neo Yea Forums will defend this
neo Yea Forums will defend this
Anything that screws over EA and Activision Blizzard is fine by me.
your employers asked for this when they sold gambleing to kids.
OP is a faggot
It's not for you. It's for the children who have no self-restraint and chucklefuck parents who don't look after their kids.
get woke go broke you fucking degenerate
Been here longer than you and lootboxes are cancer
Video games is the least regulated market of almost mainstream media, and corporations are taking advantage of idiots and kids, thus ruining more games to further take advantage of idiots and kids, thus ruining it for the rest of us.
TLDR: You're a stupid faggot if you're against this, cut the partisan bullshit. /Thread
Will I still be able to buy loot boxes since I'm not a kid?
who gives a shit
OP, people in this thread, the government, the companies affected by the bill, and clearly you since you posted here. What a retard comment.
>posting the same thread over and over for attention
It doesn't even matter what you're trying to say, the way you're saying it is fucking annoying.
>lootboxes good
>let defend the thing that is ruining video games
I voted for Hawley
Fuck Claire aka Hillary Jr. and Fuck EA
Whoever hired you clearly didn't do any quality control
publishers had their chance to reign in the jewish practices
>people can't parent their own children so they demand the state to do it
worse than congress delegating all of their authority to the executive
After this bill passes, I will be looking forward to seeing the new ways they come up with to have us pay more money for less content.
this but unironically
ITT: OP is a corporate sheep/whore
Just like when the nanny state banned gambling, chemical dumping, and cocaine. This world is lost.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I get everything is just troll food these days but this industry for the past few years can really suck fat dicks
We already had this thread. Fuck off and wait longer before posting it again
lmao corporate shills BTFO
better start looking for a new job guys
This proves that videogames are for children
Loot boxes are shit anyways, but doesn't this just ban them outright? It's not like game devs actually know who's playing their shit.
>Yea Forums suddenly LOVES government overreach
What happened bros. Have we become literal gamer communists?
Fuck kikes, it's really as simple as that. You have to be a literal kike to be against this.
It is pretty fucked up how they encourage kids to get hooked on gambling though.
I could care less whether retards spend their money on this shit, it funds the developers to make a better game
>underaged gambling is already illegal everywhere
>push to ban loot boxes is just to ensure that the law is applied equally to new mediums as technology advances
>complaining about the lootbox ban and pushing for it's rejection rather than the repeal of underaged gambling
that's how I know you're a shill and not someone who actually care about personal rights or liberties. probably not even a fucking american too.
Dumb weeb
>restricting lootboxes to people +18
>government overreach
I look forward to all the money they wont make cause people are getting sick of their shit. Even normies are waking up to this, so bad that the "big dogs" like Activision and EA are bleeding money on projects that dont even break even. If they are so stupid to actually double down on being greedy cunts and charging people more for less content, it wont work out well for them. We might actually see EA die in the next few years if they go this route.
After this bill passes I'll be interested to see how it's manipulated to fuck over good games and small developers while large companies just shrug it off.
Follow up question: What's preventing kids from lying about their ages and purchasing lootboxes anyway?
I can only pirate so much you know.
And everyone knows piracy does not hurt sales.
Better if the state slows down retarded practices like lootboxes and any such gambling.
swathes of low iq low trust subhumans invaded here as well as the us, it's pottery
Partisanship is so ingrained into America, it matters more than actual ideologies at this point. No one cares what a politician thinks; all that matters is what their political affiliation is. Godking Washington was right.
>THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!1 (unironically)
The complete and utter state of what you have become.
This doesn't have any effect on consumers, only people hit by this are companies, so why the fuck do you care?
>Not trusting the government to know what's best
Politicians are much smarter than you.
the government is terrible at everything
>it funds the developers to make a better game
Except it literally doesnt? You're stupid ass mentality is what got us Battlefront 2. Go play in traffic.
ThisTo be honest by that logic half the games in an arcade are gambling machines
>Make loot box cancer illegal
>a bad thing
I'm surprised it took this long for the government to get involved. Connecticut has extremely strict online gambling laws.
>regulating gambling is overreach
ESRB had a job and it failed, and the government promised it would step in if they failed to self regulate, and seeing as ESRB allowed underaged gambling to go unrated and undeterred, so now the government is following up on its promise
>reaching into the domain of parents because they're lazy retards
>not overreach
Well, the government is an extension of you, so nice job, pal.
Good games that depend on selling lootboxes or p2w microtransactions weren't good games in the first place.
Lootboxes are objectively bad and deserve to be globally banned. Suitable penalty for having lootboxes in your game is the electric chair.
fuck up nier tranny
>idiots are ok with people gambling under 18 as long as they get to be mindlessly consistent with their agenda
too bad loot box money was never responsible for any good games. only more bad ones.
nah, cosmetic loot boxes that retards buy have no impact on the gameplay
they simply fund the developers to make more content
>doesn't have any effect on consumers
except those under 18?
