What is it about these 2 communities that makes them think they're not "Instant Gratification" Zoomers in today's day of Theme Park MMOs?
What is it about these 2 communities that makes them think they're not "Instant Gratification" Zoomers in today's day...
Why are you mad that they deleted your FFXIV thread.
you have to do a billion mandatory fetch quests in ffxiv before you can do anything
This is _NOT_ a XIV thread.
Classes your taking thru the MSQ?
Eat my ass.
WoWfag here.
Let me step in and explain something here.
XIV's class design seems to originate somewhere around Cataclysm/Mists of Pandaria but has then forked off in its own direction.
Blizzard knew they had a problem with class design during WoD and it was getting worse and worse trying to balance not just every class but every spec too, and the specs just kept growing. They knew they couldn't not add new classes either because that's what people want so they added Demon Hunter despite this problem.
So how to fix class design?
In Legion they severely pruned everyone and took away class specific abilities from everyone, instead promising to focus on specific spec fantasies, where a fire mage would ONLY cast fire spells or arcane would ONLY cast fire which is why you see stuff like where arcane used to be a part of a whole but now arcane is just arcane.
Not only that but they introduced the artefact weapon idea here.
This is the idea:
Every spec has a [base] module, which is the backbone of the spec, but not the whole thing. Then artefact is an [expansion] module which spices it up.
The idea was that going forward the base would always remain the same and expansion changes could be slotted in and out.
So at the end of Legion they pulled out the Legion module, problem is they forgot to make a new one for BfA. I don't know if they forgot about this plan or what but the specs in BfA are all quite literally half complete and missing spells that were not replaced from Legion.
So that's why WoW sucks right now.
XIV seems fine by comparison.
It's hard not to be
>wow patch info releases
>7 threads up at any time, 3 are just endless OH NO NO NO NOs
>XIV expansion info releases
>1 thread max that gets deleted at 400 replies
>Post criticizing both WoW and FFXIV
>umad bro
user, if you bother to break down the post you'll notice its shitting on both games.
How is FFXIV zoomercore? Zoomers hate reading lots of text, slow paced combat, and the Final Fantasy franchise in general.
>go to TB to see what everyone thinks of their jobs
>literally all channels are people crying about their jobs and saying they're ruined and they're going to switch to something else
MMOs are very unpopular among zoomers for some reason.
Bard always and forever
It's not only the artifact part they removed, but also legos and their benefirs. Some specs like fire mage and ret pala were severly gimped without the right legos compared to those who had them, not only in dps, but also playablilty since the legos benefited resource generation. And the new azerite armor can't fill that one, let alone the artifact improvements that are missing in bfa.
Blocks your path
Because MMOs are outdated in a world where you can send a friend request and play with someone else you meet in every game you play
>thinking reading saves you from being a zoomer game
>copy of modern WoW not being Zoomer
user you wouldn't survive in old style grinds and play. A mediocre story doesn't separate you from them or have you forgotten how Game of Thrones got Zoomers to read giant books? Stop fooling yourself.
Only Samurai chads get to feel secure in their position as the new king.
*Steps in that pile of dog shit and continue on my path.*
>It's not only the artifact part they removed, but also legos and their benefirs.
Correct but they fell into the concept of the "expansion module" which was supposed to complete the specs. The idea was to have expansion abilities which come and go. But in BfA they just went and didn't come back.
>for some reason
The sad thing is XIV and WoW have slowly been adjusting themselves, though I guess we can argue XIV started as it is to help Salarymen with little time, to favor these crowds. Streamline the experience further and further and further while decreasing the grind and removing any complexity. Zoomers are walking wallets for them and they'll keep trying to get them.
The king of benchwarming, maybe. The meta still favors DRG and NIN the most even without piercing and slashing debuffs
I've not met a single zoomer that is interested in Final Fantasy. Please show me one.
>like the look of a tomestone of creation gear
>no way to earn tomestones of creation anymore
Can someone please explain what the fuck they were thinking? Why arent they changed to poetics by now?
maybe because they require more time commitment than the typical game these days and games like FFXIV are gated by a mandatory subscription fee where lilzoom's parents won't pay for it monthly.
Zoomers don't play sub-based MMOs.
weeaboo design or normal design. which is better
Okay, so show me a zoomer that plays a offline player FF game.
you can get creation gear with hunt seals im pretty certain look at the trader
weeb all the way baby
More zoomers play FFXV and will buy the FFVII remake than there are zoomers playing online FFs or any MMO for that matter that requires a subfee.
meant for