Any game series do this? Only thing i can think of is the Dark Souls series
Any game series do this? Only thing i can think of is the Dark Souls series
BB > "the rest"
Bloodborne isnt a Dark Souls game snoyboy
Kingdom Hearts
1 > 3 > 2
Shadow Hearts
Metroid Prime
That's a forgone conclusion user, but it's also a much better game.
>2 first
Also true.
Demons souls included, OP just got it a little bit wrong restricting it to dark souls
Extreme-G does.
Each sequel improved the series.
Devil May Cry
Dude I agree on 3 being last but no way in hell is 2 the best one. Haven't playent demon souls so can't judge there
Why are Dark Souls 2 fags do deluded?
Mass Effect
Not too uncontroversial opinion about Mass Effect.
Or Dead Space. Or Halo.
Unless you're a nostalgiafag, F.E.A.R.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
dark souls is 3>1>2 though
In a nutshell, they were bullied for so long that when Dark Souls 3 came out, they saw it as "their chance" not to be bottom bitch anymore, especially with the growing sentiment that Dark Souls 1 is actually extremely flawed.
They're all uppity now that they have a game to pick on (Dark Souls 3), and Dark Souls 1 is losing luster, and Demons Souls just going unplayed by the masses.
That being said, they can't challenge The Masterpiece (Bloodborne), so they will often delegate their threads to "Just Dark Souls guys."
I can't believe anyone who would put DaS2 over DaS1.
Smash and pkmn
DS2 is more soulful and full of actual ideas. Every step into a new area leaves you wondering what you're going to come up against next.
DS3 never does this. It's the gaming equivalent of making a Hollywood movie from a committee board. Too smoothed around the edges, overdone, all style, no substance. They probably just went "shit, Namco needs another game" and put 'MORE' in big bold letters at the top of the design document before handing out flyers to their team.
Nobody liked 2. Stop trying to rile people up.
>hurrr im a retard
Okay user
Dark Souls is the poor man's Zelda anyway
DMC3 > Bayonetta > DMC1 > DaS2 > Silent Hill 2 > Terarria > DaS1 > Painkiller Black > Plants vs Zombies > DaS3
Zelda is a poor man's landstalker
Landstalker is a poor man's Shinobi
>they saw it as "their chance" not to be bottom bitch anymore
I don't like DaS2. That doesn't means DaS3 is good. At all. DaS3 fans are retard zoomers that piled onto the series and think that spam rolling, linear garbage, a complete non-existence of story and conclusion, and big anime explosions are the foundation of the game.
DaS3 did nothing innovative. It is a distilled and lazy version of the Souls formula with ugly polished mud graphics running on a ported engine that's supposed to have chromatic aberration to help create visual fidelity. It added absolutely nothing to the series, and yet can't stand on its own at all without completely falling apart.
It is a mediocre-to-decent game on its own, but a bad action game, a bad RPG game, and a bad Souls game. Nothing about 2 existing changes this, so you retards that constantly deflect to DaS2 being bad because people dislike the shit quality of 3, are fucking retarded.
Correct order is 3>1>2
2 improved on 1. 3 turned into a 3rd person battlefield with the vehicles and 16v16 but it was still fun for what it was
Most overrated game of all time. The only thing hard about it was the shitty controls.
>a giant rat
>a giant dragon on a perfectly flat untextured arena
>another giant wolf
>literally ornstein again
I don’t get the “DS2 is more inspired than DS3” meme
That's only if you're counting CoM as 2 and KHII as 3.
There's no giant wolves in DaS2 and I'm pretty sure you have no fucking clue what a texture is in the context of a video game.
>Every step into a new area leaves you wondering what you're going to come up against next.
Yeah, I kept wondering how else they would fuck up the world design too.
silent hill
This is the correct answer.
1 > 3 > 2
2 meaning dark souls, the sequel to demon's souls right?
>Every step into a new area leaves you wondering what you're going to come up against next.
Because the area defies logic and you're never certain when the game is going to recycle another boss to fill up paid dlc.
>immediately starts picking on DS3
DS2boys in action.
>I don't like DaS2. That doesn't means DaS3 is good.
The guy you quoted never said it was. Assume less, and don't get so easily offended.
>a talking cat - again
>except it's literally just a normal looking cat, not that weird-ass Avina
>belfry gargoles - using the SAME sounds and theme - except NOW THERES THREEEEEE
>I don’t get the “DS2 is more inspired than DS3” meme
I don't either
A literal pile of shit is better than dark souls 2
>me well into DS1
>"holy damn I never really appreciated this interconnected world and all these interconnected histories I can't wait to see how the sequel tops it"
>pic related when playing DS2
Both sequels were a BamCo'd shitshow, not really too excited about GR especially if it's not GoT.
>Assume less, and don't get so easily offended.
Yet here you are bitching about something that wasn't said either, retard. One of the posts you responded to even admitted that he didn'y like DaS2.
Crash Bandicoot
ninja gaiden
2 is the most fun
Objectively it's 3 > 1 > 2
If you bring nostalgia into it then what you say is correct
Final Fantasy
Elder Scrolls
> Every step into a new area leaves you wondering what you're going to come up against next.
Nigga you don't know me
Enjoying DaS2 is the ultimate cuckoldry
More like every step into a new area leaves you wondering if it'll be worse than the last.
Also, Resident Evil.
>REmake2 over REmake1
I'd say 1 is better than 3. I like 3 a lot, but here's how I'd say it works.
>Better lore
>Better NPCS
>Better world with more variety
>Better world design
>Most memorable music
>Most replayable
>Best moment-to-moment gameplay
>Best individual level design (This is kind of a maybe, because there are some fantastic levels and some that are shit)
>Best bosses
>uh best PVP I guess
>Good DLC
I'd put 1 above 3 as a whole package, but I do think 3's core gameplay has a lot of polish that makes it a really fun game.
DSI > BB > DeS > Sekiro = DSIII > DSII
i dont understand the fascination for ds2 in Yea Forums. it had neat ideas but overall it was by far the worst ds.
>What is Royal Rat Vanguard
DS2 haters are just contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.
>the growing sentiment that Dark Souls 1 is actually extremely flawed.
The only people who post shit like is dark souls 2 plebs
>Citing game journalist score averages to prove ANYTHING
Yeah and I guess Skyward Sword is one of the greatest games of all time. Get real.
the only people think 3 is better than 2 or even 1 are the ones whose first souls game was 3 and just played a straight sword knight
didnt game journalists get shit because they all rated ds2 highly because ds1 became a gigantic cult hit and they didnt wanna be wrong again?
>straight sword knight
That's the most unfun way to play DS3 though
Age of Empires
Ar Tonelico
Star Ocean
Half Life
I know this is a bait thread, but:
>Any game series do this?
Dead Space
Fable of the top of my head
I had more fun with ultras in DS3 than DS1 or DS2
Lol Ds2fags are the biggest fucken drama queens. They seriously just cant accept that everyone hated their favorite game.
Which did you like using?
>and they didnt wanna be wrong again
yeah thats why ds1 only averaged at 85+ scores
Astora GS, Lothric Knight GS, Greatsword (UGS), Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords, Dragonslayer Greataxe, Demon's Greataxe, Earth Seeker, Black Knight Greataxe, Vordt's Greathammer, Ledo's Greathammer