Any EU bros in Malboro?
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FFXIV: Shadowbringers thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Get a roleplay FC :3
no thanks
Don't you want to get hit on by cuties? UwU
no i want to get to endgame
Roleplay is the endgame xc
All forum outlets:
JP: Theorycrafting is fun, it will be interesting to see these new changes and how we can adapt to brand new playstyles, I'm excited to finally play Shadowbringers!
What the fuck is wrong with the west?
old pasta, should probably just plastic wrap that.
So who is taking a vacation in the shed for the next two years?
Autism and other mental illnesses.
these entire threads are just fucking people pastaing their old replies to the past ten threads and then other people pastaing their same replies to those replies over and over ad nauseum, I dont get what the fuck the purpose is
NA have low-IQ
because this is basically a general on Yea Forums. without avatarfaggotry or tripping, what's left besides your signature rage-inducing pasta?
Hows MNK? I want a fun fast class!
Yoshi-P is a tranny lover, why are you all still playing this game?
>Roleplay is the endgame xc
>not wanting to be a savage raid chad
Transgenders cling onto this game because it's their own saving on this board. Respect trans folk.
BLU boys where we at? This is our time!
>wasting time on autistic number crunching
>not sitting in Ul'dah and making it your goal to slay every pussy and open wound within a 115-mile radius
Only autists and no life losers raid.
we're going home bros
Have you taken the SAMpill yet Yea Forums?
If you’re not a real man you can always dance for us SAM gods.
it's a fucking video game dude
it's not even real pussy
fast and fun
I think people are generally overreacting to the AST card changes. I think the addition of seals ontop of having it split between melee and ranged DPS is still going to involve a similar amount of card management as before
Is Astrologian good? I'm new and I looked through the classes and I love the astral/fate magic type stuff so I want to play it.
Monk is the only good DPS.
DNC is for MNK cock only
Instead of taking the suppository sampill, why don't you play a better job.
>unironically believing this
>in 2019
Yeah, ok, /vg/ is that way, trendertranny.
It's pretty fun. The only real problem is that its DPS aspect isn't too engaging outside of spamming Gravity in AoE situations
>2-3 jobs were trading places and taking turns in the shed for the past 6 years
>We didn't think that it was a good design
>So we placed everyone in the shed, where each player can feel equal
It's in the meta comp because of all the damage buffs it shits out if that's what you mean by good.
Of course wounds aren't real but don't say that or you'll get banned
This is the literal definition of seething.
Even the ironic shitposters can't match the raw ANGER this man just focused through his keyboard.
He knows his playerbase
Because I main WAR, and SCH since 2.0 and MCH since 3.0.
t. no life loser that raids
I've seen this gif a million times and it just occurred to me that he looks exactly like a Midlander
Is this from 1.0?
All healers play the same now due to homogenization. The real question should be which weapon do you prefer?
Sorry i rather take the DRGpill since i really hate to be a useless faggot with no utility to contribute to the team
AST is currently very good. Currently they have some interested "time magic" abilities that are being replaced with more traditional "astral" abilities next expansion, and while you have a very limited DPS kit your card mechanics are nice for filling in the down time. However, there seem to be some odd design choices for AST in Shadowbringers that may or may not get ironed out.
Either way, you'll be highly desired along with Scholar still. Give them a shot.
holy shit why do you subject yourself to that garbage server?
Transtrender is better. Rolls off the tongue more smoothly.
>bahamut prime and phoenix can be soloed by WAR/PLD
>1000s of dollars for a pre built 64 bit OS
AST is fine and will be fine, as will the other two healers in ShB, everyone here is just OHNONONO posting. It's probably the busiest button presser of the three, but will always be wanted for buffs and has versatile oGCDs.
As of RIGHT NOW, AST is pretty good.
As of what proposed changes are being done to AST for ShB... oof, yikes.
Hopefully they'll adjust some stuff pre-launch or before the first set of raids are out, but AST is getting dragged through the fucking dirt as things stand now.
That's from ARR. The top he's wearing is the racial starting gear that didn't exist in 1.0.
>bot everything to 70
>perform 2x better than people who spent hours and hours grinding up their mains
Feels good not being smooth-brained
>Thancred is back to looking young and fresh
>will still never win the Minfiliabowl
That WoL dick2strong
>Coping this hard.
Ooh well played.
He's a plebeian that thinks pirated 64-bit OSes don't exist or aren't extremely widespread. Daz Loader represent
SAM utility is going to be making the most out of dancer buffs.
Sorry to hear about your litany cuc- I mean friend.
At least you can always give me Eye and throw out a couple LB3s if my Ninja slave misses a day.
*hits pipe*
i cannot think of anything more cucked than playing a dps to increase the dps of your party members
think about it rationally, you're sacrificing your dps just to let the black mage have big dick dps
Now that you mention it, I can see exactly when the laugh animation ends and he just starts tracking the other dude's face.
Still more interested in the Tatarubowl, Yugiribowl and Alisaiebowl honestly
Are there many other obvious Ultimate fights they could design? Alexander got a Savage version that was everything you could want. Odin maybe? Ultimate Knights of the Round? Again people really liked Thordan EX though. The Warring Triad could make for a hell of an Ultimate fight now that I think about it.
because its a preferred server
Wow, this is some fucking mad.
Are people screeching seriously? The changes look fairly solid desu.
literally any prebuilt you buy today or in the last 10 years has a 64-bit OS installed on it
Knights of the Round ultimate would be a good call, could treat it as a hypothetical for if Thordan managed to get to and absorb the Warring Triad
In 5.0 I imagine almost all of Coil will be soloable by the majority of jobs. RDM for sure since its already solo’d T13
redpill me on PLD
Whats the first stuff I should grab off the moogle event?
It's like everyone in Eorzea wants that potato
For what? Incest roleplay?
Thancred doesn't want to dick Minfilia. Stop skipping cutscenes. It's a father-daughter/brother-sister relationship because he helped F'lhaminn raise her.
Do people still duty finder Coils?
>Thancred doesn't want to dick Minfilia
>brother-sister relationship
There's prob'ly portions of it that'll never be soloable, like The Avatar or Nael deus Darnus. My only problems with it so far have been instakill mechanics.
Unsynced for WT
for levelling to 60
no it's party finder
This guy is a fucking idiot
I doubt it since Coil isn’t in the Raid Roulette.
Minfilia is a cunt who I would not shed a single tear if she got offed.
based. Chads don't care about utility and aren't metaslaves
Go away Garlean
>still believing that SAM will be useful in savage and EX trial raids knowing the fact they still getting buff cuz of how useless they are in the game
Found the greylet SAM
the main tank of the expansion that is so powerful that it can use the power of light to counter sineaters.
