Freelancer Alpha 1 - 1 you are cleared for launch, good luck out there

>Freelancer Alpha 1 - 1 you are cleared for launch, good luck out there.

Attached: freelancer_26.jpg (1024x768, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

With Microsoft bringing back old games to steam, how long till we see Freelancer?

Attached: ForwardCannons.webm (1600x900, 2.35M)

Never ever

I wish the Discovery mod wasnt roleplay autism
Its such a damn good mod

That's Yea Forumslancer, not Discovery.

Attached: FREELANCEEEEEEEEEER.webm (800x450, 2.85M)

What's the best ship and why is it the Hammerhead?

Sabre you fucker.

Sabre and Stiletto look stupid.

Damn this looks kino.

I want to run space weed and dock with stations at 1km/s again.

Space games are starting to be trending (Starfield, Beyond Good and Evil 2, Dual: Universe, Elite Dangerous) so there could be a possibility of a sequel hopefully at E3

>With Microsoft bringing back old games to steam
I'm pretty sure that freelancer is freeware for a while now

Same model and guns are in discovery

The Valkyrie is the sexiest.

Right, but it's Yea Forumslancer.

Attached: TheLonelyJourney.webm (1600x900, 2.73M)

which faction had the hottest girls and why were they the outcasts?

then again every female and male character model had the same body types, barring tobias/tekagi

Is this game worth getting into if I like Elite Dangerous? Should I play 1 or 2?

I don't think there's any chance of this game ever getting a sequel and honestly I don't mind. It would just get butchered anyway.

That I can agree with.

It's not like Elite Dangerous, it's actually good.

Yeah I know nigga my point still stands
Discovery is the only mod thats still alive

For me it's X3

Its better so yeah
>1 or 2
There's only 1 but there is Starlancer but its not like Elite at all its a mission based dogfighting sim

Well that's not saying much, is it?

Attached: SpaceTraffic.webm (1600x900, 1.66M)

X series is rubbish eurojank

Rheinland has some of the best aesthetics a shame they arent that good

It's roleplay autism isn't even that good but it's literally the best type of experience available.


>Space games are starting to be trending
I remember being hype for a new wave of space games back when Elite, Star Citizen and No Man's Sky were in development.

Attached: feel.jpg (4456x2688, 1.08M)

Microsoft will never give it a sequel, our best hope now is Underspace.

>don't scan me silly rhinelander uguu~

Attached: dromedary.jpg (300x213, 11K)

The sequel was in development but cancelled.

Yeah, which means a sequel will never come out.

>tfw never got hype for Star Citizen because I already knew of Chris Roberts' history of fuckups
feels gud man

Any they all entirely misunderstood what made games like Freelancer fun.

That's because they weren't ever trying to be.
>People think Elite, a game with procedural generation, is a better exploration game than the hand-crafted world of Freelancer

Attached: freelancer great gate.jpg (1280x688, 37K)

>and they all want to be autistic realism simulators

Exactly. Space in Freelancer wasn't realistic, but damn if it wasn't interesting to navigate and play in. I still enjoy traveling it, even if I've played the game a dozen times.

You mess with the viper. You get the fangs.

>or have too much focus on ground combat

Attached: spaceaces.jpg (1600x1200, 344K)

is trainwiz still working on his game?

Bring back third person camera in space sims fuck cockpit views
I like to see my ship

Attached: 1545078238618.jpg (458x360, 16K)

Freelancer has so much good radio chatter.

Yes, I am.

Attached: freelancer sleeper ship.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

Yee flying around in a literal sky box with some textured orbs is boring as shit, ain't no one making a nice hand crafted space to explore in any of these new space games


Attached: 1266694966768.jpg (1280x960, 185K)

Omega theme gives me goosebumps

Like, do you just live on Yea Forums, or do you have an alert set up for Freelancer / TES threads? I hope development is going well anyway!

He makes them, you goof.

>Played Yea Forumslancer back in the day
>They were using Discovery with weak antichrist
>Changed a few ini lines and had every asteroid I mined drop credit chips
>Fucked off on a 3 hour solo mission to buy a Zoner mothership
>Brought it back nearly getting it stuck repeatedly to the starting planet
>Parked it in front of the gate and watched people bounce off my fucking shields
Good times

Attached: 1266697007486.jpg (1280x960, 116K)

What is the lore of that giant tube of gas

Attached: nannniii.png (500x478, 240K)

Hey man sup
Looking forward to it

Honestly i just saw the announcement about Microsoft bringing old games to steam and wondered if people would be discussing Freelancer.

Attached: vlancer is so old this was considered fine and relevant.jpg (960x720, 72K)

I made this thread though

Attached: anglo_read.png (604x467, 295K)

Attached: 1266697629358.jpg (1280x960, 260K)

Well I'm hoping to have a demo out this month, to go along with the Kickstarter. Should have a fair bit of content in it, sort of like the Freelancer demo.

Attached: UnderspaceGoMyChildrenBeFreeNA.webm (1600x900, 2.86M)

Be sure to shill it here so people know

Based Hues

Independents worlds theme does that to me, feels like you could get fucked at any moment.

Will you ever add a more dynamic camera?

Freelancer just had some really weird skyboxes. The whole game was built on a 2d plane and the artists often didn't do a completely spherical background. If you look directly up or down you often just see a void or some weird tube effect.

Attached: 1266697806826.jpg (1280x960, 163K)

its cool as fuck
blew my mind as a kid when i found that system on my own
also this is the system music

You mean that new camera stuff with Why485's latest Freelancer template release thing?
I've considered looking into it. The problem is that that flight template is a lot less complicated than Underspace currently is, and while I might play around with it there's the risk of it breaking all the current camera systems, when my focus right now is getting the demo out.

Attached: UnderspaceSparkplatformNA.webm (1600x900, 2.85M)

It was meant to be inside a distant wormhole you could see at one point.

Its intentional though you dont accidentally make that skybox lol
In my head the lore was that surface at the end of the tube was the dyson sphere and the tube its self was like some exhaust cone

Attached: 1266695712218.jpg (1280x960, 113K)

Total Warbros where you at?

Attached: screen30yy9.jpg (1152x864, 67K)


>played Crab Nicholson's Extreme Sleepover
>had a field where you could mine fish
It was a different time

>You mean that new camera stuff with Why485's latest Freelancer template release thing?
Yeah, for example. It improves game feel by a lot imo.
You should definitely consider it after the demo.

