>*blocks your path*
We've had reports of Talos worship in these parts. You wouldn't know anything about that, now would you?
*blocks your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
breeding stock
I've been too busy doing these puzzles to notice.
>Wait why are you rushing at me with that huge axe Nord arghhhhh
That's nice, now post a male elf who looks on par with that modified altmer
No ma'am just heading to the nearby tomb to craft an artifact of immense power.
Listen you gold skinned bitch: I would give anything to gut you with a spear and offer your bowels to a Daedroth as a light snack. So why don't you take your fancy armor back to the Summerset Isles before I send you back in four separate boxes.
Rape her with my BNC (Big Nord Cock)
huge cock*
The issue is when these mods make them look too human. From the looks of this picture, this modded altmer looks too human.
Fuck off kirkbride, no one's buying it
Elves should be so handsome/beautiful that they make you want to die, not ugly to the point they make you want to kill yourself
Kill all pissskins.
No, I told you before I am a Julianos person.
I've been too busy worshiping dirty argonian bussy to notice anything m*r
actually, lorefags, what race has the biggest dicks?
It's clearly not Nords, and Muatra doesn't count as representative of Chimer/Dunmer as it is magickal
something about this mask or the head inside aint right
some nords have giants blood. I imagine it's them
My brothers might know of someone of that kind, why don't you follow me to the basement where they are at.
I agree.
Nords are the largest Men in Tamriel and some even have Giant's blood in their ancestry. They would probably have the largest dicks given their build and size.
Fuck you faggot. This can be true, but that doesnt mean they have to look like humans.
Haha imagine you are a little bosmer male and your bosmer wife forces you to watch her take a fat nord cock in her little pussy. Like what could you even do about it? I would be so mad haha
Racemenu Sculptlet here, how the FUCK do I edit eyelashes to properly line up with the eyesocket's shape without affecting the globe itself and royally fucking up the iris? Jesus christ I want to strangle the genius who thought of the splendid idea to make eyelashes and eyeglobe part of the same fucking mesh.
Find Grimsever.
best wife, just need to off that beta orbiter of hers first
I find it so hard to chose between Mjoll and Sylgja
Find Nightshade, Deathbell, and Nirnroot.
>wanting a wife with a scarred up face
In my opinion Sylgja is best. Also she is pretty underrated. Everyone fucking goes for Mjoll or cucks the two guys in riverrun and goes for that imperial bitch
>not wanting a loyal nordic warrior wife
>implying the imperfection isn't what makes it attractive
I agree, I always go Sylgja. Tough woman with a great ethic about work. Her mom is pretty banging too.
>help carlotta's brother get his stupid fool's gold claw back
>help faendal cuck baby boy sven by giving carlotta the fake letter
>recruit faendal, then ask carlotta if she's interested in me right in front of him
>get married to the bitch, faendal sits there and watches it all go down
>fuck her with him still following me
>steal the golden claw to add it to my collection
Elves are bluepilled and meant to be cucked by a strong nord chad
sylgja best vanilla wife
Who the fuck is Sylgja and why do you like her so much?
I used the console to turn her into a follower and a mage. She was muh waifu
Sylgia is one of the few with a family they even show up at your wedding
>tfw no 4 inch nord cock ruining my 7 inch Dunmer pussy
>best girl isn't marryable
i'm not the other sylgja poster. she just has the prettiest face by unmodded skyrim girl standards and has one of the nicer sounding voice actors. being a miner is pretty cool too.
>Like what could you even do about it?
The same thing Bosmer do about anything: Cannibalism.
bijin mjoll plus my custom BS preset might be the hottest npc ive ever seen in a game
People wearing suits to look like another being remind me of Silence of the Lambs. I can understand liking anthros but that is just eerie when you imagine some psycho underneath.
>all these god tier waifus
>always end up marrying serana as a female vampire
>feels weird if i dont marry her
help bros
I think bijin Mjoll is okay, I like what her hair is doing at the top since it looks like a lion's mane, but it's waaaaay too long and causes a lot of odd clipping issues.
For me? It's bijin Sylgja.
She's a miner in Shor's Stone in the Rift. She's probably one of the best looking vanilla NPCs but that's not really saying much.
Shut it, whore.
