And why is it not more obvious that it's of course Rebecca?
> the opinions of claire-tards and jill shills are irrelevant
And why is it not more obvious that it's of course Rebecca?
> the opinions of claire-tards and jill shills are irrelevant
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop with the shitty RE threads.
Wait for news fuckface
I'm going to say Rebecca, but i need more examples.
Fuck off, nuAda is cancer and you have shit taste.
Prove her wrong. :3c
You sound like you are possessed by the big gay, kid.
Literally check the archive for any sad RE thread, it's always the same Rebecca-fag posting all the same images.
>female """""""""""""humor"""""""""""""""
Claire is best girl and she is the best part of RE.
Short hair is shit.
She looks like an annoyingly smug librarian
For now the most popular ones, are Jill's mom, Ada Wong, and Claire's brother, Daniel, both of whom play "receptacles" in the film (a term that means "reaction"). Both of them are played by Redfield and she and Daniel are both played by Valerio Hernandez, whom you may not have heard of but was great at playing big, awkward dudes for years in big-budget horror movies. (And now the only male in the film is James Franco, who also played some dude in the original Resident Evil.)
Valerio has been a popular choice since I saw him last fall, and I've been really pleased to meet him again now that he's an absolute fan favorite actor. His acting chops are impressive, but when it comes to the girls, you have to go with Claire Redfield: She's pretty, intelligent, and a strong competitor for Jill, even if she's more comfortable in the shadows. The character is also written very well, and the story is very much a comedy, and this story's humor will be funny to people who don't know horror better than I do.
And that's why I'm really excited about playing Redfield in Resident Evil 8
>Short hair is shit.
you will die like a dog
my nigga.
I bet you wouldn't even like her if she had long hair. All short-hair lovers care about is short hair
As a Beccafag since '99, I'm glad she's finally getting the love she deserves.
This gives my heart an erection.
Hair doesn't make the girl, but short hair is generally cuter
Post evil Rebecca from that Wesker mode in RE0.
Girls look better with short hair. Men look better with long hair.
Our modern age is sinful and wretched.
Becky = Jill - Claire
And Leon's dear wife!
That's s pretty stupid thing to assert after basically saying that you only dislike Becca because she has short hair
>no jill
Bunch of fags I see
What's wrong with nuAda? I mean compared to old Ada of course
She's too pretty.
>tfw wear long hair cuz I'm too cheap for haircuts and have no social life
>keep getting called "skyrim guy" cuz I'm blond as shit
could be worse
take HGH and ascend to godhood
agreed! nobody can top becky!
Do you ever get in their faces and say "Never should've come here!"?
I love Claire.
>eager to please and will take on any task assigned to her without hesitation
Sounds good.
>young and lacks experience
No problem.
>nervous around other members
She shouldn't be around any other members, only mine.
>mfw right after getting their shit together by not constantly outsourcing their games to other developers, Capcom announces that RE3R will be outsourced to another developer
I wike Wegos
My sis- I mean Claire.
the holy trinity
There's nothing wrong with preferring shorthairs over longhairs
I respect your taste for spunky jailbait.
becky is the best resident evil now and forever!
> jailbait
in the USA perhaps
Who literally gives you immortal body and have sex with you in body of little girl. Eveline is cute.
that's just a vision though, she doesn't really look like that
>2 Resident 2 Evil
At least she was. Also she is almost immortal. Sherry is right choice too.
First for the best Becky.
That means there were also some points while she was with the Bakers where she was a teenager / young woman / milf. I wonder what she looked like?
Ashley, I want to get my hands on those ballistics of hers.
>Also she is almost immortal.
She would have died of old age a few months after the game ended. Ethan didn't really have to do anything.
I love her big ears
I thought she is just a virus. And can have whatever body she wants.
No, she was the grandma, that was her real form. In the flashbacks she was a little girl, but to Ethan the little girl was just a vision projected into his mind by her. She had rapidly accelerated aging
Rebecca has got a lot of redeeming qualities
>wearing a choker
j is lewd! think of the advertisers!
here is an interesting thread about RE7's lore, back when Yea Forums was still interested in it:
She is cute, CUTE!
RE7 is legit the best-written Resident Evil game
Boulder punching boi
>93 pounds
Why would an inexperienced girl like her wear something like this?
she looks a lot bigger than that in the games
what news
At E3. Some leaker says that they're gonna release REmake 3 first and then RE8 but I refuse to believe it. They've already been working on RE8 for a while
I'll buy Rebecca at a high price!
yep that would mean REmake 3 is just gonna be a quick cash grab. I even heard they were outsourcing development of it
Does she get her own minigame in remake 3?
I want Outbreak style multiplayer DLCs in Raccoon City
Rebecca will be the main character.
Good thread, shame we don't have discussions like that anymore. What happened guys
In fact, once the PS5 is released all RE games will be remade for it and they'll feature Rebecca as the main character in all of them. Screencap this.
> t. Capcom insider
just imagine being able to effortlessly pick her up and give her a big hug
It’s Claire.
nu-Claire is the best
Claire has the added benefit of being extremely bullyable
do we have these for Jill and Claire
Claire is such a cutie. I love her.
Sheva, Ada, Helena
Claire, Rebecca, Jill
Ashley, Hunnigan, Jessica
Mia, Zoe
I haven't played 3, 0 or Rev2 so don't know if I'm missing anyone
The Remake showed her taking a beating CV-style.
Well, maybe not as bad as CV, but she got pistol whipped in the mouth