what the fuck is worth buying with the new meme currency

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Other urls found in this thread:


unless you go for earrings, nothing

Reposting because fuck it

Listen up SCHfags. I've had just about enough of your shit. You motherfuckers have, since your inception, been the absolute god king of healers. Ridiculous heals, big DPS, utility, you've had it all. The reason for this is because your job has been the only special boy class in the entire fucking game that comes from a split promotion job that is built upon the foundation of a DPS class. You have, because of this, had an extra layer of DPS skills due to still gaining ACN skills.

Yoshi has been signaling for years this day was coming, he's been talking about wanting to separate SCH and SMN from one another for a long time. You fucking retards, in your infinite wisdom, decided that this meant that you'd magically get to keep all of the DPS skills that came with being built on a DPS class' foundation. You were wrong. While they're not technically separated just yet in terms of gaining EXP separately, they pretty much are, for all intents and purposes, separate classes now. You have been NORMALIZED to match the standard of healing classes in this game. No more special boy status for you. And even then, your healing toolkit appears to still be absolutely busted So shut the fuck up already. You've gotten exactly what you deserve.

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Short answer: Nothing

But you could go for the pegasus mount and brachiosaur minion since diadem is dead content.

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Nothing. Anything on that least can be gotten much easier if you do the actual content it drops from.

>People who didn't suffer through Diadem can get Pegasus now

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Answers maybe. The rolls have a really low droprate in coils. But speaking of that, what are the special tresure maps? Do they do anything other than guarantee a normal portal?

Cringe and Shortlived pilled

Scholar Chads will be buffed back to their former glory before the start of the raid tier.

>As for Alisaie, her personality has never been one of "supporting the main character," but rather "walking alongside the main character," so her train of thought is, "Defeating the enemies is my contribution to you" and no matter what job the player is, she'll always use the limit break right away when it's available. She won't do anything else until it's been used. If an AoE comes, she'll dodge it and then immediately try to use it again... Just how badly does she want to use it? *laughs* The personalities are a good thing about this system.
>For Alisaie, she likes to rush into battle, so she'll often charge in but get hit by an AoE that happens to be there. And then Urianger or Alphinaud will resurrect her at an incredible speed. Basically, you'll be able to see them as their characters. The Trust system isn't just about smart AIs, but rather the characters acting the way they would personality-wise. Urianger is good. He gives you all of the cards *laughs*

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diadem wasn't painful though, just boring as fuck

you can begin crying once they start handing out the tranny marble from BA for free

>Nobody took the bait last time so I'll try again in this thread

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Ill be your healer for tonight

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Cute liability

hi can u give me tips i'm a level 30 cute lalafell

>she'll always use the limit break right away when it's available.
>As a RDM

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>start free trial
>get to character creator
>'now I should make a cool dude and not just another anime lady'
>create a Highlander hyur guy
>give him a slightly silly name
>'yeah, this'll do'
>play for five minutes
>autism kicks in
>go back to main menu, create a new character, make an anime lady and look up the race dictionary to give them a lore-appropriate name
Fuck it

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That does sound exactly like every RDM I've encountered.

>still being subbed
what the actual fuck is there to do in the game if youve already done the last tier of omega and the ultimates lol

Friendly reminder that the meta memes wars isn't over yet.

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Just make a single player FFXIV already, it's the only recent Final Fantasy worth playing anyway.

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>7 minute healer wait for MSQ because of this new event

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when can i be done with this god damn awful MSQ

t. melee retards

caster lb is the best lb for trash pulls

using caster lb on trash pulls is better than holding onto it for the last 2% of the boss like a retard

>Went with anime rather than a mhigger
Dodged a bullet there, user.

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Just play who you wanna play bro. Don't force yourself to be silly or waifu if you don't want to be. Wanna be edgy, or simply rank and file? See 'em all the time. You do you.

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>his trust partners are going to be anyone but Thancred, Urianger, Minfilia, and Y'shtola

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>not running CT for the event

found the rdm

I was referring more to the lb3 incinerating your retinas but then I remembered that she can't be used in content that allows for that.

Get a load of this tasteless faggot

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urianger being my nigger

>WAR not the biggest DPS by a large margin.
Cue Xenos making a three hour long video bitching about how WAR is ruined because is not the best tank on every single aspect.

I kinda wish there were opportunities to do massive pulls of hordes of mobs and then smash them all with caster lb3 now that would be fun

This event seems like a good way to burn out before ShB is even released, good thing I have everything already and I never wear earrings anyway.

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Twins, uroligist, thranced

>not Syrcus
Syrcus feels like the fastest because you literally never wipe (retards still cannot into Ancient Flare even after half a decade) and the trash dies much faster

Trusts are designed per dungeon due to how AI works, there is a good chance that some characters will only be available in a few dungeons.

What class are you going into ShB with? I'm considering SMN since it's getting streamlined a bit and there's a lot more focus on summoning actual cool shit, but I played BLM and nothing else until 3.1. If you have to move as BLM, how hard is it to not fuck up your rotation?

I'm leveling WHM second, though. Want an EZ healer so I can be useful in endgame.

this honestly sounds fun
i'm hype to level alt classes with the scions and see their banter

Nothing in this game is worth getting because it's all aesthetic and no function. Get whatever the best effort/ilvl ratio stat tokens are and be done

that's my biggest problem with this game , nothing feels satisfying to get because it doesnt really progress your character in any sort of tangible way. I dont care about glamour and all gear is the exact same mechanically and theres no other types of progression

final fantasy 14? more like fetch quest fantasy 14

CT is Sycrus you dumdum

Twins, Uri, and MAYBE Yshtola if she actually grows a personality this expansion. I'd bring Thancred but unfortunately I always play tank.

You can't have both twins and Urianger because Alphinaud and Urianger are both healers

and no party split BS in Syrcus

>retards still cannot into Ancient Flare even after half a decade
I literally just came out of a LotA today where we wiped *twice* to Ancient Flare.

Sounds based as fuck honestly. How many trust system NPCs are they planning on adding?