Is that a fuckin fireworks station

Provided it doesn't turn every bit of everything into non-working mush, sure. Heck if it does work, having the ability to switch between different camera systems in the options would be simple enough.

Attached: UnderspaceCreepyGyroThingNA.webm (1920x1080, 2.88M)

>recently tried playing Freelancer with a controller's gyro
>plays fucking amazing, like the game was made for it
Highly recommended. Feels like you're actually steering the ship.

So I assume Discovery ripped off your assets then? Or the other way around

Yeah. There's four-ish (five if you count the center of the galaxy) regions of space that are sort of like Freelancer's four houses. Each has a hidden boss that's related to that region, then there's tons of hidden bosses scattered in just various systems. This one is a pyrotechnics platform that turned evil, it's pretty basic but fairly fun.

I like hidden bosses.

Attached: Underspace A Screenshot of Photomode.png (1614x907, 1.17M)

It was designed to be played with a mouse and keyboard because it released long after joysticks were a common peripheral. It actually got criticism for this at release despite obviously being a good idea.

Is it going to be full of memes or does it also have serious tones
there isnt a story is there?

Even though it's so ancient it belongs in /vr/, I still hold Tie Fighter as the de-facto standard for what a good space combat game should be like. It might be my nostalgia goggles but no other game since has gotten it quite right. They either put too much emphasis on the trading & economy aspect, screw up the scaling, or have a severe lack of mission variety to keep the game fun.

Attached: TIE-Fighter-Screenshot.gif (640x480, 38K)

>It was designed to be played with a mouse and keyboard
I know. It works extremely well with gyro as well though. And it feels a bit better imo because you're turning a controller to turn the ship instead of just moving a mouse across a flat surface.

It's a bit of nostalgia goggles, but that doesn't mean it isn't still a great game to play.

There's goofyish bits, but not really memes. Focus is more on the strangeness and vague horror of the setting more than anything else.
Also there's a main campaign, a multiplayer campaign, sidequests, and then things I call vignettes (which are points of interest that have some minor gameplay element going on), though a rare few can get pretty complicated and turn into full space-dungeon-raids.

Attached: UnderspacePromo3.png (1612x904, 1.05M)

I suspect they don't remember that it even exists, tbqh, which is a shame. It's such a good game.

Thank god - memes age worse than just about anything, and building a game around them is just a bad idea.

How did you manage it you wizard
Is it voiced?

n-no bully!



>HOTAS in Freelancer

Attached: tfw_a_filthy_pleb_speaks.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

This one.

Attached: defender.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)

I had it originally and it's still kind of there, but the thing is... it's not fun to play with.

Partially. There's space chatter (obviously) but things like sidequests aren't always voiced.

Attached: HD TRAIN.jpg (1920x1080, 2.85M)

Is it worth playing single player at all? I love the idea of new content, but I'm worried I'd have to grind it to do anything interesting.

>unavailable in vanilla
still mad

On a scale of 1 to many; how many space trains are there?

Freelancer had the best space skyboxes ever
I remember when I was young and I first played the demo I tried flying out to a star on the skybox for hours because retard 12 year old me thought the full game was out there and only the jumpgates were locked for the demo
Good times
I played that demo so much I know every little nook of New York

So is Starblazer, the Blood Dragons' recolored fighter and CSV. Just... why?

Berliner Server

take me back

What do you mean? Discovery doesnt have a SP
If you mean the vanilla game then fuck yes the story is awesome

So many. There's the normal ambient ones, ghost trains, even a quest where you rob one, old west style. That's what that promo art is from.

Attached: UnderspaceTrain.png (1766x991, 1.27M)

... yes, it does have single player? You just start and play on your own server alone?

blog time

When I first started gaming I downloaded a demo for this game flew around space endlessly. I never really got anywhere with the game and never owned the full version (except for a short time I had pirated it) but just the freedom to fly around space the fact that things were somewhat realistically distant just blew my teenage little mind. I still have comfy feelings when I think of this game

>somewhat realistically
Space in the game is, like, at most, 400km across.

that was a short fucking blog post 0/10

Why did you have to post this

Attached: .jpg (1000x562, 41K)

Oh thats what you mean. Its basically just offline mp though. You can, if you just want to skip the credit grind and avoid roleplaying spergs trying to pirate your shit all the time. The new content is really cool. Defintiley check out the nomad worlds and Omicron Major (with the dyson sphere), it looks amazing.


Is that how far out the edges of the map were? All the content was within a 15-20km circle, probably even less.

Gameplay > Realism
Having full scale space just isnt fun

Yes. There is nothing realistic about Freelancer in any capacity. That's why it's good.

Attached: Trentlancer.png (626x1024, 714K)


Attached: 41.png (1920x1080, 2.27M)

>Eyyy watcha gat
>Make sure he lives he owes me some credits

I remember the realism system in Yea Forumslancer. All the planets in it were obscenely far apart, it was mostly pitch black, and there was no sound.

Attached: UnderspaceUndersnakeNA.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

Attached: 17.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

Yeah the Crossfire mod tried to do that and its fucking garbage
Some of the "missions" are literally
>fly for 2 hours in real time
>collect thing
Absolute aids who thought that was fun

The axes are wrong and it triggers me.

The best thing about Freelancer skyboxes is that they put all the prominent nebulas in roughly the correct locations.

Yeah, you can see all of the 4 major nebulae in the Liberty space.

The guy who did that said "he wanted it to feel like an old spanish explorer who had to travel for months to reach a place"

Attached: UnderspaceGhostTrainNA.webm (1920x1080, 2.43M)

Yeah, and if you go to Texas the Walker Cloud gets closer while the Crow Nebula is far away. Opposite in Colorado. It's neat.

Crossfire is fucking garbage in general.

In the Sol system the fuckin trade lane between the planets bugged out and I was stuck literally hours away from anything because the scale is that huge
Super gay

That's absolutely retarded. The guy missed the whole point of what made the FL's exploration so great.

god I hope they bring back the voice in Squadron 42

Freelancer was all I wanted from Stsr Citizen

I mean Sol required you to fly 400k just to reach the coalation systems. It was dumb in general. The whole mod was a mess.

Attached: freelancer crossfire.jpg (1024x768, 141K)

it's hardly roleplay

Same, I stupidly backed it because Roberts said it would be the Freelancer 2 that never happened, he fucking lied.