>Alexander Ultimate
>It actually starts with Alexander battle
>The "Go back in time to save your past self" has you go back to the beginning of Alexander raid and fight through Ultimate Fausts, Pepsi Man, Brute Justice, Cruise Chaser and then finally back to Alexander again
>Metal rendition by Primals playing in the background
2 more years of waiting, bros
>/dote and com all female highlanders
Best race
neck yourself tranny
>dote and comming trannies
yikes dude
Please return to the rising sands.
the virgin viera vs the chad hrothgar
this made me kek xD
More like the tranny race lul
Female Highlander is the tranny race?
Yoshi is going to say the C word!
Trannies wish they were this cute
She's a fine catch. I'll be forced to fight Wedge to the death for the honor of breeding her, but Wedge's sacrifice will not be forgotten
>Put Alexander in the roulette
>but not Coil
I still find that odd, you'd think they'd put it in so newcomers would have a chance to play, and old timers forced to accommodate
>ultimate pepsi man
oh god
Female highlanders have the best proportions of tall female racea..
Knights of the Round with each knight being its own boss fight with it culminating in fighting Thordan using both of Nidhogg's eyes and all of the knights helping him throw mechanics at you.
Alternatively, Awoken Warring Triad.
warring triad is the most obvious next one. Would be ultra lulzy if they combined it with sigmascape 4s and just recreated the entire final stretch of ff6
They have man jaws. They unironically look like ftm trannies.
Not duty-finder but party-finder will have it every so often. Mostly people unsyncing it for dreadwyrm gear for glamours, or to experience its really good story that plays into Alisaie and Alphinaud's later motivations, ie Alisaie becoming a Red Mage
I wonder what her feets smells like haha
based and thighpilled
>doing nael in a DF group
you ever done coil? there is no way it will work in DF shit is harder synched than any of the normal raids
If midlanders could get larger tits in game, I’d play as one.
>Tips the Scales whilst Soar is going off and two players have Earthshaker icons above their heads
Please look forward to it.
>nice muscular yet feminine bodies
>bust slider scales properly with their height
>legs for days
>cute emotes
Highlander females are the best, cope.
coil was the equivalent of savage before the future raids were split into normal mode and savage mode.
duty finder will never clear T13 or T9.
I duty findered up to nael, including Twintania back before coil 2 came out.
Everything is Tranny. Healer? Tranny. Au Ra? Tranny. Lala? Tranny. ERP? Tranny. Raider? Tranny.
XIV is nothing but trannys and trannys calling others trannys. Even the Devs are trannys
t. Tranny
mod your game retard
Normal mode Coil is actually the same difficulty sometimes more difficult like Nael as current Savage. You can't put it in the roulette and expect anyone to clear with how shit the players of this game are.
Haha he really isn't it's just PR talk to appease t hem it's fucking obvious when he stated the whole deal with making younger characters and all that gay shit.
Not interested in shitty mods
>I like men the post
>Alphinaud takes lead immediately after Ultima Weapon gets destroyed
>His first action as the leader is to leave the shithole known as Waking Sands and move somewhere with an Aetherite
>Bro it up with WoL to set up a blunder that ended up outing the ultimate jew from Uldah Syndicate, saving ishgard, almost ending the world trice and saving completely different world unrelated to the Source
>Minfilia meanwhile is given a task to save a world without any ascians to hinder her
>Fails horribly at it
>Needs AlphiChad and WoL to come over and do it all in her stead
Why i hate SAM fags so much in this game? Could it be because they are garbage and no way to be useful in raids?
but would you be able to SKIP SOAR or disband?
here's your tranny event, tranny
use mods
Said the tranny.
Better than the base game, blind monkey.
Any transgender-only guilds or servers? That minority of cis people appears really loud and mean.
Alphinaud was an arrogant shitter who treated WoL like a tool until he got his ego raped by the real chad Ilberd.
>Posting meme sized mods
yea, get a rope and hang yourself and be with the rust of the mentally deranged in hell
Tell me where then niggra
>my masculinity is threatened by anything larger than a jpop idol
lmaoing @ ur life
You’d think they’d spend a few minutes retweaking those fights and offering a “normal” difficulty mode for Coil. It’s the one thing that’s eventually going to be completely forgotten.
I fucking hate SAM faggots so much that i wish YoshiP will stop being a hack and delete that fucking class already
I can't wait to see this every thread!
she looks like she's hiding a few tetherballs under her bra.
>posting cheat engine boobs in 2019
why is this whole fucking board obsessed with trannies?
>american hours
>tranny posters increase by 40%
i'm out
yeah, put in an appilcation to join blue flag on faerie
>fucked up so badly he caused two expansions with it
The crystal braves incident was really something
DISBAND would likely be a Role Action for that phase.
Nah, fuck that. Shitters can already trivialize it with unsyncing and that's what they'll always do anyway. No need to shit over Coil by making a baby mode.
Of course he's going to say that when talking to an obvious tranny. That's who kotaku sent after all. He knows better than to call a man in a dress a freak to his face and the PR nightmare that would follow.
>projecting this hard
>still has to cope this hard about wanting to fuck a man in heels
why people will eventually either be able to solo it as any job its the same reason they havent fixed the ARR patch content to get into HW they are lazy as fuck.
>44 ips
reminder the same group of neets keep posting the same shit every thread
Ill be your Pure healer for tonight
the funny thing is i remember doing zurvan ex and it was the first time i ever actually tried in the game to really learn my class due to all the skip soar shit going on, felt good to see my dps climb just from learning each time
Why did someone spend time making this?
Is it perhaps... an obsession?
it's impossible to solo t9 normal mode and the only way to solo t9 savage is by exploiting a pet glitch that's going away with shadowbringers.
>responsible for maturing alphinaud
>got rid of raoille
>united eorzea to garlemald
ilberd did nothing wrong
>he doesn't want to feel the vice crush of a muscular woman around his penis
>he doesn't want to see a muscular woman who still enjoys frilly clothing and dainty things like weaving
>he prefers dead-fish lays like au ra and miqo'te
>Final dps timer is him having you go back to when you were level 1
>Your entire party is level 1, they even wear their starter race armors
>You need to melt down a ladybug before he finishes charging
good job sherlock
eat shit bitch
I'm not into trannies, quit trying to make me gay, faggot.
What's some of the funnest stuff to do in the game, guys?
Stupid sexy artwork npcs.
Because tranny is the new cuck. A mindless insult thrown around so often the word lost all meaning. Like the left calling everyone a nazi.
Yea Forums and /pol/ posters aren't good for any board they spread to
lure a erper to your house and waste their time
Wow! A group of people looking to have an ongoing discussion? That's terrible.
