You're still mad about it, aren't you
You're still mad about it, aren't you
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I wasn't never mad, but her direct video animation and Etika's reaction to it was pretty cringe.
>King K Rool!
>Simon Belmont!
Nah, im happy to see banjo and genoniggers suffer.
Not really, I knew she'd be in. But they dun goof'd by putting all the exciting characters first, like Simon or Ridley.
That mouth was made for fucking
At least she's not a lazy clone like pic related.
>Same moveset and stats
>Uses a blue toad instead of a snifit
>Final Smash also uses SMB2 music instead of the music from the canon game she's actually in
No because it's a neat addition.
i am, fuck sakurai and his retarded choices
Why did this shitty dog get in over actual popular characters like Isaac?
No, relevancy means shit
i didn't give a shit like a functioning person would
no, she's one of the characters i have the most fun with
>the only time anybody mentions him is during Smash season
Only thing I was mad about is how long it was getting to get to the fucking point even though it was completely obvious as to what it was actually going to be.
Incineroar still drives me mad, de-hype, aesthetics and gameplay wise. You can't even get satisfied beating the crap out of it, it's just that bad. Ken was pretty meh, but I easily accepted him, as well as Isabelle and others.
I don't think Binding of Isaac is getting in Smash
Dead Space is a dead IP, bro
She's a fun character only rosterfags hate her
Why would I be mad that my main got added?
>Isabelle not popular
no because she got more porn
they tried their best to kill the hype for this game with incineroar and isabelle being back to back
Legitimately couldn't care less. Generally uninteresting, harmless trailer that was basically there just to reveal that Animal Crossing for the Switch was going to be a thing. And I guess she sucks or something? I don't know, I've never played as her or Villager.
If you want to talk about lazy clones at least mention ganondorf. It still pisses me off they gave him a shitty sword and said "yeah, that's fine"
I'm mad she sucks
I loved it, and I never even played a AC game.
The amount of butthurt she generated was well worth it, and her being fun to play is just icing on the cake
Dumb fattie.
Holy cringeola! Take a shower, brush your teeth, go outside, have sex, and get a clue
Richter is worse.
Since when was Issac popular? Golden Sun isn't even the most popular GBA game or GBA RPG since FF Tactics, Megaman Battle Network, and Fire Emblem overshadowed it. I grew up around that era so I should now.
I'm still turned on by it.
If they added Ankha instead? Yea Forums would celebrate. Even though she's a shit character FUCK YOU!!
>Replying to everyone who even opposes
Pretty sure I do more than you do.
>Etika's reaction
I'm so sick and tired of hearing or seeing this loser spammed everywhere on Youtube. Anyone else? Fuck man, Youtube needs the ability to block or filter certain tags like "Etika" because this obnoxious bastard is worse than PewDiePie.
>all isabelles on quickplay are free af
i was at first, now im laffin
this is the gayest post i've seen today
No at all since I expected her to one of the likely ones being in, especially when echo fighters were going to be a thing in the game. Though to my surprise she isnt an echo fighter.
That aside, the only people pissed by this were faggots who always spammed their never evers. The kind who also lacked the common sense to think Smash wouldnt add another pokemon during a generation that was shilled out the ass.
The only thing that’s mad are Gannondorf players
Is she a giantess here or something?
Might not be as popular but gs is better than all of those
>incineshit, plant and isatrash are all low tier garbage
it feels so good.
Imagine defending shit dog
This, fix her fishing rod, it's outclassed by every other grab in the game now.
>literally replaced Tom Nook and K.K. as the face of the series
that's not defending her, it's a fact
Cope and seeth rosterfags
>Love Animal Crossing to death, can’t wait for it to hit the Switch
>Main Villager in Smash 4 because of game loyalty
>Isabelle gets announced for smash, most people don’t fucking care but I do because more representation for AC
>Pick Isabelle up day 1 of ultimate
>Shitty clone, watered down version of Villager with worse projectiles, buggy as fuck, complete waste of character slot
>Villager and Isabelle now rotting in D tier for months
>3.0 comes, Villager scrapes out but they fucking gut Isabelle’s best move (side b)
>Nobody fucking cares about Isabelle or Villager anymore so theres no way theyll get buffs in the future
>Incineroar still drives me mad, de-hype, aesthetics and gameplay wise
Incineroar is the most fun Ultimate character besides K.Rool and Inkling. Stay mad, cuck.
good, fuck animal crossing
>he gets mad over video games
Yup. Doesn't even seem like anybody plays as her. She definitely feels like Villager 1.5 and I can't help but feel like she was better suited as an echo fighter.
