Best MMO out there to date.
It was shit when it first came out, but is GOAT now.
Best MMO out there to date.
It was shit when it first came out, but is GOAT now.
Other urls found in this thread:
>cash shop bullshit
That and the shitty weaving ruins the game. Zenimax are hardcore jews.
im new to the game but theres nothing but cosmetic shit , considering its f2p pretty much i see no harm in it
Hate all those fucking eso plus members and their decorative mounts.
Why allow players to use money for a clear advantage?
can you fuck any female khajiit? i'm talking bout npcs not degenerate erpers.
Maybe if they get rid of the stam and mag split. Skills are so fucking boring because it's an obvious division between stam/mag and pve/pvp. Felt like I had like 2 actual choices to make for my character.
Didn't help that most of the gear set bonuses sucked. Got myself jullianos and than literally couldn't find a mid tier one I thought worth grinding dungeons for.
Otherwise solid game and far better than it has any right to be.
>cosmetic shit
>what is crafting bag
hows the social interaction?
Is the questing fun?
How fun are the dungeons and raids?
your race decides that too no one fucking plays altmer stamina it's gimped as fuck all races should be viable
game is great and cash-shop can be ignored... but that combat, no fucking way. call me when they fixed that shit since fighting is what you do 90% of the game. what a shame
>cyrodiil has 2 second delay for 6 hours during prime time
>queues for dungeons and bg also don't work
Why can't they fucking fix the potato servers? It's been 4 years.
community is great, lots of old people
questing is extremely boring, but it's voice acted so some people might enjoy it
dungeons are frustrating and boring, raids are nice since you can't make mistakes or you wipe
pvp is the best part but
its not a cash shop item u basedcuck , thats a subscription bonus
yeah ,you buy it for 9bucks and can play forever , it has content to last you for months
p2w ugly looking game with shitty combat
even BFA is better
it looks so dated
i almost bought it, but then i noticed "DLC addons" and checked them out..
there's like 10 extra DLC's for places as iconic as fucking imperial city. - they want you to pay for this game and then pay "micro" transaction fees to go to the main places in the lore?
"or just pay our sub goy"
Dont advertise as buy to play if you dont get the fucking game when you pay
>even BFA is better
weaving and animation cancels makes combat high tier imo. shit takes some decent timing and apm to actually max a build's potential dps.
Finally, honest marketing.
>"Looking for a fun MMO experience? Look Elsweyr."
and playing the "correct" race or gtfo
The questing being fun depends on if you like narrative based quests. Its an Elder Scrolls game, so the value in quests is in the story. In reading the letters and books lying around.
>Why can't they fucking fix the potato servers? It's been 4 years.
ZOS is dogshit at fixing problems. They still haven't done anything about the FPS/latency bug either. And that is years old as well. Having to reboot the game every hour is bullshit.
thats pretty cool. but why would i want this action oriented combat system in my comfy afternoon relaxed grinding mmo
I legitimately can't see how anyone could enjoy this game. It's in some weird halfway point of being a shit ES game combined with a shit MMO
Everquest was the best MMO of all. Until it was ruined by Sony Online Entertainment.
I just hate the bar swapping. That just seems stupid.
bar swapping isnt bad, just look at guildwars, the cancer thing is that there is no cooldown, just a short delay so youre sollong up and down every few seconds like some retarded autist
It was okay after the release of morrowind and then started falling off hard with all their jewish DLC practices. Now you have to pay for a sub AND buy all the fucking expansions because they won't let you use your coins for the shit that comes out
>derivative classes
>samey combat rotations for all specs
Its got some of the worst combat of any game I've ever played that just devolves into these gay ass rotations that are identical no matter who you play as. Only thing different is one class has 'blue' magic and another has 'yellow' or 'red'. Its absolute fucking trash
I mean. Just 'cause something even worse exists doesn't make this not bad.
you dont need it to play brainlet
it's not cosmetic tho
>crafting bag
>can buy inventory space skipping progression
>can buy riding lessons etc, skipping progression
its p2w
I keep seeing this in relation to teso, what does it mean?