Yeah, I don't mind the roleplaying but I really don't want to be part of a persistent online community anymore. Ain't got time for that. Thanks for the reply.

it is technically Freelancer 2, in the sense that it's the game he wanted Freelancer to be but it wasn't because as it turns out, what he wanted Freelancer to be was both ridiculous and ultimately not very fun.

>ever giving anyone your money based solely on a promise
Why do people still do this?

Where can I safely download this game?

You'd be a fool to have expected anything like Freelancer from Star Citizen. The only reason Freelancer is the game we know and love is that Microsoft stepped in and fixed Roberts' mess.
One of the few positive things I can attribute to that company.

>Hello, can I help you with anything?
>It's your first time here, isn't it?
>Yeah, I believe I have what you're looking for. Can I have a look at your card?
>'smiles and presents the card'
>Fine, here's what I've heard

>carry cargo from new london all the way to omicron delta
>not interested in rping just want to make some money and relax
>journey takes me about 45 minutes
>finally reach delta
>autistic faggot with Wild ID stops me
>starts doing his gay roleplay shit
>pm him and tell him i'm not interested and i'll give him 5 mil to leave me alone
>guy blows me up and I lost everything
>almost an hour of travel wasted, lost about 20 mil credits
Yeah great game
Roleplaying kills it for me I just want to interact with normal people


This reads like that /fit/ post of some guy preparing to order pizza.

Flatout works with a wiimote and glove pie too, but stop motion control faggotry

About how many star systems are in underspace?


>but stop motion control
no fuck you

70, give or take. It depends on whether or not you count one-shot systems that serve as dungeons as part of that.

Attached: HD BONES.jpg (1920x1099, 2.54M)

Trent was Yea Forums personified

>according to people on Leeds he fucked a ton of hot asian girls
>self-made millionaire
>would just go up to random strangers and force them to give him thing
Please, he was Chad to the core.

sounds like you want a pvpless server retard

Are those Nomads?

I don't recall people on Leeds mentioning any Asian girls. I do remember them saying that Trent used to date some scientist named Vanessa who had nice legs but dumped her to go out and make fortune and the Border Worlds.

No pvp is fine, autists stopping you and writing paragraphs of text to just blow you up without warning isnt pvp


>dumps girls
So even more chad

I've been looking for a good space sim to get in to. How do I play with you guys in Freelancer. What do I need to get started.

Attached: magane panties.jpg (850x850, 120K)

Imagine it was acted out by autistic robots and you're there. All the bar dialogue was cut together in five minutes by an intern.

>good space sim
Stop right there. Freelancer is _not_ a space sim.

Just go google "Freelancer abandonware"
It's really not too multiplayer these days though, but it's a damn solid singleplayer experience.

Play the single player its kino

He does strike me as autistic, ngl

Attached: az.png (1920x1080, 2.97M)

Is the universe persistent? Using Space Rangers 2 as reference.

>good girl is hard to find
>tfw the main campaign was meant to have trent realize that the million credits doesn't matter and that he should smash Juni, which is why he'd stay in Liberty

So are there any HD mods out there that don't fuck with the aesthetic?

There's not really that much you can do to the universe that really matters if it's persistent or not. Wrecks will stay looted and such though.

Should I go and play Starlancer? Is it any good?

>So tell me, what may I do for you?
>New here stranger?
>I see, I work for the - Liberty Police - We dont run this base, but we have an "understanding" with the people who do.

Attached: Trent autist.jpg (264x205, 32K)

It's a completely different game, more similar to Wing Commander but yeah, it's fun.

The "Myabandonware" site?

>has a cute Asian friend who is totally into him
>his final log entry has him bemoan that he still hasn't been paid
What did he mean by this

In the original script they actually do.

Its pretty good
I played it before I played Freelancer
They aren't really connected outside of the intro cinematic to Freelancer though


Disregard harlots, acquire credits.

Request to dock - GRANTED - please proceed to dock - TWO
Something about the janky dialogue gives me nostalgia

>it's a woman saying this

The game can have a robot bartender referring to itself as a woman bemoaning her past job pouring coffee for her rich boss.

fuckbots are real, the future is now.

Star Citizen will never come out.

>nobody ever talks about how autistic trent's log is
>there is a rant about the pronunciation of methane
>never shows a hint of interest at the weird conspiracy he's deeply involved in
>never gets that sidewinder feng


Attached: 1505042872381.jpg (684x1000, 460K)

Outcasts or Corsairs
Which is cooler?

Attached: Copy_ff01cb_5414349.jpg (600x568, 50K)

This game represents the golden age of games, specially for the PC
Just make sure to delete the AUDIO folder inside the archive if you don't want the new music. It should work with Vanilla FL.

Alien artifacts > space drugs

>sidewinder fang
Kek I forgot all about that
What kind of name is that
The developers were like YEAH this sounds edgy and cool as fuck

It's a real drink.

Thanks, pal!

Outcasts because they actually have some cool lore, I like their ships better and I'm a Red Hessians fag.

So, Outcasts?


Attached: 1556699219051.gif (200x200, 3.14M)

>it's a fruity cocktail

Attached: sexijuni.jpg (554x547, 58K)

Yikes! Red Hessians get the Sun Slayer

>red hessians

Did you make the art? You are a fucking Jack of all trades if I've ever seen one Wiz.

They are

That looks nice. Are there any packages for ships / stations / etc?

>The whole nation is addicted to a drug that kills them if they ever stop using it or leave their home planet without it
>Get rich from selling the said drug, so much so that an average weed farmer can afford a life of luxury
>Poor as shit, can't barely feed themselves
>Had to eat each other just to survive
>Depend on Zoners to feed them
>Behave like savages

I think it is obvious.

Which faction is your favorite? Me, it's Kyushu for the comfiness.

corsairs have the best ship and aren't outright drug pushers, just straight ARRRRR-brand pirates. bonus points for hating those space-commie red hessians

No, I have artists on board.

Attached: Hats.jpg (1611x2714, 2.18M)

It was seriously so fucking cool when I found out these pirates had entire systems hidden away behind multiple jump holes
I thought the Corsairs and Outcasts were just regular old pirates like all the others but they turn out to be the lost house

>Has him comment on finding Sinclair hot
>Has him fanboy over Ozu who is basically a space samurai

nice fanfiction

Its also pretty kekworthy that literall all of the Hispanic people in the game are criminals
just like real life

>talks about how Tobias is just going to go get drunk and get kicked out of the navy
>and he does

are those giant monster jellyfishes? will that be in game?

the IMG

Yeah, I was really surprised too when I had stumbled in Omicron Gamma, opened the map, checked the system's infocard and it said that the system had belonged to Corsairs.