I'm not mad that she's in, I'm mad that she has her own character slot instead of just being a Villager echo.
The whole "echos" thing has been handled really awkwardly. Some echoes are 99% similar to the original character, and others are really different.
But nah, I'm more angry over plant and the faggots like that it spawned. "LE HURDUR I LIKE PLANT BECAUSE IT MAKES PEOPLE MAD XD XD XD" and such.
>Nobody fucking cares about Isabelle or Villager anymore
Fags and memers play them online. They get absolutely destroyed, though.
>cleaves your pinus with her one (1) disgusting giant tooth
wowie zowie!
Echo fighters take up hardly any dev time so it's not really a fair comparison. They're designed to be quick clones as oppose to Isabelle who just feels like a boring semi-clone.
Shadow deserved to be in, no excuses.
Why the fuck did we get shitters like Daisy, Chom and Dark Samus? Shadow is much much more popular than those and has been more important to the plot compared to these characters.
Sakurai is a fucking hack, You too Iizuka
Shadow exemplifies the worst traits of Sonic in the 3D era
best thing is, that all these saltfag characters are low tier trash.
To be fair, over the past couple months the guy went insane and is killing his own fanbase by revealing his full powerlevel.
i hate how sonic plays, i wish he got in.
Based dog.
Honestly, I still don't know why she isn't an echo of Villager. She's basically the Chrom of Animal Crossing, isn't she?
Pretty much, yeah.
>low-tier garbage, worst heavyweight in the game
>also low tier due to being slow and superheavyweight
>random fuckin' plant that nobody was asking for
>again with the low tier
Ironically enough, PP kinda fell short after a while. But now Nintendo's pushing the plant for tennis, which might temporarily boost its fame a little bit more before everyone gets tired of it ala Rosalina and wittles down.
>posting on a board about video games >getting pissed at people for not liking things about video games
Good job retard, you called out someone for not liking something in a game, what are you doing here going out of your way to shit on him for, are you gonna think your superior at the end of the day solely because you shat on someone’s hobby, because if so, you’re just as subhuman and shit as the people you’re making fun of.
i wish chain chomp got into smash instead of plant
>Defending literal skin swaps because muh dev time
The point to Dr. Mario, Ganondorf, Lucas, etc. was for them to have altered movesets and make them original. The new echo fighters bringing back this moveset copy/pasta just defeats the purpose of what they were trying to do.
I wasn't mad. I was happy since I like Animal Crossing and the new game on the Switch was announced with that video, and I like Isabelle so I was cool with her as a new Animal Crossing rep.
I'm not angry anymore, but I still hate her
Did people actually want Peri and the #FE girl in or are you just shitposting? I don't follow these underaged roster threads.
I'm still waiting for the Yeti, Popeye or Raptor from Carnivores 2 to join the roster.
PP should have been a group of enemies from the original SMB fighting as one
Yes, at the time. I got over it, pretty much.
You forgot K.Rool too.
Pretty much every Ultimate newcomers are mediocre at best anyway.
Never was only cared for the porn
They should have put Ridley's reveal last to make up for Ken, Incineroar, and Isabelle being less than mind blowing.
>also low tier due to being slow and superheavyweight
I am appalled to even think there were people who thought this shit would be anything but slow, especially given his actual traits and stats in Pokemon SM/USUM.
It hits hard, but clearly, is stunted by its speed, or rather, lack thereof. Its recovery is dreadful unless to hit someone in the very stage.
Also same to those who thought Ridley would get in without having to resize the fuck out of him. I predicted Daisy and Isabelle's situation as well, I was shocked that I actually guessed one of her attack being the toy hammer.
The plant users were getting too far over their head. Not to mention the Grinch chaos, which was clearly too "good" to be true (I say this in the perspective of those who actually wanted those entries), but holy crap, were the Incineroar/Pot people obnoxious about it. Just because it was cool? Guess they would have enjoyed it as well if same was done to them as well, because they didn't seem to have any trouble shitposting about it. And now there's the Banjo/Erdrick/Steve fiasco, I don't even know what's going to happen then.
