>GoW: 10+ million sold
>Horizon: 10+ million sold
>Uncharted: 30+ million sold as a franchise
>Days Gone: .......
What did we learn?
>GoW: 10+ million sold
>Horizon: 10+ million sold
>Uncharted: 30+ million sold as a franchise
>Days Gone: .......
What did we learn?
>RDR2 17 million on PS4
>GTAV 50 million on PS4
That 3rd party sales better?
>as a franchise
I have a PS4 and you know what came with it? Uncharted 4. It's like the default game they pack in the box it's perfect to show off the PS4 graphics. The numbers are definitely inflated from system sales.
But GoW and Horizon were bundled with new PS4 consoles, right?
>caring about Rockstar normie games featuring generic tough guys doing generic tough guy things with some quirky side characters thrown in
How sad are you
>what did we learn
Just like how BOTW and Xenoblade sold millions, the average neurotypical loves movies and cinematic experiences.
Still more successful than any Snoy shit. No Wonder Sony wanted to throw all their first party developers out the window and buy them for 16 billion
You have to go back
Someone sounds triggered
Nothing to be triggered at my boy. Snoy can't make successful games
>cinematic experience
>replying to ACfag
If it's advertised everywhere so that anyone and their dog knows it exists it'll sell millions which is why they have marketing budgets far far larger than the amount of money going into actual development.
And Fifa. Don't Forget Fifa and CoD.
>source: a literally who
Isn't that exactly what Days Gone, GOW, Uncharted and Last of Us all are?
(You) get ONE (1)
>What did we learn?
Don't deviate from the formula. It's not about the uniqueness and experiences that video games can create, it's about standardized concepts that go nowhere new. Let others take risks and reap the rewards yourself. It's about the visuals and the mass market appeal. You only prosper if you cater and pander. Put the same old thing with prettier graphics and add an obvious oscar bait story and you have a winner.
What I learned is that Michael Bay has the right idea.
I'm sorry, I thought we were trying to avoid an industry full of pretentious cinematic experiences. Why are we encouraging it out of corporate bias? The slippery slope literally exists because of people saying "it's okay when my favorite company does it". That's how we went from horse armor to microtransactions and skinnerboxes. Is that what you want?
Ever notice how often ACfag shows up in threads about Sony to distract and whataboutism Nintendo? Really makes one ponder.
There's an audience for trash and they are hungry.
It's almost as if sony and MS are one and the same and, instead of being a blind fanboy who defends either, the patrician and idort choice is to point out both companies are greedy corporates who exist solely to make mass marketed sludge for the masses.
Also, I figured people would understand where I'm coming from if I use Yea Forums approved examples of why story heavy games are bad. After all, it should be easy to explain why I hate cutscenes in games, when the industry's standard for a cutscene is something out of Uncharted or TLOU.
PS4 for a shitty attach rate unless you're FIFA, COD, or a Rockstar game?
yet you hype up god of war, uncharted and days gone
but user, those games are good, remember? Games need story and narrative and a reason to play them. We can't just have a bland videogamey experience, we need characters with emotions and feelings to carry the game. Games like Pac Man and Tetris are bad for the industry because they're too videogamey, remember?
>acfag shows up
>shit thread gets worse
Trash and being stale as hell
People seem to forget what made gaming fun back in the day; local multiplayer, LAN Parties, fully complete games, expansion packs that add more content than adding it back in, multiplayer that wasn't filled with fuckwits that would ban you for "Being Toxic". Now its filled with wannabe movie directors and fuckers who don't belong in the industry and rather push narratives and instead of taking risks.
Also here your (You) Sony fanfuck
T. mid-late 90s fag who probably has better tastes than shitty zoomers