Personally, I prefer threads with absolutely no discussion, and everyone who contributes is just a constant chain of people leaving their 2-cents in the form of an epic cancer man face reaction image.
Why does second coil have a savage mode then?
Godbert is indeed sexy
because thats when the game was actually hard and rewarding
Savage Second Coil is on par with current Ultimate except that the fights are segmented which takes a lot of the edge off.
This is some next level cringe
they were experimenting with adding harder content. that was the basis for future savage/ultimate.
Its elezen, but Highlanders are second best
So you're saying Coils got TWO Ultimate tier renditions?
>Still 28 days away
Elezen are the best, but highlander emotes are top cute and perfectly tomboyish.
bahamut is iconic to the game he deserves it
>us PS4 players
seethe more, you deserve it
Fucking seriously:
>Crystal Braves poison Nanamo
>Crystal Braves give Taledji enough of an ego boost to taunt Rhauban of all people, who ends up killing him
>WoL and Alphi are exiled from Eorzea and have to flee to Ishgard
>End up saving Ishgard from its domestic issues as well as a thousand years long war with dragons
>This brings Ishgard back into the fold from a long time of isolation
>We kill Nidhogg and toss his eyes into the abyss even Ascians can't get into
>Ascians end up bringing in actual immortals from The First and get a hold of the eyes
>WoDs duke it out with WoL while Ascians give illberd the eyes
>Illberd uses these to summon Shinryu, which threatens to destroy the world
>To stop it, we have to wake up Omega, which itself threatens to destroy the world
>We are still forced into a war with Garlemald
>WoL becomes the Khan of the east, bringing NotMongols to assist the liberation efforts
>We end up liberating Doma and Mhiggerlandia
>Garlemald still isn't done with us, however, declares all out war and prepares to use a poison gas that will end up being instrumental in ascian plans to destroy the world
>WoL meanwhile becomes so powerful that his presence alone threatens to destroy the world
>This can't be solved by killing WoL because doing so will also destroy the world
>All of this because this magnificent little shit wanted to start a free company with WoL
Do actual roleplay FCs exist? I only found ERP people when I wear the RP tag.
I've only seen one actual RP FC, stumbled on them when they were all lined up in Falcon's Nest with an Elezen lady talking about their mission... which was basically to do FATEs.
>veteran healers say they are quitting the role
>they believe that DF queues will skyrocket in demand for healers
>meanwhile sprout healers replace them and get all the commends and bonuses
So everyone in Eorzea is just fine with WoL summoning a babby Bahamut?
It's the same thing that always happens. A small group of players think they're the majority and that everyone will follow them. I honestly don't understand it.
Umm... Bros?
>Light farming for 2nd to last Anima stage
It's probably not something normal people get the chance to see
>Oh ok, I can understand where you're going with removing the enmity combo, it didn't serve a purpose before but it could've had threat became a thing.
>Rest of the entire post is nothing but misunderstood mechanics.
No changes living dead but holmgang gets a buff
You cannot make this up
what the fuck am i reading
>1000euro(or probably dollar since he sounds american) for a 64bit capable pc
oh boy, im pretty sure a 500euro rig can run FFXIV
So sorry that you’re low test
I wish Summoners were Void mages instead.
Everyone must play the same
Dont forget us defeating zenos lead to him an hero to deny lyse a kill steal. Which then lead to the white ascian controlling his corpse, but that gave the scions a rumor to spread which is now causing unrest in Garlemald. Also elezenos is now on a conquest path towards the ascianfaggots too so he can reclaim his throne. All because illberd got too hot headed
I built my current PC for $600 and it plays everything on high settings. CPU is a bit weak though so fps drops to around 30 in populated areas in XIV, but I still scored extremely high on the benchmark. Shitters just need to git gud at picking out parts.
This guy seems like he doesnt even play the game or didnt bother to actually read the changes.
>All other tanks, Gunbreaker included, had this(gap close) earlier on.
Is it surprising?
Imagine being this obsessed with trannies to make this.
Theres Yea Forums shitposting
reddit cocksucking
Official forum retardposting
But facebook is pure unfiltered STUPID ANGER
I'm not even sure I buy this as real.
>Every expansion until end of ffxiv is going to continue to add more stuff to the Alphinaud Did Everything Wrong list
Happy has cleared both ultimates and clears savage week 1,why would they drop him
He's a literal greylet with a huge ego.
You mean he gets carried. Look at his fucking parses.
It takes like an hour or 2 with A9S
why do you feel the need to copy and paste this into every thread you fucking faggot
t. FFLogs parsefag that doesn't even know how FFLogs rankings work.
Educate yourself.
To be fair the did everything wrong list also has an everything worked out even better than before half, though admittedly that's only because WoL exists
I've done Ultimates with him. His damage isn't good. He picks up mechanics pretty quick but they already have people that can do that.
Most people probably aren't seeing that, and if you follow job storylines a lot of jobs are actually going into pretty common use nowadays. A summoner battalion in the Immortal Flames is built up from the SMN job-stones and gear unearthed by the Sons of Saint Conach and is being put to use against regular summonings of Ifrit, for example.
Listen up SCHfags. I've had just about enough of your shit. You motherfuckers have, since your inception, been the absolute god king of healers. Ridiculous heals, big DPS, utility, you've had it all. The reason for this is because your job has been the only special boy class in the entire fucking game that comes from a split promotion job that is built upon the foundation of a DPS class. You have, because of this, had an extra layer of DPS skills due to still gaining ACN skills.
Yoshi has been signaling for years this day was coming, he's been talking about wanting to separate SCH and SMN from one another for a long time. You fucking retards, in your infinite wisdom, decided that this meant that you'd magically get to keep all of the DPS skills that came with being built on a DPS class' foundation. You were wrong. While they're not technically separated just yet in terms of gaining EXP separately, they pretty much are, for all intents and purposes, separate classes now. You have been NORMALIZED to match the standard of healing classes in this game. No more special boy status for you. And even then, your healing toolkit appears to still be absolutely busted So shut the fuck up already. You've gotten exactly what you deserve.
My friend said if you pre-order shadowbringers on the SE store you don't get charged until it's released. Anyone know if thats true?
holy based
That's true, you aren't charged immediately. There's an option on your order to pay for it immediately however.
All those amazing sprout healers that are heavily undergeared or are not capable of healing a tank while not dpsing at all.
While recently leveling alt tank from 1-70 I saw everything, holy shit people are bad at healing.
Sweet, thanks user
10% damage increase or 40% damage increase
I should also note another reason he got kicked was because he tried to force changes in the team to benefit him. Streamer status and all that.
