This is a badass Grandpa. Say something nice about him.
Other urls found in this thread:
I wanna bang his daughter
He's a pretty good character while Emily is a bit bland. Billy lurk and Daud a best though.
He's not a grandfather though
muh strong poc
Emily really did lack a lot of oomf in her character. You expect more from a character who's just lost her empire and her father because of her own lackadaisical attitude. You also expect her to look more attractive, but it's not like any woman in the game save for her mother are lookers.
Never will be with a daughter like that.
>said to fight like a whirlwind
How come he didn't pass that on to his daughter?
Why couldn't the second game be set in Dunwall where the civil war was taking place?
Karnaca lacked atmosphere. It was just a brighter dunwall with mosquitoes and windmills instead of rats and electricity generators.
>tfw Dishonored is fucking dead
>Karnaca lacked atmosphere. It was just a brighter dunwall with mosquitoes and windmills instead of rats and electricity generators.
You saying that made me realize Karnaca is to Los Santos what Dunwall is to Liberty City. And LC is shit to look at.
falseflagging? I hate roody-poo as much as the next guy, but she was a pretty well written character that didn't feel out of place. Although I do agree that she was pretty forgettable in the first, it seemed like they weren't sure where they wanted to go with her character.
In the end we learned fuckall about these void whales
This is Peter Par- I mean Corvo Attano in his younger days.
>Although I do agree that she was pretty forgettable in the first
Her voice was sex in the first game.
I will forever dislike whoever made the Outsider a fucking teenager instead of an unexplainable being OUTSIDE humanity.
>Deus Ex
>all games that offered something more substantial than what's en vogue right now
>you will probably never see them again
I guess System Shock might be okay, but still. What is it with these types of games failing to move units?
Would have been repetitive to have the same look again. I would have preferred a game in a different place or even era.
Learning of the fall of Pandyssia would have been neat too.
Blame the writing team for D2 and DotO then.
Man, that's such a good way to fuck anything up: take the magic out of it and ground it in reality.
>kind of a odd prequel that was cut in half
>botched launch of the sequel and divisive story and gameplay
>autism of the fanbase, poor branding that was not the devs fault
Now Prey aside they were reasonably successful but from the days of System Shock and Thief they just never got that much recognition outside of their niche.
>divisive story and gameplay
The story was underwhelming, yeah, but divisive? If anything it was a letdown, and the gameplay improved on everything from the first game. Dishonored, I mean.
>divisive story and gameplay
>and gameplay
The fuck? DH2 was a clear improvement in level design and everything else except story and performance.
I meant that the gameplay still has autists bitching about Chaos.
As for the story there are some people who like the new Outsider and the direction they took and others who did not. At least for me that kinda kills the interest I have in it and where they may want to go.
>First teaser trailer with Outsider visiting Corvo in his cell
>Face is never visible
>Unconcerned with laws of physics
>Unkowable, selfish trickster persona
>Final game
>Is instantly revealed to be moody tween with pale skin and black eyes
>Only pops up during dreams and when visiting his shrines
>DotO paints a clear picture of his origins
It's true, the moment you drag a good mystery into the light it loses all appeal.
I'm not sure what dissapointed me more, how the Outsider was presented in the game or that players were not given the choise to replace him with Daud.
Ah, I see. For me the chaos was far more forgiving in D2. Also because of that I was able to have a shitton more fun with the game because it was easier - and more satisfying - to render enemies unconscious. In Dishonored, I got stuck in this loop of sneak sneak sneak and don't be seen.
Which it was a really cool thing for the game to acknowledge that you were never seen, but man it's more fun to just be fucking Darth Vader and choke out every single chucklehead that steps up to you.
The tone changes when you play as Corvo in 2 he's a much more hardened grizzled guy than Emily she seems more naive
There was no mystery art of Corvo can be seen in the Dishonored 1 menu without his mask on the easier difficulty he looks the same but younger with long hair
True, but his voice leaves a lot to be desired. I think they made a mistake hiring his VA just to capitalize on the Thief fanbase. Hearing him I just kept hearing Cynric from fucking Skyrim.
>tfw Dishonored 2 is your number 1 game
>Death of the Outsider was your GOTY
>It's dead now
Pretty sure he meant the Outsider, who cannot be seen clearly in the trailer for the original Dishonored.
user, are you me?
I maintain hope that Arkane will announce something even better soon.
post Emily sfm
Why did they change the look of the mask in D2?