>expansions don't come with sub anymore
Fuck me glad I quit
no i meant guildwars 2 did it right. you have 2 weapons with different skills but youre not swapping back and forth all the time because theres a cooldown and your backup weapon is only used in certain situations (mostly for switching between ranged and melee) while in eso you legit have builds where you put the same fucking weapon on both bars and switch back and forth every few seconds because theres not enough space on one bar for all the skills. its just fucking retarded
I'd probably give a shit too if they didn't completely butcher the lore. Say what you want about WoW, at least they knew the world they were building. Zenimax has no fucking idea.
it means the combat is so shit that you can cancel attack animations by pressing a skill before it finishes. makes cmbat look like as and adhd clickfest a la diablo2 which is not the kind of combat suited for a grinding mmo where you kill thousands of mobs in a single gameplay session, its fucking exhausting and will kill your 100 dollar mmo mouse a million times faster than wow or ff14
the crazy thing is they are charging full price for elsewhyr and summerset like they are full games. Its so fucking ludicrous. These expansions are the size of the thieves guild DLC except they had some menial shit like jew crafting and this shitty new class tacked now.
I'm all for new classes and would totally pay, but $40 and its the same old, spam layer AOE "grave hands" palette swapped AoE bullshit that every class has. The dev team has absolutely no creativity.
Ah, I see. Maybe I should give GW2 a look, then.
same. Got it as a gift and didn't even play past 20 min after I noticed this. can't even play the fucking imperial race without dlc
>Have to buy the expansions
>Have to have a current PS Plus membership
You wot, mate?
i quit gw2 because i thought it was not up to snuff but im legit thinking about going back to it after having endured this shitfest thats supposed to be an elder scrolls game. i even enjoyed bfa more than this sorry excuse for an "aaa" mmo
i dont even care about the lore its just that every quest is completely uninspired and theres nothing memorable about them at all. the elsweyr introsuction quest with you releasing dragons was not only totally boring but the finale where the dragons are relases was like "thats it?" even random encounters with dragons in skyrim were more memorable than this shit, those guys have zero creativity, "content" my ass, its all worthless
>40 dollar dlc
>people finish it in 3 hours
yeah no way im gonnna fucking pay for that
ill wait until you can buy it with jewcoins like the other dlcs if i dont quit the game until then
>mfw i bought the imperial edition and find out that that race is only good for tanks and tanking is absolutely cancer in this game (spam one taunt skill and put everything in health)
into the trash it goes
don't bother. drones will arrive shortly to spout shit like "but you can get it in-game with ridiculous amojts of grind so it's ok", it's always the same. the game rubs its fucking cash shop into your face on every single occasion, it's ridiculous.
is the combat in this game fun like in WoW
nord and argonian are both better thanks than imperial now.
what? since when can you get the crafting bag without sub? i pretty much gave up on crafting because even when using alts as mules its absolute cancer, i just vendor everything i dont use because the "auctionhouse" system is 100% cancer too
woeler would like a word with you
argonians are only better if you use pots and id rather not add that shit to my rotation
none of the new "chapters" have ever gone on to be purchasable with coins user. They are max jew mode now
no, combat is actually the most criticized gameplay element in this game by far
oh wow. dead game then
I like the combat but that’s just me. It’s fast past
This game has player houses that are artificially sold for a limited time. 200 dollar houses that you have to buy in a three day window or else you can never see that house again.
The limited time houses suck and it’s omg hard to get gold in the game
thats cool if you pvp but if you grind in pve a lot that shit burns you out in no time, you cant just sit back and relax which sort of is an important part of grinding mmos
Iv played the game pretty hard core. The only thing I have not done are the trials and I love the game. The only other game I’ve played this much was classic wow-WLK
really? well maybe you should give gw2 a try, seems right up your alley
I played GW2 but I could not get into it. I liked it but I enjoy the ESO lore more
>eso lore
if youre into elder scrolls lore, why arent you playing the actual elder scrolls games, or did you already play them all?
I beat them all, but I was but I was not a fan of skyrim
Game fucking sucks shit is too easy
They sent you to kill some strong elite in the world, they hype it up and they you kill it with few sword swings
>5000 hours of adventure is too easy but then there is one hard dungeon so you cant call this game easy!