They probably didn't let him raid with the big boys, so he's searching for other hardcore players who would carry him.
>Larry confirmed no one actually tried to switch partners after you apply a dance buff
>new update will finally free me from Heavy Thrust
Oh joyous days
If you get lucky with light gain you don't even need a hour, I was done with it after 16 runs.
Not to mention it's the worst kind of carrying where he lays dead on the floor for most of the fight.
why does everyone always fuck up starboard and larboard in omega?
Why does Minfilia keep making me go back to the waking sands when we have linkshells, and always has me stay behind in group meetings?
They're dumb.
>get carried by the highest elite parse trannies
>tries to impose changes when he shouldn't be there to begin with
sounds reasonable
mr crappy is an unlikeable cuck
From my experience, people don't pay attention to boss facing.
Linkshells can be wiretapped and they don't want Garleans or someone else listening in.
>tfw gonna level dnc so I can pad my mch bf
What if SSS spam in RoF will oudamage combos? Not possible?
It's shit, ignore TKlets saying its good. You cant even SSS as part of your rotation
Linkshells are not private. They can easily be intercepted.
Because she hates you.
linkshells can be wiretapped. more secure to tell you in person at a secret spot than to tell it over the "phone"
Not going to happen, it's barely optimal to fit in one SSS during RoF and BH window, let alone 2.
I ain't ever quitting career healing.
SCH changes look good, looking foward to STILL afking sastasha and leaning on the fairy to do shit.
It's shit. No TK no real skill. Braindead job for woman. SB was peak for MNK
Really secure to make your new hire come to your secret base over and over again any time some primal gets beaten or realm changing event happens. No way anyone would be able to track their movements and determine where the secret base is.
wait a minute...
SSS + TK finisher for RoF
All of that is irrelevant anyway because their base is LITERALLY FUCKING 100 FEET AWAY FROM A CASTRUM.
Are SCH mains still seething?
You lose too much DPS climbing back up to GL4 because it's one more snap or demolish than it was getting back to GL3
Except the Garleans learned about the Waking Sands from Lahabrea possessing Thancred
That's the greatest disguise right there though
I play all of the healers and I'm still pretty upset, yeah.
Alright I wanted to make a MCH poll out of curiosity
Elezen are made for matrimony
In-game world has small scale. It's not actually this small. And majority of world population can't use aetheryte teleportation
to be fair it's called left and right in german. they wanted to fuck over english people for some reason.
And the Garlean shitters could still only find it because Lahabrea told them where it was lmao
Yeah, it clearly worked given how they slaughtered everyone in "le secret base" that everyone knew about.
>And majority of world population can't use aetheryte teleportation
They can, just not nearly as often as WoL can because they have much smaller anima pools. And you can't carry a lot of shit with you so it's useless for moving cargo.
>You lose too much DPS climbing back
How so? 20% potency for SSS and TK is big.
God I wish elezen looked like that. Thank God we have Viera now.
Reminder that angry "healer" mains only have an excuse to be angry if ShB comes out and damage intake at lv80 is the same as it is now.
SB healers were already boring compared to HW healers and you still played it.
bros the spoilers, bros use them...
Was simplified for sausageland then, JP and English both use starboard and an archaic term for port/left.
You now remember Huncbert Longhaft
I'm not. The DPS train was nice while it lasted, but everything has to come to an end.
The only thing that annoys me is no more fairy esuna, but I can live.
>They can, just not nearly as often as WoL
4.5 scene with Hien. Where he said majority of their forces can't deploy by using teleportation. And he asked Yugiri to gather all people capable for teleportaion
Why does Godbert have those dots on his forehead?
The mere fact that it took Thancred getting taken over for them to find it shows how effective the location was
Or looking at it another way, how goddamn moronic the Garleans were
They look as good as the effort people put in. I've seen bad elezen and I've seen pretty and handsome elezen
But we already know that's the case.
Content difficulty, save for Gordias, was identical between ARR and HW even though they said they'd look into it, same happened in HW -> SB and the same thing will happen in SB -> ShB. You are deluding yourself if you believe that's not going to be the case.
>tanks and healers are least played roles
>make it more boring to play
>also add "trust" system same time
Just delete tanks and healers then.
>4.5 scene with Hien. Where he said majority of their forces can't deploy by using teleportation
That was because they hadn't been to Eorzea before and so they weren't attuned with the aetherytes there. Teleporting without attuning usually means you just get lost in the aetherial sea and dissolve.
MrHappy said dungeon hit harder than ever
MrHappy got booted out of his static for being a greylet.
trust system sucks though, you high?
But that's wrong based on the footage we've seen. In fact they hit the softest
You're talking as if SCH still isn't #1 healer.
Sure, the DPS kit is gutted, but holy fucking shitting and tapdancing christ look at all of this high value free oGCD healing on low cooldowns.
Show me some good elezen then?
Will he actually be an important character this time or is he still watching us from a distance and jacking off in the shadows?
Have you've been on a mmorpg forums in the past 5 years? There are people who claim to be the voice of reason and logic but haven't reached max levels, grouped with anyone, and play with one button clicking on their mactops.
>Battle Voice STILL doesnt effect the BRD
Why should I play a boring class so you can have fun dpsfag?
Savage content being 2 tanks, 5 dps, 1 healer on release is going to be embarassing and the final nail in this game's coffin
can't do that, it triggers autists.
>Estinien becomes the Redman of FFXIV
Trusts take reduced damage. He asked Yoshi if that was the intention and Yoshi said yes.
It isn't saying much, because the "design" is often really far away from the reality, but at least they intend for stuff to do more damage, so we'll see.
i'm a tankfag, nice try tho. trust system can only do leveling dungeons anyway
He was an important character for an entire expac.
I acknowledged that in my post though. Even with their DPS kit nerfed they're probably STILL the top healers and these spoiled fucking children have the audacity to still be screeching the loudest of any class. Fuck em.
I don't understand why Tempest dealt with MrHappy for so long when they knew he was a shitter?
Whatever keeps him alive
>keep eating cones/circles because shit ping
i for one approve yoshi's views and changes on healers
now they will be forced to fellate my hp instead of pretending to be dps, letting me die, then trying to put all the fault on me for the upcoming wipe because he wanted to be a pretend dps
tanks TANKS
healer HEALS
now back to your job, BITCH, i'm about to eat another tankbuster
Look at the dungeon vids of those who didnt use trust, dungeons hit the exact same. Tank HP never drops below 1/3
Link it with some evidence. I have a friend who just claimed this too but he linked me to a video where the group
>Used Noctural AST
>Tank literally isnt using cooldowns
>Isn't dispelling anything despite knowing its dangerous
>Is just standing around and never using their ogcd heals
Alright, fair point. When you said "busted" I thought you meant literally broken and not vidya broken.