Is Dishonored good? I just best Mankind Divided and I'm currently going through Prey, and I'm thinking of something else after Prey.
Dishonored is good. And remember to get Mooncrash as well, my nigga.
1st is 8.5/9/10. Just dont go in expecting some uber-stealth challenge. Its more about immersion.
2nd one is good but not as great as the first. Didnt play Death of the Outsider because god what a stupid concept.
It's good if you like those kind of games
>Didnt play Death of the Outsider because god what a stupid concept.
The concept is the same as in the previous games, you mongoloid.
>Didnt play Death of the Outsider because god what a stupid concept.
yeah thats why I'm avoiding it too
I really really enjoyed 2, although I dont think its as good as 1
Really wanted more from this series too but killing the outsider (especially so early in the series) seems straight up retarded
Killing the Outsider is fucking stupid.
>caring about story in a videogame
And you are also fucking stupid
Not about the story The Outsider is kind of the anchor in Dishonored you get your powers from him. Killing him and not having the powers and runes isn't the same.
Notice how this is all from D2 onward? That retardation started there.
Alright, thanks. I'll give it a shot apparently I have a key for the first I don't remember ever getting so it's kind of a nice surprise. I might give Metroid Prime a shot as well since I missed out on that series, too, and parts of Prey are making want to Metroid.
Didn't play DotO cause dishonored 2 was so shit. What are his origins?
>get stephen russel to voice corvo
>make him extremely boring and lack any personality
2 explains it. He was just some random teen who some generic cult sacrificed and that somehow made him a god of the void. Not an all-powerful being watching humanity for enjoyment. Just a fucking kid.
In DotO you either kill him or make him a normal boy again so all those bitches on tumblr can ship him with corvo.
They could just retcon it slightly for the future, and have him just be an avatar of the Outsider, who is actually some crazy chaos god thing.
>for the future
Oh user.
why did no one play 2 and why was there no talk about it?
>sequel improves the gameplay
>but completely fucks up the story
Why must it be like this?
They posted his lore back during before mid-2016.
its’ a shit fame
Gonna spoil it because fuck it. Outsider was a dude from 4000 years ago sacrificed to the whales, his body was kept in stasis and his spirit became a god in the Void. At the end of the expansion,Billie is able to locate his physical body and either frees or kills him. Killing him gets some edgy monologue from billy about being a killer forever, sparing the outsider means using his real name from Daub to turn him mortal and have him living a normal life in the real world. No matter the decision, the Outsider is removed from the Void forever.
>tfw Dishonored 2 is your number 1 game
>imagine being this engulfed by poor gameplay
I will be eternally mad about how they took all the magic and mystery out of the lore and setting in DotO and D2 by overexplaining it all.
It does fuck all to the gameplay, it just adds more challenging platforming and some gimmick sections (some should have been part of the main gameplay loop).
Botched launch, reusing both the characters and the plot. Shitty PC performance.
He says the Void spawns it, not some manner of sacrifice. And it requires a catastrophic event to end the avatar. None of which is true in D2 and DotO.
The series didn't get shelved, right?
Yeah I will always be pissed about this as well. Fucking retards should have never explained it, or gone with the Whales theory
I will never know for certain because the lead writer usually does fuckall in my opinon, but the writing teams that started Prey and Dishonored1 must have had the same people involved, but they all left the company by the time Dishonored 2 started production.
>the narrative consultant for Dishonored 2 is now working on Bloodlines 2
Nah, not shelved. Killed.
The setting is god tier, but the gameplay really makes me wonder how they could make Thief that is so aware of every mechanic and addition to the game mattering and then make this mess where you have super limited stealth options but one billion action options.
Not only is the series dead, the whole fucking genre is dead with the failure of Prey
>poor gameplay
Kill yourself, tasteless faggot.
I know D2 wasn't great, but the series still has a lot it could explore. There's really no hope of a D3 in some form?
woah, wait, you plebs actually defend the gameplay in this game? The blink ability is enough to make it mediocre, but then there's more.
But Prey and Dishonored aren't the same genre.
What is John Wick doing in Dishonored?
>But Prey and Dishonored aren't the same genre.
they're practically the same game beyond the focus on stealth. Oh wait, Dishonoured doesn't even have that because it locks all the cool shit behind CHAOS options
Her DS1 self is hotter DS2 self. 10/10 would gangrape her.
>mfw might buy Blades in the dark to play in the rip-off setting and pull off some heists as solace
the biggest sin of this series is not having any mod tools
just a simple map maker would suffice
Do you think we'll get an Arkane announcement at E3?
