It was a simpler time
It was a simpler time
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fucking get that SEXIST shit OUT OF HERE i am 19 YEARS OLD and i think this is MISOGYNISTIC
I remmeber those issues. god that fucking art was terrible. still masturbated like a fiend
A better time. Nostalgia not withstanding.
Magazine reviewers were the real deal they actually cared about games
ironic zoomposting is still zoomposting
go back to dick sord
There had to be more than a hundred covers to choose form, why is this thread always made with the same one?
Literally me
HEAT Shield!
What even is this game
I miss all of the game magazines I used to read.
I bet you think bad art is good if you think that is bad art.
I want to go back.
but then you have to go through all this shit again
I have basically every Gamepro magazine from around 1994-2003. Along with a bunch of Nintendo power, EGM Tips & Tricks and some random other ones. Some day I'm going to dig them out and look through them again.
We are going through this shit right now, there is no difference.
What's the modern "shoe" era EGM of gaming journalism?
God damnit this is so fucked up. What were they thinking?
I had this exact magazine sitting on my bedpost for a long time as a kid
>tfw mom wouldn't buy me THE POWER
>tfw we failed him and that’s why games aren’t fun anymore
damn look at daxter's wishlist, what a great set of games. Really puts into perspective how shitty the game industry is currently
>the bike was called a zoomer
Must be hard to be a kissless zoomer cuck.
>jacking off to the tiny pictures of VHS porn covers in the back of the magazine
back when we were the target audience
All Hell stands between him and his wife; the odds are even.
I had no remorse spending 45-50 yurops in a videogame back then because I knew it was made for me, I can't say the same with nowadays games, that's why I barely pay more than 5 yurops for modern gayming
>used to cut pictures out of playboy pages, stick them up on the walls while showering, and fap
Sure, not a great idea, but it was worth it.
That cover is canon
Isn't she underage? Yikes
>Hey what should our slogan be for DS
>Getting a VHS in the mail
>Watching it and getting hype for a game
We need to go back bros
I feel like my nostalgia and reverence for the 90s is unhealthy but I can't stop.
how can an artist be so good at drawing bodies but the faces look like someone with down syndrome
I personally love fishlips, they are great for their main purpose
Wow, I miss early 2000s poorly drawn imitation anime garbage. Especially when websites had 3 frame gifs of them.
keira's midriff was made for licking
fishlips aren't the problem, it's the fucked up completely flat nose and the eyes being unreasonably far apart
Anyone has the buff Tidus cover?
i too want to go back to when everything was in 2d
Dont take advantage anons
Adam Warren is still drawing fish-lipped bimbos though. Look up Empowered. It's pretty fun.
I agree though. Video games and the Internet in general were both much better around that time.
Young busty mechanic archetype is burned into my skull because of this
Why can't games be made by male nerds for male nerds again?
>back when PS1 etc. were big
>notice people doing less 2D to push 3D
>kids I knew would say 2D games looked old or like super nintendo stuff
>fast foward quite a bit to Dragon Ball FighterZ prerelease
>see kids in comment sections saying 'it looks like a mobile game'
Goddamn SJW's really have ruined everything
Because that's less profitable than making cookie-cutter "cinematic experiences" with a safe and simple narrative for the masses.
Psychnosis chan is pretty cute
It's not even about the tits, old games without tits are still better than new ones with tits added. The problem is that people who care about explicitly not allowing tits make for awful game designers, developers, etc. Even devs who used to be based, stopped making good games once they started caring about games having tits or not.
What do vidya magazine ads even look like nowadays?
the TRUE Lara
have sex
I hated them at first, but Warren's faces really grew on me. There's just something very appealing about how unusual they are. It also helps how expressive he tends to make his characters. One of my favorite things about his fight scenes are how desperate the characters often look.