Shame on you, sweet nerevar.
only quibble i have with bijins is the hair is off on some, like uthgors is just terrible, should be a hot side shave or something like that, and its a huge pain in the ass to change their facegens
Is there a fucking way to get rid of the pantene pro v hair and swap it out with another? So fucking dumb looking, on all of them.
I think Uthgerd's hair is fine, it's just a simple top bun
I wish I lived in Skyrim for the food
>How can you kill a god?
With gusto.
yeah hers is a good one
there is but you cant do it like a normal facegen you have to fuck around wit nifscope ive got the tutorial saved but cant find it right now, its on reddit /skyrimmods
Nifmerge and racemenu, could also look up Salt and Wind if you wanna retexture the hairstyles
Learn to bake, user. Most of the vanilla foods are relatively simple to make.
Easiest to obtain waifu.
I'm thinking of downloading mods for better looking faces, cuz vanilla makes me sad.
mmmmmmm gurlll WUH WUH WUH WUH WUH lemme facefuck them lips and imma tell yo if i like talos or something WUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHITE POWAHHHHHH
Most of Skyrim's food is pretty simple though, it's mainly different breads and soups are piss easy to make.
i don't know mam why won't ask my friend here
*unzips dick*
>tfw could never make a good looking elf
I'd be vaguely interested in an Altmer playthrough, if just to see how everyone reacts to you.
>nords diet like 50% bread
>not a single wheat field in the game
what did Todd mean by this?
>Not a single wheat field in game
>multiple, large wheat fields
user, I..
Don't mind me, random elf fodder. I'm just worshiping Talos, joining the Stormcloaks, and saving the world.
Buy my armor.
>is a 70-year-old butterface in the base game
>mods turn her into a Cloud-esque supermodel in her twenties
Okay. Have fun.
>tfw so few good hair packs
>have to manually add them to npcs
I guess this is the closest to a Skyrim thread in Yea Forums right now so...
Can anyone recommend a lore-friendly male hair mod? Even the vanilla remodel mods make male hair look like stuck together sheafs of paper.
Sure cuckold
Have fun being erased from the Mythos
It's pronounced "kim" not "chim"
>implying the Thalmor aren't living on borrowed time
I'm CURRENTLY playing a game where I have systematically killed every elf in Skyrim, including essential ones. The Thalmor will have zero support should they ever consider invading Skyrim.
Elves eternally buttmad that Shor convinced the gods to create nirn
that's where your wrong faggot
was there statue like this in skyrim? i remember only daedra ones.
They kind of are, they lose in their attempts to constrain Big Stompy Robot but in that time they somewhat succeed in what they aimed for
Best Lisette replacer coming through
objectively imperials since every other race wants to breed with imperial men.
>He doesn't download other people's followers and mating press them
explain yourself
I'd rather download Lucien - an actually well-designed follower with unique dialogue and combat interactions - than anonymous bimbo #56911.
*Download quest mod*
*Amateurish voiceacting instantly makes it unplayable*
who else knows this feel
I've seen at least three, so yes.
'Imperials' aren't even a race
please remove yourself from this thread
>imperials aren't a race
>in iterally every elder scrolls game
It's just a contemporary slang term for Cyrodiils.
i prefer to be the one getting mating pressed, that's why
>>in iterally every elder scrolls game
Was any of them gigantic?
>No mod that turns Aerin into a healer/ regular mage so you can have a cool combo follower
Seriously am I the only one who thought of this?
who cummed on the third bowl?
where are your proofs for your ASSumption, you cockloving niggerfaggot?
Don't mind me, just over here being the best bijin wife
Seranaholic 1v5 is still the best looking Skyrim beautifier
laugh all you want you dumb whores. as soon as I use voice of the emperor you will be craving my cyrodilic cock.
>lore-friendly male hair mod
Like the size of the Daedra? FUuuck no. If they were, they were destroyed. There's the one in Whiterun, the one in Falkreath, and the one that the Jarl of Solitude sends you to to place her husband's warhorn. They're all decent sized.
Imperial here, I only fuck orsimer women
>i am your sword and your shield
Basement-tier wife. I'd rather romance the Redguard chick you get from becoming thane of Falkreath.
Nice neck seam, faggot.
I like Senna, the Dibella priestess. Her voice is sexy and she's the only marrible one with that voice.
