What’s an ACTUALLY scary video game?

What’s an ACTUALLY scary video game?

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Silent Hill (any) sure as fuck ain't.

Night Alone or Midnight Shadow?
Which comes first and which is better?

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What’s that

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that shitty LQ Flash game where you are a thief trying to rob a house while the owner comes home. That shitty was legit scary when you hear the sound of the owner's car

What’s that

there arent any

Alan Wake spooked me a couple times. Getting lost in the Pacific Northwestern woods with the trees swaying in the wind in the night. Creepy Twin Peaks like atmosphere. Game has been delisted from Steam and Xbox Store due to some faggy ass copyright shit due to the song 'Put the Lime in the Coconut' but physical copies work.

Fatal Frame 3 specifically don't get my wrong they're fucking terrifying but this scare's me the most because they don't fuck around in this one constantly throws shit to kill you all the other one give you a little bit of downtime not this one

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Chris Walker from Outlast always sends shivers down my spine
Perhaps it's my phobia to big guys

Both are good, Night alone is the first one, the second one is Midnight Shadow which is a little shorter storywise but you can visit the town form night alone and have like 5 times more collectables, overall I think MS is a better game, more polished, but you should still play the first one.

It's a top down horror adventure game with collectables, you play as a little girl trying to find her sister, dog or friend, in a rural town that gets overrun by yokai at night. Pretty good, I recommend it.

Siren is the only game that left me somewhat unnerved, so I'll go with that

Siren Blood curse is a little silly but actually playing it makes me very uncomfortable so I'd say that counts.

Dead Space 1


Why would you play an awful game like Blood Curse when Siren 1/2 exists

I guess I am alternate universe you.

just the story

Is it really scary or is it just a Yea Forums meme? I've heard about this game forever

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School

99 player tetris

Alan Wake would be better without the fabulous sparks that shoot fucking everywhere when you aim your torch at enemies.

It's not the monsters that makes a game scary. It's the little things. Things that feel out of the place. Unnatural. Such as the elevator from Silent Hill which has this extra floor appear in the row of buttons. You know it can't be good. Fucking genius and subtle.


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The Layers of Fear games are pretty good. Crazy visuals and good sound design.

modded Skyrim
>install mods to create and play as your waifu
>also install mods so you get raped whenever you get defeated in combat
>entire game is now quest to protect your waifus purity
10/10 spook

>Layers of Fear
Nigga fuck off, those devs don't even have the slightest clue of what the word subtle means

Several moments in STALKER have made me shit my pants like no game before.

It holds up an atmosphere of unease throughout the whole game and gets really tense at times. It has a few masterful jumpscares too.

I wouldn't call it pants-shitting scary, but definitely something that will stick with you for a while after finishing it.

I love STALKER. Bloodsucker are invincible when they're invisible in Clear Sky, which is bullshit.

huh, did they change sonic's design a bit in that version. cute

When it's this close to summer, it's hard to know whether that's a joke or you're just an autistic kid.

Like which parts

Siren 1 is one of the most retardedly obtuse games to ever exist, despite how scary it is.
Siren 2 is EU only and emulates like shit
Siren Bloodcurse is casual once you get a weapon but it's a genuinely spooky experience and a lot of fun especially using first person.

Hide and Seek simulators aren't even remotely scary you fucking faggots. Go back to your youtube channels

The parts when you have to go underground, like the laboratories that are pitch black or the jupiter underground in prypiat, When you're outside at night.

Fortnite, Dauntless, and Warframe.

It's the future of video games.
God is dead.

silent hill

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Make me nigger

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>didn't read full post

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Twicefold Ampersands (&&)

Murder Dog (NES)

found it. Its called: "Very organized thief"

The castle music in super mario 64 really freaked me out as a kid

There's no such thing as a scary horror game below an M rating


Resident Evil 7

Alien Isolation. Having to navigate through a spooky spaceship whilst constantly hiding from a fast moving, super intelligent, invincible alien is the scariest experience i've had in a game. Couldnt even finish it.

The first Resident Evil scared the shit out if me when I was like 12, Couldn't finish it until I was like 18.