>workers movement
>RED hessians
nigga pls
the bundschuh are the real redpill
literal natsocs that you ally with as part of the campaign

Rhineland Military



>Red Hessians
>basically just a disgruntled miners who have had enough of their employers not giving a shit about them so they became pirates to take revenge on them.
>Basically lefties who became undesirables following the 'Popular' revolution

Make sure there is a fedora and a key to tip it.

They already are
They're friendly boys and I won't have you slander them like that.

Attached: UnderspaceLighthouseNA.webm (1600x900, 1.9M)

>I may have gone too far in a few places
-Trainwiz, 2020

>live in the most remote corners of the galaxy
>neutral with everyone
>make tons of money selling goods to warring criminals

I haven't gone far enough.

Attached: UnderspaceWindmillsNA.webm (1600x900, 2.85M)

Please tell me these are still in

Attached: tumblr_plic0sygcJ1wg8of9o1_1280.jpg (1200x675, 105K)

Kek what the fuck

Attached: laff3.png (376x302, 199K)

Space windmills. They spin faster when there's a storm in the same system.

Xenos are based
>literally just hate everyone because xenophobes

and what's the purpose of the long trunk they're attached to, exactly?

I just like how it looks.

Why do they on pedestals like they're built on a surface

They hate only foreigners. They unironically hate them because they caused their jobs to disappear.

why ARE* not do hurr

great game in that it was very easy to pick up and enjoy, and hitting stuff with missiles was the most satisfying damn thing

too bad its so repetitive though. really made me want to try x3 but it seems significantly harder to get into, though more rewarding in the end

fair enough I guess.

Transfer station for the ships that come buy to collect the power cores they charge.

Would look cooler without it I think
Just have a dock in the middle of the fan or something

I never found it repetitive
Just wish it wasnt unfinished, there needed to be more content
The story was clearly originally planned to be bigger but they cut heaps out

There used to be sidequests, party members, a blackhole. Tons of stuff got cut to actually get it out.

I'm just glad that we actually got the game. Its development process was a complete disaster until MS actually forced them to actually make a playable product.

Classic Chris Roberts

>tons of stuff got cut out
Yeah, makes me wonder what they were planning to do with all of those unused assets.

Attached: gravitywell.png (1920x1080, 3M)

>I've been looking for a good space sim to get in to

>over 200 replies in a freelancer thread
Brought a tear to my eye

Attached: 1538293135480.webm (720x720, 765K)

Still early access but it's been on my wishlist for quite a while, for things like this all I really care about is how well it controls with M+KB and how the universe itself runs. Is it dynamic/back and forth or are the factions/stations static?

aaaaand into the trash

Attached: 1558141569777.jpg (1366x768, 114K)

I hear something... COOLANT LEAK!

Whever happened to that guy who was solo developing this crazy ambitious space sim
He had a mental breakdown or something but came back and returned to work, what was that game called again?

>how well it controls with M+KB and how the universe itself runs. Is it dynamic/back and forth or are the factions/stations static?
Mouse and keyboard is much preferred. As far as the universe, shits happening all the time, invasions and other stuff, its pretty sweet.

Of course if you want something like that with better graphics, X4 is better

Only the ships are and you can build your own, sperg

Limit Theory, he finally gave up.

One of these days I'm going to get around to making a mod that replaces the soundtrack with Cowboy Bebop's.

Attached: 1528766772320.gif (500x270, 401K)

Damn thats sucks. Why did he give up?

All we have is Liberty Ale, friend.

Ehhh, graphics don't matter and the X series has always been autism. If Avorion is a little more Freelancer and a little less X it would be amazing.

Because he went insane.

X3 is an economics simulator with occasional space combat.

Forgot about these:

I just read the kickstarter and I think you're exaggerating
He just said he can't finish it and would release the source code
Some of the commenters are fucking assholes, the guy literally worked himself to the point he went to hospital

Was it possible to load into another system by going to the edges of the map?

No. You can travel between systems only by using Jump Gates or Jump holes.

No, systems are separated instances.

I remember reading the PC gamer review for this game and wanting to check it out when it first released but my PC was too shit at the time. I never got around to it, but this thread has rekindled my interest. So since this game is not on steam or anything what's the best way to play it then?

Download it, there's no legal route to purchase it anymore.

You can grab it for free on myabandonware.

Is Itano Circus a good mod?


So how is starlancer


Good but its more like wing commander

For anyone that's looking for a space game to play, if you haven't played Independence War II it's good, solid fun.

Attached: iw2.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

A good story-driven mission based sim.

What server we playing on?

I remember watching my friend play this

We're not.

There was NEVER a space game that came close to freelancer ever again. Not fucking one. Some had decent elements, but none had everything freelancer had.

I want to go back
>tfw you'll never jump to Unknown for the first time
>tfw you'll never get to experince getting raped by hessians and radiation while trying to mine diamonds in the von rohe belt for the first time
>tfw you'll never encounter that giant rhineland fleet and have to fight off two battleships for the first time

Attached: cowboy.png (1124x974, 1.29M)

Honestly doubt it, You can't even buy Freelancer right now. It's in no online store, you can't get it anywhere, the only chance you have of actually purchasing it is the used market, or finding some god forsaken store that actually still has left overs from 2003.

You can download it for free online on myabandonware

I know just how you feel. The first time I played this game was magical.

Attached: 1504649289905.gif (250x201, 104K)

We should.

Who /tau/ here?
Reminder that it's IGM property. BMM and Outcasts fuck off.

Goddamn, the music in bars was so good.

Omegas for me
The chaos compels me

Attached: BE680E3BE1914CA9BC6D408B06F32119.png (235x215, 6K)

/Omicron/ here. The best systems in the game.

Attached: Juni_Close_Up.jpg (284x352, 22K)

Good taste. The IMG base in the Omegas is actually one of my favorite places to run missions from because fuck Corsairs and it has my favorite ship for sale.


You mean Omega.
>Omega-11, Omega-41, Omega-5


Attached: Tekagi01.png (960x540, 443K)

The Omega systems are very close second. The Omicron systems have better music and I prefer the sickly green glow of the Edge Nebula.

I absolutely loved the Bounty Hunters' ships designs. Tall and slim instead of short and wide.


