Monster Hunter thread
Monster Hunter thread
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>didnt start the thread with bait or shitposting
no wonder this thread is dead
other user is right, you can't start any thread on here that's not console wars or shitposting
anyway, Hammer and HH videos came out, it looks like they're pandering even harder to the "support" style HH with the new move putting down an aoe healing over time thing, not really liking it
console war shitposting killed the MH community hard
Nope, mh4u killed the MH community
Show me the lance and gunlance moves already, I don't even know what I'd want for them
Well atleast we're not /mhg/
but then again they're more active
Is mhw worth starting?
Of course. It's the best Monster Hunter to date.
emulate P3rd or something to see if you like the gameplay loop first
>Monster Hunter thread
Literally impossible.
>Hammer and HH videos came out
where at? the official youtube page just has the spring update on it
it's super fucking complicated
just play dauntless
yeah, it's a more casual newbie friendly entry and if you get real deep into it it could keep you occupied until iceborne comes out.
if you want a more rigid experience packed full of content try any of the older titles.
Freedom Unite
4 Ultimate
3 Ultimate
Generations Ultimate
these are some of the more favored entries, but expect the gameplay to get more rigid the older you get.
I'm currently wrapping up a zero armor/charm/mantle/deco run of World and I'm in pain. Teostra being able to attack before roar stun wears off was a terrible mistake. I got this far with DB, I really don't want to give up and grab a blocking weapon now.
Just bought MHW on Amazon for $18 but it seems really fucking complicated coming from Dragons Dogma. The bow and the two machine gun weapons were the only weapons I felt mildly comfortable with in the training room. I want to get into this shit, but I’m terrible with the melee weapons.
despite being much more lenient in World than previous games, combat is still slow and deliberate, you're not supposed to be dodge canceling out of things, predict monster moves and look for openings to attack
Nobody fully understands their weapon as soon as they pick it up. I guarantee you don't really know what you're doing with Bow either. The game starts very easy and you're supposed to learn as you go. Just don't button mash, learn exactly what your buttons do and play deliberately.
Where is Khezu Capcom?
if he's not in iceborne i'm gonna be pissed
>Japanese version just shows the gameplay
>English version adds some weird voiceover
They really think little of us
what weapon would you guys recommend for starting out? Heard sword & shield is fairly beginner-friendly, I was planning on going with lance once I learn the ropes well enough.
Just fucking show him already Capcom, everyone knows he's in Iceborne
it all depends on what you like to play, go out on freeroam in the forest with each of the weapon types for a while killing shit and see what feels best
Here's your G rank weapons and armors, bro
G Barioth armor in 4k
>No double notes to discourage corner horning
>Healing/buff zones to encourage corner horning
playing HH is suffering
What's wrong bro? Don't you enjoy supporting your team with a support weapon? We all know people don't use the HH thinking about damage. Now have some more shitty bone designs
>it looks like they're pandering even harder to the "support" style HH with the new move putting down an aoe healing over time thing
It's not just healing, got this from a /vg/ thread
>Echo Waves
>You can follow up another attack with this move, which generates an Echo Note.
>Echo Bubbles
>Play a song using an Echo Note, and you will generate an Echo Bubble on the ground under you. Touching the Echo Bubble gives a unique song effect. Also, depending on the number of songs you played before Encoring, you can either generate another Echo Bubble with the same effect, or a better one, by performing an Encore.
>Example of an Echo Song
>Self-Improvement [Speed] & Evasion Up
>A song using an Echo Note. A player touching the bubble gains increased evasion invulnerability for a time period, and if they are using a Hunting Horn, they also gain increased movement speed.
I hated how HH's movement speed relative to the other weapons was slaughtered in World and if this gives that back to us I'm all for it. They haven't been revealed yet but this can potentially also give us useful effects if used with songs like attack up and earplugs as well. I really hope the new spinning move has good MVs on it as well because HH needs and has always needed a way to stay competitive with the other weapons damage wise and if I can get all of that I can't give less of a fuck if a bunch of retards I'm not playing with are going to use it wrong.
I'd rather have a dead thread than anything like /mhg/
Is there a good beginner guide for MHW? I'm so lost, anons...
don't get hit
hit it until it dies
maybe speedrunners are pissed cause their meta probably won't change, but for the rest of us this new iceborne shit looks fun. stronger buffs with brand-new effects? new flashy moves? sounds good to me.
Sounds retarded. Capcom doesn't even understand the game they're developing anymore, who the fuck though this would be good?
Nobody is going to bother to set that garbage up, the walking speed is already adequate and having to stand still to play songs is a huge downside of the weapon, now you can do an even longer animation to give your retarded teammates evasion + which they will likely ignore or not take advantage of. You sound like you don't even play the weapon.
>new flashy moves? sounds good to me
Imagine being this simple minded and retarded.
Now's probably the best time to start, you can get to endgame and have a little break before Iceborne comes out. Mechanically, it's the best game in the series, it's just lacking in content compared to previous titles, presumably because the devs are much more used to pumping out lower poly models than the more detailed stuff they made for this game.
Don't bother, play a good game instead, like p3rd, 3U or 4U.
Hammerfag here, is Hunting Horn fun?
i'm a solo autist btw
Throwing yourself off a high place usually does the trick
depends on the game, it's weird as hell in FU and before with recital mode, ok in P3rd to 4U, pretty damn fun in X/XX, and not very in World
>Now have some more shitty bone designs
The bone design actually not being shitty was one of the saving graces of the showcase. Granted it's going to be boring as shit when all of the upgrades are just that design with monster bits stuck on, but at least the basic model isn't as horrifically ugly as it was in the base game.