>Use Inner Release
>Spam 5 Fell Cleaves
>Use Inner Releasquiescat
>Spam 5 Holy Cleaves
>Use Inner Delirium Bloodcleavers
Why would you be anything other than a GunChad?
They said the same thing in stormblood at least they’re consistent in their whining.
Thals Balls!
Mr Happy is a fucking fat moron.
This post... *sniff sniff*... I stinks of a tranny behind it... *sniff sniff*
"Capable" is still a thing. XIV world doesn't looks like world where everyone can teleports around. Only minority of people.
He's Redman.
because GNB does the least DPS
Huh, another big jump in ilvl for af4 from omega/augmented sceavan. 30 item levels.
For those curious, while it was a pain in the ass to get from this video, crafted ring is also 430, ronka stuff is 440 and is safe to assume that it’s the basic bitch tome gear
I seriously wanna know why they had to ask him this
>think I'm going to level DNC first in the expansion because the animations are probably really well made considering the focus of the job
>remember what DPS queues will probably look like with yet ANOTHER new DPS in the game, and one that every tranny degenrate will be using because of ERP
Gun first it is, then.
I'm finally leveling dragoon since it's the only job left. Is chaos thrusts animation supposed to be a reference to something? It's so out of place compared to all the other attacks
Because the fun in tanking is salvaging runs. Pld has been doing it for a couple years now, and now maybe the other tanks will have a chance to with their new skills
He begs you to kill him, he was ready to die and we saved him. He feels like he is in our debt.
It's a heated question and Kotaku loves controversy.
>imagine waiting 2 years for DRK rework and you get worse inner release
My friend was very disappointed.
also, while noticeably the left side gear has overall lower stats, the accessories have a massive boost in their stats
>"Capable" is still a thing.
In that context it can also mean those capable of teleporting to Eorzea. Reminder that during the main SB story they tell you the House of the Fierce aetheryte was deconstructed because it's a common Garlean tactic to send masses of their conscripted troops to teleport to unattuned aetherytes behind enemy lines. It was also considered a worthwhile enough investment that Lolorito financed the reconstruction of the entire network across Eorzea so he could charge a toll.
>(Kotaku Interview)
Kotaku is a tranny den, they're trying to push their agenda everywhere.
Some kind of loaded question where anything short of a PR tirade like that could be spun as him being a Neo-Nazi or something.
Surely they're reworkd the formula for how they're calculating stats because otherwise holy fuck.
>being trans = pedo
Original Prankster.
I don't have any, Mrhappy just said that dungeons have more damage in general. More aoe, more tank busters.. more damage. Is that true? I don't know but he tried the expac so he's not lying
Wait for witch class in 6.0! dps/cc/support class
Since its the one with less mitigation and fast paced gameplay, dont you think they will try to turn up the numbers so it is the dps tank? i doubt that SE will make warriors cry, but i expecting GNB to have equal performance.
his point is that yoshi talks out his ass for PR purposes
that’s my best guess anyway. after all, despite having lower stats, they still have way more health. would like to see a screenshot of all the gear on a class, along with stats, and the character menu to have a more educated guess.
Xenosys said that dungeons hit softer than ever. But i dont know if he only played Trust shit or not.
Shadowniggers is the last expansion.
You can watch dungeon footage for yourself and it's the same shit only difference is boss applying bleeding with unavoidable raidwide.
have you played this game?
What a fucking shitshow
>making healing mandatory
>make enemies hit softer
Only SE could fuck this up
Seconding this. It hurts more to piss off the left than the right, and by not saying exactly what he said he'd have done himself a major problem.
What PR says and what PR believes are entirely different things in almost every case.
I think he only tanked in dungeon.
anyone else after a long xiv session like to take off their headset and sniff your ear musk left behind in the headset? just me or what?
It looks like trash hurt more slightly but bosses not really.
>going through Shisui to level
>tank leaves immediately after first pull is done because the RDM wasn't using Scatter
Uhhhh.... BASED?
>dungeons don't hit harder
>scholar toolkit is now twice as powerful
>gonna have even MORE downtime to dps
>only have 3 dps spells now
thanks I guess
the real challenge of playing healer will be not falling asleep or killing yourself
I do this for every game desu
Since everyone is getting a pet now dragoon will be able to summon Estinien eventually. But only when you stand in an aoe and die.
Yes, it's Freya's Cherry Blossom 'Dragon' attack from IX. In the JP version of XIV, Chaos Thrust is called Cherry Blossom. We got a classic Koji Fox memelation instead
Don't blame him. Granted I'd have just tried to votekick the RDM first.
>play with normals, sick of censorship
>play with 4channers and there's only drama and fighting but at least you can say nigger
>play solo but sometimes get awful randoms in dungeons anyway
>get ultranormies in randoms and they're the nicest of the bunch, friend request you and treat you well.
I... was I wrong this entire time? is the ability to say, with glee and joy "FUCK NIGGERS and FUCK MHIGGERS and FUCK trannies" worth it anymore. Maybe I am getting old now but I'm starting to feel like playing with the normalfags was the right choice all along.
Also, thank god, It looks like tomestones will be in the main city instead of Eulmore, cause holy shit it’ll be nice having access to both a marketboard and tomestone shit
i dont know about Mr.Happy, i only listen to Xeno because i play tanks. he talked about that shit yesterday on stream when he said that it was really hard to break TBN in the dungeon. There is probably a vod on twitch.
>Do mechanics wrong on the second boss
>Scions use skills we no longer have access to all the time, often times without extended cooldowns
>Alphinaud becomes a scholar
>Alphinaud is going to be a scholar and have access to old HW kit while you are stuck wiith Broil and Biolysis
Holy ding-dong diddly BASEDOLA
I do that too. If someone can go 60 levels without using their brain enough to know to use AoE on AoE packs, they're beyond saving.
Spelll I/II/III/IV annoys me so badly
Every other language uses -ra/-ga/-ja
I can't believe we won't get Lionheart, GNBbros..
>get Estinien
>get a free return to Ishgard
That's nice
They wanted the WoW audience and were scared of confusing them. I'm still waiting for modders to fix this shit. STOP MAKING PORN MODS AND MAKE A SIMPLE FUCKING ABILITY NAME FIX.
He's one of those fucktards that think OG Brd and Rdm would ever be a thing in FFXIV current gameplay. The closest was BLU and got regulated to containment status.
Why is that faggot Koji still employed doing these ministrations?
holy shit that's a lotta stats
I hope he dabbed on the RDM tranny too.
