did they finally wake up?
Did they finally wake up?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no motion blur
>centered reticle
I think that's everything the footage shows? If they weren't able to stream at 4k they could have at least released a couple 4k images alongside the stream.
I hope they did. It's hard to not learn after fucking up with the artstyle, 3 games, and a good number of books.
Wake up from what.
>jumping with space bar
I think they're setting themselves up for a big shitshow if forge and a custom game browser don't come day 1
TU was a mistake
A lack of Forge and a browser is definitely going to kill interest. It's not as if they're going to be able to push out the ports fast enough to keep people playing.
I'm honestly kind of worried now. Sounds like they have no idea what they're doing. Should've let the Eldewrito boys have full control.
They should have just released Halo 3 and 4 on PC, only reddit wanted this shit.
Nobody wants 4.
>and 4
nice try reddit
343 Halo are the best games, redditor
There's people playing Halo 4 on MCC than Halo CE, seems like some people want Halo 4. Nobody wanted ODST and Reach, Reddit just bitch about them, why is this place even praising games reddit likes anyway?
I'm guessing Phil's gonna announce a beta during E3?
Reddit doesn't like Halo 4 though, resetera either, guess that makes this place tranny central then.
Have them make Halo Wars 3 with even more Flood and we'll see.
Also everyone heard that more Microsoft games are coming to Steam? Now I'll finally go buy Halo Wars 2 with all the DLCs.
>and 4
Actually eat shit
Everybody wanted ODST and Reach. Nobody asked for 4.
Unironically looks good. Just wish the UI for MCC was better
Yeah probably right after the show saying something along the lines "AVAILABLE NOW" to hype people up for Infinite
Fuck off back to /vg/. Stop molesting every Halo thread with your furry bullshit. You faggot.
stop acting like you know anything
Its hard to place my faith in 343 when they manage to make mouselook look like a gamepad with the autoaim turned off
Reddit wanted that shit, this was supposed to be Halo CE-4 but reddit fags bitch and cried about it, go the fuck back
Eat a dick.
Everyone on Yea Forums and /vg/ wanted ODST and Reach too. Except you though because you're a brainlet.
>furry bullshit
>literally no fur on either of them
Yea Forums here, I only wanted ODST
Reach > 3 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 4
Anyone who wanted those games were crossposting from reddit.
2>ODST>3>1>all that other shit nobody cares about
Holy fucking based.
0/10 see me after class.
I think most people can agree on this.
Nice bait
good list. the only change I would make is move 3 up to S.
>above anything
3 > 2 > 1 > Reach > shit that doesn't matter
2 > 1 > 3 > Reach > shit that doesn't matter
>Not above anything
You’re the Minority I guess
no, he's not. Reach is a straight downgrade from 3 in every way.
>calling other people reddit
You're a redditor, go back to your own website.
>muh reddit boogiemen
Reach and ODST are cool games you massive cocksucking gayboy
Reach is above 4 and 5.
fair point, I'm only mentioning to communicate that it's still better than anything 343 made. maybe I should have used a power >>>>> gap.
Yes, they're the only ones pushing for ODST and Reach, nobody else.
3>CE=2=ODST>Reach>Everything else
Reach=3=CE>2=ODST>Everything else
They sucked, Bungie had no passion or none of the people keeping this shit together there anymore, the passion was gone after Halo 3.
It's not even above those.
Nice revisionist history.
Majority of Yea Forums has always liked Reach and ODST. 4 was a complete joke, and nobody played 5.
Yet somehow for some odd reason despite being a supposed Downgrade it’s still somehow more Enjoyable then most other Halos Excluding 3 and CE
>MUH Reddit
Try harder
Then wait, the wait will generate more interest and hype allowing the devs to have everything ready to go and let fans play what they want when they want fresh out of the box rather than having them wait for months on end for each new release
I could almost guarantee that people would appreciate it in the long run and it would almost certainly get them better sales and reviews.
This fuck zoomers
Reach was kino
>Double trips
They were good, faggot. Reach had great custom games and campaign, while ODST had nothing objectively wrong with it.
Now keep sucking off Halo 4 you massive dickmuncher
God I can't wait to grenade banshees out of the sky or load up in falcons with my buds. Although if they don't have forge I'm not fucking buying it.