I'm still used to people calling them CT, ST, and WoD, my bad



You’re confusing “CT” with “Labyrinth of the Ancients”. That poster is talking about the 3 Crystal Tower raids as a whole. You are correct that Syrcus is the fastest though.

Thancred is based and the best original Scion after Urianger


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Ooh thought my boy was arcanist

It'll probably be only the Scions for Shadowbringers. If they think the system is worth keeping, they'll probably expand to non-Scions for the next expansion and include favorites like Aymeric, Estinien, Yugiri, and Gosetsu.

Can ANYONE confirmed that Dragon Sight can now be use on yourself?
There's 1 user said it does but i need proof

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I hope we get more trust members later on the MSQ.

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He's a SCH now but still uses a Carbuncle

gz on being objectively the worst tank of all 4

Alphi finally grabbed a job stone and graduated to full bottom bitch SCH mode.

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It's an easy pve game literally what does it matter

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literally no videos show it off
gamerescape fucked up like they did for a lot of other classes

Stop being a meta tranny

I'll give you my version real quick, since I've leveled three characters worth of crafters for scrips.

>Do the entire crafting log until level 15, almost every crafter can complete this by buying items from the vendor near the trainer.
>Push everything to 15 for cross class skills, Hasty Touch, Careful Synthesis, and Tricks of the Trade are king, Manipulation and that leatherworker one are great too.
>Take Culinarian to 37 for Steady Hand II, makes Hasty Touch that much better.
>Get Carpenter to 50 for Berygot's Blessing, which will let you HQ a lot of stuff provided you get in enough successful touches.

>Do Ixal quests for the cheapest, easiest levels.
>Level your gatherers.
>If you can find a buddy to make stuff for levequests out of the mats you mine, you can make it from 25 to 50 with about 50 courier levequests, if you turn in HQ items.

Alternatively, it's a bigger pain, but just completing the crafting log will give you lots of experience, especially if you include the housing items. I made around 3 million gil selling the HQ stuff I made like that from 1-25.

51+ is kind of the same, except levequests get slower, you can turn in collectables, and moogles instead of Ixal are your go to.

By the time I'm done with the Stormblood and post Stormblood MSQ, Shadowbringers is gonna be out. I'm so far away from the post-MSQ game I can't even begin to imagine what it's like. I mean, what do you guys even do?

>No Y'shtola
>dungeon boss is a frog
>Y'shtola is "Matoya" now

Why Minfilia look like a retard now? Did mother Crystal fucked her too much?

So while looking through all of the new DPS actions and traits i noticed that all of them could extend their personal upkeep buffs during AoE combos.
>NIN Huton.
>MNK Twin Snakes
>SAM Shifu and Jinpu
But DRG was left out for some reason. Why doesn't Sonic Thrust extend Disembowel?

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>r o g u e
She's so fucking worthless that she forgot to equip a jobstone

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You grind towards your weekly loot/tomestone caps until you're geared and then you either do nothing or smash your head against Ultimate raids for hours a night. Going through the story is easily the best part of this game.

It's just so people help out new players.

you are stupid as fuck my man


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Depends on what is on your plate. Most people do Omega and ivallice raids. Others just level up their Crafters and gatherers.


well she can TA without suiton so, she gives everything that you want from the NIN cucks

A couple other things:
>A crafter doesn't Jew anyone harder than another crafter. Level everything to 70 if you can, just so you can make your own HQ gear.
>From 50 onward, you'll be able to trade certain crafted items for crafter currencies used to buy special gear, and most importantly, recipe books which give you access to the really high-end/special/expensive shit.
>There are also people selling "leve kits", which is a blob of pre-crafted HQ items to spam leves on. Tends to be more expensive than leveling kits.
>I've mentioned "buy this crap from others to speed things up lol" quite a bit, but don't be shy in the slightest about going full manual HQs on items you intend to turn in for leves. HQs turn-ins are huge fucking exp, and double the rewards.
>Kinda look at the rewards too, sometimes you can get crap back that'll let you make more of what you just turned in
>You're going to need a shitload of crystals and shards for leveling. The worst time to stock up is right after an RMT banwave, because a lot of those cheap-ass sets of several thousand crystals spike when all the Chinese gil farmers selling them get nuked.
>An oddity of behavior: Metal materials tend to be more expensive than wood/cloth/leather/etc. This is probably a holdover from FFXI when ore was far harder to get than other base crafting materials. The mindset just kind of transfered over into this game despite them all being equally available. They tend to be more broadly needed anyway due to their prevalence in making weapons and tools.

She is either available in a different dungeon (unlike squadrons, trusts' AI is designed per dungeon) or will just sit in a corner and throw quests at you.

>being so new you don't even know Labyrinth was called CT when it was relevant

Those moogle maps are expensive? Anything special about them?

>her train of thought is, "Defeating the enemies is my contribution to you"

We don't deserve her, lads.

Hopefully he gets an appropriate outfit for it.

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Nothing, it's a grindfest and all of those items are available elsewhere and are probably more advisable to get via their original means.
unless you want the shitty earrings I guess.

The whole raid series is called CT, retard. Individually they are LotA, ST, and WoD.

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Don't say that, user. You deserve her because you two love each other.

>They made it almost impossible to keep BotD up again

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yeah but we cant call her NINfilia now

We will see them again right?

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Trashfilia is still accurate.

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Nope that's GNBWAR is pitiful too LOL

Too much work to add more. They would have to

1. Code entire AI for each SHB dungeon and make them personal
2. Code in voiced lines of dialogue for each dungeon
3. It means that character would have plot armor

Keep saying that and you will have to deal with another stupid noble sacrifice out of nowhere.

>when it now starts at 30 seconds instead of 20
unless you’re a blithering retard, there’s no fucking way you’ll somehow drop it

Just look at DRK cooldowns,

>6 potency flamethrower
>potencies from media tour build are set

Using F&C/Wheeling Thrust no longer procs the other to use, so at best you're gaining 2 or 3 seconds of duration with each combo, and if you have to dodge an AoE or switch targets or proc any buff, you're outright losing time.

nope, they're doomed to be full blown inuyasha mode: absolutely no closer to the obvious pair

viera look really nice in most armor

they seem to have a lot of issues with hands clipping into belt bags, but that probably happens on a lot of races

If you cat keep BotD up with just fucking fang and claw and wheeling thrust, ESPECIALY now that is starts at 30 seconds, just fucking quit the game already.

are viera/hrothgar not going to be able to use hairstyles that you buy with MGP/ones that drop from eureka/HoH etc?