>so why the fuck do you care
>degenerate self interested voting
another example of why democracy is the worst system of government, and the closer we get to it the worse we become
Intellectual property existing at all is GOOBERMENT, so software/media company shills can fuck off with their inconsistent lolbertarianism.
>children should be able to gamble and it's ok because it's in a videogame
>I could care less
alot less apparently
Yes, it fucking is overreach you mindbroken faggot. Your money your choice. Kids don't have money so if they buy lootboxes or travel to Vegas that's parents (adults) failing, as is their right. ESRB is fine since as far as I know it's a private initiative.
>Lootboxes good
>Polygons hitting each other bad
th.. thanks
>retards getting sucked into lootboxes is everyone being stepped on
or, just don't raise retarded children and do your job as a parent?
based as fuck
I don't give a shit about the children and terrible parents, but this would screw over big game companies terribly.
We need government overreach to protect stupid people from themselves
This is where we are now
Gambling is a sin you fucking heathen.
dumb ironic weeb
dumb faggot
>ESRB had a job and it failed, and the government promised it would step in if they failed to self regulate
Its like people forgot what the government's job is when it concerns markets, industry and a fair market/economy as a whole. Its literally their job to stop corporate overreaching like this.
they werent cosmetic spedlet
fpbp and fuck loot boxes
>doesn't smoke
>doesn't drink
>doesn't gamble
Uncle Sam always turns good kids into great citizens.
Shut the fuck up you literal Jew, nobody is buying your bullshit. Lootboxes don't just affect the retards who buy it, but the rest of us because it makes too much money and all the other game companies want in on it. At a certain point you NEED the government to step in because otherwise this shit literally will not fucking stop.
There's absolutely ZERO negative effects for this, unless you're a fucking Jew.
This is just a bunch of bread and circus. Banning "loot boxes" with vague language and rules won't do anything. Crate-and-key style random chance unlocks are still a thing, and the markets of these games are already saturated with the desirable "rare" items themselves. Kids will simply drop pure cash on the items (which is third party; developers don't sell the items), gamble them on third-party sites and continue to waste their mom's cash on an addiction. If you want to actually stop kids from gambling you would have to ban the concept of items or unlockables in games altogether.
They'll just be banned based on esrb rating.
>libertarianism is anarchy
surprised it took this long for a commie retard to shit out that zinger
Parents you fucking retard. What will gamers ask for next? Mass internment of children in government boarding school communities so all the kids get the correct and approved government education and upbringing?
Go back to your gachashit faggot
EA and other publishers were warned repeatedly that if they didn't ease up that the government would eventually get involved. They either didn't believe it or they didn't care, so let them reap the whirlwind.
This has been debunked countless times. The money goes to their pockets and if they feel like it, making more loot boxes.
It doesn't. It literally solidifies their hold on the market as they can no longer be undercut by free games that support their game through microtransactions.
where did i say lootboxes were good
>Blah blah overreach
Its their right to regulate commerce you fag.
the more money that developers make on cosmetics, the more they can develop content that you don't have to pay for
you must have forgot about dlc or paying for maps
the new system allows retards to pay for hats while I get new maps for free, seems like a pretty good deal
>weeaboos are corporate whores
Oh wow who could have guessed
Wrong. They simply encourage devs or publishers to make more content that you have to pay for that used to be literal "beat the last boss on the hardest difficulty" and get a cool skin. Imagine being such a fucking moron that you support this. Eat shit zoomer.
Hi Senator Markey. Yea Forums supports this. Keep up the good work.
k. bye now.
>Crate-and-key style random chance unlocks
If you mean stuff like TF2's crates those are also banned.
>This has been debunked countless times
really bizarre way of saying "I don't like it"
there are many free to play games people play for free because others are paying for it
The government doesn't have "rights" as they don't have power you don't give them. I know submission is the natural state of you, but that's only because you let it happen.
>NOO! I want AAA games to be shitty and monetized hellscapes so I can feel good about playing already over-priced indie games!
The same thing that stops then from lying about their age and buying 18+ movies or games. Nothing.
as always it's the weeb that has a fucking shit opinion
What'll most likely happen?
1) Lootboxes never being used again because "fuck 18+ games!"
2) Lootboxes staying and console manufacturers lift their ban on adult games on their platform?
We could have porn games on consoles if console manufacturer's greed is tested hard enough. I kinda wanna see if it goes that far desu.
According to what? Cite the line.
you piece of shit
>the new system allows retards to pay for hats while I get new maps for free, seems like a pretty good deal
Name 5 games that do this you fucking liar.
>but this would screw over big game companies terribly.
You mean those big companies that were around and successful well before lootboxes hit the scene? In the case of EA and Activision, these companies were also considered scum and making bank while releasing subpar games.
Are you a child, perhaps?
the interstate commerce clause is an open joke in the legal profession
it also doesn't inherently make it not overreach. If congress declares war on the entire world for no reason, is that not overreaching? It's legal
I was talking about cosmetic loot boxes in the first place
you changed the subject to make your shity argument seem relevant when it wasn't
cosmetic loot boxes and pay to win loot boxes are completely different topics retard
>it funds the developers to make a better game
shut the hell up nigger
As much as I hate loot boxes, I'm always wary of shit like this, I hope that they haven't snuck in some bullshit that reaches way further than just kiddy gambling.
