Do you think it will surpass retail in active players?
What's your opinion on classic?
Other urls found in this thread:
based mods
>fury warrior
oh you!
Please kill yourself
go back to your smash threads zoomer
Yes. Not even a question. Even if a lot of people won't like Classic, it's "new" for a lot of people, and BFA is going to be in a content doldrums. Classic will be the more popular of the two for at least a couple months.
yeah but those players, wont they miss those characters and all their cosmetic shit they invested in after realizing leveling is really slow on classic?
Maybe, but there's a significant portion that either won't miss them, or who haven't played official WoW at all and thus have nothing to go back to.
To hybrid or not to hybrid
I think not. But if it does, it'll be for the smart of Classic. The same people who played Classic when they were kids and do not currently play WoW will get bored of it. Plus, they may not have as much time as they did back then. People will see the "whoa classic was so awesome!" bullshit that gets spewed around by nostalgiafags become nothing but a testiment to nostalgia.
Exactly. And I'm one of those. I've played since BC, I am subbed to WoW today, and I don't want to go back to having no gold, no transmogs, alts, big bags, flying, etc. As shitty as BFA currently is, it's just what I prefer over classic. I know many people like that too, and they've played since the actual start of WoW. And I also know people who are hype for classic, so it all depends. It's all preference.
you can always reroll if your hybrid turns out to not be as fun as you wanted it to be
C'mon sockhead you know the drill. Cough it up. I ain't got all day!
i just hope classic will teach them a lesson and somewhat force them to uncuck retail
I have a problem with rerolling/alts/being indecisive in general
dont think about what class you wanna play but what kind of position you enjoy the most in a group setting
2 months it will be bigger than retail.
2 months.
After 2 months everyone except classicfags will realize vanilla is an inferior version of WoW in almost every way (or miss flying or heirlooms or whatever else) and it’ll pitter out to only streamers like Asmonbald and Soda and the WoDbabbies that brag about being around since 2000whatever.
i can't wait to charge faggots like you for food and water.
Mostly utility/support and occasionally contributing damage when it comes to PvE
Based classicfags shitting up Yea Forums for the past year
You guys are worse than retailfags now
t. kevin. quit funneling all your guild's raid loot to nazz you white night faggot
which of these forced memes are the biggest detriment to classic wow threads
>m-m-m-muh Smash
Smash unlike world of virgincraft is actually part of the Yea Forums culture you fucking newfag blizzdrone
Mods = gay like furykeks
I can’t be bothered to play on the classic server, I’ve spent over a decade playing the characters on my retail account, I’m good. Hope you guys enjoy it though!
>Smash unlike world of virgincraft is actually part of the Yea Forums culture you fucking newfag blizzdrone
Imagine being this retarded.
God i hate smashfags.
Go take a shower
>classic wow threads
I think you meant
>shitheads sit around and nostalgia for 400 replies because they’re manchildren that want to remember what life felt like before they lost all hope
>shitting up
how are these threads any worse than the other recurring ones that are always up on Yea Forums like smash or whatever games you kids play these days
Smash is and always will be a part of Yea Forums
classic threads are just obnoxious shill threads, just move on and let this thread die
consider suicide nintentoddler
thanks for outing yourself out, snoyfag
always knew you blizzdrones are snoyboys
i owned the original playstation back in the day, does that make me a snoyfag? i owned the gamecube and smash too, youre just a massive underaged cancer kid really, did your parents abandon you
snoyboy absolutely seething
No, but it won't die in 6 months either.
the only thing you can charge for is portals, do people really pay for food/water? never seen this personally.
i get a warm feeling deep in my heart just looking at a screenshot of vanilla theorycrafting and yet there's still a whole grip of people who are like "WHY DONT PEOPLE WANT TO PLAY BFA HUHHHH???"" dumb mother fuckers
>you kids
Listen, I’m probably the same age as you or older. But that doesn’t change anything with this; The problem with these threads is that nothing new ever gets said. They’re always a circlejerk about “Muh rpg elements” or “Muh difficulty”.