>”Dude nobody asked for Reach or ODST”
Imagine being this delusional
Holy shit that guy playing sucks ass
>Majority of Yea Forums has always liked Reach and ODST
Then Yea Forums is of the minority because the majority hated those pile of ass wipes that shitted up the series, don't call yourself a Halo fan when you're shilling the most generic games in the entire fucking series made for the piss yellow and brown shit crowd.
They said it themselves that they only added it because of reddit. That's all that needs to be said.
Reach on PC is probably the most requested thing in all of Halo
>you aren't a REAL Halo fan like me if you didnt shit on a good game for arbitrary reasons!
Nah go fuck yourself retard
We're all gonna play Reach and enjoy it while you cry
Interest is already being killed because they announced this shit WAY before releasing Reach.
If Reach doesn't launch (even without Forge) at E3, MS is fucked. It's going on nearly a year. What the fuck is the hold-up?
>games that both try something new and different
You're thinking of Halo 4.
ODST has some of the biggest/best fans of this series, next to 2 and 3, the fuck are you on about there?
I don't post in /vg/, user. Also, aliens aren't furries.
Reach is zoomer tier garbage, this place never even liked the series until then. This is an example of this place's shit taste in Halo games.
They were fucking shit, Bungie clearly needed the guys that left.
That's right, nobody asked for them.
>this place never even liked the series until then
Nice fucking lie
It's clear that you are a massive faggot though
I'm sure the 100k of you faggots will play this pile of shit, go suck some Bungie tranny dick while you're at it, faggot.
Nah, Bungie were creatively bankrupt after Halo 3.
It was a shitty cash grab.
Yea Forums always defended ODST but Reach was even more divisive than Halo 3
1 = ODST > 3 > 2 > Reach
>this place never even liked the series until then
Every fucking thread with the same response, you faggot. What's next? Are you going to say "WELLL I STARTED WITH CE SO I KNOW MORE THAN YOU"
And then everyone here calls you a faggot because we all started with CE too. Every god damn fucking thread with you. Shut your fucking mouth for once.
I hear of this a lot, PC fans tear this series a part and say that you faggots came in with ODST and Reach, I can see that since you're all mentally ill.
What gave it away? Was it the naked Sangheili, or the fact that a number of them involve a male Skirmisher?
Reach has mixed views, but everyone here hated 4 and 5.
>5 is less Halo than 4
nigga what
xeno and furry are the exact same fucking thing, and same goes for the robot and lizard fuckers too
If I'm saying it, PC guys are saying, and that annoying ass Quakefag that shows up to shill Doom all the fucking time says it then it must be true, because you guys really don't sound like Halo fans, you sound like faggots that started the series late or started on PC, not Xbox.
he's right 5 has a terrible SP
3 would beg to differ
kys 70iq redditor, only bungie halos matter
Mixed is pretty far away from always liked
They also talk about
>Working with ElDewrito modders to build up modding community
Holy fuck halo mods
>343 in charge of anything halo related
>It was a shitty cash grab.
I'd love to hear your reasoning for this one
Which Halo has the best Elite design?
If that's your case, then it already infected the series.
>TU settings for matchmaking
>Heavy weighting for DMR starts
>fucking low bloom DMR with mouse aiming
this is going to be even more of a DMR-fest then Halo 2 was a BR-fest.
>Anything not human is furry
Fucking teeny boppers I swear
Aren't you the guy who's supposedly friends with some employees at 343?
Halo CE.
My ideal design would be a mix between CE/2 with Reach styled feet (albeit smaller).
Its fucking garbage thats what. Halo 4 sucks dick, but Halo 5 doesn't even play like a Halo game. Sprint, Clamber, and Thruster completely change the way the game flows, and I feel like it not only does this in a negative way, it does so in a way that fundamentally sacrifices the core of Arena Shooters: the ability to shoot and traverse the map at the same time. The way the so called advanced mobility warps the game makes it worse, it warps the map design around itself and you have to design the entire sandbox around it because these core abilities so drastically change the way the game plays.
Thats not even touching Frankies constant blatant lies, Hunt the Truth, the campaign in general, the awful art style, the req system, not having a consistent playlist selection, not having any in house BTB maps. I'm sure I'm forgetting a ton, and as much as Halo 4 deserves to be shit on, halo 5 is the last nail in the coffin.
I honestly dislike Reach elites more than 4, they looks so fuckin dopey
I openly shitpost with some on varying sites. I'll be bringing a body pillowcase with an elite for a few of them to sign in July.
How can you actually think that Reach has the worst single-player? It should be 3rd on that ranking.