>better music
Nah no way
Omega theme was the best in the whole game
Omicrons theme was 2 spooky 4 me

>Trent is a weeaboo
A bit ironic considering Kusari Dragons perform like trash

Bro, the barkeep bots outright say their rumors are conversations that they overheard and recorded.

I just realized that the song has zerg noises in it.
I loved Omicrons precisely because they were kinda spooky. Made me feel like I was living on the frontier.

>Skyrim with planets
>space game
>Elite Dangerous is literally five years old at this point
dude give me a break

>tfw no more white male protags like Trent anymore

Attached: Edison Trent.jpg (800x600, 258K)

>"best fighter pilots in the colonies"
>get rekt by the kusari police regularly
>meanwhile the order exist and take down literal alien armadas
Typical chinks LARPing as samurai

>blue eyes
>asian girl wants his dick

>flying a Rhino at that point in the story
absolute madman

I meant the ships themselves. The Blood Dragons are still cool. The ship itself is shit.

Nah they're gay
Liberty Rogues all day baybee

It's a promotional screenshot.
I managed to complete the game using Starflier, though, so it's definitely possible.

>complete the game with starflier
How the heck did you manage to survive the Rhineland fleet mission

The ship itself is very good stat wise, you just can't obtain it. Though, it does have a problem with agility.

Attached: ku_dragon.png (812x283, 26K)

Bog standard Dragons are still terrible. Barracuda is marginally better, and has less retarded placement for its burners

The biggest problem of the Kusari ships is that they're tiny so any missile hit will damage all the subassemblies likely oneshotting you.

Starflier is very agile. You don't even need to fight just fly up for like 2-3km and let the others do the job for you.

>cant get the hudshift mod working with widescreen it just makes the game crash
Anyone got an easy way to the the vanilla game working properly in 1080p

This game is fantastic by the way. The movement controls like Descent which actually works surprisingly well for space shootan. You can also go REALLY fast on almost any axis.

I don't think it's a problem for Drake, which is a very good ship even in high end PVP and PVE.

Yeah, placing thrusters on your rear wing is dumb. It usually catches all the rockets. Not to mention that missiles do bonus damage for every subsection they hit.

to get the*

Install adoxa's unofficial patch.Google JFLP.

Everspace is good but its too simple
I wish there was a non-dungeon mode without time limits or permadeath

I did, it makes the game crash

Also, just in case you have problems with framerate, install DX8 to DX9 converter. You can get it on the official ENB site.

Well, there's an artifact for no time limits and technically you can savescum really really easily with "save and quit" starting you at the beginning of the area, but yes. I wanted to get into space sims more after playing it but I've been spoiled by the movement and pace (not to mention field of view slider that caps at 110) and I can't even play Freelancer because it's too clunky.

I've failed you all, goodbye. TRAINWIZ SAVE ME

Can you play the game at all without the HUD shift? If it crashes on start up, try deleting or renaming your Freelancer folder in your documents.

Im not home right now but thanks user ill try later
Im getting the itch to replay this lately and i cant get it working
I've already beaten it 100 times but fuck it

The controls are smooth and intuitive as fuck its the one thing that held up extremely well

Discovery is full of hyper autists
Yea Forums is full of pirates
what do you think?

Trainwi'z game is literally a freelancer clone and you want it to have different controls?

Absolutely zero. You won't see ANY game like Freelancer till devs downsize and magically get a passionate team together to make a video game they want to play rather than a politcal skinner box gamble box dollar printer.

Attached: 642bf4185ab3261165d90e0cde3d3f39.jpg (1024x768, 256K)

I'm more talking about the flight model. You can't seem to strafe quickly to dodge shots. It's probably too much to expect a hardcore space sim to let you slide around at space sanic speed but now that I've experienced how much fun it makes the gameplay I desire more.
Also, with the widescreen fix applied I can only override the FOV for the cockpit view which I don't like so much because it gives me a lot less situational awareness of the size of my ship and where shots are coming from. Trust me I've tried freakin everything, but it just doesn't pick up the value I put in the config file for ChaseCam fovx and I swear I'm using the exclamation point like the changelog says to and everything. Honestly if I could fix that one thing I would probably keep playing though.

Attached: 1542430967633.jpg (1080x1062, 88K)

>It's probably too much to expect a hardcore space sim to let you slide around at space sanic speed
Are you talking about Freelancer? Because if you are, then you can do that.

Oh. In that case maybe I misjudged and it's just the starting ships that are slow shitters. Now, if only I could fix this other bullshit...

underspace's fov slider better go past 90 I swear to god

That soundtrack is boring

It goes to 120, don't worry.

Attached: UnderspaceHudHideNA.webm (1600x900, 2.54M)

Not really, you can do in every ship in the game. Kill engine is pretty much a must if you want to be good at this game.

>mfw I figured out you can kill Cosmo without failing the mission

Attached: 1552615886506.png (142x144, 34K)

Even better when King brings him to like 1% with a missile right when the cutscene starts.

>You can kill the guys that kill that one freeport survivor and get a really good turret out of it

>You can ignore King's orders and stay to fight pirates and if you kill enough of them, King will give you a bonus afterwards

Didnt know this wtf
Are there any other easter eggs?

>Are there any other easter eggs?


The suns in the Unknown systems do no damage to you. Wrecks in Omicron Beta respawn. You can explore Alaska and Omicron Minor by using Alt-F4 after you landed on Mitchell/Toledo and then loading the newly made autosave. Factions with whom you're friendly may assist you against enemies which hate you (like, you can have Samura attack Ageira if Ageira hates you and Samura likes you). Artifact guns always do 100% damage to all shields.

So, any must have mods I should get?

>The suns in the Unknown systems do no damage to you
Same with the sun high up in one of the Tau systems.

Discovery has the most work put into it out of any mod and its pretty impressive, but the mp is roleplay only so be forewarned, there are some hyper autists in that community
You can play it offline but there is no story and the generic missions are broken

Just Adoxa's unofficial patch which makes the game run in 1080p.