>He says the Void spawns it, not some manner of sacrifice.
What is Apothesis?
>And it requires a catastrophic event to end the avatar. None of which is true in D2.
What is deicide? / or alternatively, stripping him of his divinity and sparing him, leaving him to wander back into the world as a human, slipping away from the player protag, with who-knows what kind of acculuated wealth of esoteric and exoteric knowledge and secrets.--Sounds like a potential sequal hook and remaining relevant character.
i want a rpg set in pandyssia instead of dishonored 3
What's the matter? Not hardcore enough, lil zoomie? Nobody is going to suck your microdick because you pretend you actually played Thief or whatever.
I can see where you're coming from, but the only real similarity is that both games have a progression system. Even that isn't too strong a link since Prey has more trees with more depth. Prey's in the same vein as the Shock games, Dishonored's nowhere near that.
On the topic of Dishonored having most of its options revolve around action approach: I was really hoping we'd get a sequel that just put the action in the spotlight and kept the stealth as an afterthought. The stealth in Dishonored doesn't even work that well, and as everyone knows, playing void-powered corvo the murderer is way more fun.
>never get to see Pandyssia
>never get to see Tyvia
>never get to see Morley
just sad that this is considered good gameplay, I loved the story and setting but the actual game part wasn't very thought out, which is weird since again it's supposedly the same team, though perhaps some key people weren't there anymore when they started developing this one
Same Director between Prey and Dishonored, though Harvey Smith also was credited for D1.
If the Void spawns it, there does not need to be any sacrifice. Also if this was posted in 2016 this is years after D1. I would cast serious doubt about the veracity of the idea being born then or even if they used it at the time.
Deicide is just the action. Nothing catastrophic about stabbing a guy in the Void, nothing catastrophic about the consequences, nothing catastrophic leading to it. Nevermind that Delilah should have remain lost never to be seen again, she did essentially fuckall to the Void ultimately.
This is just trying to figure out a way to make the Outsider a known quantity when this bring nothing, adds nothing and helps the game not at all.
It is meaningless gameplay wise and cheapens the story.
This but uncunnionically. D1 Emily looked like she would grow up to be cute. D2 Emily looks like she grew up on testosterone therapy.
Not likely sadly. Next thing we hear will probably be them working on a mobile game... or getting drafted to help with the next Elder Scrolls. Or maybe a Fallout remake.
...Yeah fuckin' right.
We can only hope, it's one of the only studio I like anymore.
What hurt her character was that I don't think they saw themselves getting a sequel when doing the first game, and the first game seemed like a genuine labor of love they'd had a clear idea of exactly what they wanted to do with it for years which is why Daud's dlc was so great, it perfectly wrapped up the story. Emily got fucked because of a huge timeskip and because they hadn't thought of making a system that took her development in game 1 and translate it to a sequel, so we got a blank slate instead of the extension of Emily from the first game we could relate to.
You do know you spare/kill him at the very end of the game and that you have void powers during the entire game, right?
Don't have sfm but I have ground gears.
>What little art of Dishonored and Emily there is is mainly on gay shit and Emily getting fucking by people other than Corvo
Fucking shit.
>there does not need to be any sacrifice.
I disagree with you theologically.
We believe in The Outsider,
the dweller in the Void,
Witness of all that is, seen and unseen.
Eternally begotten, long ago,
Void from Void, Blood from Blood,
begotten, not made,
one in Being with the Void
Through him the world remains.
For our sake he was killed
by hands forgotten;
he suffered died and was buried.
He rose again
in fulfillment of auspice;
He dwells in the Void
He will somday fade
As all things wane
what's bad about it?
Apotheosis does not imply sacrifice.
FFS. Well she may as well have been in comparison to D2 Emily.
Crude example: Odin Hanged himself from Yggdrasil, having sacrificed himself to himself, to know the secrets of runes.Then, possesing the whole of magical knowledge, including the art of the runes. He revealed this knowledge to the gods and Heimdal revealed it to the people.
>Apotheosis does not imply sacrifice.
It sure as hell meant exactly that to those cultists.
She already have a boyfriend (who do some really shady shit to protect her), read the first novel + the daud novel
He be styling
I honestly love both 1and 2 but death of the outsider was fucking trash.
I am utterly convinced that they ended the series here. They killed off the IP entirely.
And I am sure plenty of gods arose without sacrifice. Apotheosis is reaching the apex, not inherently born of sacrifice.