Absolutley seething
Reach had the best single player
Fight me
At least they don't look like demons from Doom.
Halo 5's MP actually had a surprisingly postive reception on Yea Forums back when the Beta launched, and then again back when the game launched: People said despite how un-halo it looked from trailers it actually played really good and wasn't nearly as CoD-esque as it seems; or at least even if it was more divergent from Halo then they wanted it was still pretty fun.
But you always had a contingent of shitposters insisting it was shit because 343 is the devil and all, and people who didn't actually play it shitting on it, and then as time went on and less and less people cared about/still played Halo 5 those people started to domainate the conversation; though you still see a number of people noting 5 has good MP.
>4, which has fucking loadouts, perks, killstreaks, no descope and no pickups is "more of a halo game" then 5, which has even starts, weapons and powerups on maps, and a higher emphasis on platforming and skilljumps then any past Halo game
>Not CE
>2 hours long
>shity cutscene animations
>rushed level designs
>barely any content
>recon locked on disc
>last 3 Halo 3 maps locked on disc
>so creatively bankrupt that Bungie just grabs Horde mode and Nazi Zombie and renames it Firefight
>Microsoft's dumbasses prices the game at $60 when they knew damn well it should have been $20 but felt Bungie made a stand alone game
>asset flip
>just a gimped ass Spartan
I'll take doom demons over these goobers
>when the game launched
343 shills.
Between CE, 2, or 3.
Me too. They really didn't fit the game well.
enjoy your copy pasted corridors that take up half the game and the only 2 weapons that have reasonable TTKs having next to no ammo available for them
It had the worst single player in the series.
This, let's not even talk about Reach's Brutes.
Good thing they don't look like that with their armor on in
What a fucking joke. Clamber is such a comical get out of jail free card for jumps. It has something like 4 times the height on crouch jumps and requires absolutely no effort to use. Clamber murders the so called platforming, locks you into an animation and doesn't allow you to face other directions and be engaged with the enemy team while you do it.
This reads like it came out a 343 pamphlet and has absolutely no substance.
Reminder that 4/5 elites are actually pretty faithful to 2/3 elites in terms of head anatomy, and in terms of body anatomy are pretty much just a slightly more muscular H2/CE elite without the hunch;and the only reason it getds as much shit as it does is because their armor is fucking garbage and covers this up combined with poor animation; wheras Reach elites have sick armor, but their underlying anatomy is hugely divergevent with dumb retarded faces, overly bulky and rounded upper bodys, and tiny skinny ostritch legs
reach elites look way more like doom demons you retard
You better post proof man
God, these Elites always looked retarded.
Well i've played literally every game except 5 and I always go back to CE for singleplayer legendary
Halo Wars 1 and 2 have such beautiful art
Literally the same artist as the Doom demons.
I can repost this just as often user.
Also has the best rendition of the main theme in my opinion behind 1 and 2
Yeah but you never see that shit. Head wise elites head from 2 & 3 are the best but you never see them in gameplay
4 and 5 elites look like shit. This is coming from someone who liked Halo 4
And here's 4/5 elites in Reach armor to show how much better they look
Also, the green dots/purple lines is showing that the mandibles are in the same relative place; since people always accuse 4/5 elites of having mandibles with teeth closer to the eyes, which isn't actually true; and the red arrow is showing that the only major difference between the two is a missing skin flap between the uipper jarw, lower eye, and inner joint of the top mandible
armor and anatomy are seperate metrics, you can mix and match them, see image
Yes, the mandibles skin/flesh is a bit wavier, it's way less of a difference then between Reach elites and 2/3 elites
and i've noted before that I could just as easily draw random trianbles or circles over different parts of each anatomical design too, it doesn't mean anything
armor =/= anatomy
Make that D an F and you have a deal.
Looks like a demon from Doom.
Because they look like fucking cartoons in a game Bungie were forcibly trying to make look realistic as possible.
Because as points out, they have fucking retarded dumb monster faces.hugely bulky, rounded torsos and arms, and then skinny as fuck bird legs which creates a total proportional mismatch
shows how 4 elites have a vague similarity to doom demns, but at least 4/5 elites mantain a general similarity anatomy to 2/3 elites as seen in the image comparsion in ; wheras Reach elites are totally fucking divergent and don't even look like aliens, they look like demons or monsters
>Yeah but you never see that shit.
