I really like Mei
I really like Mei
I am legitimately in love with Mei. This is not a joke or a shitpost. I fucking love her, and I can't fucking cope with it. Please help me, I can't go on like this.
>race shitting
Sorry dumbo, Mei only breeds with white men.
I really like Ann!
she's a dumb whore with a fat ass
A ugly black "man" made this edit
Post more vidya girls with tank tops.
thank the gods for her tits though
>admitting it's so small that it could fit between the cell bars
>admitting it's so quick the guards wouldn't catch you
Sorry dumbo, Mei loves pale skinned hapa children
Your face when you realize Mei is actually in great shape, she just has huge tits and wears bulky clothing.
>more than one chin
consider suicide
Who the fuck complains about a fat ass?
Why must you turn this board into a house of lies?
Pajamei is a miracle of the universe.
Because there is no evidence to the contrary. People want her to be fat because they're disgusting fat fetishists, but nothing about her general body structure indicates she actually is.
I want to see mei get BLACKED
>being this much of a race-betraying faggot
Shes not even white
She's also not black. Asians want white men.
How can the Asian even compete?
It's fun seeing fatties flip out whenever they think Blizzard makes her too skinny. That being said I do think she's more on the average/bit chubby side.
Even if she's not, like, Pharah fit, she's still not morbidly obese.
you are literally straight up wrong
>responding to BLACKED posts
Insecure white “man” detected
>posting BLACKED posts
Yea Forumseta.
Why is she so perfect? Why can't she be real? Why must I subsist in this world without my love?
Some day you'll finish puberty and will eventually meet a real girl and won't need to make retarded posts like this.
Let's be real, if she were in fact real she probably (definitely) wouldn't like you.
I know that. But if there was still a chance you know? Maybe things might be a little better. I'll never get to know because she doesn't exist.
i want to play with mei's fat tits
I wanna lick Mei's belly button!
Have you ever touched a girl before? I get you're probably 13 or 14... but seriously. Have you?
Why would I when Mei exists?
Because you're infatuated with some dude's imagination. Some guy came up with her and created her. She isn't real. But, your infatuation with some dude's imagination might make you literally gay.
Okay but real girls don't exist lol
I am literally gay. Except for Mei. I love her.
I love my young and beautiful and perfect wife Mei more than anything in this world.
I mean she's in no way shredded but she's not the HAES postergirl that the fatties want her to be, thank god.
I love Fuuka!
>make a white character
>call her chinese
yeah nah call me when theres fanart that makes her look like an actual bugwoman