Odin himself being kind of special case since he already was a god. He made himself wiser and more powerful, but greater is semantics.
This in no way means it was the right choice in terms of writing. It being consistently bad is not the issue here.
The powers themselves come from the void, his mark just gives you hacks that allow you to use them without being a scrub-tier degenerate witch for decades
Fucking witches. Fuck those cunts.
There has been one new comic since (after Dishonored 2 with Emily and Corvo, confirming which ending is canon.) and two novels (one with daud starting at the start of Dishonored 2 and endind at the start of Doto, but it has some doto spoiler in it because future Billie tries to save daud, but always cause Daud to actually becomes sick because of the void shit.), the other novel is after doto with Billie and end the kaldwin era, with a lot of shit teased for Dishonored 3 like
>the void is now used as ressources in a stone, the voidrite, making the technology even more advanced
>void cause some weird shit in the world
>no answer about the outsider state : only said he has "fallen"
>the abbey got fucking insane knowing about the void, was disolved by Emily after most of the members killed themselves (suicide and murders.)
and some other things, reply to this post if you have any questions, i've read all the comics and novels.
What did you think about the prequel novel to D2? I'd been interested, but from what I've heard the relationship between Corvo and Emily is hardly father-daughter. That true?
>no more Abbey
Fuck man. They were the coolest.
But they were so chock full of hypocrites and nonbelievers. At least the witches and Outsider worshippers had devotion to their crafts.
What is the canonical ending of D2? Do you know the canonical death/sparing of each target?
I'm assuming the abbey is still around, but significantly weaker and much more zealous; do you have any more in details about their current state.
Amen. I've been reading up on the lore a lot lately, and the Abbey are such a shining light of good writing.
>And I am sure plenty of gods arose without sacrifice.
Agreed. The point was that, at the time, a bunch of cultists saw errie signs: There was a lot of beached wales, maybe dead birds all up along the shorelines, and other weird stuff, and said to themselves:
Okay, the stars are right,
the hour is near,
the waiting is over,
the visions are clear.
Go grab and bag a virgin, and THEN merge them with the eternal-undending cosmic-eldritch beyondness of the setting's cosomolgy with a knifeblade, after smearing them from head to toe with whale guts and fumigating them with expensive incense, all the while chanting gibberish on January 6, when Venus is at its Greatest Western Elongation. When Venus reaches its greatest eastern elongation of 47 degrees from the Sun. This is the best time to strike with the knife as the Void is encroching and yawning, hungering at its peak for a would-be emmisary. If the cultists miss their chance, then the Void will just fart one gibbering idiot-god of its own.
Thank you for this, I'm genuinely interested. I'd like to know where I could get a list of the publications of interest and what reading your personally recommend.
>2 had dogshit optimization at launch on PC
>Rent it on console and its even worse
>Just wait till its patched and played it
>Pretty damn good but felt somewhat like it didnt end as well
>Also they fucking butcher the Outsider
>Expansion announced
>Seethe because no Daud but whatever atleast Billie is fun
>Literally rapes the fun of the Outsider
I fucking hate you Harvey.
Still seething about how bad they fucked over the Outsider's original VA.
>guy loves the setting and character
>tells Arkane to call him if they ever want him to reprise the role
>Arkane goes and gets a new VA and records all the lines without even telling Trombley-sama that they're making a sequel
>he only finds out when the game is announced
>all because of some petty twitter shit way before
>the abbey got fucking insane knowing about the void, was disolved by Emily after most of the members killed themselves
That all sounds retarded as fuck, especially the Abby. They were bro-tier in D2 and were genuinely trying to make the Empire great again while being the only ones other than a few loyalists in the city watch actually trying to resist Delilah to the point where most of them sacrifice themselves trying to fuck her up.
>tfw you're Emily and find that guy who's dying surrounded by his ded friends who breaks down in despair over everything being fucked if you have the mark
>No Abbey
What the fuck? They were such a great piece of worldbuilding and a great take on the European Inquisitions and shit. The idea they were hypocritical cunts with questionably good intentions made them some of the most interesting factions to read of and face head on. What the fuck.
It's quite interesting, but the relationship with Corvo and Emily is perticular because Corvo is afraid of losing her like he did with Jessamine.
It's very interested, the antagonist from Tyviah (Zukhov) legit could be a good protag for another game, a shame he's dead.
Canon ending of dishonored 2 is Emily run and non lethal with the council at Karnaca. However, Corvo seem to be a lot less pacific.