Currently playing XX so i might give it a try then
>Playing the most braindead game in the entire franchise
>Needing help
Your own fault
Have you played HH before world at all? None of the other weapons' movement speeds could hold a candle to it and it was nerfed heavily in here. I usually play solo or with a buddy at most so whether or not some idiot is going to use the bubble to their benefit is of no issue to me. Even with that aside if the attack is actually useful (we don't know whether it is but if it's useless that's a failing on the dev team's part once again because one of the biggest downsides of HH is the mediocre damage and fuck them if after all the TAs in every single game where it consistently placed at the bottom they still can't realize it) there's no reason not to be attacking the monster with it anyway.
>having to stand still to play songs is a huge downside of the weapon
That's wrong, they don't take that long to do and you'll never have more than 2 or 3 up at a time anyway, there's plenty of opportunities during a fight to get them back up. I'd argue that one of the biggest downsides of the HH attacks wise is that the regular swings have such a long wind up and are so fucking slow to perform, something that sadly isn't being fixed here but having to spend five seconds every few minutes can hardly be considered a downside when most hunts finish in under 10 minutes anyway.
It might be anime but that kick attack looks so slick
>HH got new moves
>SnS got new moves
>LS got new moves
>DB got I-frame boost move
>Hammer got clutch claw, thing that everybody else already got.
>No new moves
>Hammer stun still can't outmatched bow rock spam.
Is this how it feels to be a cuck?
That hammer and Banboro armor look pretty damn cool.
hammer gets to be fun while bow stays braindead and boring
SA mains are bigger cucks
t. Hammer and SAfag
>there's plenty of opportunities during a fight to get them back up
Maybe in World where every monster is slow as fuck, but not in the older games, probably why they gave it an art in XX that serves as a band-aid fix to that problem, and is the only HH art worth using. In that sense i guess the attack might be worth using if it does decent damage (doubt it will), I also doubt the buff will both last a long time and be worth it
I got 1600 hours in world with hammer and the moveset already got bored me.
Not getting something new in Iceborne makes me things twice in buying this.
>1600 hours
Who the fuck wastes their entire life playing one game like Jesus Christ.
>having to stand still to play songs is a huge downside of the weapon
I wouldn't say standing still itself is the downside, it's just how often you have to do it in order to keep buffs up. It's the whole reason why Maestro is basically a required skill for horners in almost every game that its available in and another reason why double notes were such a good addition to the weapon; they both bring the amount of time you spend watching your hunter toot down to a more reasonable level.
have sex
You fucking retard, of course I play other video games.
You think this game came out a month ago?
>Maybe in World where every monster is slow as fuck, but not in the older games
I don't know what to tell you, I've managed to keep songs up in older games, many other people have as well and there's videos all over proving that. Is it an effective trade off for the time it takes? Fuck no and I do think that if they don't want to reduce the time taken to do it they should greatly increase the buffs you get from it since other weapons that have long animations have huge damage payoffs for it but to say it's impossible is blatantly false. As for whether the attack is worth using only time will tell. Right now we don't know anything about how much damage it does or it's KO values. If it really is useless though then they can right well suck a cock because the last thing HH needs right now is more ineffective moves to pad out its already subpar moveset without addressing any of the issues that are clear as day to anyone with a functioning brain.
Is MH Stories worth playing?
>I got 1600 hours in world
Jesus Christ, that's fucking sad. How many times can you hunt the same four shitty elder dragons until you realize you're throwing away your life like that? I could barely stomach 300 hours and that's after doing most of the content available and then some more
I personally liked it a lot, but the combat system might not be for you, also the english release got cucked out of monsters and added content
>Stories 2 never
I don't give a fuck about shitty Wyversn, I just do some 4-6 behemoth run a day with randos or solo.
The only monster that matters in World right now is AT xeno and Behemoth.
>inb4 old game is better and got more monster
Already played them all to death years ago, go fuck yourself.
People who comparing world with old MH games are just in for the bait.
you got that slinger charge interrupt, you can probably find a way to make it stupidly broken
>Something that both lances and GS also got
The one on GS is OP as fuck, you can skip charged 2 into it.
But Hammer Charged 3 attack is shit, it got shitty DPS on agile monster and you are vulnerable during the animation.
The same reason why GS Charge 1 attack is better DPS on most monster.
Hammer most DPS are from One Two combo and uppercut charge.
the new Recital Animation looks stylish but Horn is still probably going to be bottom tier. Enough with the song buffs, Horn needs their damage and attack speed boosted. Horn is in a better state than it was in 4U and both gen games but it still needs so much to get back to the P3rd and 3U levels of strength
>Something that both lances and GS also got
>new lance moves to be revealed in like 8 hours
Are you a time traveller?
It was in the Iceborne trailer reveal, not class trailer.
it doesn't require charge 3 does it? from what I've read the power shot is just mid charge and the follow-up grab works from charge 2
>anime is okay when world does it
>get back to the P3rd and 3U levels of strength
I only started with 4th gen and assumed it was always shit and was very slowly getting better, what did it do in 3rd gen that made it good?
when is iceborne supposed to start power-wise?
will I break the difficulty of the expansion if I push vanilla to endgame?
I stopped short of autistic decorations hunting but put some real time into beating all the challenges
Kinda stopped around after the Fall festival finally hit PC. How is the game now? Will I need to be top 1% to enjoy this new expansion? IG shitter btw, I never got to fight the Final Fantasy boss thingy and get the black lancer set.
it's a G expansion, it starts at the end of high rank
>get back to the P3rd and 3U levels of strength
HH kept the exact same motion values since p3rd. Worrying about tier position for TAs is extremely retarded for anyone that doesn't do TAs as well.
Not him but I'm completely fine with anime, I liked it in XX and I like it here. The >muh realism fags need to fuck off, what MH did right was always in how deliberate it's combat was and that had nothing to do with realism. It was never realistic from the start if the giant sword that you hold behind you to "charge up" didn't clue the realismtards in.
Dunno about that, the video from capcom channel showed the power shot happen after charged 3.
in P3rd Horn is tied for the strongest weapon next to Bow in low rank
In 3U every weapon is equally strong, no I'm not joking, mathematically it is technically Dual Blades but the difference is so small everything might as well be considered balanced, what saved Horn there? Absolutely god tier craftables.