If it makes you feel any better I feel like Dr Mario should be a skin swap. Ganondorf being so close to Cpt Falcon was always inexcusable and Lucas is pretty different from Ness.
K. Rool was pretty impressive, albeit extremely broken. One update here, other update there, it all went downhill from there. He definitely was handled poorly balance wise.
You can argue Dr. Mario is just a nerfed Luigi, but I just prefer the original Mario moveset before they slapped FLUDD on his back.
Ganondorf is a lot slower than Cpt Falcon and honestly he feels more like playing a defensive Ike.
That's not Big the Cat
he was at least high-mid tier before. now hes fucking shit, the fuck were they thinking.
I hope with them forcing her into Smash and having Tom Nook at the end for the actual Animal Crossing reveal, as if he's filling in for her, means he'll have a bigger presence like in the old games, instead of Isabelle being in your face so much, but that probably won't be the case since she's too marketable now
Because Sakurai considers your shitty opinion irrelevant. Imagine what kind of world we would be living in, if he was as retarded as you.
>Also same to those who thought Ridley would get in without having to resize the fuck out of him
Which is kinda why I hate that Ridley is in. They had to downsize the fuck out of him and now he's just a purple Charizard.
Ridley being this massive beast of a dragon is kind of a huge part of his identity.
I think she’s the most boring newcomer aside from the echoes and that they should’ve put a bit more effort into her kit
>K. Rool was pretty impressive, albeit extremely broken
i'm pretty sure he wasn't THAT strong at release, because the nerfs he got weren't that big to begin with. He just happen to be one of the most unfun Characters to fight against.
K.Rool kit is just bloated as fuck. Sakurai said himself K.Rool was designed with tools heavies aren't supposed to have and then, for some fucking reasons, he gave him a shit ton of hyper armor on it's moves too.
Basically now, i just don't see how K.Rool can ever be balanced. He's just like Pichu or Little Mac, he will always be too oppresive or too weak.
He's the Little Mac of Ultimate. Has a whole shitload of tools and can stomp new players really easily, but experienced players know how to play around him.
She's still a waste of a slot and should've been an echo of Villager. Shadow got robbed. Isaac got robbed fucking worse lmao
I hope so as well, I'm kind of grasping at straws here, but Sable kinda predicted Nook's current situation in the 2019 trailer in HHD.
imagine getting a new somewhat high quality model, just to get AT'd. assist trophies are honestly the worst inclusion, and i honestly don't care that much about those who got AT'd besides Zero.
I'm just echoing the words of casuals from that era. To me, he was just impressive. Fanbase likes to blow things out of proportion. In some cases, it's fair, in others, it hits hard. K. Rool was broken for the majority in the most part, but I don't think he deserved THAT big of a nerf either.
Carnivores is really fun. The ice age one scared the shit out of me as a kid. That fucking bird you could hunt
>Nintendo character
Why would I be mad? I'm not autistic.
He wasn’t broken at all, he’s just a noob stomper that seemed better than he was due to online play benefiting heavier characters.
Isabelle is a cute!
>tfw if Wario had been put in Melee, he most likely would have been a lazy clone
>but joining in Brawl resulted in him being mostly WarioWare since it was the 'current' Wario
>Doc Mario could have been a nice alt (with Doc Luigi) or an actual fighter utilizing viruses and pills, but Mario got FLUDD which he really didn't need
>Dark Pit could have utilized an entirely different weapon set
>Young Link could have utilized masks, but now he's the one keeping OG Link's moveset around
This whole clone/semi-clone/echo shit tires me out. I don't know what to think anymore.
>now he's just a purple Charizard.
>plays completely differently and has a model that’s drastically different
>>purple Charizard
Be honest: is this meant to be bait?
Found the ridleyfag
i would've loved wario in melee, even if he was a clone.
She's nothing compared to incineroar.
I was happy because she meant that semiclones are still a thing. And then I realized Sakurai wasn't kidding when he said there weren't many characters to show. For fucks sake they made echoes sound like this big thing and only made 5 of them. Makes no sense to me.
Clones used to be a way to get characters into a game, but couldn't make a full moveset for them due to the limitations of technology at the time.