Vanilla wow is dogshit easy with a finite amount of content that you faggots have been squealing about for over a decade.
I don’t even play smash, but every now and then I go into a smash thread and there’s decent discussion going on. Sometimes.
In my opinion both smash and classic wow threads need to fuck off somewhere, either /vg/ or a /wow/ /smash/ containment board.
Keep in mind your loudest voice and most vocal supporter is a guy rotting away in a moldy attic.
there is no more retail. this is the reboot of wow, anybody who says otherwise is just coping with their lost bullshit from all the stupid fucking expansions.
hope it finally ends wow forever, people are gonna burn out on this in 3 weeks for sure
>Get your shitty general pushed off Yea Forums
>Instantly make a new one
Stay where you belong.
look at this thread and you will understand why we normal people are talking about it on this board
One can only pray to the death god so many times in a week that all the classic niggers go away forever and nobody hears from them again so I can browse Yea Forums in peace.
>the chad fun game with a memorable world and cool lore
>the virgin tranny haven with lore nobody cares about and tryhard rotations and only redeeming factor is muh visuals
id be laughing to hell and back if classic is gonna become the new main game for blizzdrones while retail will be on life support
That just looks like unfettered classic autism in a general, that’s what this entire board looked like before the general.. There’s a reason there’s a general, we at least gate keep a little during the day.
You should see classic threads at night, nobody can save us.
fucking idiot i played ff14 it's just generic fucking bullshit, it was a fucking disaster. how the fuck do you play 14 and relate to or give a fuck about anything going on on your screen? please explain the fucking brainlet levels we're talking about here because i can't comprehend it.
hide the thread you autistic brainlet or fuck off to your subreddit
Mediocre MMO with an atrocious playerbase.
>life support
it's going to be dead and it's going to cause a fucking shitshow in the part of the community that deserves it for supporting the worst expansions, not only supporting them but actively agitating against people who wanted classic servers. this shit is all going to be a cool drink of hard cider for me this summer i assure you.
>tryhard rotations
Is this what our game has come to that we are mocking another game for having actual rotations?
user, i dont think you understand, either you havent looked at that thread at all or youre some degenerate tranny that cant tell the difference
Nigger that's all these threads ever are.
Asmongold is /ourguy/. He has a great personality and based taste in music, and he's singlehandedly drawing so much traffic to Classic that it will surpass retail. Together we will Make Azeroth Great Again.
I can see it overtaking retail for at least the first couple months, after that we'll have to wait and see since both share the same subscription fee.
i cant enjoy ff14 rotations except summoner, wow rotations are at their worst but classic is gonna change that because i dont focus on my rotation if the game is actually fun, frostbolt spam all the way baby
is there a release date for this?
if retailcucks are going to whine en masse that their guild died and LFD is anything but dead then we know classicchads won
which one of you was omarplsbeta
Can someone redpill me on why these threads are full of so much constant butthurt about warriors? Fury warriors in particular. Is it because the wow community is full of theorycrafting autistic nerds and now they're going back to a 15 year old game that has been extensively researched to death, they know that warrior is the best class or something? So then most of the server will roll a warrior and the whole place will just be drowned by warriors and everyone on both sides of the equation is sperging out?
not everything that looks great on a spreadsheet will actually perfom that way in practice, the meta works in mysterious ways and autists who cant into fun are unable handle it
But everyone and their mother is gonna play a warrior right? They all want to be an epic classic raider, right? That must be what is going through lots of people's minds leading up to release. I know someone precisely with this mindset irl
those poeple will quit way before they reach max level if all thats important for them is to be the best for the least amount of effort
>shamans on the beta have melee values for glancing blows instead of the caster values on pservs
Can't wait to be a shit enhance shaman instead of a hypershit enhance shaman in raids lads
The funny part is that a single boss drops ~4 items, so gearing 20 warriors in a 40man raid will take over a year.
