>no money for video games
>no motivation to play video games
Wage slave
>no time to play video games
>too tired to play them anyway
How to escape this?
>no money for video games
>no motivation to play video games
Wage slave
>no time to play video games
>too tired to play them anyway
How to escape this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Get on a disability pension, or whatever your country offers
Pick 3
Work at home, at least you can manage time.
be rich and handsome
Do you mean pick two? Pick three is all of them, dumbass
>neet with no weekly money from the govt
Worse than wagies
>tfw no passion in life
I really liked dinosaurs when i was a kid though
How about post on reddit you faggot wojack.
Why would you pay money for a free thing?
>10 hour jobs that start at 6am
Why would you do this to yourself.
>tfw wageslave and it's even more horrible than being a NEET
>tfw I didn't even get my paycheck for last week's work and have to interact with probably 5 people for it
Probably some software dev, those jobs are infamous for 10+ hour days. And of course, when you sign on they'll tell you that you only need to do 30 hours per week (which becomes 60 because you're salary and they more or less own you anyways).
I can come in and leave whenever I want as long as I put my 40 hours in a week so I'm in at 6AM and leave at 2PM so I don't have to deal with traffic and have time to go to the bank/doctor/etc before they close at 5
Any suggestions for this? The stuff I do find usually looks like a scam of some sort.
Travel outside, alone. Just go sightseeing or something.
I'll take money, time and girls.
Yet somehow I manage to work 10 hour days, go to the gym, go home and make dinner, and then play games.
Get a salary job, and dip out early with some excuse like you have to pick up children or some horse shit.
They are mostly a scam. I work at home but first I went through the whole interview and HR bullshit, got hired, then they sent IT guys to my place to set up a computer for work.
Suck a dick.
Get a part time job close to your house instead a full time one.
Problem solved.
What to do in this state...just wait for death?
At least I’m not the only one.
Look up legal document production, many firms use something called Citrix to work remotely. You just have to do basic ass amendments and type up transcription shit at home, can get good hours (over 30k a year for 35hr a week). Just make sure to look for work directly with firms.
There's a reason he's on disability user
>tfw finally got my first job after being NEET for 10 years straight
After I got my first paycheck I instantly stopped giving a shit about wageslave memes.
just do something you love
idk why you allow yourself to be tied down to some shitty dead-end job
just apply yourself and find something you love doing and figure out how to make money doing it, sometimes it's going to be hard, sometimes you're going to lose out on certain possessions, but you'll really fucking regret it come 30 when you're still job-hopping minwages
Why did you give a shit about memes in the first place dumbass?
>reasoning with someone with a disability
You fool, you absolute fool. How foolish you are to do such a foolish thing. The foolishness of this all has shown me the truth. And that truth is that you, are a fool.
Will look into that. Thanks, user.
a lot of people fall into the trap of never leaving social media and internet forums so they end up forming opinions based on people literally projecting the best versions of themselves online
ever wonder if all those anons that give inspirational talks on this website are really the second coming of christ? because they're not, and once you realize just how shitty everyone else is, and how little they really know, you'll snap out of it
I feel no different in drive and self whether I do have a job or not
It's probably because I have no goals or aspirations
Have sex
>caring about what anyone in this shithole posts
legit brainlet
>Pick 3
Uuuh, I guess I pick all 3 then. Retard.
motivation has to be generated like electricity
you can't wake up with it
Because I legitimately didn't want to be a "wageslave", working my ass off for some company that I didn't give a shit about. I'm sure lots of people feel the same way, but once I could start paying for things and supporting myself that worry just went away.
>working at a desk job
couldn't stand this shit
I'm on lifelong disabilitybuxx. Top picture is my life, except I only shower like once every 2 weeks.
I'm really happy to avoid working but I'm bored out of my mind most of the day. My only happiness comes from eating, fapping and anime.
what do you do? working 2 part time jobs but thinking about going back to a trade school because I already have a college degree I can't really use/dont want to (office job)
I do sometimes so I know that's not true
I almost wish I had some sort of disability that I could get cash for and give me an excuse for being a NEET. Instead, I just have some pretty bad social anxiety that makes me fret over a simple drive to an ATM and back home because there'll be people around who see me and know that I exist.
What's your disability if you don't mind me asking?
Motivation isn't getting a wild hair to do something once or twice.
Motivation is the drive you build for yourself when you stick with something you like long enough to fall in love with it.
You're confusing motivation with discipline
Get a job you actually like.
And I get that in random spurts and actually do keep with the habits.
I know you're trying to be nice and all and offer advice but it's pretty generic.
I never said I felt bad or useless about having a job or not.
There are many jobs out there that only involve a few hours of concentration per day. For example: jobs where you need to wait around as part of the job. The better thing to aim for is to make your own business, though. After a year or so of hard work and concentration, you can hire people who will do the work for you. You can just pop in every now and then to make sure things are ok. Your business might stagnate if you don't put in adequate effort, but as someone who runs his own stagnating business, I can tell you, I have enough to time to play vidya, go to the gym, and go do whatever I want whilst making more than enough money to spend and save. You need to break your walled-in thinking.
Light schizophrenia basically. It's gonna get worse with age probably.
Learn to pronounce
noun: motivation; plural noun: motivations
the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
No, I'm not. Discipline breeds motivation.
>it's pretty generic
That's because life is pretty generic, there isn't some IGN player's guide on exploiting life, it's literally as simple as getting off your fucking fat ass and actually doing it.
>trying to be nice
fuck off neet I'm dropping truth either eat it up or starve wastrel
I'd rather starve because all you did was offer me a cracker in the hot desert
I see. I hope the best for you, user.
>wake up at a reasonable time with a healthy schedule
>go to work for 8-10 hours and stay fit and active by doing so
>get home and still have 6-8 hours for video games and other hobbies which is plenty of time
>sleep for 6-8 hours at an appropriate and consistent time of day
>plenty of money for mortgage, bills, and food after budgeting
>plenty of money left over for video games and other hobbies if you don't spend irresponsibly
>working and having a limited time to play video games makes them even more fun and fulfilling than someone who just plays them all day every day
Being a wagie is unironically the best and most rewarding way to live life. Just don't get a job at some behind the counter shithole. Or hell, even if you end up as some minimum wage cuck, if you treat your job with respect and actually put an effort in instead of treating it like a drag, that in itself can make nearly anything fulfilling. Just work hard and be passionate about what you do.
have you tried sex work
>hot desert
You're a spoiled first world child I can almost guarantee it.
Pull up your bootstraps or come up with excuses for the rest of your life
settle down my brother
I'm a college student but I have no friends and I don't go out anywhere so it's pretty much the same for me. I feel miserable when I don't do anything. Are we just programmed to be wageslaves?
>not handsome or pretty
I'm not upset layabout, you're just catching the blowback from my conviction.
are you a paladin
have you tried becoming a girl
>He doesn't maintain a consistent sleep schedule
Imagine being this retarded
>No time to play video games
Manage your time better. You have before/after work and weekends. Spend less time doing stupid shit that wastes time.
>Too tired to play them anyway
Workout more. If you're tired all the time, you need to get more active, not rest more.
Absolutely and I'm here to smite NEETs.
I have a job tho
>If you're tired all the time, you need to get more active, not rest more.