Doesn't fucking matter, that's still what the reach design is, and you can mix and match different anatomy and armor designs, like the gif in doies
>and i've noted before that I could just as easily draw random trianbles or circles over different parts of each anatomical design too, it doesn't mean anything
Except it does? You can break down figures into basic shapes. Animations do this especially.
>armor =/= anatomy
The armor is what you primarily see when playing.
Placing the 4/5 design into reach armor hides its shit features, user.
Wow, they do actually look better. There is really something wrong with the Reach Elites, the fuck was Bungie thinking, the hell was wrong with them in Halo 3.
Still looks like it's being run on console to me.
>everybody who disagrees with me is a shill
>What a fucking joke. Clamber is such a comical get out of jail free card for jumps.
If you say this then you've never fucking played the game. There's just as many rouchjumps and grenjade jumps as in past games that clamber won't help you with, and then on top of that there's also a fuck ton of skilljumps that require precise timing of using thrusters, hover, and slide with or you won't make the gaps.
Someone tell me what TU is
>There's just as many rouchjumps and grenjade jumps as in past games that clamber won't help you with
How high are you right now on a scale of 1 to huffing 343 paint? Please go take a good look at how much height crouch jumping gives you and tell me that even compares to how much clamber gives you.
If you honestly think this, why don't you post some of these crouch jumps that somehow can't be accomplished with Clamber. This should be good.
The DMR isn't going to be shit.
Title Update
>2 hours long
Try 4-5 if you truly rush through in like a dumbass
>shity cutscene animations
No different than 3 or really any other entry in the series
>rushed level designs
>barely any content
Had more to do than 4
>recon locked on disc
Absolutely wrong, at least nowadays
>last 3 Halo 3 maps locked on disc
This is also wrong
>so creatively bankrupt that Bungie just grabs Horde mode and Nazi Zombie and renames it Firefight
They are two very different modes, only thing they have in common is being wave based
>Microsoft's dumbasses prices the game at $60 when they knew damn well it should have been $20 but felt Bungie made a stand alone game
Only thing I agree with, nice work
>asset flip
Its a Halo game, no shit there are similarities to other games
>just a gimped ass Spartan
Then play the mainline series?
Bloom is unironically a good thing for PC.
>Placing the 4/5 design into reach armor hides its shit features, user.
And reach elites have like 3x the amount of shit features that their armor hides.
Not gonna say 4/5 elite designs are perfect, but it's leagues better then the reach elite design.
Slightly more muscular H2A body anatomy + giving them a bit more of a rounded forehead instead of the flat triangular slope, and then sticking them in reach armor would be ideal; but at that point that's literally just with a few minor tweaks here and there
It's literally a non-issue. You never ever see the heads ever in game, the body pronounced like in CE. The reach design is literally near perfection if not for the head.
I'm talking about the design gameplay wise
Title update. Did shit to bloom and other stuff
>tfw some simps get worked into a shoot and argue about elite design for 3 hours
The Reach TU was an update made to the game that made a few key gameplay tweaks to address complaints by players, notably
>nerfing armor lock
>Bringing back shield bleedtrhough
>reducing bloom on precision weapons
The contentious part is that while bloom was flawed in implementation in base reach, simply lessening it did nothing to actually come up with a new mechanic to do what it was designed to do (punish players for spamming shots), which led to the DMR, Needle Rifle, and Pistol being way more powerful and accurate then they were pre-patch when pre TU they were alreaddy the best nonpower weapons in the game to begin with.
Post-TU DMR outright could outshoot sniper weapons at a distance.
The DMR in launch reach was still more usable then the H3 BR with it's awful random spread. Not gonna say the DMR was perfect, it wasn['t, but i'd much rather take a slightly gimped DMR then a DMR that shits on the entire sandbox a la the Halo 2 BR
especially on PC where evrerybody is going to be using a mouse, might as well not even fucking pick up power weapons
Floppy clown feet
I agree with this user. Reach Elites have the best silhouette and it's better for gameplay purposes.
Got it. Never knew this and I played a fair bit of Reach. When was the update released?
>Try 4-5 if you truly rush through in like a dumbass
2-3 hours is about right.
>No different than 3 or really any other entry in the series
2 was an improvement to CE and 3 was an improvement to 2, ODST was a downgrade.
>Had more to do than 4
It had less which is why Firefight died very quickly in its lifetime.
>Absolutely wrong, at least nowadays
It was very right back then.
>This is also wrong
Had to wait a fucking year to get those last three maps as DLC.