>mfw actually have friends that want to play this time around
Think I might go healer just for the fuzzy feelings of helping people
Wether or not BfA/Retail is in rep thanks to Classic isn't what i am curious about. I am curious about what stunt/emergency button Blizzard is gonna pull out of their ass to save retail. After WoD it was Legion and Demon Hunters. Even if Classic wasn't a thing, if the next expansion isn't going to do something really new or big, retail is in serious T
trouble. I have friends that actually played WoD and even they quit.
thats why all those instant gratification zoomers will quit after not getting a single drop for their first few raids, the game wasnt made for them in mind
based. just dont play a female character if youre actually male, trust me on this, you wont like it
Honestly the only reason I'm excited for Classic is because of twinking since that shit's dead on Retail. Not even because of killing scrubs but because there was a whole community around it before Blizzard killed it with heirlooms and the level 1 mount.
go healer because it's more fun than dpsing or tanking
i can't wait to go home bros
They wont. After Naxx, Blizz will invest all resources into classic and create 1.13. They will bring out the old scrapped vanilla/TBC content, finish it, and use it for more patches/expansions. They will also keep talents, scaling, items, classes, etc in line with the classic ideal and pretend the retail side is an alternate universe in the lore while classic will be the real deal.
>But everyone and their mother is gonna play a warrior right? They all want to be an epic classic raider, right?
I just want to be a cool Undead Warrior like Laintime.
sylvanas will become the new lich king and we will play WOTLK 2.0
>Do you think it will surpass retail in active players?
I don't think anyone actually believes this. Retail is dying but that doesn't mean that classic will have anywhere near the same playerbase as retail does. Especially if they fix the shit people are mad about with BFA in the next expac.
I feel like I might miss being on the front lines and killing people in BG's, but PvP healing is probably pretty fun too
Just a reminder to roll your nelf priestess healslut on day 1, because sloppy facials > worthwhile racials.
blizzard legit ruined the level up experience for new players with that heirloom bullshit and that lvl1 mount, its absolute cancer to play with players that are 3 times faster and stronger than you, no wonder they are bleeding subs, no new players are filling the spots left by quitters
is there any info about the new xppac yet? main reason they are doing classic is probably because they dont know what to do after bfa
> mfw i succesfully baited delusional Fury-Chan into /wowcg/ on /vg/ to unleash his autism
youre doing gods work user
Before i quit early BfA i made a Maghar Hunter. Joined a Deadmines run. There was an honestly to goodness new player in there. He was the healer. He got trashtalked by the full heirloom tank who pulled half the instance and died. BotW kick was initiated. I voted no but the poor guy was kicked anyway. Poor sod.
Your faggot furry warrior private server pals are already BTFO by classic's original raid tuning. Have fun healing this time around since you feral tank retards aren't going to be able to do it like you could in chinkdale :)
Not based
people on official forms legit have the opinion that new players should do dungeons because they hold back heirloomshitters, at this points its safe to say the game is fucked and retail will be slowly dying until the last whale abandons the game because there no new blood
the mods moved the thread because they cannot handle the fact that shamans are garbage and paladins are superior in classic. there is no denying it. it is 100% factual
Shhhh you'll draw Fury-chan's attention.
you've never seen a man deep throat windfury as hard as he was
Prove it retard
style > 1% better raid performance
reminder its an rpg not microsoft excel
paladins are gay btw
>alliance tanks get 1.5x the threat ceiling compared to horde which have to contend with fury warriors getting wf, and randomly pulling aggro and instantly wiping raid
gee horde really are shit aren't they? good thing they have meme racials and giant cows for furry fags thats enough to make up for the shittier faction that gets longer BGs queues because every 10 year old rolls horde
>mudhuts and nigger-tier """""architecture""""" is style
are you actually retarded? classic mob numbers have been across the board almost 50% lower than most "blizzlike" vanilla servers
pserver mobs are hitting harder than what has been shown currently
>literally half of the threads on Yea Forums belong on /c/ and people still have the balls to bitch and moan about a single thread that is actually about videogames
guess its back to 8ch for me
you just dont understand user, horde is artsy and creative and alliance is just boring cookie cutter standard medieval architecture
>this isn't a smash thread so it must get moved to /vg/
>this isn't a waifu thread so it must be moved to /vg/
>this isn't a console war so it must be moved to /vg/
/vg/ is fucking cancer and you know it, you fucking retard.