This is, in fact, a fact.
i'd look like one of SGDQ runners, hard pass
I can't help it
it's like my body pushes the time I go to sleep ahead one hour each day
>Graduate college 6 months ago
>Fall into trap of all jobs wanting pre-existing experience, only response I got was asking if I just forgot to mention it
>Not even bitch jobs like data entry or call centers want me.
>Longer NEETdom goes on the worse I look
Kill me.
It's better than nothing, friendo.
All of life boils down to self control, and that's what makes it so god damned difficult.
I know this is bullshit b/c who the FUCK goes to bed at 6p to wake up at 4a. That's four hours of wasted time.
We'll make it one day
I just hope the journey was worth it when that day arrives
>something called Citrix
>tfw I work at Citrix
I wont give my title away, but I think you mean Sharefile, friend.
>graduate without a job already lined up
You didn't graduate. You were carried out to help keep the college's graduation rate from dipping.
I should've specced into a wisdom based character for self control
>tfw stats are average across the board
>I can't help it
Yes you can you dumbass. Stop making excuses.
>love my job but its exhausting
>existential crisis when I have extra time off
no i'm literally tied up and being drugged by a guy with a machete
send help
The job doesn't start at 6am, he's just browsing his home pc before leaving. He even has a bathrobe on.
Fucking idiot.
Only the trashiest girls would fuck with a dude living off the crumbs the government gives you to survive. Especially because with disability once you get on it you're usually stuck on it
>not showering the night before work to get extra time to sleep
>not sleeping right after work
Congratulations, you liked the coolest thing that ever existed.
You spec into WIS and neglect STR and DEX so now you can't do the simple shit like beating all the Mandalorians in the battle circle.
Sure Kreia is a breeze but where's the fun in leaving Dxun without beating the champion?
>tfw neetbux
>not showering once a week
Showering in the morning wakes me up and ensures I wont get bedhead.
>tfw you commute almost 6 hours to work daily.
Please. I just want this to get easier.
>not sleeping at work
I know what motivation means, and I know that discipline breeds motivation. But motivation can totally be getting a wild hair to do something once or twice, unlike discipline.
>showering before bed
>wake up sweaty from existential dread having to go to a dead end job to work for shekelberg and knowing nothing is going to change for the next 40 years until you get to retire as a grayed wrinkled husk
You'd just have to shower again when you wake up anyway.
>not showering at work
I got rated 0% for disability. I am considered disabled, but receive 0% compensation or benefits.
Same thing happened to me. I was unemployed until I was 26. What people fail to tell their children, I guess because they themselves didn't go to university, is that equally important to the qualification is the networking potential at university. You make friends (other students or professors) who can help you get jobs, or help you in others ways in your job. Unfortunately most working class kids who go to university are not told about this and end up autisticly focusing on the education aspect (I don't need friends -- I'm here to study!) and end up missing out. It's a huge part of life. I get the impression that in the past this didn't need to be taught since it was such a given.
>tfw work partial commission
>Summer is super busy season and will basically have to work 10-12 hours a day
>Already too tired to do anything after work working 7 hours a day
On the plus side I'll be making 8-12k a month but still
Nope you are just a boring asshole. Go be a better person.
Could always try working for your own sake. Take up a hooby, like gamedev.
>I was unemployed until I was 26.
Oh poor you.
>How to escape this?
git gud, retire at 30, vidya all day when you're not impregnating your wife or frolicking in your private garden
Showering at night is redpilled as it keeps your sheets clean as fuck
>6 hours
It won't get better. Gunna have to move to it or find something closer to you user. Maybe remote if you're a lucky white collar fag.
Solid advice. I would add one thing to this, if you find you're too tired to game after work then you should go to bed 1-2 hours earlier in the evening, and wake up 1-2 hours earlier in the morning before work to play.
Anything that's legal and not porn will take time and work to build up. Internet marketing or blogging is probably the easiest thing to try out but it will be a slow process if you're not doing anything shady. Also expect to invest at least some money into whatever you're doing.
>Never get to fucking do anything because your body is fucked
>Recommending this to people
Never break your body for free time, you'll regret it
I've been trying to remote once every two weeks, but they've been giving me the run around. It's getting kind of annoying. I know if I stick with this job for another 2 years, it'll get easier and I'll be able to get a place closer, but for now it fucking sucks.
Whenever you feel bad about wageslaving, just think about all the secondies and thirdies that spend the same or more amount of time for significantly less money than you, like me.
Just get a fucking job with 3 12 hour shifts. You guys are fucking terrible at life
Im gonna assume most if not all of us here are in the states. I feel like theres only 2 settings here bust ass all day every day or your barely getting hours. Is it better in canada or the EU?
I shower the night before and quickly in the morning because of unironically this . I've got to find a way out.
>Working a shitty job
Literally no excuse to do this. Labor market is best it's been in our lifetimes, go get a better job or become an apprentice if you're young.
I pick Time twice and Money once.
>(I don't need friends -- I'm here to study!)
Anyone could've told you this was retarded. You were just stupid thinking all you needed were grades. Although, if your grades were good enough, plenty of people would've come suck your cock so you could do all their hard work for them. You were just dumb.
Unless they are paying you enough to be a non person, commutes over 2-3 hours is cuck behavior.
You know it's not even worth arguing over.
Words are the illusion, they are maya. Everything you ever say to me and everything I ever say to you will always fall short of it's intended meaning and all we can ever do is try to relate abstractions to each other.
I know what I feel motivation to be, and I am satisfied with that and it.
I only shower when I truly smell. I know it's time when I can smell my dick when I sit at the computer.
>working 36 hours a day
holy shit
If you assume everyone is american, then why the fuck are you asking if its better in canada or the EU?
>not 4 for that sweet ot
live for the weekend
Nigga just cut off your pinkie toe, it's not like you're gonna miss that shit
>. Is it better in canada or the EU?
Worse in Canada due to shit economy. God knows how many people who managed to get decent hours were capped at just under 40.
Man fuck you I loved working second shift. Waking up at noon is so comfy compared to 6am
It's called a psychosocial disability
Persistent Depressive Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder for me basically mean I was judged "unable to work more than 15 hours a week" and therefore disabled
>I feel like theres only 2 settings here bust ass all day every day or your barely getting hours
Damn man that's how it has been for me
>decided not to get education
>have pulse
>get security job with large company
>scan bags for government buildings
>have pulse that shows up every day
>get promoted
>have pulse that shows up every day
>get promoted several times
>get corporate position
>trade in gun and uniform for suit
>get $70k for playing vidya in office
Not bad for not doing a goddamn thing for two years.
Are you one of those people in the screenshots where they bring their entire console and tv into the train
Well again, those 6 hour commutes won't get easier, but at least you've got shit in motion and planning. Better than me.
>go get a better job
The jobs that don't put you in those situations are positions you are born into, not something you can just start out of the blue. You are going to start at a bottom position either way.
Oh no user, I didn't mean shifts, I meant second and third worlders.
I agree, arguing definitions is retarded, I know what you mean and I'm pretty sure we're saying similar things with different words. What the fuck do you mean by "they are maya" how high are you?
If you aren't impacted by it, it won't get you disability money
The second world stopped existing after the fall of the Soviet Union, retard.
Youre not gonna get disability for that
Also disability can't even cover section 8 housing and eating easy Mac for dinner every night
Will need roommates or parents, both are terrible options worse then just working
Other people can smell you way before you can smell yourself. If you can smell yourself, then it's really bad and your peers already think you're a bum.