True, companies will always find a way to make easy money.
>missing the point this hard
You understand what "manipulated" means, right?
I was going for how the ESRB thinks
if they include some kind of randomly rewarded prize in exchange for money then yes i guess they are gambling machines
a lot of industries want that sweet gambling moneys using psychological tricks without being actual gambling. see: trading card games. they're marketed towards people who have the same gambling gene that makes them vulnerable to real gambling.
Yup, at least with KT's brand of jewing you can just torrent a complete version.
CoD sales are laughable compared to 5 years ago, they are quite actually making most of their money off microtransations and the mentally ill people that actually support that trash. cope
It's a difficult situation to handle because, people here don't like lootboxes or whatever and the government is gonna regulate that, then people say it's overreach but then how do you handle it? You're just gonna tell the masses not to buy into this shit? How? Retarded kids, retarded people and retarded parents aren't gonna just not do something because it's bad, the only way to prevent them from being retards is to do something forcefully, but that's obviously a problem because i you're taking away the freedom of whatever. Of course it's bad parents doing awful parenting, they should tell their kids not to buy retarded shit online, but they wont parent them so what can you do?
Do you forcibly take something away for the "greater good" or do you keep your "freedom of choice" or whatever?
you must have a hard time resisting buying hats
must suck to be a retard
>as they don't have power you don't give them
Fortunately for me Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of our Constitution has, in fact, given Congress the power to do this. Don't like it? Change the fucking Constitution.
>IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘add-on transaction’’ means, with respect to an interactive digital entertainment product, a payment to the game publisher of an interactive digital entertainment product, an affiliate of the publisher, or any other person who accepts such payment for the benefit of the publisher, of either money or an in-game proxy for money,
such as a virtual currency, that can be purchased with money, that unlocks a feature of the product; or adds to or enhances the entertainment value of the product.
I'll give you five minutes to explain how this does not apply to TF2 crates.
It's entirely about the Children, because they're fucking spergs who don't give a fuck and neither do their parents, which in turn fucks everything up for the rest of us even if we don't support it. Doesn't matter how many people don't buy it, all it takes are a few retards to keep the business floating.
Frankly lootboxes should just be banned outright if you want my honest opinion. It's anti-consumer and peak (((Capitalism))), which has zero respect for the consumer and their hard earned money. Again, if you disagree you're a fucking Jew who needs to be gased.
>only bans it for children
May as well not even do it.
And who elects congress you absolute fucking dweeb?
*lines the pockets of the publisher
Are you stupid? Do you even like video games or are you just some faggot from the political part of the website once again infecting another board with your bullshit?
>hurr corrupt corporatism is good
kys, worse than a centrist
Nah they will just move porn games to a new age rating, ban that one, then lift the A rating ban.
>supporting EA to own the libs
which is actually a good thing as the more people buy cosmetics the more it funds the developer
Also, you asked me to cite it, and although I'm too lazy to put it in actual format it's page 6 of the PDF on Hawley's website.
There's a short segment afterwards that clarified this does not apply to stuff like expansion packs.
>kissing the boot to spite da joos
We do. Has almost nothing to do with what powers that that body can exercise so I'm not sure where you're going with this desu.
This doesnt go after cosmetic shit like CSGO AND OW
Let's be honest here. This is never about the children. Minors probably make up less than 1% of all gacha sales. No, the real reason is that Yea Forums spent their money and didn't get what they wanted while this 'politician' wants a way to cash in on the gacha money.
>wanting to fund EA
kys but unironically
The government is the biggest corporation of all, never forget that. And they’re the only corporation you can’t take your business away from. Anything that expands their power or reach into your life is typically terrible on face.
Having said that, any regulation which only impacts what type of entertainment is available to minors is of little significance.
which in turn funds the developer
oh are you suggesting that developers get none of the profit from their games
They aren't using this excess money to make bigger and better games, they are just hoarding it away in bank accounts
Gachaniggers on suicide watch.
good joke
You know it's going to be worded so vaguely that it's going to be a wide open back door for all kinds of pants on head retarded regulation.
why is it always an googly-eyed anime avatar
Fuck hats, I would love the for retards to stop funding these company's bullshit, but unlike you I live in a realistic world not some faggot fantasy world with an ideology and mindset that amounts to "hurr why is war/starvation a thing, imagine if we all just got along"
Sorry moron, this doesnt happen, and as it actually does realistically happen in the real world, retards ruin it for the whole, in this case its retards who buy lootboxes, and the idiots (you) who make excuses for them.
they play gacha, theyre brain rotted
>neo Yea Forums will defend microtransactions and lootboxes
>own the libs
It's got bipartisan support and the senator behind it is a Republican. Plus, one of the outlets against it is Kotaku. I'm surprised there isn't more /pol/ shit posting about this, to be honest.
user, Nexon's a primary example of why that's bullshit. Every week, new cosmetics are pumped out and the spaghetti code just gets worse. Servers are potatoes, community interaction is a joke, and upper management is corrupted to all hell.
cause its always a neckbeard virgin with zero life experience
i mean
all they have to do is put "you have to be 18 and older to purchase" on lootboxes
the whales are all young adults anyway
Shut the fuck up leftist
Literally just don't have additional transactions after purchase. It's not that fucking hard. If you get what you buy you are immune to this law 100 times out of 100.