>They are two very different modes, only thing they have in common is being wave based
And Bungie got that idea from Gears and COD.
>Its a Halo game, no shit there are similarities to other games
No game in the series has ever been an asset flip but this game.
>Then play the mainline series?
What do you think I've been doing.
Thread would've died otherwise m8
EVen in game you still see their dumb head anatomy at times, as seen in pic related
And to an extent, their upper body is still too bulky while their legs is still too thin.
Obviously, as seen in game, 4/5 designs are WORSE because their armor is just that fucking trash, but between
>Reach anatomy with reach armor
>4 anatomy with 4 armor
>Reach anatomy with 4 armor
>4 anatomy with reach armor
The last one, as sen in , looks the best.
You probably didn't know about it because only certain playlists used the setting. The problem is that 343 announced for Reach in MCC, all matchmaking playlists will use TU settings except invasion
TU update was published around when CEA came out IIRC
3=2>1>ODST=Reach>HUGE Powergap>5>4
Looks like an Elite to me. 4/5 are just Doom demons.
Some sort of mix between 2/3 and Reach. The most important qualities they should have are faces that don't look like horrible spider demons, good ass and claw feet.
I have a dream that one day 343 will get it right.
Reach Elites looked terrible.
They can't even stand right in Reach.
>The most exciting thing in the industry right now is a 9 year old Halo game
>Not even the best Halo game
Jesus. Also anyone tried HDR with TMCC? Is it actual HDR or SDR tonemapping? I can't beleive they made Halo 3 actual full HDR peak brightness support and all.
2 = 1 > ODST > 3 = reach > shit > 343 halo games
3 > reach > CE >
5 > 2 > 4
Halo 3 > Halo CE > Halo 2 = Halo 4 > Halo 5
ODST and Reach are boring as shit.
found the zoomer
>zoomer calling anyone a zoomer
I feel like the weapon is taking up twice the usual amount of the screen
>Not setting it to J for 'Jump'
Yeah, these fuckin reddit incel zoomer cucks am I right?
I love how much ODST and Reach hurt you, you sad faggot.
It's just the WCG. It doesn't support any peak brightness adjustments. It looks better for sure, but it definitely isn't full HDR as you'd imagine. Reach I'm curious with though since it's extremely dull.
>4 and 5 above reach/odst
opinion discarded
The furfag is a 343 shill. The 343 shill is a furfag. The absolute state of
creepy faggots that need to fuck off back to /vg/.
They're creepy faggots that jerk off to elites. Might've been Bronies in the past.
>Never knew this and I played a fair bit of Reach.
BTB always had TU gametypes unless you were playing heavies and heavies was rare.
I like how 5 has its own tier for not being Halo anymore which is correct but then Wars isn't in the same tier
t. someone who is really bad at Halo
Halo Wars is more Halo than 4 and 5. Not so much Halo Wars 2 because it made Brutes generic Space Marines.
More like you need to fuck off back to what ever normalfag website you came from ya teeny bopper
Halo 5, by bungie's own criteria for what makes a Halo game Halo, is more Halo then 3; since 3 broke the golden triangle and 5 preserves it
Majority of people preferred the TU. AR was and is still shit in Reach.
Who said it was a name?
go back to copy/pasting that same elite design comment on reddit, spare these threads your elite fetish
1 > 3 > 2 > Reach > 5 > 4
fire team raven is legit a great rail shooter and it uses reach/3 assets
>Post-TU DMR outright could outshoot sniper weapons at a distance.
Good, fuck snipers
>Post-TU DMR outright could outshoot sniper weapons at a distance.
Not if you were good at video games.
>The DMR will outshoot the one shot kill sniper rifle with pinpoint accuracy with mouse aiming
Even with descope this will not happen.
i hope someone makes a menu mod to make it look like classic Halo menus.
The halo fanbase always had a majority of retards, though, so that doesn't mean anything
>AR was and is still shit in Reach
It was more usable in default reach then in the TU at least. It's not even an issue of AR vs DMR, the TU DMR fucking shits on the sniper rifle and focus rifle too
not him but it's obviously a username
also the elite fetish guy is someobdy else, varkin or something, he's on twitter/waypoint
It wasn't. It had a much longer TTK than the DMR, and worse accuracy. Trying to burst fire made that TTK even longer. The DMR never had to pace at AR range, so it always outclassed the DMR as long as the enemy was full health.
