This is a 19 year old Mexican

Attached: Angel kofxiv.jpg (1033x499, 115K)

but have you seen her parents?

lol you posted it again!!!!!!!!!

>make asian
>call them a different race
Japan is filled with nothing but pedophile talentless hacks. Literally all of their art style is the same boring shit.

Attached: Sneed1.png (125x125, 26K)

Attached: Sneed2.png (125x125, 28K)

Attached: 3Sneed2.png (125x125, 30K)

she's really white for a Mexican

Attached: itisdone.jpg (540x651, 43K)

>she's really white for being born in a country

Attached: 1512448958612.png (951x451, 133K)


yes she's really white for being born in a country with 90% shitskin spic

19 year old Mexicans look about 35 though.

>she's really white for being born on a segment of the planet earth that has been given an arbitrary name

Attached: 2ldenj.jpg (640x845, 108K)



i want to breed that 19 year old mexican

Attached: 1413672115593.jpg (400x727, 17K)

you okay buddy?

Im pointing out that you're a retard who's conflating nationality with ethnicity.

Theres ton of white Mexicans

Attached: 11074359_web1_CANELO_GGG_003.jpg (1050x775, 119K)

only the darkest mexicans cross the borders.
its like if black people from murrica crossed the border to canada.

>Soccer (manly goalkeeping)
I see she likes grabbing the balls.

wtf i love mexicans now

How the fuck is Angel asian? Outside the white hair I've seen some mex girl that look like her irl.

People of all colors really. Shame this nigga is a redhead.

Not sure if you've ever seen mexicans, but a decent amount are proportioned like that. They live off the hormonal runoff from the states and beans, and end up pretty thicc