What is the best game you've ever played?
What is the best game you've ever played?
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i don't think this post was entirely sincere
i prefer knack 2
Not my favorite but if I had to pick a game I'd call the best I've ever played it would have to be Okami.
Im partial towards dmc3,5 and re3,4
But i think that objectively, AoE2+conquerors is the best game ive ever played
Gameplay-wise, Terraria or Team Fortress 2
Aesthetics-wise, The Desolate Hope
Narritive-wise, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
I honestly believe DMC5 is one of the best games I've ever played. It's as close as you can get to perfection within a genre.
Bloodborne is also fantastic. I know it's riddled with flaws, but I'm also partial to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat.
if we get vergil in the SE dmc5 is the best character action/stylysh hack n slash/cuhrazy/whatever game ever, no contest
As it stands i think its tied with dmc3se
Tetris and doom (the original one not the faggot 2016 version of course)
meme answer, disregarded
What's so good about DMC5? It's pretty weak as is imo.
Well he put it as bluntly as he could: Its the best game in its genre
If you dont "get" or like the genre thats fine, i personally dont like jrpgs or tactical rpgs, but i dont pretend to know shit about them
As an action game, it's perfection. It's just linear levels where you go from room-to-room killing shit. Nothing bogs down the experience. The combat is godlike and the enemies are the best in the series.
It's impossible to create a "best game ever" because genres exist. You can only make the best game in a genre. DMC5 is the best action game ever made.
Not sure
There are a lot of games I really like for a lot of different reasons
I think this is tied with ghost trick for my favourite first-playthrough though, where I was just glued to the screen until I beat it.
I know the genre. I'm a big dmc fan but I don't think it's a big improvement over the last installment overall, and is a downgrade in some ways. It's not the best game in the genre.
keep saying it
Depends on the criteria
Blazblue or DJMax
I don't see how anyone can prefer 4 to 5. 5 has a better aesthetic, story, soundtrack, enemies, weapons, EVERYTHING. 4 does nothing better than 5.
what would you consider to be the best game in that genre then?
4 doesn't have V mode
i think we may have an inertiafag in our hands
I guess you can look at it that way. Ninja Gaiden doesn't really have gimmicks, doesn't force you to switch to gimped characters like V in DMC5 and has great gameplay. Bayonetta 2 is in that same vein.
Resident Evil 4
Also this
V is fun. It's just that he's somewhat spammy on DMD, but that's not V's fault so much as DMD's for having bloated-ass health. And I know that's the appeal of DMD, but still. I always enjoyed V. I actually like him more than Vergil.
4 has turbo mode and more playable characters
smt nocturne
someone didnt learn2 touch and move
Seems like it.
5 has no gimmicks. And V isn't gimped. He's extremely powerful. He's just more restricted. It's like saying Nero is gimped compared to Dante because he has less tools.
Bayonetta will never be as good as DMC to me because of QTEs.
a man of culture, I see
Yakuza 0 (or Spider-Man 2 PS2)
Objectively? Slay the Spire. It perfectly accomplished what it set out to do, there's really no room for improvement.
Subjectively? Mount and Blade.
Ninja Gaiden Black, DMC3SE, DMC4SE or Bayonetta are all contenders. I can't choose just one.
It's either dmc4 or dragon's dogma
dice minigame
>literally the character whose bigger criticism is that he is too OP
I don't really care for Turbo. It'd obviously be nice to have, but it's an additional mode that's never been in any baseline DMC. And I'd take three characters with their own levels over five characters with the same shitty track of ten levels on repeat.
>prefers the story of NieR to the soundtrack
I think you're replying to the wrong guy. I never said V was gimped. I actually like V more than Vergil in terms of gameplay.
respectable, respectable, understandable, delusional
Everything else aside, bayonetta on its QTEs alone is instantly disqualified
I like Automata's and DoD's soundtracks better than NieR's
based and danganpilled
Not him but I don't really see the big deal with the QTE's in Bayonetta. I'd rather they weren't there, but an action game testing you on reflexes is hardly egregious.
Played every single player game that gets listed as one on top 100 games lists & everything that Yea Forums circlejerks as a masterpiece. And it's still OOT
Yeah you're right. I should have said restricted. But that's just as bad. One reason I like Bayonetta, previous DMC games or Ninja Gaiden Black a little more is because you don't have to use restricted characters. You get one fleshed out character on the first playthrough and all the following playthroughs.
Also, there's nothing wrong with being an inertiafag. DMC4's inertia system was pretty good. They removed it in DmC and fans didn't like it. They change it in DMC5, people should be upset just the same.
>playing anything but BP
They're little qtes that appear during cutscenes. I don't really have a problem with them since I've played the game already. They weren't even that bad the first time.
>OoT meme
Is there an easier way to spot an american born in the mid 90s?
Splitting 20 missions between three characters was a bad idea, especially when one of the three sucks.
Based and redpilled
Definitely not some shitty action game. Probably some old RPG I played as a kid that I have nostalgia goggles for.
He's simple, unengaging and OP. He's a bad character imo.
I like pretty much everything Suda51's directed, but they're not good games at all despite being amazing.
For the best game in terms of being a game, probably DMC5.
I can't decide between Bloodborne or Super Metroid. They're both close to perfect to me.
Bayonetta or Ninja Gaiden 2.
The dice minigame isn't even that bad. I don't know why everyone loses their tits over it.
Hotline Miami
Top10 - mostly strategy games or top-down stuff:
1. Talos Principle - comfy, most stable and well designed game ever encountered
2. Syndicate Wars - because I like the scenario AND the destruction I'm allowed and it also allowed some tricky gameplay
3. Gothic 1 - I didn't like 2 as much a 1 because 2 was more guided / directly locked off in options than 1
4. Thief II as it focussed more on the stealing than Thief I did which abandoned that for the most part after mission#1
5. Donkey Kond Country 2 for the SNES, better than the 1st title which is also good
6. Commandos 2 - comlicated controls but once learned they allowed you to really control how your soldiers did what; also no rush: in missions where enemies approached you were allowed to hit the button to trigger that action, allowing you to search the map for secrets and prepare for the counterattack
7. C&C1 - simple, cool soundtrack, unbalanced but also fun to play
8. KKND - another kind of strategy game: harder, an AI that actually retreats, some gameplay bugs that can be abused by the player only, funny mission intro videos; unique unit experience system allowing units to gain experience by damage done instead of by killing enemy units, rewarding using units the correct way; has some issues with mission timers when using Dosbox with things triggering too soon if the Dosbox settings are different from what they should be
9. Half-Life 1 with all it's addons and mods, including Team Fortress 1; obvious: variety of good things to pick; wasn't a fan of CS because I want my crosshair or the gameplay indicate where my bullets go, not some random spray pattern that isn't indicated by any gameplay mechanic but still happens
10. Dungeon Keeper - unique mix of RPG elements, real time strategy, first person, base construction, creature management and research / crafting
I missed out on the Fallout games and any xbox / playstation console games (except they were available for PC and I was interested in them).