This, that's about it. Pretty much every other mod is an overhaul mod.

if you've played the game you've seen it from afar in some systems and the green shit on the universe map. when you make it there you just KNOW you in the place that you've been looking at from afar all that time

>star citizen is still a broken unplayable mess 8 years into development
>instead of making the engine and mechanics work first (laying the foundations) they have spent all their dev time on superficial nonsense features that dont affect gameplay (the sort of thing you add at the END of development)
>blasting away funds on hollywood actors
>was originally supposed to fully release in 2014, is now mid 2019 and its not even in beta testing yet
>even if it does come out the economy is permanently fucked because the ships have been sold for such ridiculous amounts of real world money there is no way they can justify making them affordable with in game currency without pissing off the backers, so its doomed to be p2w
>the game is going to be full of greifers because ships have a "warranty" which means you can lose your ship that you paid real money for, trolls paradise
For FUCK sake Chris this is why Publishers exist

Ah yeah I know the thing you're talking about, it looks like a green galaxy and you can see it from the Omegas

not a hammerhead but based file edited for correct engines

Attached: screen1.png (1920x1080, 1.84M)

exactly mate, on both points you made

Best thing about the discovery mod is all the engines you can get
Engine porn

really? I have tried this with the order attack at the start of the game, but never with the pirates.

Lads, we really should fire up a server sometime and play Yea ForumsLancer together again like the good old days

Attached: 1414141434.jpg (632x775, 49K)


Yeah, you can ignore King's orders when he tells you to reenter the formation and instead engage the pirates. Kill 3-4 of them and then follow them.

Attached: baraccuda.png (1920x1080, 2.01M)

post your favourite system

>pic related

most comfy system in game imo

Attached: Tau 37.jpg (1200x675, 143K)

>Microsoft Studios will never be the kino publisher from the late 90's and early 2000s again

Attached: 1488519798199.jpg (484x497, 35K)

muh nigga nice screen!
did you manually edit the edit data in game files or use any software?

this is correct. back in the day I could get the ioncross freelancer character editor to work to easily change my current ship's engine colour but last time I tried using it it was completely broken
know of any alternative besides editing the files yourself or using discovery mod?

>mfw jumping to this system for the first time
just a shame there's nothing here

Attached: Pinknomad.png (1024x768, 789K)

content lack was the main issue with Freelancer

Are you talking about the engine? Yeah, the game is super easy to mod. I still dabble in it from time to time.

there's nomads right? so sweet energy free weapons if that's your style at least...

yeah was talking about the engine, sorry should have clarified

Attached: nomad.png (1920x1080, 1.9M)

what's the reward? any other examples of this ?

Just work fulltime for 10+ hours a day to distract you user

For fuck sake why wont the gay ass filter let me post links
I'm trying to link you to plugins and tools for freelancer
Just look up adoxa altervista and check out his freelancer shit, theres tools for everything

Oh, if you want to add trails to your engine, you need to open the engine_equip. You can use bini, FLModStudio or FLIniEditor. Then, find your engine, there you will find these two lines
trail_effect = gf_li_smallengine01_trail
trail_effect_player = gf_li_smallengine01_playtrail
The first line sets the effect for NPC ships, and the second sets the effect for the player.
So if you want to to add trails to your engine, you need to change the second effect from gf_li_smallengine01_playtrail to gf_li_smallengine01_trail.

Also, check out the-starport. There are tutorials for pretty much everything.

What system is this? Looks like the main menu star

alright, thx mate. I am running his patch which makes everything look pretty nice even on a 24inch monitor.

thanks mate! freelancer fans are really the kindest posters on Yea Forums, appreciate it!

Nomad weapons are lame
Codenames is where its at
I miss my DIAMONDBACK and WILDFIRE combo

It's my modded system. I use it as a test ground for my experimenting. That ringed star doesn't actually exist anywhere in the game world, I just turned it into an actual object.

exactly right mate, hence why I said 'if that's your style'
I complelely agree that they're lame.
For me
Codenames>Pirate Weapons>Rhineland Weapons>Liberty Weapons>Kusari=Bretonia

Just some credits.

was just wondering if there were some hidden dev systems that they used for the menus

Rhineland weapons look the sickest
Stealthblade is such a cool weapon

The editors of Computer Gaming World nominated Freelancer for their 2003 "Shooter of the Year" award, which ultimately went to Call of Duty. They wrote, "Freelancer dazzled us with its immersive interstellar world, wild combat, and ambitiously open-ended design, but it can't compete with the cinematic spectacle of Europe at war."[61]

fuck I haven't thought about Yea Forumslancer in years
>ywn fight the brazilian armada
>ywn grind space weed trade runs
>ywn discover some random weaboo system with OP weapons

I want to feel that again bros

Attached: 1529436844616.jpg (680x383, 29K)

There aren't, unfortunately. Would have loved to fly around those giant asteroids. Main menu systems are actually just thn scripts.


Attached: 1549132694025.jpg (500x775, 196K)

Omicron Gamma. So many hours spent there engaged in non stop 10 people brawl.

How feasible is this? Could we somehow get enough of us together to play again?

Well Underspace has a lot of things from Yea Forumslancer in it. I hope you remember Darkon.

Attached: UnderspaceSystem1.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

Is the unofficial server still up?

yes even the name Stealthblade is fucken sick

based. Did you happen to play on /HA/ aka Hunters Alliance? was the best RP server I played on before we were all forced on Disc


I used to play on HHC. Good times. Still remember that time when another server decided to invade it. The server was full for hours, lol.

really makes me pissed that games went in the match making direction or hosting their own server for shit in the long run. yeah it gives them more control but that was control taken away from the community and we've seen lots of games have dedicated communities who can do shit right, freelancer was one of them. they turned vanilla freelancer into wine (of 2003)

Yeah, it fucking sucks. They just want you to buy one game after the other.

But will SODA make a reappearance

I'm actually excited to play this again now
Going to try to get a Dagger early on by getting friendly with the rogues

Whats the best single player mod that doesnt break the story? I remember waaaay back the OG discovery mod didn't fuck with the story but then they moved some jumpgates around for no reason and it broke it

Itano Circus?
Shattered Worlds maybe?

Yea Forumslancer, unironically. It doesn't break the story at all, iirc. It does break lore, though.

Cool thanks I'll check them out
Are they lore friendly or do they add stupid shit like star wars ships

Yeah I've played Yea Forumslancer, I'd prefer to play something closer to vanilla
Need to replay Yea Forumslancer soon though

Itano is just a gameplay changer, Shattered Worlds is mostly its own thing.

People used to report that around mission 6 or so something tends to break, for reasons unknown.

Attached: freelancer crossfire2.png (1600x900, 1.39M)

>everyone starved for freelancer games
>no one playing starpoint gemini ones

Cos they suck

I liked this way more than elite dangerous, i dont know if it's because i was a teenager when this was released but I liked freelancer a lot.