Nope, they're not paying anywhere enough. However, the benefits are really good and it'll be worth it in the long run.
I take a train from the middle of nowhere into a major city. I do it because I realized that someone without college is going to have do shitty things to try and break 60k barrier.
Nah, at most I'll bring my Switch. Usually I just sleep the entire time if I can.
You just have to keep trying.
I'll bite. What do you do?
Oof oh yeah, that sucks some major ass. Sorry user
>lol bro just do what you love
Go tell that to all the post communist shitholes in eastern europe.
>Other people can smell you way before you can smell yourself
Sucks to be them, but not really my problem. I can't be expected to know I stink if I can't smell it myself.
I pick money 3 times.
>and break 60k barrier.
Unless you want kids, the most you'll ever need is 50k. Anything above 25k for anyone under 30 is literally top 1% of the world wealthy.
Wait, you take a 3 hour train ride to work? What are you complaining about?
>tfw no weekend to live for
The owner gives himself the good days off.
then you'd have loadsofemone
on the off chance some people here arent or have maybe worked/lived elsewhere for any period of time
>You just have to keep trying.
I know, I'm just a bitch about it.
They're called DEVELOPING countries now. Get with the times, you old fart.
I work because it makes me feel needed.
Neets. Serious question. How do you cope with the fact that nobody wants you?
just get enough money to live off of interest and investment income
what do you think the capital in capitalism stands for
>Got a really good paying job
>Hoping my fiancee does too
>Keeps talking about how nice it'd be to be a house wife
I'm marrying Tomoko aren't I
holy fucking shit i wish i had less pride than i already have kek the safety nets
just go fucking outside and pick the money off the trees you stupid dumb dumbs
This is part of what causes the issues that bring you into this thread to begin with.
He's one of those "advice" guys.
>lol bro your looks don't matter
>your dick dize doesn't matter bro, just learn to eat pussy
>just spin plates bro
>just follow your passion bro
>just buy a house bro
I can't get a security job because I'm a fucking manlet
Have you considered getting a degree online using your travel time? 6 hours a day of focused time is more than enough to get a BA in anything in a short amount of time.
>job has high turnover rate
>always runs on a skeleton crew
>always expected to be on call but not the managers
Repair musical instruments for schools
Shops are either set up like car sales with a base pay you need to exceed and then commission split, or pure commission.
We just switched to pure commission, 60-40 split in my favor (and parts cost aren't taken out)
It's really easy work to get into but you need to know how some music and apprentice or trade school.
No developing countries are countries like brazil, china and india. Countries actually showing an upwards trend. The only trend all the countries that made up former yugoslavia, bulgaria, romania etc. is that everyone with any kind of education leaves for western europe.
Any tips on how I can know when I smell then? I fucking hate showering. Nothing worse than coming out of the shower and your body temp has to adujst to the air again.
It's a rabbit hole.
Humans do not communicate directly, when I say something to you your brain first references what your definition of it is, but because we're all individual on at least some level that includes your emotions, your opinions, and your preconceptions of the "thing". This is the illusion, or the Maya, the spell that we cast on each other.
In simple terms, Maya is or are all the frivolous little trappings of daily human life that are artificially important. Pretty much everything that extends past keeping us alive, healthy, and spiritually well.
Imagine there's a one-way mirror between you and the supernatural world, that is Maya.
When we stand around arguing about definitions instead of imposing our influence on the world we are casting a spell on ourselves.
Can your foot at least reach a pedal?
What if I want boys
wear big boots, trust me
Being a good housewife is a job and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, user. Problem is most "housewives" just rely on their parents and behave as if nothing has changed in their life. Once you have a child your partying days are over.
No developing countries are NON-developed countries. You don't get to make up your own definition for standardized terminology, you faggot.
There are fatties and women working security. Stop making excuses.
become a house husband
>get access to money for shit you'd already be doing for free
>spend all day playing games when wife is at work and kids at school
That really only depends on where you live. I've been making more than 25k for a long time now. I'm trying to get over 100k so I can get myself a nice apartment in a place that I like and work no more than the minimum amount of hours.
It's more like 3 trains and I have to drive 20-40 minutes to a train station. If it was just one straight train then it wouldn't be so bad.
If I had the money, but I'm broke out of my mind now. In a year, I'll have a lot more money to play around with and will be eligible to promote. Everything hinges on me doing this for one or two more years.
This is on par off
>haha just get a job bro
being a neet kinda suck, it's so isolating and making online friends is a pain if you don't have the charisma
Just have routines. Get a grip and take control of your life user.
How much of a manlet are we talking here? What's your height?
You're older and unemployed? Weird thing to be proud of.
Yet no one did and clearly no one does because the social education that people get, learning how to be part of a society, is missing now since communities have collapsed.
mad because those guys are right but you're too scared to try so come up with retarded meme excuses when in reality most guys are fat uggos with average dicks and have good lives
>Implying fatties aren't peak bouncers
Can't do shit if a fatty is blocking the door.
>Try to work.
>Nobody hires.
>Get shit on for not working.
>Try to work.
>Nobody hires.
Breaking point for me was when my brother completely shat on me at the dinner table in front of a really good friend and the rest of the family just kind of agreed.
Can't even die because then people pull the whole "Would you really do that to me!?" Shtick.
your standardized terminology is nothing more than newspeak and your clown world sucks
Worked for me
UBI when
It's hard creating routines when you don't leave the apartment for anything but groceries.
>he has no will to play games
>he blames NEETdom for this
Fucking idiot
If you are hoping to raising a family, you are dooming your children if you are both working. Unless you both got cushy jobs, expect your children to know your baby sitters name better then you. Watch them as they pick up a British accent because they have spent to much time on youtubes algorithm watching peppa pig.
>That really only depends on where you live.
Well, if you're living somewhere where that's not enough for a single person then you're probably living in an overpriced shithole. Then again, you want to earn over 100k for an overpriced apartment. I think you deserve your 6 hour commute cause you obviously want to work hard for the nice things in life.
Seriously. It gives you references and it negates peopple asking what you were doing with your spare time. Just put in 10, even 5 hours a week somewhere.
being a wageslave is worth it because the cute girls at work talk to me and one of them makes awkward attempts at flirting with me
That's literally what I'm saying. Non developed countries that are actually developing. Not the ones that are headed the other way.
>Tfw passed up the chance to marry high school sweetheart because she was super religious and I was a fedora tipper
>She just finished her last whatever those observation things are called to become a neuroscientist and is pulling in over 150k a year
I could be on easy Street right now bros...
Live innawoods
Become a professional farmer/forager/hunter
the security guards I see are always obese people, old men and brown people who can't speak english.
Unless you're no shorter than 5 9 you're okay.
I work at afternoon, I can wake up at 8 and loaf around and play vidya all they way to 12, then when I come back I can have nigh shitposting sessions.
afternoon ain't so bad.
No one did cause you're an asshole. I'm glad you're learning how to be less shit.
What is a data entry job like?
>You're older and unemployed?
Getting your first post uni job at 26 isn't weird or uncommon, certainly not an issue. I would wager that most people on here complaining are in a much worse situation than something that is more or less average in todays world.
>Can't even die because then people pull the whole "Would you really do that to me!?" Shtick.
