horde is the better faction edition
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Was hunter fun in vanilla
In terms of PvP racials, yeah without question. They're like absurdly fucking better.
But I don't like rep farming and like slapping rogues from far away. Sword skill is legit too.
Plus horde doesn't get dwarf priests.
Alright, I'm going to play a Dwarf healchad. Pally or Priest?
threadly reminder to ignore fury bro. He's pretty... stubborn
yes, its one of the better classes to play with
Enjoy majority of the players being zoomers and larpers who say they played retail vanilla but in actuality only experienced a fake version of it through a private server, you cunts.
>horde has better performance
>but I prefer Alliance races, aesthetic, and lore
Fuck, which do I pick?
Fury dps is by far the best, yes.
Raid damage is not very high on most fights, tank damage is easily healable by 2-3 healers on most fights. Why wouldn't healers deal damage on such fights to increase the damage done to the boss thus making sure he dies faster?
Jesus christ you are fucking stupid.
Why does it suck? Some pieces that are leather is bis throughout the game.
Demonic runes and major mana potions are good to have.
Clueless about vanilla confirmed.
probably the most fun class while having the most engaging metagame to master in pvp.
you're dps isn't good but you have easy leveling and you hard counter rogues so it's nice. You're also one of the few classes that can do DM gold runs when it comes out
bullshit, most of them didnt even play on private servers theyre just parroting what others said or what they deduced from watching their favourite streamer
Horde is better than Alliance.
Shaman is better than Paladin.
Tanks are fury specced.
Deep resto for shamans is bad.
Warriors are by far the best dps class in the game.
lol and here he is, right on time.
Personally I did play when it came out but I never had my own account I played on my Parents account so it was slow going got to level 45 with a Tauren Hunter and never got to raid, now that I'm in my 20's with my own account and shit maybe I can experience true vanilla
listen to your heart user
I have to be alliance because of my brother. Sell me on a race/gender/class/spec combination for healing from the alliance. The healslut thing doesn't interest me though.
enjoy never getting a single drop from any raid and getting constantly kicked out of guilds and groups
Beware horde niggers, I'll fucking kick your ass with my whimsical gnome mage. Walking around as a big, tough green hulk must surely be fun, right? Nope, not when I fucking destroy your subhuman ass. All you're gonna see is a fuzzy ball of pink hair and a pyroplast to your face before you beg me for mercy. Your orc warrior will be utterly cucked by a pink haired hobbit called Fizzlesprucket.
>better performance
fear ward
paladins in pvp
>implying I do anything in the game without my guild
No thank you, I want to avoid retards.
dwarf paladin because STYLE
as far as alliance goes, Dwarf is my favorite race to play paladin or priest on
also you could be a nightelf druid, which I think are a bit more aesthetic than tauren druids.
>I actually play horde tho
Fear ward is not a big deal and paladins are absolutely useless in pvp.
>my guild
>le pom pyro
yikes. tell me how that works out for you when I have earth shock, war stomp, grounding totem and grenades, tranny.
If I were to heal in vanilla it would probably be a paladin, the while mana refund on crit sounds like it would be really satisfying to gear toward and see pay off.
absolutely based and good taste
>healer in plate with a stun and root removal is useless
orc or undead rogue?
Undead literally just to spite the Orc nigger in this thread that won't shut the fuck up about MAYBE resisting stuns.
fr pvp was like the one place pallys excelled in vanilla.
I could only ever womp them on my hunter, they seemed to rape my warrior and shaman
The fuck are you on about? Paladins are the only viable healer in bigger fights.
If they raped your Shaman you were bad. I could understand losing on a Warrior though.
Going to be a sissy gay fem human paladin healslut so I can have smooth as butter runs in dungeons, and outheal priests in raids
>tfw no tank bf
Tie me to the bed, spit in my face, piss in my mouth, have all your friends rape and fuck me until I can't walk for a week.
I was enhancement, but that probably makes it even worse
>Alliance "lore"
It's literally the nu-humans of Storwmind (aka 0 lore) and their lapdogs.
Meh. If you were two handed you were missing a lot of armor. And smacking into Plate with a two hander ain't doing you any favours either. You would've performed much better against them as ele/resto.