Adoxa's console plugin is really nice too. It can do pretty much anything. Give you money, noclip, change rep, change cruise speed, teleport, and most importantly it allows you to own multiple ships. As long as you can restrain yourself from cheating your way through, it's very neat.

I can't recall any bugs in that mission but then again, it's been years since I last played it.

crossfire is such a smelly dookie culsterfuck of assets torn from other games and mods
the missions in that made me want to kill myself they were so boring

>let's have you fly in a straight line for 30 fucking minutes with an unfitting ambient music blaring in the background, oh, and you're gonna get attacked like every 2 minutes or so.

>simple mechanics and controls
>comfy story
>fun intense arcadey combat
>GOAT tier soundtrack and sound design
>tons of ships
its just a better game
elite is more concerned with being a sim and less about being a fun space rpg

you suck

excellent point.

Don't forget the mod maker is totally insane.

Attached: SATURATION.png (1313x730, 1.61M)

How can I play this? I've read the thread and I cba to buy an used copy

Just google "Freelancer Abandonware"

one mission was flying from jumphole to jumphole and each jumphole was like 150-200 units away
took literally hours
the guy who made that mod completely lacked any knowledge of game design

hes been making the mod for ten years too

Realism autism is the cancer killing the vidya.

someone should tell chris roberts to stop with the fucking procedural planets and fps shooters and just finish his damn game

Rank the mods

It's definitely the cancer killing space games.

Attached: Promo art- Dogfight with a snake in space.jpg (3500x1750, 3.59M)

Yea Forumslancer


The rest

I don't know the exact rating but Crossfire is on the very very bottom.

Chris suffers perfectionism autism. He needs other people to keep his crazy ideas in check and filter them into something presentable.

Yea Forumslancer

Nightstalker's Universe



I don't think it's perfectionism at all. He just has constant ideas and no regard for finalizing a design doc and meeting a deadline.

And at the very, very bottom tier Tekagi’s Treasure.

>reading shit where Chris demands that the ships or characters act like a thing, engineers trying to explain why that's unfeasible or ridiculous, and him just not understanding and insisting.

Star Citizen is too much people sitting around and going "Oh man wouldn't THAT be cool".

Give me a quick run down. I haven't paid much attention to it.

Yeah, which is why he needs some guy to put his foot down and force him to make something reasonable and shoot his crazy ideas down. Almost like a publisher

He wouldn't get those millions if he wasn't promising the moon, sadly.

I have no idea what it is in SC that appeals to those autists dropping thousands on this "game".

Boomer desperation, if nothing else

There is something impressive about flying across a star system sized star system to land on a city sized city on a planet sized planet.

But it's not a good game.

Attached: unknownpeanut.jpg (1600x1200, 181K)

fuck it, just installed it because of this thread. Set me up Yea Forums, I'm in the mood for some comfy space games.

What mods? What essentials? How do I not fuck up?

you need a widescreen patch, but otherwise you really don't need mods.

Something entirely possible in Elite Dangerous if not as glamorous. Or exciting.

>or exciting
Yeah well it's Elite Dangerous, not Excitement Dangerous.

Just install Adoxa's JFLP patch.This is the only essential thing that you need. You don't need anything else.
>How do I not fuck up?
Don't look up the guides. Take it at your own pace. The exploration and that joy of finding something off the beaten path are the best parts of this game.

No shit. I get enough excitement fighting the pirate FDLs and condas

In all fairness, Chris DID hold a vote on whether they should finish the game or keep selling ships, and all the retards voted for them to keep going. That was back around 24 million or something. I was one of the 5% who voted for them to stop and just finish the game. 80% voted for them to keep going. So in Chris' defense, he did the right thing and we can only blame ourselves.


Enjoy it user, I envy you

I remember how to get into that system, an admin messaged me and told me off for going in there lul

>I remember how to get into that system, an admin messaged me and told me off for going in there lul

Well that's fucking bullshit. Finding that system in Yea Forumslancer is the reason the original Discovery server had 60+ players on it.

Attached: wormhole2.webm (800x450, 1.09M)

It was probably because I didnt ever RP and just flew around trying to find all the systems and secrets

RP was a cancer in Discovery

Attached: amezukeenee1.png (447x660, 205K)

If only people were smart enough to read up on him and/or Freelancer's development, maybe the vote could have turned out differently.
But then again, space games was a dying genre back then. Kinda seems like that it was SC's financial success alone that pushed other people to try and make more space games.

I tried downloading Itano Circus, but I can’t progress because on the second mission it says that a prison ship was destroyed and that I failed.

This just makes me wanna pick my EVE sub back up.

Attached: 1517981317500.jpg (1024x768, 83K)

It's more that its failures pushed me to make space games.

Attached: UnderspaceWhyDoTheyAlwaysFuckingAttackWhenImTryingToDoSomethingFUCK.webm (1600x900, 2.86M)

Honestly the roleplaying is the only reason I cant play Disco, the other problem being the horrid balance issues and Capital Ship meta.
I really wish it didnt have such strict RP rules because I really love the mod, they've put so much work into it, some of the systems look amazing (like Omicron Major and the other Nomad worlds).
Almost all of the ships are original assets and they look lore friendly (aside from some of the Outcast and Hessian ships that look a little too high poly).
One thing that does perplex me though is why they removed so much awesome shit like the Phantoms system and they redid the Outcasts system with the massive black hole.

Alright bros, it's happening, wish me luck. I've seen Freelancer threads on Yea Forums for years but I never made the jump, let's hope it was worth it.

Attached: free.png (1440x900, 987K)

It did show that there was still big money in the space genre, and considering that a big reason space games were popular in the past was because of how relatively cheap and simple they were to make it helps reduce the risk of making one.

I mean how many game genres can you make a level environment that is literally an empty void and have it be perfectly acceptable?

Good luck out there pilot

It's a classic for a reason.

Have fun, user.

Couldn't you DL it then host your own server to join? Sucks that it wouldn't be MP but surely it's better than nothing.

I still don't get how people manage to fuck up a formula so simple.

You can play offline but its pretty lame solo, since the whole mod is designed with multiplayer balance in mind
It would be nice to just play with people who are actual people and not roleplaying as some furfag captain of the dragondildo express

Scope creep, always.

See you, space cowboy

Even with multiplayer though it's super grindy. I remember on Yea Forumslancer players got money by just shipping tobacco back and forth between two stations in a system, and then modded their engines to go superfast.