No they haven't + private server raid bosses have severely undertuned parrying and glancing blows which is why no there will be no more fury warrior tanking sweetie.
Yea Forums is pretty cancer too, where will classic chads go, im afraid of the official forums
Time to dig up some old OC from my WoW days.
>all actual vanilla kill videos have rogues, mage, warlocks as dps
Wtf fury bros I thought we were chads...
>muh performance
are you people incapable of even attempting to enjoy things?
Who else is going to create a Tauren hunter named "Moochelle" and get a pet gorilla named "Barack?"
i cant play tauren unters because a steak eating a steak is too bizzare for me
No info but it's probably some death magic related shit.
>played warrior in vanilla through wrath
>haven't played since then
>excited for classic but autism demands I play a less popular class
Life is suffering.
this but im gonna name my blond dwarf drumpf and my gorilla putin
yeah sounds like theyre trying to get back the WOTLK nostalgiafags this time, these guys are creatively bankrupt. wrath of the lich queen, here we come
>tfw I played druid and paladin in vanilla because i love hybrids
>want to play another class but don't want to play rogues or hunters or mages, probably not a warrior either
i'll probably just play shaman on horde and paladin on alliance. maybe warrior if i can find a healbitch.
Wouldn't a bear be more appropriate?
dwumpf and pawtin
So what set are we going for boys strictly based on aesthetics?
Ill take a T3 warlock or a Tier anything warrior
Hunter is all ugly
Rogue and druid are alright
Paladin and Shaman are kino
Just rating the classes I am deciding between
>it all looks shit on noshoes troll nigger
maybe i should play orc instead
Fury warrior is basically top dps in classic. Alongside rogue and warlock. Then once they push into BC, warlock pulls more dps than any other by a far margin.
I plan on playing either a warlock or rogue. I will create a hunter for marudon farming, and later for solo DM north runs. This way I will have plenty of gold to support whatever I wish to do. I started playing wow in 2004, and really can't wait to play again.
I played a hunter on nost as a mai and really enjoyed it, but I don't really want to main one again. They don't scale well as only aimed shot and multishot scale with gear.
>top dps
thats pretty relative user, it heavily depends on what the other members of your group are
warlock t2 is kino
Smash threads should be long time ago incorporated into /vp/
nintetoddlers should all puck off to /vp/ desu or make pc/console boards
>game is inherently imbalanced
>not taking advantage of it
i prefer imbalance over homogenization tyvm, theres obviously no middle ground for blizzard
>deep wounds
enjoy not raiding
Yeah and the goggles aren’t rose tinted I’m sure
very based watermark
i cant wait to perfect my warlock rotation
It's gonna be big for a couple of months, then it will slowly die. Streamers and their zoomer fans will be keeping it alive as long as the big streamers don't burn out, but they will eventually.
>It's gonna be big for a couple of months, then it will slowly die.
retailcuck/fftranny cope
>can I play BFA with my friends now?
he literally said frostbolt spam you illieterate retard
I just wanna see anime tiddies and praise daddy trump please
I'm going to play a night elf priestess that subverts expectations by not being retarded or a healslut
Mostly just because I want to gank idiots with shadowmeld and because night elf males seem to fit better as druids
its based and redpilled
I hate asmonbald. I hate his rat face. I wish he died.
>i love muh daddy trump
seething cata kid gets scammed by local Withered streamer
I started when cataclysm launched, so for all intensive purposes, I've never even seen the vanilla zones. It's basically going to be a new game for me. *I'll 100% be picking it up just to try it out. I'm torn between undead rogue or night elf hunter. I'm kind of interested in hunter because i never knew hunters when you had to make ammo and you could use melee weapons.
