Titan Fall 2 is underrated
Titan Fall 2 is underrated
no it isn't. everyone who has played it loves it.
Trash. Instead of making the SP they should have focused on community mod tools to make interesting levels that make use of the platforming.
Waste of good spunk desu.
Titanfall 2 deserves some kind of re-release with marketing. It came out at such a stupid fucking time and is easily the best of those casual console FPS games.
They should have dropped multiplayer completely and focus on single player only
Titanfall is trash and anybody who likes it should be dragged out to the streets and shot. I want real mech games.
Titanfall 2 ruined the MP
Have sex
fuck mp
>everyone jizzed about the campaign
>it's just another CoD with a gimmick like Crysis 2/3 and a ton of other games
it's probably the best CoDclone but that's like being the smartest kid on the short bus
not really the multiplayer maps were badly designed
Never saw it as a cod clone. I think the first Titanfall was out before cod ever tried exo/wall-running stuff.
it really needed more maps, even if they were DLC
heavily CoD inspired then
If anything its overrated with how much this game is shilled everywhere
You know, those mechs are far more realistic than the 90ies trashcans
Mechwarrior mechs are awesome, no doubt, but a mech with hands and a supporting ai is so much more versatile and close to the current future
Im not defending generic mecha animes though because 90% of the designs make no sense at all. But those those old heavy machines we grew to love, they just dont hold up anymore to the technology we have today. Except for the source of energy ofc, thats still the biggest problem
You think? Theyre really well designed if you like wallrunning imo
Fuck Tone
No it isn't, it was garbage. Terrible, generic COD clone.
>being mad about something from 2013 that even Respawn themselves realized was retarded and went back on
>you will never unlock the kraber for the first time again
whats this feel called, Yea Forums?
>having nostalgia for a shitty generic COD clone from like 3 years ago
It's called underageb&
i was talking about TF1
It was good but nobody cares about it now.
still pretty fun online
>Yet another shooter with online-only MP and an anemic set of modes and features
>Casual console FPS
>No local MP or local co-op
What's the point if its still online only