Templars have an ability you just spam to win, no rotation at all and it heals you too
You mean the spear? I was actually thinking of making a Templar or Nightblade as my first entry to this game. I wanna make something that can handle anything thrown at it while doing like 100% zone completion of all the maps. Not really instanced group stuff. I figured either self healing or stealth were important.
Yeah the spear is all you need, just max out in magika and you'll be able to spam it for a long time
The game is easy but I feel like it does a good job catering to casuals and hard cores. There are a lot of difficult things to do in the game
I was legit thinking that I would love this game unironically if the combat wasn't so shit and the classes weren't so... weird.
I love basically everything else about it, as far as themepark mmos go.
But goddamn that combat, especially with the jittery mess that is weaving. And the classes, good god.
Nightblade was my man on PS4 and they are powerful, even with the nerf
It's good but the meta is stale as fuck and a new class wont change that. There needs to be new weapons and re-balancing of class skills for more diverse build options in PVE end-game content.
>the elder scrolls
no ty
Yea, during 1.6 the game combat was at it best. I do agree with this, the last update I feel has been the best update, but still 1.6 eso was when it was it best
Is tanking as bad as people say in this game? I play tanks in every MMO but this one I've always heard that tanking is as fun as blowing your brains out, gw2 doesn't have tanks, wow is dead and I'm not a weeb so ff is out of the picture.
you guys complaining about the apm spam combat not being good for "chill open world pve" don't know that every non dungeon/trial based open world mob/quest is soloable by a handicapped chimp spamming literally any damaging move with no auto attacks involved. you can play this game on a controller if you want and be absolutely fine
the weaving, the animation cancels are just for maximizing dps in group environments if you want to.
If you enjoyed the single player TES games for the story then this game is really good. Big world with a lot of lore, books and quests. Might not be the best game for metaslaves that only play for end game.
The questing in this game in boring trash. Don’t know how anyone could get invested in such a fucking snooze fest.
tough luck, tanking in wow is still th best as far as the big 4 goes. maybe check out the older or smaller mmos if you like tanking because ff14 is the only other mmo i can think of where the devs actually put some effort into the tanking role
All MMOs are shit, but at least in this one I can ERP as a cat girl or boy.
It’s okay, classic wow tanking is far more difficult and fun. Tanking in eso can be boring especially if you have great dps and heals
ESO is absolute shit why does Yea Forums shill it so hard i made the mistake of buying and installing it 2 times
>you dont need to weave in solo content just spam 1 skill instead
yeah thats so much better gameplay, amazing
yeah thats exactly the problem, the game fails to teach you your class so you have to look up guides to actually know how to play in a group, epic fail
That’s how most games are. Guides are important and most games require guides
Dlc zones have better questing than vanilla content and it's a nice touch that it's all voice-acted. There are more quality quests in ESO than a lot of other MMO's.
nah even wow quests are better than this, i cant remember a single quest i did in eso
theres some people that like it and cant understand why everyone else shits on it
you can trade gold for crowns with other players.
>this is the armor design in a AAA developed mmo released in 2019
Dragonknight is pretty good to faceroll stuff, too. They have a spammable heal. And charged heavy attacks regen mana. So you basically can't die in exploration.
too bad the dlc isnt free and pretty short for the price if you buy it, not worth it
After years (like 5 years) trying out my mmo options I settled on playing ESO and FFXIV at the same time.
ESO for PVP, fun easy grinding, and questing (More casual)
FFXIV for defined roles, dungeons, and raids (More button pressing)
Between those 2 games and their consistent content cycles it's the best I'm going to get. Loot shooters just can't take the reigns for my grinding itch. Not a fan of the weekly required quest in Destiny/Division to get better slowly over time through timegates. Fallout76 and Anthem need way more developement time to be good. Warframe is boring as fuck. Path of Exile is turbo autismo.
For the money, ESO + FFXIV are cheap enough for what they offer and are half way decent games worthy of your time.
>classic wow tanking is far more difficult and fun
How did sony ruined it?
this is the reason why everyone runs around with the free costumes you unlock while leveling from 10 to 30 or something
Same. I play ESO mainly as a solo RPG where I just go overworld questing and see all of it, and XIV for group content like you said.