I like hunter because its relaxing. Leveling is easy and fun and using the bow was satisfying
Orcs only have teabagging in their bm toolbox, undead also have cannibalize.
Friendly reminder that people who actually have been playing classic this whole time know that Alliance are the superior faction For PvE that is
Piss off to /vg/ already, god.
Imagine being this retarded
Threadly reminder to join the nelf priestess healslut master race, because sloppy facials > worthwhile racials.
>BC comes out
>both factions get each other's unique classes
>introduce 2 new faction specific classes centered around the new races
it could have been so good
If you beat Ragnaros on a min/maxed race class comb, congrats you followed a guide and did what thousands of other people already did 14 years ago.
If you beat Ragnaros the way you want, on the race you want, congrats you are an individual who enjoys beating video games with actual- and honorable success.
90% of the vanilla raid villains are connected mostly to alliance races
might have to try an ele shaman this time around...
only ever played enhancement because I was an edgelord when I was 14, obsessed with dual wielding and physical dps
Shamans were literally being turned into paladins for the whole duration of vanilla
Too much of a balancing issue.
What would have been the unique classes for Blood Elf and Draenei? And in top of that, the classes would probably have to be usable by at least one other race in the faction too.
Think of it this way. You're completely bypassing that massive plate armor mitigation he's got going on. It's why ele/resto does so well versus Warriors too.
>Not going Orc to trash the BP of every NE hunter/priest
Alliance is objectively better in PvE, due to paladins having the best single target heals and blessing of salvation
>expansion after expansion revolve around Horde characters
It's like Alliance was relegated to spectator, and the only time they matter is when they are helping the Horde out
blood elves could get spellbreakers. no idea for draenei.
female gnome rogue
>escape artist will let you rape mages, a class you will struggle against without prep
>autists get angry when they die to a cute gnome
>can become really small with consumables
>unlike humans or dwarves you won't have an advantage in 1v1s against horde rogues
>you probably have to go daggers becase
>no OP swords racial
>you are tiny so can't show off gear
Based retards who know nothing about vanilla.
>b-but muh bop
Easily dispelled.
>b-but muh freedom
Easily dispelled.
>b-but muh heals
Holy Light is too slow, FoL is too weak. Paladins can bubble once every 5 minutes, after that they are easily controlled.
Friendly reminder of the fact that meme specs are useless. No one is taking a Feral.
No one is taking an Enhance. No one is taking a Ret. No one is taking a S.Priests. Your job is to heal, and heal only.
Oh, and Fury Warriors? Get fucking dunked on. Blizzard confirmed your Private baby servers had busted hit tables. Put on that shield and tank, little bitch.
Furthermore, rolling suboptimal races is inexcusable. Stop holding yourself and everyone you play with back. It's not 2005 anymore. We know what's the best now, and there are zero logical reasons to roll inferior race/class combos. If you do, please roll on a RP server so no-one will have to deal with your shitty choices ok? Ok.
blood mage and a cosmic paladin
Can that one guy who posted all that good phase 1 shaman gear report it? I need that shit
that's because draenei should have been pandaren all along
Alliance is objectively worse. Horde is much better than Alliance in PvE due to windfury totem, not to mention all the other benefits horde gets over Alliance.
Uh, no. Not even close. There's a reason why every good raiding guild on private servers is alliance. Pally is way better than shaman.
But I stiiiiill...haven't founddddd...my class in WoW
>you are tiny so can't show off gear
This sounds bad until you realise that showing the enemy what sort of gear you're wearing is a disadvantage in itself. People will run if they think they're outmatched. Suppose it's not as much of a factor on rogue though.
>Horde is much better than Alliance in PvE due to windfury totem
have fun pulling aggro from the tank because you did too much DPS
metzen probably got bored of classic high fantasy races, horde were more original at that time when every fantasy game was just 100% tolkien lore
Imagine being this autistic.
go on, name something else
>tremor totem is complete shit compared to fear ward
>paladin buffs help every roll
helm (tailoring BOE)
neck (Balnazzar STRATH)
shoulders (fineous BRD)
eagle cloak (archivist STRATH)
chest (emperor BRD)
wrists (voone LBRS)
gloves (baron STRATH)
waist (ok'thor BRD)
legs (omokk LBRS)
feet (stonespin STRATH)
eagle rings (emperor BRD)
trinkets (rend + jed UBRS)
weapon (Gandling SCH)
shield (EPL quest)
>There's a reason why every good raiding guild on private servers is alliance
Like which guilds? There are no good alliance guilds.
