Is there any established correlation between gaming and going bald?
Real Gamer issues
It's called aging.
Look it up.
the last dude hasn't aged at all
this thread will be pruned for e-celeb shit
Pissed-off Paco doesn't really look balding in your image. Mexicans actually tend to keep their hairlines pretty well, probably because their hair is thicker from genetics or something.
Who's that second guy?
Yes. More men are gamers.
Yeah but he's a chinlet instead. Probably worse than having to shave your head.
Normal men go bald, even celebrities that hide it with wigs and implants
>Full head of hair
>7 inch cock
>Strong Jaw
>120 pounds
I'm so close to Chadom but my weight and inability to talk to people is holding me back.
I'm 29 yo and I have thick and full hair. However I'm already 2/3 grey haired.
Would you rather turn grey while still somewhat young or go bald? I'd definitely keep my grey hair, but I'm curious about you fags
>120 6'1
gain weight lanklet
>185cm like literally how
that sounds anorexic as fuck. But tall thin guys should still attract pussy.
You can be the ultimate Chad and go bald, they do all the time and it's even accelerated by testosterone. Even that guy that plays Captain America has said he's relieved he won't have to wear a wig anymore and practically every woman in America would let him fuck them anyways. Balding being a bad thing is a meme and just is exacerbated by people getting it around the time actual bad aging shit happens like bouncing back from injuries slower or not at all
Balding is caused by having more Androgen Receptors (White and black people have the most) and DHT
Dutasteride or Finasteride (duta is the best) are ~$15 a month, save your hair or you'll have to shave it all off if you don't want to look like a joke
the big brain required to play video games for dozens of years eventually starts sucking energy from your hair
No, stupid, it’s just part of getting older. If your genetics dictate otherwise, good on you.
>b-but the Hollywood stars I see on social media aren’t bald
That’s because they’ve literally all had hair transplants. Get out of the house.
literally just eat more food
I am 6'2 and 200 pounds.
And I am not fat at all.
You must be a stick because even in my teens I was 161 at my lightest and I was very skinny with little to no muscle back then.
Well, as a baldingfag, I think I’d prefer turning grey even if it gives you the Reed Richards look. Just smoke a pipe and carry around a newspaper to look extra distinguished.
Captain Mutt was going bald? Kek
>Reed Richards
It's not as aestetic as that, he only has grey sideburns. I have grey hairs everywhere, but I still have some dark hairs, so I guess I have an ashy color.
Grey in a fucking heartbeat. Guys look fine with grey hair. Hell, it's even a type that some women look for.
I've been reversing my hair thinning by eating spinach, almonds, drinking mint tea and avoiding excess sugar. also don't wash your hair so much, like condition it so it doesn't smell like shit after rinsing it thoroughly in cold water and use shampoo every 2-3 days.
Is going bald
Did you not notice his increasingly ridiculous hair pieces?
I was having a receding hair line into my 30s....
It sucks because I am trying the comb over and it is a matter of time before it looks ridiculous.
That is what I get for making fun of my dad for balding.
If only I was as lucky as my grandfather who never went bald even into his 80s.
>6’2 and 200
Nah, no way you’re fat. I’m 5’9, 190 pounds and only slightly overweight. You’re probably exactly where you need to be.
Headphones make you go bald.
is there a correlation between videogames and pig-like features?
The BMI thing is kind of bullshit if you workout.
I packed on 20 pounds and kept the same waist line when I started to lift. I actually lost belly fat.
>Captain America's real-life alter-ego is undergoing a transformation he can't really control.
>"I have no problem saying this, but I'm losing my hair," Chris Evans told E! Online.
>The 29-year-old actor admitted he is concerned that his changing hairline could affect the film series, which officially launches with "Captain America: The First Avenger" next month.
>"The fear is this [role] can span 10 years, so I can be doing this character until I'm 40," he explained. "I'm supposed to be like this superior human. He can't be balding."
>"How horrible would it be if this superior man has male pattern baldness?" he wondered aloud.
im starting to lose hair but i dont give a fuck if im ugly i hate women anyway and friends dont care
James looks like shit these days.
Then again, he always did like pretty sweaty and disgusting.
>120 pounds
Lmao most chicks could pick you up, which makes you a quintessential soiboy
gray hair is refined and attractive with both men and women, you got lucky
Literally every man loses his hair
It WILL happen to you, teenage zoomers. Do you believe you're immune? Are you in denial?
I had white hair until I was 4 years or so and I'm secretly hoping I go white hair again in the next 5 years. Would rather go gray than bald to answer your question.
...humans play video games and humans are pretty close to pigs in a lot of ways, from their fat distribution, their body odor attracts similar insects, their skin is pretty similar to ours so tattoo artists sometimes practice on pigs, they taste similar to us...
>Same age
Nice reveal, lanky
Do you guys think my hairloss is something other than your run of the mill male pattern baldness?
My corners are going fast but i also am losing eyebrow hairs and eyelash hairs
I have no idea
I was kidding about the RR thing lol. Honestly, most people won’t even notice your grey hairs unless they’re actively looking for them.
Oh, I first started losing it when I was 24 or so. 26 now and we’ll into the process. It’s not bothering me as much as I expected, mostly ‘cause I come from a long line of bald roundhead Anglos, so I knew it was coming.
I’ll just have to do what my sister did, and marry a squarehead Scandinavian with good hair genes, so my kids won’t have to even deal with it.
"If one or both eyebrows are thinning, it could be due to infection, skin conditions, hormonal changes, or an overactive immune system. Nutritional deficiencies, physical trauma, or emotional stress can also cause diminishing brows"
Jesus, that’s worse than Ian McKellans wig in LOTR. Must’ve been torture wearing that dead animal.
I had to shrink the image quite a bit
He is definitely thinning in the horseshoe pattern, although he probably did it himself with all the hair gel and blowdrying
I think it's hard not to notice.
Friendly reminder that balding just means you have a healthy amount of testosterone any man should have
If you haven't started balding by age 25 you should consider going trans or save all of us the time and just kill yourself