I actually killed her and her brother mainly to piss of Maven.
>Wanting to marry a Rez
>marrying a dibella priestess
literal temple prostitutes
for trouble?
But have you seen their body mod?!
yeah but they only have sex with the other women in mass orgies so it is ok.
>literal temple prostitutes
Yeah but my character joined them.
So I tried a lot of sex lab mods and honestly I'm kinda disappointed. It doesn't work to well, its poorly animated and just kinda interferes with gameplay. I'm just gonna stick with normal skyrim.
>holy sluts
actually based
There's more than that, there's one in windhelm, one overlooking windelm, riften, on the shore of a small lake directly south of gallows rock, at the weynon stones, in markarth, up the mountain from froki's shack, near trius' camp and pilgrim's trench, northeast of ysgramor's tomb, west of saarthal and north of alftand and in bloated man's grotto
Incorrect, they were never a race
Redguard introduced them as only a cultural 'race' and Morrowind only reinforced this with the lore.
There are two distinct racial and cultural groups within that 'Imperial' province that *blivion retconned because Todd is a retard who let that fucking retard who talks exclusively in cliches, Emil Pagliarulo, take control of the writing of what could have been the most intricate and deep mythos in human history, combining all of human experience into one setting for us all to communicate our wills and ideas for humanity
>Religion of Men (good guys) teach that creation is good
>Religion of Mer (bad guys) teach literal Gnosticism
>Shezzarines are mortal incarnations of the god Shor that save mankind.
What did Bethesda mean by this?
Holy shit someone else who appreciates best girl
Kill my vampire dad.
Gnostics are pathetic faggots that can't handle the cruelty of the world. Elves are perfect for them.
Maybe we can reason with him?
the empire during talos got rid of those cultural distinctions. and there is only the slightest difference racially. some lean towards mediterranean features and some lean towards nordic features but after centuries of breeding it is very minor.
they for all purposes are one race.
>when you're a vampire and think the dawnguard vampires are disgusting and temporarily cure yourself just to kill them
>material world sucks
>we should escape the material world that our immaterial gods made for us out of their own pain and misery
>oh even that isn't real
>lets get rid of everything
>like. ever.
Problem with Gnostics is there was a lot of sects, Nag Hamadi Library is probably our biggest look into their beliefs.
More importantly, who is the Yaldabaoth of TES?
By Azura!
Lorkhan is, but Yaldabaoth is supposed to be a deluded idiot, while Lorkhan is the smartest of the et'Ada
That would be Lorkhan then, but he was actually cunning enough to convince Auriel to create Mundas. And even when he was defeated his own heart laughed in a “just as planned” moment before Trinimac launched the heart to Morrowind.
>Yaldabaoth of TES
The Doom Drum, the Serpent, The Void
Who the fuck do you think?
That’s just because their culture allows them to use their hands or tongues more effectively
He's only deluded in the sense that he thinks he is the one true God. Lorkhan knows about the Godhead I think, making him basically not Yaldabaoth.
Sorry user, not even Adrianne could resist the allure of Nord men.
(((mer))) don’t seem that trustworthy to me
>When you combine a Eagle with a Snake you get a Dragon.
>When some religious zealots start dancing on the White Tower
Almost made me drop Vigilant. I really wish the first part was re-recorded because it's pretty bad at some parts.
Emil only did DB for oblivion.
I'm really surprised at how decent Enderal and Skywind's VAs are, probably the only mods with decent VA i've ever seen
there's some female khajiit-like cat companion that has an alternative VA which sounds good too but the mixing sounds off.
but I'm fucking her and I'm an imperial?
>lose one dumb imperial slut who is dirty all the time
>gain hordes of khajiit and argonian women
wow what a loss
Scouts-Many-Marshes is my husband.
>Trinimac mocks Lorkhan
>This pisses off Boethiah
>Shits out Malacath and teaches the Dark Elves what Lorkhan was trying to tell the other God about escaping the wheel
>Copies Lorkhan’s snake motif
>Copies Shor’s manly Warrior motif
Is Boethiah some Daedric fangirl for Shezzar? Make me wonder what his opinion about Shor’s wife Kyne.
>and has one of the nicer sounding voice actors.
this is the key piece right here. that voice is incredibly sexy. no dumb accent, no snark, very feminine, just a hint of raspiness.
it sucks that the newest game will probably actively try to make sex mods impossible
For consoles yes, but how would they stop PC?