>the TU DMR fucking shits on the sniper rifle and focus rifle too
git gud
The sniper flinched anything it hit, making the second shot free if you somehow managed to miss the headshot. Making snipers weaker relative to other weapons is a good thing.
>TU DMR fucking shits on the sniper rifle and focus rifle too
Literally obtain proficiency.
Yo nigga his name is Vien get it right faglord prime
They don't hurt me at all, they're just legitimate shit. Don't get me wrong, I don't like them not because I just don't like them, I don't like them because after how good Halo CE-3 were both ODST and Reach felt like a significant drop in quality for a Halo title from them, it was clear they stopped caring, it didn't help that I also saw that in their interviews and vidocs. I know they didn't want to make any more Halo games after Halo 3 but they could at least put some fucking effort in their final two Halo games. If Bungie are will to to treat their fanbase like shit, then I will treat them like shit. when you praise ODST and Reach and call them Bungie's best games it's like you're a fan who loves to eat shit off the ground when the devs tell you to. ODST and Reach just taught me not to waste money on any more spin-off games.
You got a problem with that, zoomer?
4 and 5 will never not be the worst Halo games.
I knew it was something with a V.
As far as the other guy, i've seen the "4/5 elites are bad because of their armor/animation" thing from a variety of people both on Yea Forums and on twitter, waypoint, plebbit, etc before. I don't think it's one guy spamming it.
could a Halo game that doesn't revolve around Spartans or ODST be feasible to produce? There's a lot of potential in the challenge of being a regular UNSC boot in the Human-Covenant war, and a Covenant campaign could be pretty cool (at least the H2 segments were) but would anyone outside of lore autists actually buy it?
TU made the game fucking shit and fucked the DMR
No, Bungie and 343 blew their chances with it.
Wasn't there some big war in the 2100s with space Germans or something
>acccurate weapons are now bad
give me a Brute game.
I bet you dont use arrows keys to move too, faggot
>343 good
>Bungie bad
They didn't fix anything they made it trash
Alright anons
Everybody agrees that Armor abilities in Reach were bad, and that 4 utterly codified the game with perks, loadouts, etc; and while there's a few people who defend 5's mechanics, most people aren't a fan of them.
So what WOULD be some good new mechanics for Halo? People seem to like duel wielding and vehicle hijacking, so what makes them okay but, not the above stuff? What are some other good new mechanics in line with those that 343 could do?
They didn't make it trash, they just got rid of the RNG for a weapon everyone was using in 90% of the encounters anyway.
Yes, and in the process making that weapon even more domiant, instead of fixing the mechanic to limit that weapon as intended in a way that wouldn't be RNG based
also funny how nobody seems to mind BR spread when it's ever worse and 3 gets sucked off as the best game in the series
It sucks ass and so does 343
I'm personally of the opinon that no matter what the changes are, people will always bitch and moan about changes, and the only reason those mechanics in 2 got a pass is because they were introduced in the series so early.
Had, say, the thrusters in 5 been introduced in 2 or 3, people would love them.
It was already the most dominant, nothing changed about that. It was literally a quality of life improvement; nobody but retards were going to be using the AR to begin with.
>nobody seems to mind BR spread
I do. Plenty of people who wanted ZB in the first place did too.
movment is probably the most important. remove sprint and all that bullshit and just increase movement speed and add maybe a ledge grab or something similar for more vertical maps.
I'd like more movement options if they didn't limit you to moving in one direction and didn't take away your weapon. Fuck sprint, fuck clamber, and fuck the current iteration of thruster. Give me UT movement.
People do this because we haven't had a classic halo game in 12 years (9ish if you count ZBNS Reach). You make actual decent changes to the formula that doesn't fundamentally alter how the game plays and people will be fine with it. That requires competence 343 doesn't have, however.
Thruster is far too easy to use defensively, and would only be tolerable as a skill jump thing with a long ass cooldown, and they need to remove the fact that you can't shoot during it.
You can't fix a shit game, 343 tried everything they could, Reach just wasn't a Halo game.
do you have any proper ref sheets or is it basically grey eyed/grey skinned male sangheili with a bicycle helmet? i'm trying to get back into drawing these guys
Most people are a fan of Halo 5's mp but a small amount of loud 3babies.
ZBNS Reach is fine.
4 weapons and fast movement. Maybe add some unique music to each map.
>do you have any proper ref sheets
Sure, just a second.
It had a garbage strafe but was otherwise okay.
>nothing changed about that.