4U boosted monster speed so Horn has to actually sponge hits, double notes did not help them period, and every single craftable was fucking garbage for all 3 games
I've hit 400 hours and I still enjoy it, but then again I play with other people and do event shit.
Capcom wants console wars. How many time do you think they have jumped platforms?
it had this horn which is the coolest and best horn design and I wish it would finally come back
>Hating on Anime attacks
That’s the main thing most “Vets” complained about in World for the fact that most attacks in World felt basic as fuck and this a breath of fresh air hell won’t be long now till it may get Oils for SnS and Styles
>mhw put on game pass
>try it again, might be easier to get back into with the x instead of slim PS4
>still stale and boring
Well, guess it's back to Frontier.
>people saying Hammer got jipped
Hammer does the sliding attack mid-grapple. That sliding attack is absurdly strong and it looks like Clutch claw doesn't waste time unlike mounting
We still doesn't know how often you can do clutch claw, if you can do it all the time then its will be broken as hell because monster got mini-stunned during the animation and people will spasm that shit over and over again.
Even that, its still not something new and unique when everyone else can do it.
they posted it through a japanese PR company, same place that mentioned the hunting horn buff someone posted about earlier in the thread
>tfw there isn't a full english translation for 1.3
god fucking damnit
In a way you're right, it was so good that it couldn't be topped.
I wish I could export my PS4 save to PC.
I want to play it on the PC but I sure as hell ain't going to grind for a hammer's Hero's Streamstone again.
>Claw attack possible after reservoir upper or reservoir strike. If you hit a large monster, you can cling.
The fuck is reservoir upper or reservoir strike?
Uppercut charged? is this mean I can spam claw all the time after uppercut?
there's "save transfer" mods
Do I get locked out as if I was cheating?
>That’s the main thing most “Vets” complained about in World
You what?
Most people praised World because it wasn't as "anime" as XX. Despite the fact that World incorporated several moves that were formerly arts into the vanilla movesets.
When the last time capcom care about cheating?
it's kind of surreal seeing a weapon like SnS getting stationary charge attacks
Does the Yea Forums Hivemind like anime-esque things in Monster Hunter or not? I can't tell.
the postgame is nothing but aoe spamming monsters with absurdly overpowered gear like behemoth, if that's what you feel like fighting, than go for it
wat's some generically good high rank armor to start farming for? I've "beaten the game" but my hunter rank is still really low. Also, do I really need to complete all the optional quests?
There are two hiveminds for MH on Yea Forums now
The OG MH hivemind that didn't mind it from the start
and the MH bandwagoner hivemind that hated it at first but now love it because it's in World so much so that they're trying to revise history.
anything that complements your weapon for endgame
behemoth for post game
completing optional quests just unlocks an extra one
Just focus on one armor you like and upgrade the defence.
Shit doesn't matter until you start doing deco farming.
Maybe focus on armor that gives you health boost.
> do I really need to complete all the optional quests?
All side tools only can be obtained from those quest.
Just go for something that increases attack.
Nothing else really matters until the endgame.
not armor but for weapons the only good elemental ones come from AT Kulve
>play game on the PS4
>people legit grinding and helping each other
>party have to look out for monsters cues
>your looks actually matter and Fashion Hunting is a thing
>"play" game on the PC
>people just Nexus Mod the game to have all the items
>on screen modded hud tells every monster's stats
>you are just a random loli to other PC players thanks to their incel mods
Why would anyone play this on PC?
Because I don't used any of those and want better fps?
>>people legit grinding and helping each other
Most people just leave when they have what they want.
>Why would anyone play this on PC?
the accumulative hours saved by the faster loading times?
it's how mtl reacts to charged upper and the lvl 3 charge slam, had to use a japanese mhw guide as cross reference
Non-existent loading times
HD textures
Free to use any controller you want
60 fps
Being able to choose which region you wish to play in
>the game that introduced mounting is the best
I mean, we all can value something different in the game, so having a different favorite is fine. The fact that you try to push that trash as the definitive best is why you guys are the cancer that killed MH. Fucking casuals love mounting... Worse thing to happen to the game to take skill out of it.
>Fucking casuals love mounting...
Yeah, then they triple cart.
Mounting was a casual's trap and it didn't work unless there was a group effort.
Is there any place to watch the new weapon changes? All I get is Gaijin Wife Beater reaction videos.
>expecting ore and bone weapons to look any different
just play LS and DB
also have sex
Actually, it won't sell a lot
Twitter or facebook.
>TFW no MH Stories 2: The new world
who plays and enjoys both mhw and mhgu here. give me a (you) bros
Hunting Horn is a support weapon but does anyone actually want it?
Like, if you were partnering up with someone would you be happy to see them using Hunting Horn?
I like all monster hunters.
Even Stories.
How do I get gud?
Played for 10 hours and I feel like I should be doing way more damage than I do.
I keep using the great sword because the other weapons I tried don’t seem to do much damage
I am if the monster has bullshit one-shots and a gimmick that makes them atrocious and the HH nullifies it. See Bone Horn with AT Xeno.
>Hunting Horn is a support weapon
I wish they'd stop fucking doing this. In a game where it's 100% possible to perform well on your on through skill giving a nerf to the killing ability of a weapon for the sole purpose of allowing it to give negligible buffs is a nonsensical concept. They could at the very least give it useful shit like the ability to use effects like flash bombs or debuff monsters but as we know they're so fucking afraid of letting you use the former even with limited carrying capacity and the latter would require actual thought put into the weapon and monster design so naturally they won't bother with it.
>because the other weapons I tried don’t seem to do much damage
If they let HH have good songs like the unnerfed Dash Juice effect I'd still like them. As it is in World, all the buff effects aren't very noticeable 99% of the time, and multiplayer KO status thresholds are too high for anyone to care about unless they're a bow user with impact mantle.
