How do i block this faggot from ever showing up in the youtube recommendations this fuckers is as bad as she who shall not be named
An... Sae......n
How do i block this faggot from ever showing up in the youtube recommendations this fuckers is as bad as she who shall not be named
An... Sae......n
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His content is pretty lazy. You can tell he doesn't have a script and just kinda rambles for 15 minutes at a time.
That being said i still watch him.
When you hover over a video on the side bar there'll be three dots in the top right, click it and hit "Not Interested", it may prompt WHY you're not interested, be it the channel, topic, or whatever, and select channel.
You're welcome.
>Any of those asmongold reacts
Why are they so obnoxious and why can't I fucking blacklist them?
>never watch one of his videos or any lets plays
>the only times ive ever cliked them was to downvote or "im not interested"
>still get fucking showered by this faggot, armondsgold, fucking late night shows and spics playing minecraft
for fucks sake
Imagine being that fragile
Some years ago I installed a plug in to my browser that hid videos with specific words so certain games don't get spoiled in my feed and recommendations. Can't remember what it's called but there are options out there.
His facial hair is really something.
Shut up, Kotaku!
I'm sick of seeing this fat fuck and Hmbomberfaggot in my recommended. I don't even get why they're showing up in the first place.
i fucking hate how he speaks it takes a hour for him to get to something
His content wouldn’t be half bad if he didn’t ramble to get to the 10 minute mark. Pretty the main reason I hardly watch him anymore.
That whiny fuck doesn't leave my recommendations
Don’t forget the fucking blue muppet
Because he is more trustworthy than (((professional journalists)))
Thumbing down videos is still engagement and it puts it in the algorithm. Don't click shit you don't want to watch. Only do or don't do anything, and it won't become a problem.
Oh god Assmongoloid..
> Watch a couple of vids on Classic
> Reccomended video's are full of his faggot fucking face.
Jesus Christ, i hate that guy.
I just wanted to watch some fucking video's on professions and shit to refresh my memory.
> mfw i see his face all over my YouTube page
that faggot is equally as bad as this faggot maybe worst
>Nintendo news drops
>Arlo, Bitblock, gamexplain, Switchforce, that British faggot that clickbait thumbnails, constantly show up
Fuck off, and i say this as a Nintendo fan idort , stay the fuck away from me
>not interested in this channel
Gee so fucking hard.
> hating on the 5 different asmongold reaction channels
Found the grandpa
Are you me? Every fucking time I open up Jewtube I'm bombarded with those recommendations. With that being said I watch all of those youtubers except the Asmongold shit
Typical anti-sjw, pro consumer. Nothing to see here
> to “refresh” my memory
I suggest asmongolds stream as he is also “refreshing” his memory from classic
I'm pretty sure No Bullshit is a legit con artist. He's essentially making a living off of right-wing reactionary clickbait.
look up Iridium and its blacklist.
fucking godsend.
>I suggest asmongolds stream as he is also “refreshing” his memory
The only Twitch channel i followed is that Bob Ross channel, which i use to fall asleep. I'd rather drink bleach than watch that balding fuckface play WoW.
This is the generic neckbeard basement dwelling faggot feminism complain about. I tried to watch a couple of his videos but it was just greasy rambling that could borderline just be a in a misc. /pol thread.
Assertonin, Everything Asmongold, Catdany, Asmongold Highlights, I'm sure I'm missing others. I'm sad that I've memorized these channel names by now.
Everyone should know by now that the recommended algorithm is really fucked by google at this point and it's only looping you in circles of what has the most views of the genre you like.
You don't discover anything, it even shows videos you already watched. There is no reason to look at anything a friend sent directly to you or from your subscription page.
this guy was such an autist that even the MTG crowd didn't want him
>Watch one WoW video
I think he gets his idea on what to talk about from Yea Forums
I never in my fucking life have watched a world of warcraft or ANY mmo video and i STILL get showered with that faggot's face everywhere
The moment the fucking "home"posters started spamming him and their shitty game here was the moment i started hiding threads
Not even smash threads pushed me over the edge
Literally not even one soul:
grow a pair incel, everyone has different tastes
>His content
His "content" is only complaining about SJW
You seriously watch that shit?
My suggestion has been nothing but this guy for the past 6 months even though I don’t play wow
I don’t even recall him from the TBC and wrath days compared to guys like hobbs and swift
How did he get famous, just by being polemic? Cuz he sure as hell isnt a good player
t. quarterpounder
I swear it has to do with Yea Forums, i never came across any of these people on my recommended list until they started appearing here.
His content is trash and he fakes 95% of his reactions, which I would say are almost always overreactions. Get some nice loot? YES DUDE YES DUDE! Something doesnt go his way? Pouty faces and look back and forth at chat while mouth is agape.
The best part is that his chats IQ is probably double digits. Nothing but Europoors and other mouthbreathers.
He's based and redpilled
OP is a fag
Just disable youtube search & history and all that jazz, kept getting shit about redpills, incels, donald trump and how huwhite boys are suffering, disabled it and all that gay shit is gone
Why do resetera trannies get all rustled by this who?
I have heard he is an avid reader of Cioran as well as majored in economic theory.
I've never seen this faggot in my life. The algorithm must think you have shitty taste
He tells fabricated life and WoW stories, he overreacts at everything that happens to him in game, and he gives his opinion on everything. Oh and he has a gold digging plastic filled girlfriend.
continue on you journey to be redpill dont stop there you have a LONG way do go if you think this faggot is red pill
Fuck off reddit.
Everyone complains about that Ass-Mongoloid or whatever but I've never seen his videos in my feed ever. What I DO get is shitty ProsafiaGaming thumbnails that spoil the shit outta a game weeks before release so you're forced to buy a game day one or you'll be spoiled on the finla boss. Best thing I can do is hit "Not Interested" the second it shows up and cover the thumbnail with my hand but even that doesn't do me any good. Only exceptions is when they do videos on remakes from games like 10 years ago cause I already played them then.
OP gonna go broke.
>everything I don't like is reddit
Bellular is stuck in my recommendations despite me only watching one of his videos. His accent is grating.
The most normie tier meme
hateful incel piece of shit trump supporter