If it really gets to that point you leave them a letter explaining exactly how they played a role. Really though, that's only an option when you can't imagine literally any more good days.
idk dawg I got a 40-hour-a-week job and I still have 5 hours a day to kill on vidya
warehouse job?
The hardest part of to work is that I had to quit smoking weed
Dude... SECURITY, not bouncer. SECURITY. I'm a towering 5'7", but I showed up 60% sober most days and called the cops whenever something happened that I couldn't yell away happened. It's the easiest way to get to middle class.
How's that for newspeak?
On the contrary, it might be easier because you don't need to do a lot to improve. I mean, if all you have to do is shower every other day or so, that's a whole lot easier than people trying to run 5 miles a day for instance.
This 'too tired to play them' meme is shit.
If your job sucks so bad you're literally busy 24/7 you need to get a better job, that simple.
Even shitty macdonalds jobs full time easily get you 4 or so hours every day to play.
Being a NEET is the worst. You start not enjoying anything because there's no value to it. You can just always do whatever, after a while, everything stops being fun. Then you slowly go mentally ill and lose touch with reality.
This. Every job I've ever had was because I already knew someone who either worked there or was friends with a higher-up. Give the impression of responsibility, and maintain acquaintances.
OK the problem doesn't exist, it's all in my imagination even though I've heard it again and again and again and experienced it myself. Bitch ass nigger.
This has been my living hell the past 2 jobs that I've had. How my former bosses ever managed to make it work is beyond me, since people were jumping ship or getting layed off at the end of almost every month.
Front Desk at a Hotel.
What you're saying doesn't matter. It literally doesn't. But I'm hear to listen and respond to it. The empty chatter. Because no one would ever care to listen to you otherwise.
Yeah, but I don't want to live in a poor shithole. Can't I find a nice moderately priced place?
Try 5'2.
Never ever
You don't deserve anything for doing nothing
pretty bad desu senpai
hey neets, we're not so different, you and I
lol, you hardly need to break your body to qualify for physical disability.
And me getting a 7/10 gf that has a 100k career that wants to play bread winner while I play homemaker has work for me the past ten years, that doesn’t mean it’s feasible for everyone else to get cute fit girls to play mommy for them just because I did.
Dilate nigger.
I wish online jobs were more accessible. Seems crazy to me that everyone's so glued to the internet now but you still need to jump through hoops to make a living that way.
>wake up at 4am
Da fuck?
still don't stop looking for jobs closer to you, you're wasting 120 hours of your life each month
fuck America, nothing is ever good enough for these CEOs.
wrote this before I saw If you're even slightly interested in doing nothing for easy money, you're not a moron, you can pretend you're sober, and you're willing to be treated like absolute garbage for a couple years, you too can get a fair paying job.
It's light out at about 5 these days
Why would 4 be a problem?
Just because you're an idiot that gets caught up arguing semantics doesn't mean the second world aren't their own category of dying countries.
You can, but you don't want moderately priced. You want 'nice'.
My condolences
>Never ever
literally impossible for it to never be implemented with the way automation is progressing. we probably won't be able to benefit from it though.
I'm genuinely happy for you man.
Fucking loser, kys. If you aren’t actually disabled, this is literally giving up on life
lmao just join the military, don't sign up to be a grunt though :^)
I work 8-4 and wake up at 645 most days and generally stay up until 11
I like my job but its frustrating because I am constantly being forced into 12 hour and 16 hour shifts because we literally have no one to work at the hotel. There is a little bit of guilt as the manager put up with me far longer then anyone should have for being shit at the job. I feel like if I quit the entire place would just fall apart.
Citrix, Sharefile, AIM+, you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around
Oh, yes, user. I agree. Tell me more about the second world. I miss the Cold War so much.
>drawing like 8 hours a day so i can hopefully be good enough to live off patreon comissions
hopefully i get there before getting carpal tunnel
life isn't fair, take everything and give nothing back
I DID. I got the kind of job were even the oldest paid employee was only there 6 weeks and they gave me an earful about how much they hate my guts on the last day. I can't reference shit like that.
>this is literally giving up on life
Wait does this actually happen?
Sacrificing yourself for others isn't noble.
Sacrificing your time is, but compromising your happiness is not noble.
thank you brave hero for defending our freedoms!
>going to sleep at 6pm
>not just poppin an adderall to stay up late pop ambien to go to sleep at 1am and then pop another addy when you wake up to feel like you had 8 hours of sleep
I salute you. I'd be satisfied with a 7/10 gf with 0K career
>Want to look for a job
>All the places i can apply where training will be paid have staff that came straight out tumblr
You should have told them off and let them know precisely why you are stuck in the rut your in and then told them in no uncertain terms to go fuck themselves. Family should never treat their own like that, ever.
Consider double dipping with both Patreon and taking commissions
I'm not in the private sector so I'm stuck right now. I'm basing it all on the luck of moving up or leaving again to go back to work in a prison in the middle of nowhere.
I'm not talking about penthouse nice. I'm talking about a one bedroom where I can afford a nice TV, a good recliner, a good desk not from IKEA, and to pay off all my debt without working more than 40 hours a week. I consider that nice.
>Be retarded faggot who can't network
>Dude fuck America
Shit like this is why no one will hire you user
If you are on a salary you are fucked, you don't get paid by the hour. You cuck yourself but the trade off is higher wages.
You got a job where the longest serving employee had only been there six weeks. Okay.
>not slaving away 8-4 until you're an old man
>giving up on life
>I miss the Cold War so much.
Who's to say it ended? Russia and the US aren't exactly playing nice nowadays either, from the middle east to venezuela, it's still russia and the US stepping in and changing regimes to ones that benefit them more.
Oh im going to, patreon for normal lewd shit and something like furaffinity for degenerate shit
But that's a while's off, i only started learning how to draw like a month and a half ago
Haven't taken any days off though so im gonna go until i die
>work shitty jobs for years while living at home
>sit on dragon hoard of undeserved, unspent wagebucks but still pirate everything
>taking career advice from a board filled with barely literate peabrains who can't do basic math
only in the shitty medium-sized firms that lost the original team cohesion dynamic and are just starting to replace US workers with indians
small and big places are cushy as fuck
t. work at a small software developer, used to work at a giant one
Only a small percent of people who graduated within 5 years remain unemployed. So you're wrong, it is uncommon.
I'm escaping. For the past 2 years I've been a NEET. In the past month, though, I've trashed/sold most of my crap, all my manchild toys, my car, everything. I'm not paying my rent for June, instead I'm just leaving my apartment. I haven't paid my credit cards in months, I think they've gone to collections by now, come and get me faggots. I have a backpack, a sleeping bag, a tent, and a couple of things to make my final journey more comfortable. I have about $1,000 bucks, that'll get me onto a train to somewhere, and then a bus to a more remote somewhere, and then my feet to an even more remote somewhere. Then I can finally lay down and get some sleep, I haven't slept more than 3 or 4 hours at a time for years. I'm getting off the ride.
>Literally impossible
It's literally not.
Especially with the move towards a service economy and computer cubicle jobs.
You'll never, ever get paid to sit on your ass I'm sorry to tell you.
The only girls you're getting on disability are the ones with herpes
>tfw adderall makes me sleepy now and ambien wakes me up
i fucked something up man
Okay, friend. Let's help you out a bit. Cause you sound smart and hardworking. But dense. Yes, probably thick. Change the word 'nice' into a yearly annual income. The compare that number to the avg. median household income in your country of residence. Then compare it to the world's. Now, you'll have a reference for what 'moderate' might be.