God that maggot boss that you have to kill by toppling over barrels made me almost have an anxiety attack

> incredible atmospheric horror games with slow buildup and mystery do nothing
> jumpscare games terrify me
what the fuck happened

P.T is the only game that spooked me to my core.


Pretty scary how bad it was.

deadspace is the only actually scary game I've ever played

Fuck me that game legitimately gave me anxiety.

I hate jumpscares for that reason, they aren't scary they just startle you, eventually you develop an anxiety to them, it's not fear, it's just the feeling of being annoyed.

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Outlast whistleblower. The og game is great, but whistleblower was fucking terrifying. Half the game was literally just pitch black, in a good way though

This. A lot of the underground areas in STALKER are quite scary.

Gluskin did nothing wrong


I just bought Darkwood, haven't touched it yet because I'm finishing pathologic, what am in for? I've been playing a lot of slav shit recently.

>eventually you develop an anxiety to them
I feel like this is exactly what happened. Thanks for clearing that up.

for you

Clearly a joke retard, just like your existence.

I can't say I've ever been scared by a game. Unnerved defintly, but not legit scared. Maybe slender and the five nights games unironically on your first playthru, but I cant really say.

How old are you lawl

Afraid Of Monsters: Director's Cut

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Any good VR horror?

Like you could be playing and you hear a spoopy noice and your brain goes "HERE WE GO AGAIN" and it's just annoying.

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That library level in Metro 2033

2d stalker

> lawl
old enough to not have read or heard that word in over a decade

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this shit bored me from the get go. And I played on Hard.

>responding to underage trolls



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>I can't say I've ever been scared by a game.
>Maybe slender and the five nights games unironically on your first playthru
no wonder you've never felt true fear in games. You are clearly too underage to even know real horror games.


Lisa the painful

RPG maker games scares me

Oh fuck. That was hell.

A lot of depressing shit. It's like a dark twisted fairytale. But not like the Disney shit you see nowadays in theaters. Play it dood


First bloodsucker in SoC, first controller, X-18 and red forrest

Old enough. Again, most games are unnerving, but not actually scary. If you wanna scream at you moniter from real terror, silent hill and such are not going to do so. My answer was a bit in jest, but most good horror games rely on atmosphere. Jump scare game illicit real reaction, if only for the first playthru.

Not really a "game" but P.T. definitely put the fear of god in me. To a lesser degree, visage was pretty scary too.

I'm extremely superstitious though, so I might just be a sucker for haunted houses at night.

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I just watched a friend play the first one a couple of days back, and it was terrible. Starts strong, but then it delivers mindfucks and jumpscares so frequently that it all just becomes one big blur, and because there’s no actual gameplay threat, you just get numb about it all. Walk in a room, see the prepared scare, turn around and walk to next one, repeat for 2-3 hours. Friend was creeped out about stuff in it for maybe 20-30 minutes, after that it was clear that he really didn’t care.

Proper horror needs more downtimes between scares, and preferably some real gameplay risks to keep you on toes.

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Is Bendy and the Ink Machine any good?

I feel the same. I like spooky movies and games but being startled just isn't fun. I can forgive one or two well placed jump scares but that's about it.

if you hate jump scares then layers of fear is going really low on your list imo. I liked it, but I enjoy all forms of scares, slow burns and jump scares alike.

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Is Amnesia a meme game or is it actually scary?

Some people think It Follows was the scariest movie they've ever seen, other people think the Paranormal Activity movies are scary. Both types think the other is stupid.

You're a paranormal activity type. Slender and Five Nights are It Follows scary.

Possessed (Steam)

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it's not scary at all, and the gameplay loop gets insanely tedious, but the 50s disney art design is kinda neat. I wouldn't even call it horror or suspense though, it's more like a mystery game.

Dusk on Cero Miedo

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Sorry fren, meant to post my response to you

It doesn't exist. Unless you are woman or your balls haven't dropped yet.

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I find OFF uncanny and unnerving in a Tim Burton type of way, it's not scary, just very out of place and forceful on being "creepy".

But it's a good play, nonetheless.

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it was before, it's definitely not now, especially if you play a lot of horror stuff.

Fatal Frame 1 was the only one I played, but I don't think I'll ever finish it. It had strong atmosphere and some of the most hard-hitting jump scares I've ever seen, but I just got really frustrated getting lost backtracking everywhere with constantly respawning ghosts.

