Fuck it, I'm going in. Which game should I play and what's the most have mod?
purchased 9 years ago
Fuck it, I'm going in. Which game should I play and what's the most have mod?
quick bump
Shadow of Chernobyl with no mods is the way to go
SoC either full vanilla or ZRP
Alright thanks. has the game aged well?
Not really
I went with SoC Complete a couple of weeks ago, but I had played it before already so I have no clue how much has changed.
No mods is a bit of a good. Use zone reclamation project, it's literally just a fan patch.
>bought in 2010
just play the fucking game and forget mods, faggot. god I hate boomers.
CoP not SoC. My bad.
nice way to oust yourself, zoomer
certain mechanics have not aged well, but are not that frustrating, the worst is that armor and weapons are not fixable in vanilla SOC and you need to keep a stock of extra ones. ZRP and weapon overhaul 3.0 are the only mods you would want for a first playthrough. honestly everything I can describe here is just on the STALKER general guides, go check those.
have sex 40 year old virgin
ill tell my gf to help me with that
alright, thanks. how are the weather mods and all that? or i shouldn't bother?
>purchased nine years ago
I don't have an opinion on this but I just want to congratulate you.
the weather mods are cool and honestly you can get away with them in vanilla if your computer can handle it, just test them out on a new save before getting far because they are touchy, just keep in mind that autumn aurora is a full gameplay mod, not a weather mod, despite sounding like a weather mod.
It's the only game worth playing anymore.
Isn't the non steam version better?
thanks man, appreciate the feedback. what weather mod do you recommend?
I haven't actually used one yet, i've only just beat SOC with zrp + weapon overhaul 3.0 and now i'm playing CoP, but whatever is recommended on the /vg/ guide or top of the list on the moddb is good, just keep in mind some might add gameplay modifying weather like lightning or blowouts.
got it, alright, ill stick to vanilla for now
>lying on the internet
:3 stay shook at my Hispanic cutie, gringo