Well said Natsuki-chan
Good. The videogame industry has become a shitfest lately with all this DLC, microtransaction, lootbox bullshit.
Get fucked.
what's wrong with funding one of the biggest game releases
you actually got it wrong bud I don't fund the developer by buying shitty hats, the large majority of retards probably including you that buy hats do
I just sit back and play free map packs
Show me any change in the amount of content that Battlefield, Call of Duty, or Madden has received.
>Microtransactions leads to more funding for games!
>Activision/Ubisoft makes less games a year than ever
just read every other post to see the pathetic defense
The problem is this language is way too vague, and game developer legal teams will realize it. But beyond that,
>an interactive digital entertainment product, a payment to the game publisher of an interactive digital entertainment product, an affiliate of the publisher, or any other person who accepts such payment for the benefit of the publisher, of either money or an in-game proxy for money
First of all, this can't even be applied to TF2 keys. The keys in that game (and others like it) are individual items. Crates are awarded randomly or may be purchased. In order to ban the sales of both you would effectively need to ban the sale of DLC or digital additions altogether; when you buy a TF2 key or even a lootbox you don't get, say, V-Bucks or a direct proxy for currency. You can an obtainable item that may be activated to transmute into another item. This bill doesn't touch on shit like that in any specific way, it refers to proxy currencies like V-Bucks (which is a set number of "points" to "spend", not an item you activate.) It doesn't even apply to lootboxes as a concept.
>old Yea Forums giving a shit about anything that wasnt video games
Old Yea Forums was literally chaotic neutral, no one gave a fuck unless you fucked with our vidya, not you have all these faggots bootlicking one political side so hard they've been bent over a dozen times
Battlefront 2 flopped, as the market dictated. Consumers didn't need the government to protect them from bad games.
I'd rather have freedom of choice. Lootboxes and gachashit are despicable but I'd rather have it there than to be told what can and can't be done. There's enough of that shit going around already
AAA shit will always find a way around it anyway. The only way to escape this bullshit is to somehow destroy AAA games and that'll never happen
there are a few examples of dlc being free when a games has a cosmetic funding system
I'm sure you could do like 5 seconds of googling
Because it's a shill, and shills know all about the "anime avatar" meme. So they find anime images on Yea Forums or whatever in order to blend in better
>unless you’re a fucking Jew
Nope I’m a registered libertarian and the state should not have its hands in the market like this
>Let video games become worse and worse without any kind of measures or else I'll cringe at you!
Fucking kill yourself.
They're going to define any game that a minor can buy, whether legally or illegally, be covered by this bull.
It sold 9 million. Less than projected, it did not flop.
Good, make a laws against gacha for children too because it's the same shit with an imaginary currency that you spend real money to get which is clearly just a loophole used to get around anti-gambling laws.
The issue is how this is going to be enforced since normies (like parents) need to know this shit is just gambling.
Yeah I guess you’re not a Jew, just a Jew slave.
>funds the developers to make a better game
Yeah, Battlefront 2 and Middle Earth: Shadow of War were clearly made better by lootboxes being in the game.
I don't care about the retards, nothing idealistic about that, they're going to waste their money on useless shit regardless, if it gets me free dlc I'll accept that and laugh at all you pathetic idiots that complain about it
Paternalism is retarded, quit wasting your own energy worrying about how other people choose to flush their life savings down the toilet.
I'm not surprised since Kotaku is trash owned by corporations and funded by advertisements. This should be a waking call for whoever believes in the commie conspiracy and other lolbertarian freedumb.
Which games do this and don't actively shit the bed over and over again? Last game I had an interest in that does this was overwatch because I was really looking forward to the comics and other media that'd come from it. As soon as the dough started to flow, they canned all of that shit. They only drip feed lore when they need context for skins and they'll arbitrarily gay bait SJWs when PR is about to take a hit (like canning the Heroes tourney scene, laying off people, or when making a basic mobile game). TF2's shit went down hill when they introduced lootboxes, single player game's balance get all fucky and are abandoned. When it starts it's basically 90% bullshit and maybe 10% genuinely used to help get the free shit paid for, but then that turns sour shortly after and they always go ham on the horse shit in the end.
>fuck my ass corporate daddy
fbpb, fuck the megakikes and fuck faggot shill op
>anons justification for the fact that congress isn't overreaching is citing the most abused part of the constitution commonly used to overrreach
it literally effects staffing in restaurants in bumfuck nowhereville because they use an ingredient from out of state
it's a fucking joke and so are you
Listen, retards. It's not that anyone disagrees that lootboxes suck the big one, but the problem is the precedence this can set. Today they ban loot boxes from games but what's next? Sexy anime girls? Violence? Swearing in MP? And it's not like the game devs are going to throw their hands up and go "oh well I guess we can't monetise our shitty games anymore let's just be nice from now on ^__^". No, they'll find something else and it will be years until the next epic congressgamer bans that.