>3. It means that character would have plot armor
That will only protect them until the end of the dungeon, and it's not like we are supposed to be the same old bosses again in squadron missions if we take the story into consideration, so lore hardly matters in the end.
And Yoshida said he is interested in adding more of them eventually. Expect mogstation-exclusive trusts.

Did you just not play HW DRG or

>log in
>static gone until 5.0
>stare at PF
>join a pug
>watch it disband in 30 minutes because lack of tanks
>queue for expert
>withdraw when it pops
>think about eureka
>lose motivation when remembering pagos
>check FC
>1/43 members online
>the last time someone else logged in was 83 days ago
>log off
>repeat next day

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they can't in the Benchmark, god knows if they'll use it in release, Viera? likely, Hrothgar? very unlikely

only Yea Forums would be retarded enough to celebrate lowering the skill ceiling

>mess with the basic combo for no reason.
>no info on how to proc raiden thrust
>it has shit damage, no extra effect
>BotD is still annoying as fuck to use
>no way to keep eye stacks
>Stardriver is only good once per LotD cycle meaning its going to be a massive pain in the ass to prep it for actual aoe use
Meh not impressed. Extra aoe/line skill is nice but barely does much more.
Same problems as always just they changed the main combo for the sake of change.
At least Blood for Blood lost it's extra damage taken.Dragon sight needs an auto-cast on nearest party member, it's just a crap skill having to macro and be tethered.

When Uematsu dies will Soken finally get the general recognition he deserves?

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>Hearken to my words. I've a riddle for you.
>What doth account for thirteen, yet also fifty-two?
I don't get it. What was Koji referencing here?

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Cute IDW

nobody knows

Soken is already well known and beloved enough that he'll probably be Uematsu's successor unless Yoshida refuses to share him.

I'm a brand new bard only about 53. How the fuck do I know if I'm doing shit properly in groups?

>playing with music on
do people really do this? i turn it off and listen to Spotify

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>Each day the last time someone else in your FC logged in was 83 days ago
I'm sorry to say it user, but you're stuck in a time loop.

i can't believe FFXIV ripped off warhammer

She's bland but Alisaie is far more grating.

>ff14 has to copy wow and over compensate as per usual.

Install ACT

nigger I'm a healer
so it's Thancred, Y'shtola, and Alisaie

>Using F&C/Wheeling Thrust no longer procs the other to use
what the fuck are you reading

>WAR is pitful
>still the most damage out of the 4 tanks
>still has the most CD's for mitigation out of any tank
I know it's hard to deal with DRK being in the shed again but don't make such stupid assumptions.

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> WAR MT PLD OT stormblood meta

>shiva freezes you
>gives steppies to break it

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>tfw no disposable income to buy the game, expansion and sub
I'd probably just hang out on the city playing mahjong dressing my character anyway

Is she still killing herself to be Daredevil? Let the bitch get some rest.

>implying warfags won't cry up another storm yet again

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She's going to be in a clone body now because her real one was left back in our world. She can just drain the fuck out of it and get a new one from G'raha.


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also rumors saying holmgang can be used solo dolo without an enemy target but of course the retards that got invited to the media tour didn't actually read tooltips and try everything that changed

this is your average df drg, can't even read tooltips right

>2 combo abilities off of single target and AoE that up the timer
>"almost impossible"


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>not using Aagrias
compensating as usual

These obvious MCH bandwagoners are so embarrassing

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>I have been called the God of Thunder. Now you will know why.
>Upon my holy blade the very world lies in balance.
>And now the scales... WILL TIP.


Don't worry a whole lot until you're level 70.

If you're in a dungeon, don't be afraid to pop your songs and cooldowns while you AoE (and you SHOULD be using your AoE until you're almost out of TP when there's more than two targets). On single target fights like dungeon bosses and raids, just make sure you keep your DoTs up (remember that DoTs snapshot what buffs you had, so try and use them when you have Raging Strikes/Songs up), use Foe Reqiuem when you have full mana, keep your songs on rotation (Wanderer's>Mage's>Army's) and use Raging Strikes every 80s (should line up with Wanderer's). Try and use Barrage within Raging Strikes even if you don't have a Straighter Shot proc.

>do leveling roulette today
>double MCH

I have a feeling this is going to be common

>Dragon Sight still the same

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Are you retarded, user?

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If you're using Foes you're already better than most DF bards

>tfw you get Cid for the first time and realize that he could easily solo your whole overleveled party from the get go
How did that fucker get so strong anyway?

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Kind of off-topic but I want to start this at the expansion and play a busty bunny, do I need to buy shadowbringers and a realm reborn only?

>tool tips
>no info anywhere in pic explaining how to proc raiden thrust ready
Might wanna read the tool tips yourself instead of looking like a tool.

Nigga please, it's easier than ever.

Which MDPS should I level as an Elfman?

It wasnt that painful to get

aoe if theres 3+ mobs
Keep your dots up all the time if its single target.
Foe Req whenever you have a full mana bar in a fight.

These are the most important things a bard can do.

I want to sex xunny Minfilia.

are you retarded? sonic thrust extends botd already


>this skill was not in the pic shown
That's rather important and should be in the info graphic. Don't yell at others because the pic creator forgot basic info.

DRG or SAM for best aesthetic

>do I need to buy shadowbringers and a realm reborn only?
yes, along with two story skips and a $20 on RMT to buy 380 armor

lots of things were fucking nails on a chalkboard painful in Diadem but getting the pegasus was not one of those things.

he fought in the 50 years war. Just imagine, Ramza's dad was a higher job than him too. Imagine.

you can use it on yourself now

Haven't played DRG at all since ARR, how's it now and how's it projected to be in ShB?

Dragoon it's like pottery come heavensward.

Dragoon my lad. What's wrong with you?

Prove it.