>tfw don't really want to die but living is just so much work
should I just bite the bullet? Ive lost all motivation for anything
Don't forget the adoptables and YCH auctions
>Everyone graduates at 21 years old
are you stupid?
80% of people have herpes
when can we get android bodies, that'll let me just turn off my consciousness while i work?
>Who's to say it ended?
Switch to ritalin and lunesta.
Problem solved
>Work at crisis center for substance use, SMI, and suicidal/homicidal ideation
>Facility is 24/7, open door policy for literally anyone, no money or insurance required
>Work 3 days a week, 12 hour shifts, overnights, make $18.75 an hour
>Get shit ton of benefits and good insurance coverage
>Shit ton of overtime as there's always open shifts
Not great money by any means, but it's livable, the company allows for a lot of upwards movement with additional education (which they pay for if it relates to your work), and I get 4 days off in-between. Other than ironing clothes and making food for work, it leaves tons of time for vidya so far. The 3 days are pretty intensive and tiring, but it leaves me the rest of the time to do whatever I want. It's pretty nice.
you really don't get it do you ? i graduated high school, nope no jobs fuck you, that's why im going to college in September, no other choice, honestly i don't want have to worry about that shit though, im not into careers i just want money
I dont know what those are but ill look into it
wagies btfo
Good luck, user. May there be no cops to harass you when you try to sleep
Tick tock wagie. Better be up early tomorrow! Boss wants another yacht, and you're gonna give it to him.
>Not great money by any means
Who here is expecting to get 'great money'? The 10% of society that was already born into it?
>still dont get shit because i dont have 20 years experience
It's uncommon for graduates to remain unemployed
Not genital herpes
What made you think it did? How many "dictators" have the US removed in the decades after the cold war? How many have Russia? There were points during the cold war that were colder than todays USA/Russia climate.
>Not great money by any means, but it's livable,
You make over two times and a half than what I make, and I live alone.
that's the boomer mentality, hoard up all the jobs and fuck over zoomers who have no money.
No one gives a shit about your paki island.
Stay NEET, it's better.
Your gonna get stabbed by a crack fiend when you walk to your car in the parking lot
Damn, I'm 5'5 and I already feel like killing myself. Serious question, do you have like a disorder or some kind? Even malnutrition and garbage genetics don't keep a person that short
I have anxiety and a family history of major depression, and doctors have not-so-subtly hinted that I'm probably autistic too
But my mom says she'll disown me if I go on disability
I've also had every application I've submitted for the past two years thrown in the trash whether I list disabilities or not so I don't know what the fuck she wants from me
Lots of parallels with other developed countries. Nice cope though.
>welfare exists
Oh shit nigger you're delusional.
Dude fuck college go to trade school. Or two year college and try for a partial or full ride for last 2 years at State school.
College is the fastest way to being in inescapable debt, I had a full ride but everyone I went with ended up in Starbucks tier mcjobs and boderline suicidal from loans
based and redpi-
partially cringe and bluepilled
Congrats, sounds like you're living the dream How'd you meet her?
I'm a lesbian and you get very few STIs if you wash your toys, and use gloves for fisting, friend
im going to kill myself literally if i dont get anything by the end of the year
A lot of those service jobs and computer cubicle jobs will eventually be automated too. Plus, you know, we already have people who are paid to sit on their ass all day and do nothing.
You are reading these under the assumption that it's all 21 year olds.
I work at a job where every three week or so we don’t work for a week. Sucks because my pay is never stable, but it does give me a lot of time for gaming on the week I am off.
*clap clap clap clap clap clap )
I'm not leaving my country. At best I might live somewhere with a lower cost of living in my country, but I'm not going to move somewhere so little money can take me further. Besides, I currently make less than the median household income in my country which is over 60k. So the world's lower average median income means nothing to me.
Absolute fucking low test mongloid Plebbitors need to fucking stay where they came from.
>in the mind youre a neet
>in the flesh youre the ultimate wageslave
someone said it was not uncommon for graduates to remain unemployed, so I provided statistics to the contrary. that's all. you seem to be way off the mark.
Try using the thing on top of your shoulders for once, read a history book and the news and connect the dots.
I don't plan on going to a place that would need excessive amounts of police. I'm going the opposite direction. Also, I'm White, so I'll be just fine. If anything they'll just give me a place to sleep and wash up for 18 hours.
Me? Probably not. Our grandkids? Probably pretty damn close.
Brah are you
Russia cannot remove even Putin nowadays, it's a joke of country instead of a superpower it was.
No they didn't. Consider learning how to fucking read. Go back through the reply chain and pick out where someone said that.
Nah, it'd probably be an alcoholic. Alcoholics are by far the most belligerent people I work with. Strangely enough, people who do meth are the nicest, often because they aren't suffering from as bad effects from withdrawal. Crack users aren't that bad either, and fentanyl people are in too much pain to do shit.
But yeah, it's a fun environment for sure.
why do mods and jannies let off topic shit like this stink up the board
This. Do small properties if you get the chance.
>Tfw when work alone on grave and sit in the office all night playing online mahjong and sailor moon s.
This fat fuck is a retard. Trade school is a dump if you have a brain. The robots are taking over all the good ones and the bad ones. College is fine if you go to college to make money, not to fucking wack off. Going into debt for a fine arts degree or a mechanical engineering degree? Guess which one will actually pay off said debt.
Call me a conspiracy tard if you want, but I went throught the exact same shit my past 2 jobs (Demolition -> Data entry) and it makes be believe that this is exactly what managers want when they are running a skeleton crew. They want too guilt as many people as possible into doing more work so that they don't have to hire anymore people before shit really hits the fan.
My past two jobs seems to have been planned out like this:
>30% actual ''workers'' that does all of the labor
>40% ''Business'' monkeys that does basic data entry stuff at half the amount of hours but still have dubble the paygrade of the actual ''workers''
>30% ''Bosses'' that does fuck all, but still spend 10+ hours at work and every time they try to ''help'' (read: force their brilliant ''plan'' into motion) they fuck everything up, yet they still make 10x the amount of money than anyone else at the company.
Cutting off your dick doesn't make you a lesbian.
Being a girl who is attracted to girls makes you a lesbian
Why would Russia want to remove Putin? Putin is russia, and the people love putin because of all the propaganda. The entire reason the US hasn't managed to get rid of assad in syria yet is because he is a russian ally.
S-stop is senpai6d
But cutting off your dick doesn't make you a girl.
im actually doing a 2-year. fuck university.
son, even I can see that you got played
Why? I was neet for 3 years and have been back to work for 3 years now. I miss being neet
Looking at Patreon figures, I'd say fine arts.
Short answer is church. We are not that religious overall anymore but we value core morals
You take one gold ball out, meaning there are 2 gold balls and 3 silver balls remaining. It would be 2/5, or 40% of being a gold ball again. It's not actually that difficult, but this also banks on you not being hopelessly retarded and can actually accomplish tasks you're given, which is probably difficult to envision for the unemployment manic depressive basket cases on Yea Forums
No, man. It's the same in all the world. I'm from Saudi Arabia and already quit my job due to stress and living off the equivalent of government welfare now.