I bet you've never read a book either? I feel bad for people who can't immerse themselves in games.
The newer motifs are better, these were made for when ZOS was still trying to cater to low spec shitters.
Warden tanking is fun. Spam group ice shield, make magical aoe healing trees, have a bear pet, and spam self heal while taunting.
Tanking is fucking boring in ESO, but it could be so much worse.
dk is actually weak to solo stuff, pet sorcerer is much stronger
Someone has declined the invite.
Recently came back and got back into BGs. It's WAY fucking better than I remember.
I still get "player has declined", but I actually get into matches a lot faster. Seriously Battlegrounds launch was so fucking bad, like 30 minute queues just to find out no one on your team loaded in and it's 4v4vYou.
The real difficult content is in the veteran trials and dungeons, overworld (except world bosses to some extent) and normal mode are made to cater to shitters
i dont even wanna know what kind of books you read if you think eso has good writing. i feel sorry for you, havent met a single elder scrolls lore fan who didnt shit on eso
t. Only played the base game halfway through.
I don't think you've met a single elder scrolls lore fan ever.
ESO actually separates hardcore and casual content very well. I could never get my shitter friends into FFXIV, but I could damn for certain get them into ESO.
Holy living fuck tho if you don't have a premade group for dungeons, even normal difficulty, get ready to have mouth breathers in your group.
My brother and I literally had to build a weird Warden (Healer/Tank) and Templar (Healer/DPS) combo to just duo the entire dungeons ourselves, including veterans. There are people who are fucking ultra stupid on ESO and that comes with it's ability to cater to casuals.
Different person, but how could I get into ESO lore? I don't like the single player games much so I'd need like youtube links or something. Maybe even books if those exist.
I'm going through the faction/war story and I don't give a shit.
I just want to go to the Elsweyr/Khajit homeworld and Morrowind. I don't give a shit about anything else.
But leveling so shit doesn't hit me is why I'm doing the main quest(s). *sigh*
Even opinions in this very thread show how bad people are at this game.
If you know how ESO works and want to laugh go look at the new esologs website and witness how incredibly terrible people are at this game because nothing in this game prepares you for any semblance of difficult content up until you start veteran.
i have, it seems you havent. why dont you get a sneak peak and go over to 8ch Yea Forums really quick and post about eso in the elder scrolls thread. heck maybe even try the /vg/ thread on Yea Forums and see how mich the elder scrolls people like your eso lore rape snoozefest
>comfy game
>good quests
>great world building
>shitty gameplay
What a shame
i played up to coldharbor, on both dominion and ebonhart, the only interesting part was that cat guy razum dar or whatever he was called for the dominion story. not even gonna touch the sandnigger and orc faction i already know its 100% trash
The quests really surprised me. Its not the worst shit ever and its fully voiced. If it weren't for the retards running around like faggots it would be a pleasant TES adventure. I'd love a solo TESO
>it's another MMO that has terrible group content and bends over backwards to appeal to solo players episode
I'm sick of this rerun.
>a watered down generic mmo with a bland art style, no soule soundtrack and limited freedom, doing none of the areas or original games justice
I wish the series just stayed with one singleplayer entry every few years. an actual main game set in Elsweyr for the first time made by Todd would have been more awesome to experience, than Skyrim the mmo but with none of the freedom or detail and cash shop.
Huh. I haven't had any issues, yet. I'm only like level 20, though. So that might be it.
The only thing that pushed my shit in was a big werewolf monster, but it turned out I was still wearing a bunch of level 2 gear pieces.
Confirmed for not even visiting the /vg/ thread. The tortanic memes for this game have become a sort of shield against faggots in there.
While I love /tesog/ and it's my favorite MMO general it still has it's own version of shitposting faggotry.
well i never go to /vg/ but i figured it wouldnt be much different from other eso generals except with more trannies. guess i was wrong
Combination of game being too hideous for waifufags to move from Skyrim to ESO and the abysmal launch pretty much saved ESO from the pitfalls of every other MMO general.
