What is it about consolefags that makes them so retarded...

What is it about consolefags that makes them so retarded? You can try explaining to them just how much better PC is and how they can build one for the same price as a shitbox console that'll still run everything better, but it's like it goes in one ear out the other. Like their brains are physically incapable of understanding the fact they're willfully settling for shittier hardware for the same price and paying $600 for 10 new games when they could just pirate them or wait for them to go on sale.
Consoles solely exist to hold back vidya through downgrades and need to fuck off forever. The most powerful console ever made, the xtoaster1x, still runs games in 24fps slideshows with fake 4k. Why do they tolerate this shit?

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Dear diary

who hurt you

>why do people like things I don't like

Why do PC gamers care though?
I couldnt care less on which platform you play

What is it about pcfags that makes them so obsessed with people who play on console? Isn't the whole argument for PC that you have freedom to do it how you like? But only THESE ways, THOSE ways aren't ok!


>paying $600 for 10 new games when they could just pirate them or wait for them to go on sale.
10 years later
>why are companies only making console games? why are all PC only genres dead?
Also lol, no matter how much you talk about graphics, I would rather play a nice gameboy game on my bad than to spend all day playing some dumb poor PC port of an action game at 4k

OP, you literally have autism. Console players are happy with what they have, they don't want to deal with buying a PC and fiddling with it to play games. I don't think you can find a $200 PC that plays games as well as a $200 PS4.

Post cheap PC I can build that will play games coming out this year at a consistent 60fps frame rate and 4k. I'm not even being a dick I'd just like to have one.

>Buy console
>I can buy and play any game in the entire generation

>Buy PC
>Buy new drivers every couple of months

Oy Vey

Because your plastic shitboxes with APUs that can't even hold a stable 30fps at 724p are holding us back. All of our shit gets butchered with downgrades to be able to run on consoles.

I'm still lmaoing at the peasants who think they're playing actual 4k when in reality it's all fake checkerboarded shit... and even then it still can't manage to hold 30fps.

That doesn't answer the question: Why does it personally affect you?

They aren't, user. The fact PCfags don't buy games is. Do you think people will just make increasingly costly games with detailed graphics while also receiving less money? Please.We are at a point where time itself is becoming a barrier as it takes years to make these shitty over realistic bullshit games that need to appeal to everyone to make their cash back, PCfags and their obsession with rigs and graphics are not a victim of it but part of the problem.

Because I don't like it when games look and play like shit on PC because of consoles limiting their potential as software.

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insightful blogpost my duuuuude!

gonna give you this hard earned upvote!

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>PCfags don't buy games
Valve has made billions of dollars off of CSGO skins alone. You're retarded if you think nobody's buying games on pc.


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>are holding us back.

The only things devs would do is make console games that just look better while still being optimized like shit.

If you were a true pc gamer, you'd understand the battle has already been lost.

That is called whaling user, you take the money from a minority willing to pay instead of the majority who will pirate. Its how Paradox revived the grand strategy genre, but at what cost?

>friends says rdr2 looks amazing in 4k and i should come play it some time
>game takes over 2 minutes to load
>looks like shit because it isn't actually 4k
>runs like shit, 28fps with drops down to like 12-15 in the bigger areas
Consolefriends really need to raise their standards, it's just sad at this point.

But this is wrong. Even if consoles didn’t exists devs would still produce games that run on as many system configurations as possible and you’d still see the same issues cropping up. Not everyone has a high end PC. Studios want to make the most money they can on their investment so they’ll make their games run on the widest set of hardware possible. Quit being a faggot and acting like a PCmustard race sterotype.

The majority don't pirate. And even then most of the minority that does is from fucking russia and china or some other post-soviet shithole.

You're completely missing the point that even the lowest end shitty budget PCs can still run games better than consoles.

I honestly think that nobody in the Lobotomy Corporation threads owns a legal copy.

I would rather use my shitbox that can last to the end of time over your piece of garbage mouse and keyboard mess that needs $2,000 yearly to be enough to play every new release

lmao no

Depending on what you consider cheap you can't. If that's a jab at PC because console supposedly does it you're wrong. The XboneX and PS4P both use checkerboarding which isn't actually 4k, and none of it runs in remotely stable 60fps.

pc = 95% poorfag third worlders hating on consoles they cant afford

nobody thinks consoles are superior, people just want exclusives and PC is basically only multiplats, it's really not hard to understand

I built mine for $800 4 years ago and I still hold 60fps on medium settings most games, while consoles can't even fucking manage to hold 30fps on low settings. I've more than made that money back by not having to pay $60/yr for internet access I already pay for and $60 for every new game because there are never any sales and you can't pirate.
And as for piracy goes I only pirate from big devs like EA/Ubishit/Cockstar etc because the vidya market is absolute cancer and needs to die off.