I just want to be a shepherd living outside the city selling and buying sheep.I want to feel like a free human, not a robot. Working 9+ hours a day for a shitty company until retirement is not what I want, man.
I was a girl when I was born, so you're right
You've still refused to proffer a number for your preferred 'moderate' lifestyle. But I'll ignore that. 60k is median? How many earners live in most of those houses? Two? Cause in that case, 30k is median for an individual. That's you. Unless you are married. In which case one of the two of you is being dead weight atm.
>body works while you're doing VR stuff
My investment portfolio begs to differ :)
Nevermind. I'm wrong. Do what this user says.
Also, fuck anons with suicide talk shit.
There is no god or afterlife but life is beautiful and a fucking gift. Be strong, user, family ain't easy shit. It will get better
here ()
>Getting your first post uni job at 26 isn't weird or uncommon
American? Sounds like an American thing
>Nothing worse than coming out of the shower and your body temp has to adujst to the air again.
I don't know about you, but this feels very invigorating to me. Really helps wake me up, and I can't remember a time I didn't enjoy it.
Why are you counting the box with 2 silver balls
>there is no god but life is a gift
From fucking who, retard?
Where does this post go off the assumption that people graduate at 21?
take one gold ball out, meaning there are 2 gold balls and 3 silver balls remaining. It would be 2/5, or 40% of being a gold ball again
Get a job.
I was with Citrix for nearly a decade but left a few years ago. How is the hack impacting you guys? Was an awesome company to work for back in the day
You don't need a fine arts degree to make a shitty porn game you update every year.
No one was disagreeing with that, spastic.
>life is beautiful and a fucking gift
you're insane, sentience is a curse
How many times has poo been thrown at you
Because some jobs offer the 10 4 schedule and you get 3 days off.
>>no time to play video games
>>too tired to play them anyway
Completely false
I've actually hit the point where I'm depressed and Yea Forums isn't enough to distract me from how shitty I'm feeling. Video games can't help. Music can't help. Hanging out with friends can't help. Don't want to watch anime, don't even want to fap. 30 years old. No Gf. No degree. No career.
What do I do? Do I just kill myself at this point?
What are you even trying to say? Unless everyone graduates at 21, the graph is completely pointless for your argument.
There's a 1 in 2 chance because there are ZERO gold balls in the 2 silver ball box. Dumb neet
Shower at night, your body is more temperature-stable vs right after you wake up and your house is probably at a cozier temp
get pills
Yea Forums sure loves socialist handouts all of a sudden
50%. Either you pulled from the 1 and 1 box and therefor get a silver ball, or you pulled from the 2 golds and get another gold
I work, go to uni, workout and also have time to play games almost daily.
You just need to learn some time management, and take advantage of your "dead time"
> has job
> makes excuses constantly on why you leave early
>gets fired
>why me wtf
The graph shows that it's uncommon for recent graduates to remain unemployed. Are you implying that giving or taking one year would change this? That seems retarded
you're skipping over the part where it says from the same box, pretty sure this is 50%
Yea Forums has always been about the neetbux
Man. I went to college for 4 years for English/Secondary Education. Graduated. Taught English for 3 years. Got let go before tenure kicked in because I failed a whole class. Went off the grid. Got fucked up for 2 years straight. Worked at bars and shit, just making it day by day.
And now I am a senior associate at some industrial supply company. Shoot me.
Yea Forums sure loves calling everything socialist and sucking corporate dick all of a sudden
Does it matter? You are here, alive, shitposting. Better than lacking any kind of existence
You're just a boy
Repetitive. Hope they let you listen to music/podcasts, but it's very reliable work, there's lots of it.
You're asking for more information than I'm willing to look up as you brought up the median household. Who knows how many people are in that household? I just did a quick google search for it.
I don't know what that pricetag would be. I'm assuming that it would have to be somewhere around 80k~. My current path can achieve this in hopefully 3 years. I can probably cut down the commute significantly in about a year as I'll have more free money to pay for rent as one of my biggest money drains will be paid off.
If I really wanted to, I can also leave after a year here and go somewhere a lot cheaper. I'll make less money, but the cost of living will be a lot cheaper. However, I need to stay in this organization.
Looks pretty straightforward to me:
Either you are in the first or the second box, so 50%.
>It's a gold ball
This means it's already a fact you cannot possibly be in the third box.
Claiming otherwise would be gambler's fallacy. The existence of the third box does not affect anything once you already have a golden ball in your hands.
Recent graduates meaning someone who graduated in the last 5 years. In the UK. It doesn't say what age they graduate at, someone being unemployed at 26 and coming into these threads to cry about it is basically a humblebrag.
What do you expect? Yea Forums is full of shills for big companies now.
Seek professional mental help. That is what I did.
It didn't work 100% for me, but atleast I'm not suicidal anymore. It might work much better for you, just make sure that the person you are talking too actually know what they are doing and are just not stalling for time like my ''professional'' seemed to have done.
Im the kind of retard that loves grinding games, repetitive stuff is not a problem for me.
The pay looks good but i have no idea what you do in them.
Nigger I'm almost 40, you're crazy if you think being alive is a good thing
Barely anyone on Yea Forums lives in a socialist country. There are no first world socialist countries. Don't try to talk politics if you don't care to actually learn about politics.
Share rent with a friend for a cheap apartment so you can work part time and have cash for vidya + have the time to play em
Get an associate's bruh. Or trade school, or join the military, or literally anything. Anything else is a band-aid
How do you have 6-8 hours a day? I have at most 2-3 hours after commute and cooking. And surely 6 hours of sleep isn't enough.
Yeah, alright. It's common for people to remain unemployed years and years after they've graduated and it's common for people to start uni in their mid 20s not late teens. Well played sir
So why are you still here? For fucking jrpgs, 40 year old boy?
Let's calculate this fantasy life you made up.
>Wake up at a reasonable time
Let's say that time is 8 AM
>work for 8-10 hours
It is now 8PM
>Get home
It is now 8.30/9PM
>Skip dinner, don't clean your house, take out your trash, do laundry, groceries or anything at all
It is now still 8.30/9PM because you live with your parents
>Play games for 6-8hours
It is now 3/4AM
>Sleep for 6-8 hours
You are now in an alternate dimension where time has lost all meaning, thank you for playing.
Fucking LARPers.
Not all school systems work the way the UK does. Not all uni courses are 3 years. You make a lot of stupid, baseless assumptions.
>and you're willing to be treated like absolute garbage for a couple years
Why just a couple years?
Because my family is still alive zoomer, once they're gone I'm offing myself
This. Seriously. that wasn't hard
no one works for 8 to 10 hours
If you're tired all the time it's probably because it's a physical labor job. At that point it's a waste of time to not rest.
This guy fucking gets it. Social media/online forums are depressing even if you know its all a front these people are putting on.
And you're willfully ignorant of the similarities and arguing an obviously false point that the exception is the rule. I'm out.
>Gets shot
I like videogames.
>6 hours of sleep
>6-8 hours of free time
You should count yourself lucky user, my daily commute takes about 2-4 hours out of my day and if I don't get atleast 7 hours of sleep I wake up feeling like hot garbage the next day.
What an edgelord
Go back to your nu metal playlist, incel
>tfw never had a job in my life
>fucking failure at everything
Have fun at your mcjob today sir!