I wish variety would be accepted. There's room in the industry for gay walking sims and titty games. Not everything will be for everyone and that's fine. I avoid certain games that are unappealing to me but I don't call for the dev's head
if you want my ca$h? YES
if I am not your target audience then btfo, I don't want a game with goblinos or people covered in burkas
James is basically drawn like a JoJo character from part 1-3. Though part 4 did start out with the buff designs.
People this gen missed out
glub glub ima fush
Crappy game, even crappier minigames
I want to live long enough to see the moralist censor happy sjw zealots hanged in the streets
The faces are the best part, user.
I love these threads
what does your handheld colour say about you Yea Forums?
I have the red game boy so i guess i like red heads
Anyone have the Patrick Bateman playing Genesis ad?
This is merely part of the cycle, all this moralcuckery and censorship is going to result in a future generation of sexually repressed people who just want to see some fucking tits, may we live long enough to see that
I had a lime green GB Color....
I need to put some batteries and play again someday...
>This is merely part of the cycle
I hope you are right user and I hope it ends before my libido dies
Please announce a remake at E3, please.
I miss reading video game magazines and seeing the awesome advertisements they had inside them. My favorite magazine was Electronic Gaming Monthly. EGM baby. Great issues, and subscription was cheap too. I remember I had a nice collection of them and the spines looked nice.
So just like real anime art.
What are these Grinch games, bros? I don't want my Christmas ruined.
>all that fapworthy art by that liquid guy or whatever his handle was
This one is the funniest
Why do you want to suppress the female form? Are you misogynistic? Who the fuck are you?
what happened?
I enjoyed this on 3ds. It was a pretty cool port.
>I only make purchases for my dick
Have sex
When you slap tits on everything it makes it look cheap. You can't have pussy and ass all over your product and expect it to be taken seriously.
Why is there such little porn of Kiera.
That bald chick is pretty cute.
You missed the entire point of my post.
My dick takes such works very seriously
But mass murder is serious and mature? Typical American.
>had a boxful of gaming magazines from the 90's given to me by my cousin
>Nintendo Power, Dreamcast and other shit
>even had a few issues of Wizard
>it all got removed from my room when I was away and recycled by my family because there was a single magazine on weed n shit in there that they found
>which I did not even give a flying fuck about
It's been a decade but I'm still fucking pissed.
I love classic ads.
Does anyone know if old late 90s and early 2000s, EGM2, Gamepro, Tips and Tricks, Nintendo Power. magazines are archived?
there needs to be a Duke game where all of these team up I'd fucking die
I don't know if they are archived, but that would be cool if they were. Last I checked though, there was a giant photo library of old classic video game ads. If you google it you can find it. I unfortunately cannot post them all right now but maybe later.
keep calm and dilate
My dad sold off my PS1/PS2 and everything with them for a $100 trailer hitch after I moved out and was storing them there. Lost so much.
maybe it's the voice but the new fauns are cute as fuck, tits aside
How the fuck did they get away with this?
Oh fuck i used to do this
fucking americans and your daddy culture
Not nearly as old as some of these but I only noticed fairly recently when I got a newer console that they no longer include the booklets that had a variety of information.
It's one of my most recent and memorable points in time where I seriously thought game releases became soulless.
I'm a canuck
I'd fuck all of them. ESPECIALLY Lara.
You have my condolences, man. Hope you gave your pops hell for it.
For me, the thought of all those little bits of memoribilia getting shredded into pulp still haunts me.
>I feel like my nostalgia and reverence for the 90s is unhealthy.
It isn't, despite the "90's kids are so annoying" psyop; the 90's were literally the perfect merger of technology and social interaction.
>Commie rad-libs we're still in their "long march through the institutions" phase so regular people were still allowed to enjoy things without being shamed for it.
>Parents were tech illiterate enough for kids to get away anything and still be smart enough to maintain anonymity online.
>EVERYTHING was free as long as you knew about file extensions/sizes.
>Web-pages were simple, non-bloated, straight and to the point. (None of this roundabout bullshit to keep you from nuking your social media.)