>Slender and Five Nights are It Follows scary.
I disagree with this. What made It Follows great was the impending doom of the situation, the fact that your friends can't see your attacker, and that the monster could be anyone in a crowd. There were a handful of startling moments in the movie, but the movie didn't rely on jump scares to be effective or interesting. FNAF on the other hand is built around jump scares for the most part.

I liked Albino Lullaby a lot. But it's more of a strange creeping dread than something that loudly jumps out and outright scares you.

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Eternal Darkness was cool. Had some freaky moments, probably would have had the most impact if I had played it as a young kid

This isn't shit my pants scary, but I liked the atmosphere and it did silent hill better than any of the titled post 4 games did.

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I really enjoyed the atmosphere and art design, but I really fumble on explorative games with constant time-limits.

The story is amazing, it's great how you are reading two stories that come together at the last part
It's more suspense than anything, it's not that scary but the athmosphere is great
And the puzzles are fucking impossible on the second half so good luck playing with no guides.

Holy fuck, this. The idea of rooms shifting and changing all around you might instill a nice sense of paranoia into you at first, but when that’s all that happens, the gameplay loop really gets reduced into ”walk into room, see the jumpscare into it, walk out through exit”. It’s like an ever-shifting linear hallway, you may have no idea about directions but does it even matter?

I found the first was quite unsettling, but I feel like if you're watching someone else play you're not getting the full experience. Having no way to defend yourself adds to it, as well as the sanity mechanics. My friends and I were taking too long in an area early in the game so the game spawned some ghost thing behind us, which made us shit our pants, and we lost so much sanity we were hearing cockroaches skittering around for like 40 minutes after it happened.

>I found the first was quite unsettling
The second one start off okay but my friends and I were trying to run through it in one night, and my friend just ran past everything in the last third of the game, which kind of ruined it for all of us.

At least he hasn’t got blue arms...


that's because there's only like 4 spots in the game where a pig is actually present and can kill you

Amnesia gets a bad rep for helping start the phenomenon of overreacting Let's Players, but I still think it's a genuinely solid game. It's not perfect but there's good pacing, strong atmosphere, a decent balance between the running, puzzles, and conserving of light supplies, etc.

There are countless cheap clones of it on Steam that just throw you into a dark building with an instant-kill monster, but Amnesia had clear effort behind its design.

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Came here to post this

but for anyone who has played/is playing:

I gave the key to the musician kid instead of the wolf. Did I fuck up? Also I blew a ton of reputation buying a handgun frame and gun parts instead of stockpiling ammo and building mat so now im running low on everything and getting buttfucked in the old woods. Can't even make it to the hideout
Should I just restart?

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What's the plot behind Shoujo Kidan and Gidan?
Could you give a quick plot summary?

I will, I'm on day 11 of the Bachelor now.just wanted to play through his route in the HD version before moving onto pathologic 2 and other shit.

Is lost in vivo good?
im kinda interested because its the same creator of spookys house of jumpscares which i had fun playing

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Going in blind without knowing a thing about it is best. It sort of kickstarted a few horror game tropes so if you are familiar with those it may also diminish the experience. It's fun though, not that long.

Jumpscares dont instill fear in you , they still anxiety you end up being scared of the fright rather than what caused the fright

Its why its so low effort and a mocked practice on media nowadays, having jumpscares allow you to be lazy with the atmosphere, threat, plot etc...

This. Horror games do absolutely nothing for me unless they're riddled with jumpscares. I'm more scared of that then whatever stupid monster shows up. It's also why I don't play horror games anymore.

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They put Alan Wake back up a few months ago.

It's very surreal. It reminds me of Silent Hill.


bump and someone please respond who has played deadwoods

That's the best kind of horror

Please no that creepy pasta was the scariest shit I've seen

It's like a first person silent hill 1 in terms of aesthetics.


>He hasn’t played A Hat In Time or even Majora’s mask

>What have you done?

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a hat in time is gay as fuck

Too bad that game lasts way longer than it needs to

So are your dads

I'd love to get Pathologic 2 but I've heard so many mixed things about it. Looks cool but not sure if it's worth the money. Also, I can't find it on the PSN store even though it "came out" last week...

