Attached: Troy baby.jpg (2765x1657, 153K)

why are only Jap studios allowed to put attractive white men in their games now?

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it's literally troy baker face scanned

he's a terrorist

>Kojima doing all this bullshit just so he can get his good friend Troy Baker noticed by Hollywood
based friends

Does he have mathmatic equations for eyebrows?

Your point? Troy Baker is handsome as hell. If only his voice was as good as his face.

He's ugly as shit.

Makes me wonder why he doesn't have any notable live action roles. The man is seriously good looking.

chemical elements

he's a luden

I sure hope he wears the mask for 95% of his screen time.

That's the point, retard.

He's a homo demon.

Technically, Troy Baker seems to appear in several Sony exclusives. Regardless whether his face is shown.

Attached: Infamous Second Son.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Oh boy more Troy Baker, I was just thinking about how we don't get him in enough video games

Imagine for years you only ever do voices, secretly wanting to be a live actor

then you get this. Good for him.

>emo fuccboi
Oh boy, eems like Kojima wants to keep the female audience MGS had.

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He had a couple roles where he sounded good, but honestly, 80% of his work could be replaced by some gruff nobody.

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I wish I had androgynous emo friends

I guess he's too shit for Hollywood

yes you are

I hope he is playable at some point

I would fuck the shit out of that sceneslut and beat the shit out of that emo fag.

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God this character was so ugly lol

have sex incel

why is everyone crying?

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Some people are just better at other things. He probably sticks to voice acting for a reason.

Allergic reaction

It's just Vinny ffs.

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Their careers dying from doing a shitty video game.

>most visible thing is Au, the symbol for gold
Deepest lore.

I can't wait for kojimadrones to be BTFO when this game releases and its shit. Just like MGSV. Just like MGS4.

Sorry bitches, Troy Baker is a real actor now and not one of your pauper voice """actors"""

I just noticed when the trailer changes frames its an eyelid blinking real fast.

People keep saying this, but I just don't see it honestly.