Abbey is officialy dissolved.
It is actually stated in the first novel that the Abbey was going better with the new High Overseer Yul Khulan, but after his death, they were kinda troubled, and the void shit happening really fucked them even more. especially since there's now leak of the voids in the world and even some void creatures.
Hey OP cool thread! Now while it is a good idea I'll have to give you a warning since Yea Forums is dead and whatever fucking wastes of space are left can even discuss a game without trying to fit in.
This is the worst shit ever. This is like explaining G-Man's background, completely ruins the character
>That all sounds retarded as fuck, especially the Abby. They were bro-tier in D2 and were genuinely trying to make the Empire great again while being the only ones other than a few loyalists in the city watch actually trying to resist Delilah to the point where most of them sacrifice themselves trying to fuck her up.
Weren't they planning to scour the palace for any trace confirming whether or not Corvo/Emily are witches too and kill them if they were? They were only against Delilah because she was a witch.
Daily reminder that Crack in the Slab is the best level in the series, with the Clockwork Mansion in 2nd place
also, books user here.
if a next game happen, it's very probable it will be in Pandyssia, some kind of weird version of Africa with strange creatures and a deep connection to the void since it's from there the bone charms were invented. it was also the home of an ancient civilizations, according to Harvey Smith, the natives are albinos.
Tyviah was already explored in the first novel, a fucked up version of Russia
Dunwall won't be used again, and was explored even more in the two comics and novel 2 (the one with Daud)
Morley was explored in novel 3. it has a king and a queen she is the antagonist after some void shit made her a "void shadow", a creatures of the void.
Crack in the Slab is a really neat idea, but it should be it's own game.
Replaying that level is a chore.
Honestly just not a huge fan of the Void/Outsider becoming the antagonist. What made them compelling was that they were used as a way to explore human characters. The original trailer for the first game summed it up perfectly
>guy's life has gone to shit due to circumstances out of his control and is laying half dead in a cell awaiting execution for a crime he didn't commit
>Outsider shows up and says that 'we' can do better
It was 'what would you do if you had the power you needed'?
I hope you get a third game...
still mad they fucked up all the world building they did in the first game. so many wicked lovecraftian ideas fucking butchered.
Please be with a young Vera Moray
The outsider in doto actually isn't the antagonist, hell the guy just want to be killed or fred by you, he can see glimps of the future anyway.
But while the void is now very present, there's still some humans antagonist, some not even connected to the void like the one in Daud's novel.
>the void is now used as ressources in a stone, the voidrite, making the technology even more advanced
Already I have issues because using the Void as tech base seems a gimmick meant to replace the Outsider
>void cause some weird shit in the world
Fitting because Pandyssia was sort of implied to be fucked because of the Void, still a pretty boring use of it.
>no answer about the outsider state : only said he has "fallen"
>the abbey got fucking insane knowing about the void, was disolved by Emily after most of the members killed themselves (suicide and murders.)
And now they remove any kind of useful antagonist or opposed viewpoint
Using the books to do what people wanted in the games is full on retarded.
I think D2 and DotO were the biggest gaming disappointments I've ever had, absolute embarrassments compared to the original, both in story and aesthetics. Are the DLCs for the original good or are they garbage as well?
I meant more of the big bad tease that you mentioned as a hook for D3
The main Arkane studio is working on Wolfenstein:YB, the other is currently trying to fix FO76
D2's gameplay and level design were goty-tier tbqh, it's just the setting that got fucked.
>Are the DLCs for the original good
They're unironically the best things in the franchise.
the DLCs for the original are kino, should not be missed
I saw a picture of a time-travelling Billy picking up who I remember was Corvo's sister, could you explain what was that about?
There's still some mystery, it was said the eyes of the dead god was linked to the whales.
but it was confirmed that if there's a dishonored 3, it won't be linked to the other stories, but a new one, either in the future or past.
they probably don't want to make the error they did with Diso2: a sequel linked to a DLC that only 15% of the playerbase played according to the achievements/trophies. it was even worse for Doto who was linked to both disho2 and the dlc. i loved both games personally but i actually knows some people who coudn't get in it because of that.
Did you not play Dark Souls 2 or Fallout 3?
This wasn't corvo sister, corvo sister is pic related, but she's dead, her son corvo protected during the whole comic was an illusion made by a witch, and he died in his hands, Corvo really have a bad luck.