It was made even more dominant, m8. Before, at long range, the DMR actually had to worry about shot pacing because while up close bloom didn't dissuade spamming, at a distance the bloom angles were enough to make shots miss.
Afterwards, the DMR was able to fire much faster at long range without shots missing.
>I do. Plenty of people who wanted ZB in the first place did too.
Yet, how often do you hear whining about it compared to bloom?
What's that crop from?
>It was made even more dominant, m8.
It was already the #1 gun. Nothing changed.
>Yet, how often do you hear whining about it compared to bloom?
Every time Halo 3 is brought up.
heres ur viewmodel bro enjoy
what you wanted to see the right half of ur screen? oh sorry but isnt this weapon model so badass lol its epic
my own OC but i have to fix the armor because i apparently went full retard on the perspective. i draw like i had a stroke sometime in the last decade but i'm having fun
don't expect brilliance, sangheili are just fun for me to draw. you and i both post frequently enough in these threads that you'll get the pics one way or another at some point
I'm on discord, you can send me progress there.
Vien 'Quitonm#1598
4 gets too cluttered
I wish I was an artist so that I could too be part of the cool fag drawing club.
Start drawin then nigga
Complaining about this shit is like complaining the Space Pirates don't look the same in every Metroid game. I actually like artists putting their own take on Elites. It's not always a winning design but it's good.
Fuel rod cannon/SPNKR takes up a large portion of the screen due to its power.
It would take me years to get anywhere close to okay, I don't like to measure my life goals further than a week.
i'm gonna tell you right now, i took a decade long break from art and hopped back into it with almost no hiccups. there's some shit i'm relearning but for the most part i'm just trying to work on anatomy, perspective and proportions while also stopping fighting my naturally scratchy linework. you're gonna suck at first, big time. just keep going. pick up a pencil and draw.
except the best case scenario is a gun that takes up the bottom right quarter of the screen instead of an entire half. all of the guns get really close to the center of the screen too, its total shit, and its worse if you use a centered crosshair (like a sensible fucking person would want) because the game was originally designed by fucking idiots who put the crosshair further down on the screen for literally no reason and now since they don't want centered crosshair users to have an ""advantage"" you get to be DISadvantaged by having a normal functioning brain by having even more of your screen taken up by the faggoty sci fi weapon designs.
Yes, power weapons take up a larger part of the screen by design, autismo.
user I believe in you, you just gotta start doin it everyday and never give up
Also look up to see if your local community college has any life drawing classes and sign up for that shit
It's that way because of consoles. The more of the screen you cover up, the easier it is to render a scene. Why it hasn't even been addressed as something that can/will be changed for PC is a mystery to me.
I highly doubt shit gets culled behind weapon view models
work on your reading comprehension because i said even best case i.e. normal weapons you dumb bitch
Retarded logic when some guns take up near zero space.
Normal weapons dont take up near as much as the screen Mr. Autismo. you figure your condition would help you with such basic facts.
Halo 2 remaster
For me it's Reach > 1 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 4
I'm not really the type of person to keep doing a thing that I suck at for months or years until I'm slightly better at it.
>just gotta start doin it everyday and never give up
Welp, see above
>your local community college has any life drawing classes
I don't live in the US, we don't have that kind of system.
Also I'm 20 and still haven't completed high school.
This is horrid.
Compared to a better Halo game.
i guess for some folks it just comes easier than others. i've also been drawing since i could hold a pencil and have a picture in my head of what i wanted to transfer. just get rich and commission fags like me then :^)
>compareing a pistol to a rifle
Sad, sad cope....
>i--it's just power guns!
>n--no rifles dont count!
you're a faggot nigger shill
>DMR more powerful than pistol
Better a shill than a fucking retard.
so because the sniper can 1 shot it should have an entirely black screen? i mean it IS the most powerful...
Nah bruh. Also elite cock is pretty hot. But it's not furry tho
Still gay
>proceeds to reduce to absurdity
Like i said, better a shill than a fucking retard.
alright fair enough, but since you've got a better gun i'm going to stand infront of your screen and wiggle around to make it more fair
You need a pistol on you at all times though, that has to be the permanent 3rd weapon.
If you arent gay for sangheili cock than something is wrong with you.
The state of Halofags
I would expect nothing less from you.
this. halo 2 heavily influenced my sexual development
If by Sangheili cock you mean cute thicc sangheili females than yes.