>too hideous
wtf this game has legit the cutest elf waifus of all fantasy mmos, i guess its just not degenerate enough
You just have bad taste.
is there any way to link up with people that aren't shit or is it all just luck of the draw and hoping you make friends with non shitters you meet? I'm half considering buying this, but I know once I get sick of casual stuff I'll wanna go into difficult content, and I am definitely way too autistic to deal with bad players.
if thats bad taste for you i dont even wanna know what kind of furry degenerate you are
can i fuck female khajiit for fuck's sake answer me
ESO has a core flaw in that the game really has no way to govern who is doing what. You set your role as Tank/Healer/DPS and that's all the game can go off of. There's no inspect feature either and ESOlogs only really shows gear after the fact.
You can find your way into a decent guild but the other issue is ESO is very slow in terms of endgame PvE updates. 2-4 dungeons a year with generally 1 trial a year if that, and this game doesn't put focus on this content really being the "capstone event" so it's mostly sidelined by the casual questing audience. Given all of that you get players just kind of follow an e-celeb meta with no understanding how it works or they try to be "creative" with the same lack of understanding and you wind up with people that are absolutely terrible at the game but due to how easy 90% of the game is do perfectly fine.
>Have to have a current PS Plus membership
thats not true you fucking cocksucker
You do though, ESO isn't F2P or P2P meaning it doesn't fulfill the requirements to skip out on PS+.
Even if you pay for ESO+ you still need PS+.
holy shit do console fags really pay this much for this boring grindfest, suppose ff14 fags are in the same situation, the absolute state of capitalism
This is precisely why I cannot bring myself to play ESO. It has the absolute most fucking generic, uninspired, boring, and fucking down right abysmal looking art directions I've ever seen. It's so fucking bland.
FFXIV doesn't require PS+ because it has a mandatory subscription.
F2P games also don't require PS+ because they are free.
ESO is B2P which puts it in the double dip area.
FFXIV doesn't require PS+
Eh I'm a SWGfag and will stick by that in perpetuity. That said ESO is okay but I've gotten too spoiled by non MMO combat in recent years so I literally won't go back to the genre until some asshole finally figures out how to make a game like SWG with fun and engaging combat mechanics that are equivalent to -insert highly acclaimed action game here-
>eso lore rape
who cares autist
its an mmo retard, without lore theres no meaning to a virtual world, go back to your cookie clicker games and leave escapism to the real gamers
What would you say is the best class/build for someone who only really cares about story content? In other words, the easiest/least effort required build?
>have the chance to make a mmo for one of the most loved franchises in video games
>Make it so dogshit easy with floaty as fuck combat that even a brain tumor patient would be able to beat.
>Load the shop with jewery that dances between the line of p2w and cosmetic shit that could have been cool unlockables for the game
>Literal 0 reason to interact with anybody except for the zerg pvp and endgame content which is also braindead easy.
>O yea did I mention it shits all over the lore
No fuck this game
No fuck this game
dragonknight tank. youre literally unkillable so you can play the game just like skyrim in first person perspective just switch out the tanking skills for some damage ones
This is terrible advice.
Just pick Sorcerer and use pets like the casual ape you are and let them do all the work while you read the lore on Argonian penis sizes.
>floaty as fuck combat
the first think i noticed in eso is how enemies dont react at all if you hit them and the attack animations are the worst ive ever seen in a game. you basically look like some amateur whos flailing around a weapon for the first time while hitting nothing but air. and thats what you do for the majority of the game. what an absolute shitshow
your advice is actually even more terrible because the casual ape doesnt even tank, its that mini raptor that can heal and taunt. in any case the pet will die to harder enemies and so will you if you ignore enemy mechanics or pull too many at once. dk tank on the other hand can afford to totally ignore any attacks enemies throw at you and you can even solo world bosses if you have the patience.
None of the pets tank so you don't even know how this game works. Scamp is for damage, Clanfear is for the heal, Twilight Tormentor is for damage and Twilight Matriarch is for the heal.
You don't need a personal tank or to be a tank to kill world bosses.
Sorc have enough easy access healing, shielding and damage to steamroll everything in the overworld game without much hassle and without taking 5 years to kill a boss.
