What did you do about it? Just found out I have them in my apt and am not sure which approach to take. I've been apartment searching for the past few days and haven't had much luck, especially since I don't have a car so it has to be a place close to the buses or to my work. I told my landlord and he isn't going to pay to get the place fumigated or anything, he pretty much said it's my responsibility. Should I call the department of health and try to have them force him to pay? What should I do, please help. My friends won't let me hang out with them until I solve this issue
It was a tough thing to get rid of man. We dealt with them for 3 god damn months. Call the department of health and get your landlord to pay for them. He has to weather he likes it or not. Btw, all your clothes are contaminated. Treat them as such. Wash and dry(dryer on maximum time and heat) everything you own and place them inside durable plastic bags. Twist the bag around and knot the tops so they don't get in. Good luck man. I really mean it
Easton Ross
You're pretty fucked mate, that shit needs fumegation or heat treatment up to 180 Degrees F.
Samuel Edwards
((())) ((())) >we have bedbugs posting on Yea Forums now
Cameron Hughes
>Yea Forums - Pest Control you newfags don't even fucking try
>going to /adv/ at all whatsoever an hero, normalfag
Gabriel Allen
bro please I'm a fellow gamer please just help me out bro please what the fuck I'm a gamer like you I don't deserve this please bro plea
Juan Hughes
Im praying for you op, keep your head up and kill those buggies
Ethan Perez
I assume this thread is about the video game adaptation of Milton Bradley's Bed Bugs. Otherwise it would be off topic.
Thanks a lot man. Also already did it, I have all my clothes in bags and am in the middle of washing them all. I might just get rid of all the furniture and move, idk yet
Chase Torres
Throw out fucking everything and sleep on metal bedframe in a very cold room
Kayden Bailey
>Have any of you ever had bed bugs? I've bedded with this bug before, if you know what I mean.
For real though, if you can heat treat, do it. That kills them for certain. Its what I do at a major resort in a tourist area that gets worldwide visitors.
Camden Hill
I had a bad case of this after staying in a hotel and bringing it home with me- I have your real solution here.
1. Ecoraider the shit out of everything (Check it on amazon) 2. put diatomaceous earth down 3. get rid of anything thats been effected (just easier) and put the mattress in a protector 4. keep a close watch on it for awhile it will clear up 5. Play games
Julian Cox
Fuck no I've never had bed bugs and the thought of it absolutely terrify's me.
Your landlord is an absolute piece of shit. I have been through the hell of bedbugs after they came down from the apartment above me. Believe it or not, if you try to call and address it yourself, as soon as you tell the exterminator that you live in an apartment, they will refuse to visit and tell you to have your landlord arrange the visit. Why? Because every neighboring apartment in the vicinity needs to be checked for bugs too, or the job will be for nothing. My upstairs neighbor was evicted because they constantly refused to allow anyone in their apartment during the checks. They were found to be hosting a massive infestation.
You will need a couple things (I hope you have some spare cash) to distance yourself from these fuckers while you sleep:
-A bedbug mattress cover. Make sure you follow the instructions. It is a giant diaper for your mattress that will trap all bedbugs inside.
-Bedbug traps at all feet of your bed. The bugs will come for you in the night, but they will not make it beyond the traps. You must make your bed an island that they can never reach.
Here are the the pain in the ass chores you have to do:
If you have a headboard, get rid of it, they are probably in there. Wash and dry your sheets on maximum heat.
Wash and dry all of your clothes on maximum heat.
Even during the extermination, vacuum your carpet EVERY DAY. It's a huge pain in the ass. You must pay special attention to where your carpet meets the wall and really get the nozzle in there; bedbugs love that crevice.
Do these chores constantly. If you want, you can find a guide online that teaches you how to make a bedbug trap out of an old 2 liter soda bottle, some yeast, and paper towel. You can gauge how bad your infestation is by how many bugs wind up in your traps.
Isaiah Garcia
this is easy, get a bedframe that doesn't require the box part of the mattress, get a bedbug cover for you mattress.
this next part is critical but simple, insure that your frame doesn't touch any walls, and that the feet of the frame are put into plastic containers on, between it and the ground.
fill these containers with Diatmaeous Earth (google it).
regularly take the sheets off your bed and find anywhere they would be/are and spritz with alcohol (the medical kind...), which kills most bugs and is cheaper than bugspray, and less toxic to animals.
with this method they will essentially kill themselves trying to get to your island, with the only way on to the bed being your diatameous earth covered bed resting points, they can't climb the walls to get the side of your bed now.
trying to find them and kill them is pointless, this method allows you to wait them out/kill them through passivity.
Matthew Martinez
/adv/ might as well be r/relationshipadvice
Jackson Morris
Don't take any furniture. They'll just hitchhike with you to your new place. That's where they hide during the day typically.
Adam Cook
I closed my window. Not even joking. For weeks I was sleeping with bug repellent and it wasn't working. I couldn't find a nest or anything at all. I decided to just close my window because what are the fucking odds it was the problem. I have a bug shield on it, so I didn't expect a change. Never had the problem again.
fumugation. You incinerate the fuckers essentially by pumping in dry hot air into the living space. Not always a guarantee, doubt his landlord wants to spend any money on even doing such a treatment, so he's better off getting out of there ASAP.
Carson Myers
this is what you need, put its feet into plastic cups full of Diatemaeos earth.
get rid of all complex items like wooden furniture that have crevices for them to hide.
vacuum your matress and then sprinkle baking soda on your matress
Jonathan Reed
bed bugs are low tier, german roaches are much much harder to get out of appartment complexes.
I defeated the bed bugs rather easily, I cannot win against the roaches, I can only stem the tide.
ironically, the dumbest method has worked the best, the damn sticky traps.
Justin Butler
If you leave for months dont they starve?
Anthony Howard
And if his mattress has any rips or holes in it, he'll need to consider fixing it or disposing it too. They could be hiding inside
Angel Evans
no, Diatemeous earth is far better.
Dylan Phillips
Yeah, once a long time ago. Don't know how we got them. But they never went away really, my house just happened to burn down a few months after I noticed them. Not joking. Lost all my VIDEO GAMES I'd had for decades, fucking christ I thought I was over it but I'm still mad.
oh they ARE inside, guarantee that, you have to put a bedbug cover on.
Bed bugs love the folds and bends in bedding and the mattress, anywhere there is a lip or a fold or a scrunch from something, they will be there
Charles Russell
Unless you're a teenager with a girl problem, there's no reason to go to /adv/.
Gavin Howard
They can survive for nearly a year without human blood
James Anderson
Since we're talkin' 'bout bugs and shit, any advice for carpenter ants invading wooden deck and house?
Jason James
cool thing about diatomaceous earth, you'd think its just some kind of dust thats poisonous to the bugs, but no. It's microscopic shredded seashells that are harmless to larger organisms, but like serrated glass to insects. It both sticks to their moist exoskeletons and dries them out, and cuts them apart as they move around. its awesome
Colton Brooks
if this thread gets deleted then that proves that the jannies are actually bedbugs
Jordan Bailey
I sprayed and splashed every chemical that I found could kill them, but they'd never stay away. I got every crack and crevice in my brand new matress but shit just wasn't working. If I was super thorough one night, I'd wake up okay with nothing new on me. But the night after they'd be back at it. So I knew I was close I just could never finish them off. They're frustrating bastards.