Give government any power and you also create a desire for them to exercise it. It's literally a slippery slope.
No it makes games worse so you pay up.
T.Metal Gear fag who wanted maxed out FOB's in MGSV but threw in the towel on 100% as a whole after the fourth FOB requirement.
If the Market is fucking over the consumers then the state should absolutely have their hands all over that shit. Consumers should have proper selections and choices, not deciding which dick they want to get fucked with. Lootboxes are cancer & everysingle company is doing it because it's so viable. Ban that shit outright and force companies to engage in consumer friendly practices, period.
You're not fooling anybody you fucking kike.
>n-no my precious lootboxeeeeeees reeeeee
But it’s bipartisan you fucking retard
I appreciate how this post started out coherent but turned into sheer retardation toward the end
Friendly reminder that the difference between
Lootbox and gameplay for a vast majority of games is arbitrary.
Loot boxes are in fact just a barebones model of the game consisting of
>Spend small amount of money
>push button
>receieve shiny
Singleplayer "Gameplay" can be broken down to
>Spend $60 dollars
>Watch a short animation while someone is talking
>Push a few buttons
>Recieve shiny
The distinction one makes is entirely subjective, thus why would you want to hand off that power to someone who might have a different opinion?
Take Final fantasy, for instance. The vast amount of it's "gameplay" is menu scrolling on a timer after which you get a randomly generated reward.
you need the state. deep down you know it.
if only they banned anime girls then you fags could all kill yourselves off this site for good
He's talking about all the partisan posts itt smoothbrain
>Today they ban loot boxes from games but what's next? Sexy anime girls?
They already do that via the ESRB.
>Sexy anime girls? Violence? Swearing in MP?
This is already happening and muh gobmint has nothing to do with it, I say lootboxes can fuck off.
Isn't it weird how a bunch of woke socialists who spend their time crying about capitalism suddenly pivot to crying about the free market when their bottom line is threatened. It's almost like it's all just a huge larp and people falsify their preferences for social esteem.
Loot boxes are a scam and offer basically nothing. They literally print money and the return on investment is beyond insane. They exploit the worst of people with predatory practices. I hope it passes
Fucking moralfags get the fuck out.
>which in turn fucks everything up for the rest of us
hasn't fucked me up, not really sure what self evident truth you're referring to
>chuldren spending inordinate amounts of money for cometics is equal to anime tiddies
Kill yourself you 50 IQ retard
>This is sometimes used to facilitate gov't overreach
>So now its always government overreach
Sorry. Kotaku is a SJW agent! The commie overlords are trying to use it to overthrow the libertarian paradise of freedom to replace it with corporate marxism!!!
Steam has a store, you retard. In game items are a direct proxy for money because they can be exchanged for store currency.
Interstate Commerce was once used to prevent a man from growing his own chicken feed, for the sole purpose of feeding to his own chickens, on the grounds that the removal of his business from the market impacted the price of chicken feed which was being sold across state lines, and therefore interfered with interstate commerce.
The ISC is basically the hole that SCOTUS has permitted Congress to crawl through when it wants to thoroughly dick someone’s ass.
The ESRB isn't the government.
I disagree that this will bring back the vidya scare of the early nineties, but I respect that you have an argument and don't resort to calling people tranny commies
First post based post
if only they banned redditors then you fags could all kill yourselves off this site for good
This desu baka senpai
How instead we give failed parents the death sentence instead because they are the fucking problem.
And yet we need to do it because corporations can't help but fuck over consumers because muh profits. You get no say with how private corporations do things, so you need a higher power to make them bend over. After that, it's up to the people to remember what happened to choose representatives that won't try to exploit the ruling.
>still missing the point
>wanting to shit on greedy companies that care more about lootboxes than they do about games is being a "moralfag"
Based retard
Fucking this.
The majority of AAA devs are engaging in this lootbox bullshit because it makes so much money. There is no consumer choice, it doesn't matter how many people hate this fucking shit because a few sperg kids and whales can support the entire industry. At a certain point the government has to step in on the behalf of the consumer and put an end to the Jewish bullshit.
Giving the government more power or letting companies exploit people.
Who do you trust?
This is how capitalism dies. Shame on you all.
today it literally is in its entirety always overreach
You don’t see how that’s literally socialism? Do you not know how many ways things are sold that could be changed to be ‘pro-consumer’? “Hey guys let’s ban healthcare companies and have the government do healthcare because it benefits the consumer!” Idiot statists
Is there a more contrarian board than Yea Forums?
>wanting reasonable government oversight makes you a commie
why do shills keep repeating this awful argument?
>There is no consumer choice
There is. Don't buy AAA games if they don't appeal to you.
lmao have sex
>child doesn't understand the 3 way adversarial relationship between individuals, corporations, and governments and how you have to play the game and continually form and break allegiances with one of the other parties to give you an upper hand against the third.