Doesn't exist. Faggots stopped saying PC gaming is cheap unironically like 4 years ago because literally everything skyrocketed and hasn't come down.

Exclusives, you stupid fucking moron. Exclusives and the fact that a $300 console that plugs into your TV vs. $1000+ worth of parts you have to assemble yourself is not exactly a hard choice for a lot of people. Every year at least half of the best games released are console exclusives while the PC has basically no worthwhile exclusives at all, that's more than enough for most people.

Oh and it's disgusting how many master race dipshits are still just playing on 1080p 60hz monitors while thinking they're top shit. Don't even fucking dare make the "DUHHHHRRRR Y-YOU'RE HOLDING US BACK!" argument when the vast majority of people playing on PC can't afford much more than a toaster. Yeah sure, devs LOVE making extremely expensive AAA exclusives that only cater to a niche crowd of hardware enthusiasts on a platform known for rampant piracy.

>buying skins is buying games


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they'd still try to hit the lowest spec PC possible to maximize profit since most people are using laptops or out of date hardware on PC.

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>Because your plastic shitboxes with APUs that can't even hold a stable 30fps at 724p are holding us back. All of our shit gets butchered with downgrades to be able to run on consoles.
tons of AAA games wouldn't exist without consoles

Intel has, AMD is still cheap unless you're literally below poverty line.

i have a gaming PC but most games still look better on console. problem with PC games, they just dont have this "gloss" that console games have

>consoles are better because their manufacturers manipulate the video game market
Alright good to know.

wtf are you even trying to say

why did you reply to your own post, tranny wojack poster

This is not true but honest last Nvidia drivers were blue screening my PC. I had rolled back to solve the issue.

>game doesn't work, have to travel forum posts from 7 years ago to maybe find a hint at what the solution is
No thanks, I'm not a virgin.

That's called motion blur. They use it excessively to cover up the bad framerate.

Exclusives are another symptom of the larger death of vidya. The industry needs to die and fuck off forever. Strongarming people into paying them $400 to play one game isn't a good thing faggot. And again, we go back to the fact that you can build or even buy a fucking prebuilt pc for the same price as a console that will still run everything better, with far more utility. Wanna play your PC like a console? Run an HDMI cable to a tv and play with a controller. Problem solved.

Man, trolling used to be a art. What the fuck happened bros?

why would I want to build my own gaming PC and then have you faggots tell me I didn't use the right parts?

nigger what?

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>translation: I'm mad because I'm too poor to be able to play that game

Most PCfags I know blew hundreds and hundreds on their rigs and can't accept that other people genuinely don't give a shit. It's like they have to justify their decisions to people who genuinely couldn't give less of a fuck. I'm sure there's some term for it.

You don't know what you are talking about.

thinly veiled consolewar bait

It literally wasn't a jab I stated that above. I wanted to know if I could get a PC that does all of that for cheap. (Let's say 500$ for everything not including desk and a comfy chair)

This is objectively wrong. There are people still using machines with parts manufactured in the early 90s that simply will not run modern software. They’re still PC users and their machine is worse than most consoles.

Regardless, what would you propose we do? Ban all consoles? Force developers to only design games with high end machines in mind? You realize this would cripple the industry and most devs/publishers would leave the industry because it would no longer be profitable? Look I empathize with you as I prefer PC over consoles but the argument that consoles are holding back gaming is myopic and stems from some combination of bullshit elitism or a fundinental misunderstanding of the business of video game industry.

If you wanna stay rich you don't blow your money on stupid shit. If I have the choice between spending $400 + $60 + $60 on a console for literally one game or spending $500 to upgrade to a much, much more powerful GPU than I currently have I'll take the latter because I'll actually use it and it'll keep its value for years.
Impulsivity is for niggers and it's how you lose all your money.

it's called being a cunt. there's currently no cure.

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>PC gaming is too expensive
>PCfags are poor!
which is it?

Why would any human want to spend $400 on a hunk of shit just to play one or two EXCLUSIVE games when they could be spending that on better hardware to play every single other game with better performance? It's just a disgusting waste of money.

Maybe consolefags don't really listen to you because of how obnoxious you come off, OP.

Because they know they are cucked by consoles and tend to get scraps at best regarding games. Go look at the most popular on the stores for PC

>build one for the same price
this is nothing but a stupid meme

Consoles have their purpose.

And honestly, you can link to cheap PC builds all you want, but PC gaming generally requires a greater up-front investment for someone who has only used consoles, especially now that most non-gamers don't even have a regular PC in their homes; they just use their phones to go on Facebook and check email.

So maybe you can get a good deal on your GPU and CPU, which is great if you're just upgrading an existing machine. But someone who doesn't already have a PC will need a motherboard, a PSU, a case, etc., in addition to a keyboard, a mouse, speakers, and a monitor — and for a non-shitty experience, a person buying their first ever desktop PC will also need a decent desk and a good chair.