Now they're just lazy alts that the devs use "dev time" as an excuse. Like how do you make a fighting game and not have time for the character, the single aspect of the game that gives any fighting game replay value, but have time for some half-assed Spirit minigame?
this guy should've been the next animal crossing rep
this is why i was basically expecting shadow, he acted as if echos are some new amazing thing, then only made a handful.
not mad she's in, just thought the reveal sucked
"I am Isabelle. Woah! I'm in smash"
>Nintendo character from their 6th most popular franchise
Third party shitters need to fuck off desu
I 100 percent honestly feel that plant had the best reveal out of all the news
Why did they make Smash invitations a thing? It sucks ass, it makes it look like that being in Smash that only certain characters are allowed in and if you aren't you might as well kill yourself and be considered a loser in-universe.
Remember when people just joined when they felt like it? More proof Smash 4 is garbage
Still makes me mad that nobody had recreated this with the ssbu model
You think that's bad ? Ubisoft gave an official, all fonctionnal, HD model of Rayman to Sakurai, when he asked them, only for it to be used as a trophy.
Fucking Shovel Knight became an AT before him.
>Pretending to like terrible additions just because people are rightfully upset about it
>Is an Echo
>Not a wasted slot
Not a problem.
This shit.
Fucking mad.
I think Villager and Isabelle provide a nice contrast between old and new animal crossing personally.
this is why melee/64 are kino, they are just toy statues come to life instead of this dumb letter shit.
didn't k.rool, simon and plant just jump in like fuck it
Alucard is almost a full character, he even has fucking air dodge animations, its obvious he was intended, fucking Sakurai.
Hype's dead
>Taking this fucking long to announce the second of the 5 DLC fighters that they know motherfuckers already paid for in advance
>literally and unironically 3 anime swordshits in the pack Joker, Erdrick, Some Fire Emblem BULLSHIT from a new game that technically qualifies as not in the franchise :^),
Hype's a corpse, m8
At Isabelle? Not anymore.
There are WAY worse characters that got in.
Assist trophies in general piss me off. They should have just been dedicated side characters and regular enemies.
>Angry Sun
>Eggplant or Tempura Wizard
>Redeads, Octoroks, Like-Likes, fucking everything in Smash Run now that I think about it
A main protagonist or antagonist should not be an assist trophy. Zero and Alucard should have been full fighters. Echoes are so fucking lazy, they could have made Rodin into one.
Fuck off Adeleinefag
Except I*kling which ended up as a top tier and Chrom too.
>assist trophies with enough attacks to be actual fighters
>assist trophies with the ability to DODGE JUST LIKE ACTUAL FIGHTERS
If by 'mad' you mean 'filled with maddening desire to impregnate' then yes.
cut fighters, based sakurai cut cool characters for another pokemon shit pick
At least with villager it makes sense, since sending/receiving letters is a big part of the game
I hate how assist trophies have been handled, they're either annoying cringeworthy shit that covers the screen and benefits no one, or fast teleporting instakill samurai
> Brawl
You mean I can summon Isaac, Shadow, Waluigi and even Little Mac into battle? THIS IS AWESOME!
> Ultimate
Smashfags truly are the worst, imagine being this entitled.
I like this but I'm replacing inflate with inseminate
forgot ridley also just came in like fuck it
As impressive Shovel Knight was and acknowledging that both SK and Shantae have high sales, it's still bloody weird seeing characters like these making it to Smash as ATs and Spirits while other characters (this isn't exclusive to Rayman) are forgotten even though they are by extent, known mascots. But as a gut punch, Rayman hasn't been getting as much of an attention. At this point, Rabbids have already surpassed him and it's sad to say that, unless Rayman does get a game, he'll just be forgotten. And even with a brand new game, I highly doubt it unless it really pleased both its fans and those who are unaware of him.
i always hated assist trophies, and i've played every smash since they came out, go fuck yourself, fucking sakurai dick rider.
do you really find this fun
That's fine too
I wanted her to get in, so why would I be mad?
Hi r*ddit
Now THAT would have been hype as fuck. I’m all for conglomerate fighters.
Brawl did assit trophies right and enjoyable
SSB4 onward it's just shoehorning a known face into there and either doing jack shit or being as unfun as possible.