It was just an elite guard who got a little too curious. she return to help Billy in the last novel, but the Billy who saved her is actually a future Billy, not the one the novel is following. (don't worry, the novel explain the things more clearly , it's not some bioshock infinite retardation. )
>kills countless people and almost crashes the empire with no survivors
>game tries to shill that I should lock her in a fantasy world that's indistinguishable from the real one where she's all powerful and gets everything she wants
Who the fuck was in the wrong here?
Literally nothing has changed about the lore you fucking dumbass. You literal sub 50 IQ retard. I have more respect for the dirt on my boot than you.
DS2 at least tried new things. DS3 just jerked off to old material.
How did Fallout 3 fuck up? That game is a fucking purist experience compared to F4 and F76.
The writing team.
>broken blink teleport move that easily gets past guard patrols and allows you to go through line of sight and stay way out of sight, with levels having safezones everywhere, blinking to higher platforms or similar making stealth trivially easy with no varied enemy types like flying enemies or being able to look up(again sound being more prominent would have improved things here) nor security cameras
>brokenx-ray vision mode that reveals everything through walls
>stealth game that encourages stealth through objectives provide little stealth tools but lots of loud action tools
>stupid AI behaviour that has very basic functions, not looking for missing guards and other basic things you expect from guards
I see, thank you
It's the non lethal choice, we needed one i guess
even if some non lethal choice led to death, we knows that Corvo didn't killed the Lord regent in game, but personally chosed to be his executioner in the trial. Havelock also was killed by Corvo.
Corvo probably would have killed her, it's just that Emily is softer than him.
I think most people agree that Dishonored isn't a great stealth game. Playing muderhobo Corvo makes the game 10x more enjoyable.
>>no answer about the outsider state : only said he has "fallen"
What the fuck, so black girl's act of saving him had absolutely no effect at all
Saving him just gaves him a new life as an ordinary human, something he always wanted.
>Emily is softer than him.
Only if you had shit taste in D1 and didn't play the best /raincore/ level in years
best ending of dishonored 1 is the full chaos and dead emily one.
a dishonored 3 should follow this timeline, with corvo as the antagonist.
have fun watching the same choking animation 500 times while I eviscerate everything in the level including noncombatants
Thanks I will.
>tfw Daud was supposed to be the protag of Doto at first.
I mean, Billie is alright but Daud just is a superior character, even his novel is better than the one with Billie (who had an interesting lore, but was maybe a little too much in the void stuff. )
>kill daud
>don't want to spare him or slit his throat
>decide to let the rats eat him while I edgewalk away
>mfw summon swarm on him made him ragdoll and fly a mile in the air
indeed, I plan on playing it like that when I replay it, I wish the game was designed a 100% around it, rather than imply it's a stealth game and notput in the non-lethal objectives
does it bother anyone else how sokolov got redeemed so easily?
he was pretty callous about experimenting on people
Nigger the fuck you expect when they give you super duper assassin rogue powers with a normal human setting that of course would be exploited by said powers? A survival-stealth game?
>2 years since Prey
Time fucking flies. I hope Arkane is doing fantasy now.
Not chokng, but Blink-dropping and slamming people's skulls into the ground. The trauma alone will kill them.
>with corvo as the antagonist
>yeah dude let's get the previous protagonist that everyone's come to love and turn him into the antagonist people will eat that shit up
This corvo would be a different one user.
We knows he goes somewhere after the bad ending, but where?
Oh. Well. I disagree. From the first game's standpoint of Corvo being set up and framed, the powers make it a revenge and power fantasy, and that works. A rage fueled rampage across Dunwall to right wrongs and make the people who betrayed him suffer. Same for D2. A more grounded take on the powers just wouldn't work, imo.
Good point.
Its not a real stealth game. and the point was to create a playground for the player where they may either play out the revenge power fantasy or avoid that for the sake of a better future.
Of course this was pretty black and white and leaned too hard towards stealth even when the game does not really support it.
I loved the first game but I can’t bring myself to keep playing the 2nd I got the clock work mansion and dropped it.
Good thread Yea Forums. Thanks.
>The blink teleport is fine, if you don't like it then choose Corvo or go without the mark
>the x-ray vision was also in the first one mate
>so just like the first one?
>again, just like the first one? In fact DS2 AI was actually a little better.
I don't get it friend, most of the things you complained about were also present in the first one, it's fine if you don't like the setting or the story but the gameplay in DS2 is very similar and in fact better in certain aspects than DS1.
Fuck didn't meant to quote.