>People still physically contacted each-other instead of faceless shadows on the net.
(People bonded THROUGH technology, not WITH it.)
>People still understood the difference between fantasy and reality, none of this "hurr you are what you play,read,listen,jack-off to" bullshit.
>Demo disc with brave fencer musashi, abes exoddus and crash 3
>Demo disc with f-zero GX and sonic heroes
I miss it all
>not keeping all your old magazines from 10-20 yars ago
I tried, but he just smacked me around a bit and told me I owe him hundreds of thousands of dollars for feeding and raising me anyways
we don't talk much
Find yourself a girl with thick juicy lips and you'll love life. Kissing her gets me going more than anything else.
Man, that fucking sicks dude. Hope your old man rots on his lonesome. Fuck parents who pull shit like that.
A cancelled VB game. Too bad they didn't turned it into a Game Boy game.
he probably will
i busted so many nuts to this issue jesus
If only there was that commercial to my country. Otherwise I wouldn't fall for the naked Lara cheat urban legend.
Don't worry user, eventually the regress-Left are gonna fuck with something that's fundamentally necessary to societies ability to function and that's when the bullets start flying.
Their entire social strategy is to burn down a house to get rid of a mouse and it's gonna fuck them sooner or later.
While I loved 3D games, I was sad that 2D games were less relevant putting aside arcade games from SNK and Capcom and with most of them being fighting games. That's why Metal Slug was a pleasant surprise for me. Little did I expected that it would be one of the most popular SNK franchises. Years later I got so sad when SNK temporarily closed (it was revived few years later).
>fucked up
Is that Dookie Poopem?
Just stating the obvious desu
Adam Warren is a hack
I'm more annoyed that the people behind these game magazines didn't all for up and make a site dedicated to vidya.
That's a brazilian native chief, wrong type of nigger.
I miss when this was considered skimpy enough to masturbate to
>I'll be fifty and the whole "sex sells" cycle starts again
That's just you making connections that aren't there.
>Been reading old gampro issues
>It’s a fucking goldmine of new reaction images thanks to that gamepro comic and some of the art for the game guides and reviews.
God bless you Gamepro.
>all this moralcuckery and censorship is going to result in a future generation of sexually repressed people who just want to see some fucking tits,
Nigger what
society is the most licentious that it's ever been
fucking kek
And now
Never had a Playstation, who is that elf?
casual: nsmb wii is as hard as contra
based: contra is as easy as nsmb wii
A better time. Society only degrades.
Nationalsocialism, when it returns, where it returns, will cure that cancer really fast.
my purchase of games day1 or full price like I did years ago is also over
Back then videogames were for nerds and out of the mainstream media. Technically it was a nerd's club hence they targeted the nerdy male audience.
You understand that they would consider porno stuff to be "degeneracy" as well, right?
What the fuck is wrong with Warren
>leave my collection at home when moving out
>neatly boxed up, in spare room/closet and parents are okay with this
>tell them I'm for sure going to pick it back up within the year
>sister gets into drugs/hanging out with the wrong crowd apparently after I leave
>during one visit find that she (and her shithead friends) ransacked my entire collection, even going into my Sega CD stuff
Even when she got sober she had no fucking remorse for doing this. She went down an even worse path years later, lost her fucking mind and went to prison. I haven't spoken to her since and she's dead to me now.
>Devil May Cry listed under horror games because it's half-RE
what could have been. imagine temen-ni-gru with tank controls
Proof leftists are the real racists.
I prefer this to no-lip anime.
no, get used to it
i fucking miss booth babes
Thank fuck dude! I've been trying to find the artist for the past few weeks. Thanks a bunch!