The best private server guild, that has been the best for a long time, is Horde.
Horde is simply superior, paladins are extremely lackluster compared to shamans.
Tanks play fury and also have windfury, your argument is invalid.
Horde raid dps is higher than alliance raid dps.
Alliance is so much better. So much so that you can get away with going Feral Cat(if you go full autism and farm Gnomer all Day) Simply because imp.BoM and BoK are OP, while SoE totem is fucking sad. And Melee wants WF totem.
>friend and I want to level together
>both of us want to play warrior
what healing class had the most healing bubbles in vanilla
Bubble is the single factor that makes paladin the best pvp healer.
All other healers die immediately when they're hit with a sword and a dispel, paladins are guaranteed to win a single fight every 5mins.
>Tanks play fury and also have windfury, your argument is invalid.
>Horde raid dps is higher than alliance raid dps.
Should anyone tell him?
literally the only "bubble" in vanilla (from class spells/abilities) was power word shield
Just have a friendly wrestle with him and the loser becomes the healer!
Can't wait to buttfuck edgy horde tryhards as a NE hunter. Watch your faggoty-ass backs.
>Alliance is so much better
Yet all the speedrun records are held by Horde. Yet horde raid dps is much higher than alliance raid dps. Really makes you think huh?
Horde is mathematically better than Alliance.
I made a shit tank spec similar to this. This wasn't for leveling.
i heard that healing back then was a lot harder than today. honestly, that kind of disappoints me. when i play WoW today i like doing healer sometimes because i find it kind of soothing just to stand back and make sure everyone is healthy. I like playing as a healing shaman or druid
Bubble is 12 seconds of invulnerability every five minutes. that means for 4 minutes and 48 seconds the paladin is useless.
Paladins are not a guaranteed win to win a single fight, no. Clearly you have no experience of high end pvp and it shows. There is a reason that people in the WSG tournament for example always wanted to go Horde, they are simply better.
Friendly reminder that ur a faget
>Viable but suboptimal
-Cat DPS
-Bear tank (trash / adds, not raid bosses)
>Barely viable with autistic amount of effort
-Shadow Priest
>Not viable, brings nothing to the raid that a healer can't
-Ret Paladin
-Enhancement Shaman
-Elemental Shaman
I appreciate what you're doing, diverting all the retards to horde and all.
jesus what a horrible spec. how does anyone think is is good in any way? i would love to know
That I am right? Sure go ahead.
If you want to achieve absolutely nothing in PvE? Play Alliance all you want. If you want to get good individual dps rankings and do speedruns properly? Go Horde.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Alliance is just simply better for PvE in vanilla, there's no debating it. Horde is better for PvP
depends on what you mean by bubble. priests have power word: shield, an absorb shield. paladins have divine protection, a self-immunity, blessing of protection, a physical damage immunity for yourself or teammates, and divine intervention, a buff that makes a teammate invincible but unable to act by sudokuing yourself.
>Basing the better faction on speedrun records
You said "better", not "more autistic"
go ahead waste your time, that guy shits his fury autism into every classic thread
druids have cenarion ward, right
Jesus Christ you are delusional. Please stop fucking posting. People used to bitch at Blizz endlessley about Shaman vs Paladin for raiding. Paladin is far superior to Shaman for raiding. It's not even fucking close, retard.
Hell, your precious Fury Warriors are better suited to be Alliance due to BoS. Imagine being this much of a dumbfuck.
You fail to address the fact that other healers are useless all the time, since they just keel over when focused by 2 people. Paladin is the one class that has some guarantee in not dying.
Every team in the tournament had to play both factions, not sure what you're on about there.
BFA is that way, zoomer ---->
does anyone else hope they eventually release the expansions as basically single player, kind of like ESO today?
>You fail to address the fact that other healers are useless all the time, since they just keel over when focused by 2 people
literally every class in the game "keels over when focused by 2 people" you fucking retard
I approve of this message.
it wasnt harder in classic, you just had moments where you had to pay more attention, 90% of your healing time you can just relax. if youre having trouble just use add ons
no. druids have barkskin, self-only.