These shill tears are delicious
nationalize the companies because I'm a fashie
And when that size 9 corporate boot is out of your ass because a size 12 government boot wants to take its place, you’ll get exactly 35 seconds to lament the stupidity of your decision.
Corporations are crooked, inhuman, amoral bureaucratic hellscapes but every single bad thing you could say about any of them is as true or even truer of the state.
>today it literally is in its entirety always overreach
No, not really.
I don't think you're necessarily wrong, but in this case I don't care. People will actually push back against them banning artistic expression, (even though AI is going to have a monopoly on that in about ten or so years) but no one is going to care if loot boxes go away except the people who pay for them.
Because EA is paying them too.
Keys are an item. In fact they don't just open crates, the community uses them as a form of trading currency. They are not V-Bucks and thus they aren't applicable to this law, they are closer to DLC legally. I don't know how I can make this any simpler.
good riddance to jew garbage
Yea Forums
>Communist, nazis... whatever, those words have no meaning nowadays, your post is just another proof of it
>there is no consumer choice
lmao what? literally every business model possible in games is being supported right now, what the fuck are you talking about? games probably have the most possible supported business models out of any industry
I like some free games supported by whales, you're just sperging without a shred of an argument
It's literally the government's job to stop corporate power abuse like this. You'd know this if you weren't a retard.
Ok retarded moralfag
there's that (((word))) again
Then maybe stop voting in jews into powerful positions and forbid lobbying.
Imagine being a kike right now
>corporate power abuse
Buying a product willingly isn’t abuse
>Today they ban loot boxes from games but what's next? Sexy anime girls? Violence? Swearing in MP?
All three of those are already happening thanks to corporations so fuck em
>"Whomst be thy quoteth?"
—me, 2019
yes it is, when congress writes interstate commerce laws they are virtually always going after behavior that is supported by interstate commerce, not actual trading between states
"the stream of commerce" is one of the most cited phrases in law now
So imagine being the President?
>A better game
Hahahahahahaha... I bet you were one of those kids that though that Santa is real until you were 14 years old
If you literally believe this then that’s how you turn America into Venezuela. “Look some ppl are homeless/starving this is corporate tyranny we need to provide homes and food and healthcare and everything else to all the poor people!!!”
vote with your wallet fags, gamers are so fucking stupid that they need the government to stop them from wasting money on fucking lootboxes
There are a number of things that qualify for an AO rating. Excessive violence, such as Manhunt 2 or Hatred already qualifies. Pornographic imagery also obviously applies. So does realistic gambling, such as Peak Entertainment Casino (as opposed to simulated gambling, such as the Game Corner in your average JRPG that uses in-game currency).
Quoting the ESRB, circa a 2003 publication " Any game that guides users in the real world application of gambling techniques, or enables a player to wager actual money, will automatically draw an Adults Only (AO) rating from the ESRB."
Obviously, the ESRB has failed in its regulations, and allows online gambing in the form of Loot Boxes, most egregiously in the form of games like CSGO or TF2 that can be indirectly exchanged for real money. This is clearly a point where a higher regulatory agency i.e. 'the government' needs to step in and fix the shit thats broken.
>virtually always
So I was right.
That's literally why state exists. To protect citizens from threat, malice and chaos.
For a Star Wars game with that much marketing, it was a flop, especially considering they heavily slashed the price when it was bombing.
The machine is only designed to run one way, it doesn’t matter who sits at the controls.
Wise up, user. All bureaucracies are the same; regardless of their stated mission, their actual function is self-sustenance. This is basic natural selection; bureaucracies that don’t prioritize self-sustenance over their stated goals stop existing; the rest don’t.
Fuck off. Cutd
voting with you're wallet does nothing
>yfw this kills the big ass publishers ushering video game crash
Please let this happen
>autist cannot into hyperbole
yes, of the thousands of interstate commerce related bills, a few touch lightly upon it directly, well done
If you went out of your basement for once, you'd realize that the freedom paradise only exists in political rhetorical discourse for weeaboos and inbred idiots and that the whole of society is already regulated and controlled by social morals, which are themselves confirmed by law. Laws going against social values are ignored and often not applied. And even when there's no law, there's a informal state by the presence of a mob (or mafias) ready to beat you down if you don't respect the city's customs.
Maybe you'd realize as well as the SJW epidemic in video games was orchestrated by companies because drama sells. The government official are okay with you masturbating high as fuck on anime tiddies while they bathe in money.
Voting with your wallet works. You just lost.
The only use of government is keeping corporate tyranny in check.
We'll worry about that when we get there. Right now Lootboxes are shitting up the entire industry & removing the choice consumers have.
Fuck that, let's get the government to force these AAA companies to play nice with the consumers or get their shit shut the fuck down. How about that? You don't need to be a parasitic Jew to make good money.
Shut the fuck up with that retarded shit. There's a difference between Capitalism and (((Capitalism))). Respecting the consumers money isn't fucking socialism. Being driven to make money is fucking, being a fucking Jew isn't.