>game is fucking amazing despite the impossible button minigames and the removed karaoke onee-san level in the western version
>game ends with a set up for a second game, can't fucking wait to play it even if it's jap only
>mfw it never got made
Of all the cancelled/reworked projects out there this is probably the one that bothers me the most. I would really love to see a finished version of the original Mother 3 concept.
what a lie that was
i mean, the fact that Unreal would be on the N64...
also, gotta give props to a game so ahead of the others of its time that the BOX ART is just a screenshot of the game.
Ah yes, Fear & Respect.
I remember as a kid I was highly anticipating this game. Too bad it was canceled.
post old vidya mags, I love it
I have this mag but in english and I fapped to it
Not me
Looks ugly as sin
Didnt an actual nintendo tester or something get to play earthbound 64
Its probably sitting in a basement at HAL
Discord, tranny, 40% etc
I don't get this response because trannies are just as sex-obsessed as weebs
I mean they literally mutilate themselves for sexual reasons has a ton of old game mags archived like egm and game players. those were the best mags back then.
>and she has a really great ass, doesn't she? Look at that.
He'd get fired and lynched in this day and age
Based cunnyseur
Somebody's room on Yea Forums actually looks like this
keep calm and dilate
enhanced fappabllity
>You'll never outgrow us!
That shit sucks desu. You don't need tits on everything grug.
i distinctly remember this add
im glad they kept lara mouse, even the og outfit
but man, the TITS WERE THE JOKE TOO!
i wonder how confused children were when she talked about moving boxes and flipping switches.
The artist is Adam Warren. He has a comic called 'empowered', and is still around. Pretty cool guy too.
Man I always thought this meant there was some girl I was gonna rescue at rhe end of the game. Instead it turned out I was the girl. Shit was gay.
Shut up
That's really tasteful compared to the shit today
comfy times
also, EU ad
i don't remember that one in US mags, ever.
There was an archive of old Nintendo Powers but Nintendo managed to take them down before anyone could get them all and iirc you can only find up to 2001
damn James' is LONG AS FUCK
>yes means no and no means yes
delet this
WTF! I hate boobs now
thats it?
i have a huge hutch FILLED with mags from 1988 to about 2012, when NP finally died.
so many people tossed them out, i just scooped them up.
My fucking sides
Easy Mode:
You are not allowed to post in this thread unless you had a subscription to a video game magazine.
Hard mode:
You are not allowed to post in this thread unless you have jerked off to a magazine of the annual swimsuit editions of PSM.
i would pay good money to get my hands on a collection of old vg&ce mags now.
never thought i'd miss them
>game amazing
>almost no one bought it
we probably killed the poor bastard
>feet double the size of the head
how the fuck people so shit at drawing could even get paid for this shit?
Euro ad?
I miss manuals too.
Fuck, some cases, especially for PC games don't even include discs anymore.
Underrated as fuck
I'd play the shit out of something with Granny Nukem going around beating the shit out of things with her cane.
i always thought this guys art was shit, but i have very strong memories of this cover/issue. looking at it now, i can easily see why - motherfucking tony hawk 3 secrets
Connect the dot to where? Impossible task when they don't even say where it should be connected.
Play rain world, brigador, underrail, atom rpg, nex machina
It's perfectly fine art
to 9/11 obviously
Fuck that got me user.
What the fuck is wrong with her ass in the bottom left panel
that is the MOST fucking "please play our game" that nintendo has ever done.
like, holy shit. and it was 2 years after fucking OOT, a fucking monster of 1998.
Please, please keep posting these old ads. I'm having a good night. I'm also watching old episodes of G4's Icons. Remember that? Gah, I wonder what it must've felt like being on a video game development team. I wonder what the team over at Nintendo's early days with the NES/SNES/GameBoy were like. I'm feeling inspired lads. I want to learn how to play music, write music, or something. Or hell, I may just need to play more video games. All I do is play WoW or multiplayer games. I need to play some good single player games.
Doa2 on dreamcast seemed like lifelike graphics to me at the time
5 years....
imagine working at a TRU up until MIDNIGHT
fuck you
Here are the people who tell you what to buy and why you're a racist.