Yes, except a paladin with a bubble.
cenarion ward is a fun ability to use
No problem. You're gonna wanna run with this build until Phase 3 when you can get your 3% spell hit cap entirely from gear.
Either have the 3 points in Healing Focus or shift it to Ancestral Healing for extra armor. Just consider diminishing returns on armor. When you get the 3% from gear you can drop the point in Nature's Guidance and shift it to Healing Focus so you have 56% chance to avoid pushback as opposed to 42%. If you're willing to sacrifice 1% crit on CL, LB, LHW and HW you can even make this a 70% chance.
Eye of the Storm mitigates this completely if it procs and works for both healing and damage spells. I'm kinda worried about getting cucked out of a proc and getting nailed by something. There's also spells knocking your casting back to consider as well.
healers are the easiest and least-stressful role in vanilla raids, you literally just bind your main heal to right click on raid frame and spend the whole raid playing whack a mole
consumable costs are super cheap too since for MC/BWL literally all you need is major mana potion and nothing else
all these retail babies rolling shaman about to get a rude awakening to just how badly the class was designed in vanilla. best of luck in pvp or pve
You realize how retarded you sound right?
Horde is mathematically better than Alliance, do you understand the implications of that fact? It means that horde warriors and rogues can deal more damage than their Alliance counterparts and there is nothing they can do to change that.
Horde is better for PvE that is plain fact. Every single DPS record is held by horde. Every single average dps rank is held by horde. Every fastest speedrun is held by horde. The highest raid dps records are all horde.
Alliance is simply weaker and that's a fact.
I have no friends, is it wise to join a Yea Forums guild? Will there even be one?
autistic loser, honestly i'm surprised you're not playing alliance as you'd fit in perfectly with the welfare monkeys
reminder that WoW is about the journey from 1-60 and doing stupid funny shit with friends
why are orc hunters so kino? something about the race/class combo is just so great.
improved shield block should only ever go to 1/3, the extra talent points are actually wasted.
salvation is better in pve because threat and aggro management is a real thing
also, alliance racials arent bad in pvp. horde are the inferior faction because paladins are infinitely better than shamans in pve or pvp
It's a perfect build because it has everything.
You can be my friend you're a girl
I just quit playing on pserver. The hype is over, this game is like osrs for blizzdrones. It's simple, boring, and even more buggy, unfinished, and poorly balanced.
This game is dumb. MMO's are dumb, fuck you faggots.
>all you need is major mana potion and nothing else
Some demonic runes might help.
Better, as in horde has higher raid dps than alliance.
Paladin is not superior to shaman in raiding, why? Windfury alone increases a warriors damage output by 20% flat. Paladin has nothing to counter that.
In addition, shamans can give warriors strength, agility and threat reduction totems while being excellent healers. Alliance simply can't compete.
BoS is not a big deal, horde raid dps is higher than alliance raid dps, that's a fact.
>other healers are useless
Imagine being this clueless about vanilla pve.
It's because the orc model (particular the expression on his face) actually looks like the person playing the hunter
Threat aggro management is a real thing, yes. Horde tanks play fury and they have windfury totem. Horde dps warriors have 20% threat reduction. BoS is not better than windfury. Horde racials are superior in PvE, blood fury alone beats everything alliance has to offer in terms of racials. Shamans are much better in both PvE and PvP than paladins.
stay away from any "chan" guilds for fucks sake, its the worst kind of people that browse Yea Forums, nobody sane would ever admit to browsing Yea Forums when they arent anonymous, much less be proud of it
Druid healing is probably the most chill raid experience possible. Nobody expects you to top the charts and you don't even have to resurrect people after wipes so you can go to the bathroom/make a sandwich while everyone else gets everyone back up and re-buffs lol.
Join us, animeposter.
Yeah sure. And then I get you to 10% HP in three spells, force you to bubble and reset on you when your gay bubble is gone and win the fight. Do you wanna actually pvp or something? We can test this right now.
>wanting to join a Yea Forums guild
it's really amazing how pathetic you are
>escape artist will let you rape mages, a class you will struggle against without prep
Yeah but what non-prep specs compete with prep specs? Prep is just that fucking good because the most broken thing about the rogue class is the disposability of cooldowns. Escape artist means you don't have to think hard about sinking points in combat for improved sprint.
