Why doesn't Nintendo make a 4k 60fps MONSTER console with HDR and Ray Tracing?
Also, they should make more games like God of War and less like Yoshi's Crafted World.
Why doesn't Nintendo make a 4k 60fps MONSTER console with HDR and Ray Tracing?
Also, they should make more games like God of War and less like Yoshi's Crafted World.
They don't because they know they don't have to. They're selling Nintendo customers literal cardboard.
Because they make plenty of money doing less work and effort
they make the shovelware yoshi and kirby games because theyre easy for casuals and easy to shit out and make to put into reserve for the dry months
yoshi and Kirby aside from SNES YI has always been nothing more than fast food french fries. Just something on the side
I swear I've seem a pic like that on a gameboy advance box of a bootleg Mario game
Because the value of their first party IPs is enough to keep people buying their shit regardless of how underpowered it is compared to the competition.
I don't care about the power of the console, I just refuse to buy a nintendo console until they stop with the gimmicky bullshit.
Hopefully never. Not to say Nintendo isn’t consistently retarded about this sort of thing, but the last thing I want is for them to fall into the budget vacuum of AMAZING GRAPHICS that has swallowed up everyone else.
Because that's a waste of both time and money and in it's current state it's just there to wow idiot consumer.
Nintendo ran out of Nintendium in the early 90s, so they can't compete with hardware. Also they want to make games people will play 5 years from now. They want to make games people will not merely be nostalgic for 10 years from now.
bucuz theybsuck bawls
But the Switch isn't really gimmicky
This. The race for muh perfect graphics has ruined gaming. Nobody cares about gameplay anymore or content.
The last time they made a stronger console it underperformed.
it had shitty discs thats why
What? The Gamecube? It only under performed because they didn't have a dvd player and the PS2 did. Also the games were gimped because of the small proprietary disc format which could only store like 1.5 gb.
Also the gamecube is the best Nintendo console.
lol gamecube coulda had a dvd player it still wouldnt have beat ps2
the switch is too much of a toaster to handle that.
I don't need a more expensive console just so I could play Nintendo games. I don't like Nintendo's practice as much as Sony's practice. Both ideas regarding game exclusives and realism need to die off.
They're selling it, but is anyone actually buying it?
No but if just used regular dvd discs, it would have gotten more third party support and more people would have bought it.
>Nintendo only made kiddy games
>Forgot about all the gritty games on the NES like Castlevania, Mortal Kombat, and Smash TV
Nintendo games are better than movie games.
childrens games are not better you overweight manchild
Yes. Nintendo has become the Disney of videogames. They don't even have to compete with Sony and Microsoft anymore, they've carved out their own unique space in the market.
>sales derermine quality
I'm assuming Minecraft is your favorite game and Avatar is your favorite movie?
What’s the point of making a good looking game if there’s no game underneath the surface?
yea howd you know
because their gay
Obsessing over trying to look mature is the least mature thing you can do.
Nobody is going to be impressed when you say that The Purge is better than The Lion King.
It is unrionically
most children movies are garbage, dude. or you really think shrek or frozen are good and deep movies?
Being a pretentious edgy 14 year old isn't mature either.
Oh fuck is it 2008 again?
Because Nintendo decision-makers probably view those features to be a contributor/desire which leads to the demise of current western game markets, and what will eventually lead to the next major videogame crash.
They want you to think that they only want to make "fun" videogames, but it's probably more fitting to say that Ninty is dedicated to stay in the videogame business for a LONG time. All these bells and whistles that aim for realism will come and go in a big-picture sense.
Have a caloric deficit.
>it's bad
>it's made for kids
That's a pretty sad mentality. Sure, as an adult you may not care for them anymore but completely rejecting them as "garbage" is just the sign of someone trying too hard to look mature.
Every adult looks back fondly on their childhood, you only ever see kids trying to act mature and wanting to be older.
based underage
makes me want to play rampage
in fact, have the devs of godzirra, rampage, and rockstar teamed up to make an orgasmic game of pure madness?
>implying Nintendo made any of those
Be careful with that knife Frank Miller. You might cut yourself
>dissing based shrek
get out
that's not what I was saying. There are good children movies (labyrinth with david bowie, the neverending story, stand by me, dumbo, Enemy mine, Tron) but most of them sucks ass.
This. OP is a falseflagging dummy
Well yeah most of everything is garbage while the shining 1 percent sticks around in everyone's collective conscience.
After Gamecube they became complacent with how far hardware could advance.
After Wii they didn't change much in the CPU department and the GPU while better than Wii and GameCube still came up short. Also brand confusion damned the U because they were trying to capitalize on its success rather than make a console with a new identity.
Then they ditched AMD when they were at a low point: their attempts to make a mobile SoC for phones and tablets fell through and NVidia seemed like the practical choice having pre-existing hardware to repurpose with Nintendo's label. Problem is that NVidia sort of killed off the Tegra for tablets and Android TV boxes and nothing beyond X1 is going to fit into the Switch's housing at the given moment even though fabrication is progressing. Also hurts that bitcoin boom hampered GPU production due to unsold stock.
The short answer is "They can, but the technology has to work with their means"
>it's another "I want Mario on Steam" episode
There's literally nothing wrong with console exclusives. Stop being poor and wanting every platform to have no identity and offer the same experiences (like this gen for the most part).
>Also, they should make more games like God of War
you want more other m? get a load of this faggot
This. People here really acting like Kirby or Yoshi on Switch has ANY merits over Uncharted 4, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, or Spider-Man.
Games were also gimped by the system's lack of RAM. Several developers cited that as a reason for not bringing their games to the system, or as an explanation for why the Gamecube version of some games either had performance issues or glitches not present in other versions.