What did sony mean by this
Soul vs soulless
i have shit load of old comics with lots of cool game ads in them at home, i really need to scan or photograph them at some point
have sex
Are they playing an FPS with a fucking controller? There's the problem.
>Chloe Moretz seconds before she got buff
>White Men Can't Jump
WTF is up with that (((cultural marxist))) bullshit?? Now I'm glad the Jaguar failed.
My friends parents sold all his n64 shit at a yard sale while he wasn't home. Luckily I was borrowing his copy of turok rage wars, goldeneye, and perfect dark. To this day he is so fucking glad that I still have them lol
I have this issue! Along with dozens of other PSM, EGM, Tips & Tricks and Gamepro mags.
I got Nintendo Power and later on the Dreamcast magazine. Between those I would get random other ones when visiting book stores. I don't recall exactly what magazine it was but I do remember busting to an image of Jill from RE3 in her tube top.
>Ninetendo Cap
my advice?
make a chart for the month, block off the weekends for ONE SYSTEM and play the good games for it, or anything you want.
helps me through my backlog
This post is 100% true.
PS2 era of game magazines were comfy. Post more.
>Show your allegiance with Nintendo Power Patches
this is why nintendies are as mentally ill as we see them today. its a fucking cult mentality, with cash purchases replacing prayer and sacrifice
imagine this guys;
somewhere out there, exists the fucking FILM those games were made on, in good ass quality.
i want those dammit.
I hate how inaccurate this image is now
I remember the program on G4 that would just run game intros, cutscenes etc. I can't remember if it was that or possibly a review on the channel but it's how I discovered Katamari Damacy and Gitaroo Man.
I remember this one, was it in NP or EGM? I used to order EGM
Im surprised the Rob Schneider sticker isnt on more game box collages
someone use this image when a sjw claims diversity didn't start until 2014.
also just noticed the kid passed the fuck out in the background
this issue was as thick as a fucking phone book.
Ah yes. It was called Cinematech. I remember I would get home from school, turn on the TV, tune into G4 and that was the first show that would play. I just sat on the couch mesmerized at the stuff on the screen because it looked so cool.
I used to have tons of EGM and a few NP. I'd like to assemble a collection someday, but it still feels kind of bad knowing they aren't the copies I had as a kid.
>that anatomy
what the fuck, was that drawn by liefeld?
Is that THE midge himself on the right?
That's amazing, is this real?
I can taste it
i stopped collecting recently when they switch to the CG covers
This is good
He should be naked
>Rating: K-A
Ahhh. They don't make em like they used to.
Where are all these provocative art ads these days? lol at the angel fucking the reaper in the bottom left
Oh fuck, Bassin's Black Bass with Hank Parker!
God i wish video game journalism and advertising was still like this
I remember putting ridiculous amounts of time into replaying the demos of some games you'd get on the magazine discs. Some more than the actual games i had.
Cool what do I win?
>so good at drawing bodies
judging by this page he isn't
Holy fuck that Blanka
I had the demo disc that came with Xbox Magazine, it had the Halo 1 beach level and hunter the reckoning, I played the shit out of those till I had enough money to buy the game.
>seamless 15 frames per second
FMV really does suck
I'm a gay dude, big titties is awesome. What is wrong with you?
Yeah I remember that ad.
all this soul crushing nostalgia is really making me wish i kept these magazines your posting. most of them were fucked up, cut up and/or coverless from years of reading and moving, but they would still be worth a pot of gold to me right now.
we have to go back
Post your collections, bros
I'm dreaming of edits
Was it already too late to save vidya at this point? Were the gears already turning, and what we're living through now unchangeable before we even noticed?
That's an amazonian native you massive fuck
fuck you. i think i need to start rebuilding
at the end of the day people just want to look at good looking things all the diversity meme should be used to bring more varied sexy males and females in videogames (futas and femboys too), instead we had goblinos covered in burkas
zoomers really missed out on the good times
Isn't this drawn by the guy who did Witchblade and The Darkness? Cool AF.
