>Video game based on a movie
>It's better than the actual movie
Video game based on a movie
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Not a big accomplishment considering the movie was that bad.
this, prototype and infamous were some great shit a decade ago
Even if the game had been shit it still would have been better. What's more astounding is that the game is actually good on its own merits.
Remaster it you fucking cowards
I remember this game being fun as fuck, gory too.
Was great
Great game. Just pure fun.
Wasn't that partially because they were working on a Wolverine game beforehand and they were ordered to retrofit it for the movie?
I miss all the movie tie in games. Jesus what was the last non Spider-Man marvel movie game? Captain America on the 360?
Fucked if I know. I just know that they were supposed to release it at some point but then the movie got delayed so they used that time to polish it up and make it better (The 360 and PS3 versions at least).
There was a Thor tie-in game too. The Captain America game is kinda funny because a lot of the stuff it uses comes into play in Winter Soldier and Civil War.
it happens
Hotel Transylvania 3 got a tie in recently, and I think the closest one to that was Cars 3 (which is pretty fun). I almost miss movie tie ins. They harken back to a time where companies actually put SOME amount of effort into marketing a film and sometimes we got a good game out of it. Now they just release a shitty mobile Temple Run clone and call it a day.
Interesting you point out Captain America because Chris Evans liked the game so much he got the directors of those films to incorporate the moves from the game into the later films. I've really been meaning to play it, is it worth it?
It's a Bamham ripoff that's got some wild ragdoll and unintentionally funny cutscenes. Depends on what you look for in a game.
That one was better.
>du-du-duuu duu, duu duu duu du, dudud dudu
Wasn't this really hard? I found it at a pawn shop recently but haven't bothered playing it yet. I find it funny that they got Hugh Jackman's license for the cover when Mark Hamill voices him in the game and it has nothing to do with the other X-Men movies, also that Hugh Jackman would voice him in later video games. Always have respect for actors who make the time to voice in these types of things. Shows that they actually care about their fans.
Just finished this game a few years ago.
It's pretty decent, but it wasn't nearly as good as I remember. The game is padded put with multiple flashbacks to the same Africa levels, yet is still very short. I ran into a lot of glitches, the worst was the fight against Gambit. I had to start over at least 7 times because the scripted events just wouldn't work, or would happen too early, causing Gambit to fall out of bounds, or myself to fall off the level because wolverine wouldn't play his getting up animation properly.
Damn Nostalgia
The only good thing that came out from that Kurtzman trash
It is hard mostly due controls, but it's fun as fuck. It's weird that it's been forgotten, since some moments are an absolute kino.
this, kungfu panda
this shit is great
>Juggernaut walks in
>His voice actor is screaming so fucking loud into the microphone you can audibly hear the audio clipping and maxing out
game was great