It's going to be full of pissy people expecting you to already know everything and there will be no sense of adventure
Hunter has a lot of maintenance, but it's really good at soloing and you can really set yourself apart as one of the competent hunters (most Hunter players are braindead retards or roasties) if you're dedicated to getting good.
From what I know you can do every quest in the game and still not get to max level, so If i'm going to pick a class i'd better get good at it and stick to it. I'll probably go undead rogue later. Actually kind of excited to try it out and see what I missed because i never got into the game.
>it ain't me starts playing
horde or alliance? cant fucking decide bros
you should go alliance with the rest of the fags
Seethe harder you green nigger
Why would I seethe when the Horde is better in every single way, aesthetically and mathematically?
what about... practically :^)
>forest that isnt yours that you wont be able to see outside of private servers
>aesthetic consists of mudhuts, stick huts, tents, and the only actual buildings were alliance made
>mathetically so you can spew your WF trash again
Fuck off
meme response
Why wouldn't they balance known broken classes like ret paladin?
Ret is perfectly viable. Raw DPS in a raiding environment isn't the only metric that matters, lil zoomie.
You are not going home, you were never going home.
Look to your left, now to your right. THAT is your home.
damn you need food as a warrior at level 6 already
Go alliance, all of the streamers will be hordefags
>Go alliance, all of the streamers will be hordefags
Except for Asmongold, Staysafe, Esfand, Tipsout, McConnel, Trainwreckz, Bajheera, etc.
Why's the t3 Pala female?
are you sexist or something?
Anyone gonna try the Amish Challenge? No quest rewards, only crafted gear, no buying from AH, when you die you delete your character.
yeah it's not as fun as I remember, I've been playing beta and it got boring around level 20 when leveling starts to slow down.
Been farming herbalism and starting to feel depressed, I remember why I quit this game. It takes way too much time.
You have shit taste, kill yourself
stay in your nu-mmos, faggot
rent free
Are you retarded or something?
T1 and T2 is worn by males but T3 is not. Every other set other than warrior is worn by females
I'm just being honest why are you so upset?
I was about to offer my beta account but now I won't just because of this comment.
>warrior is #1 in every single class poll
What are the odds even half of these people with reach 60?
I want it to get fucked. WoW has to fully die before we can see any innovation on the Western MMO market.
low especially since they will all want pocket healers
Only 1/3rd I'm betting. Most of these people don't know how much suffering there is to warrior leveling.
Though I won't lie, I'm almost considering it for tanking. That or priest, maybe mage.
It would only surpass retail if it wasn't flooded with the same "endgame hunters" as retail
Given the current state of MMOs in general, this is impossible.
The thing is, WoW succeeded because it was simpler and more accessible than other MMOs.
At this point, looking at retail, if they simplify it any more it's gonna end up a fucking mobile game
Played the stresstest yesterday and it was great. I forged a level 8 2 handed axe with 3 stam and fucked everything (in elwynn)
Ohhh dude 4 strength 4 stam leather belt?
Wtf elite damage in dungeons is NOTHING
A god damned rejuv is out healing two elites attacking the tank, and blizzard says this is accurate? wtf
muh memory
If you are the only dps spec in the raid/party, sure
if they make it a progression server and go to TBC WOTLK afterwards, or if they make new content in the vanilla mindset, maybe. if they forever leave it at 1.12 vanilla with no changes, no it won't.
i think that if retail unfucks its gameplay (totally possible, they just need to make classes not feel like gimped dogshit) then it'll recover.
>orange already
Okay well maybe caster mobs just hit for nothing
>three naga mrymidons can't even take off a quarter health
>"Leveling matters"
>"Muh journey"
>Proceeds to rush to 60 using a guide and has done it at least 4 times on various private servers anyway
WoW legit did a great job being accessible compared to many MMOs and that's a lesson many MMOs could take. As is they're just confusing accessibility with simplicity.
doesn't invalidate the first point
I usually kill shit while im traveling between quests to avoid this sort of thing, not that it matters.