The console equivalents of the monitor and speakers is a television, while the console equivalents of the desk and chair are the couch. Fucking everyone already has a television and a couch, even in 2019. Console gamers who use their phones for social media don't necessarily have a good desk and a good computer chair, let alone a computer.

Consoles are just easier and cheaper for them.

t. someone who only plays games on PC

Why are PC gamers like that one vegan friend, who always let you know he's vegan?

There are toasters worse than consoles. Why arent you sperging about them? Why arent you sperging over 32bit systems?

PC digital sales alone are bigger than console sales. Also you're the faggots obsessed with gfx

Ok then, if you think that's more worth it go ahead and buy it, but that doesn't make you entitled to those exclusive games

Name literally a single console exclusive within the last 12 years I should give a flying fuck about.

If this is legitimate, then you have lost the arguement right here OP


>EVERY single other game
are you absolutely sure about that?

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$400? You can get a PS4 $300, even less on sale new. Got my PS4 for $260 with Uncharted 4.

You realize you can hook your pc to a tv with an hdmi cable and play with a controller right? And that for $400 you can get much better hardware?

Didn't we go through this in 2015 too? Cockscar loves money and they won't miss out on a chance to make more off a pc release like with GTA, which still averages close to 100k avg players on steam to this day. We can already emulate RDR1 at 60fps because of Xenia too.

>24fps with drops to low 10s
>14 frame input delay
>controller aim
No thanks I'll just wait until they release it on the next consoles and on PC where it's actually playable.

playing on PC just isn't the same. I kinda only use it to play Civ and a handful of other games, can't be fucked to deal with any problems that arise when I try to run something and I just get a black screen. I'll be honest, I'm just lazy. There are always plenty of other games to play that are readily available to me that don't require me to jump through hoops to get to the start screen.

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I don't care up to the point where I get a console port on PC that still only supports as many controls or has the same limited UI options as on console and doesn't make use of my mouse & keyboard.

Bullshit. That there are new drivers does neither mean that they have to be installed nor that this fucks anything up. If it does it's a very rare case and can be undone by reverting and in over 20 years of PC usage I've not had that happen even once.

I'm more afraid about the combination of consoles + mobile market with the limited input options, which will cause any game genres that are more complicated to control to simply die as devs try to cater to all markets (mobile, consoles, PC) and not just one for maximum profits. Genres like strategy games could die simply because of that.

>The fact PCfags don't buy games is.
Bullshit. Could you keep your fucking stupid generalizations to yourself ?
I've pirated plenty and then bought what I enjoyed and I buy less these days because companies are shit (EA games, Activision, Rockstar...).

>instead of the majority who will pirate.
Oh please... If the majority would pirate there'd be no strong gaming market and there wouldn't have been one in the past either.
Pirating doesn't mean the player won't buy the game. I pirated games I had bought and already played multiple times in the past solely because the pirated versions were more convenient:
-no multi disc installers
-no "Please insert disc." to start a game
-no noisy CD drive roaring upon loading a mission video etc.
-easy backups in case discs get damaged

>tons of AAA games wouldn't exist without consoles
To make this conclusion you'd need to compare a reality with and without consoles. Otherwise it's a guess. It's more logical to assume that if only PCs would exist for that the games would exist on these devices. This is leading nowhere.

What do you think the devs made those games on?

the human eye can't see more than 18fps

>What do you think the devs made those games on?
What does that have to do with anything?

If they made the games on PCs there is literally no reason it couldn't have been released on PC other than because of exclusivity cancer.

>wake up, thinks it's 2010
>consoles are holding pc back
>looks at calendar, 2019
OP, are you retarded or just retarded?

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>If they made the games on PCs there is literally no reason it couldn't have been released on PC other than because of exclusivity cancer.
AAA games are made because the console market has enough potential sales to support them. Take away the 150 million PS4's and Xbones and you'll see far, far fewer games being made.

yarrrr.....this doesn't do it matey
arrrrr......there we go

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Brand loyalty

More so, half the retards that say a $200 pc is "enough" often have way better hardware. I did low-end PC gaming and it sucked. A console is slightly better looking for the price on average and has doesn't require hours of hacks to make games playable (considering higher fps can give you a better change at "making the shot"). PC gaming is only good if you can afford at least $800 in hardware. That's assuming you have the basics like monitor, keyboard, mouse, fuck even a case, desk and a decent chair. Otherwise that shit is easily +$1000. A console is fine for people that just want to play and don't give a shit about the hobby scene.
>OP can suck dicks

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Imagine being the retard who makes a thread about something that doesn't affect you

Ok faggot. I want a used ps4 and in my area it's $230. Give me a list of parts of a pc with the same price that runs better or equal with the ps4. I'll wait.

>buying a new console every time a new game comes out

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