>he said that it was really hard to break TBN in the dungeon
it's always been really hard to break TBN though
If we're the WoL then our spells need that old-school flavor
remember when everyone saying BLU wasnt a meme minigame job? good times
It’s possible that the reason stuff feels like it doesn’t hit has hard is because they’re being synced down, and thus technically have the highest item level gear that dungeon will allow, thus having superior stats to people going in the first time.
4 weeks (+1 day) to go, bros.
Because no one else if the team can gobrap like him
They need him to help Soken with music.
he took his penalty, whats the problem here fag
>6.0 drops
>Aggro no longer exists, bosses simply focus the tank at all times.
>Auto attacks no longer exist, rolled into abilities for players.
>Enemies don't auto-attack either, they only use AoE markers and tankbusters.
>All tanks only have one cooldown similar to Inner Beast/Shelton, reduces damage taken by 90% for one attack.
>Healers have only a regen buff and a direct heal, the direct heal has a long cooldown or conditional use.
>DPS, Tanks, and Healers all do the same damage, with Tanks and Healers having a tiny bit more responsibility every fight.
i do this in experts
fuck dps who don't aoe
No no no no but Chaos Thrust and I/II/III/IV sound more epicer! and have more style! and personality!
No it hasn't.
Amerimutts ans anglos are known to be dumb and simple. Sorry user.
>the only time you really ever get to use aoe skills is dungeons
>people refuse to aoe in dungeons
i dun get it bros
Absolutely BASED and REDPILLED slippery slope poster.
Nobody wants to work for FFXIV
Bro you should have respected content...bro I warned you...he just wanted you to enjoy the game...
What times do the big ices show up in Shatter?
NINbros, how does it feel?
Technically, it looks like all pieces of gear will have main stat + vitality plus 2 substats now, similar to tanks, instead of main stat plus 2 substats. Possible that this is where the missing vitality and main stats plus substats have gone, to make accessories a bit more relevant, and to make upgrading them more worth it, since as of right now, some classes have bis pentamelded crafted accessories.
>queue expert roulette
>get a catboy in the party
>log out for 5 minutes
>come back in with no penalty
>repeat until no catboy in the party
Gear available for it was artifacts, ie lowest rung of endgame gear, right? If so no wonder everything hits like a wet sponge.
Maybe no cc per se, but two stances of offensive and defensive support
Slow down. (Stop!) Takin’ no hits
‘Cceleratin’ past us. blast us. fit to transmit (son)
Son to the Father to the Maker’s own way
There’s a method to the metal on the metal highway (yo)
Keepin’ up the pace. (What?) Keepin’ with the quickness
Kep the lightning bottled, throttled, throttle to the finish
Movin’, soothing’, got nothing’ to prove and
Pushing’ all your buttons with a button-pushing blue hand
Blue blazes, blue faces,
Blue blood, blue truth gonna see you black and blue (right)
Thirty thousand goblins gonna solve the goblins’ problems, ’cause the
Problems of the goblins goin’ rotten till they solve ’em, yeah the
Thirty thousand goblins gonna solve the goblins’ problems, with a
‘Sploding’ smashing’ bashin’ whackin’ crackin’ smackin’ kind of chaos
A to the L to the E X ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
Rise up and raise the iron roof off
Now, Rise up and riot ’till the bomb drops
Now, Rise up, the time is right to sound off, so
Rise with me, rise with me, rise with me (RISE UP!)
Rise with me, rise with me, rise with me (RISE UP!)
Rise with me, rise with me, rise with me RISE WITH ME
It was still that Lahabrea teleported the imperial force directly to the Waking Sand though, had the troops came directly from the Castrum or the sea, they would've been intercepted by the Flames first.
>Koji's shitty explanation made by himself to justify his garbage decisions and fellate his ego
it's weird to see since we've only had a max of 25 vit per accessory in 4.x but now we're getting nearly 200 vit on each accessory
Maybe fame? Happy's been getting a massive bloated head about his spot in the XIV community in general lately though.
>Rowena's love for profit is so strong she can send her jewish soul to other dimensions
Where is the ass?
This "rework" looks like it took them a week to do. It's so fucking weak.
Thats what people said about the changes in SHB lmao
>uses Maker in the song
>but then goes with creator for the game
I'm still confusrd
>Rowena and Accord teams up for the Nier raid.
Wasn't that the JP call? It was Cure/Cura/Curaga in 1.X and enemies from previous eras will use the naming convention like Xande and Ancient Quaga.
What fags
Are there any new music leaks?
Maker and Creator are synonyms. Creator in that line wouldn't flow as well.
>She drags Gerolt along as well somehow so you have a slave for making the relic weapon
>Blue blazes, blue faces,
Blue blood, blue truth gonna see you black and blue (right)
>still uses "Illuminati" instead of the original name "Blue Hand"
I'm confused, what's this "woah lots of stats" stuff coming from? It doesn't look like any more stats than usual to me. 126 crit? 180 direct hit? that's gonna be a yawn from me, nothing amazing about that. what gives?
Because Americans don't know what the Black Hand is so they wouldn't get the reference. You can still tell that they're Bluehand anyway because of the symbols all over Hinterlands.
I think the localization team does a decent job overall but their reasoning behind spell naming was utterly retarded.
It's what was called a check of submission in the Soviet Union. Agents of the Soviet government would randomly ask or interview people and ask them obvious or even stupid questions about their loyalty to the Soviet Government and it's Communist ideals to make sure they gave the "right" answers, sometimes even in the "right" way. Right now the commissars of diversity in the West are doing the same, asking anyone and everyone their thoughts on things like trans-rights to root out any possible wrongthink from people in positions of influence, even though 90% of people don't give a fuck. As is always the case in history, smart people hide their real views and give a confirmatory answers to the orthodox of the day so they can live their lives untroubled. Such things never last of course, as the bins across Moscow filled to the brim with burning communist party membership cards when the dissolution of the Soviet government was announced demonstrated.
I had to laugh at Vinny's (Vinesauce) half-hearted "yep" at a piece of garbage "Vinny supports trans-rights" fan-art before he quickly moving on.
Viera never had asses. All you had to do was look at Fran's model from 12
>witch class comes out in 6.0
>immediately shoves BLM even deeper into the shed
JP spell names sounds horrible in English.
>Job Actions Trailer drops
>Embargo drops
>WAR is fine
>Fray is shit
Yeah it's really not actually tremendously higher than current jewelry, my Scaevan gear is only slightly lower than that and has higher substats with some pieces. If anything it looks like gear stats are plateauing.
>not modding your game
it was fun to see fray but I wasn't expecting THAT much, it's a fuckin 25 second thing that spends like 10 of those seconds not doing anything while it stands up.