Read my post again.

sure thing user. unzip my pants the proof is inside

Prove it dipshit

DPS buffs for your team
Long ass combos

It was a different time

i don't care how much of a "god" SCH is. i don't care if it's meta and i don't care if it has the highest healing or damage output. i want the job to be fucking fun like it was in 3.0. how can you be so much of a cuck that instead of wanting the other two healers lifted out of boring monotony you'd rather see SCH dumbed down just to satisfy your autistic job allegiances. because of netflix trannies like you, people like me who enjoy playing all of the healers get nothing because every healer has to be homogenized and given the lowest skill ceiling possible so the autists who refuse to play more than one healing job don't choke to death on their tears because their job isn't meta.

But I don't want to heal! I want to dps! I wanna queue fast! You can't make me heal!

>all fairy abilities are OGCDs now
WHAT. THE. FUCK. WHERE. THEY. THINKING???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Not only do they leave Selene there for NO GOOD REASON but they also turn the fairy into a goddamn decoration that cannot be controlled, place, you can't even fucking embrace. SERIOUSLY what the FUCK is their problem? HOW CAN YOU CALL THIS A FUCKING PET CLASS???

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That pic is from gamerescape, all ShB infographics made for their articles are separated in 3 pictures: Role actions, active actions, and traits.


>tfw tank daddy rewards you for being a goo d healer

Haven't played since Heavensward. Did they really remove the kick and the reprisal move from DRK? What's the point in playing it now? Considering leveling PLD on my faggy elf for that Ishgard aesthetic

The fairy is just an assistant. SMN is the true pet class.

>actually fucking SEETHING
use that energy on dillating instead

Thanks to Netflix faggots no one will ever play healer anymore

Until Yugiri, Estinien, and Fordola come, anyone outside of thancred is irrelevant

All smn pet skills are ogcds now too. Yes YoshiP is THIS FUCKING RETARDED and he will STILL CALL THEM PET CLASSES. And yes there will be retards in this thread and everywhere in the game actually defending this. No they won't just magically disappear they WILL defend it.


>first dungeon is a Crystal Tower dungeon trying to breech into some kind of hidden inner sanctum where the teleporter is
>Trust party options are Hoary Boulder, Coultenet, Ocher Boulder, and Riol.

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>All smn pet skills are ogcds now too.
They can be used while casting just like current pet actions.
Use Art of War or Ruin II for weaving you dumb fag


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Low Blow and Reprisal are role actions now, all tanks can use them, but they removed the parry mechanic so they are just oGCD abilities now.

It was patched out a while ago.

Btw a trans vagina dosent try to heal itself

They can be placed.

You realize you have had ruin II right? It's a DPS gain to ruin II->ogcd then broil II->ogcd cuz you don't clip.

Sorry, I'm still inexperienced with ffxiv terms and how things work, doesn't a skill mean oGCD means you can use it together with other GCD skills? How is this a bad thing?

video games?

Are there leotards in this game?

*being oGCD

That would absolutely be the fucking best but I think we both know it's just going to be Minfilia/Urianger/Alisaie/Thancred/Y'shtola/Alphinaud for the sake of saving resources for Eureka again

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thats because it's not a vagina, it's a wound and wounds do try to heal

you can't use an oGCD while you're casting a spell with a cast time. pet actions used to be executed directly by the pet meaning you could use the skill while casting. now you have to use an oGCD that tells the pet to activate its oGCD meaning you can no longer activate these abilities in the middle of a cast.

Are they useable in pve though? I looked at the wiki and it describes them as pvp actions

It's a shame because those abilities looked and were sick as fuck to use

It used to be that you could use Pet abilities while casting because they weren't traditional oGCDs.

Now that your pet actions are traditional oGCDs, you must weave them between your GCD which means using Ruin II more often.

he's not even wrong you shitposting faggot
scholars know their class is still the best healer hands-down
the complexity is what people enjoyed and they stripped that away but still kept it busted as fuck and called that a nerf

>People complain that DRK has issues on subreddit
>"Looks fine to me, you won't know until you play it yourself"
>People complain that SCH, AST, MCH has issues on subreddit

Not until the nier raid

Summoner will always be in DWT now unless they have a demi primal out so it doesn't matter because all their Ruin 3s will be instant

>no info on how to proc raiden thrust
It's on the traits tab. You need to hit your positionals for Fang and Claw/Wheeling Thrust and then True Thrust becomes Raiden Thrust


it's still a stupid and pointless change.


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Why is Gunbreaker's immunity skill so garbage? Its literally just a bad version of Hallowed Ground

Yes, you just need to "equip" them (like the old cross-job system), check your skill menu. That is how you get Provoke and other tank skills too.
Low Blow is the only stun ability available for tanks since they removed PLD and WAR's stuns from the game.

That subbreddit is full of the most fucking retarded and some of the most over reactive fucking crybabies I've even seen. Also what's your point? DRK is the same mediocrity it's always been where as SCH has been unarguably ripped asunder.

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at least it isn't Living dead

They still have the same animations, but they changed the sound effects and sped up Reprisal's animation, so they "feel" kinda weaker now.

because nothing will ever top paladin's immunity because they have a shield

It's fun

Shantoto II

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>SCH has been unarguably ripped asunder.
you mean finally balanced

Living Dead actually has some niche upsides in that you get TWO immunity timers. This one is literally just an inferior version of another skill.

Cuz yoshi P fears HG and doesn't want to replicate it even though it's only 2nd best invuln and Holmgang is still undeniably the most broken of the four because of THREE minute CD. Also obligatory
>muh job identity

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but the healing kit has been BUFFED

>no Prishe
>no Lilisette
>no Lehko
>no Zazarg

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>new meme currency


I'm glad nobody took this bait

moogle tomestones that let you buy old content

>healing was buffed
>recitation is literally OP
nope, their healing is as strong as it has been since HW. Just their DPS was run into the dirt for no reason.

2 timers but also pointless resource costs, and dps losses for the healers

Everywhere is fucking retarded, reddit, Yea Forums, official forums, everywhere.