I personally hope they give it actual top tier song buffs and bring back good weapon designs in Iceborne.
Play Monster Hunter Freedom (PC)
the new Bone Horn design actually looks good but it will probably end up being an early G rank weapon that doesn't survive
bow dude's got some bloodborne shit going on
so just like the hunting horn in general huh
>Hunting Horn is a support weapon
Kill yourself
Hammer is nice and simple
Not him but having used it far more than any other weapon I'm sick of dealing with long attack animations that result in miserable damage for the sake of shitty buffs to keep shitters alive that the people I play with don't even need so if you could get your message to the fucking devs so they can get the memo that'd be great.
>gets stunlocked
fun game
>Miserable damage
>Shitty buffs
Sounds like someone is playing the weapon wrong. Atk up and movement up are literally all you need, you play songs for yourself, not other people
ded thred
I might have strong opinions on the various games, but I'll be damned if I don't love the series to death.
The armor for the Hammer guy is pretty neat.
I don't have a Switch but I'd probably like GU.
Fuck off with this already, I'm sick of hearing this shit.
>XD hunting horn is a strong weapon
>absolute powerhouse
>muh battle bard
It is literally the only weapon that flat out cannot take on extreme behemoth solo without the use of fortify, and even then it must be done by TAutists doing everything hyper optimally to the level that even more skilled players will probably never reach, rendering the whole "all weapons are equal and the entire game can be played with any weapon all the way through solo" point moot. If self improvement and attack up are necessary at all then why is it that even with them AND the attack buff that self improvement encore gives it still gets outdamaged by the closest weapon to it's playstyle, the hammer? Why is it that with the hammer I can do more consistent damage without having to worry about stopping every few minutes to keep its already low damage from falling even further? If I have to take special effort to reactivate the songs (and it's not just as easy as lmao just hit the monster with the recital because the animation is long, leaving you with lesser windows to pull it off and rolling out of it doesn't provide the buff) shouldn't I end up in a better than someone who doesn't until I have to do it again? I've used this weapon alot and I really want it to be good because I like the concept of it but holy shit has it been frustrating to use once I learned how much easier time I have hunting with weapons I have far less experience with all because the devs weren't too busy sucking cock and trying to make them """support""" weapons. It'd probably help as well if retards like you didn't dilute feedback at every opportunity saying it's fine and didn't need to be fixed when it so clearly does.
post your favorite monsters faggot
>16 hours is #2 in average playtime
what is number 1, did you marathon an entire game from start to finish?
Best in World and GU imo. Just try it out, eventually, you can get some cool combos
Kirby Triple Deluxe 100%, 21:59 with 1 time played, over a few days without exiting the game.
>Play GU
>Oh I'll try Valor HH because all weapons are busted in Valor mode
>HH gets fucking demon dashes and 2-hit spinning recitals
Holy shit.
All weapons get demon dashes in Valor mode except SnS and probably something else I'm forgetting
he's not that bad user
Skipped from Gen to World withou playing GU since I don't have a switch, I heard that Valor HH isn't all that since It's just another cooldown the HH has to keep up as if it didn't have enough already, is that the case or is it better than the guy made it seem?
>Mounting was a casual's trap and it didn't work unless there was a group effort
So what you are saying is that if you end up in a random room you WANT casuals to fail more than usual? So you want to be able to spot casuals, as if that is difficult to do, and you want the game to be easier. Hate to tell you this but you sound like a tryhard casual...
>Applying TA mentality to the actual game
>Monster Hunter World
Every time
>Why is it that with the hammer I can do more consistent damage without having to worry about stopping every few minutes to keep its already low damage from falling even further?
Probably because you're better at using the hammer than the HH, this isn't the case for me, I get hunt times that are about the same with any other weapon, including prowlers in GU
>jusr cleared leshin for second time
This is harder than ex behemoth wtf
At first I didn't understand how could MH players spend hundreds of hours on small mini-maps killing the same 18 monsters over and over again.
But now I'm playing World for the first time, I'm like 30 hours in and still in Low Rank and doing optional stuff and half-way through the story.
What the hell, how does time flies so fast in this game?
>Applying TA mentality to the actual game
>Monster Hunter World
>Every time
I mean you can feel free to show me you completing solo extreme behemoth at all without TA bullshit. Since I know you won't though where's the harm in wanting a weapon to do comparable dps to the others? If getting more damage in is so unimportant then why did all the other weapons get attacks that help them do more in world (and presumably will do more as well in iceborne although we don't have the exact numbers to say that for sure) while HH gets some fucking green bubbles to stick up their ass?
>Probably because you're better at using the hammer than the HH, this isn't the case for me, I get hunt times that are about the same with any other weapon
This is absolute bullshit, I've already said that HH is my most used weapon and I've had the most experience with it and know how to use it well, hammer was just an example, I've used the GL as well and can get better times with that.
>including prowlers in GU
Alright now I know you're definitely full of shit. People like you like to tout that weapons are all equal and all have the same hunt times yet when you're shown otherwise all you do it scream >muh TA mentality
New game when? World mechanics are straight up bad. I need some proper innovation.
Because it's fun. If you're used to shitty MMOs or generic AAA games like ass creed of course you're going to coming in expecting that but the gameplay loop in this game takes skill and is a rewarding experience to pull off even without the allure of what the monster drops. I've came back to these games many times even when there's nothing left to grind because the fun is in the game, not the grind. When you get better you do so because you've learned something, not because you levelled up your character and arbitrarily put his exp into skill trees.
Is there any reason to go back and play 3U if if I have GU on switch? I'm enjoying it, and the massive amount of content is a huge plus, but it does feel a little flat overall. Does 3U do anything to put it above newer entries?
I just world to becomes its own thing like persona and let classicfags wallow in our smt equivalent
might as well go play frontier if you want more styleshit
I wish they'd make all armor layered, letting you freely choose your appearance. That and add a real color system.