Based truthposter
>Because no one else in the team can go brap like him
wtf Soken
>>DPS, Tanks, and Healers all do the same damage, with Tanks and Healers having a tiny bit more responsibility every fight.
i unironically want this, DPS should just have buffs that benefit everyone and makes them do more damage.
if WoD is a dark knight, what is WoL?
>being a modtranny
>see healer doing dps
>intentionally stand in AoEs so they have to stop dpsing and do their fucking job of HEALING
>report them after the dungeon
how many times a day do you think about trannies
Go away honest healer
rent free
>You die like a retard to avoidable damage
>You get dismissed for being shit at the game
>You are now stuck in another 30 minutes long queue
The healer must have been devastated after replacing you in 2 seconds
While the concept is applicable, human rights aren't going away. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Let's do a thought experiment user, what do you call a knight of light? a holy knight if you will?
A Templar?
>farm Syrcus Tower
>those fucks who run towards the stairs after the first set of clone mobs
>never go back for the second set
Hey! Maybe helping with those would make things faster for you! Ever thought of that, you dumb shits?!
It's almost always "high tier" players with raid weapons who do this, like Valeera Bloodmoon.
How about
>be healer
>co-op healer start DPSing
>stop healing
A Dragoon?
>level 80 WHM title
>of the Holy Light
>level 80 AST title
>level 80 SCH title
Sword Saint
Why does DRG use Vorpal Thrust after Raiden in the action trailer?
I'm trans and nothing these psychos are pushing for are 'human rights'.
action trailers are never optimal rotations dude, they're just showing everything off, thats why you see aoe skills getting used on a single target.
Fray is a glorified DoT and Darkside is retard-proof so you'll never even think about dropping. Your rotation consists of mindless 123 spam with a Fell Cleave and oGCD Fell Cleave to not overcap on mana and then using a shitty Inner Release to Fell Cleave 5 times.
There's nothing interesting at all about how it seems to play, whereas WAR's rotation is mostly the same but better with slightly more Infuriate management needed.
>implying me and the squad will deal with such an incompetent healer like you
How about YOU enjoy the lockout greendps?
Raiden Thrust replaces True Thrust if you hit both the positionals on your Wheeling Thrust and Fang and Claw.
It's called reading a history book. It disturbs me how many people are uneducated about the Soviet Union beyond it being "the bad guy" during the cold war. What happened to those living under that lawless death regime for 80 years was both horrific and is the stuff of nightmares. It truly should be celebrated that evil place vanished without a trace with barely a peep.
Both sound less fun than how they played in HW
Will we ever get a waifu expansion to match HW's Elezen husbando expansion?
I'm sure it did the combo sound effect.
Is this true? Source.
>Goes from threatening to dismiss to threatening to not dismiss after being called out
It's this one. Please look forward to the abundance of Viera NPCs. There will be a new Viera scion that joins the group by the end of the MSQ.
Your 'squad' would be okay with you slowing the run down by intentionally dying? Maybe its best if I left on my own terms.
None of that is taught in school because communists are running the education system.
>Healer gets dismissed
>He just requeues and gets instantly matched, since there are only 100 healers left in the data center now
Oh no no no DPScuck. You better watch our or you'll be blacklisted from all the PFs.
Mrfaggy's job videos are much better than Larry's. Unironically.
If they knew it was for me to be based and put a shitty healer in their place for not doing their job, yes of course.
Your "rights" will be determined by the Chinese in 50 years after you've achieved your "noble" goal of bringing down Western Civilisation, as in you'll have none whatsoever.
HW DRK was peak DRK by a longshot, so I was hoping that maybe the team still had it in them to make it interesting to play. Turns out they like how braindead they made WAR and applied that to DRK as well.
I've just accepted WAR will always be the braindead tank at this point.
Check the Lance Mastery II trait. Also if you look at Raiden Thrusts tooltip, it says "cannot be assigned to a hotbar" which implies it replaces an action when available. In this case, it's True Thrust.
Based parnoid schizo poster.
>Alisaie and Minfilia stuck being underaged while WoL is seduced by buxom bunnygirls
All the details on class skills came out dude
>high jump is not new jump
Oh fuck. Fuck yeah.
I think I'll main DRG after SAM, of course.
remember that larry is a fully grown man who does a fake "wacky" voice
>32 matches found
Why are FFXIV players so obsessed over transsexuals?
Mrhappy's ShB videos were better than Larry's even if some were too long.
What's a good crafting guide that isn't 300 pages long?
Will the devs give into the healer demands? Like how they gave SCH miasma II back in SB
>mfw watching Happy """play""" SMN
because there is so fucking many trannies
>open youtube video
>rdm starts opener with embolden and jolt
at the end of the day they're both manchildren desu
I'm a WHM main and my autism is making me consider making a serious attempt at getting the translation team's ear and trying to talk them into renaming Glare to Banish.
i really dislike hrothgar's hair being tied to the face type and the fact they can't wear most head equipment, but damn are their emotes nice
just take a look at all the astolfo threads. people here like traps, just passable ones though
>Leg Graze and Foot Graze are still in
Red Mage should have gotten 1 skill that uses only white mana and 1 skill that uses only black mana. Until they get those, their kit can never be considered complete.
all the music that was in the media tour build is on youtube already
imagine if we actually got pvp combos for classes, christ drk would be pathetic to play
fluid aura
Why? Looks At SMN. SMN is DPS. Look at summoner downtime rotation. Why SCH bitching about their dots and one button spam when their DPS spec with bigger max CPM spamming Ruin 3 without any problems?
PVP combos means skill bloat reached peak. Not gonna happening in 3-4 expac.
>SMN still has physick with no int scaling
>Phoenix gives a twenty (20) potency HoT with pet scaling and most likely no int scaling
I think they should get Temper for some extra utility, and a melee stance that changes all their spells to En-spell sword slashes.
>Quick Knock has a 30% chance to refresh Rain of Death
>glaring issue of not having a spammable gcd aoe spell compared to whm and ast
>bitchy complains of losing unneeded dps spells when both whm and ast also have one dot and one nuke
not gonna happen, screenshot this
based expert roulette netflix hero healer
A free AoE regen every time Phoenix comes out is nice, and the rotation is a lot shorter than current SMN so it'll be frequent enough.
What SMN really needs is an update to their Resurrection animation after getting Phoenix that has a little bennu or some Phoenix feathers.
It will once Yoshi and the team starts getting death threats from pissed off SCHs.
as a tankchad
from now on i won't avoid anymore aoes
my job is to TANK and make sure the boss doesn't turn to the party
the healer has a job of HEALING me and making sure the aoe does not kill me
if the healer stops doing his JOB to pretend to be a dps which he IS NOT
and letting the tank die he will be getting kicked and rightfully reported for INAPPROPRIATE GAMEPLAY
that will teach him a lesson that a healer has to HEAL
the content shall be RESPECTED
>1 job is awful therefore every job needs to be awful
You retarded coons need to be hanged.