>PP is bad addition literally are comparing apples to oranges
nigga every tangible assist trophy has that
earthquake in pumpkin town is what i remember because of this bitch
>Simon Belmont is the most fun Ultimate character besides K.Rool and Inkling
For BTFO'ing retards like you yes, you never seem to learn
Who did you want? Trashley?
zero nigger, i even voted for him on the ballot.
everyone I wanted in smash has been in smash since 64
assist trophies are shit and you are autistic
She's the only addition to the cast that I regularly forget is even in the game. Every time I start up the game and see the character select I have an "Oh, yeah" moment.
the only one to have gotten a letter was isabelle
>mfw they didn't even bring back saki as an assist, with a new hd model
why even bother living
Imagine being this ungrateful
Sakurai does it so he can make the fans happy, would your prefer you shitty characters weren't included in the first place?
>Hammer Bro and Chain Chomp are 3D ATs
>Lakitu is 2D
>PP is a fighter
>it took until Ultimate for the DK series to get an AT despite having so many animal buddies (even if the majority were forgotten, Rambi has always been around)
>some ATs get multiple moves but the Nintendog can only have one appearance per game
>The Moon is a separate AT that could have been Skull Kid's new attack
>Spring Man doesn't meet the deadline, thrown in as an AT instead of being DLC
>13 unique ATs are removed (15, but three were made fighters)
>Dr. Wright still can't perform his basic function properly
>Nightmare is a jpg
fuck off
>Binary playstyle spammer with no offstage game
The Belmonts (and Ridley too) are honestly the most disapointing inclusions in Smash gameplay wise.
Nope, she's my main. I love AC, and she's top tier competitive wise, its a win-win.
>everyone I wanted in smash has been in smash since 64
can you drop the routine
you don't need to go the extra retarded mile for me
go choke on a dick fag, i paid $60+ for this shit, so i can't complain about the game? go hang yourself
ridley's already in, stay mad
Are we playing the same game? I jump and catch people midair with it all the time. I especially love bullying DKs, Ganons, and Bowsers.
>she's top tier competitive wise
Nothing of value would be lost if you were to remove all assist trophies since Brawl.
Honestly, no, all Smash characters play similarly in the end. Not in a negative way, but more in the way that Kirby's dad tends to make every charavte as versatile as he can, whether that charater be light or heavy.
Sometimes it doesn't work, like Meta Knight or Bayonetta, but in the in the end I believe Isabelle is just as fun to play as any other light weight character.
>but when I do it
I guess since people didn't wiggle out of my Kirby grabs in Melee, he was good.
Yeah, she is.
I spam fairs and nairs, ledge gimp with rod, lay gyroids to keep close range fighters away, and pocket annoying things like K.Rool's crown and Samus' missiles.
>insists she's top tier
>fighting Rools and Samus
lmao having fun in 3k quickplay
I'm neutral on Incineroar but what the actual holy fuck were they thinking in making him the final base roster reveal?
In fact, that entire final direct was just fuckawful. If these things weren't surely planned months in advance I'd almost think it was intentionally engineered to be as disappointing a followup as possible to E3 and August.
What's your ID?
I'll fight you right now.
Im of the opinion that non-fighter characrers shouldnt be in smash at all though
So i also dont care for the Wii Fit Trainer
Shitty online is not comparable to actual offline competitive smash. Most pros see Isabelle as bottom tier garbage.
>Yeah, she is.
She literally isn't. You're the type of person who thinks Ganondorf's DORIYAH puts him at the top.
What's the deal with Paisy?
I can't say the same in my experience, although I do dislike how easy it can be to spam with him/Richter and wish neither to abuse it or run against someone who does the same. I'm pretty neutral/fine with every one else, albeit disappointed but expected the Daisy/Isabelle situation and other Echoes perhaps, in the sense that there could have been a bit more, but that's asking too much given the characters that they are.
Incineroar, I gave him a chance, I literally did, but he's far from impressive, taunts get boring after a while, the rope animation is gaudy and, truth be told, if I were given a chance, I'd far pick Bowser, DK, Ridley or literally anyone over him. It doesn't feel satisfying to play as him and it doesn't feel satisfying to play against him at all.
The game has grown large enough as it being pretty unavoidable not eventually feeling like everyone has a resemblance to one another thanks to it being 70+. I can only think of one play style that I still think it's sorely missing from the entire cast and I don't think one out of the entire cast nearly approaches that in that same fashion. So a fighter in that style could very well be coming as to overthrow the whole meaning behind "fighting" beyond being just clumsy or having mechs or anything that aids and being actually a given talent that hasn't been tackled by previous fighters.
I just find it hard to believe. She has all the tools needed to win.