So please continue in doing whatever it is you think is effective but stop telling other people to follow suit.
The PvP is dogshit.
There is no good PvP formal. Cyrodiil has been a zergcircle since the beginning and they never redesigned it to draw players to other parts of the map. Forts are fucking trash and siege equipment is fucking trash.
I held out for """"""""""battlegrounds""""""""""" hoping they would save the game but they turned out to be ARENAS except 3v3v3 and extremely small. It's fucking incredible, they took the worst aspects of WoW and Guild Wars PvP and fused them. Instead of creating a semi-open semi-freeform PvP environment they did the opposite because they are apparently THAT incompetent. All they had to do was come up with WoW Battleground-style maps. That's ALL. And what? They're shitbrain designers are too prideful? They thought they could revolutionize things with an original idea? Pathetic.
ESO is fucking trash. Don't bother. if you are interested in MMOs play Classic WoW until 2032 when Star Citizen comes out.
>Clanfear is for heal
im starting to doubt you even played a sorcerer or youre seriously retarded. yes he can heal but if you didnt notice that he also actually taunts enemies compared to the other pets/morphs then just please stop talking to me you scrub. im not sure but maybe you forgot how it is to solo world bosses or public dungeons as low lvl sorc who has all his points in magicka but you wont get far unless you put a lot of effort in kiting, which is exactly what the person who asked the question DID NOT WANT. a dk tank can literally just kill mobs by spamming light attack because if you wear heavy armor and put all your points into health while wearing sword and shield your helth regen will be faster than whatever damage any mob can do to you while you block. and you also got some of the best shields and heals as a dk which is why its the best tanking class according to woeler. if you dont know who that is kill yourself because youre probably one of those alcast scrubs who are too retarded to understand how these builds work
Thank you for making this post so I can frame it on my wall.
It warms my dead heart to know people can be so misinformed and so bad at video games in this information age.
a lot of people say this, but i saw from the tutorial that its awesome to block a strong attack which sets the enemy 'off balance' which gives you a window of time to use your own heavy attack to knock them down.
thanks for proving me right by having no argument left so you have to resort to a personal attack. pathetic.
If you honestly believe what you are posting and this isn't just an elaborate ruse then I don't think you'd be able to understand any counter argument a functional human being could make. You have shown limited to no understanding of how the game works and are now quoting e-celeb meta builds as if that is applicable.
prove me wrong, im waiting. youre laughable.
They don't taunt if you're fighting enemies solo.
Good job being retarded.
Nah, honestly you'd just retort saying "dk tank is unstoppable per this eceleb" so there's no real point in arguing with you, but this has been enlightening to see how dumb someone can be yet still confident.
If you firmly believe you need to have a tank or be built as a tank to solo public dungeons or some world bosses then I feel bad for you.
oh jesus, you eviscerated that guy.
youre right it seems they removed the taunt, never the less this makes the sorc even worse for solo content if and it seems this retard still doesnt seem to get it if like the perosn who actually asked about the build "the easiest/least effort required build?" and that is, dk tank. NO PETS ARE NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO SOLO WORLD BOSSES AT LOW LEVELS AND NOW THEY WONT EVEN TAKE AGGRO OFF YOU SO YOUR SORC WILL BE FACETANKING WITH A MISERABLE 3K SHIELD
so unless you kite, you will die. which requires effort. dk requires zero effort and kills everything just fine. case closed
I swear this must be the same guy who shitposts about DK tanks in the /vg/ thread.
thats not UO
Is there waifu content?
you still didnt prove me wrong faggot, youre a whole new level of pathetic. and no, i dont go to vg you degenerat trannies
I'm not the one who fails to understand basic game mechanics and thinks you need to build a tank just to solo public dungeons or world bosses.
>shit ES game
So, basically like all other ES games?
>moving the goal post this hard
The original guy was asking for a class for casual story questing. Not soloing world bosses.