They have plenty of skills to spam in between ruin spam. Healers have 1 dot and 1 single target skill.
>They have plenty of skills to spam in between ruin spam.
No? You literally spam Ruin 3 in downtime and Ruin 3 in DWT.
>only SCH deserves to be a special snowflake with crazy dps rotations!!!!
I'm glad Yoshi decided to finally teach you people some humility.
Even if that is the case, two wrongs don't make a right
So what's going to be meta, boys?
That's my guess
daily reminder that, with higher potencies and assize, whms are now officially THE dps healers while schkeks are forced to heal to not make them lose uptime
>You literally spam Ruin 3 in downtime and Ruin 3 in DWT.
smnbros.... i thought we had the hardest class ever.... i thought we had no mobility....
dancer x 6
You will adjust with times since dots were purged from SMN in HW too
every party will be bringing a RDM on launch for prog.
Monk was the best DPS job in Stormblood, now it's the worst in Shadowbringers
>gunbreaker over pld
literally no reason to take a gunbreaker over a paladin. Paladin is now one of the biggest dick DPS tanks in the game.
gnb pld ast whm sam nin smn dnc
i wonder how often people who mod their character to have big asses and tits get laid irl
It heals less than a single tick of medica 2
>that GNB dps
And people unironically calling it meta.
And people said WAR wasn't in the shed. The designated blue DPS losing to fucking PLD, how embarrassing.
Replace smn with rdm? What's going to be meta for speedruns after prog then?
Do dnc buffs stack for the partner?
Uh we don't know that yet lol. You might be right, but I think gnb's potencies are nothing to laugh at
Why sam over mnk? Wouldn't dance partner synergize with mnk more?
>numbers without understanding the jobs
>Bahamut + ahkmorns
>Ruin 4
You're reaching
So? SMN isn't a healer job. It's just a free extra bit of healing every time you bring Phoenix out.
>believing a tweet talking out of his ass without any actual data
Or nvm maybe gnb sucks dick lol
coping warcuck detected
How does it change anything?
Fuck this I'm just going to roll a SAM.
Yeah i'll wait until i see some actual fflogs statistics like everyone else with a brain
There's so major issues tho.
It still need to be tested obviously but one thing for sure is that, if AST cards do not give enough rDPS, they could be easily replaced by WHM because of their high pDPS.
Keep in mind that
>WHM's Glare has 50 more potency than AST's Malefic IV
>WHM's Dia has 220 more potency than AST's Combust III
Earthly Star potency got reduced to 150 too while Assize is still 400 potency every 45sec.
AST will be probably be buffed before Eden's raid but so far WHM looks surprisingly strong compared to it.
It's completely neglegible to the point it wouldn't delay your death from an underleveled monsters, let alone any ShB encounter. There's absolutely no reason for it to be there in the way it's there now.
i think samurai is just too strong potency wise to ignore atm
also, if you can dance partner the ninja, saber dance lines up with bunshin and you can generate an insane amount of gauge if the shadow counts too
Seemed to heal 400-500HP each tick in the footage. 7 ticks overall I think. So it'll regen ~3000HP for each party member every two minutes.
>every draw is a guaranteed draw
>guaranteed balance every 3 minutes
WHM is still in the cuckshed, sissy. They still weren't brought in SB even though they did more damage.
I mean heaven forbid WHM actually be a good choice
Fuck it. Dogshit damage or not, I'm going GNB because it seems like the only fun tank to me this expansion.
It's literally nothing.
I don't know of one, but I can kind of summarize shit.
>Level everything to 50. This gets you the cross-class shit you need to make everything work.
>After 50 the classes are the same, but you'll pick three crafts to specialize in. They get big-dick abilities for just themselves, and recipes non-specialists can't use. You'll have to make a personal call here, but GSM is always solid.
>You want to level on shit that produces a stacking item, because that lets you fuck around with quick-synths.
>Ixal and Moogle dailies give a lot of crafting exp, so milk those. You need to be well into HW content to get access to Moogles.
>Leves are great quick exp, especially if you can buy HQs of the turn-in item. The caveat being, other people want them too so the price probably ain't great. However, this late into things there will probably be a decent supply.
>When you need to craft, figure out your time/exp for efficiency. Going for a 100% quality HQ gives a lot more, but it takes a lot more time to get right. My general rule of thumb is to slam out the easiest 12-20% quality I can and finish the synth.
>Do everything you can to stockpile crafting exp scrolls. There are sorta shitty ones you can buy for Allied seals at your GC, and much better ones that are rewards for Squadron training.
>If you have the Squadron version, your best possible exp/time is to activate one and just quick synth your fodder items(assuming your gear is good enough to prevent any breaks). The GC version works too but you have to refresh it way more often.
>If you're filthy fucking rich somehow, and have lots of leves, it can even be worth it time-wise to buy NQ gear from NPC vendors to toss into the hopper.
>Also if you've got some cash: There are people who sell "leveling kits", which are basically a blob of all materials you need to gain a specific 5/10 levels.
>Don't worry about endgame gear and melds, we're about to outdate everything with new gear. Aim to simply cap instead.
wait until this 404s unless you want to be quarantined to /xivg/
>PLD putting WAR in their shed 2 starting expansion in a row
Oh I am laffin
>malefic is still 1,5 cast time
>combust is clear typo and will be 60 potency
>literally stronger aoe balance every 3 min combined with 3-6 cards, without counting lady and lord
never ever
you 1% min/max fucks are worthless in ffxiv. Every class is viable all content can be cleared. I'd rather clear with friends and people who enjoy the game versus autist antisocials who jerk it fflogs.
>DRK expansion
>Every DRK main pulls a Cecil and changes to PLD
No one cares faggot, get back in the shed.
>BLMs and SAMlets absolutely SEETHING
This is probably all wrong because tooltips are fucked even in the japanese version, but I definitively will enjoy the drama until the official release.
it’s alphy comfy hours
Dot. But everyone hates SB shadowflare tho. It will be removed in ShB from SMN kit too
This spell use Aetherflow stacks. Look at potency.
>Bahamut + ahkmorns
When you summon bahamut you actually spam Ruin2 8 times and Fester 3 times.
Ruin 4 is proc. Instant
Outside of burst windows you spam Ruin 3. Or Ruin 2 if you forced to move non stop
>watching either
Thank you, user
I used adblock and disliked the video to balance it out.
This is even more gay than all the trannies in this thread