to mind with the dodge


I see another pussy envy fan is here. pleasure to meet you

Oh shit, pretty sure she got knocked out.
Guess we'll never know now.

>more painful
wouldnt go that far, getting hit in the boobs is probably closer to the pain

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What's the damage, against females?

lol, these pics all came from a board on infinite chan

mommy please don't be so mean to me...

As far as I heard it, men require a weaker hit to the balls to feel pain, however, if
I'd assume it's just autism and people in charge being retarded. Crotch-shots are illegal in female UFC, and they do get recovery time if one happened.
On the other hand, it might be just the cups (or, to be more specific, special pads) don't really protect women from crotch hits that would've hurt - sufficiently powerful ones - and glancing hits aren't as much of an issue for women as they are for men.

dude, it doesnt really hurt girls. this is very obvious

>however, if
...the hit is strong enough, women generally feel more pain.

What makes you say this?

if it hurt as bad as a hit to the balls youd see girls asking for it. it doesnt hurt there for girls get over it

She got it from Nina Williams. Save animation and everything.

lol, based on what? there is no evidence for this
the fact that they dont use protection in mma and simply observing

>I'm illiterate: the post

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Fuck off trannies

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you dont have any good argument, you simply are letting your fragile male ego get in the way

What a female Redditor has to say about the fem-cups in UFC:
>When I was a gymnast, a couple of times I fell hard on the beam, straddling it. Very, very painful to have your deal slammed between a 4 inch wide beam and your pelvis. I had burning, bloody pee for a few days once.

>I imagine this might be similar to taking a shin straight to the cunt.

>I'm not sure if a thin pad would do much in either case. I also think it's pretty rare for a kick to stray directly between the legs.

>A kick glancing off the front of the crotch would not be that much trouble, I don't think, but maybe there are other girls in here that have firsthand knowledge of getting kicked there.

Why would you hit a woman?

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Well a cup is primarily used because it only takes the force between your thumb and index finger to pop a testicle. You should have a vested interest in protecting your balls during sports.

Last time I checked my girlfriend, she didn't have a nutsack swinging around.

Woman absolutely still feel a sharp and debilitating pain when struck squarely in the crotch.

Whoever made this pic is a virgin.

Did you just "no you" yourself or what?

Prove it hurts women less.
Or, prove it hurts men more.

Why not? Legit question.

based, pussy envy poster


you likely have a low educational background.

lol its not the same though. it hurts their pelvic bone

As a kid I always found it bullshit that you weren't allowed to hit girls. Looks like I truly am /ourguy/

>it only takes the force between your thumb and index finger to pop a testicle.
Fuck you’re getting me horny user

based user has already posted vids of this