Why do scrubs love spamming this move online? getting those break attack punishes is only fun for so long
Why do scrubs love spamming this move online? getting those break attack punishes is only fun for so long
RE was kinda designed as scrub crutch because 3D fighting games have so many moves and strings to learn, so it's understandable.
Fortunately waaay less useful at higher levels
its annoying but kinda cool too. how would you fix it? i'd like to see it be one round only with a disadvantage for the RE user.
Just side step
I'd remove grab armor and super armor, shit on the damage and nullify the meter building, aka useless, scrubcore out of jail free card from getting pressured by talim or siegfried
I wish that when you got hit by this shit you would just take a flat amount of damage instead of getting put into a stupid rock paper scissors cutscene.
redpill me on mi-na
You're open
Because it’s the easiest way to try to gain back control when the enemy is trying to overwhelm you. Thankfully, it’s very easy to punish it if someone decides to spam it like a retard, so I’m not too mad about it.
This. Breaking the flow of fights in Soulcalibur is retarded
Honest gorilla
It's easy to punish but forces the game to be string, break attack, string break attack, it's not fun and when you try to break the cycle you get put in the cutscene, probably just remove the cutscene and make it use meter instead of building it, that's how I'd fix it
I think RE is in a good spot right now, honestly. I would just make it stop ignoring throws.
Speed up the minigame. They can't take the minigame out without needing balance adjustments, but they could make it faster. If it only took 3-4 seconds for the full 2 rounds I'd have no complaints about the mechanic.
>It's easy to punish but forces the game to be string, break attack, string break attack
What? Nonono. BEs are the most obvious counter, but the more effective and commonly used approaches in high level are using RE-safe strings, or simply moving. It encouraging movement is great.
Literally just make it stop being unblockable
I want RE to cost meter, not build it. I'm fuckin tired of that mechanic.
And I'm tired of the ranked shitter game mode where they just RE until they get enough meter to do random raw super which lands because they've just been getting A+B fataled over and over again and it takes like a hundred years for the stupidass fucking gay turd idiot cinematic super.
I want cinematic supers to stop existing and I want it now.
When's Setsuka?
>cinematic supers
Even DoA suffers this now. If VF6 ever happened it would also have them to please the casuals that like flashy shit
>It's the only way to build meter
>Your opponent has to guess just like you
You can do this if you catch them in the air or they are on low health.
There is a point where supers can only be used as enders anyways, since most of the supers leave you minus on block or can be parried pretty easily. I know beginners rely on them heavily and its a trap to fall into, especially considering certain routes can lead to the super scaling badly.
>It's the only way to build meter
But that's not true at all
They also nerfed its meter build and guard stamina usage
It helps them win against lowbies but if they try it on anyone at medium comptency and above, they'd get dismantled hard.
Stop mashing.
They get dismantled but it's so fucking annoying and un-fun, I wanna lose with pride not win like a bitch to be quite honest.
i love it when she flashes her panties. and when you lose, its even better.
Then don't rely on RE, you'll git gud faster that way
Just look at it as live practice for guard break combos.
Is it too late to get into SC6?
pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten
hope only brings disappointment
Nah, DLC still coming and we're most likely getting season 2. Still pretty easy to find games on PS4 and NA PC
What's the better platform for it between those two?
It's hard to actually say which is more active in NA since ps4 doesn't give player numbers, but it might be ps4?
But the PC version has mods and slightly less input lag.
>fight ends up being decided on rock paper scissors
literally just guard/step
people forget you can do that shit in RE
Siegfried players are subhuman.
Don't forget nightmare players
And mina players
And ivy players
And yoshi players
And amy players
And 2B players
And talim players
And maxi players
And zas players
I'll give you all of those besides Nightmare.
Everything except Voldo is faggots
>that parrying
Whew, if only the game was cheaper, I would pick it up.
What's wrong with him?
>tfw astaroth main