And maybe there is an argument to be made for healthcare companies that are blatantly being Jewish as well. We can talk about that when the time comes as well. Again, stopping Jewish bullshit isn't socialism. It's being a fucking patriot.
Lootboxes are the meta and consumers have no say in the matter because too many fucking sperg kids and whales keep the practice profitable. There is no consumer choice with lootboxes. People don't really have a say in the matter because so many companies are doing it.
Voting with your wallet does fucking nothing when all it takes are a few mouthbreathers to keep the entire practice afloat. Hence the reason the government needs to step in.
if /pol/ was around when the government stopped child labour in coal mines theyd cry it was communism, cant win with these people
meaningless statement
me telling you to kill yourself is malice, should that be banned as well?
haha actually believing that.
Because constant government oversight in every arena eventually leads to a totalitarian "commie" shithole.
And through the nature of power, once you give it up, it's next to impossible to claw back, once the need has passed.
>Don't worry about stepping back, the cliff is 50 metres away.
>Don't worry about stepping back, the cliff is 40 metres away.
>Don't worry about stepping back, the cliff is only 10 metres away.
>Oops, you fell.
>voting with your wallet
>when whales exist
>vote with your wallet
I have and it doesn't work. But this is b8 anyways so fuck you.
don't fucking /thread your own post
lootboxes don't ruin games, games that feature lootboxes are already shit
retards playing shit games deserve their self-imposed poverty
don't give your credit card number to your stupid fucking kid
don't give your stupid fucking kid their own credit card
>vote with your wallet
We did, faggot. It didn't work.
It's taken ages, but Yea Forums has finally admitted communism is the answer.
>Its just hyperbole bro
Backpedal harder, fag. Nobody here is denying that the ISC clause is abused, but you're the only one who has claimed that it was always abused.
you can cry all you want but its happening
>he just reiterates his bullshit without countering any points
>calls others jews
lmao, very pilpul of you
>This is how capitalism dies
if only
Get fucked corporate shills.
EA will take the hardest hit from this.
>We'll worry about that when we get there.
Pissing your pants to stay warm is never a good idea
I won't.
I don't defend this but holy fuck the game industry fucked itself on this one. They got politicians talking about 'loot boxes', only possible if you fuck up in ways that can only be mythical in nature.
The problem is lootboxes can't be defeated without legislation. I only realized this today.
For every 10 players who bother to play FGO but never spend a dime, there's one guy spending enough for 100 of those players, if those 100 players had just spent $15 to "Unlock 5 servants" via the traditional DLC method. TouhouSniper spends like, $5k on FGO and he's not even rich.
The *only* way to take back our games is to just ban this practice. It's bad for the industry. It's like *clear cutting a forest* - you need sustainable forestry, or we won't have forests in 25 years. Same shit. This is exactly why we form governments.
So what would be your solution then? The common people at least have a say, no matter how small it is, in goverment procedures, but private corps can do whatever the fuck they want regardless of backlash.
>comparing forced labor to lootboxes
V-Bucks are actually more of an edge case than steam items, which are the most blatant form of gambling that could possibly exist. You can buy V-bucks, but you cannot sell or otherwise exchange them once you have them, they are an item you buy and not a real currency. Purchasable steam items are a direct proxy for currency.
An honorary Jew them
Why would you care if you are over 18?
>the child labor myth
banning child labor with support structures under it was and is disastrous for poorer children
they would rather work than die
Good. Lootboxes are literally gambling. No different to a slot machine.
Companies like EA and Activision knew this fully, and were just taking as much advantage as they could of this before the law caught up with them.
>market crash because of lootboxes
You’re retarded
Based as fuck
>Nobody here is denying that the ISC clause is abused
based retard
Everything you just said is verbatim applicable to the companies you're shilling.
the industry had their chance to self-regulate but the ESRB rotted from the inside and became corrupt instead. corporate developers 100% deserve this timeline.
>Fuck that, let's get the government to force these AAA companies to play nice with the consumers or get their shit shut the fuck down.
Why because their games don't appeal to you? Is that you, Anita Sarkeesian?
The problem is, publishers make the rules. Publishers will only fund shit games with shit mtx practices.
>Government is supposed to act on the will of the people
>Will of the people demands lootboxes to fuck off
yes, totally, having to work yourself to death at age 7 beats being able to live to 18 at the least
Reminder that government regulations are only bad when they hurt companies. They are great when they benefit them.
Federated collectives of freely associated individuals, but I don’t have time to teach you Proudhon and Bakunin. Just stop supporting the state’s claim to all aspects of your life on the grounds that you’re too stupid or lazy to protect yourself from predatory corporate behavior.
*doesn't play FGO*
heh nothin personell commiefag
Fucking commie fucks what the fuck is their problem let people sell what the fuck they want
Not really, you know what you're getting with arcade machines. Even the ticket based ones like the basketball games and such only give you tickets and you have to work to a specific amount to get something.