What are the chances of there ever being an English translation for Frontier, unofficial or otherwise? I'd love to try it but even with all the available resources on the language barrier is a bit much for me. There's an English translation for that MHO game but that looks like garbage.
it’s easier than regular behe with longsword
I mean it's got swimming if that's your thing, and it's the most recent one without mounting if you get triggered by that like some people do. I was playing it a few months ago and it's still fun if you want a more "rigid" MH experience but I went back to GU because the online is much more active.
That must be it, much truth in that. You get better and that's always more rewarding and satisfying for the player instead of your character just becoming more OP with "the best gear" and crazy brain dead auto-skills.
Knowing the monster patterns, alternating with other weapons etc.
But I seriously missed this series for years because I really misjudged it. I saw the gameplay was slow as hell and that it wasn't possible to be so fun and stylish. Guess I was wrong.
Also I just love to collect plants, research animals, trails, there's a nice progression to it, to keep me going.
It has most of the monsters that are missing from both GU and World, so if you want to play any earlier entry 3U is a good one. Another plus is it having a home console version unlike 4U.
>I mean you can feel free to show me you completing solo extreme behemoth at all without TA bullshit
Beating extreme behemoth solo with any weapon is very far from being regular play, and I'd rather forget Behemoth exists
>If getting more damage in is so unimportant then why did all the other weapons get attacks that help them do more in world while HH gets some fucking green bubbles to stick up their ass?
Because Capcom is retarded and thinks the HH is a support weapon, this exact same thing happened in Gen with its arts
>Alright now I know you're definitely full of shit.
If this conversation was worth the effort, I would how screenshots of me soloing a relatively difficult G rank monster with every weapon I'm better than OK at, just to prove you wrong.
define classic
Pre 3rd gen
If there's one thing I hope is that the next PS4/PC MH game comes with better weapon and armor design.
Because World essentially is iron / bone centered and it looks like they came back to the original PS2 armor stuff.
Since it was a "comeback" to the roots etc. I hope we quickly get past that and start getting stylish stuff like in MH3,4,GU, Frontier etc. etc.
I get crazy mobility and 2-3 KO's per hunt. I have a pretty good time with Valor. The upkeep is fine if you know how to rack up the meter. Then again, I've played HH since FU so any changes are welcome for me.
I hope World becomes its own thing and we get like a World Portable or something.
Apparently the next MH Switch title is NEXT or something, or they have at least started with the planning phase of development from one of those dev comments.
>Because Capcom is retarded and thinks the HH is a support weapon
And therein lies the problem. I'm not even going to pretend that all of the non-unbalanced content can't be cleared with the HH since I've been using it for a long time and World in particularly was trivial to do it with. But being one of my favorite weapons I'm always left wondering what it could be if they bothered to treat it as it's own weapon and not treat it like it's supposed to play second fiddle to people using the others. It kinda sucks to see other weapons get cool new attacks while we're stuck with more different ways to heal people because they think that just because it can heal means it should be based around that. Well at least we got the new spinny thing. Hope that's good.
>Hating fun
pls give gore for iceborne
>Yea Forums and /vg/ shitting on HH simultaneously.
All they needed to do was add back Double Notes.
Just play frontier faggot. FUchads have Frontier, 4Uchads have future Portable games, Worldbabbies have future mainline MH games.
Tribabbies get the rope.
What it needs is better MVs, all the songs in the world won't do it any good if it still lags behind in damage.
Frontier has everything wrong with 3rd gen and onwards, insane amount of dumb powercreep and anime shit out the ass, along with stamina and the removal of trample damage
Frontier doesn't have stamina retard. In general, it just uses a more refined version of 2nd gen mechanics.
>trample damage
why do you enjoy this mechanic and why do you think it's been removed from gen 3 onwards
I was mistaken about stamina, but trample damage prevented you from sitting under a monster without any tradeoff and just whacking a monster's legs to death while they couldn't do anything to you, which is the strategy for every modern MH game. just because a mechanic was removed or added doesn't mean that it was good to do so. On top of that, the game has so much powercreep that every endgame monster is an aoe spamming fuckfest that rivals World's Behemoth, the player is so grossly overpowered that those kinds of monsters are the only thing that can do anything to you, it's the fate of any sort of game that gets updated over the course of many years, look at this garbage
I've fought that White Fatalis, it's not especially good but you are kind of cherrypicking. A lot of new monsters added aren't really on that level of AOE spamming (Look at Zenith Anorupatisu which was added after Z White Fatty). Also consider the fact that Frontier has a free trial which allows you to play all the way through high rank if you want.
I'm not cherry picking, every monster designed to actually fight you and not just be a pushover is this kind of aoe spamming garbage, just because they throw a bit of cannon fodder in between doesn't make the point moot. Not to mention every new monster has a terrible aesthetic where they're just covered in spikes, the Frontier team has lost all sense of design originality, and the zenith shit just goes to show it
My guess is that they won't announce him early, and you'll get a quest to go kill "an oddly colored Nargacuga" in the Hoarfrost Wastes and it'ss be Barry.
You are cherrypicking because Z White Fatalis is one of the worst fights recently. Harudomerugu is significantly more fun from a gameplay perspective and has a much better visual design than Z White Fatty
Behemoth is still out, if you can't solo it just use Plunderblade to get the parts. 4 pc Drachen 1 pc Luna is meta right now IIRC.
nah, MH, both on the MMO and mainline front, has moved far away from what I want out of a MH game and I don't need to eat shit to know it tastes bad. I can keep going as long as you want by the way
>just use Plunderblade to get the parts
I forgot about that fucking thing.
Time to go throw a cat at behemoth for an hour.
>1600 hours in WORLD
Nigga u fuckin stupid
The image of that just makes me laugh. Imagine Behemoth just chilling in the Elder's recess, eating a Dodogama or something, when some autistic fuck with shit gear slides in and literally throws a cat with a knife at him.