The original guy probably left at this point.
i never argued that you imbecile illiterate whats so fucking hard to understand i chose this build to fit what the original poster wanted? everyone fucking knows that pet sorc is the most powerful solo build but that person specifically asked for a low effort gameplay build and thats what i gave him. fucking hell are you sub 100 iq or whats your fucking problem
nah, stick to jewrim for that
But we can still rag on this moron.
and that moves you over the map so you will eventually meet a world boss. a pet sorc can be oneshot by fucking world bosses if he doesnt pay attention while questing and exploring, something that will never ever happen to the dk tank build. the pet sorc build is great for trials but its fucking shit for low effort world exploration. think a little bit ahead will ya you morons.
how is a 1 bar pet sorc build bad for low effort exploration. youre fucking crazy lmao.
it's not free to play you fucking mong
you have to keep up shields for one or you will die, a beginner will eventually fail to renew his shields and die. do you even play the game? now with the pet not even taking the mob off you youre seriously still arguing that the squishy pet sorc is better than the dk tank? i can go to the fucking toilet and come back and the dk will still be alive with 5 mobs hitting on him, the pet sorc will long be dead
eeh shut the fuck up kid
You sound like a deranged moron.
you sound like one actually, you keep insulting me, yet you bring up no counterpoint. now i know im on Yea Forums but still, this is really so pathetic im just gonna stop answering anything thats not an well written counter argument at this point, youre not worth the time so heres your last (you)
Aw, unable to come up with an actual response to something so common sense?
jesus christ, that's awful m8
what response, i made my case. none of you kids made a case for the sorc. im not interested in playing flame wars with children, so unless you present your case for why the sorc is better im done here.
I would rather play FFXIV or PSO2
i can only pray classic wow is such a massive success its akin to blizzard capturing lightning in a bottle TWICE that it causes another mmo boom but this time everyone tries to make a more old school mmo
Unless they added the option to do those single player quest instances (dungeons/caves) by yourself then you are objectively wrong.
I'm not the guy you were arguing with. I'm just saying you sound like a moron.
Not the guy you're arguing with but you seem to be a huge asshole.
>im not interested in playing flame wars
And yet, thats all you've done.
Keep on keeping on, retard.
EVE and Runescape shit on this themepark trash lmao
I only have the base game. if I want the DLC I need to buy the expansion and sub to the game to get morrowind and the other one?
LMAO you guys need to kill yerselves, seriously m8 you're shitting up the thread you freaks
This, I actually wanted to ask if they finally added a way around this shit.
I got the game a long time ago in a sale, and was really enjoying it at first until I discovered this shit and dropped it immediately. Why the fuck did they think it would be a good idea? It just fucking wrecks the experience and makes quests a complete clusterfuck
>no dragonpriests in eso
will there ever be another fight like Miraak?
But Miraak did give the best head in Tamriel. Mehrunes Dagon had his Dagger, and everyone in Whiterun had Nazeem, but no one made a dragon cock erect like Miraak. True, as the Daedra infested his throat it made it hard for him to deep throat, but even as he lay there rotting, stinking of Skooma and covered with Hermeus Mora's tentacles, Miraak would signal with two fingers when a willing donor came into Apocrypha. All I can offer in addition to that is the fact that no sex will ever compare to Dragonborn soul love, especially when the soul is fresh and supple after a well-fought battle.
We will never forget you, Miraak. Every time I hear your name my prostate aches, both for your tender heart-shaped ass and that incredibly thin, probing staff we shared many times. It is heartbreaking how many things bring Miraak to mind. The sound of dragon shouts. The flavor of Solstheim food on the road. The scent of semen. The world lost not only a great Dragonborn, but a great lover, when Miraak died.
To say Miraak was gay is incorrect. He wasn't gay, he was just open-minded, and he sought anal sex from men, boys, girls and animals alike. Anal was not his favorite. His favorite was the blowjob, and he liked to be held afterwards, with someone stroking his hair and saying, "Miraak you are king of the Nine Realms."
I will never sell the copy of Miraak's mask (lvl 80 stats) he left me at our last meeting. It is battered now, and reeks faintly of manpoo, and maybe it does have a few suspicious smears, but it is all I have of him. That and the memories. Those gushing, sticky, illicit, clandestine memories... Oh Miraak I miss you more than I can say.