>double digit iq cant understand why this comparison makes perfect sense
Actually history shows that when you go full lolbertarianism against everybody you end up dead. Don't make yourself an edgy minority outside of the internet.
I don't know if you understand quite how bad conditions for orphans have become now that children are no longer able to care for themselves until the law is generous enough allows them to.
What is the budget for corporate shilling on boards? EA wouldn't be doing it if they didn't think there was a good return on this.
Like what retard
Corporations are people as well and they're far more important than neckbeard Yea Forums posters
based "muh free market" incel
>I did it but it doesn't work!
You are aware how it's supposed to function, right?
Companies need to make money, just because you stopped buying doesn't mean others did and just because something doesn't go the way you want, doesn't mean you should have the government stepping in.
They've been trying to get their claws into vidya for a long time and they finally found a way in.
There are still good games coming out and they make money. They are aware that people fucking hate lootboxes, don't worry.
>Video games is the least regulated market of almost mainstream media
Voting with your wallet only works if everyone is making informed decisions. Now tell me, how many people just see a flashy trailer and are told "there totally aren't lootboxes this time, we promise" and believe it. The industry lies and tricks people regularly. Then you have the media who are just glorified shills making sure that only the biggest games get attention and small ones are ignored. It's a battle of a few people who see through bullshit vs an army of mindless retards lied to on a regular basis. That isn't voting with your wallet if there isn't a fucking choice in the matter since all they have to do is dangle some keys and have millions of retards bend over for an ass fucking.
>Blah blah no arguments
Epic. Just admit you wanted to keep arguing over nothing after I first said that ISC is sometimes abused. Trying to deflect this fact by claiming it was always hyperbole is just pathetic desu.
is this you by any chance?
Does that mean if a game has a rating above E that it can still have lootboxes?
Hilarious considering how many proud NEETs we have who rely on government money yet they only cry about "MUH FREEDUMBS" when jeopardizes a Video game scam.
You niggers cling to this shit like a lifeline.
>live to 18 without food
elaborate, wise sage
It makes no sense because most micro transactions aren’t covered by this dumbass. Read the b
based starving red retard
That only works if the individual is strong, and the common American very clearly isn't.
I’m not concerned about retards wasting money on micro transactions.I was just saying that it’s fucked up how they encourage kids to get hooked on gambling.
>forced labor in mines as an exchange for real currency
>spend real currency in exchange for forced labor(grinding) in-game
The will of the people doesn’t matter. The will of the individual does. If some people have the capital to pull off a complex gambling monetizaton technique that benefits them and adds to the economy what’s the problem? Why ban it? “But muh children” isn’t an argument.
You don't have to play new games.
The game isn't the issue, the lootboxes are. You can try to label me as some SJW faggot, but if only you knew how wrong you are. Fuck tranny faggots and SJWs, I'm looking forward to Trump winning in 2020 so these degenerates all kill themselves. That being said, fuck these Jewish companies fucking us over.
Again, you have to be a literal Jew to be against this. Giving the consumer more choice and bang for their buck is always a plus, period.
"Vote with your wallet" is a fallacy. It implies everyone has a vote, when in fact a single person can vote 2000 times and the best you can do is refuse to vote.
your argument both ignores that the ISC is in fact being abused here, which you brought up, and amounts to pointing out the exception to rule as the rule
no, not sometimes, virtually all the time
no. everything under AO
fpbp. the seething ass rage of these companies is worth it
It's kind of strange how certain forms of gambling are ok for children, like packs of cards for instance
Wrong. You don't have to be informed to vote. You're also doing this dumb channer thing where you think you are sentient while others aren't. I'm sorry to say, but they are and just reached a different conclusion than you.
Next argument or better yet just give up.
The NEET population of Yea Forums has taken an absolute nosedive ever since Yea Forums and Yea Forums brought in normies with their fucking "its not a raid its a public campaign" bullshit.
No. Read the bill, it has a section for this. I'd copy and paste it but it's too weirdly formatted for me to bother
(You) don't need the goverment for banning anime girls, a lot of companys are more liberal than the gov
Then don't give the little shit more money to buy virtual garbage, you idiot.
> If some people have the capital to pull off a complex gambling monetizaton technique that benefits them and adds to the economy what’s the problem?
The problem is that it shouldn't have existed in the first place, keep that shit out of my video games.
>reeeee how dare you stop us from exploiting children
This is the face of any corporation. They don't give a fuck about children and they lack morals. Profit above everything.
I've long since come to believe that half of it is underage shitposters and the other half is actual corporate shill pajeets on a paycheck.
child labor is inefficient now so no, plus theres the whole massive welfare state underlying the modern non issue
Those are just as fucked.
In what way?
You aren't forced to buy their products if you don't want to.
As for "shilling" this ban only serves to strengthen those established companies. I find it absurd that people think banning lootboxes is going to hurt these big companies that were around and vastly successful BEFORE lootboxes showed up.
How is winding back the clock going to hurt these companies? If anything it's a tactic they've been forced to adopt as a result of competition.
More like
>please protect my children for me, nanny state
He said the truth