Lance, greatsword, and hammer are kind of the eternal classics for melee, but it's worth spending the time running around bashing small monsters with each weapon to get a taste.
I'll echo what another user said about combat being slow and deliberate. You're not supposed to dodge at the last second, as much as you're supposed to watch and anticipate. Expect to only get a hit or two off at a time at first.
No benis monster no buy.
Please Capcom bring him back
Good to see that this thread is dead
Fujioka is a hack!
Is Dauntless better than Monster Hunter?
There are plenty of shills around waiting to tell you yes. The real answer is Dauntless is free so it's not like you have to choose between them.
I prefer Monster Hunter
It's different. More arcadey. There is less world interaction, the game is just boss fights. Only 5 weapon types.
It's not Monster Hunter, but I like it. It's free and fun.
I don't know user, is piss better than beer?
Depends on if it's american beer
Just realized im shit at all mh games
That ain't true user, you just haven't found your weaponfu.
>More arcadey. There is less world interaction, the game is just boss fights.
So, you're saying that the game is closer to Monster Hunter than Monster Hunter World?
but i cant ever reliably hit weak zones with any weapon like everyone else. I almost always stick to legs because i find it the safest for most monsters, while everyone else is shilling weakness exploit in almost every game and getting incredibly fast times, while i often reach 20-30 minutes in g-rank and 12-15 in world. ive only ever gotten gud at i-frame dodging because hellblade and silverwind are a bitch to fight without
i refuse to use adept/mantles though
If you can solo g-rank quests in 20-30 minutes, then you're slightly better than the average player.
Gen Ultimate Master Race
He is average, 10~15 per G rank quest is better than average.
Never Played a MH game.
The combat looks a bit slow.
is the MHW combat faster than the rest?
Do you guys think that MH would benefit from having a faster paced combat? faster attacks, faster dodges, going in and out quicker, etc
If you want a faster MH just go play God Eater.
sure, now play dauntless exclusively and tell me how it isn't a soulless clone
I like charge blade a lot, you can morph it to use a big heavy weapon and it also works as a sword and shield.
Stay away from stuff like insect glaive and hunting horn, those aren't the best starting weapons
Why is IG so insufferable to play in MHGU? It was strong as fuck in MH4U and it's great in MHW but in MHGU it's dogshit. The triple up buff lasts like a minute and it's not like getting the orange extract is easy.
not just one game, but they used the same weapon for all of it. this level of autism cannot be measured through normal means
waiting for PS5 to play this due to horrid loading times
It's precisely because it was strong as fuck in 4U that it got slapped by the nerf bat.
>tfw only buff at the beginning and keep the buffs up fighting smashing the monsters head
>lmao just stay still and drop a buff in a corner or something
Why they hate HH so much?
I like Icesioth's and Banboro's armor
I don't understand the complaints about the HH bubble. The whole point of the bubble is that dropping it in a corner is useless. It's like dropping the healing booster in a corner, nobody's gonna use it. The point is to drop it next to the monster so that people can apply the buffs while continuing to fight. If anything, the bubble discourages corner horning, while the old buff method encourages it.
I can't wait until the real-time snow deformation rapes my CPU.
Judge me all you want but I genuinely enjoy playing games with Yea Forums. Is there any way to join Yea Forums lobbies or do you have to have people friended and just join them?
Playing with Yea Forums is fine but depends heavily on the game. MH and other co-op stuff usually goes alright. More PvP-esque games are a mixed bag.
Seeing how the state of /mhg/ only worsens for the past few years, I should just start posting rooms back in Yea Forums threads again. Maybe later today, when I'm back from work.
I didn't get GU for my switch yet but I already put a decent amount of time into generations on my 3DS, trying out dauntless currently before probably getting GU
I am new to MH and going to buy MHW. What am i in for?
Monster hunting.
If you're new to monster hunter it's the best one to start off with.
I'm a solo player so I wouldn't mind playing on the PC.
Also better graphics
A MH thread is a List thread
>adding a monster with good gameplay to World
They won't.
Since as far as I can tell right now it's another addition from capcom trying to make me think the hunting horn is a "support weapon" and not a musical hammer.
I really hope its not just locked to healing and could do something along the lines of leaving buff bubbles around that'll be inferior to just playing a song.
This, it's just too much, especially in ancient forest
how the fuck can he be so cute and hot at the same time
check out Gaijin Hunter on youtube. He uploads informative MH tutorial videos.
And here's lance. Sadly not much new for this one either.
Lance is the undisputed king of mounting now. Frenchies on suicide watch.
Ofc, only already imbalanced and overpowered weapons get a lot of cool shit, Bow and LS.
Only exceptions is Hunting Horn
eh, could have been better
It does sound quite retarded, though Capcom has been retarded for years and HH in the previous MH games before World were borderline-broken/op. It was almost expected for them to nerf/shit on HH when World came out.
Still waiting for the bow video. What kind of new OP skill will it get? What will HBG and LBG get?
>G rank bone with jagras shit on it
>G rank iron with dodogama shit on it
Fucking depressing
>What kind of new OP skill will it get?
Some claw shit. There's not much you can add to the weapon's moveset really. Maybe double power shot.
Potential return of the siege mode, although I wouldn't hold my breath for that one.
>HBG and LBG
I expect new kinds of special ammo. Especially for LBG which only has the wvernblast landmines right now.
>I'm lategame in both the PS4 and PC versions of this game
>I'm stuck with a hard choice
>Buy the PS4 version and enjoy the expansion right away but have to play it again later on maybe
>Wait for the PC version so I can play it with my friends who MIGHT still be interested enough to play the expansion.
That's how it always been for the small fry, non-flagship monsters.
Looks neat to mess around with but I was hoping for something enticing for casual evade lancers, rather than yet another perk for guard lancing. Although I'm not even sure what else could be added.
Consider suicide
After you, you fucking mentally ill spammer.