Is fireden not working for anyone else? The images won't load for some reason
Fight me faggots
Isabelle is a Villager with less options to pressure. Ground Lloid (shittier Snake mine) is on a timer, can actually be run over without taking damage, and means one less recovery option. Her balloons are worse. The rod can't go through shields and doesn't catch on return. Slow grab that can't be set up with something like Villager's since she lacks forward ground projectiles to play safe. Smash attacks have small hitboxes. Garbage jab that can't combo until over 100%, almost no combo potential. Universal nerf to projectiles on shield makes her slingshot worse and it's one of the few good things she took from Villager.
Dont play Smash so I can't be mad. Isabelle porn keeps me content.
that wouldn't electrocute you
Assist Trophies are so lazy! Why didn't they just make Akira, Alucard, Andross, Arcade Bunny, Ashley, Black Knight, Bomberman, Burrowing Snagret, Chain Chomp, Chef Kawasaki, Color TV-Game 15, Devil, Dillon, Dr. Kawashima, Dr. Wright, Flies & Hand, Ghirahim, Ghosts, Gray Fox, Guile, Hammer Bro, Isaac, Jeff, Kapp'n, Klaptrap, Knuckle Joe, Knuckles the Echidna, Krystal, Lyn, Metroid, Midna, Moon, Mother Brain, Nightmare, Nikki, Nintendog, Phosphora, Rathalos, Riki, Rodin, Sable Prince, Samurai Goroh, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sheriff, Shovel Knight, Skull Kid, Spring Man, Squid Sisters, Starfy, Starman, Sukapon, Takamaru, Thwomp, Tiki, Vince, Waluigi, Wily Capsule, Yuri Kozukata, and Zero playable and still have the game come out in December 2019? Some of the even have more than one attack so that means they're practically done and ready to playable and definitely don't need to be tested and balanced against 74 other characters!
This, fuck ungrateful fans
Friendly reminder that THIS is the final tier-list before 3.0.0 and Inkling, Incineroar and the Belmonts are the best ranked Ultimate newcomers.
Take that as you want.
>not a terrible addition
Who is this definitive authority on tier lists?
>completely missing the point of what ATs are for
a protagonist or important character should never, ever be an AT
Shit, forgot Joker. This guy really jumped in the last few days. Also, ofc, the echo fighters of already existing character don't count.
How can you then rep a series without using the main character?
Like, if Starfy isn't going to be playable, why would you ever use another character from the same series? He's the main fucking character,of course they are going to use them as the AT. Same thing with Bomberman, Takamaru, Dillon etc..
It's basically all the recent Ultimate's pros tier list mixed into one.
that can't be right... owlfags told me that based roar was the absolute worst, lowest-tier character in smash!
>it doesn't feel satisfying to play against him at all.
I honestly rather fight against Incineroar than K.Rool, the Belmonts, Daisy or Isabelle and i'm not counting the older characters.
Incineroar got clear weaknesses (too much probably) and his gimmick (revenge) is pretty easy to play around with or avoid. All the guys above are just a pain in the ass to play against. Granted i'm a Palutena player, so i'm maybe biased.
Never was
Who had the best pun?
>Arle won't get in
It's not fair...
Agumon is DigiDestined to Smash!
>Palutena player
>struggling against K. Rool
As a K. Rool main, what's wrong with you? She's the bane of his existence.
Shouldn't the Ken/Incineroar ones be swapped ?
I don't because I love her.
Piranha Plant taking a slot is other words
You're a fucking faggot lmao
I highly doubt this is accurate and is more of a representation of what people think are the current tiers as I am also surprised at how many there are in E tier rather than being spread out.
Easy matchup =/= a fun one.
K.Rool kit is just dumb imo. Heavy with lot of Projectiles, and good recovery, and lot of armor alogn with the crazy survivability heavies always got is kind of dumb.
And yes before you respond, i know Palu is dumb strong too
Personally, no. The only mad I can muster is when a semi-pro raped my ass with this character. Projectile aerial is bullshit, I tell you.
Oh yeah, they should just not exist instead. Fuck Sakurai, how dare he disrespect me by throwing me a bone. Good thing they took out this Assist Trophy after one game and she never returned. I'm so fucking happy I don't get to see the hero of one of my favorite underrated GBA games join the battle anymore.
Fuck you.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you complaining about my character's kit from six tiers below yours, could you speak louder?