Make custom animations even harder to mod in
Skyrim is already shit for it
Which daedric princes can I fuck?
Sanguine will be happy to bend you over.
Only correct answer
[install destroy thieves guild mod]
>can't marry her
my negro
it takes some tweaking but a good balance i found is:
-mods that modifies or acts like pacify and initiates instant fucking
-mod that allows said fucking to be 1 hit kill
-mod that allows you to level up normal skills by having sex
-mod that adds downside for too much fucking
With some house rule limitations (or mods that actually limit you) lets you play normally, but if things gets hard hue you have the option to fuck everything to death
Add to it some shit like cursed loot, so your goal becomes to get money from any source to rid yourself of your predicament, which in turn puts you into an another.
im going to make Rance in Skyrim and fuck everyones waifus and post pics to tesg
get down on your knees and relive some of my burdens then
Could housecarls even refuse such a request?
post Astrid
i wish there would be elves irl so i can spit on them
"no Talos this way m'lady"
How do I get my characters to look like this?
It's skyrim, so fucking nothing changes
Don't mind me, just posting the REAL Dovahkiin
> You will never defile a haughty altmer bitch with your inferior bloodline
best fuck in amorous adventures
they are the OG vamps
yeah and that makes it even worse. THESE guys are the original vampires? they live in a grand castle but don't take care of it, it's crumbling around them, they leave food everywhere, and they leave dogs running around unattended who probably shit everywhere. it's awful, no class.
>*responsibility blocks your path*
Are there any actually good quest mods? I tried VIGILANT but it was meh
I wanna knock up a High Elf girl with half-nord babies!
>tfw no thalmor inquisitor wife to fuck into docility
do you have a penis?
>tfw no more nisetanaka because of nexusbullies
its not fair
Who do I marry bros, I've narrowed it down to these 3
Always Borgakh. Best girl. She's a companion so you can travel together too.
This was major reason I sided with the dawnguard. The vampires were hideous moreso from the dlc and their castle was a complete wreck, and the background music got annoying real quick.
Give me cobwebs and troll grunts any day.
Borgakh, because you get an Orc stronghold as your home.
>war started against empire over the right to worship the founder of the empire
if i'm gonna be a vampire, i need to have class. can't be dealing with them molag boys.
Ysolda is a drug dealer.
>he doesn't exclusivity pick high elf
>imagine being a brainlet with 20 mana max by choice
I don't judge as long as she doesn't use
Ever eat a fireball to the face?
It's Magicka you fucking piss skinned knife ear motherfucker.
You ever seen above the fridge?
I will never call mana, majika just to make some fat nerdy autistic retard from 2 decades ago feel justified in creating a "unique" world
I usually play 2 handed, is using one handed + magic fun?
Its really fucking braindead but so is most of skyrim
The most fun build is conjure/Illusion wizard
someone made it special for the /k/ meetup
t. cuck that installs Lord of the Rings armor mods into TES games
>in iterally every elder scrolls game
They are iterally not in Daggerfall, you ass talker.
>has flavor
>has a favor quest
>has a unique, reoccurring event after completing her favor
>nerdy housewife that just wants to make poisons and superpotions for her adventuring husband
>can't marry her
Good thing we have mods dork
No leaving this room until you kill someone.
>needing to download a mod for that
What, next you'll tell me you needed another mod for marrying the superior elf sister from Solitude.
Prepare to be "slain" by my "sword" then.
what skin texture is this
>Find Grimsever.
>using filthy Elven craftsmanship
Grimsever was a glass sword
Doesnt even look like a High Elf.
Based Telvanni AnCap paradise
It's still elven make.
>It doesn't work to well
>its poorly animated
It's not our fault that you are retarded.
Yeah, for nibeneans. The slave race.
All Glass in Skyrim is Elven styled.
>give Mjoll an incredibly high Two Handed stat
>make Grimsever One Handed
Literally only Bethesda can be this retarded.
Does she have a high one handed as well?
>not picking Dunmer always
All other racelets are pathetic. Imagine having to smoke 2000 cigarettes just to try and sound half as cool as a Dunmer boy undergoing puberty
>using face mods for Morrowind
they're all shit though
Yeah, I would know. Now fucking die, Thalmor scum.