I am sure I am not the only one anal-blasted that you can't control who is getting embraced while casting broil (or casting whispering dawn), fey blessing would have actually been amazing to use this way as well.

DPS and resource loss comparatively to the other 3. At least GNB has a retardedly strong regen that's an oGCD

they didn't even lose much dps output. it was just turned into a bland boring 2 button snorefest.

>tfw new meme currency will be on rotation throughout 5.0 for exclusive cosmetics and shit, to keep MSQ queues alive
Which'll be added to the Mogstation after the fact when you can't get it anymore

fuck off back to there

You mean its fun.

To me, as a tank, this just means I won't have to deal with garuda-egi's automatically shoving enemies away from my perfectly lined up pack of mobs.

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I'm on a mission to do everything in ARR before I move on to heavensward and then buy the newest shit. is the quest for the relic bow worth it?

Also does "everything" include catching big fish?
If so you're fucked.

Post devil/angel lalas

Technically might deal less damage then WHM now. Dia is a stronger dot and Glare does more then Broil III, dunno how ruin 2 will play into it but not even counting misery WHM actually does the most of the three healers rn and that greatly depresses me.

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>is the quest for the relic bow worth it?
It's something you do on the side for a cool glamour piece. Look up Yoichi Bow Zeta if you want to see it.

Sorry I don't have that saved. I don't like naked lalas.

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Just picked this up a few days ago, around level 20 Maurader. Wanna move towards tank because everyone wants to fucking DPS. Any tips to be a good tank / general tips for first time playing 14

You'll burn out by the time you're done with your relic

I don't know why I'd waste Excog in my opener unless there's a pain in the ass tank buster early on.

Only if you want a shiny glamour weapon and a title.

>subreddit talking about the jobs and not LOOK AT THIS COMMISSION/FANART


Just do it so you can get The Godsbow title which is what we've should've gotten for doing the BRD job quests.

do you wanna press even less buttons? ED is gone we gotta burn our aether on something.

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tanking 101, though really just turn enemies away from your party and keep them still and you'll be better than 90% of leveling dungeon tanks.

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You should at least complete the first relic step, since it unlocks two of the easiest and fastest trial fights in the game for your trial roulette (basically free tomestones when you get then on roulette) and the base relic weapon for most jobs is a pretty cool-looking so you can use it for glamour purposes after you unlock this system.

>Recitation is OP
How exactly? Its just a super shield on the tank.
>but deploy-
You can't spread catalyze.

Should I just be doing the MSQ until level cap? I started the free trial today since ny friends kept wanting me to play.

How long did it take for someone to get to 70 at stormblood release?

>still locked behind magic damage
>TBN literally worst mitigation in prog
yea, i have some news for you

WAR absolutely refuses to go in the shed, even though DRK kicked their ass in BOTH Ultimates. WAR can be the worst tank by a country mile and they'll still insist they're meta

You don't deserve the title unless you're using the same bow the Godsbow used

The absolute state.

>You can't spread catalyze
You can, however, still spread the amount healed. Don't forget a crit adlo still heals for a respectable amount. It's just not ludicrously overpowered anymore.

Also forgot to mention that still has the worst invuln ability

>make sure to do all your class/job quests as they come out
>never hurts to ask how to do something in game, especially in the Novice Network
>don't be one of those people that goes full YOU DONT PAY MY SUB when informed that they're doing something wrong
>ARR itself is a slog but it gets better

>Forgetting about Estinien and Hoary fucking Boulder


>PLD most DPS
you thought it was a DRK expcac but it was a Cecil one instead.

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Make sure you always have aggro. Always start a pull with your ranged move, Tomahawk for Marauder/Warrior then follow up with your AoE move, . Try to move as little as possible for melee DPS. Don't save your Defensive oGCDs strictly for bosses, mainly because trash mobs can do more damage anyways. Your healers will love you if you do.

Do that and you'll already be better than 90% of DF tanks

Why are WHMs and ASTs talking like recitation indom is OP when using it on indom is a literal waste of recitation? Indom already fully heals raid wide damage on its own without having to crit it, you don't have any energy drain to spend stacks on so you will literally be sitting on aetherflow stacks. I don't understand. Are they grasping at straws or do you people just have brain damage?



MSQ is always going to be around, even after level cap. It will be your main source of experience and unlocks further things for you to do. When in doubt, do the MSQ, basically. You overlevel it hard but that's not really too much of a concern.

>summoner asks healer why is he using swiftcast into aspected helios during downtime
>healer asks SMN to heal if he's so good at it then proceeds to leave
Why are similar scenarios so common?

In either case, spread crit adlo was just a 'bonus' which let you cheese some mechanics, but you could never rely on it. Thus, I won't really miss it much other than feeling silly about making an AoE deal 0dmg and possibly ignore a dot that is supposed to come with it.

Being able to guarantee a crit adlo on a tank buster is far more useful to me.

mounts. And the Answers Orchestrion, if you don't want to craft it or spend millions of gil

>ludicrously overpowered
Its a raidwide damage mitigater every 90s, its the same as one of your super heals on white mage or AST. There was no reason whatsoever to not let you spread catalyze. Spread critlo is also only barely stronger than Nocturnal Helios which can be used on gcd.
I'm not trying to say sch is underpowered or that it needs to be buffed, I think its fine as it is other than the retarded pet action change and the dumbed down dps rotation (which applies to all healers anyway) but you are grasping at straws.

you can't spread the crit sheild but a crit adlo will still do a decent bit. As well as doing it with succor and indom ensuring it's free and heals for a fuckton since it'll crit, and excog which will be free.

People get defensive when it's implied they're not doing something correctly because tone cannot be properly conveyed via text in some scenarios and every other person in this game has a fragile ego.

Thanks, I'll stick to MSQ. Besides that there's also skilling and dungeons right? Not sure what else there is but the world is massive and it's honestly a bit overwhelming.
Skilling like fishing looks pretty comfy though but dunno when I'll be able to do it since I'm only level 19.