>N64 only
How come i never see it being mentioned then?
saving everything itt so I can pretented to be a boomer and post next time to get a lot of (you)s
that hair
PS2 gen was the last good gen I am sad to not being able to buy more games for my Genesis because I was too young poor also for missing the PS1 and N64 but at least I had an amazing run with GB, GBA, PS2 and Gamecube, after that everything went to shit I don't recognize this industry anymore
what is the image limit?
that ad is so gay
This fucking one is a time capsule
This game was disappointing.
>OST by Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra
holy fuck
Speaking of Dreamcast
Incredible Crisis is honestly one of the best hidden gems of that era
>Not everything will be for everyone and that's fine
Problem is that too many people think that's not fine. Or a very loud minority do at least. To them a game needs to be as inclusive as possible.
I never really like Soul Calibur. Souls Blade was great and Soul Calibur 2 was incredible but the DC one didn't do much for me.
This pinup made me so horny that I shot sperm all over the page while masturbating.
what does being a gamer guy have to do with not having friends?
Yellow nigga has some sick sunglasses. So I'm going with him.
4 looks like a true gamer
the anatomy on the guy though
I had this one.
Yep. Boys cant be boys and women cant just be women. Everyone needs to be a mindless fucking drone that thinks alike (so npcs) and all freedom of expression is toxic masculinity.
I remember those ads, I think they were a scam or something
Bringing back so many memories.
>High Impact Liberal Subversion.jpg
I mostly agree with what you're saying, but you have the exact textual formatting and vernacular of a literal baby boomer, so I'm going to request that you kill yourself.
>what could have been. imagine temen-ni-gru with tank controls
>and Dante
Can you style with tank controls or would that be too DMC2?
soulfags btfo
My beloved EGM en español no. 1. I'm still try to find the issue where they say God Hand was mediocre.
wow, i used to jerk off to this cover and the pages she's in too. good times thanks op. nostalgia fap time.
ladies and gentlemen, your typical leftist
Back when most gamers were incels. Luckily the industry isn't quite so cringe anymore
>calling people niggers
menu select sound is ingrained in my mind
to be fair doom on consoles is a nightmare to control.
still doesn't excuse any of that though
My wife won't let me
The worst part is the dude laughing right after the gravure scene ends, as if he was laughing at his lack of masculinity.
Games like this were unironically more appealing before their localized name changes and shit.
It's an otherwise good entry in a good series.
This was what people thought 20 years ago
Man, everyone was just trying to copy j scott campbell and his work on gen13 back then weren't they, not that I'm complaining
Gaming magazines died out because of internet, mean people existing on the same medium as virtual magazines is just an indirect course.
what the fuck I played this years ago. I remember getting livid when you couldn't keep the cute anime girl companion and she only stuck with you for 2 tournaments
Yea Forums holds onto a mythical "golden age" of video gaming untainted by SJWs and feminism that never existed and if you asked them what time that golden age was it will be around their formative childhood years. Yea Forums misplaces their growing dissatisfaction with video games that stems from the simple fact of growing up and becoming more cynical and jaded as an explicit external deliberate attack on video games. The constant cycle of shitting on video games that occurs here accelerates this process, and soon you become convinced it's humiliating to even genuinely, unironically like a video game. This place is bad for you, you know it's bad for you, but it's an addiction now and you can't stop
Holy shit whoever wrote Squall's dialogue bubble hopefully quit his job shortly after actually playing FFVIII
What was the last "good" era with soul here?
nice pasta
Be the change you want to see in the world you fucking nerd.
I want to make my dream game a reality but I'm a lazy pussy who won't learn RPGmaker
I miss the swimsuit issues. Back when we all got it as a joke.
Is this game worth playing?