Attached: freelnacer nebulaer.png (700x504, 181K)

Yeah, it would have been super fun to just engage in a mass battleship brawl without any RP faggotry involved. Not to mention death's timeouts.

Yeah the grind at the beginning is aids. Although some smart guys came up with a few exploits. One based individual built a station in the middle of the copper field in Kansas that buys copper for 3k credits per unit, so you just get a DSE license and mine copper for quick bucks. Can easily make 500k per run and it only takes about 2 mins each time. But still you need tens of millions if not more to get good ships, its ridiculous.

Is there a Yea Forumslancer server still up? If so, we should set up a time to play it this weekend.

Attached: E19AFD22-D5D7-4492-ACD1-B2E041373DFC.png (750x744, 486K)

The unofficial server still up, apparently.
The Freelancer subreddit has a post with a download link for the game and the mod. Might try it this Sunday.

Fuck now I have to replay this for the 12th time

Well, solo you can just give yourself cash to get a decent start going?

Guess I’ll make a thread on Sunday and see if it gets any traction.

Are there any 'missions' or AI to work with / antagonize in Disco?

Here we go bros
Been about a year since my last playthrough, time for some UHHHH-HUH and SIDEWINDER FANG

Attached: Freelancer_2019-05-31_16-00-41.jpg (1920x1080, 990K)

There's no new campaign stuff, it's all generic missions like in vanilla.

What time? I'll definitely try to jump on

Welcome back.

>actual Freelancer on Steam
a nigga can dream

I think I’ll make the thread around 2 PM CST. I’ll probably make a thread Saturday too, maybe around 6-ish.

Sounds good.

I dunno why MS can't put the game on any digital store.

I think they wrote it off as a loss.

Yeah, I just don't understand why they wouldn't try to make money off of it.
>tfw you actually wish Microsoft was more greedy

I mean it was kind of a massive vaporware thing.
I'm just wondering why no AAA studio has never done a straight spacefighter game of any sort. No Man's Sky was about it.

Yeah, the server does indeed still work.

Attached: vlancer.png (1024x768, 1.38M)

Star Shittizen was supposed to be the spiritual successor but its become an autistic realism simulator instead
Looking forward to Underspace

No autism here boss, not even feature creep. There's stuff I want to do but it's all put in a "maybe after release" pile.

Attached: UnderspaceFishers.png (1616x910, 1.03M)

God you can feel how old the game is.

So is anyone else down to play this over the weekend?

Yeah, it's ugly but it's comfy, somehow.

Why the FUCK is Adoxa's patch making this crash
Cant get it started

it's the resolution and aliasing mostly. It doesn't actually look half-bad.
Strength of a strong art direction I guess.

Fuck it, took it out of my backlog. Had this thing on CD for like a decade. Let's see how much work I have to put in to get it workings on Windows 10.

Attached: freelancin.jpg (747x557, 74K)

Is it time to restart my old flak88 server? It's been sitting in the closest since I moved 7 years ago.

Where do you crash? Unfortunately, Adoxa's patch has a negative side effect of you not being able to create save files after alt-tabbing out of the game.

True, but you can just use Windowed Borderless to get around this

And of fucking course it uses SafeDisc.

Attached: crackintime.jpg (886x540, 76K)
This should work.
hell yeah

Cant even start a new game it just immediately crashes

Twas what I also found. For a spaceship game from 2007, it has some really fucking decent looking human models in it.

Any mods that allow borderless windowed and 144hz support?

Attached: the_look.jpg (1272x688, 56K)

Copy pasting
- Right Click on your left Windows Symbol
- Go to Settings
- Go to Apps
- Go to (Right side) Programs and Features
- Go to Activate and Deactivate Windows Features
- Activate .NET Framework 3.5 and Legacy Components
- Click on OK and Windows should download and install .NET Framework 3.5 and Directplay which are needed for Freelancer.

From 2003*.

Try 2002.

I'm hyped, bros

Was already installed and it did nothing
Still crashes ;_;

Then I absolutely have no idea. Your game wasn't modified before you installed the patch, was it? I can't think of a single reason why it may crash.

Nope, fresh install with nothing but the patch, didn't change anything.

You could try deleting/renaming your Freelancer folder in My Documents. If this doesn't help, then I have no idea.

Just tried fresh installing it again this time without any mods or patches and it still crashes. This is really weird, must be something to do with this abandonware version. I'll try it with the disc this time.

The abandonware version works perfectly for me.

Fuck you guys, now I'll have to play it again.

Tried manually installing the net framework and it works now
Cheers for the help user
Funny that Discovery works without the framework but the original needs it



How long before the game picks up? Any early tips?

The game really picks up with the 4th story mission. Learn to utilize Kill Engine (Z and Tab by default). It's a very effective technique in combat as it allows you to spend almost the entirety of fight at very high speeds while also allowing you to be very agile. Just explore and do what you want in the meantime.

Do you have any more tips for someone that sucks at dogfighting?

>they uninstalled it in the first place

Just grab a fuckton of heals and train on some weak random pirates in the debris.

Eagle you absolute plebs.

>t. german pvper

Eagle sucks, civilian ships are trash

Spam the B button every time something dies
Gotta suck in that valuable loot

this game was too good for this world

>500 reply Freelancer thread
Faith in Yea Forums restored

Hope to see you guys on Saturday

There's something about vertex-colour lit games that have them age so fucking gracefully.

>show up at the end of a Freelancer thread

Attached: 1553542437725.jpg (700x582, 64K)

Feels good to be back in this autists shoes

Attached: Freelancer_2019-05-31_18-40-51.jpg (1920x1080, 529K)

I would make another but its died down a lot, dont think it would stay up for long

Trent we're scanning your cargo for contraband, stand by.

Attached: freelancer8.jpg (300x225, 16K)

Yea Forums can have one freelancer thread every 2 weeks with success.

Well we're hopefully gonna jump on Yea Forumslancer for some brolancer fun saturday and sunday, so keep an eye out for threads


When is he not ever having his left eye half closed?

Freelancer alpha 1-1, good luck out there.

Imagine being so bad you need 7500 HP to not die.

Its not that, it just looks lame
Outcast ships look way cooler

>ctrl-f privateer
>no results found

Before the thread dies, is there any way to increase the draw distance in vanilla? I'm so used to playing modded

Outcast ships look progressively worse with class. Dagger looks amazing (and owns in combat too) but Sabre is ruined by all the goofy foil shit on the underside.