Because people in general baby the people in the community so they act out when they run into people that ask them simple things. A lot of those people happen to be healers.

no bros how can this be happening

Cuz for some reason the cult of a community somehow finds it insulting to be told to do something right/better and wants to defend their bad playing for some fucking reason.

they should let him use summoner and scholar, i play a healer so it's going to suck not being able to bring him

Hey, didn't Gaius used to ask you a question in Praetorium with options to answer?

>doing it with succor and indom
>using it on fucking EXCOG
Please don't reply to me again if you aren't going to say something intelligent

poor GUB. still gonna play it and WAR though because they look like fun.

because prima donnas are common in mmos

You can pick up everything but the expansion jobs at level 10 and do them. Dungeons are mostly unlocked through doing the Main Story and some side quests (that also unlock from you doing the Main Story). Don't worry about being overwhelmed, there's a lot of stuff to do for a first timer but no one is rushing you.

>Crystal Tower dungeon
I would CUM

>getting a free crit indom
scuse me?

Was the "for whom do you fight"/"and do you believe in eorzea" question way back, I think.

Not surprise, nu-Requiescat shit looks strong as fuck esp with an 800 pot finisher

No one on reddit tanks, too much responsibility for them

>still eight hours left in Behemoth's spawn window
Hurry and spawn already you giant purple fuck.

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That got taken out a while ago.

>Spread critlo is also only barely stronger than Nocturnal Helios
Are you sure?

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Call me when they start handing out the 1.x titles and/or the Legacy tattoo. THEN we'll fucking riot

Remember the CT+eScape remix in the job action trailer?

Tell me how many times does the party reach triple digits and ABSOLUTELY needs a heal that will fully heal them INSTANTLY.
Thats right, never.

Who are the Fordola, Lyse, Gosetsu, Yotsuyu esque characters for Shadowbringers? We literally dont know any main supporting characters going into the expansion.

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You know that we get an extra dungeon?

Thanks vros, never played an MMO before so it is new territory; but as someone who loves FF this game slaps

>excog is applied preemptively way ahead of time.
>meaning recitation will go on CD earlier and be ready again earlier

I figured the 1st dungeon will be allagan themed, especially with that CT-Omega remix song they played.

It's because we're actually getting an expansion that focuses on the Scions this time. So it's Thancred, Yshtola, Urianger, Lolifilia and the twins.

correct me if Im a retard but why will you use Rising Windmill over bladeshower when Bladeshower does more damage to big pulls situations?

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So far it's possible that our main companions this expac are actually the Scions + teen Minfilia instead of any new characters

And tell me what dungeon gear from SB you want to become leveling gear for SHB so you can finally dye it

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>100 potency
>300 potency
If you assume both crit adloquim might actually be weaker. The advantage of recitation is that you can guarantee the crit but you can't do it all the time, unlike aspected helios which while not as strong unless it crits can be used constantly and is much better than succor.
Thinking recitation is OP is the ludicrous thing here, its an ability scholar actually needed, except they didn't let you have the critlo effect at its maximum since it lets you negate annoying mechanics.


anybody got a rip on that track? I see it play on the background on some youtube content makers

Will they finally make the Scions likeable if they use them as the expac party?

Cuz it might proc into bloodshower which would deal even more. I haven't read up much on dancer but honestly it seems a bit retarded how all of their DPS combos function like that. I feel like their DPS would be insanely volatile.

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you're forgetting stratagem

Will we be getting more FF3 related stuff/fanservice in >shad? I know the CT raids basically took a lot the big stuff from the game like Xande, CoD, Doga and Unei, and the WoD already exist. How big of a role is CT going to play in the story?

I want gatherer/crafter gear to be made all-class for glamour purposes, that fucking gatherer dogi has been taunting me this entire expac and the Gold Saucer variant is male-only and doesn't have the gourd flask/other embellishments

you don't pick one or the other. the proc is 15s so you still bladeshower and then rising windmill after that.

Windmill > proc > Bladeshower > no proc > R. Windmill
Windmill > proc > Bladeshower > proc > R. Windmill > Bloodshower

Read windmill again.

That chance of a fourfold feather for the big dick moves
also that you can use them and it doesn’t interrupt the main combo

I'm so glad I used recitation like a retard on this ability I use on cooldown, now I definitely wont have it when I need it.

its ripped directly from the trailer. there's no full track dump yet.

Skalla coat is alrady dyable so nothing.

Bloddshower only proc with bladeshower

I dont even remember 90% of them, thats how bad SB was

Heartless archangel in o8s
Get rekt faggot back to your Expert roulette babyyy

the true OP thing is recitation succ
sacred soil in general is busted now too

Rising Windmill and Bloodshower are procs and Windmill->Bladeshower is the AoE rotation
You dummy

I thing I know the source of this pic
can you post it?

i want them to do another sirensong sea where they took existing gear and gave it to completely different roles.

Which is the relic weapon you get anyway

I'm just talking personal DPS here if all the healers are reduced to 1 dot 1 aoe 1 spell it goes

Glare>Broil III>Malefic
Dia>Biolysis>Combust III
Art of War>Holy (which stuns)>Gravity

Malefic you can weave with but going off of potency WHM actually comes out the winner and that scares me.

I don't like much of the 4.0 dungeon gear, but I do hope they finally make a version of the Plague Doctor/Bringer gear that's dyeable

So never.

>If you assume both crit adloquim might actually be weaker
You are fucking retarded

>1 time is never
Hahahahahahahah faggoooooot

Because of rng procs to even do the combo.

Quickened Aetherflow is gone too so you aren't pressed on using them early now

why even use a dps trust?

source me
is the guy that just spam oversized gorillas with minecraft body tier?

The thing is you're never going to need a crit indom.

You still haven't told me a time when that actually happens. You know having to be healed from 1 hp to full in an instant

if you mod your game there are several.
is delusional, they're not going to add 2b's outfit.

Why would being good be a bad thing?

That's a nice looking roe.


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Heartless archangel in o8s, 1° forsaken
Is everything alright, faggot expert cocksucker? Didn't you do o8s? No wonder you didn't you suck cocks at christmaaaaas hhahahahahaah

Is Dragoon a shitty noob job? I thought I really liked it so far but some people I know said it was too slow for them and very noob friendly. I feel bad for enjoying it now.

not him but hell wind in weeping city. i think there's another raid that has the same mechanic.