Her Two Handed is much higher IIRC
Kill Ulfric.
>necromancy is only a controversial magic school in Tamriel, though illegal in only few regions
I don't get this logic
_________________Kill Paarthurnax_
Nah, too busy hanging around cute khajiit. Good luck with whatever that other thing you do is, though.
I don't have a fucking clue what you are trying to say.
Idk, but it is common knowledge that Redguards have curved swords.
Meta-wise, what's the benefit in keeping the Blades on your side?
>The blade recruits are still good to go in being your followers regardless.
>You can get Dragonsbane and Esbern's potion anytime as long as you haven't learned dragonrend
>Dragons are a dime of a dozen mid and late game anyway.
>Greybeards help you find shouts, and Mario helps you switch out meditations.
Why would anyone want to kill Paarthurnax?
Furries leave.
In the meta game siding with the Blades would mean siding with humanity against Dragons.
But game wise, it makes no sense.
Betraying the one who helped your species in the first place isn't siding with humanity. That's siding with the jews or something.
But Paarthumax is a dragon that betrayed everything he is to side with humans. If you kill him just for being a dragon then you're essentially killing our only advocate, the only example on their side that proves we have merit beyond being slaves.
If I do, what would you do to me? ;)
>siding with humanity means killing our greatest ally in the Dragon War
Right, also how the actual fuck did Delphine even find ANY sort of evidence on what she says Mario did? She literally just walks up to you and "DUR HE DID BAD THINGS BECAUSE HE DID DEM"
Yeah but shitherding Delphine wouldn't know that.
That's why it's stupid.
True, I wish there was an option to tell Delphine off because it's fucking stupid that she'd be that ignorant yet still think she can lead a new generation of Blades with Esbern AND possibly take down the Thalmor.
Thank the divines that Paarthurnax dilemma is a thing
The whole thing is retarded because at no point do you actually need the Blades. By the time you learn the Dragonrend Shout you absolutely do not need ANYTHING the Blades can provide for you. It's such a stupid one-sided choice I wonder if the idiots at Bethesda thought they were actually giving players a hard choice. Perhaps if Delphine wasn't the most unlikable cunt Bethesda has ever created it would be a harder choice.
>make breton civil war orphan with blind eye and scar
>wear head bandages and bloody arm bandages all the time
>plan on living the street rat thief life
It's pretty comfy. I did end up diving into the thieves guild questline though.
i wish the thieves guild wasn't so awful
lads i want to play skyrim with sexy women and sex mods but i also want good gameplay but everytime i start modding it always goes to shit
I wish there was a way to join hold guards and work as one, fighting crime, arresting criminal scum, fighting bandits and sussing out corruption within the guards. Imagine joining the Riften guards, teaming up with Mjol and ridding the streets of filth while fighting corrupt powers within, bringing down the Black Briars and destroying the thieves guild for justice sake.
greeting /tesg/fag
Morrowind thieves guild was pretty awful too, half of it is just using telekinesis or opening locks, and it had dungeon quests too. Oblivion had the best one imo.
>Morrowind mission
Or you can steal the diamond on the 2nd floor.
Who the fuck would ever actually BUY armor when you get hundreds of copies of every basic set of armor just by fighting bandits.
You exist for the sole purpose of converting my excess armor into gold bitch.
Is this supposed to be Grelka? I named my first horse in Skyrim Grelka. Because I hated her. Then later I downloaded a mod to marry her in the end. I don't know why.
Buy armor from Grelka and live to tell about it.
v is always comfy when were talking about characters and lore over pol bait and dick stroking over best game/girl
unironically the borderlands 3 hype threads was the best time on Yea Forums in years
you ever seen a really curvy dick?
There disgusting its all about that big meaty half giant nord cock
>have to wear guard uniform
>daily quests involve guard duties
>guarding the gates involve checking passerbys and wagons for illicit wares and illegals
>patrolling the city is about walking through the streets and acting on suspicious activities
>you get paid the same every time, regardless of how much time you wasted on investigations
>apprehending criminal scum will lower crime activity in the city, leaving them alone or taking bribes will have criminal activity rise
>investigating to many lawful citizens will rise civil contempt, and will get you fired
>quest line has two paths
>taking to many bribes will get you involved with the corrupt guards, and you will have to option to pay tribute or dispose of the ring leader with the help of thiefs guild and the beggars and take over his position
>refusing bribes will get you on the lawful path and you rid the city of the criminal gangs
Please I need this!