>It is now 8PM
>working a 8 am and getting off at 8pm is 8-10 hours
fucking burger mutts cant tell time
thanks for the NEET&wagie OC. have mine.
Unless you're in your 30s, you're still fine. You're still a "young" adult. Past 30 people expect you to have your shit together though.
How do NEETs pick up women?
Take an actual math class and not statistics for once, you fucking leech
>brushing your teeth, dressing up, generally preparing to work, eating, taking a shit
all of this should be paid by your employer, you literally do this unpaid labour everyday just so you can work, so why the fuck is it okay to not get money for it?
?????? I work for 8-9 hours a day, am teacher.
Completely untrue and I'm tired of "You need more exercise" being the advice given to literally anyone complaining about anything ever. Whenever I exercise I give up an hour plus another half hour needed for rest and then 20 minutes for jerkin' out the sudden testosterone. Then I feel like shit for the rest of the day (all 3 minutes left after that).
They don't
>I instantly teleport to work immediately after waking up
Thanks for trying, buttfuck.
I don't. Why would I even bother when I
>live with my parents
>am obviously a failure
>have nothing worthwhile to contribute to a relationship besides myself (>implying)
and that's on top of the issues I have that led to me being NEET in the first place.
If it makes you feel better I had multiple not-mcjobs and still ended up a failure. I'm also in my 30s
>he doesn't work in IT
Your loss.
have you tried exercise?
Oh, I see. How do NEETs have sex then?
With their bear hands. Duh.
I don't and I don't care anymore. I tried normalfagging it up for years and they wanted nothing to do with me then so I've completely written them off, same reason I give 0 shits about living with me parents.
if you work for more than 8 hours a day your concern should be anything else besides vidya
and btw what the fuck do teachers do to work that much?
i bet your sipping coffee in the office just to get more hours in you twat
It's actually pretty common, I work from 7 am-> 16pm with a 1 hour break and pretty much everyone I know and everyone in my family follow these same hours.
The only ones that doesn't are store clerks, fast-food workers,self-employers, the odd small businesses and postal/community services.
This is how anyone with a job can immediately tell you've never done any work in your life, disabled neet who thinks his mental illness is some blessing. I pity the people whose taxes are paying both for your disability and the stupid videogames you keep requesting at the library.
It's an employers market user. Labour supply is absurdly high everywhere. Most everyone is getting dicked over.
>7 am-> 16pm
I meant too write 7am -> 4pm
I wish I still had my old part time job.
>4 days a week
>Enough hours that it gives a sense of structure
>Nice long weekends
>Enough money to make due
By posting "Have sex" of course
are you dumb? with their hand
>having sex
Who /volNEET/ here?
I may feel bad, but at least I don't feel terrible.
I'm sure part of it comes from having had a lot of luck in my life, and part from being a naturally optimistic person, but I just don't get you guys talking about being a failure, past tense, when you're probably not even at the half-way point of being alive. I don't know your story, but have you really tried everything? Plenty of time to right the ship. Just seems fatalistic to me
if i got free disability money I'd have no motivation to actually ride my bike. Why go outside when you can stay inside and eat all day? most neets have no willpower. The wageslave atleast has some motivation to exit his house.
Jeeeesus, now there's a name I haven't thought about since a call center job in 2007.
Max comfy, nice to hear its still around
None of the nordic countries are socialist, user.
NEETs can still be good enough looking to get some cheap sluts on tinder, in the end it's not worth the trouble when you can fap to 2D instead
I'm a wageslave/neet. Work 4 nights a week, never leave my apartment for the other three. I have money, time, and energy to play games. The problem is that devs don't make enough worthwhile games to satisfy me
Get a therapist
Well I teach abroad (Japan) so seeming busy is important and I usually only have an hour of non-class a day. Somehow I'm expected to make 3 new lessons in that one hour
You would also be surprised how much work teachers do even domestically. Making lessons (especially in your first decade of teaching), supervising students for drug/home/college problems, grading, take up time outside of class. You've only ever seen your teachers during their main 5-6 periods a day but that's just the public part of the job. You can slack off and not do as much but you can also immediately see how much that affects your students. I know how hard it is to be a kid so it hurts when I realize I didn't do enough and made them miserable.
28 years old
currently pulling down 108k as a software dev in a midwest city. I have a lot of clout where I work now so I regularly only put in maybe a 30-34 hour week and no one cares or notices because I get shit done. An occasional 7 day on-call rotation kinda sucks but generally I have a lot more time than I ever expected to have.
But still not enough to play everything I want to play. And the anxiety of knowing that I have a limited amount of time means I never want to start anything big so I stick to the same old meat grinder games that I can enjoy in short bursts
At least I don't have to be a pirate anymore.
Damn y'all are some sad mfs. Literally have sex and ditch the waifu pillows.
>graduated undergrad last year
>making 100k
>no debts
>live alone far from family
>no gf
>dont socialize at all
>come home to empty apartment with only the essentials
What the fuck do I do in life, im not working towards anything
you're not neet tranny faggot
>Tfw having a shitty PC and saving mommybux to buy a new PC.
Would this gets easier and I actually could play games or I will use that PC for shitposting alone?
and don't forget the huge vacations :^)
Because people who aren't normal get gatekeeped harder and harder the older they get.
There are three possibilities gold balls you could have pulled out and two of them lead to another gold ball. Dumb wagie.
Not socialism. Private ownership of the means of production is a thing. It just has a strong social safety net due to higher taxes. Which of course, that system only works if everyone contributes.
>It's actually standard for americans to graduate with lots of debt
How do people cope?
You scan paperwork and type out specific info about them into filenames, drop into folders, start again.
Give it a go, user, good luck!
subsidize a couple NEETs
What do you enjoy?
>I'm a wageslave/neet
Hey you NEETS, let's say I had a factory where we make toy American flags. If I offered you a minimum wage job there would you take it?
Why would I work for minimum wage
mightve said video games before but losing motivation to play those, I mostly watch movies. went to gym a little bit but it never goes anywhere. and got sick of escorts
Nah, I don't really care about not having sex. It'd be meaningless to me without it being with someone I really care about, and I haven't met anyone like that. In any case, I have bigger issues to sort out first.
>implying having sex is more important than being in a meaningful, loving relationship
>being an unironic, yikesposting normalfag
Find non-game hobbies. I know that sounds vague and useless but literally just go to a community center or library and ask what events they have. Consider sports or languages or instruments that you've always wanted to learn/play. Most of all, tie those into social events that make sure you can make friends outside of work. Also, I'm an introvert but I found that I desperately crave social approval. Don't immediately dismiss a hobby or thing because it doesn't seem like you right away.
I love doing stand-up and improv, which can't be done alone. I study Japanese on my own time and use it when I can. I also take cooking classes because I'm a faggot and want to meet lots of women to introduce me to their gay friends.
This will also help you become more cultured and understand the world better.
Again, chance of the next roll isn't affected by previous rolls.
>It's a gold ball
Fact. Now the previous roll doesn't matter anymore and you are either in A or B.
Read gambler's fallacy. The gambler thinks it's 66% or more precisely 2/3, but the real chance is 1/2 right now.
I was neet for so long that now that I have a job, I still want to do neet things when I get home. I have no motivation to buy useless crap that I know will attract girls, anime is enough. how do you get over that and become a normalfag that chases women?