How do I into scholar? I’m switching from WHM

that one has downtime like the one the faggot keeps parroting, you dont need to heal it instantly

Just play whatever you like. DRG's simple, but so are a lot of jobs

Stop being retarded and have fun

I still remember arguing with a tank in Manor for refusing to change to emerald carbuncle because I had no idea of the damage difference.


God damn I want to delve that clamshell.

TG Cid has the same mechanic, at the start of the fight everyone gets put at 1 HP and gets a Doom you gotta heal off.

>I was enjoying something then my friends said they don't enjoy it so now I want to change my opinion.
You must have a very weak self esteem.

just do whatever you want. in ARR DRG had a reputation for being the shitter job but that's only because back then it had awful magic defense and the animation locks got you killed a lot.

The artist is patreon.com/Thy
I dont remember if he posted it or not

I asked this in one of the last threads so still looking for an answer;

Do callback emails take forever? My friend sent that shit two days ago and here I am on my ass waiting for my free week invite. WHY DO THE EMAILS TAKE SO LONG

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It's a trap.

Yes, Thymilph/Cartoonrocker

How many do I have to get to buy the right to take Alibae's virginity in the mating press position?

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>Haven't done O3S since 2017
>See a static looking for a 8th member to run it
>Go for it
>Mfw I still do it surprisingly well
It's a really well designed fight, when you get it you really get it.

Attached: 1327786602001.jpg (500x500, 18K)

1. are you eligible for callback
2. check all your spam and other filters

It's like 4-5 seconds dude, not exactly downtime. That dumb user is right.

alisaie should let her hair loose in shb

>not wanting her sister (male) instead

Can't wait for their trusts that spend time trolling each other.

It might be the best savage fight in Stormblood desu

both healers have plenty of time to use an instant heal and a gcd heal within that timeframe

>If you assume both crit adloquim might actually be weaker

Based retard.

Hali is unironically the best omega fight

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My dick would pierce through dimensions and enter her cunt if that happens.

>yoshi made minfilia a kid to cater to pedos
i know everyone hated her originally but was this really necessary?

This post is 100% true and all the SEETHING SCHfags bitching just prove it right

It looks like she ages rapidly based on the leak of her trust model.

>Didn't you know? Time moves differently at each shard
>5 years is a long time to be gone Warrior of Light

Calling it.

dude what's 100 time 2.5 you can do it, this isn't excel crunching here


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Minfilia shouldnt even be back in the first place. Yoshi is a fucking hack

Whats next? Louisoix?

Yea I haven't played this damn game since the first patch of Stormblood
Nothing in my spam either :(

It's fine if she(he) comes as part of the deal, but Alisaie will always be my focus.

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>whats next? an actual good character?
man i hope so

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the fact that I can't honor louisaux by giving his granddaughter kids and continuing his lineage is a fucking crime.

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I mean the first probably has one.

for people wondering, a crit asp. helios will provide a 375 potency shield at base crit stat

crit adlo gives a 1,012.5 pot shield at base crit stat, and deploy will spread a 562.5 potency shield from that target.

Imagine if to get the phoenix you have to clear T12 synched

That's not how it works.

So do FBTrance and DWT share cooldown timers?

Bruh you probably shouldn't try to bring numbers you obviously don't understand into this.

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250, I said it was about the same, you're also forgetting AST's passive heal potency bonuses.

>SMN gets Pheonix
It's been a while, but I thought we were told by Louix to act like Phoenix never existed. Something about if people found out they might try summoning it again which would be bad because it was a miracle the amount of Aether Phoenix sucked up didnt destroy the land.

Phoenix is already a well known legend and that's why Louisoix was thinking about it at the moment of his transformation in the first place. There's no reason for anyone to see you summon Phoenix and think that it's a primal or that it's Louisoix and they should summon it as their savior.

Oh noo, you have to clear some normal raid difficulty tier fight

DWT turns into FBT after you do your bahamut.

You're absolutely right.
Trap for what?

Just tell everyone in Eorzea that it's Demi-Suzaku

Yeah I can't wait for the SMN story where ghost louisoix shows up and is like "nah fuck em become the firebird"

>Sucking the aether destroys the land
Why we never see examples of this in game?
>Alexander, Phoenix and bahamut did nothing

Stop posting my wife please.
Thank you.

Turn 8 is the best savage raid content in the game.

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It's simplicity is surface level only.

Alexander purposely only moved tiny amounts to let you inside and otherwise was careful not to suck anything else. Phoenix and Bahamut weren't draining anything because Louisoix shoved all of his and Bahamut's aether at Carteneau into the planet to heal the damage.

I can't wait for Krile to get locked in 5.0's version of Eureka prison

It's not expressed physically in game, but there the story did touch on it, how after the calamity the land is slowly less fertile and whatnot.

hearty chuckle

You meant 11, right?

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I think Alexander being his bubble and barely moving is what keeps the damage from being noticeable. Bahamut might have done something but when Louisoix destroyed Bahamut he rained the aether back down on the world, healing any damage that might have been done.

Oh ok, so its less "dont say Phoenix exists" and more "dont say Phoenix was actually summoned and stopped bahaumet"

>Skallic coat is everything I ever wanted for my casters
>Horns and hair clip through it


can you just post the pic?

The Burn is an example of a region that lost its aether.

You deserved it you filth lizard.

stop, pls no

T8>T12>T13>T9>T11>T10>T5>T6>T7>T1>T2>T4>literally anything else>T3

not due to primals though, but due to allagan tech

>T9 below anything

Shit fucking taste

Why does T3 even exist again?

Am I missing out by skipping through the story? I'm really not in the mood to play a story heavy MMO but XIV looks fun.

T13 > T11 > T9 > T5 > T12 > T4 > T7 > T10 > rest are garbo and not worth mentioning

Legit question, everyone is acting like I did my math wrong but wouldn't 250 potency plus the nocturnal sect passive heal potency bonus actually put it above or at least on par with spread adlo?

T9 and above is eldritch god tier and hasn't been topped yet in any of the other savage fights. I just like 8, 12, and 13 more.