What are the chances that it's Gamefreaks fault that she is gone so they could focus more on Pokemon?
Were you playing a heavy? Slingshot fucking shreds them
for me it's lucas and mewtwo.
Will they just release 3.1 and get it over with? I'm sick of nerf anxiety.
The only good newcomers for this game are Ridley, K.Rool, and Simon. The rest are god awful trash that Sakurai wanted to add. Fuck that trash director.
I agree with you, but Ridley and K. Rool were all I wanted since the original Japan Time, so I'm fine with Sakurai throwing in whatever garbage he wants now.
This is a pirime example of how shitty a director Sakurai is. He puts his wants before the fans and ignores the west. Fuck him. I don't expect the rest of the dlc to be good, considering the Joker was "emblematic" of the dlc.
>actual holy fuck were they thinking in making him the final base roster reveal?
Simple, Sakurai said he wanted Inceneroar in the game and Nintendo/Sakurai are dumb fucks.
>Joker was "emblematic" of the dlc
>anime twink
>bladed weapon
>from a game that will never be on a Nintendo console
What a steaming, tarry mound of shit.
Fuck you for fans wanting something they request as opposed to what the fuck head Shitkurai wants.
Yep, it's even more insulting to see highly requested characters become assist trophies only for dumb shit to be added into the roster because Sakurai wanted it.
samefag much?
>tfw have an actual sincere interest in the Mario universe and have wanted an enemy fighter for a long time
at least I can play the plant now without the stigma of being an underage twitternigger
>Sakurai throwing in whatever garbage he wants now.
I'm not. THere are way too many characters being ignored that are actually interesting, infavour of whatever that fucker wants. There's literally ZERO reason for Joker/PP/Inceneroar/Ken to be a character and fucking Isaac to be an assist, besides that's what Sakurai wanted.
Sakurai is a bad director for this type of game because he refuses to allow ANYONE BUT HIM to make ANY decision and he focuses on what HE wants and not the fans....FFS he added in ROB and GAME AND FUCKING WATCH before Ridley & K. Rool.
No, because I don't play smellee in the first place.
Only thing I'm upset over is that her alts weren't various NPCs in the game like Tom Nook or Sable, like with Bowser Jr.
It's true. This is what Regge said about it: "“It’s emblematic of the approach that Mr. Sakurai and the team are taking with the DLC. He wants characters that are unique, different, to bring them into the Smash Bros. environment. So it’s going to be tremendously exciting.”
So yea, the DLC will be dumb weeby shit Sakurai wants. I wouldn't doubt that pedophilia shit Remiu will get a playable fighter before anything good.
> He added Game & Watch before K.Rool
Why the fuck would K.Rool be in before Diddy Kong?
If it's "tremendously exciting," why are they waiting SIX. MONTHS. to reveal the second fighter? I'm sick of this shit.
Because this is what Nintendo does. They are THE worst company when it comes to blue balling their customers.
Isabelle is one of the most fun characters in the game, why would I be mad?
> What is patience
Are your lives so sad that you don't have anything to do than to wait for more characters in a childrens game?
Go outside, get a job, finish your education, raise a family, do something productive with your lives instead of wasting in it this shit.
Nintendo dick riders, everyone.
Honestly after Simon I could give a shit less about who else got in.
t. Simon/Isabelle main
People like you are ignorant.
Okay dude, you've been on this "Sakurai only adds characters for himself and never listens to the fans" rant for a while, but now you've got me curious because the characters you're bitching about in this post are completely unlike the usual (somewhat justified) KI and FE Sakurbias bitching. Give me a complete list of characters you think are "only because Sakurai wanted it" versus a list of characters that you think actually do come from fan requests, so that I can laugh at you.
Let Sakurai and his team take all their time they need, they are working hard to make these characters for you
Stop being ungrateful and respect the man, without him Smash wouldn't be a thing. You American retards don't deserve him
Isabelle is fucking adorable
>Owlfag despite literally no mention of Decidueye
Rent free
Also, Incinefags are so desperate for a win that being D-tier is considered an accomplishment. Just accept that no one likes your shitty cat and once Gen 7 ends he'll fall in obscurity faster than any other character on the roster.
> May 2019
> still seething
Kick rocks and go play Sonic Racing ya pinhead
God she just melts my heart
Shh, don't tell him that, he'll just reply back with another "S-SEETHING!".