Who knew there was a way to just know nobody looked at your image


SCP 087

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I want a horror or mystery game about exploring ancient architecture.

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I have that but I never played it. Shivers was pretty scary too.

The Forest is one of the scariest games I've played in a long time. It's very unsettling being stalked either from a distance as the cannibals just watch, or when a full group attacks you on your journey, whether in the day time or in a cave. The lack of music and dialogue is a great way to make the player feel all alone and immersed

Myst is a bit like that. Not horror sadly, but it would be cool if they meshed that idea with something scary

Alien Isolation
>No cheap Jumpscares
>Great atmospheres
>Adaptive Alien ai
>No over designed monsters with blood and screaming
>Should be pretty cheap to get and you wont need to buy any dlc to experience the full game
Changed my whole perspective on what a horror game should be.

I played through this game until the point when you escape the Hive and the reactor and board the second ship. I haven't gotten motivated to play since. Is the game too long? It felt like I had reached a climax there and now I have like 15 hours left. Is it even possible for a game be too long?

there are no scary videogames

Not 1?

not a single one

Cry of Fear exists

not scary

This is not scary for the sheer fact that the protagonist is British as fuck and every bizarre and disturbing event is met with 'oh here we are' and other completely non-committed reactions

Isolation surpasses hide and seek simulators because you can ACTUALLY FIGHT BACK, just not to an extent which will kill the alien, it just buys you some time.

Mate, don't bring that shit up here. Don't you know that's a cursed game?
You're playing with dark forces that we cannot possibly comprehend, let alone control.
You would do well to purify your hard drive with holy water as a way to combat these demonic forces. I would also recommend seeking a bodily exorcism as you may be possessed by the malevolent spirit of Dark Sonic.
Stay vigilant and for the safety of yourself and those around you heed my words. May God bless your soul.

traffic doesnt change during the summer you need to go back

Maybe not for such a tough motherfucker like yourself.

this is true, i am very tough and heterosexual and cool

>This used to be scary to me when I was younger

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Funny thing is, its not really scary, if anything, the monsters were the shittiest part of the game and only felt like an annoying obstacle that I wanted to just go pass asap and continue with the story. The atmosphere was great and pretty spooky tho.
But ghst aside, it's the only game that have me such feeling of existential dread and made me think about it way after I finished it

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Don't you know, that true men swing both ways? There's no love like love in between two guys.

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your mom's vagina is the scariest game your father ever played, that's why he left.

that you thought this was worth typing out and releasing to the internet, is scarier to me than any videogame could ever be


I hate the feeling of being chased by a stalker so Haunting Ground for me.

hit a spot, huh?

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i hit your mom's spot
see this is how you craft a joke

Any games explore nuclear testing and uncharted waters in radiation?
Hard mode, no STALKERS Chernobyl.

Any kind of other twisted or unnatural science will fit also.

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Thief 1 and 2

If you wanted to hit any stop you wouldn't had cut your dick off, tranny.

i don't hit any stops, i just go

Have you played Conarium? It's pretty good.

This one is the scariest games I played, people rarely talk about it.
Better played with the lights out on your phone with headphones.

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Amazing games and no real complaints, but the mood of the game does wear me down after a while. Not a bad thing exactly.

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Shadow Man, especially the PC version. It's best played in the dark with headphones in.

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>that fucking mask
spooked my guts right off

Man I forgot about this game

i just finished reading roadside picnic. not a fan of the horror direction the game took.

That's the one and only DLC I've ever purchased that surpassed the original game

I played for four or five hours and literally not even a single scare was attempted.

Cryostasis takes place on a nuclear tanker in the artic

Quick rundown?

Duke Nukem when that headcrab jumped at the screen.

Playing small games of SCP Secret Lab (10 people) with no children is really tense.
It can also be hilarious, like when a retard playing as an SCP jumps into Larry's pit.

>Darkwood is a challenging survival horror that does not rely on jump scares.


so is your life

I sort of agree, while I really like silent hill for the story and art it rarely scared me
It did make for tense and creepy areas but it never really truly scared the shit out of me
Most of the time playing them I would just really enjoy the music and general vibe, more comfy than anything

The kindergarten.