>Rube's females
while still pretty degenerate, you must admit that wanting to fuck something nonhuman is somewhat better than wanting to BE something nonhuman.
Take for an example
Nah. I'm bi but I honestly dont really like how fem sangheili are drawn. Atleast there are a few artists that do males justice
Oof with a dash of yikes
>thicc meme
what the fuck is wrong with you?
>just cock
>not the whole package
Bisexual tier pleb taste right there.
at least he isn't a ponynigger
Yeah Rube is pretty decent at drawing female sangheilis if I do say so myself, and I happen to know a thing or two about drawing good female sangheili.
>tfw no female sangheili partner fire team to hunt down covenant remnants with.
i genuinely can't think of a single artist that doesn't do thicc/hyper female sangheili. it's an ocean of trash
Shit taste. There are more proportionate ones out there, user.
I like it all desu. But the mandibles and hooved feet are the big ones for me. That and as warriors they are probably rough and kinky .
You know naught, take your (You) back. I don't want it.
I have a few. However, Gluebandit/Etoli are a couple of good examples.
>I happen to know a thing or two about drawing good female sangheili.
Share with the class then
But you can't do anything fun with hooves
Clawed toes master race
>Rube is pretty decent at drawing female sangheilis
Nah. He's good at male Sangheili, though.
>ledge grab
That's clamber, and it's cancer.
I disagree, them curves and soft look fit a cute, big elite gal tho she would probably still feel like touching stone with the muscles.
pic related is apparently official art? even so, the sleek feminine figure is still cute.
Gosh darn user, maybe. it's been quite awhile and I've been feeling on a drawing streak. lets see if I can pump somehting out before this thread gets nuked.
Should Chief's story have ended with H3?
No, glad it came back, I remember everyone being pissed when Bungie said Reach was originally Halo 4 with Master Chief continuing his story after Halo 3. When 343 came out and said that Master Chief will return, fans were happy as hell.
Define "fundamentally alter the formula", though? What parts of Halo are or are not fundamental?
Even starts is easy enough to say, but what else? Bungie used to say the golden triangle was a fundamental part of Halo but then 3 broke it with equipment. Some people would argue that 5's mechanics don't break Halo5's fundamental design principals BECAUSE even starts are preserved,as is the golden triangle.
It seems highly subjective, with people not actually applying consistent standards.
>Thruster is far too easy to use defensively
Is it? It's not that much faster then just walking in a given direction
>and would only be tolerable as a skill jump thing with a long ass cooldown, and they need to remove the fact that you can't shoot during it.
I'd be fine with increasing the cooldown and making it so you can fire during it, but I don't think that that's nessscary? The fact that there's a delay after you can fire is part of what balances it, per your point about defensive use, not to mention that you already can't fire aftter meleeing for a why under the same principal
I don't understand why "being able to fire at all times" is such an important thing to people. As mentioned above, there's already a delay after you ,melee where you can't fire meant to dissuade people from spamming melee, I don't see why using that sort of thing as a balancing mechanic isn't okay.
Also, while I don't particularly like sprint, having sprint or as fast movement and being able to fire at once would be awful, because then you are skating around the map at high speed with your weapon model up and the [physics of it feel completely awful woithout the right sense of mometum
Play 300% speed in Halo 3, it feels awful
Having multiple weapon slots beyond 2 would be fucking cancer and would only exacerbates Halo's issues with weapon balance and certain weapons being overly-versatile.
>there's already a delay after you ,melee
This is after performing an offensive action. There shouldn't be any penalty for doing something that isn't directly able to deal damage.
>Play 300% speed in Halo 3, it feels awful
Because the game has a terrible movement acceleration curve so it takes a million years to reach top speed and even longer if you want to change direction. Play Doom 4.
So what's the appeal of Reach? The multi or the solo?
Armor customization, that's it.
for me, it was military dress up simulator. and imagining my spartan getting captured by a bunch of big hot sangheili
I'm not sure I wanted to know this, user.
That's hot, that's hot
and yet, you are forever burdened with the info. what will you do now?
Here's your Reach, Reachfags, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
H2A has the best, H5 has the worst.
I'd love to see a higher resolution CE elite.
That's Halo 2
i've been seeing people say 343 are going to fix halo 1's PC port, all the broken/missing shaders and scripts. is this true? was it said during the social stream?
Eh, there's differences. Like how CE elites can fully enclose their mandibles.
343 has talked about it, yeah.
This is the only good list, all others are wrong
>ODST and Reach over CE/2