>mobs hitting for 20
dafug is this
Is this the power of druchad? Even boss mobs hit for nothing.
>mfw they said reckbombing wouldn't work in classic
Pally and Druid T2, Priest T3
Warrior T2, Pally T1, or Hunter T1 and 2
>Best overall
Aesthetically, Priest. Thematically, Shaman.
>Worst Overall
Hunter gear is a fucking mess
Warlock Tier 3
most tastefully WoW - druid t1
most aesthetic - warlock t2
honorable mention - hunter t2
ugly all around - rogue and shaman
clown fiesta - warrior
> I was going to do the thing but then someone said a mean comment so I won't anymore
no one believes you or cares lol
>What's your opinion on classic?
I liked their old content plan more.
I dont like their pvp content plan.
layering is fucking garbage and kind of risky and they would give us dynamic respawns and merge low pop servers after the initial rush if they werent trying to save money.
They are literally trying to recreate nost instead of recreate actual vanilla wow.
>I dont like their pvp content plan.
i didn't see any mention of pvp in the phasing
im willing to bet warriors wont be top dps until late aq40 or nax. I think private servers gave people some unrealistic expectations with them.
>merge low pop servers
they've been embarrassed of doing this since 2004, and then the server transfer income came
based ed boy
>tfw you just want to wear plate armor, but now everyone will think you are a tryhard
It also succeeded because it was riding the coat tails of 2 of the most popular rts games and 1 of the most popular ARPG games ever made. Every single person i knew who played computer games had at least 1 of the blizzard titles as one of their top 3 games.
Add to that the graphics/art direction looked decent on any machine. The controls were good (there are some mmos with terrible controls out there), the UI was intuitive. etc.
Classic is the same as retail.
>never played vanilla
>hear you can do every quest in the game and still not hit 60
>mfw I'm looking forwards to comfy adventuring on my night elf hunter, crafting arrows to knock and meeting up with other players
> I feel so good about Classic taking over Twitch and being the main thing that people care about now. Cause before people cared about Fortnite and these other zoomer games, right?. And now thee late 20’s, balding, nothing better to do single men, they’re gonna take back over, they’re taking gaming back, and I fucking love it. This is our time. And all these stupid fucking kids, they’re gonna learn how to play a real game, because they’re gonna have to play Classic, because they’re stupid fucking kids and they wanna do what’s popular, and they’re gonna hate it, and they’re gonna cry, and we’re gonna love it, it’s gonna be hilarious.
Holy fuck, he's based.
it was like that in vanilla too.
He really is. I used to have mindless hate for his stupid face before, too but then I turned on his stream while working one day.
That thot is going to ruin him, though.
>when can I play BfA
said no one ever. I would shocked if they were above 1 mil now considering they were at 1.3 early on in this shitpansion.
did he actually say that? this guy might just be the first streamer im gonna follow on this twitch bullshit site. i thought this guy was a moron but it seems that hes actually pretty based except for that thot gf part
Holy shit, he's got the SJW fishmouth!
nope son, thats just how ugly people look. now all sjw are ugly people, but not all ugly people are sjw.
What is this clown spec supposed to be for
tanking. yeah idk
>single men
He has a girlfriend.
did he unconciously admit that his "gf" was just a fuckdoll for him. based
This. Game should be imbalanced, otherwise you can just play whatever. Plus you can always be a baller by minmaxing an underperforming spec and playing better than meta cucks. It's all good.
little did Billy know he just walked into a cult performing the final act of drinking the cool aid. Everyone died except Billy, be like Billy.
i always think of it like golf. people with a handicap should take minmax meta builds, while the chads can take whatever thy want since they will perfom well enough with anything. its like having easy and hard mode, whats not to like? eso is actually so homogenized and so easy people are begging for hard mode