Fatal Frame 2 scared the absolute FUCK outta me in high school
Tried it again recently and wasn't scared at all, I had hyped it up to a cousin I was gonna play it with and we were just disappointed

I liked it, people overhype it though.

You want a real Spook in a game, how about a game that makes your body react in a way that you don't want it to? Get a good sound card for this one and some headphones

Prepare to have your eyes water, your ears ring, your stomach churn, and your jaw to feel numb. I present to you: MANIC MINER.


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those nurses sure were scary

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SOMA's great because the real fear factor comes from the emotional horror that the characters are experiencing and not just the immediate need to escape from bodily harm.

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>tfw just not scared by much anymore
I remember back in the day when I was playing horror vidya like REmake and Silent Hill 1-4 I would always be scared as fuck and like unable to play, but recently I just feel like games don't have that effect on me anymore. I recently played Amnesia, Alien: Isolation, and a few other games I got recommended on here and the best I got was just some mild anxiousness at a few points, but nothing like what horror games used to make me feel. Even those old games that used to scare me just do nothing anymore. I also recently played RE2 and it just didn't get me at all, aside from like one jumpscare that I didn't think they'd do since they hadn't done it in any of the other runs so I assumed they weren't going to do it.

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This looks more fun than scary.

my friend played through the entirety of the first one on acid and said it was a terrifying experience. i played through it sober and thought it was just neat, laughed really hard at the baby running into the wall though.
that game might meant to be played on some sort of psychedelic but oh well.

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It can be done right, but usually isn't. Clock Tower 1 (snes) and 3 were the only ones I liked.



>play amnesia
>get immersed in the story to the point it enemies annoy the fuck out of me cuz i want to get to the next log as fast as i can
>game becomes more novel and 0 scary for me
why am i like this

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Rain World is actually kinda legit spooky because of it's very opressive atmosphere

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Myst has some scary moments. Like that filthy hotel room.

more like sonicgger lol

I can never play this because, no matter what I set it to, the mouse sensitivity is the highest I've ever seen in a videogame.

Little girls suffer because japanese ghosts are assholes for no apparent reason at all.

The Ravenholm mission in HL2 was pretty spooky for me at the time. Also the 343 Guilty Spark level (or the swamp level) in Halo 1 was also pretty fucking spooky for me as well.

And yes I'm basically a toddler when it comes to spooky games. I don't handle horror very well.

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PT looked pretty scary, its a shame we never got a full game

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t.Darkwood developer

I know this makes me a major pussy but this game scares me like no other. There is nothing that creeps me out more than the ocean. Fucking hell, the first time I entered the grand reef I locked up like a deer in headlights it creeped me out so much. The only time I have ever made an audible noise of fear at a video game was at a reaper while I was trying to escape the Aurora. Never been scared by another game in this way

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This was a good game. It's a shame they fired the sound designer for something as trivial as making an Apache helicopter gender joke which is the main reason i'm going to be pirating instead of buying Below Zero.

ITT Scared pussies LMAO

This fucked me up.

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This. I think SOMA would've been better as a graphic adventure game where you had to solve puzzles or something, because the monsters really were shit. The real terror was that existential horror, and not a single other game has come even close to filling me with as much anxiety as this one did.

it stops being so scary once you figure out nothing can really catch you if you circle strafe and don't literally drive face first into reapers.

The warpers are the only actually dangerous and annoying enemy

Fucking classic. I love those shitty creepypasta threads on /x/.

Warpers are more annoying than scary imo. Leviathans and reapers were pretty scary at first but once you learn that they aren't as good at catching you as you would expect then they aren't that scary anymore.

>7 days
Does it entail a cursed video tape?

Stealth gameplay is subjectively scarier than killing enemies with a stick or gun.

what do you think is the most scary videogame without a single jumpscare?

It's not a horror game. It's a normal fps with gear progression. Some bits just happen to be suspenseful at times.

Isn't that like calling a roller coaster cheap for focusing on speed and hills rather than imagery and safety? People generally watch horror movies and play horror games for the scares, not for some amazingly written plot.

I've heard that the game should be played on Normal because the alien appears less often and thus makes you more uncertain at when it will appear. Is this true or just shitter talk?

pony island

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