>not a hyur

stances dont have any bonus anymore just changes how the aspected skills work

A deck of cards?

>T8 not even worth mentioning
I understand if people like 13, 12, 11, 9 that stuff more then it but saying is garbo is some shit taste.

you're missing out on ton by skipping the story dude

"Allagan tech" involved and often was powered by summoned primals, HW's primal questline shows that. The Burn's description also says that the land died because of primals.

>tfw brown, blonde haired, fem midlander MNK/RDM
I am the definition of based.

yes, the story is most of the point of the game

I like Turn 3. It's different.


post character

confirmed story skipper
the primal story was revealed to be a lie
they used devices to cut off aether flow to the land and excised a giant chunk to become azys lla
it's a desert because of some allagan devices, and we deactivated one a patch ago to help the burn recover a little and get an aether shield going

just play it user, it's rotation is static compared to the other melee but it's far from the easiest job in the game. If you enjoy it just play it and be done with it.

Hey at least that means she'll be safe.

thanks monkey bro

Not from my dick she'll never be

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huh...well I didn't see that coming. Well either way, spread adlo is only barely above nocturnal helios then. Its not particularly impressive, especially since nocturnal helios is on OGCD.
Furthermore, using it on succor is a waste because spread adlo is there, using it on indom is also a waste because you will never need an instant heal that fully heals your entire party ever, and using it on excog is actually brain dead. I'd just use it on adlo for a tankbuster.

I don't have any screenshots that look good because I don't know how to take good ones.

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>tfw i want krile's coat but even if they added it they would probably gender-lock it

Why does 90% of the relevant characters in this game have blue eyes?

So good

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Stay bananas

Why won't they make more housing bro's

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I remember all that, but I admit that I don't remember anyone explicitly saying that the primal bit of the story was a (garlean?) lie.
That said, it still is the same process, allagans just used what they learned from their primal research.

A better question would be why everyone and their goddamn mother has white hair in this game
Seriously, it's fucking everywhere

Ishgard housing soon™

solus admitted to it being a lie in another cutscene, yeah
primals were just a good excuse to go to war but he never gave a fuck about any of it, he just wanted to sow chaos

because you save pictures in your communication devices meant to be used and enjoyed by subhumans with below room temperature iq

only 3 wards with 10 plots , small indie company pls understandu

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I'm liking the exclusivity.
Fucking peasant

maybe summoner should mind his own damn business

will the genesis gear be available for poetics come 5.0?

>realize belatedly her hairstyle is the same as the character she was named for

Too bad we'll never see it in game

I randomly got an Irregular Tomestone leveling and doing some dungeons today but I thought you couldn't get Tomestones until around end game? I'm only level 44.

>back to the game after a long break, know no one, on new server
>come back, someone I don't recognize says hi to me
>they're offline by the time I respond


they wanted to incorporate a puzzle room in each raid tier, but people didn't like it so they nixed it.

they're part of an event

New event

I don't understand the problems it isn't like anything will change. A skilled player is still going to do better than an average player no matter what changes happens.

Does someone have the picture of Urianger yelling out "though dost not payeth my sub?"

Didn't think I'd like the bunnies, but here we are. I'm not 100% sold, but at least I'm thinking about it. Certainly like them more than those shitty lizards.

Anyone else change their opinion after seeing the creator?

Attached: I didnt think Id like the bunnies.png (2128x1012, 3.65M)

The Pegasus mount from the event is from Diadem, right?

Give me blitzball, dammit!

Stupid question. I know that a while back one of the old jobs had a couple leveling weapons that were later used for new jobs so the models got replaced. But I dont remember what jobs they were

Like, pld used to have a couple rapiers, but when rdm dropped the pld models were swapped.

>Urianger is good. He gives you all of the cards *laughs*
He won't play favorite and gives all the cards to Alisaile, will he?


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How in the fuck do you guys make characters look this good?

how do you get bunny ears on elezen like that?

Use filters and effects. You're always gonna look like a ps3 game without it.

Looks like her IQ is 80

We fall?

Attached: ffxiv_01222017_160225.png (1920x1080, 3.68M)

>no swiftcast
Are they even trying???

I see now so I assume I can't start farming Poetics early like I was hoping?

Practice and patience.

No such thing in the benchmark. Just need to play on something better than a toaster.

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seconding this

Yea I'm sold on the viera. What's sad tho is that they don't have a 'one ear bent' option and also their bent ears aren't really floppy.

Attached: bunnygirls.png (673x679, 462K)

how hard is it to get empyrean weapons?

you're almost to 50 though, so Soon

>spread a critlo
>never have to do any more healing for the next mechanic

>people complaining about weaving in 1.5GCDS for new MCH
I don't get it, the only bad part of the original combo was double weaving mutliple times after cancelling your flamethrower to enter a overheat wildfire combo. How do people have issues with weaving in 1.5s?

very cringe

Super easy.

>One ear bent option
That would so easily be the tranny/special snowflake option and it'd look like complete shit

At least they'd be easy to spot

Critlo: Ignore a mechanic
Noct Helios: Survive a mechanic then heal once after.

Very few times is a Critlo needed to actually flat out survive a mechanic outright. Honestly its just for showing off.

and now people complain that raids are just glorified trials. People are never happy. One of the reasons I like BA so much was because it actually fucking felt like a raid, down to the difficulty not coming from the bosses themselves but the fact that you have so many retards that can fuck up the run with one mistake

They already are.

Call back emails are sent once every week.
You might get it either during the weekend or on Tuesday.
It took me a whole week and a half to get mine on the last callback campaing.

You're right, it isn't needed. But when it happens you just ignore healing for a while and do DPS instead.
Spread critlo was very, very powerful - and it sitll is.

Probably ping or animation lock

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holy shit is there any porn?

Nobody fucking called it LotA.

It was CT, Circus Tower, and WoD.

Do you have the one of all the primals and voidsent as delinquent schoolgirls?

wrong pic.

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What is the lore reason for the female viera leaving the forest?

Or it's just T3 was exceptionally fucking bad. Most of the turns and Alexander had a nice blend of both, T3 was just the fucking worst

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