You like movies? What movies do you watch? I dont have any games to play or any movies to watch, im bored as fuck. not him btw
>If I offered you a minimum wage job
I fucking wish
Gee wish i could tell you
i meant hikki
I guess i will apply this 15th in 3 different places and work in the one that either pays the most or just closes to home, i used to do computer repair in general while i study but any job requests 2 years of experience in a company to hire you and Data entry doesn't request anything so it looks really good.
True but I don't get that in Japan. Sucks ass, especially because they let me work from home but they monitor our social media to make sure we aren;t actually just vacationing.
I used to adore my Neet life in 2011 or so, just Yea Forums, Minecraft and writing music for a YouTube channel, which brought me a couple hundred extra every month.
One day I realised I probably can't still do this in my 30s. Luckily it wasn't too late to learn a skill.
I wouldn't discourage anybody from the Neet life in their 20s, I just hope they use the time to work on themselves and not just boast about all the working on themselves potential they have until they wake up 30 or have their benefits stripped after missing an arbitrary meeting.
>Nah, I don't really care about not having sex.
There's literally nothing wrong with reddit you tribalistic permavirgin. Being a normie on v is a badge of honor.
>ever waking up earlier than 10 AM
I wish I lived in the US, at least there it seems pretty easy to get a job even if it doesn't pay that well. Here you need like 3 qualifications just to be "competitive" to get even the most basic bitch jobs.
why not. could be fun.
>There's literally nothing wrong with reddit
I have to make an account to post.
Dumb as shit
Life is not a gift, you are insane. With the world we live in now life is hell. The last time I was genuinely happy from the bottom of my heart and excited for life was back in middle school and early high school.
>Going to school you will be in debt for the rest of your miserable life
>A gf/wife or family completely negates any free time you have
>I have not met one person, family, irl friends or online friends that aren't abusing drugs to get through life other than myself
>Everything is completely politicised, the way the internet and even society itself is moving is towards an Orwellian nightmare
>Went 2 months exercising and eating healthier and still felt like shit
>Work leaves you completely exhasuted and unmotivated afterwards
>Degeneracy is normalized within western culture
I'm sure I could think of more, but I've made my point.
>being an unvirgin
It's understandable if you literally can't grasp it user. Count your blessings.
It’s a 50% chance, right? The fact that you already pulled a gold ball out means that your box isn’t the double silver. So the only 2 possibilities are the double gold box and the half and half box. 50% chance as to which one, and thus 50% chance as to whether you’ll pull out a second gold or not.
One possibility down, about a billion to go.
>not caring is the same as dismissing something as undesirable
I never even tried to reach the "grapes." I'm simply indifferent until I meet someone I actually love. You think you're smart, but you're actually a retard. Congrats
>nothing wrong with reddit
>permanent tripfaggotry on top of the goodboypoint bating
Go and stay go.
I've gotten so used to my part time job working 3-4 hour shifts a day that I can't even fathom what it's like wasting your life away doing 8-12 hour shifts. I'm already burnt out by 6 hours that I stop being productive.
Maybe if you live in california, went to a school for rich people and went into the IT field. otherwise, you'd be living on the fucking street.
he wakes up at 4pm you dummy
Why would you even want to play video games at this point?
>using edgelord incorrectly
>using the the buzzword incel
Thanks for playing, Reddit.
No, there's at least 2 more gold balls and 1 silver ball that you could pull out, meaning the chance of your next ball being gold is 2/3
>Work leaves you completely exhasuted and unmotivated afterwards
I don't know how to combat this. Like I'm just tired and I don't want to excercise
>be Chinese
>inherit old money
>never have to work, play vidya all day
Living the life until I run out of money
user you can be happy and live without doing drugs. I'll admit that it is very hard though.
Like, being your own boss helps.
Most jobs start at 8am to 9am and last from 4pm to 530pm. Typically a person needs to get up by 6am to 7am to get ready and go to work. You only need 5 to 7 hours sleep. You should be going to bed by 10pm to 12am. This leaves 4 to 6 hours to game. Most companies are only open during the week. This leaves you with 98hrs max to game per week. Obviously a neet wouldnt know how an actual work schedule goes
>Work leaves you completely exhasuted and unmotivated afterwards
Stop working in the service industry.
What do you do day to day?
I know things are shitty atm, but you're not the only person tired of it. It sounds like you need a hobby, an actual productive one you can build on and show others the results.
Spend time with other normies
>How to escape this?
By dying haha.
To escape from the pain. Thanks to all the fucking trannies, faggots, and whores I can't even do that anymore though.
Bitcoin investment
>allowing a woman to steal your essence
>Work 3 till 11
>get home at 11:15
>spend about two hours playing vidya
>go to sleep around 3
>wake up at around 10
>do a bit of working out, make breakfast, maybe a bit of tidying
>play vidya for another 2 hours before work
bitcoin is never going to soar again. It's mainstream and government regulated in some countries now.
On the real tho...
why dont u guys get laid?
maybe I can help u?
I'm being sincere right now bros, tell me whats wrong
>I never even tried to reach the "grapes."
Says the incel fox lmao. Stop deluding yourself and have sex.
Karma and having an account isn't a problem unless you're an undersocialized autist. Most of the good subreddits have downvotes turned off anyway
u need jesus
But what are your chromosomes?
Imagine having 98 hours free a week and not using it to learn something. We wonder why we're depressed, we sit around all our spare time consuming instead of creating and wonder why we get no fulfillment.
Make art, write songs, learn to program a vidya, you don't need to release anything or work for somebody else, but the key to being happy is working toward being better at something you love
I would. In this hypothetical scenario, it would be fun to work with other NEETs from here, even if the pay was shit
i don't love anything
You say these things, but it's pretty simple. I don't love anything.
When you die no one is gonna give a shit bro. Who cares about someone does during their free time. You live, you die, end of story
>tfw work from 9am till 2-3pm
>can basically take any day off as long as I don't do it too often with no questions asked
>can work from home if I want to
You just got to get lucky
L E A R N S O M E T H I N G.
apply yourself, give yourself to a pursuit, pick something you want to master and fucking go for it
T. 30 year old who taught myself to program in a year enough for a junior job.
Its especially good because I feel like I'm the only guy at my job that loves my work because I feel very lucky to have gotten it on the back of shit I took the initiative to do
NEETS won't even leave the house
"On the real tho," I'm not interested. I didn't have sex in high school despite a couple opportunities. No love, no interest. Not having sex is not the same thing as being some bitterfag incel that blames his issues on women. I'm not that. I have no issues with women. Now kindly fuck off with your
>hurrr having sex will fix your issues
retard logic.
>not a problem
>encourages echochamber and dissuades people from posting dissenting opinions because of muh negative karma points and perceived scuffs on profile(even with downvotes turned off, the echochamber is still enforced by upvote whoring)
do something you thrive in
i, for myself, am working at a pharmaceutical plant that produces various items for vetenerian purposes
the sole idea alleviating the pain of a doggo so he pulls through is wholesome....or preventing him toi scratch his ears off because of flees
nevertheless you cant work just for the work purpose you'll need an idea behind it that you agree with
Literally fucking kill yourself. If you're just ironic shitposting, then doubly kill yourself retard
How is programming and can you find something from work-from-home with ease? Might be very interested.
did I hit a nerve
consoles, PC parts, and peripherals.
Or if you ever want to play online.