>growing dissatisfaction with video games that stems from the simple fact of growing up and becoming more cynical and jaded
Incorrect. I often emulate old games that I have never played before and enjoy them. New games are just worse on average.
I agree nostalgia is mostly bullshit.
It was crazy how big Square/FF was back then (and even on previous consoles). I remember having relatives that I never pinned as liking vidya dumping hours into their SNES and PS1 titles.
Minecraft is from 2009
It's pretty good yeah.
no. The age of SJWs and censorship will not last forever and I predict that video games after them are going to be fucking crazy
Still isn't wrong, nostalgiafag
10 years from now shit will be full on hardcore pron
Sony was fucking based, wtf happened
This just turned my stomach inside out. It has been 1,000 years and a month at the same time for the past 10 years.
nvm it's a gameboy ad...I'm retarded
I only like tasteful lewdness
10 years from now video games are going to be pay to win. Censored or not it won't matter. Also streaming
The age of SJWs will indeed last forever, it is a byproduct of social media. So long as these mentally ill trannies have an outlet to speak and organize to gang up on others, they will always exist. Cancel culture will only get worse from here.
Can anyone post that centerfold ad for Freespace: The Great War?
When my kid self saw that for the first time it was absolutely mindblowing.
A worse time
Too bad. You'll play your DOA Horse fucker island edition and like.
Way to crop out the fact that this individual got utterly bodied in the replies.
You're as bad as a journalist.
But that's just onimusha user
Real talk: I actually don't find shit like DoA or SK to be sexy at all. It's just way too blatant and tryhard.
Didn't you read? The person he's harassing got suspended already (lost 60k followers while he's a who with 4k), and now he wants his second ago gone as well because he just can't stand the fact things he dislikes exist. Also I guarantee that he wont get suspended even if he's literally harassing someone which is against twitter ToS. It doesn't matter how much he got "bodied" in the comments. They are winning, silicon valley is on their side. Dark times are upon us.
fruity was like applejacks apple. Berry was like strawberry. They were both horrible and worse than captain crunch or froot loops.
>MONDO juice
Fuck that was some good shit.
I was sorting my old magazine stack just last summer and rediscovered my PSM swimsuit issues. Had a great nostalgia fap
Twitter accounts don't matter. The opinion of the public matters. Most people who replied to that tweet were disagreeing with it.
Cancel culture has already peaked. People are starting to realize that the cycle of anger only lasts at most six months. Tim gunn got his job back, so did brian singer. The second wave of anger never reaches the heights of the first- & on it goes, unperturbed. Witch hunts only work against "the bad guys.". "Cancelling" followed by reboot.
>gran turismo on the list when it came with every ps2
what the fuck am i reading?
Perpendicular lines of different topics and a leftist fag doodles a squigly line between them, durrrrrhhhh I found the point of correlation ere.
This but unironically. Watch Joe Rogan's podcast with jack dorsey and her shitskin poo in loo lawyer. As long as california exists in its current state, it wont get better, it's only going to get worse.
>Twitter accounts don't matter.
De-platforming is what matters. Power is what matters. No one cares about "the public". All you can do is win petty internet arguments and outratio them, it doesn't matter, you'll get suspended, then twitter will remove likes so SJWs don't get ratio'd. You aren't winning.
Because SquareSoft knew how to actually make a good video game. The Enix merger was a death sentence.
thank you i've been looking for this advert for ages
I am morally obliged to shill this game in nostalgia threads because holy fuck they're getting it right aside from the character designs, anyways
Best vidya girls according to EGM en español (April 2008)
>20 - Taki (Soul Calibur)
>19 - Alexandra Roivas (Eternal Darkness)
>18 - Jessica (DQVIII)
>17 - Tina Armstrong (DOA)
>16 - Heather Mason (Silent Hill 3)
>15 - Jade (Beyond Good and Evil)
>14 - Kameo (Kameo, some Xbox exclusive game from Rare)
>13 - Rayne (Bloodrayne)
>12 - Nina Williams (Tekken)
>11 - Kasumi (DOA)
>10 - Claire Redfield (RE)
>9 - Yuna (Final Fantasy)
>8 - Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers)
>7 - Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark)
>6 - Mai Shiranui (KOF)
>5 - Tifa Lockhart (FFVII)
>4 - Jill Valentine (RE)
>3 - Samus Aran (Metroid)
>2 - Chun Li (SF)
>1 - Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
>De-platforming is what matters.