I'm not sure how much of a perk that is exactly because the counter he does seems to use the clutch claw which has been said to only be usable when the monster is exhausted. Regardless though I personally don't care for evade lancing in general. I know it's been a playstyle done by many players for a long time now but from the depictions of lance in trailers and other game footage I don't think that it was ever intended to be used that way and it does look kind of stupid to carry such a large shield and then completely disregard it.
>clutch claw which has been said to only be usable when the monster is exhausted
You got a source for that? I'm pretty sure they just said you can't use the clutch claw on enraged monsters, not that you can only use it on exhausted monsters.
World sold a lot, sure, but will the normalfags even care about MH when we reach 6th gen?
Why do you care?
Why would you lie about this?
Though I started with Freedom 1, 4U was the first time I really dug deep into the postgame, and in that game lancers evaded or died, so I'm quite attached to the concept. I agree that evade lancing was probably never intended, and if only one style is to be viable it should be guard, but I think that having multiple equal yet distinct playstyles for a weapon can only be a good thing.
How's that a lie? It's just an iron GL with some monster skin wrapped around it.
This one doesn't even use the monster parts for the weapon proper, just the sheath.
>what weapon would you guys recommend
dude, just start with lance if you wanted to pick it up later. it literally has one of the least complicated movesets. sword and shield is a good second for starter, great for inflicting ailments and actually good for KO Damage as well with the shield. i recommend you check out this dudes set of videos on weapon tutorials to get a better idea what the weapons are all about and their entire moveset before venturing out with them.
There's no "newbie weapon" or "the best" or "the strongest" weapon. Just try them all and use whichever you feel the most comfortable with. But that doesn't mean you have to stick with just one weapon type for the rest of the game either.
forgot to mention i have been a lancefag for a long time, blocking behemoth attacks and thrusting/counter attacking upward is fucking awesome.
bowguns are a lot of fun too, they just take getting used to. it's not an instant reaction game,everything is slow and deliberate.
>a bigger wyrmstake
muh dick
I've only heard it mentioned here a couple of times actually, if what you said is straight from a dev video then I'd trust that instead. Still going by how often monsters were enraged in the G Rank in older MH games that isn't much better and it would mean that you don't get to use it when you need it the most.
I don't know if that's what it is, can't really say if it's "bigger" until we see the damage numbers. The video showed him using shelling to activate it but I hope you can do it by just attacking normally as well instead of forcing you to use one method to try to get damage out of it. Wonder if it will be affected by artillery or normal attack up skills though, if I'm not mistaken wyvern stake was mostly boosted by attack up with the exception of the blast at the end.
could be you only get it from some sort of enhanced reload, either way I always wanted the wyrmstake to get more love
Well, you should just keep an eye on the monster state and use the claw whenever possible then. It'd make it easier to create bigger openings when you could before, but won't help you deal with the enraged monster. I like this design better than smoothing down the enrage phase with the claw moves. It makes for the better contrast in the flow of the fight.
I was an evade lancer, but it was obvious with World that they are purposely pushing guard lancing. I won't even be surprised if they eventually bring the guard phials from frontier into the mainline games.
Longsword is really simple and also offers good mobility and a generous counter.
Intimidating with all those spikes but an overall adorable monster. Makes a perfect husband
Hunting Horn's stuff looks flashy but I get the feeling that most of it's going to be impractical to use at best
You're retarded.
Impeccable refutation.
>not treat it like it's supposed to play second fiddle
>there's no fiddle skin in MHW
>But being one of my favorite weapons I'm always left wondering what it could be if they bothered to treat it as it's own weapon and not treat it like it's supposed to play second fiddle to people using the others.
Because it IS a second fiddle. HH's very schtick is that it buffs the other hunters on the quest. Even not counting the special buff effects, the AuL alone is a HUGE 20% damage increase for EVERYONE on the quest. If HH did the same amount of damage by itself as the other weapons, it would be hugely overpowered.
Just by doing a measly 1/3 of the damage the other hunters on a quest do, HH already pulls ahead of what a potential 4th "DPS" weapon would bring to the hunt instead of it.
The bottom line is: HH is not for solo hunting, and it IS a support weapon.
That doesn't mean you're supposed to be a corner horner or a healslut though.
any switch fags get MHGU? thinking about picking it up but wonder how dead it is in multiplayer.
>play support weapon
>wants to have competitive dps as well
>how dead it is in multiplayer
Not at all, always full.
I played through G rank two months or so ago. The file was transferred so I never saw anything of Low rank, but late High rank was super dead so I assume Low is the same.
G rank, however, was alive and well. Even during my usual playtime of ~2am-7am EST I rarely had trouble finding full groups for anything.
>HH's very schtick is that it buffs the other hunters on the quest
No, its schtick is that it buffs the player using it. Buffing other hunters if they're present is a bonus.
What's the issue?
The other user was right then. You are retarded after all.
I've just got to HR95 and never failed to find someone online to play with, started a couple months ago.
Doing that is acknowledging that AuL HH are the only ones that should be used, that is definitely not what Capcom is or will ever admit to doing. Even disregarding that by that logic HBG and LBG should have lower damage as well since demon ammo is a thing, more so for the latter since it has a more utility oriented role with status shots, yet that is so clearly not the case. Both weapons are consistently getting new moves and mechanics to boost their damage output even though they can buff damage as well. They are trying to paint this image that every weapon is equal when they refuse to give HH standalone DPS capabilities. The fact that they gave the HH's self improvement song a boost post launch means even they recognize to some extent that it is weaker than it should be.
That wasn't me.
I dont have a switch but think about the amount of consistent players it has.
How many if those are gonna play it instead of world?
A few percentage of those are playing MP and most wont play for long, just like any other game
I am entirely speaking with lack of personal experience but I know someone currently going through who didn't find too much in LR but since reaching HR the people encountered go up.
You might find people to play with, but it still may be "dead" in the traditional sense
Look at all this autism, dude just called ranged weapons usin status the same as HH tootin, healsuts have no shame.
