Why did this game die?
For honor
rock paper scissors
Gimped at launch by a lack of dedicated servers. The addition of server support gave it something of a second wind, but it was never as successful as it could have been.
she cute
IDK if they changed it on the pc but using ur mouse to directionally block instead of WASD is really fucking bad from a design choice. Coming from a pvkii player it felt really fucking janky.
It was made for you to use a controller
>rape someone and embarrass them in a 1v1
>they decide to gank me with their friend next round
>embarrass their friend and them in a 2v1 and they ragequit
>they were server host so the server shuts down
yeah, i wonder why it fucking died.
Maybe don't be toxic not time, sweetie.
Terrible launch state that forever put the game in a bad light for a lot of people combined with the amount of knowledge and practice required to get back into the game and compete with the veterans made it very difficult to give the game a second chance.
It's pretty solid now but a game like this really needed to start on a good foot to have any chance in the long run.
>let them win
you're right, trudeau! good advice :)
Game died because devs insisted on making the game a 4v4 brawler rather than the 1v1 aspect.
and the fact that the combat has absolutely no depth
I still remember shills trying to pretend it was like a fighting game. The marketing managed to gather up a whole bunch of retards when it came out.
what's wrong with 4v4 aside from terrible target switching?
It's still the closest genre to compare it to and appeals to a lot of things people enjoy from fighting games, it just happened to be really shit at doing it.
It really isn't anything like a fighting game. There was little to no zoning and you can block while walking.
Just because something doesn't copy every mechanic word for word doesn't mean it's not in the same vein and enjoyed by the same people.
Mass Effect and Witcher are still both WRPGs despite being wildly different in almost all aspects.
The main thing is what else would you classify it as that gets the point across. Action game? MOBA? PvP beat em up? Nothing else I can think of comes as close as saying "It's kinda like a fighting game".
This is the biggest one, and it's very debilitating to fix that first impression of an unplayable game
probably because it is junk
Retarded balancing decisions. The developers can't decide what kind of system they want that works. You either have a well designed and balanced character like Tiandi or an absolute fucking mess like Black Prior. Then you have those that weren't buffed enough or at all like Centurion and those that were overbuffed into the fucking stratosphere like Berserker or Raider. They just honestly have no idea what they're doing because the shit they do is never consistent. It's all over the place and they obviously favor certain characters in regards to balancing.
Shallow gameplay that was a feint-fest for at least a year and lacking game modes (you have 1v1 duels, 2v2 which in practice is just two simultaneous duels, deathmatch which no one play, a shitty control point with moba-like creeps and some other mode no one plays and maybe one more since I uninstalled).
It's fun enough for a bit and pushing people into death pits or spikes is fun, but having to fight creeps, the overly defensive nature of the game, the annoying customization system and various other poorly thought out aspects of the presentation make it lose steam quickly.
The excuse that they decided to saddle themselves with the worst input device means nothing to me.
The excuse that it can't be done doesn't apply either because there are games with medieval melee combat with directional attacks that have much better gameplay and much better thought out control schemes.
No. They should've pretend to be similar to mount and blade warband or something like that. Anyone who went into for honor expecting something like a fighting game came out saying "that's fucking nothing like a fighting game."
>going to be at E3
The game has always had some major issue holding it back whether it was the stability issues at launch or the constant back and forth of nerfing something into irrelevance/buffing something into retard proof levels. Its still a fun game if you don't take it as a fighting game mechanically and try to math out everything resulting in tier lists and all the other fighting game shit that makes playing them absolute cancer for anyone that isn't 1000% dedicated to it.
1v1 fags ruined the game
What the fuck this is still getting updates?
It's not really dead but people drop the game because at high level it punishes you for being aggressive which makes it pretty boring. I haven't played it in a few months.
It's still pretty unique though, I hope they make a sequel or some competitor makes a similar product. I really love FH and played the shit out of it when it was newer.
its not that bad comng from a m&b player
I hope the roster stays the same romans are based fuck knights though
Game had combos that literally served no purpose because defensive playstyle always beat offensive playstyle
>Side heavy
Was the only way to play with like one or two classes having good zone attacks otherwise absolutely no one used combos or any kind of chained attacks because defense trumped offense so much.