No it doesn't and only retards post art on twitter.
>No one cares about "the public"
hello shill
public knowledge is all that matters
I don't wholly agree but I respect it
>here's your controller bro
Who was the man directly responsible for the Jak girls and where can I follow him?
>all of the retards falling for shitty b8
good job user
And this is why things will continue to get worse.
Early Millenial/Gen Y is peak.
Core Millenial/Gen Y is second best, rest is downhill.
The era before the cancer of political correctness started ruining everything. Which is around during Obama era.
>Way to crop out the fact that this individual got utterly bodied in the replies
He/she asked for it
I sorted out my magazines recently, had like 300 issues from 1995-2010, made a spreadsheet listing exactly what I had, tossed it on Craigslist asking $2 a magazine (except Nintendo Powers, which I asked $10 each).
In the six months I had that on Craigslist I had countless people offer me like $5 for the 30-40 Nintendo Powers I have. My ad got flagged for deletion a dozen times. And I only ever sold 2 Dreamcast magazines getting me $4.
If I ever thought of doing it again, I'd throw everything in the trash
It looks like she's on her hands and knees and so her butt is all deformed, but her legs are actually stretched out but get obscured by the water. So that's really the top of her legs you're seeing there.
The seventh console generation is when I knew for some reason things were gonna go to hell.
I was 13 at the time.
And...he/she faps to underage characters too.
All I thought was wow these games kind of fucking suck.
The fuck is this advertising?
You don't have to defend Adam Warren.
tfw haven't watched this in like 18 years or whatever
nothing lasts forever user, ideologies come and go and this will be no different
Yo I haven't played Ssx tricky in years
Of course, the thing is that these people get special treatment because they are trannies. Twitter is more likely to target people that do not follow their indoctrination, consider the fact your average person checking these reports is a onions sipping californian.
>you will never have a gamer gf
>hands slapping a naked butt
what did they mean by this
*Eddie Murphy Laugh*
When the cancellers get cancelled my friend
It wont be through the media of text
In the bog with the lot of them
Based off that blurb, FF8 wasn't out at the time. I won't hold it against him
Fucking incredible.
Finally found that God Hand review, they said that the controls are a "complete disaster". Three reviewers played it, giving it 5, 8.5 and 6. And yet Yea Forums fellates it as the best game ever. I have yet to play it so i know who is wrong.
What could it be?
>Reports other members for posting "child porn drawings"
>Gets mad when others do the same when he posts child porn drawings
The irony
Yeah I remember at the time that way to many games I played unironically felt soulless.
I think it's a VHS tape with cheat codes. Look the "Ikari Warriors" episode from AVGN.
Straight outta Mad Men
Holy Fucking Kek
Americans knew what Berserk was back then?
Just some gold before the thread's death
The old anime was pretty popular at my blockbuster.
fucking Stronghold
I ended up dating a girl who had all of that stuff, quite literally.
Worst fucking time ever.
Its just being a prude. There will always be prudes, amongst both the SJW left and the conservative right, but there will always be sex-positive people who love their porn and the sex industry. There is a reason why porn companies still exist and make parodies in this day and age.
So, instead of thinking "everything is doomed" and "nothing is coming back", understand that its a goddamn cycle. And as long as we reproduce naturally and get turned on naturally, sex will always exist. And if sex exists, appreciation of sex as art can exist.
Support pin-ups. Support porn. Support SEXY.
we need these game journalists back