Hey this actually looks like the first decent CoD game in a decade I migh-
>battlenet exclusive
Hey this actually looks like the first decent CoD game in a decade I migh-
Other urls found in this thread:
steamfaggots forever and eternally btfo
>no gameplay
>looks like the first decent CoD game in a decade
even though every CoD game is near identically the same except for maybe one small platforming aspect
You say goodbye,
I say hello,
Hello, hello,
I don't know why you say goodbye,
I say hello
>epic shitter
Battlenet and its notorious issues have been around since way before Epic decided to steamroll into the scene with their faggotry
>decent CoD game in a decade
Imagine being this much of a faggot, in case you didn't know hating CoD was unique and different a decade ago you raging faggot. Good riddance
Volvo just keep fucking themselves over with their 30% tax shit. Per employee they're already like one of the most profitable companies on the planet and they've made billions just off CS skins, but they're so fucking stubborn they just refuse to slightly lower how much money they steal from devs.
>game will actually have anti hack
whats the fucking problem?
A lot of people don't realize the 30% is only there initially and that every other store-front also charges for updates/patches whereas Valve lets you do it for free.
I don't give a fuck if devs want to sell by themselves but at least let me launch the games directly without their stupid fucking clients and forcing yet another account on me. I hate having all my shit spread across like 5 different clients and accounts.
>30% is stealing from devs
I can't wait to see your reaction when you see what the cuts are for physical distribution.
>even mediocre
I was impressed by the graphics in this night vision segment and I haven't been able to say that about a single CoD for like a decade
At least we get to kill muslims again.
>playing casual babby propaganda shit like cowadoody when superior games exist
From glancing at the OP pic I actually thought that was a live action shot until you mentioned it. Here's hoping they don't butcher it with downgrades to make it run on shitbox consoles.
I know Chinks aren't allowed access to anything outside their Hive, but Battlenet has had their exclusives long before your government bought the EGS (with your people's health care money)
One of the preorder editions mentions it comes with 3000 points so you already know they're gonna fuck it up with lootcrates of some sort.
only care about the campaign/spec ops so it's whatever
Looks like there might be a Zero Dark Thirty style compound breach
Could be cool
What's next? Any other devs making a hip new launcher so I can make a 7th account that I don't fucking want and never use?
There is, a shitskin woman uses her baby as a human shield and you can shoot through it to kill her.
one can only wish
yep that started since the last CoD game. Enjoy.
This won't personally bug me (non-/pol/tard), but watch that bin laden-inspired mission to have the minority token soldier being the one securing the kill of the objective in that mission.
I'm not joking, it was in an interview article. It's one of those "edgy" moments they were talking about.
Link? I mean they already blew up that one bitch in MW3 so I wouldn't be surprised if they try to 1 up it.
>One apparent terrorist uses a woman as his human shield. Since his head is exposed, you aim accordingly, and down he goes... but then the woman bounces off that man toward a table, hands reaching for a gun. Thump-thump-thump, go the rounds into her body, after which she slumps over in horrific fashion. Two rooms later, a woman holds a crying baby up, and she turns out to be the only person in this compound to not take any bullets. (We're not sure how the final game will handle players who try to—ugh—shoot the baby.)
>The development team is doing this in part to usher in a first for the series: an entire half of the campaign played from the perspective of an Arab soldier.
>This woman character
it's already shit