>demon ammo is status now
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, fuck off to reddit where acting like a retard and saying cringe shit like healsluts gets you upvoted
That comparison doesn't make any sense. Bowguns can't buff multiple people at once while doing the damage to the monster as well, unlike HH. Not to mention that the demon shot buff isn't multiplicative and isn't a unique category like the HH songs, and is overridden by mega demondrugs, which last indefinitely.
>unique snowflake wants HH to out dps ranged weapons
>calls other reddit
Only a dirty healslut would say something so retarded, if you can't grasp why HH shouldn't out dps ANY weapon than there is no salvation for you.
Its kids who have never had their fav. weapon be not adequate.
It's like they havent played a game with choices
The damage boost given by HHs cannot make up for the fact that the weapon does subpar damage, which is why you never see any top TAs running HH at all. They just are not effective because the devs are overcompensating because they're afraid of them being too good in a team, which is definitely not happening. It's supposed to be best in a team setting but when a 4 man team running literally any other weapon can outdamage another team with a HH then what is the point of it?
Point out where the fuck I said HH should outdamage ranged weapons you stupid fucking redditor.
>want weapon to be good solo
>lmao healslut healslut healslut
Go choke on a fat chode already, you're clearly more interested in ERPing than holding a conversation.
>defending unbalanced poor game design in an attempt to look mature
Choices don't matter if one choice is objectively better than another.
>healslut in denial
This is too good, why don't you rant more about other weapons you obviously don't know shit about again?
You just ignored everything in my first post where I explained why HH is not a solo weapon, never will be, and why is it already stronger than any other weapon in a 4 man party. This conversation is going nowhere, so I'm not going to waste any more of my time on you.
If the main point of the weapon was to buff other players and not the user then the one song that every horn shares wouldn't be one that only has an effect on the user and gives them two insanely useful offensive buffs.
>why is it already stronger than any other weapon in a 4 man party
And you just ignored the part where that is blatantly false. Since you need it repeated to you 4 man parties with other weapons, say greatswords perform much better than a party with a HH.
These are the autista that play as a healslut in a monster hunter game LMFAO
>there are people who think HH is actually meant to be a solo weapon
>there are people who want HH to be top dps
In what world is HH not entirely meant as a support weapon? Its whole schtick is buffing yourself and allies. If it would be as strong as other weapons by itself, it would completely outshine everything since you can buff on top of that.
That was always the design philosophy behind HH.
In the same vein, there's the SnS being able to use items with the weapon out - allowing it (but not forcing it) to buff allies. It's about utility.
This, weapons that have any buffing capabilities should all be bottom tier in damage. Oh wait.
The buffing is far less significant than people memeing it would like to believe.
4 man squad with 3 top melee DPS weapons and 1 HH does more than 4 with top melee DPS. Obviously ranged is broken atm and they should fix it.
>therefore it should out dps weapons that don't buff!1
>people care about mounting now
J-je suis.....
So you just want be a better a healslut? I get it now. You should just ask for better buffs instead of dps, silly slut.
There's a huge difference between out dpsing everything else and being absolute bottom tier in every fucking game how many times does this have to be said?
Are you capable of proving that claim? Here's a 4 man Ancient Leshen TA that doesn't resort to ledge hopping cheese without HH, show me one that matches it.
Shit sorry that one had a bow in it if you count that as ranged, here's one with 4 LS
0 IQ
>Corner horners
1-99 IQ
>Plays offensively, focuses on buffing allies, buffs themself incidentally
100-250 IQ
>Plays offensively, focuses on buffing themself, buffs allies incidentally
250+ IQ
>Alchemy HH
Healsluts don't top dps, how hard is for you to grasp that?
If it's your first MH and you feel like you might want to go back to the older games later then start with one of them. World will instil bad habits in you and make the old games harder to get into.
If you have no intention of ever touching the older games then go ahead.
Don't have the cash to get world and wont have it for a few months barring a sale, am I too late to get into this game?
Except there wasn't 5 versions of the same weapon with different monster shit glued on and by the time you get to the g rank most of these weapons already had unique designs
>find an opening
>land all lvl 3 charge
>Fucking retards are saying the lance looks good
>It is literally the shame generic shit with a different head
>"Hurrr but it's not fully upgraded/weak monster never had unique models"
Jesus fucking christ, fucking capfags.
>Don't have the cash to get world and wont have it for a few months barring a sale
Good, wait for the version with the expansion included in it to get that instead of paying for the base game and the expansion separately which will probably cost more.
Will it be dead by then though?
>will a massively popular game be dead when the expansion drops
I don't know sherlock why don't you tell me
will it play like mhw or will it play like ps2 mh?
Personally I think the entire reason they ported GU to the Switch was so they'd have all of the resources ready to make a new game on the system, and it's apparently Ichinose working on the game so it'll probably be most similar to Freedom Unite or Portable 3rd.
>world embyro
>main GS have a lot of fun
>pick up GU
>fall in love with valor GS
>world GS literally put me to sleep last time I played
why did I have to taste to forbidden fruit
World in a nutshell
Absolutely not
button masher, remember to run(as in, hold in the fucking sprint button) while drinking your potion to invalidate the whole game.
Play God Eater next.
i miss double notes
Pretty much every weapon is more fun in GU, except maybe SA depending on how braindead you want to play. Big part of why I couldn't put in more than 90 hours into World.
We all do, user, we all do
Lance feels terrible to play in GU compared to World. GU guard lancing just doesn't compare, charge spam is boring shit and in order to get the classic third poke back you have to give up part of your moveset.
Yes, despite most weapons only using 3 buttons it's quite a brainfart for newbies. The best thing to do is watch video guides mostly from ArekkzGaming or GaijinHutner (maybe watch the same guide from both since they explain things differently).
Going into the training ground without direction and only the basic (and random with the combo list) weapon guide in-game doesn't suffice.