>you probably have to go daggers becase
>no OP swords racial
Yeah that OP extra white damage in pvp. The fuck. It's stoneform, bloodfury, and WOTF that's hot shit.
t. seething palacuck that needs literal hour long cooldowns to even compete with any individual shaman
Nice blessings cuck
Warlock, Priest, Druid or Shaman? Played warlock back then in vanilla, priest later on. Not sure if I should just pick the same. I wanna do raiding, pvp isn't that important for me.
My god. You are either trolling or really fucking autistic. Have fun with your 20% extra damage on your dead Fury Warrior, retard. He's gonna pull aggro and wipe the raid. Also, you want your Resto Shaman to cycle trough three fucking air totems constantly while also healing all the time? Topkek. He'll be OOM in a fucking minute. Which, BTW, is fucking impossible for a Paladin, since they basically can't go OOM. Are you really this fucking dumb? You obnoxious fucking rat.
>the most interesting healing class wont even be in the game
I don't even care about "gitting gud" at pvp or ranking
I just want to spam Blizzard at chokepoints in AV all day.
This is how you sound.
not everything is about pvp
if you're in a semi decent guild then you will be forced to go daggers because they'll prio humans on Viskag and CTS while gnomes/dwarves get perds/CHT prio
nigger what
Shaman to dab on the palacucks in this thread.
where do you find a guide/gear for other classes?
I'll have it. WoW is still shit though.
one tricky ponies on suicide watch
Maybe try asking in this discord discord.gg
I came up with this shit myself.
>Horde tanks play fury
>nigger what
Not him, but lining that up with DPS trinket and Cold Blood is some nasty Burst. I'd rather het WoTF personally though.
so if I go priest do I basically never get to 1v1 pvp? I never played wow so I’m used to easily swapping weapons in ffxiv
You have no knowledge or experience of high end pve as horde and it shows. No the fury warrior will not take aggro and wipe you fucking retard.
You don't know how high end horde pve raiding works, yet you sit here and argue against it. Shut the fuck up and stop posting you clueless retard.
reminder that mob stats on the pservers are completely fucking wrong, parry on raid mobs is 30% of what it should be on vanilla. that's just one example but it has huge implications for threat management and tank survivability. the classic raiding meta will probably look less like pserver autists and more like the actual good guilds who had actual world firsts on retail
>It's not 2005 anymore. We know what's the best now
What's changed though? We still "knew" that back then in 2005, just with conventional wisdom instead of facts. A hybrid class that can change their role by just grabbing new gear can't be as good as a class dedicated to one role. There would be no point in playing a railroaded class if that weren't the case.
Horde tanks are fury specced, what is so hard to understand?
Only someone retarded enough to play alliance would play protection as tank.
A shadow priest is a 1v1 god.
you clearly don't know either because your entire knowledge is based on flawed private servers. fury warriors were not dominant in vanilla, the best guilds did not even use them when clearing naxx horde side
>Suppose it's not as much of a factor on rogue though.
Nah go watch world of roguecraft, specifically the part where the guy kills grand marshal players naked with a worn dagger. A lot of those fights you can tell they aren't taking seriously until they realize they are below half health then they spaghetti and die. It's hilarious.
but I heard respecs in vanilla were super expensive and you should level as a holy priest
shadow priest is one of the best 1vs1 classes, what are you talking about
> Discord
>that's just one example but it has huge implications for threat management and tank survivability
It doesn't have huge implications at all.
Tank survivability even with higher parry is not a problem, because tank damage isn't very high in vanilla on 95% of the fights. Threat management is really a non issue regardless, so it doesn't change anything on that part.
The classic raiding meta will be what it has been for years, class stacking.
Which alliance mage spec/race/gender shall I be? I'm only thinking about PvE.
I don't care, in fact no one cares what anyone did in 2005. We live in 2019, things have changed and clearly you haven't changed with them. Stay in your 2005 mindset you fucking monkey.
> Horde dps warriors have 20% threat reduction.
lmao so wrong
>BoS is not better than windfury
double wrong
dwarf priest if you want tons of easy friends and invites to everything
Dwarf pally if you want to disappoint people