Wouldn't be surprised if Boethiah served as inspiration on how the elves imagined Lorkhan to be in their pantheon, and Shor's depiction is the closes of what Lorkhan actually was during the dawn era.
Anybody know if the Blades Temple have safe storages?
I just want to purge Riften of it's corruption... is that too much to ask?
>I just want to purge Riften of it's corruption... is that too much to ask?
>trying to contact thieves guild in the sewers while wearing uniform or armor will get you killed by a death trap
>wearing beggar scrap will let you enter unharmed
So much lost potential in Riften.
The irony is that the most convincing argument for killing Paarthurnax is given to you by Paarthurnax himself when you tell him what Delphine told you to do.
>Dov wahlaan fah rel. We were made to dominate. The will to power is in our blood. You feel it in yourself, do you not? I can be trusted. I know this. But they do not. Onikaan ni ov dovah. It is always wise to mistrust a dovah.
>The irony is that the most convincing argument for killing Paarthurnax is given to you by Paarthurnax
He really is a literal dragon monk.
>joining the Stormcloaks
Ah yes, I also like the political equivalent of a toddler throwing a tantrum and running into a wall.
Looks like a bimbo.
That appears to be the point.
>not being instinctively chaotic
Get a load of this elven-god worshipping faggot
Why though?
Chaos is a path that can only end in ruin.
Probably passed down through Blade lore before they were annihilated. Since Alduin was their main target, I'd imagine that as his brother, Paarthurnax would also have been under tight scrutiny. Bias over time would just leave info about his cruel deeds.
Based and Padomaicpilled
My /u/ nigga. Although I usually end up as a werewolf for that glorious, double-forbidden love.
Haha who knows lol
Will high elves still be the bad guys in 6 or will it be someone else?
Like you don't know
>Hey nerd, give us some gold
>Or else
*unzips stupidly broken potions of fatigue*
*poison dawnbreaker twice*
*steals all their gold*
*laugh as they're stuck with no stamina for 8 years*
nothin peronsel, kid
Whatever mer a prison of unchanging stasis sounds like hell, i would much rather prefer an end to the kalpa
molag bal
>no quest where you deal with maven
>can’t even kill her out of spite because lolessential
All of the guilds are pretty low tier but the Thieves guild feels especially rushed.
Dovahkiin could probably ravage Peryite's bussy since he's weak as shit.
at the end of Dragonborn TLD powerlevel is absolutely through the roof, he could probably beat just about any daedric prince (outside of their own realm at least)
These modders don't really like TES elves. They just want their korean plastic dolls and animu waifus.
>most argonian women are so used to being bullied and shit on by everyone that they instantly cling to anyone that shows them kindness and love.
my kind of wife
Worship this.
*unsheaths cock*
>tallest race
>causes an entire race to become half-elves
>tfw that Elder Scrolls tabletop campaign never took off and I never got to use this character for more than one session.
Still, it was a great delivery from the drawthread
no but you are gonna worship my thicc long nord cock with your mouth
Alright how much for the whole night?
What mod makes the clothes have nice cleavage like that?
Who's the right supposed to be?
Sapphire. It's the Bijin NPC mod.
>lusting over a bandit cumdumpster
reminder that she canonically was a sex slave to bandits
I’ve come around to the altmer and the dominion. They are high IQ, tall, attractive, and have a collective kinship mentality. Their goals are questionable, however one can sympathize with them. They want to undo what they see as a mistake, I can’t really fault them for it. What’s more they try to enjoy the world even as they know it is transient. They could have chosen to preserve the world and live forever as is their racial prerogative, however they choose to fight endless wars in a heroic struggle to unmake the world because it is the right thing to do.
For me, it's Shahvee.
Awesome I needed more perk points for werewolf, don't run away.
is that fur ... growing out of your ears?
Use WICO so your altmer actually look like attractive elves, not just humans with pointy ears
Could anything go wrong if I just highlight her cuck follower and using the disable command?
why not just kill him
because I want the goog girl wife for my good boy character. good boy characters dont kill civs